April 25, 2023

Sunrise — 6:11.



rhhardin said...

A good rule: don't hire women
Abby Grossberg her experiences with Tucker's show.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

MSNBC Repeats Hamilton 68 Lies 279 Times in 11 Minutes

"This special report hoped to make a list of all the editors' notes and retractions that would be needed because of the #TwitterFiles. The problem turned out to be too big to count."

via Matt Taibbi's Substack

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Hunter's laptop has not been mentioned anywhere near that many times, has it?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Following up on my comments earlier today. The abortion decision, Roe, was an attempt at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It was a proto-DE&I. Where as DEI's Inclusion, today seeks to include POC in all facets of American life (good), by seemingly excluding whites (not so good). The Roe decision, as I see it, sought to include Women in all facets of American life, by excluding their babies. Or by making it possible for the women themselves to "choose" to exclude them.

I submit that at the heart of DEI is Inclusion by Exclusion. That's the language of DEI, implied positives are really negatives. Had DEI existed in it's current form, back when Roe became law, Abortion would not be called Abortion. Abortion would've been called something else. Something more like the opposite of what it was called when abortion started.

Luckily, back then people had more respect for words.

Doug said...

Release the Audrey Hale manifesto NOW!

Eva Marie said...

So how about that unity ticket every one’s talking about? Trump/Kennedy 2024

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The real reason Tucker is gone.

Chuck said...

Rolling Stone magazine: Eight sources confirm that Fox News executives have in their possession a dossier of alleged dirt on Tucker Carlson should he attack the network in the wake of his departure.

Good God almighty, let them fight. Let the lawsuits, and the discovery, begin. In 2025, I think we might have run out of Fox News hilarity; a perfect time to ramp up for trial in "Tucker Carlson v. Irena Briganti, Lachlan Murdoch, the Fox News Channel, and News Corp., et al."

walter said...

Doug said...
Release the Audrey Hale manifesto NOW!
(and the tox screen)

gadfly said...

I think Megyn Kelly is looking to get her old job back at Fox. See Here.

gadfly said...


The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) has been recruiting and paying American citizens to promote Russian political activism here for years. The DOJ is finding and charging these fools all over the county for years to displeasure our favorite horseshoe leftist, Glenn Greenwald.

"Glenn thinks only rich people like Tony Podesta should be held to foreign agent laws (Podesta wasn’t charged under a different law, FARA, for hiding his ties to a Ukrainian front group that Paul Manafort set up because he was paid by Manafort, and in any case, Glenn didn’t think much of charges against Manafort for hiding the ties in real-time). Glenn doesn’t think other people should have to disclose if they’re taking money — after they go on trips to Russia and start spouting Russian talking points non-stop from that point forward — from Russian spies."

gadfly said...

A federal judge has thrown out libel suits former Rep. Devin Nunes and his relatives filed over a 2018 article written in Esquire alleging that a dairy farm in Iowa owned by Nunes’ family members hired undocumented workers. Two-hundred-forty-three illegals out of 319 total hires proved the article true and Nunes went zero for eight in suits against the media.

Sadly, no Nunes family members went to jail for breaking the law. Now Devin Nunes is managing Truth Social for Trump and surprise! surprise! - bills are not getting paid.

wendybar said...

THIS is how DUMB the idiots at The View are...

"“CNN also announced they’re parting ways with one of their biggest on-air male personalities: Don Lemon. Now, there's speculation that the longstanding rumors of him creating a toxic work environment, especially for some of the female co-workers,” moderator Whoopi Goldberg announced with an air of skepticism.

Staunchly racist co-host Sunny Hostin, who admitted Lemon has been a “friend for 20 years,” immediately rushed to defend him. According to her, Lemon couldn’t treat his female co-workers badly because “he loves his mom” and members of the cast:

Our offices were directly across from each other for most of that time that I worked there. And I will say that I don't believe in my experience with him that he's a misogynist. I think he loves women. He loves his mother. He loved his sister. He loves me. He loves Joy."

Kate said...

The Tablet, which is always interesting, published a lennnngthy interview with RFK Jr. The writer had some beautiful phrases. He had personal anecdotes about the Kennedys. And the info was wide-ranging. Really great journalism.

tim maguire said...

A headline on Instapundit, REVERSE THE SEXES AND THIS WOULD BE ABOUT MALE PREJUDICE AGAINST FEMALE RESEARCHERS, reminded me of the Althouse scientific research rule that it’s ok to talk about the differences between men and women provided the female position is portrayed as superior.

But then I realized, under the new trans rules, how can we know how to apply this rule? Can these researchers be sure they are safe from their universities’ DEI offices and students?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Lem's link to Inga's Brain

Russia russia russia!

Turns out Russia waits for Biden (or any democxrat) and then goes to war.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Why Tucker was fired

(No, Trump humpers- it has nothing to do with DeSantis)

Humperdink said...

Tucker Carlson has the highest rated cable show ever. Paul Ryan joins Fox board of directors, Tucker Carlson departs. Tucker Carlson takes on Big Pharma, canned shortly thereafter. Carlson talks prayer at Heritage Foundation speech, fired a few days later. The nail that stands up gets hammered down.

Move over Joe Rogan, Carlson's coming to town. This will be fun to watch.

wendybar said...

"I am a Democrat, and I think you, as an average American, are an idiot. You let me get away with everything. I can tell you I’m going to do something unethical, criminal, unconstitutional, or unprecedent6ed, and you seldom try to stop me, or call me out on it. I control the news cycle and my loyal press puppets repeat whatever I say without question. Every time you get any attention complaining about me, I just do something else to distract and reset the news again."


Rusty said...

Gadfly @ 4:51
Your hypocrisy is truly astounding. You encourage them to break the law by letting them in this country without penalty and then whine when someone hires them.
What's wrong with you?

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "(No, Trump humpers- it has nothing to do with DeSantis)"

Sorry dummy.

We have Rupert Murdoch's own words in his own emails to his own staffers in his own company literally and explicitly telling them they were going to turn Trump into a "non-person" and pivot to DeSantis.

But hey, that's just Ruperts own words in his own emails to his own staffers in his own company presented in an actual court case.

You really are the Flip-side Inga. Other Inga routinely rejects actual evidenxe as well.

The reality is there are multiple over-lapping reasons why Tucker was shown the door, but people of limited intellect dont tolerate even minimal complexity well.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Rolling Stone magazine: Eight sources confirm that Fox News executives have in their possession a dossier of alleged dirt on Tucker Carlson should he attack the network in the wake of his departure."


Rolling Stone?! A "dossier"?!

Let me guess: Tucker raped a hundred women at UVA? He paid russian prostitutes to pee on Hunter's laptop?

Rolling Stone and "dossiers"!

That's like a moron lefty media "gold standard" right there!

I guess Rolling Stone only got this "big scoop" because Buzzfeed went kaput.

Iman said...

Rusty starting the morning off with a lefty pelt.

Leave poor gadfly alone!

Drago said...

BTW, I would be remiss if I did not mention DeSantis, on his world tour trip which is definitely not related to a coming Presidential campaign in the slightest and which comes during the week when he was able to get the Florida legislature to change the law so he would not have to "resign to run" once a presidential campaign was announced, did address the Ukraine situation again and sort of reverted back to his original reasonable Ukraine comment some weeks back prior to his walking that comment back just 48 hours later.

In this case, DeSantis hit on 2 themes which resonate well with the base:
1) Perhaps its time to revisit a cease-fire to avoid a "Verdun" like scenario
2) Calling out the Germans for doing squat even though this is a European conflict. DeSantis is reported to have said: "But Germany, they're not doing anything."

Its impossible to tell if this is what DeSantis really thinks but it does show that once again the DeSantis staff is more adaptable than previous GOPe led staffs that led other republican candidates right over the cliff.

We'll see if, over time, DeSantis and his team believe he will have to give more populous takes on economic nationalism policies, confronting the ChiComs economically (DeSantis did come out for a Florida law last week to not allow the ChiComs to purchase any land in Florida), and confronting the deep state corruption & weaponization and media censorship operations, amongst other issues in order to try and recapture some of the lost support in the republican base voters.

Drago said...

We should also be "congratulating" The Poor Man's LLR-democratical Chuck, gadfly, on the latest "successful" Biden "operation" in Sudan where this time these idiots outdid themselves by leaving up to 16,000 Americans stranded in Sudan which is estimated to be a couple more thousand than they stranded and left behind in Afghanistan.

Althouse readers will recall how Field Marshall gadfly went the Full Monty in praise of Biden's expert tactical and strategic acumen and then went on to claim almost no Americans were left behind and ALL of the Afghani "refugees" brought to the US were "fully vetted".


Yes, he actually tried to push that BS here, as if it were Facebook or some other Media Matters controlled forum.

Drago said...

More good news for Flip-side Inga!

Mitch McConnell and the McConnellites attacking Kevin McCarthy for trying to hold the line against Biden on the debt ceiling!

Remember gang: Trump is the source of all problems on the republican side and as soon as he is gone the republicans can return to "glory".

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

Drago sure likes nicknames for commenters here who don’t agree with him. I like my nickname for Drago, which is The Moscow Trained Propagandist.

Saint Croix said...

Kate at 4:54, that's a great interview!. Thank you.

He's talking about autism and vaccines here, but this also applies to sex-changes, in my opinion.

And you know it has to be an environmental exposure because genes do not cause epidemics.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Drago sure likes nicknames for commenters here who don’t agree with him. I like my nickname for Drago, which is The Moscow Trained Propagandist."

Of course you do! Just look at your nickname which is based on 7+ years of your lunatic conspiracy theories...which have all been thoroughly debunked and destroyed...but you STILL believe in ALL of them!

Drago said...

I would be willing to remove Inga's well deserved nickname if she were to finally admit her moronic and exposed conspiracy theory lies re: russki/Trump collusion and the hoax dossier.

Last we heard from our Wisconsin loon Inga, she is still firmly of the belief there was rampant and active Trump/Putin collusion and that the hoax dossier was "mostly proven true"!


I kid you not.

Just ask her and sit back and let her lunacy wash over you like a waterfall of stupidity.