May 17, 2023

"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 62% of Likely Republican voters would vote for Trump in the primaries..."

"... while 17% would vote for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Several other announced or possible 2024 candidates have single-digit support...."

That's a 45-point lead over DeSantis.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

900+ asked.

My prediction stands.
Trump V Biden 2024.

Biden will rise in the polls once Trump is the offical Nominee.
It will be a neck and neck in the "polls" even if Biden's actual support is under water.
Biden will "win" - because the same forces that let Hillary and Crook Biden family international pay to play grifting off the hook - the same forces that brought us the Russian Collusion Hoax - will be in charge of the election "counting".

Of course the same forces will be out if Vivek or DeSantis were to win the nom - but I submit Trump is especially hated and again is a Democxirat get-out-the-vote super-machine.

wendybar said...

I'm one of them. What they did to Trump must NEVER happen again, and I believe Trump knows that now, and will fight them with everything he has. He was vindicated, and now it is time for some heads to roll, since nobody else is going to do a damn thing to right the ship. If we let them get away with it, they won't ever stop.

n.n said...

Two impeachments, unrequited rape, collusion projection, progressive prices, Green energy deficits, Obama/Biden wars without borders, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, the fourth leg and state conspirators, boys in girls' rooms, Levine's dreams of Herr Mengele, butterflies and babies, FBI without rhyme or reason, authoritarian progress, etc.

North Korea, Israel and Arab relations, peace perhaps, emigration reform, affordable and available medical care, market pricing without single/central/monopolistic distortions, reliable organic energy surplus, etc. What would Trump accomplish without domestic and foreign conspiracy to place Americans second and the rest of humanity on notice.

Leland said...

I blame those that are persecuting Trump. The polls support my theory. There were plenty of people on the right arguing against Trump as the next nominee based on policy. Instead of continuing this winning method, we have Democrats suing Trump for whatever they can get somebody else to swear happened. And McCain/Romney like Republicans demanding Trump return to norms rather than demanding the federal government do so.

Temujin said...

It's not over 'til the corner pizza place runs out of flour.

What's that honey? They closed last week? Uh-oh.

tim maguire said...

I don't understand why DeSantis hasn't caught on, but he hasn't.

Kate said...

My dad would say the same today, but he's very soft on Trump over DeSantis.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Limited blogger said...
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Big Mike said...
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HoodlumDoodlum said...
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Mark said...

Trump is like a Republican version of MRSA, once you have him it's impossible to get rid of.

Someone do a wellness check on Begley and his boyfriend Vivek.

Caroline said...
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Rabel said...
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Chuck said...

It would be easy to say that such early polling is meaningless.

But what will make it change? Will Ron DeSantis attack Trump as an abuser of women, as a national security threat, as an insurrectionist? Nope. None of that.

Who in Republican leadership will oppose Trump? Who will endorse against Trump? Anyone in House leadership? Nope.

Will the deplorables double down on "Trump" in the face of more Trump indictments and outlandish legal trouble? Yep.

There's opposition to Trump from wise and strong Republicans in the Senate; Romney; Murkowski; Todd Young; probably a lot more who won't want to be named. I'm certainly not saying that there isn't considerable opposition to Trump. There is, and it is worth talking about; it is reflective of Trump's ultimate weakness as a candidate. There is Republican opposition to Trump that is unlike any Democratic opposition to Biden, of course. But it just isn't nearly enough to move the numbers that this blog post is speaking to. Or derail the weirdest and most dubious major-party presidential nomination (Trump '24) in modern history.

I don't quite know how to more effectively mess with Trump supporters beyond saying how satisfied I am with the prospect of Trump getting another nomination, so that he can be beaten by Joe Biden for a second time.

Mattman26 said...

Lord knows I've been wrong before, but I just don't believe that.

donald said...

It’s also mid May 2023.

Dave Begley said...

Way too early.

Some people have Creighton in the Final Four next year. Lots can happen between now and then.

Vivek and Ron will blow up Trump in the debate. It will be a beatdown.

As Elon Musk said, "We need a normal person as President." That's my mantra.

Michael said...

Jen Bush was ahead of Trump by a mile at this point.

Yancey Ward said...

Again, let's reassess after DeSantis officially announces he is in the race, if he ever does.

BIII Zhang said...

There is no mistaking who the media wants and it's: Donald J. Trump

A man who has proven himself to be a big talker (= ratings), but not a big doer (= loser). A man who laps up the love at huge convention-sized rallies, but who lacks any real backbone or conviction, someone who has never planned the murder of an enemy when you can just buy them off instead.

A man who loves the trappings of being President, but has zero idea how to actually WIELD real power. He has no idea how to destroy people as the leader of the free world. You can't just walk into a board room and tell them "You're Fired." The people in this realm are not so easily dismissed.

A man who would rather grab Hillary Clinton by the p*ssy rather than by the throat.

A man who doesn't understand lawyers because he's always had enough money not to care if they actually win cases.

A shadow of a man, in other words.

A shadow of a man.

cf said...

Good people want an honorable and true Justice.

It is the right thing to do.

wendybar said...

A lot of it is because of the fake Russian Collusion. IT is also because of the Fedsurrection. Many of us are sick and tired of the lies, and corruption of the Federal Government who were ACTIVELY targeting Trump and his supporters and STILL are to this day. Until there is some kind of justice, they can go to hell. Trump deserves the vindication, and the haters deserve to live with it....

"When the police started shooting people in the face and throwing flash grenades at the unarmed crowd, everything changed on January 6.

The government opened fire escalating the protest. Only one side was armed using deadly: The police.

The crowd became livid as they watched cops shooting deadly rubber bullets, tear gas at civilians and flash bangs or “sting balls” at their heads."

Mark said...

Margin of error - 45 percent

Jupiter said...

I trust my government. If my government thinks Donald Trump is a menace to them and all they stand for, he's got my vote.

Static Ping said...

This is kinda like predicting who is going to play in the World Series during spring training. It is interesting information, but a whole lot can change.

Dave Begley said...

As I have commented before, I think Trump will be indicted and convicted by a DC jury regardless of the facts and law.

Seriously, the criminal trial should be moved to Omaha. We have a beautiful and large federal courthouse. And my Creighton Law Review buddy is the chief judge. He'd do a great job at trial.

Not Sure said...

If I were polled I'd say that I was pro-Trump simply to do my bit to tell the Deep State that its lawfare strategy won't work. But in an actual primary election sometime next year I'd vote for DeSantis.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Again, let's reassess after DeSantis officially announces he is in the race, if he ever does.

Go for it. Reassess all you want when Desantis works the machine politics to allow himself to run while still being governor.

Desantis has ended his national ambitions. He has allied himself with GOP Inc. and everyone sees it. He has always been a career politician like McConnell just with slightly better marketing.

His attacks on the cultural topics and the trans red herrings are cute. He is clearly allied with big business and has said nothing about the economic populism that is the core of the new Republican base. Mostly because his donors are opposed to it.

He will never be a national leader for the GOP base. He will only be popular with people who enjoy machine politics.

Desantis's most powerful supporter was the Fox/Murdoch machine who gave him piles of money for a "book" and pumped him every chance they got.

Fox is as dead as Desantis's national ambitions now. GOP Inc. is the enemy of the people.

At least Desantis can count on the support of McConnell, Ryan, Griffen, and the rest of GOP Inc though.

Michael K said...

The endless Lawfare against Trump is backfiring. To a hammer, everything is a nail. To a Democrat everything is a chance to make the "walls close in" on a Republican.

Ask Inga.

MikeD said...

Living in Kali my only POTUS vote that'll count is the primary. That said, I fully supported DJT's attempt to rein in the Administrative State and, tho' my 2020 vote was meaningless, I did show support in a modestly small campaign contribution. (Best I could do) 2024 will be a primary re-run. Tho', given DJT's, and his acolytes, baseless smear campaign against DeSantis I'll be hard pressed to support him in the Primary. Of course during the Governor of Kali primary I supported an Independent, who had a slim chance of defeating Gruesom, as opposed to professional politician the repug establishment installed. Michael Schellenberger (who, BTW, would also make a great POTUS!)

Achilles said...

tim maguire said...

I don't understand why DeSantis hasn't caught on, but he hasn't.

Because of who he represents and who is pushing for him.

Nobody likes GOP Inc. except cloistered political hacks on political blogs that actually enjoy politics.

Readering said...

Nice that AA gives like-minded Trumpist commenters a place to hang out together.

Drago said...

Leland: "And McCain/Romney like Republicans demanding Trump return to norms rather than demanding the federal government do so."

Looking right at Doug Levene et al.

Destroyers of all institutional norms to "save the Republic" from a..(checks notes)...supposed destroyer of institutional norms...who actually destroyed no norms but did tweet alot while speaking the truth.

Drago said...

MikeD: "Tho', given DJT's, and his acolytes, baseless smear campaign against DeSantis I'll be hard pressed to support him in the Primary."

What would you say are the biggest "smears" against DeSantis?

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "There's opposition to Trump from wise and strong Republicans in the Senate; Romney; Murkowski; Todd Young;"


Go back to retweeting Rupar, which is what you do best...besides giving lonejustice posting directives!

Ambrose said...

Looks like democracy is a threat to our democracy

pacwest said...

Opposite a lot of others here I think this poll does have significance even this early. Trump has been constantly front and center for 6 years of bad press. Anyone who says they would vote for him in this poll is unlikely to change their minds in 1 year. If anyone who is looking for a Trump like candidate who is not Trump has already left the fold.

dbp said...

My votes have been all over the place Trump-wise:

For the 2016 primary in MA I voted for Cruz, in the general for Gary Johnson--for two reasons: 1. It's Massachusetts, my vote doesn't matter 2. I erroneously thought Trump screwed Republicans out of a sure win and didn't want to reward him.

In 2020, I voted in the Democrat primary for Tulsi Gabbard, because she was the least bad Democrat. I voted for Trump in the general election because he had done a lot of good against considerable institutional resistance.

In 2024, I will probably vote in the Republican primary for Gov DeSantis--Unlike Trump, he isn't limited to one term and seems more effective at combatting the deep state. Being a military man and a lawyer, means he knows how to fight and understands the rules. In the general election, I'll probably vote 3rd party if Trump is nominated, or not vote at all. If Trump wins the presidency it will be pyric--the deep state will block his every move and Republicans will be out of power for a generation. If Biden wins and the nation somehow survives, Democrats will be out of power for a generation after that.

Inga said...

Of course Trump will win the Republican nomination, which couldn’t be better for Democrats. Trump won’t be able to keep his big mouth shut and he will only make himself more unpalatable to moderates and independents, who probably caused him to lose in 2020. Democrats will of course vote for Biden, because the alternative, Trump is far worse.

It would be interesting (and sad for their families) if one or both of these two old geezers died or were in incapacitated in some way and could not run. I don’t wish for either old man to die or become ill, may they both live to be 100, but not in any place of power.

MikeD said...

The former president reposted a photo purporting to show DeSantis drinking and partying with high school students when he worked as a teacher
Most audaciously, Trump is going to attack DeSantis from the right for his response to the COVID-19 pandemic even though DeSantis at the time was one of most aggressive governors in throwing out restrictions intended to control a disease that would go on to kill more than a million Americans.

djf said...

Unfortunately, the unsolicited endorsements of DeSantis by Ryan and Rove were the kiss of death to whatever chance DeSantis had of getting the nomination. Meanwhile, Trump goes to bat for his paymasters at Disney and Anheuser Busch. What a brave tribune of the "Real America."

Trump's fans are interested only in being entertained, not in changing government policy. By 2028, there will be no way back. So ends the Republic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump crapped on DeSantis. A lot. Over and over. Unnecessarily. Now Trump has eased up and stopped crapping on DeSantis. Sad that he spends his energy on DeSantis and not the corrupt left.
Odd, sad... and pathetic. Reagan's rule out the window. And Trump is no Reagan when it comes to public speaking.
If Trump stops full stop crapping on DeSantis - I'll consider Trump. (not that it matters in my blue state)
If he doesn't - I'm out.
So - my support of Trump is in Trump's hands. It's his decision. 100% up to him.

Chuck said...

Michael said...
[sic] Bush was ahead of Trump by a mile at this point.

In May of 2015, there was a mix of indeterminate GOP primary front runners; Walker, Bush, Cruz and Rubio all led in different polls. No one had as much as 20%. Trump was in the 3%-6% range. Like several others. There were ten candidates all polling withing about 10 percentage points of each other. If there was a leader in May, it was Senator Rubio.

But by July of 2015, Trump had taken the lead in almost all polls, and held it after that.

We're not talking political horse race anymore with Trumpism. It's a cult. Look at the comments above; talking about how Trump fans are just going to be more motivated by Trump criminal charges, etc. (Michael K.) And talking about how DeSanctimonious is just more GOPe/"GOP Inc." (Achilles.) And wendybar; just wanting more fighting. Fighting for PDJT.

Hahahahaha. We don't even have a full field yet. We've got DeSantis, Pence, Scott, Sununu, Youngkin and Christie all yet to announce. We've got Ramaswamy, Perry Johnson, Larry Elder and Ryan Binkley all running.

If the RNC has a requirement of polling at better than 5%, they will have trouble holding a debate. Trump, and DeSantis, and... who? If the RNC allows all the declared candidates in, then it is a debate stage with 12-14 bodies. Just like 2016.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Pacwest’s comment is the most insightful here.

It’s not even about Trump. It wasn’t about Trump in 2016. It’s about sticking it to the Establishment kleptocrats, the police defunders, the Covid hysterical, the trans sadists, the open borders hypocrites, the laughably insecure elections, and all the architects of Democrat Garbage World.

rcocean said...

Please stop with the weekly (or is it daily polls). I know the MSM is already covering the Race like its December 2023. But, its not.

Big Mike said...

I see a lot of "removed by blog administrator" but I don't see my fairly innocuous -- and certainly politically obvious --comment that this race has actually been Trump's to lose for months.

Michael McNeil said...

Living in Kali my only POTUS vote that'll count is the primary. That said, I fully supported DJT's attempt to rein in the Administrative State and, tho' my 2020 vote was meaningless…

One might note that even though the 2020 national vote in California was pretty much “meaningless” for Republican voters (since California's basically a 1-party state), still, more than 1 out of 3 Californians in the state (34.3%) voted for Trump in that election (a substantially higher proportion than in 2016) – that's more than 6 million Trump votes. I live in a county that went for Trump; counties near me in N.E. California went for Trump by more than 70%.

Which can affect more local (but still Congressional races). Recall which state McCarthy and Nunes are from.

Drago said...

MikeD: "Drago:
The former president reposted a photo purporting to show DeSantis drinking and partying with high school students when he worked as a teacher
Most audaciously, Trump is going to attack DeSantis from the right for his response to the COVID-19 pandemic even though DeSantis at the time was one of most aggressive governors in throwing out restrictions intended to control a disease that would go on to kill more than a million Americans."

Seems like very small potatoes in a primary fight.

Look at what is said and has been said about Trump every single day for 8 years from dems and republicans.

Politics aint beanbag.

The dems have much worse in reserve to use should DeSantis win the primary war. Better toughen up now since presidential campaigns are by far the roughest campaigns of all. Nothing else is even close.

Drago said...

Readering: "Nice that AA gives like-minded Trumpist commenters a place to hang out together."

Between Althouse and Twitter ("X"), you are just grinding your teeth down to the gums aren't you, little censorious one?

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Democrats will of course vote for Biden, because the alternative, Trump is far worse."

Have you informed Robert Kennedy and Marianne Williamson's supporters and black males from 18 to 45 years old what it is they are supposed to do yet? (I'm assuming you know what "males" are even though you are clearly not a biologist)

I know you democratical voice-actuated NPC foot soldiers are good at following orders from above, as you always do without fail and without hesitation, but it appears there are some democraticals who are having second thoughts.

Make sure you tell the black males that they aren't really black unless they vote for Biden.

Rt41Rebel said...

I'm of the opinion that Biden will not make it to Nov 2024, and that Harris will be in worse shape. The only thing that can save 2024 for Dems is Michelle Obama. And I will also say this: If Biden drooling on his deathbed beats Trump by "millions" of votes, Jan 6 is gonna look like a bake sale. Invest in lead.

Big Mike said...

Hahahahaha. We don't even have a full field yet. We've got DeSantis, Pence, Scott, Sununu, Youngkin and Christie all yet to announce.

Point of information. Glenn Youngkin has announced — that he isn’t running for President.

Chris Sununu would have had a chance if he had run against Maggie Hassan and knocked her off. He chose to be a coward, which is not what is needed in a Presidential candidate.

His votes to go along with Paul Ryan’s dreams of changing Social Security to be less beneficial to poor people have made Ron DeSantis unelectable outside Florida. Pity, because he is way better than Trump at fighting Woke.

Chris Christie had a chance many years ago. If he runs right now he’s the reincarnation of Harold Stassen.

Rusty said...

: "Democrats will of course vote for Biden, because the alternative, Trump is far worse."
Yeah,. Because full employment a rising economy and record low inflation, not to mention not being involved in perpetual wars is just awful.
If Hitler were running as a Democrat you'd vote for him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck Kristol -

Your Trump hate is the real cult.

Biden is an actual criminal - and you're OK with it. That is cult behavior 101.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago response to Inga 11:57.

Drago -Inga is correct - the left will fall in line behind Biden.
That you think Williamson or RFK have a chance - is adorable. and delusional.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

hold on hold on hold on.

"President Biden would expand his 2020 margin of victory over former President Donald Trump if a rematch were held today, according to a new poll exclusively shared with The Post Wednesday.

The WPA Intelligence survey of 1,571 registered voters found Biden, 80, leading 76-year-old Trump 47% to 40%. By comparison, Biden defeated Trump by 4.5 percentage points in the 2020 popular vote, while former President Barack Obama won re-election over Republican Mitt Romney by 3.9 percentage points in 2012. "

RMc said...

As Elon Musk said, "We need a normal person as President."

Do we? I mean, the presidency is anything but a normal job (And Musk should talk about normal!)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are licking their Trump chops.

"The poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5% and was conducted between May 10 and 13, also showed independent voters backing Biden by a whopping 14 percentage points, up from the nine percentage points by which the Democrat won independents three years ago, per the Pew Research Center.

Wednesday’s poll also showed Democrats leading generic down-ballot races 47% to 42% with Trump at the top of the Republican ticket."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Only 39% of registered voters have a favorable impression of the commander-in-chief, with 54% having an unfavorable impression.

Also, just 22% believe the country is on the right track, whereas 78% believe it is on the wrong track.

However, Trump’s ratings are even worse, with 32% of registered voters having a favorable impression compared to 62% with unfavorable impressions.

The 45th president fared even worse among independents, with just 21% having a favorable impression and 71% having an unfavorable impression."

RMc said...

We're not talking political horse race anymore with Trumpism. It's a cult.

Group of people who follow someone Chuck doesn't like: Cult!

Group of people who follow someone Chuck does like: A bunch of swell guys!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's base is delusional about Trump's chances. It's as if 2020 never happened.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump is losing to Biden this early - isn't it on Trump to drop out?

nah! Trump or bust. buy the trading cards now.

Douglas B. Levene said...

The Democrats have succeeded in making Trump the front runner through (1) the Bragg indictment, which has pissed off GOP voters of all stripes, and (2) the coordinated media attacks on DeSantis.

Drago said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago response to Inga 11:57.

Drago -Inga is correct - the left will fall in line behind Biden.
That you think Williamson or RFK have a chance - is adorable. and delusional."

You simply keep proving how incoherent you clearly are.

I never said Williamson or RFK had a chance to defeat Biden....nor did I say black males between 18 and 45 had a chance to defeat Biden you colossal dolt.

I was clearly, obviously, explicitly referencing how many democratical voters are currently supporting both Williamson and RFKJr AND how many black males 18-45 are not supportive of Biden.

If just 20% of the total of those currently non-Biden voters (that would mean you would have to do some basic math HBTPFH which is probably beyond you anyway), that would prove devastating to the dems if the dems are unable to create enough of a cheat machine to make up the difference.

Try reading for comprehension next time, if possible.

Drago said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent: "Pacwest’s comment is the most insightful here.

It’s not even about Trump. It wasn’t about Trump in 2016. It’s about sticking it to the Establishment kleptocrats, the police defunders, the Covid hysterical, the trans sadists, the open borders hypocrites, the laughably insecure elections, and all the architects of Democrat Garbage World."

Perfectly summarized.

It was never about Trump. It's about a world view and a recognition by an increasing number of voters of just how completely corrupted our entire system has become in what can only be described as a "late republic" downward trajectory. We can argue about what "late" means and over what timeframe, but clearly we are at that point.

This is DeSantis' biggest problem. He is being funded by those very types and his defenders and supporters, instead of articulating why that is not a problem and why DeSantis will still find a way to stand up for America first and hold off the globalist neocon agenda, have decided not to address it all and simply go with a laughably inadequate 1-dimensional electability "argument" (its AN argument I guess) about shagging after suburban white college graduate pro-abortion women who have been and are already leaning heavy into the democratical party.

Naturally, any discussions about working class/middle class voters of all races + rural voters + driving low-propensity voters to the polls to create a new republican party majority that can consistently win at the national level is lost in the shuffle as the GOPe simply continues its decades long habit of throwing away opportunities to satisfy the donor class.

Drago said...

Mark: "Margin of error - 45 percent"

Show your work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again Drago - your dolt analysis and math are delusional. There are no numbers what will kill-off mob-Biden. There is no secret voter-to-candidate cultural/gender/race group ratio that will take out Crook Biden. None. Not even close.

You stated to Inga that essentially (and I paraphrase - you arrogant moron) - that she was discounting support for non-biden candidates... as if to mock her. (again - lol)

Keep up the bad faith.

Drago said to Inga: *with arms flailing*

"Have you informed Robert Kennedy and Marianne Williamson's supporters and black males from 18 to 45 years old what it is they are supposed to do yet? (I'm assuming you know what "males" are even though you are clearly not a biologist)

I know you democratical voice-actuated NPC foot soldiers are good at following orders from above, as you always do without fail and without hesitation, but it appears there are some democraticals who are having second thoughts.

Make sure you tell the black males that they aren't really black unless they vote for Biden."

LOL. Adorable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

yeah yeah - we know the system is corrupt.

Trump didn't do that much to contain or end it. Expose it - sure. Thanks.
The FBI and CIA and swamp still swallowed him whole.

Manafort+Sessions+Scaramucki baby.

Big Mike said...

@Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker, so can I take it that if it’s Trump vs Biden again in 2024 you’ll vote for Joe?

Drago said...

Douglas B. Levene: "The Democrats have succeeded in making Trump the front runner..."

Laughably thick-headed.

The GOPe succeeded in making Trump the front runner.

The same GOPe that worked hand in glove with democraticals to push the Russia hoax and all the other hoaxes while crushing just about every policy the republican has wanted for 4 decades.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Trump V Biden 2024."

Both suck ass.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"A man who would rather grab Hillary Clinton by the p*ssy rather than by the throat.

A man who doesn't understand lawyers because he's always had enough money not to care if they actually win cases.

A shadow of a man, in other words.

A shadow of a man."

This is what bad poetry actually looks like.

Tina Trent said...

We still feel burned by Marco! DeSantis is doing some interesting things, but so long as he is supported by certain funders, he won't be trusted.

We need policies and platform promises. Stunts make headlines. Pledges win votes. If he isn't transparent about his funding, he won't advance in the polls.

Drago said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Again Drago - your dolt analysis and math are delusional. There are no numbers what will kill-off mob-Biden. There is no secret voter-to-candidate cultural/gender/race group ratio that will take out Crook Biden. None. Not even close."

Are you truly this stupid?

Can it be?

No one is arguing Biden will be taken out during the primary. Get. That. Thru. Your. Thick. Skull.

Have you been drinking?

The argument is there may be a significant enough block of voters on the dem side that are so disillusioned with the dems that they might look elsewhere to support a candidate.

Truly, its impossible to dumb this down any further.

Drago said...

Conversing with Flip-side Inga is like conversing in a bar with a drunken Regular Inga.

Perhaps a dumber Regular Inga.

Time will tell.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker): "Trump didn't do that much to contain or end it. Expose it - sure. Thanks.
The FBI and CIA and swamp still swallowed him whole."

Your GOPe heroes, the current backers of DeSantis, worked hand in glove with the democraticals in every one of the russia russia russia hoaxes. Every single one of them.

But then you've made a cottage industry of letting the GOPe-ers off the hook.

Spoiler: the majority of republican base voters have noticed and will never trust the GOPe or their backers, like you, ever again.

Nor should they.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Big Mike.

Vote Biden? me? are you insane?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Trump V Biden 2024."

Both suck ass.

Trump is of course better than biden... in a million ways. But his super hero status leaves me cold. the fact that he cannot win again is real. he cannot win again. give it up.

Plus - candidates need funding to beat the corrupt left. Wake up.

Drago said...

As if there isn't ample enough evidence already of the terrible advice DeSantis is getting from his GOPe advisors and his globalist funders, these Jeb! and Paul Ryan like buffoons convinced DeSantis to go and endorse a neocon megadonor establishment RINO type in Kelly Craft in KY instead of the young, black rising star conservative candidate that appeals to the Trumpian base as well as others.

Gee, at the very moment the republican base has doubts about who is backing DeSantis and is wondering just how captured by the GOPe he might happen to be, the KY endorsement happens.....and then after finding out that alot of republicans in KY didn't realize who Trump had endorsed in this race, Trump comes out with another statement for Daniel Cameron. The rest is history.

On so many levels you have to feel for DeSantis. Trump was supposed to have been removed by now via the dem/GOPe lawfare tactics with the hoaxy GA debacle looking even more ridiculous by the day so Jack Smith's crew engineers a DOJ leak re: the National Archives which alludes to National Archives people saying Trump didn't go thru the proper declassification procedures.....which don't apply to Trump or any President.

It's going to be another Bill of Attainder one-off fake and hoaxed up charge that the dems/GOPe will drag into a DC court to remove Trump.

And it might just still work....which is why DeSantis is still in....though the damage to DeSantis is already done a clear plurality of the base does not trust him due to his team.

Drago said...

It's interesting that the GOPe already has Glenn Youngkin warming up in the bullpen to step in as the relief candidate in case DeSantis continues to falter in the early innings here.

Perhaps DeSantis can pitch himself out of a jam and get the relievers back in their seats.

Again, time will tell.

Mark said...

Joe Biden was a known entity in 2020. A known disaster of an entity.

Yet voters still preferred him over Trump. Or rather I should say, they didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. Which is exactly what most people did in 2016, except they didn't so much vote for Trump as they voted against Hillary.

In the intervening years, Trump has not GAINED a single of those votes that were against him last time. And if he doesn't flip any of those people - which he will not do - he will be a LOSER yet again.

Now, there is a contingent that will cut their heads off to spite their face and will vote Trump regardless. But I am not among them.

Inga said...

“Drago -Inga is correct - the left will fall in line behind Biden.
That you think Williamson or RFK have a chance - is adorable. and delusional.”

Not adorable, not even delusional, it’s propaganda. He works very hard to push “his?” narrative. Getting Trump elected is “his?”goal. The directive, wherever it originates from, doesn’t even matter, it’s propaganda and manipulation. Once you understand that you can readily discount anything he says, his credibility. His credibilty, even with conservative commenters here has suffered in the last few months that he so relentlessly promotes Trump. He regularly tussles with non Trumpist conservatives here, trying to manipulate them the minute they comment about not being in the Trump camp anymore.

Drago needs to be seen with a skeptical eye, he lies, he twists, he exaggerates, he manipulates, he comment-bombs a thread, he insults in order to spread “his?” propaganda. Why, it’s as if he was professionally trained in some Moscow based Propaganda school.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - We get it. You love Trump. It's Trump or Bust.
Everyone not on the Trump train is a McConnelltard, a Ryan, a Romney, a Jeb! a GOPeeee! A Globalist sellout blah blah blah. and DeSantis is funded by the wrong sorts not pure enough for the Trump-or-bust cult.

Inga said...

“The argument is there may be a significant enough block of voters on the dem side that are so disillusioned with the dems that they might look elsewhere to support a candidate.”

Ah, the propagandist gives false hope to the Trump hangers on. There are not going to be a large enough block of voters who are/would be less disillusioned by Dems than by Trumpublicans. Trump is a bigger disaster any day than Biden. Trump will continue to run his big mouth and remind independents and moderates why voting for him would be repulsive and bad for this country. Even a senile leader like Biden is a better leader for the US than a narcissist sociopath like Trump. But valiant try dear Moscow Trained Propagandist (or wannabe propagandist).

Drago said...

Mark: "Now, there is a contingent that will cut their heads off to spite their face and will vote Trump regardless. But I am not among them."

The Trump voters are looking for someone who will fight for them as hard as Trump has on specific economic and trade and immigration issues.

All you have to do is show them a candidate that will fight for those policies as hard as Trump.

Easy peasy. Go ahead. List them out. Take your time. Don't be shy.

Except, none of the other candidates, besides Vivek, actually will fight for those economic and trade and immigration policies the base wants.

And the base knows full well how the GOPe is just dying to screw them over again.

The constant attacks against Trump and insulting of his voters without ever even attempting to address those issues is the clear and present "tell".

Now, if you did attempt to engage on those issues and did so effectively, then you could hit Trump all day long on the personal stuff and it would be fair game. Particularly if you hit Trump from the populist side.

Again, ONLY Vivek is doing this across the board (a good strategy) while DeSantis, because he isn't allowed to talk about the economic/trade stuff, only hits Trump effectively, in my opinion, on the Covid lockdown stuff.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Drago needs to be seen with a skeptical eye, he lies, he twists, he exaggerates, he manipulates, he comment-bombs a thread, he insults in order to spread “his?” propaganda. Why, it’s as if he was professionally trained in some Moscow based Propaganda school."

With Russia Collusion Truther Inga (who accuses me of being a Moscow trained propagandist (everything is russia with this conspiracy psycho)) teaming up with Flip-side Inga (Hunter Biden's Tax Payer Funded Hooker) who accused me of being a democratical operative in disguise, it appears an "Inga + Flip-side Inga Consolidated Conspiracy Theory" would posit that I am actually a Moscow-trained Democratical Operative!!!

These 2 "Inga's" make a perfect pair!

Mutaman said...

wendybar said...

" I'm one of them. What they did to Trump must NEVER happen again, and I believe Trump knows that now, and will fight them with everything he has. He was vindicated,"

He "was vindicated"? I must have missed that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - Opinions that differ from yours are not propaganda.

The Russian collusion Hoax - that was 100% grade-A Propaganda.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "He "was vindicated"? I must have missed that."

Right on cue.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker): "Drago - We get it. You love Trump. It's Trump or Bust.
Everyone not on the Trump train is a McConnelltard, a Ryan, a Romney, a Jeb! a GOPeeee! A Globalist sellout blah blah blah. and DeSantis is funded by the wrong sorts not pure enough for the Trump-or-bust cult."

Flip-side Inga - We get it. You love DeSantis. It's DeSantis or Bust
Everyone not on the DeSantis train is a secret democratical operative, a Trump Humper, an idiot, a Trumptardeeeeeeeee! A failed buffoon blah blah blah. and Trump is too dumb to figure it all out and only the Trump cultists are not pure enough for the anti-Trump or bust cult.

A "powerful" and "compelling" "argument" for DeSantis. Every bit as "powerful" and "compelling" as all the other "arguments" you've made to date.

And now you've Regular Inga solidly in your corner. There's a reason for that. And the GOPe-ers backing DeSantis also thank you....even though for some odd reason you don't think they actually exist.

Are you living in a real-life version of the movie "Ghost"?

wendybar said...

Big Mike said...
@Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker, so can I take it that if it’s Trump vs Biden again in 2024 you’ll vote for Joe?

5/18/23, 10:30 AM


Inga said...

Haha, too funny, Drag Queen and Hooker accusing each other of being secret Democrat, based on what Republican candidate they support.

Hooker, it’s not me disagreeing with Drag Queen’s opinions that makes me think he is a propagandist. You need to observe his methods. Open your eyes, haven’t you noticed what he does? Start with his lies, question his manipulation, twisting of people’s words, exaggerations, obsessive thread bombing, question why someone would be so loyal to someone like Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Accusing me of voting for Biden is to Trumpian.

F off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - Certainly Drago lies.

When it comes to Trump worship - many of them lose their minds when anyone dare push back against dear leader.
The left do the same thing. Worship and obey - or else.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Haha, too funny, Drag Queen and Hooker accusing each other of being secret Democrat, based on what Republican candidate they support."

Of course, I have never accused Flip-side Inga (Hunter Biden Tax Payer Funded Hooker) of being a secret democratical.

That was Flip-side Inga only.

But regular Inga is desperate for her new buddy, Flip-side Inga, to see things her way.

Lets see how this relationship building between the Inga's turns out.

Good luck you two! Everyone would love another Odd Couple reboot!

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker): "Inga - Certainly Drago lies."

Uh huh. At the risk of disrupting this beautiful new "friendship of equals" between you two Inga's, why dont you pick out the 2 or 3 most most "egregious" "lies" I've supposedly told and then share them with the Althouse class.

This should be fun...assuming we were to get an answer.

Spoiler: there will be no answer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

False accusations are lies, Drago.
Too many to mention.... Tosser.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker): "False accusations are lies, Drago.
Too many to mention.... Tosser."

Precisely as predicted. "Too many" to choose from eh? That's quite the excuse for being unable to offer even 1.

Thus you have "uttered" a false accusation that you cannot back up.

That makes you a liar.

And the best part? Its your very own "rule".

You really are just like Russia Collusion Inga.

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