The most recent Reuters poll, taken from 3/31 - 4/3, has Trump up by 29 percentage points. In the previous Reuters poll, 3/14 - 3/20, Trump was only up by 14. In the most recent Trafalgar Group poll, 3/31 - 4/2, Trump is up by 33 points. In the previous Trafalgar Group poll, he was up by 14.
It seems obvious that the indictment has improved his standing. Nice work, Trump haters.
Same strategy as 2016.
The plan is coming together nicely.
question for the Trump haters here, that pretend that they are republicans..
Who, and HOW, is the republican you see WINNING an election (Not a nomination)??
I'm not say Trump could win (i DOUBT that he could), i'm just saying; if Trump can't NO BODY could
"Nice work, Trump haters."
My cynical reaction is that the Manhattan D.A.'s office pulled back on indicting Trump after the leak, fearing that it would make him more popular. But then they decided that making him more popular among Republicans would be a good thing, because it would make it more likely he would be nominated but then lose the election, and provide glue to keep the Democratic coalition together. "You may not like all the Progressive stuff, but the alternative is Donald Trump."
I'd take Vivek Ramaswamy over any of them. Shame that he doesn't have a chance.
Conventional advice since forever: Maintaining hatred turns you into what you hate.
This has clear mirror-image echoes of the Republican's excessive focus on Bill Clinton's morals and personal failings during the 1990s. But zealots will be zealous until the are ignored by their allies or until they die.
An indictment of the Democrat process from well before conception, over seven years, 28 trimesters, since his announcement as presidential candidate. The consensus of Republicans, albeit a minority, only highlights the progress and sustained risk.
Why isn't my name in this poll? After all, I'm of the same status as DeSantis at this point: undeclared candidacy.
Democrats and Independents need not be concerned about Trump’s popularity, because the people who jumped back on board the Trump train from the DeSantis train were not going to vote for a Democrat at any rate. His popularity numbers among rightists don’t indicate that he would win in a presidential election. He lost the 2020 election with high popularity numbers among rightists. Who should care what rightists who would never vote for any Democrat think about Trump? Rightists. I doubt if Trump’s popularity among independents has changed since 2020.
Of course this is my opinion, but it’s partially based on elections since 2018. The trend shows Trump and Trump adjacent candidates lose.
oh please. The left need Trump for Media whore ratings and punching bag.
Biden will "win" again with his 81 million adoring fake-fans... at the ballot stuffing stations.
The left keep counting until they win.
An American Versailles is dominant. Trump to the Bastille. I knew right from the start the grand jury would indict. Analysis showing this would be a bad idea and/or illegal never shook my position which was that the Dems have gone crazy. Listening to reasoned analysis was like listening to reasons why Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine. Yes, there were good reasons why he shouldn't do it but he invaded anyhow because autocracies have reasons which reason knows nothing of. And the same applies to the Dems in relation to Trump.
The elite of this country sold our manufacturing base to China. They ripped a wound right across the whole country and the people who did it are still around and their descendants are too. And they're all useless. This situation is emerging into the national consciousness; Trump actually confronted it and worked on it but the elites couldn't bear that. And they still can't. The elites cadres who sold our manufacturing are in their late seventies and early eighties so soon we'll see the Passing of the Kow-Tow Race. Then comes the younger generation which is well represented by John Fetterman, Hunter Biden, Chris Cuomo, Chelsea Clinton. And on the culture front we have are Harvey Weinstein and ex-prince Harry the Spare. And The View. And DEI administrators with ChatGPT doing their expert reports.
Again, they've been alternately promoting and tearing down Trump since 2015, exactly as they alternately promote and tear down Bernie Sanders. The goal is to deliver an empty, corrupted suit to the White House, by any means necessary.
But the haters want Trump to win so he'll lose!
They're clever that way.
But where is he among all voters?
The GOP usual suspects were not so strangely quiet yesterday as the democraticals/GOPe lawfare plan to select the next GOP nominee and send a strong message to the republican base that they need to just shut up and do what they are told swung into high gear.
I believe some people were warning that this is what would happen. You can't have an obviously political prosecution and not expect some people, even those who do like the person, to strongly object. Many GOP voters, who were ready to move on to another candidate, moved back into the Trump column. As did some independents.
Biden practically admitted yesterday, in response to a reporter's question, that the indictment was to make sure Trump wasn't elected again.
Don't be so gullible Ann, that's exactly the outcome they wanted. Trump to be popular to either get the nomination and then not elected, or destroy the GOP's chances in the next potus election.
Ummm; they are polling Republicans, right? These are all polls of likely Republican voters, on how they feel about a Republican primary. The cult of Trumpism is responding to its own odd stimuli. This is not in any way a reflection of a general electorate, which seems to be getting more and more horrified by Trump's crimes.
We "Trump haters" don't much like the idea of Trump remaining a part of American public life. But we "Trump haters," who un-elected Trump in 2020, are looking forward to doing the same thing again in 2024 if Trump is the nominee. A good, comprehensive Trump ass-kicking might be a really good thing for the country. The worst of the many bad Trump myths is the myth that Trump is an electoral winner. It's the myth that Trump clings to most fiercely; he claims he never loses. It's the central motivating feature in Trump's continued ridiculous claim that he actually won 2020 in "a landslide." Hanging another big L on Trump sounds pretty good to me.
Bring it, TrumpWorld. Oh; and we'll see you in court.
Trump will go through the primaries and nominating process as an incumbent.
The others are auditioning for cabinet positions.
DeSantis is just getting his feet wet, and in fact will not declare as a candidate.
Nothing has “spiked” unless it begins to show signs of slowing and starting back down.
I’d like to see Trump step aside because he’s too old.
I’m going to suggest to you that the UniParty’s attempt to destroy him for trying to stop the war and money laundering circus in Ukraine might be reason enough for you to support him.
It seems obvious that the indictment has improved his standing. Nice work, Trump haters.
1: They're not Trump haters, they're Republican haters
2: They look at the way the "Deep State" played Trump for 4 years, and the way DeSantis actually fires bad people and hires good ones, and have decided they want to run against Trump in 2024
After all, it was the "Trump FBI" that worked so hard to get social media to censor the Hunter Biden laptop / Joe Biden corruption story.
It was Trump who kept Fauci in power, and thus worked to keep America locked down
It was Trump who sat there with his thumb up his ass while the Democrats illegally changed election laws so they could flood the polls with ballots not from the actual voter.
If they have to lose in 2024, why wouldn't they want Trump back?
I doubt the Trump haters are recently decamped DeSantis lovers: Trump is getting his bump from DeSantis' decline. Why? I really don't know. Maybe people are just registering disgust with the government through polling.
Do you recall how the Dems supported Oz in the primary so that they could get the people to elect a manifestly unqualified stroke victim?
Bah. there is a long time to the general election. I still think the smart play for the Democrats is to have Trump as the candidate. They boosted him in the Republican primary. Mission accomplished.
But libtards get to say he is "indicted"! That is way more important to them.
My prediction is that this is the first shot in a series of political indictments. What is to stop a prosecutor in Florida or Wyoming from indicting Hunter and Fauci for something? Then who is next in retaliation? Don Jr.? Then who? AOC? Elzabeth Warren? Will there be hostage trades like in the midevil days?
My point is, Trump may get a quick bump, but it only works if he is viewed as being persecuted. Once it becomes a tit-for-tat he no longer gets a sympathy bump and I bet he sinks like a rock. In six months, I think many people are going to be disgusted with the whole circus.
Nice work, Trump haters.
The only candidate Brandon can beat is Trump.
The MSM wat him to run to stave off bankruptcy. The DNC for the win.
First they came for Donald Trump...and I did not speak out, because I didn't like Donald Trump......
They are going to come for us all. They aren't going to stop.
Trump, if he wins the nomination, merely has to ask the 1980 Reagan question. "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" If he avoids recrimination about 2020 and sticks to issues, the Democrats may not be able to print enough fake ballots. The present installed regime is well on its way to collapsing the economy by 2024. The BRICS group will be in control by November 2024.
Trump is somewhat incidental to all this, IMO. It's more of a demonstration to others that this is what you'll face if you go against The State.
Greg the Class Traitor said...
So he did nothing worthy of praise?
Drago makes a good point.
No one should presume that Trump voters are sufficiently self-aware to realize when they are getting played in primaries.
Case in point (an example that I have used previously): the 2022 MI-03 congressional race. A Trump-fanatic candidate (John Gibbs) ran against incumbent Peter Meijer in the GOP primary. It was pure Trumpist vengeance against Meijer, who had a solid conservative voting record and a very good name in the district. But Meijer had voted for the second Trump impeachment. And the Trump Family wanted to kill Meijer's political career as payback.
The DNCCC ran tv ads in western Michigan; the ads said that "John Gibbs was too extreme" and was essentially tied too tightly to Trump. The Democrats knew exactly what the ads would do. The ads triggered the Trump base voters. They turned out to vote for Gibbs, to express their support for Trump. Gibbs won the primary.
And then, in the general election, for the first time in decades, the MI-03 elected a Democrat, Hillary Scholten. A progressive immigration attorney. Hahaha. The Dems' plan worked, to absolute perfection.
Now; admittedly, the Michigan congressional districts were redrawn for 2022. But Meijer had been very well known in the new district which comprised much of his old district. And it was a district that had been R+4 when Meijer was in office, and it is D+1 now. But Scholten dominated Gibbs, who was rejected in the general. She won, 55-42%.
So that's the playbook. TrumpWingers don't get it. Some do; I see comments on these blog pages from numerous commenters who think that Trump is getting set up to fail again in a general. Far be it from me to criticize them. But the Trump base respondents to these primary polls certainly don't get it. We'll see, after two or three more Trump criminal indictments, and then some actual primary elections.
But I see no end to the cycle of small-plurality Trumpist primary wins followed by convincing general election losses.
They want Trump to win the primary. They need Trump to win the primary. That's the truth. Whether we can handle it or not.
Mr Wibble: "Biden won in 2020 because the Dems hid who he was, whipped up chaos and hysteria over Trump, and then promised a return to normalcy."
Of course, most importantly, the democraticals and their GOPe allies used the pandemic to change all the rules for voting in critical states, in particular the loathesome zuckerburg-funded GOPe-ers like Raffensberger in GA and the entire McCain/Ducey machine in AZ.
And lets not even get started on how McConnell, the Republican Governors Association under Ducey (again!) and the RNC screwed over as many republican populist candidates that they could because they were overconfident in the overall numbers of republicans they thought would be elected in 2022.
Another wonderful illustration of the childish tantrums and/or blunt stupidity that fuels the shifting and irrational "thoughts," beliefs, and actions of a great portion of US citizens, (including voters).
Mature liberal counter protestors are using whistles and pots and pans to drown out MTG's pro-Trump protest.
They must have learned this mature method on a liberal college campus. We are screwed as a nation and society if this is what liberals consider "open minded".
Nothing but a bunch of blind totalitarian sheep.
Chris - * gets it.
Blogger Greg the Class Traitor said...
It was Trump who sat there with his thumb up his ass while the Democrats illegally changed election laws so they could flood the polls with ballots not from the actual voter.
Greg, can you please explain how the Federal Executive can control corrupt liberal state Supreme Courts (PA), corrupt county boards (Maricopa, AZ), and corrupt state election commissions that openly break existing election laws (WI).
It was NEVER Trump's FBI That's just disingenuous.
There was NO WAY Trump could remove Fauci in 2020. The left made Fauci a secular GOD. Meanwhile, governors in PA, MI, NY, NJ, and CA were purposefully contaminating nursing homes with COVID to up the death count, and shave some people of the Medicare rolls. Evil stuff Democrats did.
Basically one guy [Trump] took on the system for the working class in America. The system/deep state fought back HARD. Used lies, investigations, censorship, and constant propaganda to manipulate, control, and maintain power.
Now they use corrupt political prosecutions, lawfare, and continued abuse of power that will forever change America.
Sounds to me like you're just a Trump hater who has capitulated or supports the Deep State and Uniparty efforts.
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
oh please. The left need Trump for Media whore ratings and punching bag.
Biden will "win" again with his 81 million adoring fake-fans... at the ballot stuffing stations.
The left keep counting until they win.
It's good to see you know that. They will do the same to DeSantis.
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
oh please. The left need Trump for Media whore ratings and punching bag.
Biden will "win" again with his 81 million adoring fake-fans... at the ballot stuffing stations.
The left keep counting until they win.
It's good to see you know that. They will do the same to DeSantis.
"The elite of this country sold our manufacturing base to China."
By which I assume you mean the capitalists exercised their options in the free market (so-called) and moved their jobs overseas where wage levels (and expectations) are far lower and working conditions are more onerous than in America. In so doing, the capitalists made a rational decision, as this reduced their payroll expenses, resulting in increased bottom line profits, (at the cost of the near-slave laborers in China and jobless Americans who formerly did--or could do--those jobs...for a living wage, of course, which the capitalists do not wish to pay).
This is how the free market (so-called) works, bubs! The rich prosper, the rest of us pay for it, (in every sense of the phrase)!
The democrats are terrified of DeSantis. They are terrified of a candidate who speaks clearly and wins Democrat strong-holds. The left are addicted to Trump, addicted to Trump-Hate, Trump Drama.
btw - did the GOPeeee force Trump to stick his dick into Stormy? GOPEEED!
Trump will be the nominee - because the Democrats pick the R nominees now. Same way the corrupt left can get a pandemic to show up right when they need it to change voting procedures.
*yes - what the corrupt left are doing to Trump is a crime. All while Hillary and Biden skate.
(said for the millionth time)
The evidence that the 2020 election was stolen by the Dims is purely circumstantial.
But sometimes, as wise old Frenchman said, circumstantial evidence is highly convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk.
The evidence that the 2020 election was stolen by the Dims is purely circumstantial.
But sometimes, as a wise old Frenchman said, circumstantial evidence is highly convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk.
It was Trump who sat there with his thumb up his ass while the Democrats illegally changed election laws so they could flood the polls with ballots not from the actual voter.
What exactly could Trump have done about this? Arrest them? Sue them? Call them out on the national media, who have manifestly ignored the story for two years? What?
hey Drago - the theory that Trump is the left's dupe is real. More than a theory.
but you yammer on blaming the GOPeee for Trump's dick stepping.
Yeah - the GOp is weak - but Trump is a Democrat Asset.
I recognize that Trump was a good president who may have been a great president if not for the traitors in our midst who were/are willing to ruin the country for no better reason than to undermine a man they hate. That said, I am tired of his schtick too. I want a president with a little gravitas, who doesn't make me cringe every time he opens his mouth. I want us to get past Trump the person; I want Trumpism without Trump and I have hope that De Santis is the person to do it.
That said, there is a little voice in the back of my brain that wants to vote for Trump just to stick it to his haters. And every time they pull another stunt, that voice gets a little louder.
RMc said...
Me: It was Trump who sat there with his thumb up his ass while the Democrats illegally changed election laws so they could flood the polls with ballots not from the actual voter.
What exactly could Trump have done about this? Arrest them? Sue them? Call them out on the national media, who have manifestly ignored the story for two years? What?
The Trump campaign should have sued every single Democrat Governor /. Sec State who used covid to illegally change election procedures during the 2020 election.
They had standing, and before the election there could be no "latches" BS for courts to hide behind.
WI SC blocked the Madison elections from continuing to tell people that "fear of covid" meant they were "permanently incapacitated", and so could vote absentee without showing any photo ID.
Because someone sued.
Trump never sued anywhere, to block anything. you know, like the Zuckerberg "vote drop boxes"
Gusty Winds said...
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Biden will "win" again with his 81 million adoring fake-fans... at the ballot stuffing stations.
The left keep counting until they win.
It's good to see you know that. They will do the same to DeSantis.
No, they won't.
Because DeSantis will actually effectively fight back.
Which is why FL had an honest count in 2020, and 2022
Drago said...
The GOP usual suspects were not so strangely quiet yesterday as the democraticals/GOPe lawfare plan to select the next GOP nominee and send a strong message to the republican base that they need to just shut up and do what they are told swung into high gear.
Drago, they ARE trying to pick the 2024 GOP nominee, and the one they're trying to pick is Trump
Gusty Winds said...
Greg the Class Traitor said...
It was Trump who sat there with his thumb up his ass while the Democrats illegally changed election laws so they could flood the polls with ballots not from the actual voter.
Greg, can you please explain how the Federal Executive can control corrupt liberal state Supreme Courts (PA), corrupt county boards (Maricopa, AZ), and corrupt state election commissions that openly break existing election laws (WI).
5 days after any particular group announced that they were going to change the way elections were done, without any change in election law, the Trump campaign should have been in court suing to block those changes.
Do tell where they tried, and the courts rejected them.
Not "sued a week before the election, or after it", but sued as soon as they could put a reasonable argument together after the announcement.
It was NEVER Trump's FBI That's just disingenuous.
Trump was President of the United States. Once the Mueller Report came back with Trump exonerated in 2019, Trump could have started firing, and kept on firing, until it WAS "Trump's FBI"
The fact that he utterly failed to do that, and his failure must be held against him by any sane person, is the whole point
There was NO WAY Trump could remove Fauci in 2020. The left made Fauci a secular GOD.
Gee, you mean like Rebekah Jones in FL? Oh, wait, DeSantis fired her. Just like he's fired multiple elected Fl prosecutors who've tried to play the Soros game.
If your defense of Trump is "he couldn't do his job because it would have made the Left too upset", then when you're looking for GOPe squishes, look in a mirror.
Gusty Winds said...
Basically one guy [Trump] took on the system for the working class in America. The system/deep state fought back HARD. Used lies, investigations, censorship, and constant propaganda to manipulate, control, and maintain power.
And they won.
Because Trump doesn't know how to assemble a team that can fight back, and wasn't willing to take the heat, see Christopher Wary, Fauci.
I voted for Trump in 2020. I think the 2020 election was stolen, and that Trump actually won.
But the reason why the Democrats were able to steal the election is because Trump did not effectively fight back.
Don't get pissed at me for pointing out the reality that you don't like. Trans delusion or Trump delusion, I don't care. Realty trumps
And the reality is that Trump has no idea how to be a successful chief government chief executive.
Things he could do on his now, he did pretty well.
Things that required a team, he utterly failed.
And if re-elected he will still fail, because he's a one man show.
Every single successful large modern military has a general staff running it, because for large complex projects, team beats individual.
For probably psychological reasons, Trump is simply not capable of successfully doing the team thing. Drago (rightly) bitched about how the GOP Establishment helped tank "Trump candidates" in the 2022 elections.
What Drago ignored, however, was that 2022 was a chance for Trump to build a national infrastructure, working with those candidates, pulling them to victory in 2022, and then leveraging that to pull Trump to victory in 2024.
Trump didn't even try. Where was the "Team Trump" get out the vote operation?
From 2017 to 2020, the Deep State kicked President Trump's ass.
If Trump gets elected in 2024, they will spend 2025 to 2028 still kicking his ass.
He'll "fight", but he'll lose. Because he doesn't know how to fight to win in that fight.
I supported Trump. I've given up on him, because the failures of 2022 show he doesn't know how to win.
And I want to win, not just to "fight"
"The evidence that the 2020 election was stolen by the Dims is purely circumstantial."
To be more precise, evidence that the 2020 election was stolen is purely imaginary.
Have the disappointed Alex Jones fans moved over here and brought their conspiracy theories with them?
Some of you guys have a bulletin board at home covered with post-its, stick pins and red twine don't you?
@ Greg
"Drago, they ARE trying to pick the 2024 GOP nominee, and the one they're trying to pick is Trump"
Don't even bother. Drago is a blind faith Ever-Trumper and he will never admit that the left are manipulating the game. Drago's head-space only calculates in one direction: "GOPe McConneltard army of globalists are to blame!".
Now do Alvin Bragg. I've been working on it, and I have managed to hate Fat Al's reeking, gas-filled guts more than I did last week.
"Of course this is my opinion, but it’s partially based on elections since 2018."
Igna, the "opinion" you posted is actually an "analysis". And there is no way on Earth that you performed an act of analysis. I'll bet your eyes cross just trying to read the word.
Basically, we need DeSantis to win the nomination and lose to mail-in-voting in the general election, too, before we get to acknowledge the reality in which we exist. Probably better to get this done in 2024 than in 2028.
In short- we won't be voting our way out of this. The sooner we understand that, the better.
If he avoids recrimination about 2020 and sticks to issues, the Democrats may not be able to print enough fake ballots.
@Dr. Michael K., unfortunately, with Donald Trump that’s a big “if,”
gilbar said...
question for the Trump haters here, that pretend that they are republicans..
Who, and HOW, is the republican you see WINNING an election (Not a nomination)??
I'm not say Trump could win (i DOUBT that he could), i'm just saying; if Trump can't NO BODY could
4/4/23, 8:35 AM
I’d happily vote for a conservative anti-Trump Republican. A Liz Cheney, for instance. What would the TrumpWing arguments be then? You’d have no policy argument. Except, maybe you don’t really want a conservative, per se. But I believe that the point you are making is that the TrumpWing won’t accept a non-Trumpy candidate. Perhaps no one at all, but Trump himself. Which is wholly unacceptable to we Never Again Trumpers.
Trump has quite simply broken the Republican Party, and perhaps permanently.
Just as Lindsey Graham warned in 2015. Just as the entire GOP establishment warned in Michigan, before Michigan Republicans took the worst beating in a lifetime.
So the indictment basically says that Trump made false entries in his own personal private records.
Hard to see why this indictment should not be tossed before the end of the day.
34 felony counts.. To be served consecutively..
Imagine WHAT he'd be looking at, if he'd committed a REAL crime? You know, like theft or assault and battery?
Then he'd be looking at: well.. NOTHING
"If he avoids recrimination about 2020 and sticks to issues, the Democrats may not be able to print enough fake ballots.
Big Mike: "@Dr. Michael K., unfortunately, with Donald Trump that’s a big “if,”"
Indeed. There are no perfect candidates and you go to war with the army you have, not the one you wish you had.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): " Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
@ Greg
"Drago, they ARE trying to pick the 2024 GOP nominee, and the one they're trying to pick is Trump"
Don't even bother. Drago is a blind faith Ever-Trumper and he will never admit that the left are manipulating the game. Drago's head-space only calculates in one direction: "GOPe McConneltard army of globalists are to blame!"."
Ah yes. Another day ending in "y" where Flip-side Inga comes out swinging in defense of the GOPe.
A day without HBTPFH defending the GOPe-ers is like a day without sunshine.
So once again, we will ask the question that never gets answered...because it cant be answered by the likes of dolts like Flip-side Inga:
Which candidate will more effectively deliver the economic, foreign affairs and anti-deep state/military industrial complex/Forever Wars policies that Trump did while doing it without the Trump drama?
The question that is asked every single day is never answered for one simple reason: Flip-side Inga and her pals don't actually WANT those policies. They want what the GOPe-ers have on tap for us all.
Everything else is theater.
To be more precise, evidence that the 2020 election was stolen is purely imaginary.
The proof is in the pudding........Joe Biden is a moron, but 81 million votes!!
Greg: "I supported Trump. I've given up on him, because the failures of 2022 show he doesn't know how to win."
Ronna Romney thanks you.
Greg: "No, they won't.
Because DeSantis will actually effectively fight back."
Disney figured out how to outmaneuver DeSantis quite easily. But right, DeSantis is going to ride into DC and do all those things the grassroots wants done....after being supported and funded by the very parties that DON'T want any of those things done.
Explain to everyone present how, exactly, that's going to work.
Again, a question that has been asked almost everyday for months and months and months....and remains unanswered to this very day.
Disney figured out how to outmaneuver DeSantis quite easily.
@Drago, it isn’t so clear that what Disney did was actually legal under Florida law. Next couple steps in the scorpion’s mating dance are going to be interesting.
Cry ‘bullshit!’, and let loose the Chuck road apples!
“… while the Democrats illegally changed election laws so they could flood the polls with ballots not from the actual voter.”
Such bullshit. There was/is no proof of fraudulent voting. To continue to repeat this lie is just silly.
Drago said...
Which candidate will more effectively deliver the economic, foreign affairs and anti-deep state/military industrial complex/Forever Wars policies that Trump did while doing it without the Trump drama?
DeSantis will.
Now that I've answered your question, respond to my points:
1: In 4 years as President and chief law enforcement officer of the US, President Trump never managed to get any control over the FBI
In fact, the FBI spent 2020 working to sabotage his re-election campaign
What does this say about Trump's ability to "fight the Deep State"?
2: President Trump sat around with his thumb up his ass while Democrats rigged the 2020 election, rather than having his campaign take them to court every time they tried to illegally change the rules
What does this say about Trump's ability and willingness to fight for us?
Drago said...
Greg: "I supported Trump. I've given up on him, because the failures of 2022 show he doesn't know how to win."
Ronna Romney thanks you.
The Democrats thank Trump for picking Dr oz to get Fetterman across the finish line. And for picking Evans to lose the WI Gov race.
Do I hate Ronna? Oh yes I do. But I hate the Democrats more, and Trump spent 2020 and 2022 empowering the Democrats
Drago said...
Disney figured out how to outmaneuver DeSantis quite easily
What's it like, being such an easy mark you fall for every single story the press pushes?
Disney thinks they've been cute and successful. They're going to have to win in a FL court system that is packed with Republican judges all the way up to and including the FL State Supreme Court.
Only an ignorant child actually believes at this point that Disney has won.
But right, DeSantis is going to ride into DC and do all those things the grassroots wants done....after being supported and funded by the very parties that DON'T want any of those things done.
Explain to everyone present how, exactly, that's going to work.
Again, a question that has been asked almost everyday for months and months and months....and remains unanswered to this very day.
Yep, and I've responded multiple times. After which you've always run away in terror.
The people funding DeSantis now were also funding him in 2022. So, what did DeSantis do bad in 2022? Nothing?
He's certainly fought big woke companies, which is not something the GOPe likes to see.
if DeSantis wins in 2024, then the last two Presidents will have lost their re-election bids. Which means DeSantis will know that he is NOT a lock to win his re-election bid.
So, if your story line is "DeSantis acted good in 2022 because he wanted to win re-election", then you've also established that DeSantis will act good as President, because he'll want to win re-election.
Unless and until you can tell us the bad things that DeSantis has done in order to suck up to those funders, you've got jack shit.
And in all the times I've asked you for "what has DeSantis done wrong", you've never come up with anything, just gone back to whining about who is giving him money.
Democrat retards: "Your words matter more than your actions, your claimed intentions matter more than your actual results"
Other retards: "Your funders matter more than your actions, my claims about you matter more than your actual results"
Both are utter bullshit
the felony counts are bullet points to the same crime. He may have fed some chicks and they attempted to buy their silence.
HIllary crimes were a million times worse - and she breathes free air.
Greg: "The people funding DeSantis now were also funding him in 2022. So, what did DeSantis do bad in 2022? Nothing?
He's certainly fought big woke companies, which is not something the GOPe likes to see."
Once again, I suggest you go back and reread (read for the first time?) Ken Griffin's interview in Politico where he made quite clear that he didnt care about the woke stuff. He only cares about the globalist agenda.
And the Disney litigation will take quite awhile, meanwhile Disney is shoving $13B into their Florida ops this year so yeah, they outmanuevered DeSantis and team completely and only a child could miss that one...like you.
But hey, at least you guys can close the barn door after the horses are gone.
Greg: "Do I hate Ronna? Oh yes I do. But I hate the Democrats more, and Trump spent 2020 and 2022 empowering the Democrats"
With this level of willful blindness its no wonder McConnell and Ducey and crew literally fund opponents of republicans and cut deals with dems...because so many republicans are just sheep happily waiting to be sheared.
The GOPe-ers never, ever pay a price for their actions. Quite the opposite really.
Maybe now would be a good time to share a link to the "Thank you sir, may I have another" scene in Animal House.
Greg: "And in all the times I've asked you for "what has DeSantis done wrong", you've never come up with anything, just gone back to whining about who is giving him money."
You have been told a hundred times why some of us do not trust DeSantis on economic/foreign affairs/deep state policies.
While in congress, DeSantis was a total Paul Ryan puppy dog across the board, including supporting TPP. Gee, do you think that might come up in a campaign?
So no, I don't trust DeSantis in the slightest in those areas I specified above.
And that's where his funders come in. DeSantis has only raised about 6% or so of his funds from small donors. ALL the rest come from the globalist types that don't want ANY of the policies I support in those policy areas outlined.
Greg asks: "The people funding DeSantis now were also funding him in 2022. So, what did DeSantis do bad in 2022? Nothing?"
in 2022, what were DeSantis' formal policy positions on foreign affairs, national economics, trade, deep state dismantling, etc?
Oh, that's right, he was just running for governor and so he didn't address any of those things. But just recently he did touch on his ideas about Ukraine and our engagement there and he sounded quite reasonable....for about 48 hours.... after which he walked back his comments after getting a good talkin' to by his handlers no doubt. Or maybe he did it all on his own. Either way, his walk back was telling.
And it was Congressman DeSantis all over again.
Nope. I don't trust him on those issues based on his congressional record and recent statements (or lack of statements) and I think he's doubling and tripling down on the anti-woke stuff (good) to simply cover for what he's not going to do policy wise elsewhere (not so good).
However, I will be quite pleased if DeSantis, and other candidates, decide to come out and prove my concerns are no longer well founded. So go ahead Ron, tell us how you are going to give us all those Trump policies without the Trump drama. I'd actually love to hear it and I'm open for persuasion. And I'm not the only one.
But something tells me that's not going to happen.
"This is how the free market (so-called) works, bubs! The rich prosper, the rest of us pay for it, (in every sense of the phrase)!"
The only thing worse than a young communist is an old one, who should know better.
Greg - Drago is a blind faith Trump-or-Bust. Don't bother trying to convince him that his super-hero fraud is a billionaire used car salesman ponzi scheme fraud... who ushered in what we are dealing with now.
Trump is a democrat asset. Drago is now a democrat media pimping shill.
Greg said... to Drago -
"Now that I've answered your question, respond to my points:
1: In 4 years as President and chief law enforcement officer of the US, President Trump never managed to get any control over the FBI
In fact, the FBI spent 2020 working to sabotage his re-election campaign
What does this say about Trump's ability to "fight the Deep State"?
2: President Trump sat around with his thumb up his ass while Democrats rigged the 2020 election, rather than having his campaign take them to court every time they tried to illegally change the rules
What does this say about Trump's ability and willingness to fight for us?
Drago's answer?
Drago and his inarticulate bozo Trump will trash DeSantis with dutiful BS narratives and lies. Just like the left.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Drago and his inarticulate bozo Trump will trash DeSantis with dutiful BS narratives and lies. Just like the left."
I've laid it out again. Which once again, as always, puts the lie to your Flip-side Inga schtick.
It appears Flip-side Inga is really going to go around and deny the DeSantis congressional voting record because that's what is needed to really, really believe (close your eyes and click your heels together 3 times) that DeSantis is going to shaft all his funders and staffers on economic and foreign policies.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Trump is a democrat asset. Drago is now a democrat media pimping shill."
Inga claims I'm a literal Moscow-trained disinformation specialist.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPH) claims I'm a "democrat media pimping shill".
Inga = Flip-side Inga.
Drago said...
Once again, I suggest you go back and reread (read for the first time?) Ken Griffin's interview in Politico where he made quite clear that he didnt care about the woke stuff. He only cares about the globalist agenda.
And exactly WHAT has DeSantis done to "advance the globalist agenda"?
Yeah, so far it's "absolutely nothing".
And the Disney litigation will take quite awhile, meanwhile Disney is shoving $13B into their Florida ops this year so yeah, they outmanuevered DeSantis and team completely and only a child could miss that one...like you.
So, wait, your delusion is that because Disney has to keep on spending money in FL, that means they've "beat" DeSantis, who wins when they shovel more money into FL?
That's Inga levels of stupid
Drago said...
Greg: "Do I hate Ronna? Oh yes I do. But I hate the Democrats more, and Trump spent 2020 and 2022 empowering the Democrats"
With this level of willful blindness its no wonder McConnell and Ducey and crew literally fund opponents of republicans and cut deals with dems...because so many republicans are just sheep happily waiting to be sheared.
The GOPe-ers never, ever pay a price for their actions. Quite the opposite really.
I congratulate you on your gross stupidity and complete ability to miss the point.
1: I'm not backing ANY GOPe candidates, anywhere. I backing DeSantis, who's consistently been on the people's side
2: Trump completely fucked up in 2020 and 2022.
2020: His campaign should have been suing every time Democrats tried to illegally change the State's election laws. he never did.
The problem wasn't "the corrupt courts wouldn't back Trump" the problem was that Trump failed to fight.
And we all got screwed because of it
2022: Trump promoted a lot of winning candidates in the GOP primaries.
Then he sat on his fat ass and watched them lose in the General election.
How many rallies did he do in PA for Oz? In WI for Michaels? In AZ for Lake?
Trump started 2022 with $122 million in the bank for "Save America". How much did he spend on getting those candidates to winning?
Just before Election Day, former President Trump released a memo-type document hyping up his "unprecedented" work on behalf of Republican candidates in the midterm cycle. The memo heralded Trump's endorsement of "over 330 candidates this election cycle," hosting " 30 rallies across 17 states over the past 18 months,"
Less than 2 rallies a month. What a joke.
The reality is that in 2020 Trump didn't fight when he should have, and in 2022 he was a loser.
And for that I will not forgive him
Drago said...
Greg: "And in all the times I've asked you for "what has DeSantis done wrong", you've never come up with anything, just gone back to whining about who is giving him money."
You have been told a hundred times why some of us do not trust DeSantis on economic/foreign affairs/deep state policies.
Yes, you keep on babbling BS about "he has bad funders"
While in congress, DeSantis was a total Paul Ryan puppy dog across the board, including supporting TPP. Gee, do you think that might come up in a campaign?
Oh, the horror! He opposed Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid, and Bernie Sanders!
Do you have any complaints post 2015?
Note: I supported TPP. It was watching the results of Trump's actions on trade and immigration that moved me Trump's way.
If your position is "I won't support anyone who fought against Union priorities in 2015", then you have fun with that, but actual republicans are going to mock you for that.
And should.
Greg asks: "The people funding DeSantis now were also funding him in 2022. So, what did DeSantis do bad in 2022? Nothing?"
in 2022, what were DeSantis' formal policy positions on foreign affairs, national economics, trade, deep state dismantling, etc?
Oh, that's right, he was just running for governor and so he didn't address any of those things. But just recently he did touch on his ideas about Ukraine and our engagement there and he sounded quite reasonable....for about 48 hours.... after which he walked back his comments after getting a good talkin' to by his handlers no doubt. Or maybe he did it all on his own. Either way, his walk back was telling.
You know how I know when someone is completely full of shit?
When he "tells" me what someone did, instead of providing links.
you pulled that shit with DeSantis condemning Bragg's attack on Trump, and I'm pretty sure you're pulling it again, here.
Links or it's all bullshit. and "links" means "to what he said", not to some weasel talking about what he supposedly said.
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