May 22, 2023

Sunrise — 5:51.



wildswan said...

Some say Fox News is in negotiations with Dylan Mulvaney become co-host with Tucker Carlson on that show and this is why they won't let Tucker go. Old America/ Young America. Fair and Balanced.

Dave Begley said...

Nebraska law now protects children from trans surgery and drugs.

Abortion no longer allowed at 20 weeks. New law is 12 weeks.

Bill passed by 18 votes.

Narr said...

Google's got the LGBTQ+.14159 [. . .] flag out. The mode seems to be 'dusky daughters of Bilitis unite.' NTTAWWT.

Just for yucks I checked to see how Franco is doing. Stable.

It was actually Jimmy Carter I wanted to check on, and you'll never guess what was the featured headline link.

Go ahead, guess.

Oh okay. From the Seattle Times, "Who Is Worse, Trump or DeSantis?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Canadian fire smoke is horrible here too.

Lucien said...

The Fourteenth Amendment provides in pertinent part: “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”

Why so little discussion of the phrase “authorized by law “? If Congress passes a law limiting the amount of public debt, then how can any debt in the excess of that limit be characterized as “authorized by law”?

MikeD said...

Anybody else there? If so, did you interact with or, at least say "hi"? Long time follower can't remember any situation in which you interacted with anybody outside of independently wealthy (?) houseboy Meade. Had hope for him when his dog park "blog" started, too much independence?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

President Biden rambles unintelligibly for 40 seconds...

TickTock said...

Why some commentators wish to be nasty to our hostess, rather than merely disagree with her is beyond me. Certainly I understand the grumpiness that comes with age, but venting one’s spleen in public suggests a wish (perhaps concealed from oneself) to withdraw from, or perhaps be abandoned by, society.

MikeD said...

Tick Tock, so, questioning "The Hostess's" lack of interacting with "normie's" is nasty? In my ninth decade I too go for early morning off road travels, the high point being when meeting, and interfacing, with others, especially if there's a dog present! Had I had a "blog" I'd of regaled one & all with the pleasure of such meetings.
My comments have nothing to do with "grumpy, age" but with how one interacts with society and what the interaction, or lack of, exposes.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

tomorrow the former losing president must appear by video or in person to be schooled on keeping his mouth shut about shared info on his 34 felony charge indictments. Michael Cohen says he wont be able to do it! Its like a trip to the principal's office for the belligerent child. He may bump into E Jean on the way and share some pleasantries(not) That team now saying minimum $10,000,000 more plus punitive damages and please pay the bill for the sessions. This should be interesting for a fella like him who is noted for non payment. Its getting hard to keep up with all the mess, how is his campaign going? The folks that will be forced to vote for him again as no choice victims wont care about any ole campaign though, they're in like Flynn! Melody was heard to have wanted to up the pre-nup after the Stormy indictment, hard ball by the 3rd, building a nice bankroll, its being discussed around the Deep state! Still no sign of the "walls are closing in folks "most likely starting to handicap the odds. Fani's coming in August. Jack already got it(bet)

Rt41Rebel said...

"He got away with it and learned nothing. That's great."

--Peter Griffin

wendybar said...

"Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen sent yet another letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Monday afternoon, again warning that the United States is growing ever closer to defaulting on its debt unless a bill is passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden to increase the nation's debt limit.

Notably, Yellen continues sending these letters to McCarthy — the man who, along with House Republicans, already passed a bill that would raise the debt ceiling and avoid default — while failing to dispatch similarly snide letters to President Biden or Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Perhaps a letter could have been sent to Biden scolding him for spending more than two months earlier this spring ignoring requests to negotiate from McCarthy as a default loomed? Or a letter to Leader Schumer asking why he and Democrats in the upper chamber didn't put together any sort of a plan to avoid default? "

wendybar said...

60,000 lbs of missing ammonium nitrate, senators issued satellite phones and now a Patriot Front U-Haul crashes the White House Fence?? Supposedly had a Nazi Flag inside. Great timing, after Biden tells Howard University Blacks that White Supremacy is the most dangerous threat to our homeland.

Aren't false flags great??? This can be as great as their Reichstag Fire on January 6th!!!

We will get all those Whiteys!!

tim in vermont said...

I just read somewhere that Trotsky believed that the wealthy in the West would end up as a class of petty dictators pretending that they the countries they governed were actual democracies. The devil, you say!

tim in vermont said...

It's funny how Dr Pepper managed to do those ads with that extremely effeminate spokesperson who was almost an actual fairy, without offending anybody. That's because they weren't preaching, they were entertaining.

wendybar said...

Seth Barron
You can murder a woman, berate waitstaff, and beat up reporters regularly, but if you made fun of Trump on TV, you are welcome in high society forever.

wendybar said...

"Thanks to the Durham report, we know the date that then-president Barack Obama learned about what John Durham calls the “Clinton Intelligence plan.” If CIA Director John Brennan’s notes are to be believed, that date was August 3, 2016.

This was the day Brennan briefed Obama and other key players about the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services."
So what did Obama do with this information? Right after the November election, said Nunes, “He got all the intelligence agencies involved and they leaked out to the fake news media that, ‘Oh, the Russians must have done something and they were trying to help Trump.’"

Wa St Blogger said...

Why so many comments removed by administrator? New rules that I am not aware of? Not sure why my comment on the Carroll post warranted removal.

Meade said...

It didn't. The comments were accidentally removed.

wendybar said...

bill smith
Replying to @Travis_in_Flint
if you want to attack the white house in a uhaul van, sucess would require a rainbow flag , they would lower all barriers ,in you go
1:30 AM · May 23, 2023

wendybar said...


Wa St Blogger said...

Thanks for the clarification, Meade