May 25, 2023

The Lincoln Project to Ron DeSantis: "[Y]ou’re going to get absolutely destroyed.... We’re sure going to love watching you crash and burn."

"Your awkwardness, disdain for people, and general disgust with the process, won’t help while you’re shaking countless hands in distant diners or standing in the middle of a fair posing for pictures with a butter cow. You think you are owed a win, but you’ve never been attacked like Trump will wreck you. Your height, your recent and sudden weight loss, your terrible political judgment, the bad advice from domineering advisors, will all be fair game to Trump. He’s going to go through you like fingers through pudding. You’re too weak and afraid of Trump and his MAGA cult members to fight him to win. It was a brilliant move to announce on Twitter so you don’t have to talk to real people or answer real questions. It’s just you and Elon Musk – a South African who believes that the radical right deserves their own space to scream racist tropes, promote political violence, and push a bizarre culture war.... "

From an open letter to Ron DeSantis from The Lincoln Project.

What the phrase "will all be fair game to Trump" really means is that it's completely fair game to The Lincoln Project. They're the ones saying these things, but they'd like us to imagine that the bad orange man will be saying them and they're only predicting it. They got me looking up DeSantis's height, which they clearly think is an issue, but they'd like us to believe it's not them, it's Trump who has contempt for men of less than above-average height. 


YoungHegelian said...

The Lincoln Project --- giving Never-Trump Republicans a bad name since 2019.

Seriously, could these people be any more loathsome? Some days, I like Trump just because of the people he sends into apoplexy. Like the Lincoln Project.

Limited blogger said...

Yeah, this is normal.

mezzrow said...

Feel the love. Politics in 2023.

All the appeal of watching old obese men wrestle in a tub of creamed corn. Ignore this like it isn't even there and you've dealt with it, DeSantis. Who does this appeal to?

I don't know.

MickV said...

DeSantis broke stays in office as gov. of Fla. because he signed an absurd word game election bill (Fl. HB 7050 line 1362) that redefined the word "qualify" in the Resign to Run statute to mean the same as those qualifying to run in the state of Florida (Fl. Stat. 99.021), when they all know that "qualify" in Resign to Run means "qualify for a national POTUS campaign" ("qualify" with the FEC). Then he "qualified" w/ the FEC and didn't resign.

SEE line 1382

His stance on abortion makes him unelectable, since he signed an abortion ban law after 6 weeks. Women will not vote for him.

Temujin said...

The Lincoln Project exists only on oxygen supplied to them by Trump. They have no idea what they're doing, or what they're saying. They are a mirror of Trump, showing the opposite opinions, but the same look. The difference is, The Lincoln Project team makes Trump look like a man of the highest moral character.

They have no idea the tiger who's tail they're pulling on with DeSantis.

Michael K said...

Gee, if they hate Trump and hate DeSantis, who do they like ? Maybe the groomers there are still looking for the perfect one, like Mulvaney ?

readering said...

Why is AA promotingthe Lincoln Project?

Leland said...

I'm sure Ron DeSantis stance on groomers has caused The Lincoln Project to come out against him.

Sebastian said...

Not that scummy scum deserve a response, and the prog mush they are shoveling is in fact a good sign for Ron D., but--

"We’re sure going to love watching you crash and burn."

Didn't they pretend to be Republicans once upon a time?

"Your awkwardness, disdain for people, and general disgust with the process"

Huh? Evidence?

"You think you are owed a win"


"Your height, your recent and sudden weight loss"

Can't do anything about height, though Americans do prefer their presidents on the taller side. Weight loss is a very good sign that he knows he needs fitness and stamina. He will have to stress the contrast with the bloated orange man and decrepit dementia Joe.

"your terrible political judgment"

So terrible it won him crushing victories in FL.

"You’re too weak and afraid of Trump and his MAGA cult members to fight him to win."

Except that he is already standing up to Trump and fighting to win. Trump = big talk, Ron = big results, etc.

"to talk to real people or answer real questions"

As opposed to basement Joe. And Elon is not real? Anyway, DeSantis answers actual questions in actually coherent fashion. If that's going to be the standard: advantage, Ron.

"a South African"

And U.S. citizen. Why the xenophobia against African-Americans?

Enigma said...

Err...we are in a cold civil war here. Blind, unreflective rage. No sense of unintended consequences or coming across as a fool. I've rarely seen such middle-school taunts from a large political group. If politics is downstream from culture that's what 'mature adult' means today(!)

The tone brought to mind the old Saturday Night Live Hans and Franz parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Girly man. We are here to pump you up. Girly man. Girly man."

Big Mike said...

The Lincoln project is nothing but a component of the great griftopia. They fool no one who isn’t desperate to be fooled.

wendybar said...

What do you expect from Pedophilia loving Biden supporters???

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Strange - We thought those guys were still "conservative" LOL.

Army of Chuck pedophiles and leftist sexual obsessives.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Lincoln Project(D-leftist-totalitarian + pedo) morphed into.... Trump.

holy crap.

Again - the corrupt left tell you who they are most afraid of.

Inga said...

Trump will attack DeSantis in any and every way he wants to. This sort of attack from Trump has been seen over the last 6 years. The Lincoln Project didn’t have to imagine this.

Short People Are Pissed at Trump for His Bloomberg Height Attacks

Quaestor said...

"Elon Musk – a South African who believes that the radical right deserves their own space to scream racist tropes, promote political violence, and push a bizarre culture war...."

The Lincoln Project thoroughly approves of the safe space the radical left has enjoyed to scream racist tropes, promote and commit political violence, and push a bizarre culture war, so why do they deplore their own party enjoying equal access to such tactics? They claim to be admirers of the 16th President, but I do not recall a case of Honest Abe failing to promote evenhandedness. After all, Lincoln didn't write a sharply worded letter to the editor of the Charleston Mercury, he raised an army.

Frankly, I believe the Lincoln Project is a creature of the DNC and counts no Republicans among its vague and nebulous membership. It's a rebirth of Soldatensender Calais. Look that up if the reference isn't familiar.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

" You think you are owed a win, but you’ve never been attacked like Trump will wreck you. Your height, your recent and sudden weight loss, your terrible political judgment, the bad advice from domineering advisors, will all be fair game to Trump. He’s going to go through you like fingers through pudding. You’re too weak and afraid of Trump and his MAGA cult members to fight him to win. It was a brilliant move to announce on Twitter so you don’t have to talk to real people or answer real questions. It’s just you and Elon Musk – a South African who believes that the radical right deserves their own space to scream racist tropes, promote political violence, and push a bizarre culture war.... ""

Incorrect read. 100% wrong and dishonest.

Who wrote that? Trump or Trump's former nemesis?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mandy Cornell's brother auditioned for Trumps TV show "The apprentice" and he made it on as a potential contestant.
He was voted off 1st - because Trump thought he was too tall and Trump didn't want to be photographed standing next to anyone taller than him.

True story.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I understand that group of (mostly) weird (mostly) men are an advocacy group and they hate Trump or anyone they think is acting trumpy but their actual purpose for existing eludes me. What are they advocating for? Why does the Lincoln Project exist? Because that answer is not readily apparent in what they say and do it begs the question who is financing this mysterious Project?

And again, why? Is it just a hate group like the KKK or an issue group like PP? I honestly couldn’t guess. That they rose to the level of comment by Althouse means something. But yet again I know not what.

tim maguire said...

Who is the Lincoln Project pretending to speak for these days? Weren't they a Never Trump grift? Now who are they pimping for? Have they completely abandoned the pose of being conservatives trying to save conservatism?

Birches said...

Trump will be lauding The Lincoln Project after this video. Cuomo had a better COVID response than DeSantis"

Does anyone believe this? Always Trump guys: do you believe this?

Mr. T. said...

The Lincoln Pedophile Project is just mad that Desantis wouldn't let them molest under age boys.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here is DeSantis on Gowdy.
I thought he did a good job.

Trump and the left will hate it.

Wince said...

...We’ve been following your career for a while now, and we think we know you pretty well. We’re comfortable calling you an unAmerican poseur who wraps himself in the flag and military imagery to hide the fact that he’s nothing more than a wannabe despot who governs as a bully. Patriots don’t ban textbooks, destroy individual rights, and attack companies that don’t agree with his policies.


Your Friends At The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy.

A few observations in no particular order:

No one at LP was willing to sign that screed?

The mask slips: they are no longer claiming the mantle of being the genuine Republicans?

How many of those LP leadership people served in the military like DeSantis?

Aren't they going to make Trump look reasonable and fair by comparison?

Having both Trump and DeSantis in the race complicates the hatchet job of the deep state.

Tom T. said...

They're not even pretending to be Republicans anymore.

Skeptical Voter said...

Some people just love to run their mouth seeking attention. You look "The Lincoln Project" up on Wikipedia, and you find that it is a political action committee of "moderate Republicans" formed in 2019 to prevent the re-election of Trump.

And now they are taking shots at DeSantis saying that Trump (their former villain) will run DeSantis over. Hmmh--I thought they didn't like Trump and DeSantis is --at the moment--pictured as the guy most likely to win against Trump.

So you have to ask The Lincoln Project, 'Okay Buckwheat just who are you backing in 2024?"

dbp said...

Let me get this straight: The Lincoln Project spent all of the Trump years attacking Trump and yet they think there is anyone outside the left who think they have some sort of conservative bonafides?

mikee said...

Ah, the game my sadistic older brother used to play: this other guy and you should fight, I'll referee.

Mr. Majestyk said...

This unhinged attack by the loonies at the Lincoln Project is almost enough to make me want to vote for DeSantis. But not quite.

Rocco said...

"Your ... disdain for people, and general disgust with the process, won’t help while you’re shaking countless hands in distant diners or standing in the middle of a fair posing for pictures with a butter cow." (emphasis added)

Nothing says "disdain for people" and "disgust with the process" quite like writing the bolded part of the quote.

Jamie said...

The Lincoln Project is purporting to know what and how Trump thinks?

I like to think I should be able to understand the motives and behaviors of my opponents. But I can't, not with any confidence. I draw inferences based on what they do (which is why I am disproportionately concerned with the increasingly boring trans stuff - because what they do is increasingly aimed at children, which is not boring but horrifying), but understand them? No.

I have very close friends who are very progressive, and I don't even understand them, except in the most general terms like, "They believe social problems, which they define, are best dealt with at the national level and that government is the right medium for finding and implementing solutions." I don't understand even a little how they came to believe these things.

How on earth would the Lincoln Project, famously anti-Trump in the particular way that means they believe they are culturally and intellectually far above Trump and those who support him, understand how Trump will feel and what he will do about DeSantis?

cassandra lite said...

Debate stage, 1808. Charles Pinckney: "What a fucking shrimp you are, Madison. What are you, five four? LOL. Shorties like you, real Americans will never accept as president. Blah blah blah the Constitution and Federalist papers. Blah blah blah, you're just a shrimp. Go back to where the midgets hang out."

walter said...

"We’ve been following your career for a while now, and we think we know you pretty well. We’re comfortable calling you an unAmerican poseur who wraps himself in the flag and military imagery to hide the fact that he’s nothing more than a wannabe despot who governs as a bully. Patriots don’t ban textbooks, destroy individual rights, and attack companies that don’t agree with his policies.
But there’s no reason this can’t be fun! We’re sure going to love watching you crash and burn.
Your Friends At The Lincoln Project
The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy."

Lincoln Blogerers cuts:
"The Danger of DeSantis
The next year will be Trump and DeSantis volleying back and forth increasingly extremist policies. The end result? A 2024 GOP platform that cuts funding to Ukraine and supports Marjorie Taylor Greene’s civil war.
The battle between DeSantis and Trump will take us there. And the pro-democracy coalition has to be ready.
"The next year will be Trump and DeSantis volleying back and forth increasingly extremist policies. The end result? A 2024 GOP platform that cuts funding to Ukraine and supports Marjorie Taylor Greene’s civil war.
The battle between DeSantis and Trump will take us there. And the pro-democracy coalition has to be ready.
-The Lincoln Project"
"“Yes, the biggest threat to democracy is MAGA. But that’s never going away. What really concerns me is the apathetic voter who’s willing to look away from Trump’s authoritarianism and give him his ballot. I support you all because you’re laser focused on that voter.” – Lisa T.
This is exactly what we’re about. If you agree with this response, I’d like to ask you to pitch in to support our work and make sure we can build a coalition to beat Trump.
Lisa outlined exactly what our mission is leading up to the 2024 election. Trump and the MAGA movement are here to stay – until we beat them so many times that they realize authoritarian crazy isn’t a way to win anymore. There isn’t a criminal indictment or wannabe GOP leader who will change the truth about Trump (Of course I saw Tim Scott’s announcement today, and I probably won’t think about it again until he drops out after getting 3% in Iowa).
It’s important that you and everyone you know who cares about our democracy, fully understand that truth. And if we don’t get as many American voters on board as possible (enough to win 270 electoral votes and crucial races around the country), then we risk handing our country right back over to Trump and MAGA.

Chuck said...
It's been a hard place for me to get to; rooting for Trump to win the GOP nomination in order to beat him again and make him an even bigger loser for all of posterity. But that is where I am at. Trump is so bad for the country, that he needs to be beaten again.
5/11/23, 10:36AM
Go Team Joementia!! For "Democracy"!

Rocco said...

" It was a brilliant move to announce on Twitter so you don’t have to talk to real people or answer real questions."

Why, it's almost like a Biden press conference!

Sally327 said...

That screed reads like bad Tolkien fan fiction, Trump as Azog cheered on by the Orc Horde.

So far DeSantis is fortunate in his enemies.

Ice Nine said...

>Ann Althouse said...
What the phrase "will all be fair game to Trump" really means is that it's completely fair game to The Lincoln Project.<


And the Lincoln dicks didn't waste any time at it with their obligatory supercilious "or standing in the middle of a fair posing for pictures with a butter cow" dig at DeSantis' deplorable bumpkins out in flyover country, did they.

CJinPA said...

Using Trump language to appeal to anti-Trump donors in such a crude, childish manner. This is one of the most repugnant political missives I've seen in a long time.

I guess they're railing against their own irrelevance.

Freeman Hunt said...

This comes off as unhinged. Lincoln Project fail.

M Jordan said...

The Lincoln Project is beneath contempt. I’m no DeSantis guy but these pieces of feces are, well, I already said it.

walter said...

The Coup Might Be Dressed Up a Whole Lot Nicer in 2024
My friend Tom Edsall recently joined our podcast and discussed something we’ve been screaming from the rooftops for a while now:
What you’re seeing from the ultra-MAGA right is being carefully planned and coordinated.
It may look chaotic. It is. But there is a method to this madness, and you can look no further than the pending lawsuit in front of the Supreme Court that may give ultra-MAGA dominated state legislatures the ability to vote on election results.
As Tom quoted Richard Hasen in the New York Times: “the potential coup next time will come in neatly filed legal briefs and arguments quoting Thomas Jefferson and wrapped in ancient precedents and purported constitutional textualism. It will be no less pernicious.”
This is basically the Glenn Youngkin of policy goals. It’s ultra-right-wing agendas wrapped up in a sweater vest to make it look a little more appetizing. It’s too easy to dismiss all of this as a sideshow. It isn’t. It’s too easy for the media to act like both sides are extreme. They aren’t. And it’s too easy to get lulled into thinking the Presidential election next November is the only battleground. That’s what they want you to think.
It’s why in 2022, we fought so hard in Wisconsin this year. It’s why we had 17 victories in races we deemed critical to the survival of democracy. And it’s why every time you see them doing the crazy, we have to call it out and work like hell to defeat it. Are you with us?
At an RNC donor retreat this week, Cleta Mitchell, one of their chief coup architects, went into detail about exactly how they’re going to institutionalize the next coup. Everything from even more outlandish court cases to active voter suppression in swing states. She said they should “combat” voting on college campuses. Eliminate things like early voting and same-day voter registration. And don’t think she won’t do it, either. She was on that “perfect” call where Trump asked Georgia’s Secretary of State to just “find him some votes.”
They will stop at nothing. Everything they can do to make pro-democracy voters stay home while inspiring ultra-MAGA diehards to vote.
Our goal for the next 16-plus months is to leave no stone unturned. Take action at the local level with The Union. Mobilize to make America smoke the whole pack of extremism. Drop into key races with air cover when they need it most. And not ever let up.-Trippi
Senior Advisor, The Lincoln Project"

Get you some Edssall:

deepelemblues said...

Does anyone anywhere have any self awareness?

Who thought this supremely cringe missive was a good idea? How embarrassing! My main reaction was wondering how many times Ron DeSantis gave the Lincoln Project boys swirlies, how many lockers he stuffed them into, how many of their crushes he banged at the parties they weren't invited to.

Linc said...

Irrespective of one's view toward Trump, the risk of a disastrous Biden win of another term after "basement" campaign is far too great for Republicans to not consider an alternative.

It's the risk, stupid, to paraphrase a politico of the past.

Lincoln Wolverton

gilbar said...

WOW! so the pedophile coalition is opposed to DeSanits?
What are Life Long Liberal Lying Lushes going to do Now? I guess do like always, and vote democrat?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Lincoln, I mean the pedo, Project, hopes to be relevant. They're nothing but failed election consultants whose only claim to fame is their ability to spend a client's money and deliver nothing.

gilbar said...

announce on Twitter so you don’t have to talk to real people or answer real questions.

seems like, if you didn't want Real People; you'd announce on a democrat voter roll?
seems like, if you didn't want Real Questions, you'd announce on a Biden Press conference ?

Political Junkie said...

I wish death upon all in Lincoln Project. Their family too. Painful and long.

nbks said...

Has anyone *not* figured out that the Lincoln Project is an anti-conservative effort, not an anti-Trump project?

walter said...

"The Lincoln Project isn’t stopping at Trump. It’s also attacking Trump’s allies in the Senate, including vulnerable GOP senators such as Martha McSally (R-Ariz), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa). Its most recent ad, released Wednesday, attacks Ernst for voting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on most measures."

Meanwhile, gotta vote save Democracy!!...maybe into 2028. The threat is that big!
But wait..

Blogger Chuck said...
I only wish that we could equip DeSantis and Trump with whatever political equipment was necessary to mutually kill each other's political careers. On video, of course; because I want to watch it.
5/20/23, 9:23AM

MayBee said...

Never Trump needs Trump for $$$

Gunner said...

How dare you lose weight! You should stay a fatass like us, Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson!

Jaq said...

America is really giving me that "Deutscheland Uber Alles" vibe from the movie Caberety these days.

Original Mike said...

Tell me again, Lincoln Project, how you were uniquely opposed to Trump because he was somehow beyond the pale.

Duke Dan said...

So the Lincoln Project confirms their position was always Never Republicans and not just Never Trump. But we already knew that.

minnesota farm guy said...

I am not sure who the Lincoln project consists of these days, but from what I can see their claim to be working to save American "democracy" (we are a republic) is just so much horse puckey. I have seen nothing but negatives about anyone who enters the political arena and no suggestions for what the solution to our problems today may be. I'm unimpressed with those who do nothing but bitch without stepping up and offering solutions and certainly those like Lincoln who don't seem to want to "enter the arena".

Bob Boyd said...

They sound bitter.

JPS said...

It's amazing, and telling, how much they hate him. They are functionally Trump's allies on this.

Michael said...

Why would anyone write such a letter? What purpose can it serve? It makes it impossible to believe that the Lincoln Project is not some kind of false-flag operation.

Jupiter said...

"The Lincoln Project"
Are those shit-suckers still around? I thought they all quit when it turned out the head honcho was a child rapist. I guess they got over it. Hey, a good grift is hard to find. Leftist billionaires don't grow on trees.

boatbuilder said...

This is clearly some sort of plot to get people to side with Desantis.


Gregory said...

I have a couple of rules in life when dealing with people. One of them is that if they have a bust or painting of Lincoln in their office or if they have Abe's last name in their organization's name, I put my hand on my wallet and close my ears to their pitch. Unlike Honest Abe, they are not.

pious agnostic said...

The Lincoln Man-Boy Love Project has weighed in.

Old and slow said...

These Lincoln Project fellows seem like real decent people! They can lead us all back to civility and decorum.

Kate said...

The Lincoln Project found someone they like less than Trump. I didn't think that was possible.

Mikey NTH said...

The Lincoln Project again? It seems the "true Republicans" are once more showing their donkey ears. As I expected.

Mikey NTH said...

The Lincoln Project again? It seems the "true Republicans" are once more showing their donkey ears. As I expected.

AMDG said...

Boy, they sure fear DeSantis.

Jason said...

The best explaination for why the Lincoln Project is the wy they are is that they are run by demons and goblins.

Dave Begley said...

WTF? These are Republicans?

Who is paying those people? The ChiComs? The Dems?

And George Conway turns my stomach.

cubanbob said...

The Lincoln Project is a bad joke. No one takes them seriously except our LLR Chuck.Who will be the Republican nominee remains to be seen but no sentient person who isn't on the government grift will vote for FJB. Unfortunately there are a lot of people benefiting from the government grift.

Rick67 said...

1. Why does the Lincoln Project care at all whether DeSantis can beat Trump? They hate Trump.

2. I have zero respect or patience for the Lincoln Project.

Paul A. Mapes said...

Gee, I thought that the Lincoln Project was for loyal Republicans and conservatives whose only objection to Trump was his offensive personality and dubious ethics. If I didn't know better, it would now seem as if it has actually become a group of people who are neither conservatives nor Republicans. Indeed, truly cynical observes might even suspect that it is just a scam designed to raise funds from wealthy leftists.

Paul A. Mapes said...

Gee, I thought that the Lincoln Project was for loyal Republicans and conservatives whose only objection to Trump was his offensive personality and dubious ethics. If I didn't know better, it would now seem as if it has actually become a group of people who are neither conservatives nor Republicans. Indeed, truly cynical observes might even suspect that it is just a scam designed to raise funds from wealthy leftists.

Sean said...

Why has high school pettiness infected so many adult lives?

Wait... it has always been this way. Social media has allowed all these jokers to scream it from the rooftops.


Roger Sweeny said...

"With malice toward none, with charity for all ..."

I think The Lincoln Project was not well-named.

Ampersand said...

The Lincoln Projectionists are projecting.

JRoberts said...

What’s their (Lincoln Project’s) damage?

Has this group made any positive contribution any election cycle, or is their mission merely verbal diarrhea?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The statement from the Lincoln Project sounds unhinged. The GOPe thought they could just get rid of Trump and then business as usual could go on. They could not conceive that other people would take up the cause of the deplorable rubes.

I am going to make a prediction. Donald Trump will not be the next president of the US. The deep state simply won't allow it. They will stop it no matter what it takes. We are now at a point where the US Government sues school districts for attempting to keep sexually explicit material out of grade school libraries. That is insane. Insane people run the government. At one point I would have laughed at anyone claiming that there was a government conspiracy to kill JFK. Now, after everything that has happened over the last few years, I'm starting to think I was naïve.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Spot on, Ann. They are trying to have deniability for what they say while getting all the credit for it. Straight out of The Screwtape Letters. "I simply ask her what time dinner will be and she flies into a temper."

M said...

The Lincoln Project hates Trump. They hope he will destroy the person they and their Leftist masters fear, DeSantis. Then they will gleefully watch as the deep state makes sure Trump doesn’t win. They know that fewer people in government will be willing to go out on a limb to cheat against DeSantis. There is not the fierce hatred against DeSantis as there is against Trump which drives people to go against their better judgement.

Kathryn51 said...

The Lincoln Project's Business Model in a nutshell - do what ever it takes to get Trump nominated so that we can fund-raise millions to fight the Orange Man.

Even among my fairly apolitical friends who don't want Biden or Trump but have no intention of getting involved in politics - they know that the Lincoln Project is a grifting machine, just like BLM, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.

Dude1394 said...

This is a group that pretends to be a republican group. Led by pederasts.

Rhonda said...

The LAST thing Desantis wants is an endorsement from the so-called Lincoln Project. He’ll wear their rejection proudly I would wager.

chickelit said...

The Lincoln Project? Aren’t they Chuck’s butt-buddies? They are vulnerable in the same way. They represent a teeny tiny fraction of Americans and they’re in it for themselves.

Iman said...

Is this the Lincoln Man-Boy Love Project we’re speaking of here? The Steve Schmidt/Rick Wilson Grift continuesszzzz

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

At least no one’s pretending these guys are Republicans anymore.

Mike Tanis said...

What do they have against butter cows?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What would happen if you... if someone created a ChatGPT deep fake of the words of the Lincoln Project coming out of the mouths of convicted Jan6 'insurrectionists'?

Maybe maybe maybe... not.

Conservative ideals said...

Elon Musk: I want twitter to be a haven for free speech.

The project's response says much more about them than it does about Twitter or Elon.

walter said...

The Lincoln Project
The GOP are no longer even trying to hide their treasonous views of the country. What should be seen as an automatic disqualifier for the presidency is actually a source of pride for MAGA. DeSantis won't bring 'normalcy' back to the GOP.
Quote Tweet
Clay Travis
Florida governor @GovRonDeSantis says on @clayandbuck if he’s elected president that on his first day in office he will consider pardoning any January 6th defendant he believes was politically prosecuted from a member of the public all the way up to President Trump himself.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"The Lincoln Project" on twitter has, as far as I know, never criticized a single Democrat or a Democrat policy position. They only criticize Trump, DeSantis, and MAGA voters.
In other words, they are indistinguishable from Democrats.
Who is paying the bills of the Lincoln Project these days?

narciso said...

they got rid of that crew of degenerates around john weaver, which were all of them,

walter said...

Lincoln Project may have broken the Althousenet.

Winston said...

Keith Olbermann writes for the Lincoln Project now? Didn't know that.

Goldenpause said...

The Lincoln Project still exists? Who knew? I would have thought that anyone associated with this discredited group would be in the witness protection program by now.

traditionalguy said...

DeSantis is 5 ft 8 in and looks about 140 lbs. That’s the best slander the Dems came up with. So he will stay in the game.

The way Presidential races run, he will have to lose gracefully this time so he will be allowed to win next cycle. People want to see his reactions to

Freeman Hunt said...

Your non-profit shouldn't sound like the dullest partisan hack schoolmate in someone's social media feed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

To Pedo-Project are rooting for Trump. Interesting twist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So Pedo-Project are rooting FOR Trump now.

Rocco said...

Mike Tanis said...
"What do they have against butter cows?"

I dunno, but it really seems to churn them up.

Chuck said...


Michael K said...

Chuck said...
It's been a hard place for me to get to; rooting for Trump to win the GOP nomination in order to beat him again and make him an even bigger loser for all of posterity. But that is where I am at. Trump is so bad for the country, that he needs to be beaten again.

Chuck, aside from the pederasty, which is your favorite thing about the Lincoln Project ? I know you like perversion but are they enough for you to get your thrills once a day ?

FOWFan said...

The picture of Rick Wilson on his boat with a confederate flag cooler still makes me laugh in light of the fact that he is now portraying himself as holier than thou. I am a little stunned That AA is giving voice to these idiots, but perhaps I shouldn't be.

MikeD said...

Glad to know the Althouse algorithm's make sure she's following Pedo Inc!

robother said...

Temujin: "The Lincoln Project exists only on oxygen supplied to them by Trump."

Ghenghis Khan still nailing it after all these years.

Bender said...

Fully expect Team Trump to retweet material from the Lincoln Project.

madAsHell said...

Isn’t the Lincoln project funded by tax dollars?........or perhaps, kickbacks from Ukraine?

Kirk Parker said...

Enigma @ 12:32 PM,

LP is a large political group the size of a small political group.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Some Insider stuff...

Mark said...

" I am a little stunned That AA is giving voice to these idiots, but perhaps I shouldn't be."

That's what most people who read but don't post on this blog think about those commenting.

Ann Althouse said...

To answer the question why I blogged this:

1. It was linked at Memeorandum (a big source of links for me for nearly 20 years/have you not noticed?).

2. It proved to be an interesting text — the words used, the bullshit quotient.

To anyone who thinks I'm approving of The Lincoln Project: Why are you reading this blog? Is it to disagree with stuff you think I'm saying without concern about what you're getting wrong or just to pretend to misunderstand so you can have a platform and troll?

To anyone who likes this blog and is annoyed by the high proportion of people who fit the description in the previous paragraph: Do you think we should weed out more of that sort of thing at the moderation level?

To those who would say yes to that question but are not seeing it because it's a reason why you are not reading the comments, I have nothing to say to you here.

BUMBLE BEE said...

$$$ Follow The Money $$$

rwnutjob said...

The Lincoln *eyeroll* Project

Run out of little boys to molest?

Political Junkie said...

Ann. You are great. I can't believe you keep going. I am 52 and tired all the time. You and Meade should do whatever the heck you want.
I have no helpful suggestions on the blog. Your opinion is better than mine.

Jamie said...

Me, I just didn't understand why anyone would jump to the conclusion that our host approves of the Lincoln Project just because she blogged this passage. She blogs about a lot of things that she either explicitly tells us she disagrees with or implies that she's not on board with, or that twenty years of reading her blog informs us she disagrees with.

It is my opinion that the level of moderation I see here is just about right, though of course I can't know what's being moderated out. I can't remember now whether this blog started as a 60s-liberal place and has evolved to a classically-liberal place with some dissenting voices, but where it is now - it's the place I hang out on and off all day.

I like having a certain amount of disagreement (though as I've said elsewhere I don't enjoy conflict, I do recognize the value of debate!) and I very much appreciate that I can come here and read how an old-fashioned socialist, a modern-day progressive of mature years, a putatively more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger sometime Republican, and a gadfly think about the events of the day. My husband is made of sterner stuff and beards the lion in its den (to conjoin a couple of fun turns of phrase); I prefer just this frisson of informative discord.

Leland said...

To the question asked. I've noticed long ago that most topics are posted without the host being clear as to what side she comes down on. Her cruel neutrality. One could argue the choice of topic shows a preference, but this particular blog post shows why that can't always be the case. There is no way you can believe Althouse supports The Lincoln Project. Beyond simply making this post, what else supports that theory? It was posted because it is blog worthy. Is it blog worthy, it has over a hundred comments, which I think makes it blog worthy. If you want an opinionated hot take with hundreds more comments, visit Instapundit. If you are a lefty, you got the WaPo comment section.

As for moderation, I see a problem in the third question that creates an answer that doesn't fit the model. My experience with moderation is that I make a comment, I don't see any blog activity in comments for most of the day. Then I see things go from 0 to 50 or 100 by the time I see moderation has passed. By then, there are just too many comments to read them all, so while I'm annoyed, the "but are not seeing it because it's a reason why you are not reading the comments" is actually because I'm not seeing the comments when I would like to read them. Yet there is nothing to be said here. For certain, while I may not see something, the moderator sees them all.

donald said...

They’re all child rapists Jupiter. Just like Chuck.

Prove me wrong boys.

Tina Trent said...

It's not surprising to see comments about height and weight coming from this group. They call this tactic "audience of one." I remember when Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson sexually smeared wheelchair-bound, severely disabled war veteran Senator Max Cleland (who lost both legs and one arm) by somehow accessing Cleland's personal phone records and mocking him in the most graphic terms for using a sex phone service when he reportedly couldn't have "real" sex because of his war injuries.

There are countless sleazy political consultants, but nobody even approaches the depths where Rick Wilson resides. And then there is his predatory ephebophiliac now-resigned Lincoln co-founder, John Weaver. These guys are longtime sickos who specialize in slurring their opponents' health and disabilities, yet they supported Biden. The Democrats have owned them for several election cycles now: good riddance, and watch your wallets.

It is typical too that they demand financial disclosures from others while concealing their donors and by not disclosing their massive payments to each other by using a super-pac. And staged a stunt using young Democratic aides carrying tiki torches who pretended, not very well, to be racist supporters of Glenn Younkin.

Old and slow said...

I wouldn't presume to ask you to do more stringent moderation, but the comments do seem to be getting less interesting and stupider. I find myself skipping huge portions of them, but tellingly, I am still here...

Rusty said...

A thinly veiled warning by the left. No serious conservative takes The Lincoln Project seriously.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

fear and loathing at camp pedophile.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "That's what most people who read but don't post on this blog think about those commenting."

Ah yes. Another appearance of a lefty claiming to know the minds of others.

Just in case you wanted to know why dumb lefties are so adament they are capable of assessing Thought Crimes and "dog whistles" that oddly only they can hear as well as claiming they can know when a 2 year old wants to gender transition and needs puberty blockers while waiting for bodily mutilating irreversible surgery.

Interested Bystander said...

These are the same geniuses that helped JEB Bush waste $100 million without getting a single primary win. Idiots. Who listens to these clowns aside from MSNBC losers.

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