June 18, 2023

Are you following the pretty formidable coalition with neofascist leanings?

The man is refusing to debate because he stands so firmly on SCIENCE. Isn't it funny that he bandies about a slur like "coalition with neofascist leanings"? Don't you have to at least act as though you're devoted to truth and reason if you want to win on the ground that you're the scientist?

If you haven't been  following this, here's a NY Post article that might help: "Joe Rogan challenges Dr. Peter Hotez to debate anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. on his podcast."
Rogan pledged to donate $100,000 to a charity of Hotez’s choosing if he agreed to [appear on the podcast] with the political scion, who has launched a longshot bid to dethrone President Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary. 
Rogan’s challenge, which has since been viewed over 25 million times, prompted Hotez to respond in a now-deleted tweet, which turned into a back-and-forth exchange.

“Be serious Joe, that’s what you throw for your hunting buddies on a weekend,” Hotez said. “A $50 million endowment (which You/Spotify/ RFK Jr can easily afford), not for me but so we can continue making low-cost patent-free vaccines for the world’s poor. Preceded by RFK Jr’s public apology.”

Twitter owner Elon Musk chimed in saying Hotez “hates charity” while Kennedy, agreed to a “respectful, congenial, informative debate that the American people deserve.’"

I listened to all of the 3-hour podcast with RFK Jr. and came away with a lot of respect for him. Joe gave him plenty of time to explain how he became involved in questioning the use of vaccines in this country. He raised so many questions and seemed to display an open mind. He wants debates. He wants studies. And he wants to follow the science. He gave many examples of experts not being open to debate and studies, and he makes the refusal to debate him feel like evidence against the position of those who will not debate. What are they hiding?

It may be that everyone's afraid of being put on the spot and saying the wrong thing in a complex, pressured event. And as with the JFK/Nixon debate, somebody's going to have more natural charisma and connection with the people. Surely, that will be RFK, and Hotez, however knowledgable, will be the Nixon. It's hard to debate. But not debating can be made hard too. 



Michael K said...

Fascist is a term used by lefties who don 't understand what it means. Usually because it applies to themselves.

Aggie said...

There is no way to change the mind of, or even have a constructive debate with, people that are this un-serious. Rogan has said all he needs to say.

Sebastian said...

Matt Orfalea has a good YouTube mashup on Hotez, plus an artice with Matt Taibbi on his double-talking.

"He gave many examples of experts not being open to debate and studies."

At any one moment, The Science Is Settled and The Experts Know Best, so what's there to debate?

Temujin said...

"I listened to all of the 3-hour podcast with RFK Jr. and came away with a lot of respect for him."

The same here. I've listened to a number of more in depth interviews with him as of late. He is someone to pay attention to. This Hotez guy seems to be a rather common blowhard, hiding behind a cloak of 'science' while he represents neither facts nor science, but instead, industry. A very specific industry.

We have way too much of that all through our lives.

A fun thing for people to do this week. Watch a news program. Any news program. Or maybe just your favorite network TV show. And if you can stand it, stick around for the commercials. Count the number of pharmaceutical ads that come to you over the course of an hour. WTF? The Narrative is so fullly paid for.

rhhardin said...

Just write articles. Debates suck. Women go for the side that seems to mean well.

Joe Bar said...

It's not that be doesn't want to debate, the issue is, he wants to shut down all discussion that doesn't agree with his, and the government's, position.

Mary Beth said...

Last I saw, the pledge was up to $600,000.

mikee said...

Another version if the old game, where a big kid gets two smaller kids to fight, with the big kid as "referee" while of course the fight is for the entertainment of the big kid. In this case, one little kid is being smart enough to limit his involvement to disparaging the big kid, rather than taking a beating for Rogan's entertainment.

Well played, leftist little kid.

Bob Boyd said...

Two words: Fucking bow tie.

cassandra lite said...

You have to admire how seamlessly and without complaint #TheResistance became #TheCompliers, and resistance to authoritarianism became neofascism.

It's all of a piece with diversity and liberal now connoting their opposites.

tim maguire said...

If you pick someone off the street or holding forth in a bar and pressure them to a high-profile debate, that’s not fair and you can’t conclude much from their refusal to participate. But Hotez set himself up as a spokesman. He should not have done that if he weren’t willing to fill the role. I have no problem with making judgements about him and his knowledge based on his refusal.

I will judge not just him, but his cause if no one else steps up either. They are too prominent, too influential, to hide without consequence.

Ice Nine said...

>RFK Jr. and came away with a lot of respect for him. Joe gave him plenty of time to explain how he became involved in questioning the use of vaccines in this country...He wants studies.<

He wants vaccine studies, does he? Well, Robert, those began in 1796 with Dr Edward Jenner's research with cowpox/smallpox and have continued apace with ever-increasing breadth and sophistication over the last two and a quarter centuries.

Bob Boyd said...

Seems like every Prog argument is limited to appeals to authority followed by dismissive, ad hominem smears.

Gahrie said...

So the guy arguing that the government should have more control over private companies in order to censor people is calling others fascist?

seems like Humpty Dumpty to me, and Rogan has pushed him off the wall.

wild chicken said...

I was following all that yesterday and I'm not sure I'm interested in a doctor debating a layperson. Like Einstein debating relativity with Walter Winchell or something. It's not an even match.

I mean I'm sure RFK can throw a lot of shit at the wall, do the Gish Gallop and all, but will we know any more in the end?

I'd rather see the doctor debate a virologist like Peter Duesberg or Luc Montagnier.

Lilly, a dog said...

"A $50 million endowment... not for me but so we can continue making low-cost patent-free vaccines for the world’s poor."

Not for me, indeed. Hotez is one of the world's worst liars and one of its best grifters. $50 million will buy a lot of evil little bow ties.

Bob Boyd said...

Perhaps Hotez doesn't feel he could do well in a debate format, but Rogan also offered to Hotez, "If you think someone else is better qualified, suggest that person."

gilbar said...

Are you following the pretty formidable coalition with neofascist leanings?

you know, the one in Kiev?

hpudding said...

Isn't it funny that he bandies about a slur like "coalition with neofascist leanings"?

Funny? It’s pretty accurate. Fascists are fixated on a hypermasculine idea of politics that laments the idea of men not dominating society. Sounds like that fits Joe Rogaine perfectly. It certainly fits most of the others.

Don't you have to at least act as though you're devoted to truth and reason if you want to win on the ground that you're the scientist?

That has nothing to do with “debating.” RFKJR is a lunatic who never yields to facts or reason and persists in spreading lies no matter how often he’s shown to be wrong. Wasting time with someone like that is not a debate, it’s free propaganda for someone who shares no devotion of their own to truth and reason. Even the rest of his family can’t stand his lies and regularly disclaim them.

Science is not UFC or a cage match. You are way too deferential to the gish gallopers out there and seem easily misled by the brute force or flashy displays of showboaters. People who respect the potential of what their own work can do know better.

Dude1394 said...

Yes, yes I am. Amazing how the remaining free thinkers and free speech advocates continue to be called fascist by the democrat media. As usual, the democrats accuse others of what they are ACTUALLY doing.

Jake said...

Neil DeGrasse Tyson famously refused to debate flat earthers on the Joe Rohan show. Should I be questioning whether the earth is, in fact, flat?

Skeptical Voter said...

Dr. Hotez apparently has both an MD and a PhD. During my working career I spent a lot of time among highly educated (or at least highly credentialled) folks. And more than a few of them would occasionally present as a "highly educated fool". I suspect that Dr. Hotez is one such person.

Bob Boyd said...

I just hope Team Biden is preparing.

Preparing what? To convince and persuade? To win the national debate?

Sounds more like, Anything thing is justified, people! We're fighting Fascists. Worse, Neofascists! We can go back to regular, democratic elections and constitutional rights and all that stuff later, after the terrible threat to democracy and constitutional rights has passed.

n.n said...

Fascism: a collusion between government and corporations in an ethical/religious enterprise.

Anti-vaxxx, pro-vaccine, even pro-shot/jab, where risk and reward can be scientifically assessed and justified. No medical mandates. No social masking.

Jaq said...

Our ruling regime is neofascist, a ruling coalition of business elites and government power quick to use the military to further its control over the world’s resources. We all know its first rule of propaganda by now. “When fascism comes to America, it will call itself anti-fascism.”m

They may be making the mistake of relying so heavily on their transparent playbook, and slicing off too large a sector of the population to play the role of “Juden” and the normies are catching on. Too many people have loved ones whom they are trying to tell them are fascists and even nazis.

curiosity said...

Is this the same Peter Hotez we are discussing? (Link is to a video by Matt Orfalea)


I can't imagine why he wouldn't want to debate.

Bob Boyd said...

Labeling patriotic Americans Neofascists is like saying, leopards have spots, therefore Dalmations are too dangerous to be allowed in the firehouse.

Original Mike said...

Elon, Tucker, RFK, Rogan. I'd like to see this Hotez character defend the charge of fascism amongst this group because I'm not seeing it. (And what's with the "neo"?)

Now I don't know this for a fact but I'd be willing to bet, if we looked into Hotez's advocacies during Covid lhat we'd find something a lot more kin to fascism. But maybe I'm wrong.

hpudding said...

Joe gave him plenty of time to explain how he became involved in questioning the use of vaccines in this country. He raised so many questions and seemed to display an open mind. He wants debates. He wants studies. And he wants to follow the science. He gave many examples of experts not being open to debate and studies, and he makes the refusal to debate him feel like evidence against the position of those who will not debate. What are they hiding?

Seriously. Give a single example of anything RFKJR said regarding how vaccines work or their dangers that you feel was accurate and not misleading.

If not, thanks for admitting that you were just impressed with his performative abuse of the free Spotify platform he was offered.

I think in a court of law this would be called a disregard for “findings of fact.”

RFKJR has not treated or prevented disease in a single person, let alone rescued them or their life. Nor has he ever advanced anyone’s understanding of how to do so. People don’t go to him when they’re sick, he has no reputation to risk for doing so, no one who does would rely on him as a resource for advancing our understanding of how to do so. Your fawning over his alleged motivations and aims betrays not only the same deficiencies but a lack of any respect for avoiding them. You would be better off just admitting that you found his performance impressive, since you don’t name a single criterion for what would even make his efforts in the matter effective.

Assuming he even wants to make vaccines (more) effective and safe, maybe you could let us know which of his suggestions you’d bother to endorse for doing so. Which of his study proposals were you convinced would be helpful that he alleged as being conspiratorially muzzled. Be specific and don’t just serve as his stick for beating around the bush.

Mind your own business said...

There's a YouTube out there with a chronology of Hotez's pronouncements on the covid vaccine which demonstrates what a slimy idiot he is. He parrots whatever the message of the day is, regardless that it makes what the said earlier a mockery.

That isn't science. That's bending to the prevailing political narrative.

Why would anyone believe anything he has to say?

John henry said...

Neo fascist should mean the same as fascist. Should but wh knows what people like this mean.

When mussolini invented the word fascist to describe a political ideology he had a very specific definition in mind.

Everything Within the State,
nothing outside the State
nothing against the State

Whenever you hear someone call someone else "fascist" ask who better fits the definition, the caller or the callee?

It seems to me that the doctor is the fascist.

John lgb Henry

Dave Begley said...

Rogan now needs to do the CAGW scam.

The Left never wants to debate. It's all ipse dixit and appeal to authority for them.

One of the most shocking things to me about the modern Left is how they hate Free Speech. I was a Dem in college and law school and, back then, Free Speech was one of the highest and most valued aspects of being a liberal.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

A not insignificant amount of energy has been expended over the past 30 years avoiding debate even seeking to discredit the value of debate this is by design as the ideas they possess are rickety or indefensible.

Right now, on Twitter, one can find people who think that what Rogan and Kennedy engaged in for 3 hours was WRONG. Not annoying but actually wrong.

The reasons Hotez gives for not engaging are all dishonest. The idea isn't to debate, it's to AVOID debate.

Yancey Ward said...

Hotez will never agree to debate anyone in an open forum. The man is a fraud.

RMc said...

neofascist leanings

Why say "neofascist"? Why not just say "fascist"? (Maybe they think the "neo-" part makes them look smarter?)

John henry said...

Interesting phrasing this:

longshot bid to dethrone President Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary.

Is rfk trying to become president? I agree that is a long shot. Probably close to impossible.

But if he is just trying to deny Brandon a second term "dethrone" him, that seems more and more likely. It may have happened already, esp if Brandon sticks to not running in NH.

And what is with "dethrone"? Brandon is "president" not king. He doesn't reign over a kingdom of provinces counties, duchies and Shires.

He "presides" over a union of individual states. Each sovereign in their own right.

John lgb Henry

Big Mike said...

For quite a while now when people saying “because I’m the scientist,” or “because science,” or, worst, “the science is settled,” what they are really saying is that their positions will not withstand objective scrutiny. They’re trying to bamboozle the weak-minded, and until the pandemic they were getting away with it.

Flat Tire said...

Yes, I'm following them. How absurd.

Rory said...

"It may be that everyone's afraid of being put on the spot and saying the wrong thing in a complex, pressured event."

In most of life, details are fuzzy, speculative, and we move forward despite the inherent uncertainties. "Saying the wrong thing", for a lot of experts, consists of admitting the possibility they're mistaken.

John henry said...

On reflection, perhaps "depose" is the bon most here.

As in "rfk is seeking to depose Brandon"

Since Brandon is only posing as the president.

John lgb Henry

Michael said...

Neofascists. Well that settles it.

Mikey NTH said...

Throwing neofacist or nazi around just lets me know the person speaking has nothing to debate, their mind is set in mental concrete.

iowan2 said...

The answer to bad speech, (misinformation) is more speech. Not censorship.

Where on the political spectrum generate the most demands for censorship?

William said...

He throws the term fascist around pretty freely. I wonder if he's wrong about other things. I got the vaccine and the boosters, but healthy children are certainly not at risk for COVID....RFK, on the other hand, is certainly wrong about the murder of his father. He might be wrong about other things....The certainty and vehemence with which people state their opinions is not a reliable guide to their validity but probably helps the sales pitch....Just about everybody has been wrong about something regarding the cause, prevention and treatment of COVID, but the MSM has labeled some mistakes as misinformation or lies and has not acknowledged their own mistakes. I don't know who or what to believe. The MSM and medical establishment have to some extent succeeded in discrediting their critics but, at the same time, they've also succeeded in discrediting their own brand....I'm not a proper judge of most of these issues. I would be grateful, however, if someone would bring out a statement acceptable to all reasonable people about what't true and what's debatable about the cause, prevention, and treatment of COVID. There must be some proven facts by now. Are these thoughts wrong or neofascistic: I think it's probable that China engineered the virus, that children are not at mortal risk for the disease, that ivermectin is not a cure or a prophylactic and that I have been wrong about a lot of things.

The Crack Emcee said...

"What are they hiding?

It may be that everyone's afraid of being put on the spot and saying the wrong thing in a complex, pressured event."

Please. We live in a society that argued FOR putting "homeopathic" water on Pharmacy shelves - the lunatics have taken over the asylum. There's nothing for a Doctor to gain by debating Science with anyone in an Indiocracy. The NewAge rendered common sense obsolete decades ago - it was 1995 when my wife said she could walk through walls and others agreed with her - so that ain't got to happen at all

rehajm said...

Clearly it is quite frustrating for the fascists to have Elon and Joe getting away with the freedom thing. What DC law firm is cooking up the strategy to stop that? I bet they're reeling from now being on the wrong side of that whole fight over public forum speech liability. Screwed that one up they did as Elon and Joe would be gone by Tuesday...

Critter said...

It’s time we come clean on the definition of fascism. As the link to Britannia points out, the common denominators of fascism are:

- militaristic nationalism
- contempt for political and cultural liberalism
- belief in rule of the elites
- desire to create a society where individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation

The Democrats under Biden are hands down the militaristic nationalists as proven by their Ukraine policy and justifications. Trump campaigned on ending wars and kept his promise.
The Left woke mob has nothing but contempt for liberalism and are pushing the limits of sanity in their trans policies claim of ownership of our children, etc.
The deep state dominated by the Democrats want unbridled rule by their elites as reflected in entrenched activists in academia, legal profession, media, government bureaucracies, public schools, etc. there is no parallel on the right.
Democrats and leftists lecture us all the time on the evil of individual rights of free association, religion, speech, vaccine refusal, property ownership, taxation etc.

A fair analysis of current advocacy and views reveals lefties like Hotez are the neo-fascists. Of course they learned their rules for radicals and know they need to hurl the accusation first in order to avoid scrutiny of their own beliefs and policies.

Critter said...

The missing link. https://www.britannica.com/topic/fascism

Btw - don’t refer to what Wikipedia says about fascism. It is radically skewed to change the definition to distort the meaning of fascism in an attempt to make the right look fascist. Fascism started on the left and has always been a non-Republican movement.

hstad said...

Dr. Hotez is another 'Liberal Expert' who is nothing but a 'Liberal Activist'. The vaccine 'meme' is similar to the 'Climate Change' memes. However, Dr. Judith Curry, one of foremost 'Climate Experts' states that there is no 'Climate Emergency'. I'd like Dr. Hotez to address this issue also. But he won't because he's only an expert activist none of his 'Tweets' ever address the Science. Dr. Hotez just attacks other people personally and uses the personal attacks and buzz words like 'Neofascist leanings' to make his case. Another charlatan trying to get his 30 seconds of fame.

John henry said...

Maybe Joe should just ask the doc for the definition of "vaccine" (pre-21) and whether the kung flu shot meets it?

And if so, why did they have to change the definition?

Or maybe "billions of people around the world have taken ivermectin regularly for 40 years. It is as safe as houses. Even if there is some doubt about efficacy for kung flu, why not let people take it? It can't hurt, might help if for nothing else but placebo effects "

Same question hydroxychloroquine

My body, my choice, right?

John lgb Henry

John henry said...

Maybe Joe should just ask the doc for the definition of "vaccine" (pre-21) and whether the kung flu shot meets it?

And if so, why did they have to change the definition?

Or maybe "billions of people around the world have taken ivermectin regularly for 40 years. It is as safe as houses. Even if there is some doubt about efficacy for kung flu, why not let people take it? It can't hurt, might help if for nothing else but placebo effects "

Same question hydroxychloroquine

My body, my choice, right?

John lgb Henry

Original Mike said...

"Neil DeGrasse Tyson famously refused to debate flat earthers on the Joe Rohan show. Should I be questioning whether the earth is, in fact, flat?"

No, but you could question Tyson's confidence in that fact.

Original Mike said...

"it was 1995 when my wife said she could walk through walls and others agreed with her"

I'm curious. Did she ever try?

Rusty said...

RMc said...
"neofascist leanings

Why say "neofascist"? Why not just say "fascist"? (Maybe they think the "neo-" part makes them look smarter?)"
It makes the intellectually lazy appear to be intelligent. To themselves anyway.

rcocean said...

THe USA Establishment, whether its the medical, political, or financial has the power and they aren't interested in "Free Speech" "Debates" or "being reasonable". Those days are OVER.

The sooner everyone understands that, the better. Maybe if they keep oppressing us and pushing out Stalinist propaganda for another 10 years, some will learn.

Yancey Ward said...

wild chicken wrote:

"I'd rather see the doctor debate a virologist like Peter Duesberg or Luc Montagnier."

Hotez would eagerly accept the opportunity to debate Montagnier today.

rcocean said...

BTW. like most people, i am not pro-vax or anti-vax. I just want the Doctors and medical researchers to figure out the scientific TRUTH. And tell the American people.

I don't see how you do that, by calling people names, and declaring "I'm right. Shut up". This applies to a lot of subjects.

Like the 2020 (and forecasted 2024) vote fraud. The Establishment could've audited the 2020 votes (not recounted) and proven Trump to be completly wrong. Think of the damage they could've done to Trump by showing the election was fair and honest! And this Doctor should be able to slice and dice RFK in any debate over a medical matter.

Instead they just say "shut up. We're right. Case closed". And - in the case of the vote fraud - they censored anyone who disagreed. Of course, Establishment toadys loved that. But it pissed off the 70 million that voted for Trump.

donald said...

He talks kinda big to be a big ole fat pussy looking motherfucker. You know, the kind of soft doughy weakling that NEEDS government goon squads to do what he could never do.

donald said...

When I hear government pols, operatives, lawyers and judges twist, crumple and rape the constitution constantly right in front of me, all I can ever think about is that movie about all the Nazis in that room wringing out the details of the final solution while quoting German law.

That is exactly what the Biden administration bitch lackeys are doing.

Ann Althouse said...

"That has nothing to do with “debating.” RFKJR is a lunatic who never yields to facts or reason and persists in spreading lies no matter how often he’s shown to be wrong."

That's not the impression I got listening to him for 3 hours.

Are you sure you're not spreading a lie?

Amadeus 48 said...

People need to consider RFKJr's career as a crusading "public interest" environmental lawyer. He has spent most of his life pushing pseudo-scientific nonsense about environmental issues in a most emotive and irrational way. He is heavily invested in the vaccination-autism nonsense.

He had glommed onto the governmental over-reach of the COVID affair in an effort to create more confusion. RFKJr.'s targets have set themselves up for this by over-selling the benefits of the vaccines, which ultimately have played a therapeutic rather than preventive role and unfortunately do present heightened risk of heart issues for some young men. The vaccines were forced on a large percentage of the population that were not much at risk from COVID, namely, people under 50 and those who had already had COVID. In the squelching of dissent and discussion about the COVID origins and the benefits of the vaccines, the seeds have been sown for another lawyer/demagogue to stir the pot. Come on down, RFKJr.


John henry said...


Why do you cite Britannica?

Why not the original architect, benito mussolini?

It is not like he is inaccessible. I've cited his elevator definition several times.

A more detailed discussion can be found in his 12 page pamphlet "the doctrine of fascism" which I've linked to multiple times here over the years. If that's not enough, he wrote a gazillion words on what fascism is. Certainly easy to find.

I'm always leery of people who want to use secondary sources when the primary source is so accessible.

What is your agenda here?

Not saying Britannica is factually wrong. But they aren't exactly right, either. At least not according to mussolini. He invented fascism. He gets to say what it is and isn't.

John lgb Henry

Michael K said...

Blogger hpudding said...

Isn't it funny that he bandies about a slur like "coalition with neofascist leanings"?

Funny? It’s pretty accurate. Fascists are fixated on a hypermasculine idea of politics that laments the idea of men not dominating society. Sounds like that fits Joe Rogaine perfectly. It certainly fits most of the others.

Don't you have to at least act as though you're devoted to truth and reason if you want to win on the ground that you're the scientist?

Puddinghead knows that fascists are those mean men who interfere with the grooming of kids. You know, those angry men who built bridges and tall buildings. The ones who made society, fought our wars and fathered our children. None of that interests puddinghead who prefers drag shows and critical race theory, whatever that is.

jim5301 said...

There are lots of pro vaccine scientists I’m sure who would love to opportunity to debate Kennedy in a forum that would garner a large audience. Why the fixation on one who refuses to debate?

Josephbleau said...

A main feature of fascism is the strict, enforced, and supervised, organization of society and corporations to provide for the advancement of the goals of the ruling class. The ruling class can include labor and wealth/ royalty.

Fascism creates a state that efficiently controls society to provide certain social results, evil, or possibly good, if you are open to all possibilities, but there is no room for individualism. Only submission to the state is allowed. One could say that fighting climate change is a fascist project.

That is why “conservative”, or “Republican” thought is not fascism, these groups worship individualism, cowboys, pioneers, flinty farmers, etc. regimentation is frowned on, war is a risky exercise in giving more power to government, like the republicans in WW2 thought.

John henry said...

You missed the question, critter. Using the Britannica definition which is more fascist the doc or rogan?

- militaristic nationalism

Dunno where the doc or rogan stands here.

- contempt for political and cultural liberalism

Seems to fit the doc. Not rogan

- belief in rule of the elites

Definitely the doc. Rogan seems generally anti-elite or, if not anti, at least not willing to give them the importance they think they deserve.

- desire to create a society where individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation

Definitely the doc. Definitely not rogan

I used to listen to Rogan frequently when he had an interesting guest. I don't do Spotify so other than an occasional clip elsewhere I've not listened since. I don't claim a lot of expertise on rogan and his beliefs. Less on the doctor.

John lgb Henry

hpudding said...

That's not the impression I got listening to him for 3 hours.

Are you sure you're not spreading a lie?

Yep, I’m sure. And neither are his sister, his brother and his niece who all issued a statement to the effect that “on vaccines he is wrong,” and “complicit in sowing distrust of the science behind vaccines.”

So once again, if you want to quote a specific claim he made about the safety or efficacy of a specific vaccine or vaccines so that the facts of what he’s stating can be evaluated on their merits that would be helpful. But hiding behind “impressions” just leaves it too vague and ambiguous for issues of truth or falsehood to be addressed directly.

Which seems to be his goal. Is it yours?

John henry said...

Hey Crack, nice to see you.

We agree 100% on homeopathics. We're on similar wavelengths on vitamins and supplements.

I sometimes get the feeling you would use govt guns to stop their sale (maybe I'm wrong?) I definitely would not, provided they are safe.

My body my choice.

It is why govt banning ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine pisses me off so much,

Ditto forcing me to take an inadequately tested vaccine. Effectively forcing me even if not technically forcing me.

John lgb Henry

John henry said...


On second thought I was wrong about you not answering the question about the doc and rogan.

Apologies for mischaracteizing what you said.

I'd delete the comment if I could

John lgb Henry

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Perhaps more dangerous than Trump"

Is Trump now a standardized unit of measure? Because if it is, I just gotta say, it's a beautiful unit of measure. Very beautiful.

Aggie said...

The pot is up over $1.5 million now. I don't see any probability that Hotez will engage though - he strikes me as a comfortable COVID lickspittle that farmed himself out as a talking head to various networks - all of whom responded to his pronouncements with the appropriate stroking. A real contest would present a whole matrix of hazards for him, so.... he'll be staying home, that's my bet.

I think this is precisely the right path for this modern, 'highly-vocal activist' age that we live in. Experts of this stripe depend on the safe insularity of the studio. Confrontation like Rogan's, an instantaneous 'put up or shut up' in response to provocation, takes all the wind out of their sails, and the derision that follows is a capper. Show the cowards up, and roast them frequently with their own disgraceful behavior, and humiliate them each time they air unsupportable positions.

Eva Marie said...

hpudding says:
“Fascists are fixated on a hypermasculine idea of politics that laments the idea of men not dominating society. Sounds like that fits Joe Rogaine perfectly. It certainly fits most of the others.” You haven’t listened to Joe Rogan, ever. And you’ve made quite a statement - this slur fits this guy perfectly and if it doesn’t then it fits most of the others. If you’re not sure it fits Joe Rogan then why make the accusation? And who are these “most of the others”? People who don’t think the Covid vaccines were efficacious? People who didn’t think they should have been mandatory? People who didn’t want to take the vaccines themselves? And you’re calling RFKJR a lunatic? Physician heal thyself.

walter said...

In similar fashion to how lockdowns gave parents a peek under the soiled dress of education, those willing to look could see abuse, groupthink and hole-filled Science! in the "Speed of Science!" Covid jabs. "Block transmission? No time! Heyyyy, mix 'em together if ya feel like it! If you like your license, think twice about filling out the cumbersome VAERS entry."
The process, or lack thereof, in the accumulating non-covid jabs are also worthy of closer examination in light of incresingly poor health in children. Most doctors get a very cursory training re immunology and vaccines.
The pressure to go along with the program is huge and there are financial incentives as well. Removal of liability (Reagan) green lights abuse as well. Pharma companies provide significant funding to both so-callerd regulatory agencies as well as media.

Mason G said...

"It is radically skewed to change the definition to distort the meaning of fascism in an attempt to make the right look fascist."

The right supports individual rights. The left, collective ones. Yet the left insists if you go far enough to the right, you find rabid collectivists.

The left lies. Always.

Quaestor said...

Jake writes, "Neil DeGrasse Tyson famously refused to debate flat earthers on the Joe Rohan show. Should I be questioning whether the earth is, in fact, flat?"

Famously? Thumbing the scale a bit are you, Jake?

The flat earth mentality is a subspecies of the conspiracy theory mentality because the abundance of observable facts that have convinced the open-minded of the spherical earth since the Pythagoreans are dismissed by the flat-earthers as deceptions, frauds, and fakery carried out by vast and inscrutable international conspiracies sponsored by the wealthy and powerful. What advantage the "wealthy and powerful" could possibly acquire by promulgating a spherical planet over a flat one they don't explain, but then intellectual honesty is not one of the flat earth movement's cardinal virtues.

There's no point in debating without an absolute adherence to the principles of forensics by both sides of any question. However, Jake appears to claim that Tyson's refusal to debate flat-earthers is somehow evidence that Peter Hotez is correct in his attacks on Robert Kennedy, Jr. The comparison is not only odious, but it also implies a non-sequitur.

Gk1 said...

Lets face it, its hard for Big Pharma suck ups and lock down fetishists to show their faces in public without an artificial "forum" to protect them. If RFK Jr. is so demonstrably wrong it should be pretty easy to prove that or debate where he's wrong.

I am no RFK Jr. fan and think there are many premises he should be challenged on but running away from a debate does not express confidence to most people.

Inga said...

“I was following all that yesterday and I'm not sure I'm interested in a doctor debating a layperson. Like Einstein debating relativity with Walter Winchell or something. It's not an even match.”

Me neither.

Why would the layperson expect to be believed over the doctor or scientist? In my opinion it’s an exercise in wasting time and confusing people. I think we should be cautious in jumping on board unscientific, unproven theories.

Andrew said...

Politics and science aside, why do people still wear bow ties? Is there a single person who a bow tie looks good on? I had two professors who wore bow ties. Both of them, while good professors, looked like pretentious twits. It is a ridiculous way to present yourself. Bow ties should be banned. In a debate, anyone who wears a bow tie begins with 25 demerits.

Ian Nemo said...

I didn't listen to this particular RFK interview, so perhaps he's updated his arguments. But his main attack on vaccines for years was that a mercury preservative, thiomersal, in some vaccines (eg multidose administrations where keeping sterile is a bigger problem than it is with single use prepared syringes) was responsible for an increase in childhood autism. I believe I've heard him repeat this within the last year. But other problems with that aside, enough people worried about it that thiomersal was removed from childhood vaccines 20 years ago. Childhood autism regrettably is still increasing. Perhaps, having missed this interview, I missed his regrets for having taken the country down an exceptionally pointless post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc rabbit hole.

Gahrie said...

Fascists are fixated on a hypermasculine idea of politics that laments the idea of men not dominating society.

Eva Peron was a fascist, wasn't she? Or have we changed our minds about that?

Aren't there a bunch of women leading fringe parties in Europe that are called fascists?

Jaq said...

It always seemed to me, when in a math or physics class in college, that you learned a lot from the professor destroying the objections from the peanut gallery. In a debate, a guy doesn't have to admit that he's wrong to be shown up and have his arguments laid bare as wrong.

It almost looks as if this guy is a grifter and fears to debate RFKJR because this fake expert has no answers.

Jaq said...

He is dodging the debate for the same reason that Joe Biden is dodging the New Hampshire primary, he doesn't want to lose.

Gusty Winds said...

He can't debate. It's the liberal way. Especially among the "expert" class, the PHD's, the teachers, the university administrators. The mRNA shots were not better than snake oil. A third of America knew before the rest. Sacrifices were made on both sides. The vilification and isolation of the "unvaccinated", and those were voluntarily, or a coerced to be part of the experiment.

But those still pushing it are on another level. One I understand, but can't believe.

wildswan said...

I think RFK Jr. grew up not knowing just what happened to his father and it gave him an open mind about the possibility of conspiracies. This was not an asset until recently. And I'm not sure it's an asset now. I'm studying RFK Jr. with narrowed eyes because I know how dangerous it is to assert the existence of a set of facts that others regard as an idiotic conspiracy theory. I've spent years trying to show people how eugenics is still around as a social force and I've learned all there is to know about remaining sane while trying to draw attention to a danger that others think is a looney tunes, "conspiracy theory." It's not enough to be right, you have to believe that there's something blurred about when and why people can or cannot hear the truth. You don't just know something, you're a person standing somewhere, sometime knowing or not able to know something. Without that, the weight of rejected facts can be too much for a human mind. Instead of living, you start to go around a hamster wheel in your mind. And I wouldn't like to see that in a President. I have an open mind so far on whether this Kennedy is or is not overwhelmed by his past.

Gusty Winds said...

I'd like to hear from members of the teacher's union that insisted upon "me first". And then pushed it upon the children they are supposed to care about?

Any of them worry about taking the shot, or having the spike proteins ever flourishing in their bodies? Any of them feel moral regret for pushing it on children.

Anybody Madison, WI or The University of Wisconsin regret the mRNA mandate for incoming freshman?

Yancey Ward said...

"Are you sure you're not spreading a lie?"

If RFK Jr. wins the nomination, hpuddinghead will praising RFK Jr.s rationality and honesty like the past never existed.

madAsHell said...

MD, PhD credentials.

I'm guessing skirts, and beer stayed away.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt modern left do not want debate - they want to cancel everything that does not fall in line with the mob-left.

traditionalguy said...

Hearing RFK jr happens in a debate. The Destroy America crowd already has him destroyed by 20 years of anti Vaccine propaganda. They are not about to let him be seen and heard now. There is no upside for them in this war.

But God crated Joe Rogan and podcasts. And being Joe’s guest is the best and most relaxed place for a smeared person to be reintroduced to the world. Joe has a way of respecting his guests that allows a full airing of their beliefs. There is no fear of the cancel word coming down from the CIA or a 5 shooter slaughter like his uncle earned from them.

Darkisland said...

Not my suggestion, I saw it on Twitter:

Assume the now $1.5mm to charity offer is legit.

Then Dr Hotez is a heartless dick for not doing the debate. If he was not a dick, he could embarrass himself for an hour or two debating RFK. (If he thinks that will happen)

Then he could take the $1.5mm and, if vaccines cost $100 a pop, pay for 15,000 people to be vaccinated.

Or feed a million homeless people a meal.

Or do something else worthwhile.

If you won't do it for science, do it to help others.

If he were not a dick.

John LGB Henry

Darkisland said...

Just by way of no harm, I remind everyone that the Media, especially TV, is largely financed by the pharma companies. Something like 25-40% of all ad revenue is from pharma.

They will never let RFK on TV because he bites the hand that feeds them.

Rogan is beholden to nobody except Spotify. Not even that beholden to them. He still owns his studio and facilities and name. If Spotify took him off tomorrow, by Friday, if not sooner, he would be back in business with about as many listeners as he has on Spotify.

By the following week, he would have advertisers paying the freight and quite a bit over.

Independent journalism, which is what he largely does, is wonderful. Only the govt could shut him down and I am not even sure about them.

John LGB Henry

gspencer said...

"The man is refusing to debate because he stands so firmly on SCIENCE."

So the debate would be a cakewalk for you and in the process you'd show the other side what-for. That you won't debate says you're full of shiitte.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim In Vermont said:

"Our ruling regime is neofascist, a ruling coalition of business elites and government power quick to use the military to further its control over the world’s resources. We all know its first rule of propaganda by now. “When fascism comes to America, it will call itself anti-fascism.”

worth a nice hearty bold

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The earth is flat.

it's 70% non-carbonated water.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

hPudding does not understand the basic definition of fascist

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

HPudding - Fauci misled us - and was linked fiscally with gain of function research in Wuhan - which gave us the virus in the first place.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I know men who developed heart failure.... and they think it was the vaccine.

oh no! what crazed fascists!

HPudding says - Obey the liar left.

walter said...

The Real Peter Hotez
"Institutions run by Dr Hotez — who has carved out space for himself as an anti-parasite vaccine specialist (but again, despite having shown zero success) — have received well over 100 million dollars in grant funding over the years from the Gates Foundation and U.S. government health institutions, specifically focused on developing hookworm and parasite vaccines. The government continues to give healthy sums of annual grant cash to Hotez, both for his Baylor entities and his parasite vaccine work.
How is the quest for parasite vaccines going more broadly? Not so well.
The only parasite vaccine minimally available to humans, a malaria vaccine only currently available in two African countries, has been an unmitigated disaster, rife with human tragedy.
The Mosquirix (the Gates Foundation-funded malaria vaccine now owned by GSK) trials produced shockingly poor results, displaying 10 times higher risks of meningitis, cerebral malaria, and a doubling in the risk of death in the vaccine cohort, and it failed to achieve any sterilizing immunity or significant efficacious benefit, leading Gates Inc to drop support for the shot. Nonetheless, the World Health Organization endorsed the dangerous vaccine, recommending it for at risk youth.
Despite the horrific trials that maimed African children, Hotez endorsed Mosquirix and even declared that “distrust” for the dangerous drug “now derives from US antivaccine activism and aggression.”

Mutaman said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...

"That's not the impression I got listening to him for 3 hours.

Are you sure you're not spreading a lie?"

Kennedy has been claiming that Wi-Fi causes our "brains to leak". He might be on to something- Althouse has been acting pretty weird ever since the invention of Wi-Fi. I've heard it even causes folks to listen to Kennedy for 3 hours.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Just write articles. Debates suck."


walter said...

Inga, as a nurse, is all in on medical dogma.
You don't last long in thjat role questioning anything.
Check the boxes!
Not for her to consider big picture influences like the pharma companies giving her free notepads for shopping lists.
Jab them grandkids, right?

walter said...

Articles are more subject to selective suppression.

Inga said...

Is bullying someone into debating a good idea? Some anti vaxxers showed up at Hotez’s home yesterday to pressure him to go on the Rogan show to debate RFK Jr. This public pressure for Dr Hotez to debate has not shown RFK in a good light. If RFK Jr. thinks Democrats will vote for him now after this he is pretty clueless. Maybe he should be running as a Republican.

Rob Crawford said...

The flat earth mentality is a subspecies of the conspiracy theory mentality...

Same as RFK Jr's anti-vax stance.

Tim said...

Look, I am not a doctor nor a virologist. But I am an engineer with a lot of studies in statistics and design of experiments. You can look at the data on vaccinations and quickly determine that some vaccines have been a huge benefit to society.....while being fully aware that the outcome for some individuals has been terrible. Polio and TB, malaria and smallpox spring to mind as being pretty obvious winners for society. There are other vaccines that are not so obvious a force for good. I was lucky to be vaccinated in the early 60s, when we got mumps, measles and rubella separately. I am not sure we should not go back to separate injections for those, the data seems to indicate the combined vaccine increased the rate of harmful outcomes. Flu shots, pneumonia shots, and especially these experimental new genetic vaccines for coronavirus seem to be both less effecious and more likely to have side effects. For damn sure having more studies on outcomes is not anti-science or anti-vaccine. Look, Kennedy may be a quack. I do not know him. But if he is a quack, he should be easy to debate even is he has the full measure of JFKs charisma.

Che Dolf said...

Michael K said... Fascist is a term used by lefties who don 't understand what it means. Usually because it applies to themselves.

Michael, leftists think our ancestors and the nation they made should be repudiated. People who believe that are not "fascists," and no they do not become "fascists" just because they want corporations to help the government enforce policy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vaccine nazis persist.

Che Dolf said...

Tim said... [The] Polio [vaccine] springs to mind as being a pretty obvious winner for society.

Tim, would be interested to learn if you still think that after reading this:

"American Pravda: Vaccines and the Mystery of Polio"
- Ron Unz, January 30, 2023

This twitter thread summarizes some of the basic content fleshed out in that article:


(I've never been "anti-vax" prior to covid, but have been reassessing what I think I know in the last couple of years. The stuff about polio is genuinely shocking, if I can rely on what I'm reading.)

Gusty Winds said...

Anybody here defending Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD, and is not up to date on his recommended mRNA COVID booster schedule is completely full of shit.

According to expert Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD, you should now be at 5 total mRNA shots.

First two which a lot of people took.
Another booster - that's three
Another booster - that's four
And the Bivalent reformulated booster from fall 2022. That's five.

If you are less than five, you are obviously now following the advice of this untouchable, "scientist". Inga...you got all five??? hpudding...you got all five??

I'm betting the odds of Hotez defenders receiving all 5 of his recommended mRNA shots is somewhere between zero and zero.

He is also on record saying boosters every six months to a year will more than likely be necessary. Put it in your veins. Same with all the assholes pushing the mRNA experiment on young people at the University of Wisconsin.

I triple dog dare ya!

Aggie said...

Now Inga is complaining that the esteemed Dr. Hotez is being bullied by Rogan and RFKJr. Bullied ! I tells ya. Inga, baby, moochie: Hotez opened up the provocations with the two on Twitter, for all the world to see, but his texting fingers wrote checks his ass won't cash. Twitter, baby.

RFKJr commented on Hotez's record of endorsing the jab, but avoiding public discussion, after Rogan commented on Hotez's oddities that emerged from a past interview. Wassamatta? Public figures get public criticism, as well as public acclaim, don't they. Isn't that the gig? Or is that somehow.... unfair?

I heard the whole interview and came away with a more favorable view of RFKJr than I had before. He was humble and grateful for the opportunity - repeatedly. He repeatedly reiterated that he is no expert, and then would quote from the studies that guide his thinking. Several commenters here mis-state his positions, making it clear they didn't bother to listen. Isn't it strange that people will call him a crank, while rather studiously ignoring his contribution to the public sphere, and his successes as a pro-environment litigator? Who is willing to say that his public advocacy is not grounded in an altruistic sense of public service?

How can a scientist refuse to debate science, because a successful, formidable opponent isn't a scientist too? Is there a qualification system? Methinks the cowards decline in order to avoid confrontation because of fear, not a well-earned sense of haughtiness.

Gusty Winds said...

Musk made a great statement about mRNA. It has potential upsides, but it is medicine going from "analog to digital". Fine.

But the willingness of Big Pharma, and the Education Establishment to violate the Nuremburg code and make everyone a participant in a mass experiment is unethical at best; evil at worst.

The absolute denial, and refusal to research any correlation between the Generation Z vaccine schedule and the massive increase in autism is corrupt and crazy.

Nobody is saying "bring back the Measles!" The request is for truth regarding the full cocktail injected into these little kids. It's a shitload.

Leland said...

Up yours Inga with the bullying. Dr. Hotez held court on why hundreds of nurses needed to be fired during the pandemic for not wanting to take the vaccination. That's bullying. It cost good people their jobs and left us with fewer nurses during a pandemic. Now you want to pretend Dr. Hotez is the victim of bullying, because he is being asked to back his view against someone ready to counter his arguments? There is no low for you, Inga.

donald said...

“Bullying”. People showed up at his house. Now you got a problem with bullies showing Up? I’m guessing a review of the death threats and attempted assassinations against GOP elected officials and certain federal judges posts here would show certain inconsistencies for Ms Dullard here.

veni vidi vici said...

Dr. Hotez was known to encourage his friends and colleagues (and funders) to call him "Bubba Hotez".

His less-charitable foes now know to call him "Bubba Faux-tez".

Shannon said...

I also took the time to listen to the entire 3-hour podcast and came away with much respect for RFK Jr. His explanation of regulator capture was the best I've ever heard. With such a huge chunk of the CDC and NIH budgets paid for by big pharma, do ya think there could mayyyyyybe be a little corruption there? Why this is not illegal is baffling. I do find it interesting how people love to malign RFK when they've never actually read or listened to him. I suspect they don't actually want to know what's going on; it's scary. Sending Joe Rogan a virtual high-five for letting the man speak.

Shannon from NC

Greg the Class Traitor said...

The man is refusing to debate because he stands so firmly on SCIENCE. Isn't it funny that he bandies about a slur like "coalition with neofascist leanings"? Don't you have to at least act as though you're devoted to truth and reason if you want to win on the ground that you're the scientist?

Only if your'e honest / held to honesty by other people

It may be that everyone's afraid of being put on the spot and saying the wrong thing in a complex, pressured event.
If he knows the field so poorly that he's worried about that, he needs to STFU.

You can't claim
1: It's a "no brainer", the position is so obvious that no sane person can disagree with it
2: I can't debate you because I might flub and look bad

Is vaccine "X" good? Then you can go on with the facts and figures:
A: This is what happens without the vaccine
B: This is the dangers of the vaccine
C: It's clearly obvious that 1 in 100,000 dead is better than 1 in 1,000 dead, and that's why getting the vaccine is good, because it's saved 300,000 lives. Or whatever the argument is

His main problem is that there really isn't a good case for the Covid shot for most Americans, but he's a lying sleaze bag and won't be willing to admit that

So he avoids going any place where he'll be called on it

Chuck said...

I will be interesting if this comment -- basically just linking to relevant information -- makes it through Althouse moderation.

So first, there is the Twitter thread posted by Dr. Hotez after this kerfuffle was arising over the weekend. In an eight-Tweet thread. Dr. Hotez is talking about his interview with Medhi Hasan on MSNBC which aired last night at 8 and 11pm ET.


Then there is the interview itself; which is now linkable thanks to another Twitter user:


And then there is the outrage on the part of professional internet troll "Alex Rosen" (apparent real name; Chet Goldstein), who went to Dr. Hotez's home and yelled at him about why he wouldn't agree to debate Kennedy Junior on Joe Rogan's podcast:


Greg the Class Traitor said...

Inga said...
Is bullying someone into debating a good idea?

Bullying someone OUT of debating, because you claim what they're saying is "disinformation" or "misinformation", and therefore should be censored, is bad, wrong, evil.

Telling a loudmouth to put up or shut up, OTOH, is a wonderfully good thing to do

But Inga, i understand your problem. you know all your positions are total shit, and that you lose any honest debate.

So I understand why you have a problem with honest debate

Greg the Class Traitor said...

hpudding said...
Isn't it funny that he bandies about a slur like "coalition with neofascist leanings"?

Funny? It’s pretty accurate. Fascists are fixated on a hypermasculine idea of politics that laments the idea of men not dominating society. Sounds like that fits Joe Rogaine perfectly. It certainly fits most of the others.

So, according to puddinghead, any time men get ANY sort of voice, it's "fascist".

Althouse: Don't you have to at least act as though you're devoted to truth and reason if you want to win on the ground that you're the scientist?

That has nothing to do with “debating.” RFKJR is a lunatic who never yields to facts or reason and persists in spreading lies no matter how often he’s shown to be wrong.

Bzzt, wrong.

Debating is a spectator sport. The point is not to convince RFK that he's wrong, the point is to convince the people listening to teh debate that RFK is wrong.

Rusty said...

jim5301 said...
"There are lots of pro vaccine scientists I’m sure who would love to opportunity to debate Kennedy in a forum that would garner a large audience. Why the fixation on one who refuses to debate?"
Yeah, but this one threw down and started calling people names and calling them stupid. So you better have a game because you brought the game. Understand? It's alot like you reinforcing your opinion by calling the people you don't agree with here Altbillies. If you can't argue on the merits then don't comment.

Robert Cook said...

"The right supports individual rights."

As confirmed by the great freedom American women enjoy to obtain abortions in most towns and every state in the union and by the freedom of school librarians to curate the books in the school libraries without interference by fasist-thug governors.

In short: Typical self-serving bullshit from the right.

walter said...

Steve Kirsch (double jabbed) has been offering large sums for debates as well.

walter said...

Abortion involves more than an "individual".
When did you start thinking porn in school libraries is a right?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
"The right supports individual rights."

As confirmed by the great freedom American women enjoy to obtain abortions in most towns

And here comes dehumanizing monster Robert Cook, for whom babies have no right not to be murdered.

The right to chose not to have sex is an individual right, and the GOP fully supports that.

The GOP supports making birth control pills available over the counter. The Democrats won't let that happen, they demand that you can't have the individual right to buy birth control, you must be subject to a doctor's permission.

There is not now, never has been, never will be, and never should be a right to kill another human being just because that other human's existence is inconvenient to you.

AS there's no such thing as an individual right to abortion, it's meaningless to say the GOP is against it. it's like saying "the is opposed to individual rights because they won't buy everyone a unicorn"

Greg the Class Traitor said...

jim5301 said...
"There are lots of pro vaccine scientists I’m sure who would love to opportunity to debate Kennedy in a forum that would garner a large audience. Why the fixation on one who refuses to debate?"

Really? Where are they? name them, with links

PM said...

Cook - this in find confusing:

"when one commits a violent crime against a pregnant woman, with criminal intent,
and thereby injures or kills the victim's unborn child, the perpetrator is guilty of an additional offense, the punishment for which is the same as the punishment the defendant would have received had that same injury or death occurred to the unborn child's mother"

When a woman chooses to abort, it's a fetus. But in criminal law, it's an unborn child.

walter said...

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

"Let’s pause here and look at what we’re told about the Covid-19 mRNA injections. We’re assured:

The injections are safe. Meanwhile, adverse event reporting systems around the world record previously unseen rates of adverse events and injuries;
The injections are effective. We would ask: Effective for what? Not stopping transmission. We’re not sure about preventing serious illness either evidenced by recent data and New South Wales Health reports which show a disproportionate number of hospital and ICU admissions amongst the vaccinated.
The injection materials stay at the injection site. Recently released documents obtained under FOI show the lipid nanoparticles become widely distributed – notably to the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes;
The injections won’t change your DNA.
Let’s look at that last one a little bit closer."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leland -
Inga follows orders from her Soviet masters.

Mason G said...

"As confirmed by the great freedom American women enjoy to obtain abortions in most towns and every state in the union"

Enjoying (considering the context, what an interesting choice of words) the freedom to obtain an abortion involves two people. Sometimes, both are women but only one has the freedom to do anything other than die. And leftists smile.

"and by the freedom of school librarians to curate the books in the school libraries without interference by fasist-thug governors."

Only fascist-thug leftists are disingenuous enough to attempt to conflate limiting the school library book choices allowed to children with the restriction of freedom.

M Jordan said...

Many of us felt in our bones that the Covid pandemic was a hoax, even a conspiracy manipulated to derail Trump. It worked. But at what cost? No “expert” is trusted anymore no matter how many lab coats he wears. Further, few on the right trust our elections anymore. Wanna know why so many righties are against backing aid to Ukraine? Covid. When the masks went on the true masks came down.

The cynicism that has resulted was overdue. But I t’ll take years, maybe decades, to undo the negative effect all cynicisms yield.

But they did get Trump.

Tom said...

I don’t know how the person who wants to make people stuff they don’t want to can call the person who doesn’t want to make people do stuff they don’t want to a neofascist. But this “scientist” is sure giving it a try.

hpudding said...

Up yours Inga with the bullying. Dr. Hotez held court on why hundreds of nurses needed to be fired during the pandemic for not wanting to take the vaccination. That's bullying.

Awww. It’s actually called capitalism. There’s no reason why a hospital should be forced to maintain employment of front-line workers who are more likely to carry and transmit pandemic illnesses to their patients, causing them to lose reputation and the thing you cons care the most about - MONEY. And you can’t force them too, either. They already require immunization against other vaccine-preventable communicable illnesses, as they should. If you want hospitals to become unhygienic theaters of disease transmission, just say so.

Anyway, nice way to decry bullying - by starting with obscenely cursing at someone.

You poor thing.

hpudding said...

Debating is a spectator sport.

Exactly. That’s why you should not do it with liars like Bobby Kennedy’s kid. Unless you think liars are never believed. Or couldn’t care less for the truth.

The peer review process is a form of debate already. If someone has a problem with Hotez’s or any other conventional publication on vaccines, they can always address them. Or publish their own article. But that would require engagement with the facts and rationality. Bringing Bobby’s kid in is a way of dumbing it down. If the publications are too hard for you to understand, substituting them with a crank propagandist like RFK Jr takes the “sport” out of establishing the truth and turns everything into a spectacle alone.

But if you like spectating for propagandists and consider that your sport, RFK Jr’s your man. He wouldn’t dare pollute those objectives with the truth.

And Joe Rogaine simply believes whatever the last person he interviewed told him. He admits he doesn’t know anything and doesn’t seem to care about much besides UFC commentating and making Spotify and himself a lot of money by pretending he can turn boring things like science and medicine into suspenseful show competitions.

hpudding said...

Looks like the anti-abortionists have buzzed in to circle around Cook’s comment.

If it’s not a crime to refuse use of your body to donate needed blood, bone marrow or other lifesaving organs to someone then there’s no way it should be a crime for a pregnant woman to refuse use of her uterus to gestate a fetus.

Unless you think that pregnant women have fewer rights than anyone else or that fetus have more rights.

QED. I’m so tired of the forced gestationists/forced birthers thinking they have some kind of unassailable logic for turning the potential for pregnancy into matters of criminality and removing all basic healthcare implications. And until it has a social security number and DOB it’s not a person legally.

hpudding said...

Looks like the anti-abortionists have buzzed in to circle around Cook’s comment.

If it’s not a crime to refuse use of your body to donate needed blood, bone marrow or other lifesaving organs to someone then there’s no way it should be a crime for a pregnant woman to refuse use of her uterus to gestate a fetus.

Unless you think that pregnant women have fewer rights than anyone else or that fetus have more rights.

QED. I’m so tired of the forced gestationists/forced birthers thinking they have some kind of unassailable logic for turning the potential for pregnancy into matters of criminality and removing all basic healthcare implications. And until it has a social security number and DOB it’s not a person legally.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

hpudding said...
Me: Debating is a spectator sport.

Exactly. That’s why you should not do it with liars like Bobby Kennedy’s kid. Unless you think liars are never believed. Or couldn’t care less for the truth.

Or unless you actually have facts on your side, in which case you can call out his lies.

Teh reality is that the lies are far more on your side, puddinghead, which is why you refuse to debate

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
and by the freedom of school librarians to curate the books in the school libraries without interference by fasist-thug governors.

You know, I missed the part of teh US Constitution that said that left wing "school librarians" had the sole right to decide what books the taxpayers would purchase, and what books would be displayed in the libraries paid for by the taxpayers.

Could you point me to that part? Because otherwise what I'm seeing here is a worthless scum bag complaining that his fellow scum bags aren't being granted teh power of dictators, and the ability to trample over the laws made by democratically elected representatives.

Do you ever get tired of being total scum?

walter said...

hpudding for brains believes the peer review process is devoid of pressures to conform.

pudding brain also opines "There’s no reason why a hospital should be forced to maintain employment of front-line workers who are more likely to carry and transmit pandemic illnesses to their patients"
..despite that not being the case.
pudding for brains is neck deep in regulatory capture and pharma misinformation.
How many jabs puddin'?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gusty Winds - I know a few people who get every booster.

hpudding said...

Or unless you actually have facts on your side,

Cite one that Kennedy claims in his crusade and the source where he got it from.

Rusty said...

Ivermectin with some other drugs have been proven to ameliorate the symptoms of covid. Don't just take Joe Rogans,( It's spelled 'Rogan' not 'Rogain'), read what other drs have said about it. That is factual.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"The right supports individual rights."

"As confirmed by the great freedom American women enjoy to obtain abortions in most towns and every state in the union and by the freedom of school librarians to curate the books in the school libraries without interference by fasist-thug governors.

In short: Typical self-serving bullshit from the right."

Remember the part where it says, among which are " Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."? Remember the "life" part? Life as a right? Yeah?
We're going from that premise. If it's alive and it's human it has rights.

Leland said...

the source

This is BS. What are your sources, tapioca? The intelligence experts that said Hunter Biden’s laptop was disinformation? Fauci and the CDC that claimed the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory was racist disinformation? The FBI that claimed the Steele Dossier was valid evidence for a FISA? All of these people and agency that coerced Twitter and other social media to suppress discussion contrary to their lies, because they were the authorit[arian] source?

That game won’t work here. Bring your facts, tapioca. Let’s see if your facts can stand up to a rigorous review. You don’t get to claim authority anymore, because you’re a proven liar.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

The man is refusing to debate because he stands so firmly on SCIENCE.

Sorry, but that's the exact opposite of science, in which debates are essential in its pursuit of truth. The Big Dudes who spread the horror of Global Warming - but refuse all debates because 'science' is their authority - got their 'truth' from the local soothsayer on the cheap, and are thereby exempted from listening forever.

JAORE said...

"Don't you have to at least act as though you're devoted to truth and reason if you want to win on the ground that you're the scientist?"

Welcome back to planet earth. How many years have you been away?

walter said...

readering might consider the issue of negative efficacy and increased risk of AEs as jabs accumulate.
Feeling lucky, punk?

Donatello Nobody said...

Nice how Cookie cuts to the chase and confirms that the most important, uber-sacred priorities of the Left are, as has long been clear to all, abortion and sexual deviancy.

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