‘F—king Disgrace’: CNN Gifts Trump Primetime Campaign Rally — Network insiders who spoke to Rolling Stone were distraught that the former president had free rein to “spew lies” during the ill-advised town hall — CNN INVITED DONALD Trump to lie on its airwaves for over an hour on Wednesday night.
Discussion: USA Today, HuffPost, Bloomberg, Breitbart, Adweek, Raw Story, New Republic, Deadline, Washington Examiner, The Hill, CNBC, Fox News, Daily Kos and The Guardian

Key takeaways from Trump's CNN town hall … - He inserted himself into the delicate negotiations over the debt ceiling and said congressional Republicans should let the U.S. government default unless Democrats agree to “massive” budget cuts. — He downplayed the potential fallout from a default …
Discussion: The Hill, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Semafor, Just The News, CNN, Washington Times and USA Today

Biden trolls Trump over CNN town hall — President Biden trolled former President Trump on Wednesday over a contentious appearance at a CNN town hall on Wednesday, with Biden asking for supporters to donate to his reelection campaign if they don't want “four more years of that.” — “It's simple, folks.

Trump just (essentially) won the 2024 GOP primary. Here's why. — How do other 2024 candidates hope to defeat the former president in a head-to-head matchup if they won't even challenge him? — When future historians seek to explain how a failed businessman and reality TV star took …
Discussion: NBC News, Progressive Eruptions, Fox News, New York Times, Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, New Republic, ABC News and The Daily Caller

The chilling reality of Trump — CNN Opinion asked expert contributors to weigh in with their reactions to former President Donald Trump's CNN town hall on Wednesday night. The views expressed in this commentary are their own. — Paul Begala: Trump whined, griped and complained
Discussion: The Guardian, Washington Post, El PaĆs, Politico, The Daily Caller, Fox News, Wall Street Journal and The Hill, more at Mediagazer »

CNN Failed America With Its Train Wreck of a Trump Town Hall — CNN decided to reward Trump for his reckless and dangerous behavior by giving him a 70-minute Festivus to air his grievances and lies. … With its Republican presidential town hall on Wednesday, CNN failed journalism …
Discussion: New Republic, PoliticusUSA, Plain Dealer, RedState, Mediaite, New York Daily News, New Jersey Online, Washington Press, NPR and New York Post

Ocasio-Cortez on Trump town hall: ‘CNN should be ashamed of themselves’ — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) slammed CNN over its decision to hold a town hall with former President Trump on Wednesday night. — “CNN should be ashamed of themselves,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

Pure Trump re-injected into the main vein of American politics at CNN town hall — Emboldened by polls, Trump took to the airwaves to begin selling his 2024 plans to a broader audience. — WASHINGTON — Americans saw a pure version of Donald Trump Wednesday — fortunately or unfortunately.
Discussion: The Bulwark, PoliticusUSA, Rolling Stone, Al Jazeera, Adweek, Deadline, New York Post, The Daily Beast, Fox News, Just The News, Associated Press, Politico and Louder With Crowder

Trump's Falsehoods and Bluster Overtake CNN Town Hall — Facing questions from the audience and the moderator, Donald Trump insisted, falsely, that the 2020 election was rigged. He also dodged questions on abortion, praised Jan. 6 rioters and mocked E. Jean Carroll.

Takeaways from town hall: Trump says sexual assault case was ‘fake,’ calls Jan. 6 ‘a beautiful day’ — Donald Trump's primetime appearance in a live CNN town hall Wednesday had the former president and 2024 presidential candidate doubling down on his false claims as he faced tough questions …
Discussion: CNN, HuffPost, The Hill, Mediaite, WFLA-TV, The Spectator World, Raw Story, Washington Examiner, WGN-TV, Human Events, The Hollywood Reporter, National Review, RedState, The Guardian, NBC News and Vanity Fair

Hakeem Jeffries Torches Trump Republicans By Naming Their 3 Basic Pillars — The House minority leader told MSNBC what the MAGA wing really believes. — House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) put former President Donald Trump and his supporters in the Republican Party on blast …

Entirely Unrepentant — “Our country is being destroyed by stupid people,” …
Discussion: Financial Times, The Daily Beast, Reuters, Associated Press, CNN, Variety, Bloomberg and UPI

CNN's Kaitlan Collins tries, and tries, to rebut Trump's election lies

CNN's Trump Forum Was a Bracing Preview of Political Coverage to Come
Discussion: The Hill, The Western Journal, Forbes, The Gateway Pundit, Variety, The Daily Caller, Raw Story, RedState, Washington Examiner and al.com

Trump's Still Stuck In 2020, And Other Takeaways From His CNN Town Hall
Discussion: Mediaite, The Hill, Washington Times, Al Jazeera, The Gateway Pundit, Insider, CNNand NBC News
It's hilarious the people most wedded to the concept of one's "own truth" are most upset that Trump "spews lies".
I did watch a bit after the Townhall. Jake Tapper was unhinged.
The thing of it is if Vivek is the nominee, they can’t smear him personally. They’ll have to attack his ideas and his ideas are great.
That's what delusion looks like. They love that Joe Biden is taking down America as we know it to complete Baracks fundamental transformation.
"Our country is being ruined by stupid people." Best quote of the night.
AOC's tweet was a close second.
"CNN should be ashamed of themselves...
The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host."
"expert contributors"
Based on the brief bios provided, and those at links to their books, the alleged expertise is often vague/elusive. Some merely appear to be "experts" at contributing opinions.
Darren Tome / CNN:
The chilling reality of Trump — CNN Opinion asked expert contributors to weigh in with their reactions to former President Donald Trump's CNN town hall on Wednesday night.
If we're laughing you're losing.
The lead in most of the stories is outrage that a former US President with strong support in the US should be allowed to speak to the US public on any mainstream media. There doesn't seem to be a lot of confidence that the writers could refute his positions with fact and reason. There doesn't seem to be embarrassment at opposing free speech.
“Our country is being destroyed by stupid people!”
Well that’s true enough. And not all that controversial.
"image of outrage"
Progs can have it both ways: enjoy the ecstasy of outrage while promoting Trump as the GOP candidate.
They spelled his name right. Every single one.
It's like watching a bad driver fixate on an object and then plow the car directly into it.
Sisyphus nods.
"Who will rid us of this troublesome man?"
"Literally, or stochastically?"
It's like when your friend goes to the mall with your worst enemy. How dare she!!!!!!
The deranged are those who find Trump the liar to be correct and the media biased. Packing the CNN live audience with those who laugh and applaud Trump's continued insults against the woman who just beat the shit out of him in court to the tune of $5 million is totally sick.
Watch for this video to appear in an improbable court appeal if TFG should even dare.
I'm exhausted just reading those headlines.
Can the outrage machine stayed cranked up to 'eleven' all the way to November '24?
”Our country is being destroyed by stupid people,” former President Donald Trump declared during a CNN town hall tonight
Right on! Trump is speaking truth, if not to power then at least to CNN.
Power to the [normal] people!
”Our country is being destroyed by stupid people,” former President Donald Trump declared during a CNN town hall tonight
Right on! Trump is speaking truth, if not to power then at least to CNN.
Power to the [normal] people!
Damn, now I'm going to have to vote for Trump again, just to watch the meltdowns.
Their whole plan relies totally on withholding relevant information so that reasonable people buy their arguments. It started with global warming, when, for instance, we were told that warming threatens polar bears, when in fact, polar bears pre-date the Eemian period, when it was far warmer than today for about three thousand years, even to the point where the Maldives were underwater.
Yes, that's right, the Maldives are a flood plain within the natural course of the geologic history of our planet and just a few thousand years ago, during what they used to call the Holocene Optimum, the Arctic was far warmer than today, due to the fact that the noonday sun was directly overhead as far north as Alaska, indeed the whole planet was warmer by several degrees.
When they learned that they could suppress facts like the above simply by replacing the editors of the climate journals, their attention started turning to other areas. They have gotten people to go along with their fascist schemes by convincing them that they are "saving the planet" when honest discussion of the actual "risks to the planet" are not allowed, because they know that the science is too weak.
So here we are, with a press that has been utterly co-opted, by people with a combined trillions of dollars in private wealth, in the name of saving the planet. After all, if hungry people want to build a fertilizer plant in Africa to lessen their dependence on Europe and America, this will create global warming, and so can't be allowed. (Actual case) The way this is controlled is through control of the currency. This is why we provoked a war with Russia, we can't tolerate competition anymore than a wife beater can allow his wife a new boyfriend.
It's all of a piece.
That's a typical day in the life of angry progressives.
gadfly said...
The deranged. He is talking about himself again. YOU are deranged. Get help.
I only got to see the Las 15-20 minutes but loved it. That's why so many people love him and would crawl across broken glass to vote for him. The presstitute monitor was horritalking over him and cutting him off.
I particularly like the smell of fascist tears in the morning. They are scared shitless of him. Thanks for posting that Ann.
John Henry
Here's another. It was WORSE than 9/11, Watergate, the CIVIL War ect,ect (that's what they told us about 1/6!!)
Brian Doherty
Translation: The townhall was a success for Donald Trump.
Brian Stelter
CNN's town hall with Trump "was just disgraceful on every level," @JoeNBC says.
"The most shocking part" was seeing an audience "lapping it up."
"What I saw last night was as chilling as anything I've seen on television since January the 6th."
We all know why. CNN needs ratings and Trump is a ratings rainmaker. It’s simple math but still too hard for progressives to manage.
Thank you CNN for building a large enough catapult to launch the Trump train into orbit. Watching him run over the CNN skank on his way to orbit was a beautiful way to help CNN circle the drain with a little more vigor.
AHHHH! The lamentations of their women!
and Gadfly.
Judging by the photos, Feinstein is ready to leap from that wheelchair and pirouette into the fray.
My best friend went to the mall with my worst enemy. How could she do that to me?
The left and CNN (but I repeat myself) WANT Trump as the GOP nominee.
They know how to beat him. They destroy him, mock him, call him a liar, and get his 35-42% base all riled up.
Santos and CNN-Trump took the spotlight off Biden corruption. There's that too.
Thanks Althouse. You read the liberal/left crap, so I don't have to. The Liberal/left MSM has lied about TRump. They've made up things, distorted things, and attacked him 365/24/7 for over 7 years now.
My life got so bettter when I stopped watching TV news. Or reading any MSM article about Trump, except to "spot the lie". I read the NYTs, WSJ, and WaPO, like Soviet citizens used to read Pravada. You have to sift throught the lies and propaganda to get to some truth.
John Henry:
I loved (past tense) Trump too. But he walked into a trap on January 6. Stupid.
After he is convicted in DC federal court (and he will be), Trump will be unelectable.
Vivek and Ron don't have the baggage that Trump does. Felony conviction is a ton of baggage.
That list is definitive proof that my theory is correct.
THE DEMOCRXICT LEFT WANT TRUMP. They say -*ugh* as a cover - but they want Trump v Biden.
They know Trump is a democrxt get out the vote machine.
More defamation of the $5 ,000,000 case he just loss to the 79 year old woman (that's my wife Marla! not my type,never seen her before),brilliant do it again E Jean, keep racking up the $$ from this documented sex abuser.
Me thinks the fella is brain damaged TDS is back in full force,Chrite ,Asa ,Mp brooks Cornin now all showing small twitches of spine about the previous loser.Its early
CNN struggles for relevance so invites the great Satan. It works...
Network insiders were 'distraught.'
Holy fuck.
Talk about living in a liberal bubble your entire life.
Liberals don't even have basic life skills at this point...
Dave Begley: "The thing of it is if Vivek is the nominee, they can’t smear him personally."
Why do you think that? Of course they can and they will. It's what they do. There is no evidence that lefties are interested in ideas.
“Lockstep Lefty Tears”, bottled with love, will soon be hitting the shelves of America’s supermarkets.
These are the stupid people Trump was talking about. They are threatening implicitly to cancel CNN. LOL!
Despite the ongoing barrage from Pravda, it is challenging to accept that there are actually people who believe there is "no evidence" of 2020 election rigging or that it has been "proved" that the election was legitimate.
Such people are not merely stupid, they are dangerous.
I've noticed this about fake Republicans and Fake Conservatives. Instead of attacking the D's and liberal/left - they attack Trump.
Which gives the game away. Bad move on their part.
fake Republicans
Republicans were founded as the anti-slavery party. Abolitionists. Anti-Choice... Anti-Human Rites, today.
Fake Conservatives
Decepticons. That said, conservatives are easy to mischaracterize: Declaration and Constitution. Fortunately, we no longer perceive emanations from penumbras under the twilight faith.
"no evidence" of 2020 election rigging or that it has been "proved" that the election was legitimate.
It was proven with diverse testimony in diverse courts where Americans were ruled to have standing that the election was rigged. The counterclaim is that democracy prevailed and that the votes did not matter.
gadfly said...
Watch for this video to appear in an improbable court appeal if TFG should even dare.
Yes, because extraneous videos are routinely played during appellate hearings.
How many appellate cases have you personally handled, Gadfly? I'll wager ... zero.
BUMBLE BEE said...
AHHHH! The lamentations of their women!
and Gadfly.
You saved me the trouble. Thanks
Everybody on the left will tell that they hate Trump, but they won't tell why they love Biden.
Dave Begley: "The thing of it is if Vivek is the nominee, they can’t smear him personally."
Meet the new Brown face of White Supremacy.
rcocean said...
I've noticed this about fake Republicans and Fake Conservatives. Instead of attacking the D's and liberal/left - they attack Trump.
Which gives the game away. Bad move on their part.
5/11/23, 9:56 AM
AA should also be outraged and unafraid to say so, but she has become the prisoner of the collection of commenters she has somehow accumulated and held onto over the life of the blog. Very few of the outraged will comment here, given the invective against such comments approved by the blog author every day.
Kudos Rocky. Sadly apt.
"After he is convicted in DC federal court (and he will be), Trump will be unelectable."
It is true, that to defeat Sauron, one must enter Mordor.
"Expert. Contributors."
"The thing of it is if Vivek is the nominee, they can’t smear him personally."
They can't? You think people who lie about everything can't lie about him? Bless your heart.
Fake conservative Trump spends most of his time dumping on DeSantis... instead of the very corruptocrats who want to destroy him.
Fail. & no sale.
The DD Dope is at it again:
Blogger DINKY DAU 45 said...
More defamation of the $5 ,000,000 case he just loss to the 79 year old woman (that's my wife Marla! not my type,never seen her before),brilliant do it again E Jean, keep racking up the $$ from this documented sex abuser.
Me thinks the fella is brain damaged TDS is back in full force,
Dopey, the NYC jury found that he did NOT rape her so saying he did not is now established. The NYC judge (Obama or Clinton appointed) said any touch was assault so they rule he had assaulted her. How is just a mystery too tough for you to understand at sub 100 IQ.
Jury ruled she was sexually assaulted. There was a third, lesser charge presented of unlawful touching, but jury did not need to get to that. Turns out there was a Trumpy jury whom p moved to strike as biased (presumably after using up peremptory challenges), but the judge denied the motion. Unsealed after verdict. Perhaps that juror rejected rape. Unanimity of the 8 required in federal civil trials (unlike 9 out of 12 in Cal state court). So majority could have gone with sexual assault to avoid a mistrial. Have not heard of any having been interviewed yet. Judge kinda discouraged them from talking.
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