April 30, 2023

"Reporters who profess to support women and denounce deadbeat dads have either ignored this story or belittled her mother, Lunden Roberts."

"Roberts is widely dismissed as a 'former stripper.' That appears how she met Hunter, but it is often used to paint her in the same way that the media gleefully reported Hillary Clinton denouncing women involved with her husband as mere 'bimbo eruptions.'... " 

Writes Jonathan Turley in "Daddy Dearest: Hunter Forced to Appear in Arkansas in Fight [Over] His Child’s Name and Support."
Hunter has struggled to conceal his finances, including money that he received from alleged influence peddling. Now the court is considering the laptop as possible evidence in millions of past assets. With a U.S. Attorney in Delaware is exploring criminal charges and House committees looking into the influence peddling, his fight against this toddler could force a decision on the authenticity of the laptop.... 
That could prove far more costly than the child support that he is seeking to avoid in Arkansas....


Leland said...

Stormy Daniels is a stripper and her lawyer is in jail for concocting schemes to defraud businesses; but nobody denounces Daniels or even questions whether her claims are legitimate.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

An actual poor woman abused by an actual rich and privileged man, with an actual baby needing support, all treated as a mere trifle. Any accusation by any woman against Trump is part of the tablets brought down from the mountain.

Dave Begley said...

And when does the baby visit the White House?

Dave Begley said...

Was Lunden Roberts named after Joan Lunden?

wendybar said...

Progressive privilege. Progressives hate women. Why do you think they are letting men take things over?? So much for the Patriarchy!!

rehajm said...

lawsuits I hope will succeed

…because you believe the Bidens are shirking familial support of their child or because there’s an outside chance you won’t have to suffer the Biden vs Trump matchup?

John henry said...

Is there any doubt at all, by anyone, that the laptop is hunters's

We know the 50 intelligence spooks letter was a putup job, a falsehood, disinformation and election tampering. Why keep pretending there is doubt?

John Henry

John Henry

Temujin said...

"...could force a decision on the authenticity of the laptop...."

Wait. There's still some question in some minds about this?

Amadeus 48 said...

It takes a lot of dough to support the Biden grift machine. Smilin' Joe will need an Obama-like $100 million content development deal with Netflix/Paramount+/Disney to keep the show on the road when he leaves office.

By the way--seen any Obama-created material on Netflix recently?

rhhardin said...

It used to be no paternity if you could prove the lady's a whore. Maybe that was before DNA.

That's two kinds of laptops that got Hunter in trouble.

Butkus51 said...

Stormy Daniels is an icon of truth!

Michael said...

What the Bidens and all "good" people clearly think, but cannot say, is that Roberts should have "gotten rid of it" (as they would do if young Fiona had a problem), and that she must therefore have had the baby strictly to blackmail Hunter. So she's a predator. I'm sure the Bidens would have been happy to pay for that procedure.

The thought that she might have valued the life of this unborn child does not seem to have occurred. Personally, I'm pretty much pro-choice in the first trimester but not everyone is and I respect that. As the cool kids said in high school: If you can't be good be careful.

cassandra lite said...

Odd that Turley didn't note the disparity in treatment in the press of this woman v. Stormy Daniels.

Just as coverage of crime is determined not by who dies but by who does the killing, coverage here is determined by who's doing the suing.

R C Belaire said...

The Bidens can join the Kennedys in the 2nd Circle of Hell -- as a start.

n.n said...

Discretion in the woke of leverage is never wrong.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Ever since I started having kids, I've started thinking about children differently, more empathetically. For instance I can't help but think about this baby girl, and how royally her life will be defined not just by who her parents are but their poor decision making that created her in the first place. This kid doesn't even have a structured personality yet and it's already practically formed for her.

It's like watching a slow motion train wreck. You can see all the conversations she'll have growing up. Finding out about the circumstances of her birth and the background of her parents. Will she feel shame? Will she internalize that shame by wearing it as a badge of honor? How will other people see her? Horny drugged out lowlife princelings and women who take their clothes off for money produce what kind of children together?

Guess we're gonna find out.

Darkisland said...

Isn't she a "former hooker" in addition to being a former stripper?

Assuming she is neither any longer. So what does she do now for a living?

John Henry

Wince said...

Biden: "There's no such thing as someone else's child... no such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children!"

And given the Bidens' heartless estrangement from their grandchild and their stated political stances, can there be any doubt that they believe this child should have been aborted?

narciso said...

we pretend otherwise, till we hurtle toward world war 3

Gahrie said...

I wonder how Marissa Ross feels about Hunter?

Does he remind her of how evil all men are too? Or is he the dangerous bad boy that Ross is going to reform?

The Drill SGT said...

"Roberts is widely dismissed as a 'former stripper.'

Now write the sentence (with the same malice) about the VP

EAB said...

It disgusts me that Joe Biden doesn’t even acknowledge this grandchild. That’s pure mean-spiritedness.

Static Ping said...

I dunno. "Former stripper" is factual. I agree it is denigrating to the mother, but it also denigrating to Hunter. I also agree that it is irrelevant to the case before the court. Is it Hunter's child? Yes, and proven to be so. He has responsibilities which he is overtly trying to avoid.

We all know the laptop is real. It would be interesting for a legal court to agree with that assessment though.

Yancey Ward said...

"Wait. There's still some question in some minds about this?"

In court filings, Hunter Biden and his attorneys continued to deny the laptop was his. That is a big matza ball to put out there. I doubt the laptop is his- way too much evidence that it is, but the Democrats control so many companies and agencies, the determination of authenticity will be made by someone under the firm control of the Democratic Party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

anything negative about any democrat is RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

Right, inga?

Hunter is perfectly innocent in all of this.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

You'd think the Nice People like Professor Althouse would find Joe Biden's refusal to acknowledge the baby as his grandchild (he always says he has 6 grandkids, not 7) objectionable--cruel, even. But nah, he gets a pass.
What a decent guy, that Joe Biden!

Omaha1 said...

The treatment of this child and grandchild of the Bidens is one of the most vile things they have done.

Say Her Name!

Navy Joan BIDEN

Narayanan said...

well >>

there could be Netflix or Hallmark script >>>

Bad boy reforms and reunite with Arkansas brat!!

co-credit to Clintons!

Happy Democrat Family >> family that sues together stays together

Big Mike said...

Progressive privilege. Progressives hate women.

@wendybar, very true. Yet it seems easy for many of them — like Althouse far too often! — to support them. Are feminists on the side of female athletes forced to share locker rooms with biological males who ogle them as they change clothes and who wag their penises in their direction? No. Do feminists take up the cause of women in prison forced to share a cell with biological males found guilty of rape? Not hardly! Do they care as much about arson and vandalism attacks on crisis pregnancy centers serving poor women with problem pregnancies who want to keep their babies as they care about a handful of people exercising their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right peaceably to assemble by praying in front of an abortion clinic? Ha, ha. That’s a good one.

Michael K said...

The "former stripper" had more than a one night stand with Hunter. There is zero evidence that either Stormy Daniels or this latest bimbo accusing Trump had any relationship with him. The "former stripper" has plenty of evidence, namely Hunter's child.

Steven said...

So, when Joe Biden says in his speeches that he has six grandchildren, is it an accident on account of being too senile to remember this child, or a deliberate, cold-hearted refusal to acknowledge this seventh grandchild?

Narayanan said...

Was Lunden Roberts named after Joan Lunden?
what fun if Lunden Roberts gets PhD and become Dr Lunden Roberts [I presume]

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Another example pointing to why King Robert’s ‘muttering something about the nature of checks and balances’ matters. The only reason why the case against dead beat Hunter Biden exists thus far is because the judiciary is independent. Not beholden to the political preferences of the moment. Unlike the gate keeping press.

hombre said...

Women have been just another cohort of useful idiots for the Democrat Marxist Cultural Revolution."

Unfortunately, for many cohorts, "Democrat" appears to be an affliction for which there is no cure.

There are apostates, if there can be apostates from an affliction, but no cure.

hombre said...

Also, the Biden's are despicable people. Why would anybody expect decent behavior from them?

DavidUW said...

Hunter, being a crackhead, is not a wise man. In fact, he is a stupid fool, like his dotard father.
One would imagine a high paid advisor to this trashy family has pointed out that it might be preferable to pay child support and avoid more questions into his no-doubt illegal "businesses" and his personal finances.

But Hunter is a stupid, foolish crackhead and, having faced no consequences for his stupid, foolish actions his entire life, will ignore that advice.

Will he face any consequences this time?

Rabel said...

The FBI has the laptop. Despite multiple people handling it over the years, if it is Hunter Biden's then there is a Hunter Biden fingerprint still on the device somewhere. The discovery of that fingerprint would be proof positive, would it not?

Aggie said...

They went through her personal File of Historical Facts to pick out the worst one to describe her: former stripper. But there's a worse entry - she slept with Hunter Biden.

They are truly vile people, but at least they are in character for this episode, in perfect context, for all to see.

gspencer said...

"widely dismissed as a 'former stripper'"

The left learned that tactic from Julius Streicher.

Gusty Winds said...

This is what Ivory Tower Liberals and Leftists do.

As long as you support abortion up until the moment of birth, they will look past, and ignore anything.

Clinton / Lewinsky...Epstein...Hunter...Biden Corruption...CIA election interference...

Jupiter said...

I blame Delaware. What kind of off-brand, rancid crack were they smoking when they elevated this farinaceous piece of shit to the Senate?

MayBee said...

"Michael said...
What the Bidens and all "good" people clearly think, but cannot say, is that Roberts should have "gotten rid of it" "


Poor little girl. Imagine what a beautiful story it would be if they invited her to the White House for holidays. Had a stocking there for her along with the pre-existing grandchildren and dogs. Set up a trust for her so she will be financially taken care of, even if they don't want her mom to have access to the big money.

Americans deal with these challenging family relationships every day. The president's family could lead the way on grace and acceptance. Instead, they just set this little girl up for rejection and failure. WIth a father predisposed to substance abuse, that does not bode well for her.

The Vault Dweller said...

Temujin said...
"...could force a decision on the authenticity of the laptop...."

Wait. There's still some question in some minds about this?

For many, something isn't really true until an Authority declares it as such.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Michael K said...

There is zero evidence that either Stormy Daniels or this latest bimbo accusing Trump had any relationship with him.

Actually there is evidence the other way. Stormy Daniels denies, in writing, ever having sex with Donald Trump. And he of course denies it as well.

So it is a nobody said/nobody said situation in the case of our president emeritus.

John Henry

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Biden: "There's no such thing as someone else's child... no such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children!""

Yup. It's right there in the US Constitution.

YoungHegelian said...

You know, knocking up some woman other than their wives has been a problem for politicians since time immemorial. In "the bad old days", politicians had enough to sense to have some of their cronies take care of the mother and child on the QT so that the issue never made it to the public (e.g. LBJ).

It seems that ancient wisdom has, like so many other examples of ancient wisdom, been lost by our ruling classes.

n.n said...

They... progressive liberal sects, are calling for privacy, to fit the iron-ic mask... to mommy and child, too.

Inga said...

Hunter Biden and his father, Joe and the rest of the family need to embrace this innocent child and include her in the family circle. How awful for this little girl. As for her mother, who cares what the mother did in the past, it doesn’t define the child. Melania did nude modeling and went on to be a good mother to her son.

Wa St Blogger said...

As always: Anything in support of the grand objective called abortion. Everything in opposition to the great evil of being pro-life. Women who accuse a Republican are saints, women who accuse a Democrat are sluts, nuts or whores. This is the media, the supposed forth estate. Lunden probably caused the sea to rise. Assume the media is wrong about everything and you would be much more right than wrong.

William said...

I don't think she's been particularly trashed in the media. Mostly what they're doing is studiously ignoring her. I don't know anything about her or her case, but my guess is that she was offered a settlement but, contra David UW above, she is holding out for more money. It's quite possible that she's a tad mercenary. Maybe her and Stormy could get together and form a specialty act and thus broaden their appeal in show business....The picture I recently saw of her showed that she was better looking than Stormy so give Hunter points for that.

walter said...

Just don't call her "Baby momma".
Not being tied to the name Biden is a positive.

hombre said...

William: "...but my guess is that she was offered a settlement but, contra David UW above, she is holding out for more money. It's quite possible that she's a tad mercenary."

What reason other than sheer fabulism could there be for such a guess? Hunter denied paternity and has opposed paying support and the name change. Moreover, he is a criminal and a crackhead. There is plenty of evidence to support both in the public domain. He specializes in doing the wrong thing.

Gahrie said...

The president's family could lead the way on grace and acceptance. Instead, they just set this little girl up for rejection and failure.

The number one problem our nation faces right now is rampant fatherlessness. 75% of Black kids and 25% of White kids are being raised with no fathers in the home. In many Black inner-city communities, there are no fathers raising their children to become role models. Our nation was screaming for a message from the White House welcoming their granddaughter and a promise to be involved in her life, because that was the responsible thing to do.

Instead we got denial, abandonment and literally an attempt to prevent the girl from using the Biden name. The only way this could have gone any worse is if Hunter had raped her mother.

Yancey Ward said...

Ok, the world is coming to an end tonight- I agree 100% with an Inga comment.

Michael K said...

Blogger Rabel said...

The FBI has the laptop. Despite multiple people handling it over the years, if it is Hunter Biden's then there is a Hunter Biden fingerprint still on the device somewhere. The discovery of that fingerprint would be proof positive, would it not?

While denying it is his, his lawyers demanded it be returned to him. This is a farce but, sadly, involves this country and its ruling class.

Narayanan said...

It's quite possible that she's a tad mercenary.
may be Hunter was led to beleive 100 dollar bill will take care of it!!???

madAsHell said...

Isn't Hunter the Biden that received special admittance to the Navy as a 42 year old ensign, and then couldn't pass the pee-in-the-cup test?? Cuz he had more than his finger going up his nose!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

but it is often used to paint her...

Oh, I see what prof Turley did there.

Narayanan said...

Inga said ....
Melania did nude modeling and went on to be a good mother to her son.
where is today's Goya to render Naked Melania for Portrait Gallery

[e Naked Maja is a 1958 Italian-American co-production made by S.G.C., Titanus, and United Artists. This historical film recounting of the romance between the painter Francisco Goya and the Duchess of Alba]

Drago said...

Inga: "Hunter Biden and his father, Joe and the rest of the family need to embrace this innocent child and include her in the family circle."

You are kidding, right? For almost 5 years the Biden's entire family have been crapping on this little girl and pretending she is a horrible untouchable unmentionable.

The only thing that surprises me thus far is the Biden's not having the FBI set up the mom for arrest so they could throw the little girl into foster care somewhere.

Amadeus 48 said...


You got it.

Jamie said...

"Former stripper" is factual.

So is "pro-life."

Connotations are important. They could have said "former dancer and entertainer" or "former exotic dancer," and if she actually was once a prostitute would they describe her as a "former hooker," or as a "former sex worker"? And would they say she had been victimized by the patriarchy, as they would with any woman who wasn't threatening one of their own?

I don't know what's what on this story, but I do know there is generally more than one way to express an idea in English, and she's been described in a pejorative way when less pejorative ways were available.

Jamie said...

Ok, the world is coming to an end tonight- I agree 100% with an Inga comment.

I think this is also the first time I've agreed 100%. There have been times when I've agreed to a lesser extent.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ma, ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House, Ha! Ha! Ha!

Josephbleau said...

What disgusts me about the great Hunter Beiden, is that on his crack binges, he did not impregnate a slut or bimbo of color. Why are all democrats racist? Even Clinton did not place his cigar in a BPIOC person!

You need to explain to me why a fine crack head like Hunter did not impregnate a person of color.

iowan2 said...

"Former Stipper"

I thought the left actively supported and praised sex workers, as important, smart, moral, people.

That's no longer true? Asking for a sister.

Big Mike said...

Actually there is evidence the other way. Stormy Daniels denies, in writing, ever having sex with Donald Trump. And he of course denies it as well.

So it is a nobody said/nobody said situation in the case of our president emeritus.

@John Henry, an Althouse comment thread is the wrong forum to introduce mere facts that run so contrary to the feminist narrative! Trump-as-rapist is practically an article of faith or them.

Mr. Forward said...

Naked pictures of Hunter all over the Internet and SHE'S the stripper?

Jersey Fled said...

Isn’t it cute how Inga worked in that slur about Melania.

Big Mike said...

What disgusts me about the great Hunter Beiden, [sic] is that on his crack binges, he did not impregnate a slut or bimbo of color.

@Josephbleau, that we know of, anyway.

Tim said...

More evidence that the Bidens, like the Clintons, consider themselves to be above the law. The smart play, the right play, is to reach an agreement with the mother of his child and pay her to go away and raise the child. That keeps all the dirty money quiet, and keeps it out of at least one court. And that court is already unhappy with the behavior of Hunter and his lawyers. You are not going to get any leeway there. Pay her off and make this go away. Or else all the dirty laundry comes out. Hunter is going to go to prison for his hubris. Wonder if he will sell out "the big guy" to avoid that.

Josephbleau said...

‘Isn’t it cute how Inga worked in that slur about Melania.“

Yes Inga is a high school girl bitch, it’s a reflex with democrats. After a while you realize that feminism serves politics, politics does not serve women. True feminism supports the artistic and business efforts of women. Politics degrades women if they are politically undesirable. Feminist women supported Clinton and volunteered to give him blow jobs.

Does Inga hate Don Lemon for objectifying women? No. She may now say she does, in defense, but that will be a strategic ploy.

Josephbleau said...

“Hunter is going to go to prison for his hubris. Wonder if he will sell out "the big guy" to avoid that.”

No, the DOJ would not accept a plea deal adverse to the interests of Joe Beiden. Hunter will get a rich person to pay his fines and will get probation. His Uncle will be mad that he will be forced to part with some of his corrupt Iraq money to support him in luxury the rest of his life. Hunter is the smartest person that Joe knows.

Old and slow said...

It does look bad for Hunter, and I'd be delighted to see him in prison, but I suspect that young master Biden will skate through this unscathed. We will see.

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