Blogs — scoffs — Jonathan Turley.Comey declined to prosecute Hillary Clinton on her email scandal despite finding that she violated federal rules and handled classified material “carelessly.”
He declared, “Ethical leaders lead by seeing above the short term, above the urgent or the partisan, and with a higher loyalty to lasting values, most importantly the truth.”
Yet now Comey is heralding the effort of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who campaigned on a pledge of bagging Trump for some unspecified crime....
Bragg is operating directly out of Comey’s handbook on “ethical leadership.” After all, it was Comey who joked about how he violated department rules to nail Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. He delighted audiences with how he told underlings “let’s just send a couple guys over” to trap Flynn....
This is how the regime works. They are completely open and shameless about it. Good of Turley and Althouse to notice, while they can.
He destroyed Michael Flynn's life, took away his finances, his life. And he laughs about it. He dismissed propriety and chose to ignore laws based on political persuasion. The FBI has had a downturn in their position in American opinion. They are, along with the rest of the DoJ, not trusted, in many quarters reviled. Americans, by and large are disgusted with the lot of them, and that is James Comey's legacy. He may have joined in 'getting Trump', but he also tanked his beloved FBI, and split this country to a point where I'm not sure its reparable.
The question is, will Biden pardon Hillary? Because there is no statute of limitations for the crime she committed, and she was never tried in front of a jury. As far as that goes, will Biden pardon himself and Mike Pence?
As for Comey, I recommend he spend the rest of his life in blue states and cities.
The last days of Weimar Walking, or have we already transitioned?
One the predicate business fraud charge, my understanding is Trump is accused of fraud without anyone being defrauded.
Basically, that Trump defrauded himself within his own business records. There was no tax deduction or government reporting involved.
Everybody knows Comey is a corrupt scumbag who presided over a corrupt FBI. 40% of us care. 40% of us don't care. 20% of us are in denial.
The federal government is proceeding with plans to build a new FBI headquarters complex twice the size of the Pentagon building.
Construction of the Pentagon was approved and began prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor in anticipation of the United States being drawn into the Second World War.
Do they anticipate federal law enforcement requirements to be on a scale greater than the military effort the US mounted in WW2? If so, why?
"Hillary Clinton’s infamous Steele dossier scandal is parallel to the Trump charge, but stronger. She paid a legal firm to hire a former spy to dig up dirt on her political opponent. And she counted it as a legal expense on the books, which is precisely what Trump’s indictment apparently is about—except hers really was about the campaign, whereas Trump’s remains unclear. The only thing that can be said in her defense is that she laundered it through one more level."
Pride - the motive to ascend and come out on top of others and correspondingly put others below you - pride drives people into positions that they otherwise wouldn’t adopt. Prideful people are continually forked between (a) their stated principles and (b) their desire that their “opponent” goes below them. When a person chooses the prideful path in that fork, they will abandon their principles and focus their desires and efforts on “the struggle” against the other person. But abandonment of principle is not generally considered a good, so the prideful person will create justifications for the abandonment of their principles. (See Ann’s discussion today on the notion that the threat from Trump is so extraordinary that we must take extraordinary actions against him - actions we “normally” wouldn’t take.) The more prideful a person is, the more existential the struggle against the “other” person appears to them. They get entirely lost in the struggle, and their entire orientation in events can become warped. They start to celebrate misfortune of their opponents as a good.
I believe that an understanding of how pride affects things - how it affects us all at various time and in various situations - helps bring a clear framework to understanding the events of our day. People who stand on principle don’t care if their “opponents” win an inning or the whole game. People who stand on pride, ONLY care that their opponents “lose.” That’s how you get feminists turning a blind eye to Bill Clinton, because they want to win and beat their “opponents” more than they actually want a workplace free from powerful coercion of women to provide sexual services. That’s how you get “liberals” wanting to shut down speech of their opponents. That’s how you get Stanford Law School students who probably consider themselves descent and caring people saying that they hope a federal judge’s daughter gets raped. The struggle against one’s seeming opponents is more important than their stated principles.
We are at a state of extreme pride in our present society. It is a dangerous place to be, because without principle, society is rudderless. It all devolves into a continually and unending struggle. Nobody is at peace in their hearts. Imagine that: every relationship is a struggle. How exhausting. How sorrowful.
The anecdote to pride is for us to learn the secret of the universe: that lifting others to one’s position or even raising them above one’s position, is rewarded in multiples. And one of the biggest rewards is inner peace.
He was always a political hack.
Nobody can be surprised that the guy is a 6'8" douchebag...
He destroyed Michael Flynn's life, took away his finances, his life. And he laughs about it.
Punch drunk was a trickle down humor during the Obama administration.
That said, ethics is a religion of relativity. Comey et al religion is selective, opportunistic, politically congruent.
Comey's actions before Trump were when the DC insiders (aka Deep State) followed any whim with impunity. None other than Chuck Schumer warned Trump about pissing them off. So, Comey was caught with his pants down and is doing what anyone without ethics must do in a professional world without ethics.
The spy/intelligence culture considers collecting inside information from hostile foreigners to be the greatest form of patriotism while communicating inside information to hostile foreigners to be treason. But...the list of hostile foreigners changes with the winds...Germany...Venezuela...Japan...China...Israel...Iran...etc. One literally cannot have ethics as commonly understood and be a spy.
I have decided that I will no longer accuse the Left of hyprocrisy. Hypocrisy to the Left is simply a feature, not a bug of how they behave. The point Comey is making is that they have the power, and the Right does not.
This will lead to violence eventually, or it is "Orwell Here We Come". If the Right doesn't start fighting back using the same tactics, there is no hope of stopping this before the blood fills the streets.
I have been encouraging any and all of my reps to NOT approve a debt ceiling hike until the FBI is dismantled and I mean dismantled. Seriously, how can they allow this rogue police state to continue to destroy their constituents AND themselves. If the democrats want to destroy the country to save the FBI, then so be it.
Nice post, AA. Agree.
Comey makes my skin crawl, and I am not a Trump fan.
James Comey's lack of self-awareness is monumental.
My wife and I have made a large bequest in our wills to the UChicago Law School on the theory that the legal education I got there enabled me to prosper as a lawyer, and I hope the school does the same for future generations. The endowed scholarships will be named for a brilliant classmate who died young. I have told the dean that the only thing that would put that bequest in jeopardy would be for the law school or the university to offer James Comey a cushy gig.
Gangsters WANT you to know they're free to commit crimes. Al Capone was very open about this. Look no further than social media, where you see them flashing their cash, sitting on Bentley's.
It's VERY IMPORTANT for those in this Mafia for you to KNOW that they're in it; for you to know that they can commit crimes but that you can't; for you to KNOW they can get away with anything - even raping kids. Seen any of Epstein's clientele arrested? Nope.
Comey wants you to know he's on the inside, looking out at you. He wants you to know he's a made man.
If there's no other reason to vote for Trump, it's to watch Trump put Comey in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to fester in the tropical heat for the rest of his life. That movie is worth the price of admission.
Hillary Clinton exhibited gross negligence in her handling of classified information, a crime. A security clearance requires active protection of classified information AND knowledge of what to classify and what not to. Hillary didn't protect that CI, sheshe directed her underlings to remove class-markings so she could fax/email it in the clear. It's doubtful that she attended any of the classification trainings.
Comey conducted a sham investigation into her handling. HRC aides were present during interrogations and proper notes were not taken. Comey's statement about intent was a lie. Intent is not required for gross negligence, in fact gross negligence exhibits a total indifference to protection of classified information.
I can't wait for a Republican AG to go after Hillary now. Bragg just blew up the statue of limitations, so it doesn't matter how long ago the she screwed the pouch on her handling. Can she spell "life in prison"?
Comey is lying scum and a master of sancitmonous double talk. Comey is liar from way back, the first lie was he was a "life long Republican" and the 2nd lie was his labeling Robert Mueller as the "Most honorable man in Washington".
He not only laughed about entraping Flynn and destroying his life, he's quite proud that he lied to TRump's face about the "Steele Dossier" and the Russia investigation. "Oh Trump, we're not investigating YOU" while wiretapping Trump towers, conducting electronic survaillence on his internet communications, and writing up "Notes" on every face-to-face meeting.
Later, he lied to the FBI IG, and Congress, but was never prosecuted or convicted. Because he's a Democrat and a TRump hater. Glad that Turley is no longer defending him, but attacking him.
I have no idea why Trump, Obama, Bush etc. keep putting these LAWYERS in charge of the FBI. That was Trump's big mistake. Find a General or a police chief.
No Republican is going to retaliate. They never do. They should, because retaliation is only way to stop the Democrats from using "Lawfare" to destroy their opponents.
But Republicans would rather hang separately, then hang together.
Quelle surprise! Comey is a worthless piece of shit, just like Alvin Bragg. Both are graduates of highly regarded law schools. Both are criminal dirtbags. I begin to sense a pattern.
Wince said...
Basically, that Trump defrauded himself within his own business records. There was no tax deduction or government reporting involved.
That's my understanding as well. But it sounds so bizarre that I could not believe there could be a law against it. I figured that I must be missing something and kept quiet for fear of scoffing.
John Henry
"The federal government is proceeding with plans to build a new FBI headquarters complex twice the size of the Pentagon building."
They have "Lubyanka" envy.
Reminds me I never got around to watching Daniels and Gleeson in The Comey Rule.
Mike of Snoqualmie said...
" I can't wait for a Republican AG to go after Hillary now."
That'll happen right after they really nail her for the White House Travel Office scandal and the cattle futures thing.
I see some comments about "getting even" the next time Republicans are in charge. The Democrats are getting more and more skilled at vote fraud. Unless Kari Lake is able to prove her allegations in AZ and unless Trump or DeSantis get a lot better at preventing vote fraud, I don't see anything but a one party (Democrat) fascist state in the future. Canada and Britain are already there.
"Government ethics" There's an oxymoron.
Comey lecturing about ethics is like Ted Bundy giving dating advice.
He is arrogant because the system in place has assured him he can do no wrong.
Endorsing and extending "Mike of Snoqualmie's remarks with a link to the background
Comey reported his " ... {Hillary Clinton homebrew server} probe showed that 110 emails in 52 email chains were determined to include classified information at the time they were received. Within those emails, eight chains contained information that was 'top secret' at the time they were sent, 36 had 'secret' information and eight more had 'confidential'information"
Comey also said "... It is possible, however, that hostile actors gained access to her [Clinton's] personal email account"
Comey said "Clinton and her team were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information"
Comey said: " our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case ... decisions on whether or not to bring charges are partly based on 'how similar situations have been handled in the past.' "
So I infer the NY case is being brought by an UNreasonable prosecutor.
Bob Boyd: "Do they anticipate federal law enforcement requirements to be on a scale greater than the military effort the US mounted in WW2? If so, why?"
You already know the answer to that question and you already know the "why".
For the same reason the IRS needs 87,000 more agents, armed, to target those who don't go along with the regime.
rcocean: "No Republican is going to retaliate. They never do. They should, because retaliation is only way to stop the Democrats from using "Lawfare" to destroy their opponents.
But Republicans would rather hang separately, then hang together."
You are not giving the republicans enough credit.
Many of them ARE retaliating....against the republican/conservative base in support of democratical policies because at least 50% of elected republicans at the federal level ARE democraticals at heart in terms of social beliefs and economic policy.
So for the few republicans/conservatives/populists that do fight back, they find they are quite alone in their actions.
Political Junkie: "Nice post, AA. Agree.
Comey makes my skin crawl, and I am not a Trump fan."
You could have simply written: Nice post, AA. Agree. Comey makes my skin crawl.
“But Republicans would rather hang separately, then hang together”
Wouldn’t Republicans rather hang separately than hang together?
I think hanging separately and then hanging together is classic overkill.
"I can't wait for a Republican AG to go after Hillary now."
Where? How? It would have to be a Federal case.
Known unknown
A good state ag, say in Texas, should be able to find some law that Hilary has broken in the state.
Or maybe a county DA like Bragg.
States have tens of thousands of laws. Surely she has fallen foul of one of them. Perhaps mopery with intent to skulk?
Might be a good open source project for Maga law students.
Here's the woman (hilary) find a crime
John Henry
Comey torpedoed Hillary - (Hillary's private server for hidden Russian Clinton cash was real)
Her private dealings behind close doors - SOP for many elite democrats. But Comey was the most hated man on the left - because he went after her. How dare he! Leave corrupt democrats alone, man.
But Comey torpedoed her already unlikable candidacy. Trump wins 3 purple state by a collective 30,000 votes.
But it all turned into a big fat fart in the wind, as we know. With Hillary skating on all of it, and the investigation into her money whoring - dropped.
recall Hillary said at the time "They were never going to let me be president."
"let" "they"
Next - Trump fires Comey not long after he is president - and that was used as the excuse to launch the Mueller BS over "Russian Collusion" which was based on a fake dossier - (dossier built in the lab by none-other than the Hillary campaign and her paid surrogates... and pimped by liars named Rachel Maddow and the like.
Comey fired - Comey turns against Trump.
Perhaps Trump should have kept Comey on. (enemies closer rule) Jump ahead years and we all know Trump should have fired the man in charge of the virus - Dr. Fraud Anthony Fauci. But he didn't.
The whole thing is one giant BS set up...
"Nice post, AA. Agree.
Comey makes my skin crawl, and I am not a Trump fan."
Drag Queen is here to protect his bubble gum card daddy-do-no-wrong. Watch it there, fella.
20% of us are in denial.
or muttering !so boring! or infra dig
Dude1394 said...
I have been encouraging any and all of my reps to NOT approve a debt ceiling hike until the FBI is dismantled and I mean dismantled.
so they become another gang/cartel predators?
Hunter Biden....What?
Doc K - R's then have to do the same things. If D's do things to win, then R's can't unilaterally disarm.
Drago - There are some on this comments page, who if Comey was saying the opposite presently, would say positive things about him.
Flip-side Inga: "Drag Queen is here to protect his bubble gum card daddy-do-no-wrong. Watch it there, fella."
Once again, as always, simply show us the candidate that will fight for the policies we support more effectively than Trump and we will line up behind tbat candidate.
But you never do that because 1) you are an astonishingly doltish buffoon who prides herself on not really knowing what is going on, 2) that mythical candidate doesnt exist and 3) because you will always be happy to swallow whatever candidate the GOPe sellouts shove down your throat.
And it shall forever be thus.
But only for forever.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Comey fired - Comey turns against Trump.
Perhaps Trump should have kept Comey on. (enemies closer rule)"
You cannot teach someone to be so doltish as to suggest something like that. One has to be "gifted" with it.
Meanwhile, Mickey Mouse just took DeSantis to the proverbial power woodshed.
Which is strange because we have been told repeatedly by the usual suspects that DeSantis is the 15-dimensional chess player who cannot be outmaneuvered like that lunkhead Trump.
So very strange indeed.
Perhaps Rove directed DeSantis to give Iger that victory.
>>My wife and I have made a large bequest in our wills to the UChicago Law School on the theory that the legal education I got there enabled me to prosper as a lawyer, and I hope the school does the same for future generations.
For similar reasons, I made fairly substantial annual contributions to both Harvard College and Harvard Law School for several decades. They were a large part of what got me to where I am today financially. I also received fairly generous financial aid before the costs went out of sight and the institutions started looting the available funds, so that, despite no family contribution whatsoever, I got out of Harvard Law School back in 1978 with only about $12K of debt.
Three or four years ago, I decided enough was enough. I think I've more than paid them back at this point. And, in light of the current madness in both places, I have cut them off entirely. I don't think they're going to get another cent from me, though I still throw a few bucks at Harvard Magazine and the Harvard art museums.
My largest contributions by far have gone and continue to go to my Jesuit high school in Chicago (hi, Dave Begley!). Partly for similar reasons and partly because the school, located on the near West Side of Chicago, provides quality education to students throughout the Chicago area, including many non-Catholic blacks who desperately need to flee the failed Chicago public school system. And my contributions help to fund that.
At my recent 50th reunion, I learned that the school had the largest, by far, freshman class in its 150-year history. I can't swear to it, but my hope is that the education has not become totally woke. Which it certainly was not in my day.
"Comey torpedoed Hillary - (Hillary's private server for hidden Russian Clinton cash was real)
Her private dealings behind close doors - SOP for many elite democrats. But Comey was the most hated man on the left - because he went after her. How dare he! Leave corrupt democrats alone, man."
At the time, I might have agreed with you, but I can't today. It is pretty fucking clear to me now that Comey deliberately gave her a pass, a get out jail free card. He did what he did not to torpedo her, but to wash his own hands of the matter. To have buried the case with no comment would have left him holding the bag. Comey wasn't that brave.
How soon we forget! Comey was responsible for Trump's 2016 win after the FBI guy announced further investigation of Hillary.
CNN reported:
"Hillary Clinton’s campaign was jolted when FBI Director James Comey delivered the ultimate October surprise.
Eleven days before the 2016 presidential election, Comey announced that the FBI had discovered additional emails and is reviewing them to see whether they are related to the bureau’s investigation into Clinton’s handling of classified information."
gadfly, in April 2016 President Obama said that even though Clinton had been careless in handling classified information, she hadn’t intended to do anything wrong, so she shouldn’t be prosecuted. (remember when it was improper for a sitting President to comment on an open investigation?). In May of 2016 Comey began writing the findings of his investigation before they had even interviewed her. In June of 2016, Obama’s AG was caught secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and was forced to recuse herself from the case, but instead of assigning it to the deputy AG, as it should have been, she said the DOJ would allow Comey to make the call. In July of 2016, Comey declined to prosecute Clinton using the same reasoning that Obama gave him to use, even though there is no exception in the law she violated for intent.
The only reason she was the candidate was because Comey followed Obamas marching orders in the first place, so blaming him for having to reopen the investigation right before the election because they were unable to keep the story of the Weiner laptop buried is disingenuous. The FBI knew about the laptop having classified information on it well over a month before the election, Comey only revealed its existence because he was forced to.
Big Brother is evil and here now. The moral code is Lenin's. Anything that helps the Democrats tighten their death grip on America, is moral and ethical.
Drago - Funny that you obsess over DeSantis when he has nothing to do with Trump.
"How soon we forget! Comey was responsible for Trump's 2016 win after the FBI guy announced further investigation of Hillary."
LOL! Comey was forced into this because it was about to leak publicly that they had the Weiner laptop and were trying hide it until the election happened.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Drago - Funny that you obsess over DeSantis when he has nothing to do with Trump."
Are you STILL pretending DeSantis is not running?
BTW, DeSantis just picked up a cool $30M in donations over the last week from the globalist set for his upcoming campaign for.........(can you guess?)...... (any clues yet?) .......(anything, anything at all coming to mind?) .........
Still, I suppose this rhetorical distraction ploy of yours to avoid addressing Disney's complete and total outmaneuvering of DeSantis was to be expected.
Political Junkie: "Drago - There are some on this comments page, who if Comey was saying the opposite presently, would say positive things about him."
Agree to disagree.
I submit you would be hard pressed to find anyone that is not on the left/LLR-democratical left that would say positive things about Comey on any topic regardless of what Comey happens to say.
So it appears we'll have to let that hypothetical "sleeping dog" lie about and not disturb him.
"How soon we forget! Comey was responsible for Trump's 2016 win after the FBI guy announced further investigation of Hillary."
Yancey Ward: "LOL! Comey was forced into this because it was about to leak publicly that they had the Weiner laptop and were trying hide it until the election happened."
Quite correct. The leaks were about to explode from the FBI's New York Field office by the agents who had seen what was on the "Wiener" laptop and were furious about the cover up at FBI HQ. Comey actually admitted that he feared leaks from the FBI NY Field Office and that what drove his decision making and timing.
Naturally, he had to conjure up a brand new make-believe "standard" to exonerate Clinton on the spot while unilaterally usurping the decision-making authority of the Attorney General.
Comey did all that to protect Hillary. He simply did not have the power to completely protect her against what was already going to be publicly known....though he tried mightily.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the ONLY reason Comey went public with Hillary's stuff
LOL! the left learned their lesson. Just don't investigate at all
*cough* Hunter's laptop and Boblinski's clear testimony they are crooks.
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