Why would you think bullying will stop if you respond by changing yourself? Here, a woman has had painful surgeries to add 5.5 inches to her legs. And she wasn't even short. She was 5'6" (if my reading and math are correct). Now, she's 6' tall, disproportionately leggy. As the headline shows, there is an absurd sex claim: "I have become very flexible with my legs and have more room to maneuver in bed."
May 3, 2023
"I now feel happy and satisfied with my legs, but I’m hit by a wave of hate on the Internet. It hurts me a lot."
"With the leg-lengthening procedure, I found myself and finally overcame my old trauma from being bullied. And now I’m being bullied again. Why am I subject to so much hate?"
So now she's approaching 6' and that's changed her sex life? Considering that only 14.5% of American men are over 6 feet, the logical assumption - considering women prefer men taller than themselves - would be that she shrunk her dating pool, not increased it.
I smell agit-prop.
So tired of this "bullying" meme! It was an excuse to turn schools upside down and yet it goes on. People don't change.
Bunch of weak reeds I say. Grow some thick skin.
Maybe you are being bullied for writing in the NYT about your surgery and how now you are a supergood flexible lay. Get the surgery if you want, but shut the f**k up about it or be prepared for the blow-back.
"Maybe you are being bullied for writing in the NYT..."
NY Post.
“Maybe you are being bullied for writing in the NYT about your surgery…”
New York Post.
What a waste of money and pain. Is she attracted to men who like freakishly long legs? Her arms don’t legs match her legs now.
Lots of kids in elementary school wish they were taller. Tthey have a right to height-affirming care!
Theresia Fischer, who starred on Germany’s “Celebrity Big Brother...
Ah. Aren't those shows dependent on bullying for the "entertainment" factor? This woman degrades herself for money.
Why would you think bullying will stop if you respond by changing yourself?
Isn't this the exact justification used to allow children to undergo genital mutilation without the knowledge or consent of their parents?
A living shoop.
Who on earth ever bullied a woman for being 5'6"?
cost her $160,000? WHY didn't her insurance pay for it? Like they have to, for gender dysphoria?
If a person suffers dysphoria because of the way their body is shaped.. Shouldn't insurance pay?
Why only gender dysphoria?
which would you rather have?
a living beanstalk? or a dead woman?
Those look like an animal's legs. A few more surgeries and she can identify as a giraffe, or Jar Jar Binks.
Yeah, I bet the modeling agencies are beating a path to her door for their many clients who want a model with battered and horribly scarred legs.
She's ready to keep on truckin'.
"With the leg-lengthening procedure"
If she really wanted to stop the bullying and earn sympathy, she should have amputated them. It's a postmodern kink.
If that didn't work, she could have gone straight to elective mastectomies.
At least in Gattaca it made sense.
The height of the average American woman. An elective therapy to identify with someone, something else.
What doctor did this?
Those with mental illnesses such as body dysmorphic disorder do not think anything is wrong.
Don't click on this link. You were warned.
Before and after:
Vanity is a curse.
OT: YouTube has taken down Glenn Loury’s latest BHtv post for violating Terms of Service.
Isn't this the exact justification used to allow children to undergo genital mutilation...
Genital mutilation through surgery, hormonal incongruity through medical, and mental dissonance through psychiatric care.
Suck it up.
&swallow it whole.
Doesn’t look healthy at all, why does media give these attention-whores what they want?
Wow, that is grotesque. Judging from that picture, I think her leg to torso ratio was already skewed toward legs before surgery. Now it is gross, and she compounds it by wearing high platform shoes. I never liked leggy women, so I'm not a good judge of this, but I am not interested in finding out how those legs improve the sex.
Perhaps she wasn't bullied for her height, which is average for an American female, but for another reason that remains unresolved.
"Maybe you are being bullied for writing in the NYT..."
NY Post.
My mistake (although when did the NYT become so tawdry that this mistake became so easy to make?)
Medical school is filled with corrupt consumer fucks
"The customer is always right!"
Would you like us to add a vagina?
How about three vaginas!
You evil docs are a mockery to the practice of medicine.
Kudos to the United States Supreme Court for fucking up the Hippocratic Oath in Roe v. Wade.
You want to see a monster? Look at the docs doing this shit.
Profiting from people's mental illness and your own lies.
If somebody who loved this woman came up to you in the parking lot
and smacked you in the face
while yelling, "First! Do! No! Harm!"
and I was on the jury?
I would acquit the shit out of the defendant, and try to talk the jury into giving him a cash reward.
So she got a painful, medically unnecessary procedure, to become 6 foot tall. Did anyone screen her for body dymorphic issues and mental health? What if she wanted to be blind? Would they take out her eyes?
This prcedure is normally used for people who have inhibited growth, like dwarfism or hormonal growth prolems. At 5'5", she was already above average for a female.
I realize you can always find a doctor who will do a questionable procedures, look at some radical plastic surgeries and the like. I just think the "bullying" may have been a sign of some other problems, perhaps mentally.
If you care that much about other people's opinions of your appearance, this will always be a problem for you.
The medical butcher who did this procedure should lose his/her license and be imprisoned.
“I now feel happy and satisfied with my legs, but I’m hit by a wave of hate on the internet,” Fischer told a German outlet.
NY Post is not a "German outlet".
It is entirely possible that I am being hit by a wave on the internet even as I type. Can you surf internet hate waves?
I can't even: understand why someone would do such a thing, why random people would care whether she does or not, and why anyone bothers with social media except to keep up with friends and relations.
I used to think doctors were ethical, but with all these weird surgeries and sdx changes, I realize that is naive
If "The Internet" is causing you pain, maybe dial back on your involvement with it.
"Nice legs."
"Thanks. I just had them lengthened. Now they go all the way up."
Even if I were inclined to bully, I wouldn't bully her. I'd be too terrified because she looks like the Medeiros girl in Rec.
Whoops. I think I stumbled into bullying her. Well, let's hope bullying at least sometimes has the beneficial side effect of preventing others from making similarly ill conceived decisions.
Who the fuck gets longer legs???
Is this going to be the new trans-gender?? Women love fads!!
She got legs!
She knows how to use them
You drink a keg
Won’t mind the contusions
If she were an arachnid, she'd be a birthing-person longlegs?
As someone who is now thinking long and hard about a medically necessary hip replacement, with the corresponding uncertainty, temporary loss of self sufficiency, and inconvenience, I have to wonder about patients and doctors who embark upon such weird surgical adventures. Who is paying for such foolishness? What kind of doctor is so dim and mercenary as to think that this is what he or she went to med school for? We are seriously mistaken in placing so much trust in a corrupted medical profession. Their corruption is the main reason why medical marijuana turned into marijuana for all. You can find a doctor who will, in exchange for moolah, recommend and perform upon you any whimsical act of self harm you happen to momentarily desire.
Two differences between this woman's experience, and the run-of-the-mill transgender surgery:
1. At least she paid for it herself; the trannies want us to pay for theirs. Which is ridiculous; elective surgery costs should belong to the patient.
2. At least her surgery improved her sex life, or so she claims. A big cheese (surgeon) in the tranny medical organization, WPATH, is on video saying that trans MTF who start early with puberty blockers and go on to the aptly-named "bottom surgery" have no chance of ever having an orgasm. "Zero," she said. So that kind of sucks, I guess. (No big surprise; hard to imagine having your penis cut off, turned inside out, and tucked up into your groin would do a lot for your sexual pleasure prospects. Still, some folks think that's a good idea: "gender-affirming care", they call it.)
What? No love for the man who donated his balls in order to make this leg-lengthening possible?
Oh look another person with body dysmorphia and a medical team that was willing to indulge that person for the right price. The bullying would probably decrease if she could figure out a way to append the group of people like her to the LGBT+ coalition. Should be easy to add another stripe to the flag. I suggest a very dark purple to represent the bruising her body experienced when it was intentionally injured to sate her mental anxieties.
Without commensurate arm lengthening, the body will be badly out of proportion.
I have become very flexible with my legs
I would expect the opposite as the muscles are stretched to cover the new distance.
She looks freakish.
I can see the interest in the abstract question, (Ann [HAHAHA]) but I am so far removed from people who think this way that I can't get interested. I have multiple sons, daughters-in-law, granddaughters, friends old and new, coworkers - I see nothing of this. This woman is from Mars. Or Venus, or whatever. Keep bringing them up. You do this so that I don't have to.
Honestly I was surprised she turned out to be White -- I'd first heard of this type of cosmetic procedure in Korea. My face is still locked in a rictus grimace from the x-ray and just thinking about what is involved, but she's an adult so as long as I'm not paying for it, seems fine to me. I guess. The pictures make her legs seem cartoonishly disproportionate post-surgery (specifically, those cartoons for little girls where the legs are lazily drawn to make up like 60% of the characters' height), but I think the photos have been selected for effect.
Huh. Why didn't she save herself a ton of money and grief and simply identify as a 6'1" person? I mean, if gender is fluid, surely height isn't too far behind, ¿no?
Huh. Why didn't she save herself a ton of money and grief and simply identify as a 6'1" person? I mean, if gender is fluid, surely height isn't too far behind, ¿no?
5'6" is a perfect height for an American woman. There is literally nothing wrong with 5'6". If you're a man you of course hear a lot of kvetching about if you're not 6ft you should kys, but for a guy being 5'8 or 5'9 is also just fine, it's even sloping outside the norm of the bell curve.
Unless you're a legitimate dwarf - and even then - you've got to question the rational for people going through this procedure. Both because of pain, complications, and cost.
It seems at times that everyone on the planet is genuinely upset with the skin they're in. You're fine. No, God didn't fuck you up. Give yourself a break, geez.
"Hate" is pretty much the currency of the woke. If you are not hated upon, you are not a victim and status is entirely based on victimhood. So, of course, she is going to mention it. How much? Who knows. Could be a mob, could be a handful of random trolls. Doesn't really matter. If everyone loved what she did, the haters would need to be invented.
If you need an explanation of why someone would voluntarily have their genitals removed, this sort of thing is very instructive. People can be convinced of ridiculous, damaging things for a whole variety of reasons.
"Why would you think bullying will stop if you respond by changing yourself?"
If you can't beat 'em, join em.
When I kept being teased for being Jewish, I converted to Christianity. Criticized heavily for that, but I didn't see it as the Coward's way out at all.
The teasing did stop, so it worked. Plus, as a bonus, I got to celebrate Christmas, and I got to eat bacon. Good deal. Win-win situation.
Well, then, stay off the internet. Don't read the comments. Is this hard?
What doctor did this? Are we sure this is really true?
Leg lengthening surgery should be open everyone, including children. Right? Right??? We do want height confirming care, don't we?
How to avoid a wave of internet hate - don't feel that you have to tell the internet everything you do. You also miss out on a wave of internet love, but since that is much more rare, it seems like a good trade off to me.
When will this fad of indulging the mentally ill as special celebrities come to a close, one wonders? Today I happened to have the radio on NPR as I worked the land. Every time I came back to the truck to move to a different spot, NPR was on to a new LGBTQEtc story. Every Single Time ! . Over 50% of the stories were about some aspect of trans culture, the new urgent issue of our time. How a trans musician broke into the country music scene with a special, extra-unique trans flavor. And so on, and so forth. Then a story about a new lesbian reality show, where relationship ultimatums are issued on screen. How do normal people put up with this total immersion in freak culture? It's BORING! End the mentally-ill freak show! Can't be soon enough....
I didn't read the story but the summary caused me think of those blower-powered Tube Men that dance around car lots, snack shops and other places that are trying to attract attention. Long tube body, short little waving arms just like the person who had her legs lengthened. If her sex life goes awry she can always take up advertising.
Ahh, life imitating South Park:
And she's wearing 4 inch heels. Fuck me shoes.
A variation of "gender dysmorphia." Also another neurosis. At least she's an adult.
5.5 inches…jeez. She’s like the women who go from A cups to 36DDD.
She can wade out further now when she's fly fishing...so there's that.
That's a monster lift kit. She looks like with the right shoes she could jump a dozen school buses.
"Considering that only 14.5% of American men are over 6 feet...."
Really! Woohoo! I'm among the elite!!
“'"I now feel happy and satisfied with my legs, but I’m hit by a wave of hate on the internet, Fischer told a German outlet."
"NY Post is not a 'German outlet.'"
Maybe the Post is picking up the story from a German paper.
“She can wade out further now when she's fly fishing...so there's that.”
Amen to that, I used to drive 2 hrs to the Rifle River in Mi so I could sit on a log and fish in a trout hole. Three orange salmon eggs and a treble hook.
Comments on this topic are exceeding expectations. I expected nothing but the obvious trans stuff, but there are many good ones tonight!
So those totally unnecessary extensions provided her the ability to have contortionist sex? What a load of crap. One of my closest friends is about five foot nothing, her husband is six two. Gorgeous family, two kids, six grands. Never let her height get in they way of doing what she wanted. Maybe because and her husband are moderately wealthy.
This woman would have done better for the world by sending that money to Save-a-Smile or whatever that charity is that helps kids with birth defects of the mouth. And now she has terrible scars that make her unemployable as any sort of model. She looks like that Saturday morning commercial from the 70s with the cartoon character on toothpick legs and an ice cube body. How’s she going to feel when she hits the age she starts shrinking in height? Shoot, I’ve gone from five eleven to five nine in the last forty years. More money than sense.
It's BORING! End the mentally-ill freak show! Can't be soon enough....
It's much easier when you stop listening to TV, and ignore the newspaper.
Along with the trans mania, DEI and obscenely obvious propaganda from the DNC/MSM, we are witnessing the collapse of America.
I am 70 and do not fear for myself, but I really fear for the Millenials.
Kudos to the United States Supreme Court for fucking up the Hippocratic Oath in Roe v. Wade.
Health care with a pro-death, pro-corruption, pro-dysfunction elective butterfly effect.
Another mentally ill person showing off their illness.
"It's much easier when you stop listening to TV, and ignore the newspaper.
But that's just it! I don't watch TV, and I don't read the newspaper! I used to listed to NPR because it had interesting programming, not just high-quality news journalism but also including classical music, jazz, so on. But it's mostly gone now. All alphabet propaganda, all the time. Anyway, the drift started years ago and I let them know at the time that I would be contributing an annual pledge because of it.
I initially thought this was about 2 different people - someone who suffered (sic) from dwarfism - or whatever the current political correct term - and another person. It took two reads to get it straight in my mind that it was the same person.
This is not normal behavior. People can do what they want to do, but this extreme ‘body modification’ is not, and never will be, normal.
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