Asks the WaPo columnist Karen Attiah, in "White women have helped sink the affirmative action ship."
"To carry out [its anti-Blackness] mission, Whiteness will use any means necessary, including deputizing White women and, in the case of this ruling, Asian minorities to carry out that mission. In not interrogating these truths, White women get to benefit from innocence and victimhood, even though the road to Thursday’s ruling was paved using them as Trojan horses of sorts.... The White men in charge of this country can and will come for White women, too...."
Attiah went from asking "why are we not interrogating" white women to accusing white women of failing by "not interrogating" something she called "these truths." I know "interrogate" is jargon, but it’s disturbing to see it used to visualize interrogating real people. And then the realness of human beings drops out of the picture when a character called "Whiteness" appears. This monster "will use any means necessary," we're told. And then we women degrade into "Trojan horses of sorts" and are somehow used to pave roads.
I'd assume Karen Attiah has the same problem that other black affirmative action hires have, being surrounded by people who are a lot smarter than she is, in this case white women.
"White people are racist".
At this point, most 'white people' are ignoring these insane rants, which is used as evidence of racism.
"Asks the WaPo columnist Karen Attiah, in "White women have helped sink the affirmative action ship."
This is what racism actually looks like.
The Washington Post has no shortage of the Minstrels.
Next she’ll blame White Men for not joining the police to stop black males from killing each other.
Michelle Obama and Kamala flunked the bar exam just like Hillary.
That wasn’t the White Man’s Fault either.
But she loves that paycheck that Whitey Bezos provides
Ah, excuse me. Perhaps it’s my Whiteness privilege speaking, but what “truths” are she referencing? And are they, in fact, objectively true? The diatribe is behind a paywall and there’s only a limited amount of effort I’m willing to put in to slip past.
That didn’t take long! Classic Blue-on-Blue. Pass the popcorn.
White women are AAs biggest detractors? I'm sure she can back that up. (oops, sarcasm. Sorry.)
""Why are Black people being made to answer for and about these systems, "
How are you being made to answer for them?
"which we neither created"
I'll give you that.
"nor greatly benefit from?..."Asks the WaPo columnist Karen Attiah,
I am SO tired of the put-upon attitude.
“For high risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die,” [Ketanji Brown] Jackson wrote in her dissent for a case that determined the fate of affirmative action policies in college admission practices.
"The study cited, however, only says that black babies have a 99.96% chance of survival when treated by black doctors, and a 99.91% chance of survival when treated by white doctors."
A 0.05% difference? First off, is it even statically significant? Doubt it. In any case, it's so far from double you can't even see it from here. Secondly, it's pointed out that there are more white doctors in NICU units, so they are treating the cases with poor prognosis.
Why are people like Jackson allowed to spread such hurtful nonsense?
Any sort of racial remediation should have been time-limited if done at all. Seems to me that all these programs have done more to disadvantage the supposedly helped than anything else that might have been tried. They weaken the family unit because of misguided rules which perpetuate the problems. Dumb policies. Disastrous results. Social engineers couldn’t pass 9th grade algebra 1.
Spectacularly juicy. Little by little, people are starting to realize this all started with Western feminism. Economic and family restructuring began with feminism. The homo rights movement began with feminism. Transvestitism is so firmly rooted in feminism as to be almost a cliche.
White Western women are but one of the sources of this lunacy. The other is Marxism, which in itself is so femme-centric and with so many overarching feminine tropes as to be almost laughable anytime someone tries to argue against it.
Nice to know it all gets reduced to a cartoon about Whiteness and the Patriarchy. Seems that for some, the cartoon is all they can see.
"it is disturbing to see it used to visualize interrogating real people"
But also accurate. Progs want it. Leftist regimes used it. How else will they tell if you follow the Party line or need to be sent to reeducation camp?
"And then the realness of human beings drops out of the picture when a character called "Whiteness" appears"
Again, an accurate reflection of prog thinking. Ideology overrrides the realness of human beings. Are we sure white people are real, anyway?
It's useful to see progs triggered into revealing overreactions. Perhaps the oozing contempt will tell liberal women what they need to know.
Nope. You don't get to define me and tell me why I do or don't act. Use your words, lady, and talk about the three fingers pointing back at yourself.
"And then we women degrade into 'Trojan horses of sorts' and are somehow used to pave roads."
Road apples? I suppose Odysseus's invention dropped big wooden ones to distract the amused Danaans from the muffled gasps of the suffocating Achaeans inside.
You don't need to be barking mad to blame the inevitable collapse of a blatantly unconstitutional legal remedy on White [sic] women, or homosexual Eskimos for that matter, but it certainly helps, relieving one as madness does of the intellectual obligation to show causal connections that are both logical and factual.
Just guessing here, but could the writer be an affirmative action hire? To be fair, its not easy defending discrimination by race.
“The White men in charge of this country can and will come for White women, too...."
I’d bet they will.
I'm expecting revelations of discrimination against women in college admissions since they are now overrepresented in college. Diversity, equity, inclusion, you know. And who says white women are more opposed to AA than other groups? This does not agree with my "lived experience".
"White women have historically been both the beneficiaries of affirmative action efforts and its biggest detractors"
This person lives on a different planet than I do.
This isn't jargon, it's gibberish. Some bargain-basement AI, we can hope.
I am so old that I can remember when affirmative action meant going out of your way to find non-traditional candidates with potential and help them to qualify under existing standards, as opposed to lowering the standards until you meet some arbitrary level of diversity. Most people pretty much approved of the former, although it was of course harder.
WT actual F is she trying to say?
She complains that “black people” are asked about AA, saying they didn’t create it and don’t greatly benefit from it.
Then she bitches about white women being the beneficiaries ?
And that Whiteness and White women are carrying out an “anti-blackness mission”?
So now it’s Anti-Black to “help sink” or detract from or simply not support, an AA system that blacks don’t benefit from?
Good lord!
Is it too off-topic to ask what the difference is between "interrogating" and "questioning"? It is just how aggressive you are with your questioning - like, in interrogating you gotta break a few eggs?
An alternative explanation for women's aid and comfort to the enemies of AA might be, mightn't it, that women have achieved the parity they sought in the workforce and are tired of their merit's and fitness's being... interrogated? And therefore they have recognized that being viewed throughout your career as an AA hire doesn't in fact get you where you want to be?
I thirst for a day a decade or so from now when - if universities actually try to comply with The Ruling, which, yeah, I know - universities' ethnic breakdowns still contain a healthy percentage of black students, all of them at schools where they can achieve their potential. And ten years from then, when those successful graduates are gaining success in their careers, building the networks that their parents perhaps couldn't in such numbers (certainly in Houston today, it is very achievable for a black professional to have an extremely robust network of powerful black and white mentors and colleagues, but maybe that's not yet true everywhere), and raising children who don't think they're fighting with a foot in a bucket. (Or maybe - oh frabjous day - don't even think they're fighting at all.)
Karen Attiah already hated white women before this ruling. This is just an excuse to let it out.
But this does not constitute one of those oft-derided "conspiracy theories"?
"To carry out [its anti-Blackness] mission, Whiteness will use any means necessary, including deputizing White women and, in the case of this ruling, Asian minorities to carry out that mission. In not interrogating these truths, White women get to benefit from innocence and victimhood, even though the road to Thursday’s ruling was paved using them as Trojan horses of sorts.... The White men in charge of this country can and will come for White women, too...."
White college certified women (nobody is educated anymore) are the source of many problems but it was a leftist white woman posting that blacks could not handle a merit based system.
I guess the columnist thinks interrogating the constitutionality is out of the question.
Well, maybe, because you don't have them chained up in a basement somewhere, where you have ways of making them talk?
I'm all for it. She can start with Gretchen Whitmer. I'll bet that White bitch sings like a canary, once Karen Attiah put the screws to her.
But then it occurs to me, that perhaps the reason Karen Attiah and her co-interrogators have been relatively inactive on the White-bitch front is that they are still trying to figure out what a "woman" is. Imagine if you were employing your trusty interrogation techniques on some suspected White bitch, and she turns out be Dylan Mulvaney! Ve haff vays of making him talk. But ve haff no vays of making him shut up!
This column isn't very well written, is it? It's more an exercise in demonstrating that the author has mastered the insider jargon of coolness. If I'm missing some trenchant argument, would another commenter please re-state that argument in standard English?
For the past decade at least, and outside of STEM majors, women have been harmed by affirmative action in college admissions.
Going by qualifications alone, women would make up 55-65% of entering classes at most schools.
Turns out they are much, much better than boys at sitting still in class, organizing notes, following rules, and regurgitating what has been communicated with them.
No one is challenging this system yet, but it appears indefensible in our new merit-based world.
"Why are Black people being made to answer for and about these systems, which we neither created nor greatly benefit from?..."
Wait, hang on a second. Is she saying affirmative action is mostly benefiting someone else? So, we can call the whole thing off? Big misunderstanding? All black folk really want is a an opportunity to interrogate them some white bitches?
There is a form of argumentation I call "glibberish" that is on display here. If presented aloud at high speed it convinces the gullible that the speaker has an argument.
To carry out its “anti-blackness mission”. Some people just are to disgusting to have around.
Wow. What a steaming pile of dogshit.
I’d sure like to see Winsome Sears dish out to Karen Attiah the way she dished out to Justice Jackson. You go Winsome! The Commonwealth of Virginia has one heck of a Lieutenant Governor.
What's new just more Anti-White drivel
What's new just more Anti-White drivel
What's new just more Anti-White drivel
Affirmative action is just a different form of separate but equal. Democrats love separate but equal. Racists all.
I am so old that I remember when liberals hated stereotypes.
I can't think of anything more racist than assuming that certain races cannot compete in real world performance with white people without assistance.
That is the most nakedly racist thing I have read in a long, long time.
So Sisterhood isn't so powerful after all.
Lefties like Attiah fully desire and intend to interrogate--literally--everyone on their thoughts and opinions, and reward and punish on that basis. The word may seem like jargon and rhetoric, but who's to say they aren't crazy enough and stupid enough to think they can?
"Karen?" Who could have guessed?
RideSpaceMountain said...
this all started with Western feminism. Economic and family restructuring began with feminism. The homo rights movement began with feminism. Transvestitism is so firmly rooted in feminism as to be almost a cliche.
don't Forget Black Lives Matter! Which was formed by 3 black lesbians that wanted their own paddock
The NBA is a meritocracy. Nobody bitches about that.
from wikipedia
Attiah was born in 1986 in North Central Texas to a Nigerian-Ghanaian mother and Ghanaian father.
Her father was a pulmonologist. After graduation from Northwestern University with a degree in communication studies and a minor in African studies, Attiah won a Fulbright Scholarship to study in Accra, Ghana, and obtained an MA in international affairs in 2012 from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs
So, to review.. She as NOT the descendant of slaves (PROBABLY the descendant Slavers.
She is a 1st generation american, and her dad is a doctor.
How did she get into Northwestern? AA?
WHY did she win a Fulbright Scholarship? AA?
To recap. She is NOT a descendant of slaves.. Her family NEVER knew "racism" in this country..
Her family is RICH.. She has been GIVEN EVERYTHING she's got.. And she's PISSED!!
Two-eyed-Jack at 6:00 I completely agree. I think that's what I was trying to say in an earlier comment. But. I love the term "glibberish". I'm afraid we're not allowed to say that a Black woman writer is a "poor writer".
Couldn't be bothered to try to vault the pay wall but this tidbit leapt from the page:
"Why are Black people being made to answer for and about these systems, which we neither created nor greatly benefit from?"
Black people do not "greatly benefit" from AA?
Well then, why the rending of garments, gnashing of teeth and howls of pain from the let over the destruction of all hope for African Americans?
I question the value of "interrogating" people (regardless of race or sex) "on what this ruling means" unless those people have read the 40 page Roberts opinion (in which Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barret joined), the 58 page concurring opinion from Thomas, the 25 page concurring decision from Gorsuch (in which Thomas joined), the 8 page concurring opinion from Kavanaugh, the 69 page dissenting opinion from Sotomayor (in which Kagan joined and Jackson partially joined), or the 29 page dissenting opinion from Jackson.
Perhaps the ones who did read it should be subject to “enhanced” interrogation.
At some point, life is not solely about whether a policy is advantageous to you personally, but whether it is consistent with one’s overall idealS, such as increased meritocracy. In the vein of considering the benefits beyond one’s self, it may be worth considering whether white women might not exclusively have affirmative action winners and losers among those closest to them?
Perhaps white women may even be more likely to have white male sons (redundancy on purpose as some don’t recognize certain accurate terminology).
Karen Attiah already hated white women before this ruling. This is just an excuse to let it out.
@Lilly, that's not so clear. White, suburban, college-educated women have historically been suckers for guilt trips. She could be trying to push that button one more time.
"To carry out [its anti-Blackness] mission, Whiteness will use any means necessary, including deputizing White women and, in the case of this ruling, Asian minorities to carry out that mission.
Cool! So we white men are so awesome we managed to mind control white women and Asians to do our dirty work!
God I love being all powerful!
Problems with this screed include:
1. Assumption that "Whiteness" is an organized thing. That it has volition and purpose. "Deputizing authority." A strategy. (Please! [But, at least we got an upper-case letter, like "Black".])
2. "Interrogating." Anytime you hear this word, check out of the conversation. It means someone wants to screw you over. Or, at least, that they bought more 'education' than they were ready to understand.
3. Lack of any reason why your "Black" skin entitles you to more consideration for college admission than someone else's "White" or "Asian" or whatever skin. Something that happened to your g-g-g-g-g-grandfather? Well, mine was a white indentured servant from England in 1640 Virginia, who was flogged for disrespecting his employer, but so what? It wasn't me who caught the lash. Get over the past that wasn't you.
Affirmative action = aiding white guilt. agree.
The lady may have a point. There are a lot of white women in the DEI departments at universities. Their actions are part of the reason that universities and colleges have lost credibility in this country.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes, said Mark Twain.
So now progressive black women are turning on progressive white feminists.
As Stalin turned on the Trotskyites.
As the French Revolutionaries turned on Robespierre.
As Mao turned on the "counter-revolutionaries" in the Cultural Revolution.
Do white progressive US "feminists" ever think to compare their own position in the progressive coalition with those historical groups, and then wonder, just wonder, with that kind of historical company, what their current allies have in store for them down the road?
In Atlanta, the affirmative action programs in city contracting appointed a 1 point benefit for being female of any race and a 100 point benefit for being black.
Such differential benefits are common, though rarely this extreme. They are this extreme in academic admissions and hiring, with the exception of STEM fields, which more actively recruit women but still grant more emphasis on recruiting minorities than white women.
Black women are actually the highest beneficiaries of affirmative action, as they are awarded consideration as both blacks and women, but the "woman" part doesn't count nearly as much as the "black" part.
I couldn't be happier to see the entire mess of affirmative action losing in court yesterday. I have watched it financially and psychologically damage and destroy brillant and hard-working white men, white women, and Asian men in education and employment for my entire life. I watched my father humiliated by it at work when I was still a child. I have been told more than once in social service and nonprofit jobs in Atlanta that someone wanted to hire me but they had to hire a black person. At one nonprofit magazine, I was actually asked if I would volunteer to mentor the entirely unqualified and younger black male they chose over me because I was an expert in the field position they were seeking to fill.
That woman is lying, and she knows it. Now let's talk about the unspoken affirmative action bestowed on gays and lesbians in academia. That's pretty extreme, to the point of people pretending to be gay to get hired tenure track.
why two cases with hearing and decision separately?
were they two different issues/questions?
Greg the Class Traitor said...
"To carry out [its anti-Blackness] mission, Whiteness will use any means necessary, including deputizing White women and, in the case of this ruling, Asian minorities to carry out that mission.
Cool! So we white men are so awesome we managed to mind control white women and Asians to do our dirty work!
God I love being all powerful!
in Chinese palace and other dramas I'm watching this is called 'kill with borrowed sword'
The unhinged belief that so many people except your own pigmentation group are RAAAAACIST against you leads to treating so many people as racists that some proportion of those people will respond with, "OK, I accept that am racist, by your standards. Now I will act according to your standards." The racism activists of today have created a perverse incentive to be racist, as the racism activists have insisted we are all inherently, irredeemably, unconsciously, systemically and otherwise racist now and forever.
The criers of racism now leave no means available for their supposed racists to not be racists. Good luck with that achieving anything other than ongoing funding for your activism. Oh, wait a second....
Isn't anyone going to come to the defense of this strong, Black woman-identifying person? Gadfly? Igna? Chuckles?
Here it is, translated into standard -- ie non-academic non-woke English:
Narayanan said...
why two cases with hearing and decision separately?
KJB had to recuse herself from the Harvard case, which had already been accepted for argument. So they added the UNC case as a separate argument, so she could participate in that one
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