Ousted San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced his new job Wednesday: He’s spearheading a criminal justice center at UC Berkeley’s School of Law. https://t.co/dak0k2ZHo0
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) May 31, 2023
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Ousted San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced his new job Wednesday: He’s spearheading a criminal justice center at UC Berkeley’s School of Law. https://t.co/dak0k2ZHo0
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) May 31, 2023
The snout returns to the public trough.
Boudin bringing to UC Berkeley what he delivered to San Francisco. That would be a sidewalk feces map of the campus.
Just hope his car isn’t broken into while parked in the faculty lot.
By mistake, I parked in the faculty lot at UNL’s College of Law. My car had a Creighton sticker on it. Felt good.
How much of a grip does Wokeism have today?
A public sector failure is a resume enhancement.
Just look at where Kim Gardner is landing. Word has it that she was working on her masters in nursing while also acting as CA in Saint Louis. Essentially double-dipping, and a violation of the requirements of her office.
Could you even imagine having that woman as a nurse?
"Hi I'm Kim and I'll be your nurse. I see from your chart that you have cancer. I know you want me to do something about it but I've decided your cancer was a good boy and he didn't do anything and we're going to put a temporary hold on your meds while we work on getting your cancer into a work release program for reformed melanomas."
Justice for Criminals!! YAY!! He should work for the Bidens.
Republicans/conservatives will continue to lose as long as they insist on dying on the hill of refusing Patronage. At all levels, the left cleans our clocks on this issue.
Hire my friend, fire my enemy. The specific reasons why my friend needs to be hired or my enemy needs to be fired are irrelevant. But instead the right would rather impotently shout "double standard" or "imagine if the roles were reversed."
Stop expecting your enemies to win your battles for you, and start occupying the battlefield with your own troops.
Is that is a current photo, with the wearing of masks still ongoing in San Fran (except, of course, for Chelsea, because somehow exemptions apply to the spreading of his viral load during mask mandates because he's talking to the press)?
Asking because here in Texas we stopped all that two plus years ago.
Or can't the SF newspaper take an updated picture for a news article about the present day, and just regurgitates an old photo for today's news?
In either case, on the Twitter feed of the SF Chron, immediately above this Tweet is anoteher highlighting the former DA's opinion piece, on why he's not running for office in 2024. Has something to do with how wrong the public is about his tenure as DA. Well, ok, then.
Boudin family specialty is the clean getaway. HIs mom walked away from a blown-up Village building, and 10 years later two dead cops. Now her son gets to watch San Fran spiral down in the doom loop he started, from the ivory tower across the bay.
Don’t you just love fairytale endings?!
Progressives have a tendency to fail upwards
I'm sure the University of Wisconsin would have hired this idiot too.
He will continue to endanger the public from another government job. How very California.
Will UC Berkeley release interview tape?
Let's hope he can turn UC Berkeley into a rotting shithole like he did with San Francisco.
When you've been chosen, life is different.
It takes a village to support a child. These people will rule us without favor or mercy if they can.
Never forget that.
"The left claims that the guilty party in a conflict is not the one who covets another’s goods but the one who defends his own." - Don Colacho
What, they didn't have enough leftists on the faculty already?
Or are they trying to show that "diversity" really means hiring leftists ad infinitum?
Pleasant? Like a turd returning to the toilet bowl…
The weaponization of “criminal justice” continues apace.
1). It is Boalt Hall according to the 1 person competent that attended there
2). Everyone else is incompetent. Particularly the three idiots that killed a bird in Las Vegas.
I have no idea why any reputable firm would hire anyone from Boalt or Stanford
Too bad Epstein cant work at the school for wayward girls.
Remember, people are supposed to believe how icky and wrong it will be to elect Trump as President again with all his past political, ethical, maybe even criminal baggage. But has such baggage hampered the left in any way?
This is a routine practice for the left, as they control university hiring and created many research and advisory think tanks expressly for their political benchwarmers. Welcome to global government mafia.
University-industrial complex.
Medical-industrial complex.
Union-industrial complex.
Diversity-industrial complex.
Military-industrial complex.
Banking-industrial complex.
How soon before he hires the Israel hating Fatima Mousa Mohammed from CUNY as a DEI staffer.
Btw I found out Missoula has its own pipsqueak local cabal sponsoring city judge candidates to go easy on homeless drug addicts. Soros wasn't interested I guess.
But this sort of thing gets around.
I ask you, could this have ended any differently?
Of course he is. Toxic soros leftist pro-crime toxicity - another layer of decay in the university system.
Likely the only cis, white male hire this year.
"The snout returns to the public trough. "
Cannot improve upon that.
where is the diversity in this hire? Kim Foxx and Rachael Rollins must have been entertaining even better offers.
Behold: The White left. Toxic.
Apparently there is no Board of Trustees at UCB, or at least not one with balls.
Shit floats.
A parody appointment on par with naming David Duke DEI dean.
Of course. Back to the place (the university culture) that nurtured and developed his thinking to begin with. They'll retool him, make him better than ever, and send him back to become Governor of California. You ain't seen the destruction this guy can do yet.
The left take care of their own.
"Everyone has to pitch in. You know, this country won't just destroy itself. Each one of us has to do their part to take apart what those slave-owning saddled us with. None of this freedom-from-government stuff. All powerful government is what we want."
At this point, I have planted a patch of popcorn in the backyard, so I will have plenty of it to munch while the republic collapses.
The incestuous relationship between CA "Justice" and Law Schools. Wouldn't it be better to say "Oh, this guy's a failure -- we'll pass on hiring him"
Kevin wins right out of the gate too. Perfect.
This is a variation on the school to prison pipe line. Fugue you, California.
Perfect spot for someone that SAN FRANCISCO ! voted out of office.
Jeeez. !
"I have no idea why any reputable firm would hire anyone from Boalt or Stanford."
Many bar associations, including the ABA, are controlled by lefties. It's not as though the profession is trying to maintain high moral standards.
And what does Chesa Boudin have to do with justice? Has there been a recent, better example of a public "educational" institution thumbing its nose at the people who fund it. "Look at us. We are more left wing than San Francisco voters."
The left take care of their own.
Failing up
This is UC-Berkeley tripling down on their indoctrination of future lawyers to do the woke thing when it comes to the law, not the right thing. After all, we need more radicals in the profession to ignore the Constitution as well as our country’s citizens and those victimized by lawyers like Boudin .
This guy is another James Comey who’s now treated like a celebrated author after leaving the FBI in shambles. Not me saying that, but two independent investigations.
@Mikee - Mask wearing here on the Island of Misfit Toys is still a thing for a lot of people. (I discount most of the Asian population as it's SOP for them forever.) SF Dept. of Public Health still has Covid mask regulations in place for any medical office. I think they expire on 6/12, but who's to say our 'betters' won't extend again.
When I take a visual tally while riding the subway, it's mainly white female millennials and younger in masks (and a smattering of crazy cat-lady looking women) whereas most white male GenX and Hispanics do not. There isn't a large black population in SF but those I do see run the spectrum.
Little Chesa looks so concerned! He needs to get his ass mugged a few times. Nothing wrong with Chesa that a couple of good pistol-whippings won't cure.
Compare to Ilya Shapiro
But he is a white male - how did he get hired? Gay?
Higher Ed is broken across the board. No wonder men are shunning it and simply getting a job instead. Look at the people coming out of Berkeley Law. The DEI woman at Stanford Law, the Soros DA in Alameda County. part of why we left California so we don't have to pay for this craziness.
Surely this is from Babylon Bee. Maybe the Onion rediscovered that democrats are worthy of mockery, too?
The Chronicle gifted Chesa the entire back-page editorial so he could outline his new role focusing on "critical law" - which I think means adjudicating criminal activity based on the social status of the perpetrator. I assume the law experts here know the accurate meaning.
Of course there are two people behind this guy wearing masks.
"A former public defender, Boudin had won election in 2019 amid the fervor of the Black Lives Matter movement and a national effort to elect progressive prosecutors who would undo decades of mass incarceration.
But voters recalled Boudin on June 7, 2022, following a wave of viral shoplifting videos that purported to show the city unraveling, widespread fury over attacks against Asian Americans, and an energetic campaign led by Brooke Jenkins, a former employee of Boudin who quit in 2021. After the recall, Mayor London Breed picked Jenkins to replace her old boss, and voters elected her district attorney in November."
"In an interview with the New York Times, he criticized Jenkins’ decision to prematurely announce that her office would not be pressing charges against Michael Earl-Wayne Anthony, the private security guard who shot and killed Banko Brown at a Walgreens store in downtown San Francisco last month. Anthony was originally arrested in connection with the shooting, but was released after Jenkins said he acted in self-defense. She walked her comments back following public backlash, saying her office did have enough evidence to press charges at the time.
Many — including Boudin — said her decision to publicly claim that Anthony acted in self-defense before an investigation into the shooting was complete jeopardized any chance that he would face jail time for the killing.
“Any experienced prosecutor knows, and Jenkins should have known perfectly well, that you don’t come out while a case is still under investigation, at least allegedly, and make the defense’s case for them,” Boudin said in the New York Times interview."
Oh? Says guy who rode in on BLM wave?
"Spearheading"? How ironic, given that his head should be on a spear...
errr, I mean, pike.
Many bar associations, including the ABA, are controlled by lefties. It's not as though the profession is trying to maintain high moral standards.
Ain't that the truth. Remember, John Yoo also teaches at Berkely Law School. He is the architect of, or at least greenlighted, Bush's torture regime by redefining a definition of torture that has been universally accepted since the end of the Second World War, and ignored both U.S. statute and a treaty banning torture adopted during Reagan's presidency. Yoo shouldn't be teaching Law, he should be a jailhouse lawyer while he is serving his sentence in federal prison.
"When Chesa Boudin campaigned for San Francisco district attorney, in 2019, the story he told was one of experience: he’d grown up visiting his imprisoned parents—former members of the Weather Underground convicted for their roles in a Brink’s-truck robbery that turned deadly—and had worked as a public defender in San Francisco. He had been studying the criminal-justice system for a lifetime. The trouble was that he had the face of an innocent: a slightly stilted voice, pale skin, a dreamy, junior-year-abroad affect. Once in office, he talked to reporters about surfing. But his election campaign came during a Joan of Arc phase in American progressivism, when it seemed like the kids—Greta Thunberg, David Hogg, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—could save us all. Maybe this left-wing Rhodes Scholar was the man to beat back the carceral state.
Last summer, I travelled to San Francisco to interview Boudin and write about his project. Public safety in the city was caught in a paradox. Having taken office just before the pandemic, Boudin had instituted some immediate progressive reforms: liberalizing bail, charging a police officer for murder for the first time in the city’s history, enacting diversion programs to reduce jail populations, and emptying the jails during the pandemic as a public-health measure. The scenario that Boudin’s allies might have worried about—a spike in violence, which can doom even the most tough-on-crime prosecutors—did not happen. There was no outsized increase in murders. But, even a few months after Boudin took office, it became obvious that San Francisco was experiencing an epidemic of disorder. Burglaries and motor-vehicle theft spiked, though larceny levels plummeted. The homeless were everywhere, encamped or not. Addicts were overdosing on streets in the city’s Tenderloin neighborhood almost daily. Smeared everywhere was—it was hard to ignore—a phenomenal quantity of human shit. The paradox was that, in many ways, the city was still as safe as it had been. But it was also becoming much more chaotic, and a little gross.
Here is what I remember from my conversations with Boudin: explaining, explaining, explaining. A natural student, Boudin had amassed an admirable amount of knowledge about crime in San Francisco, its details and cadences. People had started breaking into businesses and homes, he said, after they could no longer break into tourist cars by the water, because the pandemic had killed tourism. Certain viral videos of young people racing out of department stores with armloads of stolen goods were not scenes of chaos but actually of organization, he said; heist rings with ties overseas organized the raids and gave instructions for what to steal. To support these claims, the prosecutor had maps, statistics, charging documents—receipts. Even so, it seemed as if the news kept inviting him to do an ordinary political thing—to evolve, in order to meet voters’ concerns—and he kept refusing. Six months ago, San Francisco’s more centrist mayor, London Breed, announced that she was deploying more cops to deal with drugs in the Tenderloin. Boudin told a press conference, “We can’t arrest and prosecute our way out of problems that are afflicting the Tenderloin.” Fair enough. But if not that—what? Was Boudin’s academic approach—to see crime as a product of structural contingency, rather than as bad guys acting with malice—all wrong?"
Good choice for job security.
Yoo shouldn't be teaching Law, he should be a jailhouse lawyer while he is serving his sentence in federal prison.
Well, Freder has his hobby horse and Chesa is ignored. Chesa learned enough from his terrorist parents and his terrorist adoptive parents to get away with the crimes they committed. No surprise he is a lawyer.
Democrats hire terrorists to teach children, abortionists to nurture girls, trans/homosexuals to groom boys, Levine et al to mutilate, sterilize, and drive underage boys and girls to self-abort.
Who the HELL names their son Chesa??
As a Boalt Hall alum (and I refuse to call it by its new name), I can tell you that Chesa isn’t even close to the extreme there. He is a moderate by Boalt Hall standards.
RideSpaceMountain said...
"Hi, I'm Kim [Gardner] and I'll be your nurse. I see from your chart that you have cancer. I know you want me to do something about it but I've decided your cancer was a good boy and he didn't do anything and we're going to put a temporary hold on your meds while we work on getting your cancer into a work release program for reformed melanomas."
Oh, and your cancer is just trying to turn it's life around and be a productive part of your colon - in other words, an aspiring crapper.
In a related story, the woman who hired Dylan Mulvaney for the Bud Light campaign has now been hired by the Wharton School of Business to direct the marketing efforts of that school.
Brainwash the new generation of law students.
"Oh, and your cancer is just trying to turn it's life around and be a productive part of your colon - in other words, an aspiring crapper."
Well...maybe your cancer. My cancer was going to be a rocket scientist. That was until his life was cut short by the brutality of Officer Chemo. He even had his his lagging chromosomes in the air and everything!
madAsHell said...
Who the HELL names their son Chesa??
Scott said...
But he is a white male - how did he get hired? Gay?
That's the first thing I wondered when I saw the "fairytale ending" comment upthread.
…and Lori Lightfoot going to Harvard. F-up and move up in Wokiedom.
Ironically, the UC Berkeley campus is very clean, safe, and attractive.
Private security.
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