May 4, 2023
Asked at deposition about whether it's "True with stars that they can grab women by the pussy," Trump said...
"Well, historically, that’s true with stars... Well, that’s what — if you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately.”
Social progress... Take a knee, beg, VP.
"If you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately."
And they just let you do it! Big bankroll. Big charisma. Big social proof. Big hair.
They absolutely do...and you'll never hear the end of it apparently.
Trump is a Neanderthal. He now identifies with how men treated women a million years ago. He needs to go back into his cave, and not come out again. Poor Melania. No wonder she slept in a separate bedroom in the White House.
Oh, well if he “didn’t disavow” a statement he made on tape, then he must be guilty of rape. Right?
If he “did disavow” the statement, then he’d be a perjurer, right? Since the statement was recorded?
Not just stars, but also friends with "benefits", casting couch applicants by rape, next door neighbors by rape-rape, and, best of all, if a "burden" should be conceived, they can excluded through social distancing, or the evidence aborted, sequestered at Planned Parenthood et al.
There does seem evidence to support his claim. For example, this particular case. If we are to believe E. Jean Carroll; Trump convinced her to try on clothing for him, pushed her into a dressing room, had sex with her; and for 25 years she let him get away with it. That's her argument. I'm not going to argue that Trump continuing his claim doesn't hurt his case, because I just pointed out how it supports her argument.
Part of the #MeToo was the #TimesUp. All those #TimesUp let them get away with it until years or decades later; assuming their claims of assault were accurate. It may be that they didn't want to let the "stars" get away with it, but their actions effectively did. What message is people like Matt Lauer and Brian Williams supposed to take away?
Trump seems to say whatever pops into his head. Which means if asked the same question at trial a different answer is likely to pop out, to be impeached with his prior inconsistent statement.
Are we supposed to deny that groupies exist?
Carroll wishes Trump had grabbed her by the pussy. Millions of women wish Trump had grabbed them, no women more so than those who hate him most. Their minds are in a battle royale between their book club friends saying no but their limbic systems saying yes. There are women who've gushed effusively about Trump before he ran for president only to turn on him. The behavior of women - and some men - towards him is like a flashing red light that no one can look away from. It reminds Americans of high school because it really is so much like it in the socio-sexual politics that runs underneath everything in our culture.
Trump made millions of women lie about him, about men, about each other and about themselves. The entire feminine veil of doublespeak is crashing down. No one will ever #believeallwomen ever again, certainly not me.
So he admits to feeling that because he is a “star” he can grab…and more. He seemed to be saying he is entitled to take what he wants.
“Asked if he considered himself a star, Trump responded, “I think you can say that, yeah.””
What a blithering idiot.
"Years after a video recording captured Donald J. Trump bragging about grabbing women by their genitals, "
"The defendant has been absent throughout, but he still loomed over the proceeding in federal court. "
He's a loomer.
trump says hes coming back from scotland to defend his honor in court on e jean carroll trial,judge gives him until sunday,I bet people up inhere believe he will show up!This fella is an obsessive offender of veracity but there are those people..
Did Trump indulge or report this queer lifestyle? #NoJudgment #NoLabels
Trump gives you the truth publicly even though women don't want it mentioned. Not pandering to women is a huge plus.
Games of Thrones is not the only television show to feature in the lawsuit. Carroll has also been pressed on the fact that her alleged rape at the Bergdorf Goodman luxury department store in New York City — which she concedes would have taken place in highly unusual circumstances — bears similarities to a situation described in crime series Law & Order.
In an excerpt from her 2019 book What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal the writer admitted that her account of Trump attacking her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room “in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996” contains some “odd” details.
For example, she conceded that her description of an entire floor of the famous department store as totally deserted of both customers and staff conflicts with the fact that “99 per cent of the time, you will have an attendant in Bergdorf’s”, as does her claim that “a dressing-room door was open.”
“In Bergdorf’s dressing rooms, doors are usually locked until a client wants to try something on,” she accepted.
Curiously, Law & Order had characters discuss a role-played rape in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room not too dissimilar to the one Carroll described in an episode that aired years prior to her public allegations against the former president.
The resemblance has been pointed out before, with CNN reporting in 2019 that Carroll was “an avid Law & Order franchise fan” — though not, she claimed, of the Special Victims Unit series featuring the Bergdorf Goodman episode.
“It tickled me to death,” Carroll said to CNN of the “coincidence”.
“It’s a great, huge coincidence, but it is a magnificent one,” she added.
Mistrial Denied.
The trial has become somewhat fractious, with Trump’s lawyers accusing Bill Clinton-appointed Judge Lewis Kaplan of making “pervasive unfair and prejudicial rulings” against the former president and making a request for a mistrial — which he has refused.
Among other things, Kaplan has ruled that Trump’s team cannot bring up the fact that Carroll’s litigation has been funded by Democrat billionaire Reid Hoffman.
Despite having initially claimed the litigation was not receiving outside funding, she recently and apparently quite suddenly recalled that, in fact, it has had the financial backing of Reid Hoffman, a billionaire Democrat who previously “contributed more than $600,000 to the legal defense fund of… Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the creation of the Steele Dossier,” according to Trump’s legal team.
Kaplan dismissed arguments that Hoffman’s involvement raises questions about “the plaintiff’s bias and motive” and insisted that any discussion of the obese billionaire would be “prejudicial”.
Carroll has alleged she has been subject to sexual assaults and rapes or attempted rapes by a long list of “hideous men” and others, including “a bloodthirsty, beautiful, relentless boy” aged seven or eight when she was also a child, a babysitter’s boyfriend, a camp counsellor, a dentist, an unnamed pocket knife-wielding youth she went on a date with in college, an unnamed former boss, CBS chief executive Les Moonves, and finally, Donald Trump.
Vulgarity. It's not the worst thing about him.
It must be nice to be so utterly affluent that a retired professor can afford to not worry about economic issues and focus instead on personality issues while the less affluent must cope with high inflation, job layoffs, imminent recession (if indeed the US is not already in one), and clear signs of rampant corruption at the highest levels of the party opposed to Trump.
Not every retiree is so well off.
Just watch Almost Famous. Exhibit A!
Stars can literally shoot people at point blank range on the set in the middle of the day in front of dozens of witnesses and just walk away...and the entire industry covered for the Weinsteins foemr 25 years and gave convicted drugger and sodomizer of children Polanski multiple awards and standing ovations at award shows as well as turning a blind eye to rampant homosexual predator behavior against young actors for 50 years.
So the answer to any question regarding what "stars" can do in Hollywood is an unequivocable yes.
And yes, I do realize my last point in the main graf regarding homosexual predator behavior in Hollywood will absolutely garner a very close and creepily obsessive assessment by one LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck.
So you’re admitting they don’t always let you do it.
Trump the reporter. Trump the whistleblower. Trump the anti-Anti-establishment. #TrumpSocialProgess
The left has no idea about how to deal with an honest man.
I bet people up inhere believe he will show up!This fella is an obsessive offender of veracity but there are those people..
Says the Joe Biden voter.
Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "So he admits to feeling that because he is a “star” he can grab…and more. He seemed to be saying he is entitled to take what he wants."
Why did you feel the need to change his words? Why did you feel the need to tell us what he "seemed" to be saying.
His quote is his quote.
If what Trump said was so horrible then why did you "feel" the need to "help" make it more to your liking for political purposes?
Rhetorical questions all, of course.
Readering: "Trump seems to say whatever pops into his head. Which means if asked the same question at trial a different answer is likely to pop out, to be impeached with his prior inconsistent statement."
Well, sounds like you've already got enough to impeach even before you sit down.
Something you democraticals have been doing regularly since about 2015.
Trump is a Neanderthal. He now identifies with how men treated women a million years ago.
Well, far from being stupid, grunting, imbeciles, enough fossils have been found to show that Neanderthals, on average, had larger brains than modern humans. And a million years ago our ancestors looked nothing like us. Fossils of bipedal hominids dating from approximately 11.6 million years ago have been found, until at least 300,000 years ago our hominin ancestors seem to have more closely resembled upright-walking chimpanzees than modern humans.
We have no idea how Neanderthal males treated their females. It’s not impossible that they were a matriarchal society, with females selecting male mates instead of the other way around. We have no way to know. Matriarchal societies have existed among h. sapiens within historic times, but they’ve all died out.
So, lonejustice, where did you go to college that you’re such an ignorant lout? And how many box tops did it take to earn your degree?
Inga he was a star and also your President
So he admits to feeling that because he is a “star” he can grab…and more. He seemed to be saying he is entitled to take what he wants.
As usual, you completely missed the point. Trump was saying, because he is a star, he doesn't have to take sexual favors, or even earn them, because women will compete to give them to him.
Note to Inga: there is a difference between knowing something can be done vs. feeling entitled to do it.
Having worked closely with the entertainment industry during four years in LA. The "Talent" can do any damn thing they please and they are surrounded by people who make this possible.
Two examples:
Once while waiting off-stage before a making a brief appearance on a top-rated TV show, I lit up a smoke. Some official in the studio immediately told me to put it out. Before he finished the sentence an assistant producer and a couple of his people whisked the Smoking Sheriff off to parts unknown. Although I was a complete unknown, I was about to be seen by a milllion, or so, people and producers can't risk "talent" being distracted, awkward or suddenly losing confidence when it's "Showtime".
In Sun Valley about 30 years ago, I was a guest at an "Airline Ski Week" The final event was a large party with music dancing and free booze. Around midnight, the band's Frontman announces a wet t-shirt contest. No interest shown by the many young lovelies in attendence.
The band leader pleaded a couple more times, yielding 3 or 4 women who were probably not often begged to show some skin. The final attempt to draw more participants included a promise that Clint Eastwood would judge the contest. Many women present protested the ploy in loud and colorful language.
And then - who should hop up on stage but the Clintster, himself. You have never seen so many angry women instantly change their minds and attitudes. Dozens or them rushed the stage to show Clint what they had. Seriously.
Donald may have been stupid to say what he did, using the words he did. Pretty true statement, though.
Trump was making a crude but obviously true statement about the nature of fame and people’s reactions to it. I find it very interesting, disconcerting (but sadly unsurprising) how many people on the left display not the slightest concern about the fact that it’s true but, rather, are outraged that Trump pointed it out.
Big Mike: "So, lonejustice, where did you go to college that you’re such an ignorant lout?"
lonejustice no doubt graduated with "honors" from the LLR-democratical Chuck School Of Lawfare.
Blogger Big Mike said...
It must be nice to be so utterly affluent that a retired professor can afford to not worry about economic issues and focus instead on personality issues while the less affluent must cope with high inflation, job layoffs, imminent recession (if indeed the US is not already in one), and clear signs of rampant corruption at the highest levels of the party opposed to Trump.
Oh how I yearn for a Republican Party that worked effectively on economic issues.
That effectively corrected the unsustainable growth in entitlement programs. That skillfully trimmed the federal budget. That could talk meaningfully, in a unified way, about international threats and the projection of American power abroad. That could intelligently articulate conservative philosophy.
But no. We’ve got, in the Trump Era, nothing but the Dumb Fuck Party. The Shit Stupid Populist Nationalist Party. Which cares about nothing so much as “critical race theory, transgender locker rooms, woke corporations and owning the libs.
Don’t try to sell me on how intelligent and responsible today’s GOP is. It used to be; but Trump destroyed that party.
Remember how many women, including at least one "journalist," who said they'd be willing to give Slick Willie a hummer for his stance on sacrificing infants?
Power corrupts. And having absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And that is why the 'casting couch' exist.
Trump was just saying a fact that has been around since cave man days.
Wow, this is the best stupid bullshit echo chamber ever.
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "That effectively corrected the unsustainable growth in entitlement programs. That skillfully trimmed the federal budget. That could talk meaningfully, in a unified way, about international threats and the projection of American power abroad. That could intelligently articulate conservative philosophy.
But no. We’ve got, in the Trump Era, nothing but the Dumb Fuck Party. The Shit Stupid Populist Nationalist Party. Which cares about nothing so much as “critical race theory, transgender locker rooms, woke corporations and owning the libs."
The ONLY reason a populist era has arisen once again is because the "respectable" republicans completely allied with the dems and globalists and radical lefties to take this nation down paths economic, foreign affairs and cultural that no real conservative could ever have countenanced....but the dems do...and so does the GOPe.
And its wonderful of our LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck to once again make explicit he wants absolutely no pushback against the marxist woke radical CRT and child sexualizing trans agenda being inflicted upon our nations children.
Well, after LLR-democratical Chuck's strong, passionate even, very passionate, full-throated endorsement of the Lincoln Pedophile Project AFTER that crew of sickos had been exposed protecting known child predators, I don't think anyone can be surprised at yet again ANOTHER call by LLR-democratical Chuck for Full Surender to the Dems/Left across the board on all cultural issues.
Interestingly, that very same surrender-to-the-left on cultural issues message was precisely the message that Paul Ryan delivered when he spoke at, of all places, The Ronald Reagan library.
Yes indeed, it is a "time for choosing" and LLR-democratical Chuck has chosen to support drag queens twerking dildos in front of six year old's faces...which David French now calls a "blessing of liberty" all the while leftists seek to transition and sexualize children without parents knowing the hopes that these children can be confused enough to commit themselves to self-mutilating medical procedures.
Not doubt to "conserve conservatism", eh Chuck?
And yes, I do realize after writing the above that Chuck, our resident Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist might need to excuse himself from the blog for a short period in order to regain his...."composure"......
Trump was just saying a fact that has been around since cave man days.
I see three possibilities with regard to the similarities of the 2012 Law & Order: SVU episode.
1. It’s a true coincidence.
2. Carroll made up her story based on the episode.
3. The writers of the episode had heard some version of the story, and based their script on it.
The trial has focused on the first two possibilities, but I think the third may be what happened. Carroll told at least two other people what happened. It’s the type of story that is too good not to tell, perhaps leaving out names to protect your friend. Then it becomes, I have a friend who has a friend who had this happen to them at Bergdorf’s.
Chuckie (7:36), bless his shriveled little heart, slept all the way through 2019. He loves him the sound of children crying when mommy and daddy tell their kids that there won’t be a Christmas in their house this year because thanks to Biden’s economic policies they can barely afford food. He spent all of last December orgasming into his Depends.
Chuck trying to be a real boy is some funny stuff.
Piss off you lying fraud.
"Trump is a Neanderthal. He now identifies with how men treated women a million years ago."
No Trump is an alpha make and women will fall all over themselves to try and hook up with an alpha male. And if you think you're a worthy alpha female. You're not.
“Having worked closely with the entertainment industry during four years in LA. The "Talent" can do any damn thing they please and they are surrounded by people who make this possible.”
My partner grew up in Las Vegas, and her stories about being a beautiful young woman there, confirm this. She ran the flower shop at the Hilton throughout college, where a lot of famous acts were. And dated, then married, the Executive Banquet chef at Caesars. Not a week would go my that she didn’t have interactions with household name level stars, and many of the guys expected sex (some of the notable exceptions were Cosby, Elvis, and Lee Majors). Throw in the casino bosses, a mayor, etc. Even some mob figures, who didn’t like hearing “No”. Her friends couldn’t believe that she never took any of them up on their offers (that type of offer - she wasn’t above taking front row tickets for their shows from them). They all seemed to want to hang with her when she was around stars, looking for more notches in their belts. And several of them were able to score as a result. One close to her did quite well. When she heard Trump’s quote, she said that it was literally true. Plenty of women she knew during that time would gladly have been grabbed by the crotch by someone as rich, famous, and powerful as Trump was at that time. Those are aphrodisiacs for many women.
Aphrodisiac or status… either/and.
Trump outraged a certain class of women by talking like a host of boys I grew up with and men I worked with over decades. None of us ever thought to take it literally - a failure to distinguish literal from figurative in language is a sign of mental impairment.
Two truths: 1. If you are conventionally successful, women will allow you more leeway in how far you can push them, and 2. If you act like you deserve to be there, women will let you come in. Thus, metaphorically, grab 'em by the pussy. I don't doubt that many who complained the loudest were lesbians. Girls, you don't count.
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