The new poll has Trump up 10 points, to 57%, and DeSantis down 8 points, to 31%. Trump is 26 points again.
When Trump is pitted against the whole field of GOP candidates, he pulls a majority — 52% — up from 44%, with DeSantis at 21%.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
the left's desired outcome.
I don't think this is going to end well..........
....and Chris Rock is right. ‘”Are you guys really going to arrest Trump?”
It Just Doesn't Matter...
Michael Yon is a seasoned war correspondent./green beret
Listen here
It'll be over soon.
It makes sense: in a field of thugs competing to be the most offensive to rational thought and do the most vandalism to any semblance of a free society, the low knowledge voters who want governance by club and decree, those susceptible to the siren songs of the various lower- and greater-grade fascists aspiring for the presidency, will bellow their "FUCK YEAHs!" in the greatest number for the dumbest, crudest, and most pandering creep of the lot! What's that spell?! T-R-U-M-P!! Go Donny!
the left's desired outcome.
What hap opened the last time the Democrats wanted Trump to be the Republican candidate?
"the left's desired outcome"
If they really wanted Trump out of the 2024 race they'd be pushing one of the several stronger cases available. The plan here is to push a weak charge, eventually lose or have the case thrown out, but in the process infuriate Trump's base thus ensuring him the nomination. The supposition is that Trump is damaged goods and, while he may win the nomination, he will almost certainly lose the general. The fear is that someone fresher, perhaps DeSantis or Haley, would be a stronger candidate.
Of course, the people behind this are the political masterminds who wrote Trump off in 2020.
Poor Cook. Completely black pilled.
@Comrade Marvin:
So the person who has endured the most harassment and abuse from the partnership of a political party, the deep state and the MSM is the fascist?
Cite some examples of how Trump used the power of government to punish his political enemies please.
For Christ's sake, he didn't even prosecute Hillary for any of her crimes.
Robert Cook - thugs?
huh - I guess you are blind the the thuggery and lies and corruption your on your team.
Cookie, isn't a little early for you to be hitting the sauce?
One would think that "rational start" would begin by understanding that fascism refers to a political philosophy where the state runs everything.
That's not Trump's philosophy----it's yours and your hopelessly addled confederates.
Cook, as usual, needs a correction.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
It makes sense: in a field of thugs competing to be the most offensive to rational thought and do the most vandalism to any semblance of a free society, the low knowledge voters who want governance by club and decree, those susceptible to the siren songs of the various lower- and greater-grade fascists aspiring for the presidency, will bellow their "FUCK YEAHs!" in the greatest number for the dumbest, crudest, and most pandering creep of the lot! What's that spell?! Let's go Brandon !
Every Republican should support Trump at this point. Otherwise, you're letting the hardcore left choose our candidates through disgusting amoral "Lawfare".
“ in a field of thugs competing to be the most offensive to rational thought”
Wait till Bob finds out about the Democrat party. Yikes!
Pure projection by Cook.
Ignore Trump vs DeSantis. Poll Trump vs Biden.
“…those susceptible to the siren songs of the various lower- and greater-grade fascists aspiring for the presidency, will bellow their "FUCK YEAHs!" in the greatest number for the dumbest, crudest, and most pandering creep of the lot!”
Well said Robert Cook.
Robert Cook...YOU deserve Joe Biden and his little brownshirts.
From your lips to JHVH's ears, Robert.
Bill Clinton's public approval went up as the Lewinsky blue dress revelation morphed into the 'tin-eared' Kenneth Starr investigation.
Many Democrats and DC establishment people are doomed to sleepwalk with nightmares, saying "Out damned spot" for the rest of their lives.
DeSantis just got played in his battle with Disney. While he was holding press conferences in January, they quietly eviscerated the Reddy Creek board's powers.
People are starting to see that he is a stuffed shirt.
Candidates who say they are above the Constitution are dead to me. Permanently. DeSantis all the way.
"The plan here is to push a weak charge, eventually lose or have the case thrown out, but in the process infuriate Trump's base thus ensuring him the nomination."
Complete, total bullshit. Movie plots floating around in your head. How does a rational person actually believe that.
I'm much more interested in how Trump polls vs. Biden than vs. other Republican candidates. And DeSantis isn't even a declared candidate yet!
This is exactly what the democrats, the left, and the liberal media want. With the disastrous train wreck of the Biden administration, they know that the only way they can win in 2024 is if Trump is the nominee.
," those susceptible to the siren songs of the various lower- and greater-grade fascists..."
Yeah. Robert Cook the Marxist wrote that. Robert Cook who has never yet questioned the tennent of Marxism. Despite all it's resounding failures.
For people who are paying attention- here’s why many of us are truly disgusted with the current state of our justice system.
Even before he took office numerous AGs across the USA were searching for things to charge Trump with. And lies - actual documented lies - were used to start an unprecedented investigation against a sitting president for “Russian Collusion “. And no one has yet been held accountable for the lies they told to the FISA court, which are, BTW, crimes. And despite investigating him for his entire presidency, they came up with bupkis. Now an indictment. Past the statute of limitations. On dubious theories of a crime that may not be a crime. Based on a federal law- that state AGs cannot prosecute for.
Meanwhile Hillary had an unauthorized email server in her bathroom upon which she conducted official state department business using personal email. A clear violation of the law. It has been proven she stripped classification headers off documents and copied and sent them. A clear violation of the law. And after a cursory one day investigation, we’ll, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute. Though every one of us with a security clearance knows of people sitting in jail for less.
Ghislaine Maxwell is sitting in jail for sex trafficking. Apparently to no one. Her client list is the most heavily guarded secret in the world today.
What was on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? Another carefully guarded secret.
And there’s Hunter’s laptop and Ashley Biden’s diary. Proof of crimes in both of them. Both are public knowledge. So the people who legally came into possession of Ashley’s diary have been successfully prosecuted for theft. And the legal owner of the laptop after it was abandoned is being sued and the courts haven’t thrown the case out- with prejudice- and sanctioned the attorneys. Sending a clear message- don’t reveal crimes of DemoncRATs.
Riots all over the country in 2021- with millions of dollars in property damage. The only person charged? Kyle Rittenhouse, for a clear case of self defense. Last I read he’s being sued by a surviving criminal who attacked him. How clear was his innocence? The prosecutors in heavily DemoncRATic Illinois couldn’t get a conviction on any charge. The process was the punishment.
And for staying within the velvet ropes after being waved in- thousands of Americans are still languishing in solitary confinement in violation of the 6th amendment requiring a speedy and public trial. With exculpatory evidence being unlawfully hidden from them and those already tried. And- Who is Ray Epps? Who did he work for? Why is he free and uncharged with video evidence showing him encouraging people to breech the capitol building?
"Otherwise, you're letting the hardcore left choose our candidates through disgusting amoral "Lawfare"."
Unfortunately, there are plenty of Republicans who are okay with that.
STILL think there isn't a deep state?? Now they are retaliating against whistleblowers. They will DO ANYTHING to protect Hunter Biden. CHILLING!!
My 76 year old mother who voted for Trump in 2016 (unvaccinated, retired nurse btw...) was complaining to me last week that Trump was too old. She's sick of all the old people in Washington. Likes DeSantis like everybody else does.
She sent me a text on the day of the indictment. Simply..."I'm voting for Trump"
Heard a couple of talk radio guys speculating on how this will run in the states presumably up for grabs. Not that many and they're decisive.
Will this cause Trump supporters, even the casual kind, to turn out in greater numbers than otherwise? And that would affect the down ballot, unlike the Biden landslide.
The same question, except looking at lower numbers, is directed at Biden's supporters. Fewer showing up? Harris? Somebody else?
And, since it's supported by democrats, would people trying to reduce democrats' power at all levels and in all branches turn out more substantially wen they might not be enthralled with Trump?
no the left's desired outcome is to destroy all of us, what part of this, has escaped your attention,
Loyalty to a good loyal leader is an American tradition. Hate him all you want. We are happy to be loyal to a fighting man. We were once loyal to a Virginian Anglican fighting man because he was loyal to us. I think his name was George Washington.
The resident dullard does not recognize the fascism she votes for.
It's mind-boggling the people who are having their political opponents arrested are going around screaming about fascism.
Fucking idiots.
Ignore Trump vs DeSantis. Poll Trump vs Biden.
Two polls came out last week, smack dab in the middle of the "will Trump be arrested?" uproar. Both the Harvard-Harris Poll and the Emerson Poll had Trump leading Biden by four points. Harvard-Harris had Trump beating Kamala Harris by ten points.
How does Trump poll against the asshole in the Whitehouse?
rcocean said...
“Every Republican should support Trump at this point. Otherwise, you're letting the hardcore left choose our candidates through disgusting amoral ‘Lawfare’.”
I agree. And may I also add: every American (rather, everyone voting in the next election) - whether liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, Independent should vote for Trump. This will be possibly our last chance to vote against lawfare, against the deep state, against corporate takeover of our governance.
Trump 2024
Strange world. As US presidents go, Trump was relatively hands-off and not interested in micromanaging the bureaucracy or running people's lives. I can't say what Trump 2.0 would be like, but the striking thing about his presidency was that he didn't have an ambitious team hungering to impose their will on the nation. Are we really going to say that the contentious wrangling between the president and the Establishment was something that could be called fascism? And was Trump really more of a panderer than other politicians? It looks to me more like he turned the political pandering process inside out or deconstructed it by not pretending to be things that he wasn't.
Trump ended Obama's second Iraq war and funding a proxy in the so-called Arab Spring, Slavic Spring, etc. His biggest mistake was faithfully following the democratic consensus and the advice of domain experts including Fauci et al in the handling of what was or should, aside from planned parent/hood and forward-looking collateral damage, have been a minimally diverse and selectively inclusive pandemic.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
“the left's desired outcome.”
I agree. The (far) left’s desired outcome is to defeat our ability to hold fair elections.
In 2024 the only way to defeat the far left is to vote for Trump in such massive numbers that all the cheating and stealing is overwhelmed.
Trump 2024
It says everything about today's GOP that being a criminal only makes you more popular.
White Noise.
This saddens me, but I am only one vote. The support is rather clearly the result of perceiving Trump as being 1)unfairly picked on and 2) able to annoy liberals, rather than actual competence. I have railed against liberals making entirely emotional and social assessments for years, and I don't like it any better when it is conservatives doing it.
Mr Cook should engage in the exercise of removing everything from his argument that is merely insulting, without intellectual content and examine what is left. Such things are edifying.
Ric Grenell is spot on. Republicans should drop out and support trump.
Right now I’m pulling that lever for Trump.
Stuff could change. But as of right now, Trump is it.
rcocean said...
Every Republican should support Trump at this point. Otherwise, you're letting the hardcore left choose our candidates through disgusting amoral "Lawfare".
is that like '[I am [with]Spartacus' moment?
“Wait till Bob finds out about the Democrat party. Yikes!”
He won’t, he’ll remain clueless.
Blackbeard: "The supposition is that Trump is damaged goods and, while he may win the nomination, he will almost certainly lose the general"
Correct. And the right, rightly disgusted at lefty outrages, is happy to help. So there we are.
Trump is the most thoroughly investigated person in American history. He's had his entire life torn apart over and over again, and they just can't find anything at all to charge him with.
Joe Biden has yet to be investigated. He admits on camera doing *exactly* what Trump was later impeached for, his own son says he is taking bribes, and his own daughter says he is a sex offender.
Joe Biden will not campaign. Again. And he will win, again.
In a country that is roughly 50/50, mail in votes go 80/20 D. Even in counties where the R wins the in-person vote.
So it doesn't matter who the next R nominee is.
Enjoy four more years of President Mister Magoo.
The poll I find most interesting is the NBC News poll that has Joe Biden at 28% among independents. That doesn’t mean that Trump would necessarily get 72% of the independents, but it’s nevertheless a good sign for any Republican nominee.
Between Disney and Bragg, DeSantis is living the nightmare. Hardly the first not-ready-for-prime-time governor.
I weep for this country...
"What hap opened the last time the Democrats wanted Trump to be the Republican candidate?"
2016 might as well be 100 years ago. Trump barely won with enough people thinking "meh, what do we have to lose?" Now we (they) know.
Frankly, from what I've heard of his policy proposals for 2024, I don't know how a conservative could back him.
Even low-energy Jeb! thinks the indictment in political bullshit.
"Every Republican should support Trump at this point. Otherwise, you're letting the hardcore left choose our candidates through disgusting amoral "Lawfare"."
Yeah, that'll show 'em - nominate a guy who can't win and would be a disaster if he did.
It sounds like Cook and Inga are on this site because it is the only time they experience people having something other than the approved liberal opinions.
Unfortunately, that experience has not moved them out of their completely delusional lefty state of mind.
The media and some commenters here are pretending there needs to be a Republican nominating process?
It's a done deal folks. Trump is the candidate.
Pick Kristi Noem or Kim Reynolds as a running mate.
Trump can then complete the job.
"Otherwise, you're letting the hardcore left choose our candidates through disgusting amoral "Lawfare"."
Mason G: "Unfortunately, there are plenty of Republicans who are okay with that."
Many of them post on this very blog.
"The plan here is to push a weak charge, eventually lose or have the case thrown out, but in the process infuriate Trump's base thus ensuring him the nomination."
Rabel: "Complete, total bullshit. Movie plots floating around in your head. How does a rational person actually believe that."
Until you've read Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) and lonejustice's missives you ain't seen nuttin' yet.
If Bragg can get a conviction on something, anything, then at least a few states will disallow Trumps name on the ballot for the general election.
So it will be four more years of the idiot Biden.
Cookie and Inga are ready and willing to accept migrants/asylum seekers/rape tree products into their domains.
It's very noble.
A mere drop in the bucket of the estimated 12 million over Joementia's term, but noble nonetheless. There's probably a way to get cartel subsidy if you look around.
He's a uniter and a divider. He unites the Dems, and divides the Republicans. Republicans play checkers, Dems play chess.
Trump will be the Republican nominee 'the right will be forced to vote for him again( most of the folks up in here) and they will lose again.Trump is a bona-fide loser based on the evidence presidency House Senate 2x popular vote 2022 mid terms on and on.Betting on a dead horse.WEEKEND AT BERNIES ,Sleepy Joe beats him bigly, more this time than 7million last round.Joe can do it with one hand behind his back from his basement.Its a documented fact(not alternative) based on 65courts, popular vote and the antiquated electoral college
After the indictment came down, I seriously considered donating to the Trump campaign, even though I'm on a fixed retirement income dealing with Bidenflation. I disabused myself of the notion when I realized that my money would be spent attacking my Guv DeSantis and other reasonable candidates.
If this nation is to be saved, like-minded candidates on the right have to unite and coalesce, and figure out the POTUS and VP ticket before and without a primary bloodbath. I obviously will vote for anyone that is not a D, but I won't support a civil war within the opposition.
Get Trump to reconcile his fuck ups re Covid and then we can discuss clearing the field.
All his cheerleaders denounce the Covid shit but Trump is too fucking egotistical to navigate that.
Also, consider the news cycle these days if you are blabbing about done deals.
Won’t the Left’s Justice system just tie Trump up so he’s in court and not able to run?
It says everything about today's GOP that being a criminal only makes you more popular.
Hmm. It says a lot, though not everything, about the writer here that he believes being indicted means you're a criminal.
Democrats pick the R nominee.
get used to it.
How hard is it for the Republican Party to put out a letter, signed by every single decent Republican officeholder, stating that regardless of whether we support or oppose Donald Trump politically, we absolutely oppose the use of corrupt political prosecutions against him?
This is an absolute outrage and a pure threat to our system of governance.
If the Republican Party does not stand up, Trump will almost certainly win any primary, and any other candidate will lose the general election in a landslide (even if the candidate doesn't get "disqualified" through similar lawfare).
Wake up!
farmgirl: "Won’t the Left’s Justice system just tie Trump up so he’s in court and not able to run?"
Correct. That is precisely their intent.
Rt41Rebel: "If this nation is to be saved, like-minded candidates on the right have to unite and coalesce, and figure out the POTUS and VP ticket before and without a primary bloodbath. I obviously will vote for anyone that is not a D, but I won't support a civil war within the opposition."
Ron DeSantis does not need any small donations as he is already spoken for by the big money globalists whose policy desires. I am sure, most certainly do not align with the republican base.
There will be a nomination battle in 2024 because there is essentially the same lineup of candidates as in 2016 with only some faces changed.
Trump lost my support when he crapped all over DeSantis and then expected DeSantis to come to his rescue. (Time machine for Stormy!) The left are loving the Trump civil war and all the attention that Trump sucks out of the room.
The corrupt left are corrupt corrupt corrupt - Trump is their ticket to more.
Drag queen falls right into the left's trap. small minded moron.
Drago is OK with the District Attorneys all around the nation installed by Soros and his funding...
Drag Queen also thinks that Soros is funding DeSantis. WhY/ Because Trump-Humpers/ Ever-Trumpers - Trump worshipers - Bubble Gum Card Trump Super Hero morons are the same types of liars we find on the left.
btw- non of this would be happening without Trump's dick stepping man-baby moves.
I will support Trump, I will support him with my dollars and time. I will NOT support the GOP as long as McConnell/McDaniel are in leadership. I just will not.
The media keep repeating the same curious rubber-stamp talking point.
'Trump will be the nominee and he will run for office from prison... or from under a cloud of indictment.'
This is all by design.
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