April 29, 2023

"I've been having some crazy deja vu, because I'm an adult, 26, and, throughout childhood, I was called 'too feminine' and 'over the top,' and here I am now being called all those same things..."

"... but this time, it's from other adults. And if they're going to accuse me of anything, it should be that I'm a theater person, that I'm camp. But this is just my personality. And it always has been. What I'm struggling with most is that I grew up in a conservative family, and I'm extremely privileged because they still love me very much. And I grew up in the church, and I still have my faith, which I am really trying to hold onto right now. But I've always tried to love everyone — you know, people that make it really hard. I think it's okay to be frustrated with someone — confused. But what I'm struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize — to be cruel. I just think that's not great. You know, dehumanization has never fixed anything in history — ever."

Says Dylan Mulvaney, breaking a few weeks of silence and expressing a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her.


Jaq said...

I wonder how Ted Nugent would go over as the face of Lush Cosmetics.

Lawnerd said...

I have a strong case of tranny fatigue.

Hugh said...

And given the other video that surfaced recently, I think from last Fall (before the recent controversy), if you don’t buy into “her” lifestyle unreservedly, you should go to jail. It’s all about love! Quotations marks for my defense when I’m brought before the tribunal.

Jaq said...

When are the proles gonna learn that we decide for them how to live their lives?

wendybar said...

He is pretending to be a 12 year old girl. We know he has always been over the top. Just watch the You tube videos of him on Ellen and The Price is Right. It wasn't cute when he was a "man", and it is even worse when he pretends to be a 12 year old girl. Just go live your life, and leave us alone, and nobody would care

wendybar said...

"if you don’t buy into “her” lifestyle unreservedly, you should go to jail."
That comment right there, is why people are getting sick and tired of the Trans movement. There is NOTHING normal about mutilating children and dissing people who disagree.
Why are progressives so Authoritarian?? If you don't agree 100%, we will throw you in the DC gulag. Sounds like Biden and the Intel agencies.

Humperdink said...

The 0.0000001 % of the population sure dominates the news.

rwnutjob said...

I say again
Didn't change his name
Didn't cut his dick off
It's very lucrative cosplay
Go back to being "over the top" gay

Gahrie said...

Personally I find denying basic human biology to be dehumanizing. I find the inability to define what a woman is to be dehumanizing.

RideSpaceMountain said...

It's all so tiresome.

Doug said...

Lawnerd said...
I have a strong case of tranny fatigue.

Keep hanging around the Althouse Blog, and find out what real fatigue is. Althouse will not stop until you surrender and celebrate the deviancy. Her mission: eliminate all normies.

Sally327 said...

"Too feminine" for a boy, I imagine, that's what people meant. If she'd been a girl --as traditionally that term has been understood-- she wouldn't have been feminine enough. She isn't now, femininine enough I mean, she certainly doesn't move like a woman in that Nike bra ad. You can tell she didn't grow up with breasts that's for sure.

I don't know any way that a person can hope to reap the benefits of being in the public eye --and making money from it-- and yet that person wants to be free of criticism, scorn and ridicule. That's a distant planet, it won't be reached in our lifetime.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

the least I can do is keep an open mind

Hint: a parents story; trying to do the best he can for his child.

gspencer said...

"But what I'm struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize — to be cruel."

Ah, go have about 20 Bud Lites. You'll feel better. You and BL go together. One masquerades as a "girl," the other maasqaurdaes as beer.

EdwdLny said...

Oh bugger off you ignorant misogynist twit. You are a caricature, a fraud, and an insult to women. Had you any morals you'd be shameful, but you haven't any morals. You're another money grubbing grifter.

Another old lawyer said...

So tired of the "look at me, look at me, you must look at me" generation.

Leland said...

" expressing a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her."

Is there some barrier preventing this? If so, what is it?

Ryan said...

Maybe women feel "dehumanized" by being forced to accept men into their ranks.

William50 said...

He thinks he is a flower to be looked at
And when he pulls his frilly nylon panties right up tight
He feels a dedicated follower of fashion...

wendybar said...


Ellie said...

Cue the tiny violins. Then get the hook.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Cry me a river. DM is an initiate of the Tranny Cult. Everyone must love me, otherwise everyone hates me. The Tranny Cult is the epitome of progressivism. Any disagreement must be met with violence until everyone falls in line and joins the Cult of Tranny(tm). Any legislation to rein in the CoT will result in blood when they stage an insurrection.

Somewhere in WI said...

She can be anything she likes and do anything (that’s legal) but as the progs like to say…..there are consequences to her actions. Take money to promote something and you are open to criticism. Tough shit at this point.

Jamie said...

And if they're going to accuse me of anything, it should be that I'm a theater person, that I'm camp. But this is just my personality. And it always has been.

Ok, this is what I've believed about DM all along. Is DM actually trans, or is this all just an extended drag show? I don't know and I don't care.

One thing I do care about is that the trans "movement" is taking advantage of this display to move the bounds of "normal" to places where they've never been before, to include four standard deviations, maybe more, in a social definition of "nothing to see here." I'm all for letting adults live their lives as they see fit, subject to their actual (not emotional) impact on other people, but it seems to me that when someone's behavior is four SDs out, it is not unreasonable to note that it's weird and to be suspicious of its purpose and effects.

I also care about the fact that this particular display seems to be aimed at kids. Even if it's just because DM is a kids' performer, this too is being used as a way to push gender stereotypes, hormonal manipulation, and significant plastic surgery (no eye lift here) - to children.

Dave Begley said...

He isn’t being authentic. This is all fake. He’s mentally ill. The worst of it is that he’ll convince other boys to do the same thing; influencer that he is.

Matt Walsh discussed Jazz Jennings on a recent podcast. I vaguely knew of this person Jazz but didn’t know the whole story.

The mother of Jazz started this trans business on her son at a tender age. Jazz is know 25. Jazz has a TV show on TLC. in a recent clip, Jazz is crying to his mother and says he “doesn’t feel like himself.”

His penis was surgically removed at age 17. His mother has to wake him up in the middle of the night of the night and insert a dilator into her neo-vagina.

To the Left, the mother of Jazz is a hero. According to Sen. Megan Hunt, “kids know who they are.” But I’m the terrible person and hated by the Left because I exposed the financially corrupt Megan Hunt and I’m against parents mutilating their kids.

We are in Crazytown.

Quayle said...

Dylan is very clearly showing us an important hidden truth: that the real divide is not between left and right, Democrat or Republican.

Dave Begley said...

The Left would have you believe that boys can become girls and that cheap and reliable power can come from the wind and sun.

These are the Cults of Transgenderism and net zero. 2 + 2 = 5. This is false. I dissent.

The Left has told us that they are insane liars. Per Oprah’s advice, we should listen and believe them.

dbp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dbp said...

Normal people find a grown man pretending to be a girl, girl not woman, really creepy and off-putting.

Our betters want us to become accustomed to having this in our faces all the time. Sorry, no. I will quietly refrain from buying any product promoted by off-putting weirdos.

Go woke, go broke.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: The only certainty we have is that we KNOW very little about ourselves

Hint: Sabine Hossenfelder is a well regarded scientist.

n.n said...

Psychiatric-induced dysphoria in a groomer's climate.

Randomizer said...

Dylan Mulvaney is starting to put out that Harry and Meghan vibe. Seek attention, get it, complain about getting attention to get more attention, and try to be the victim by because the bad people don't love you.

cassandra lite said...

Rachel Dolezal felt the same about being black. As did Shaun King. It didn't turn out so well for either, though their "I always felt" was a difference without distinction from Mulvaney's. Matter of fact, both Dolezal and King were embraced by blacks. Has Mulvaney been embraced by women?

Doesn't appear so. Maybe if he went the Audrey Hepburn route instead of little Sally next door with the crush on the football quarterback.

Birches said...

Ha. He's mentioning his religious, conservative upbringing the same way the Budweiser guy mentioned he was a veteran in his statement and the same way Weinstein said he was going to fight the NRA. "Don't attack me! We've got bigger enemies to get!"

Maynard said...

He is an actor trying to make a living.

Unfortunately, he picked a lousy role.

Michael K said...

Well, he has one fan, the owner of this blog.

Michael said...

I have no animus toward Mulvaney. He (or she if you like) has a shtick and he's working it. And I have no issue with those who understand that and enjoy it. The problem is with all the fools who don't know they're being played.

MayBee said...

I have two comments:

1- If you want to be famous, get ready to face the cruelty that comes with it. What would Donald Trump or Britney Spears say about cruelty? Why do so many of our brightest stars die young of drug overdoses? I'm not saying it's good. I'm saying this isn't just a Dylan problem.

2- I saw a Bud Light commercial during the NFL draft and it was people at a country music festival.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"It's all so tiresome"

I was listening to a business podcast last night and this whole queerbeer controversy came up for discussion from a business and marketing perspective and everyone was flabbergasted. I am flabbergasted. I've discussed these issues with my wife frequently and she is flabbergasted. She's Brazilian, and as bad as people think the trans problem is in this country it is practically au courant down there (as in there are far more of them and somewhat more normalized secularly). Despite all of that it is pushed nowhere near as forcefully in Brazil as it is here. Despite having 100x more gender lunacy nobody with something to lose would have ever done this in Brazil.

People with something to lose aren't pushig this in Brazil.
People with something to lose aren't pushing this in Thailand.
People with something to lose aren't pushing this in Japan.
People with something to lose aren't pushing this in Africa.

Flabbergasted. There is no logically rational business or economic explanation for this almost cult-like social pressure to pedestalize these genetic dead-enders with nothing to lose by organizations with not only everything to lose, but who occupy the preeminent position in their market category.

The rise of this gender insanity since Obama took office is the best evidence I've ever seen for the existence of the illuminati, not entirely joking. This shit is so inorganic it's unreal. It is the final boss of astroturfed cultural influence campaigns and the only logical - Occam's Razor explanation - for its existence is it comes down from on high by forces which are well-beyond multi-billion dollar market caps and even entire industry clusters. It is transnational. It is coordinated with military precision.

Whatever the fuck it is, THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY.

MayBee said...

3- Dylan is out there and has become the face of a very political movement, the transgender movement. So I'm sure it feels unfair to Dylan, although there's a lot of money being made there. But people who don't want elementary schools to hire drag queens, or teach about being genderqueer, or don't want to get canceled for calling Dylan "he", don't want men in girls' locker rooms, etc, use Dylan as the focus of many of those discussions. Because Biden and Harris and big companies have given Dylan praise and focus, and it's hard to know what the rest of us are supposed to be doing to express that we are not interested in our culture heading in this direction.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Another old lawyer said...
“So tired of the "look at me, look at me, you must look at me" generation.”

Amen. For years now l’ve described it this way:

“Look at me! Look at me! But don’t judge me, bigot!”

Scott Patton said...

If you put forth unusual effort to attract attention, that doesn't mean you get to dictate the type of attention you receive.
"this is just my personality" How can we tell the difference between a personalty and a personality flaw? Presentation vs. perception?
A kayfabe or Andy Kaufman reference here seems appropriate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks all very nice.

Still trying to understand why Disney... er I mean Budweiser ... inject politics in their products.

Mulvany is merely being used.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Noonan says is all very nicely:

"I thought Disney wrong to come forward, as a major corporation, and use its beloved name to take sides on a delicate state educational issue that was being handled democratically—as in, the governor, who would soon be up for re-election, made a policy decision, got a bill passed, and if the voters don’t like it they could throw him out. Disney shouldn’t have pushed its way in to advance its cultural preferences."

"Yes, a big challenge for corporations is to remember their mission. For more than a century Budweiser’s mission was to make beer and sell it at a profit. Disney has been entertaining America for nearly a century. They should do that. Except in the most extraordinary and essential cases they shouldn’t give in to the temptation to put themselves forward as deep-thinking cultural leaders. Mind your business, keep your side of the street clean, treat your people well, set a standard, pay them well. Don’t add to the friction. It doesn’t help; it only makes things more bitter."

BIII Zhang said...

I absolutely encourage Dylan. He should be the best little 6-year-old girl he can be.

I also absolutely encourage people to boycott the purchase of Bud Light for putting this little girl into a bathtub, handing her alcohol, and filming it.

That was wrong. They need to admit publicly that it was wrong to do that. They need to fire (not give paid vacations to) the entire C suite that approved of this marketing stunt. And they need to commit to paying for Dylan's massive mental health bills, which will be enormous as he goes through life with this serious mental illness I would compare to brain cancer in the impact it might have should he never be cured of his disease.

Filming the mentally ill half-naked in bathtubs cosplaying as little girls being handed alcohol to drink is not something ANY corporation in America should be doing.

Marty said...

Social media promotes, amplifies, and rewards narcissism. Thanks, Dylan, for being Exhibit A.

Aggie said...

"Ive been called too many things" is best understood as the satisfaction of a pathological attention hound. But I still wonder who exactly it is, that keeps pushing him to the front of the customer interface.

MikeD said...

Genderized "blackface"!

Ice Nine said...

Thanks a lot for not giving a barf bag warning on the video, Ann.

And boohoohoo for Dylan. This guy has them eating out of his hand, doesn't he. Those fatuous enough to partake, that is.

stlcdr said...

The person is known for only being a boy dressed up as a girl, right? is there anything else, or is that it?

The Drill SGT said...

I don't think 'Blackface' is appropriate

I don't think 'Womanface' is appropriate

Gahrie said...

" expressing a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her."

Is there some barrier preventing this? If so, what is it?

Taste and good judgement.

wendybar said...

Mar 31
“Privilege” is having a Trans terrorist shoot little kids in a Christian school and then getting a new Trans holiday created by the White House 4 days later

Big Mike said...

The problem of Dylan Mulvany is not Dylan Mulvany. As long as he isn’t going into locker rooms for teenaged girls, ogling them as they change clothes, and wagging his penis st them, he can be (pretend to be) anyone he wants. Live and let live, as we Republicans say. The problem for Mulvany is that he is collateral damage from being made the advertising face of a product traditionally marketed to blue collar people. No idea who is amazed that the traditional customers felt disrespected. The blowback from customers cost the brewer millions in sales, not to mention.the jobs of the person who chose him as the face of the product, and that person’s boss.

There’s been less pushback (actually, apparently none) for Dylan Mulvany as a model for Nike’s sports bras. Women who already use those bras presumably do so because they find that the product fits well and is comfortable during athletic activity. Whether women who do not use Nike’s sports bras will be persuaded to buy them because they fit a man pretty well, well that feels dubious but what does a guy know?

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher B said...

For a group that puts such a premium on Individual Authenticity, they sure seem to care an awful lot about what other people think about them.

MadisonMan said...

I applaud Mulvaney's ability to turn a buck -- although (s)he'll get no money from me.
What I mock is the business sense of the Bud Executive who thought Mulvaney would be a good spokesmodel for Bud Light. Talk about out of touch! It's very fitting that she lost her position.

Ampersand said...

Commenting about transgender topics is complicated by the circumstance that the phenomenon is not a coherent ideology. It is a political movement fueled by outrage, with no discernible end point. The goal of the movement is to create turbulence and destabilization.

Mulvaney is either clueless or disingenuous. DM seems not to understand DM's irrelevance. Everyone has a right to screw up their own life. But when they choose to make themself into the center of a very destructive propaganda campaign supported by government and big business, expect big pushback. Time to put on some big girl pants, Dylan. You chose to be the emblem of the new cultural fascism.

Hugh said...

Even more than a Dedicated Follower of Fashion, he’s Not Like Everybody Else (previously determined to be Ms. Althouse’s favorite Kink’s song)

Jupiter said...

" expressing a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her."

That's fine, except its "him", not "her". He can keep sucking down the Bud Light, too.

madAsHell said...

Says Dylan Mulvaney, breaking a few weeks of silence and expressing a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her.

.....but that's the point, watching a male do female. Nobody enjoys it but a handful of queers.

He doesn't deserve the HER pronouns.

Rusty said...

It was cute.
It became boring.
And now I wish,
He'd just go away.

A lot like Chuck in that regard.

Douglas B. Levene said...

My complaints aren't about Mulvaney. They are about AB and its idiotic insistence on making Mulvaney the face of their iconic brand, Bud Light.

William said...

I wouldn't mind if he imitated Jane Fonda or Streisand. I would support his struggles to make them look ridiculous, but I've always had a thing for Audrey Hepburn.

Xmas said...

I feel bad for Dylan. They couldn't have known the backlash was coming from the Bud Light partnership. I'm pretty sure Dylan has an agent that's trying to leverage Dylan's internet fame into real cash. The agent and the Budweiser ad exec that set up the promotion should have known better though.

Gahrie said...

But what I'm struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize — to be cruel. I just think that's not great. You know, dehumanization has never fixed anything in history — ever."
Says Dylan Mulvaney, breaking a few weeks of silence and expressing a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her.

This statement proves that he is not a woman, and doesn't even understand women.

Women as they really are.

Tina Trent said...

My Barbie Pouch is still not buying it.

GatorNavy said...

I haven’t seen much of Dylan Mulvaney, but what I saw was an actor trying to use the tools available via the wonders of the internet to make a buck. There are quite a few actors who espouse even more radical viewpoints. Anyone here recall Sean Penn’s ongoing love affair with Hispanic totalitarians?
I do object strongly to his statements that we must support his delusions that he is transsexual or else. Or that he is particularly feminine. He is a dude who looks like a dude with a serious running problem. The fact that a beer company and a garment manufacturer with a love for foreign sweatshops/slavery have chosen to shower him with money, doesn’t make me hate him. I’ll simply avoid the products of the companies that support his little delusions.
Anyways, the statistical probability of this actor getting busted for pedophilia is pretty high, so I’ll just wait and keep my powder dry.

Earnest Prole said...

Let Dylan be Dylan.

loudogblog said...

I've seen Dylan's videos. Dylan is intentionally being "too feminine" and "over the top." It's a all a part of the act. Jumping on the pity train like this is pathetic.

Sebastian said...

"what I'm struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize — to be cruel. I just think that's not great"

So, umm, when progs accuse deplorables of trans "genocide," are they dehumanizingly cruel? Or is it actually pretty great?

Anyway, talk of cruelty is a play for women's feelings, which win in public debates of any sort.

Blastfax Kudos said...

Another old lawyer said, "So tired of the "look at me, look at me, you must look at me" generation."

It's not look at me look at me, it's what they're looking at. I keep coming back to pornography and the general omnipresence of graphically intimate representations of other people's lives made possible by photography and video. It's what boys and girls are seeing that's causing massive feelings of sexual and charismatic inadequacy in boys and shocking depression from stereotyped female archetypes among girls.

All these unrealistic scenarios have taken over as a baseline for normalized heterosexual interactions and other intimacies between men and women. Huge numbers of children have been seeing this now for 30 years, on steroids since smartphones went everywhere, and understandably huge numbers of children are feeling they don't measure up. Can anybody really be shocked that large numbers of men and women are feeling inadequate or disgusted about their genitalia or what they're shown is idealized interpersonal interaction with members of the opposite sex? It's hard enough keeping kids balanced if you're a good parent, God help you if you have parents that aren't up to the task of disabusing these media fictions!

I really think people are underestimating pornography's prevalence, ease of access, and supercharged content as a catalyst for transgenderism. I would assume everyone on this blog has seen pornographic content of one kind or another, and I would assume that all of us understand those are fantasies, specifically engineered for the enjoyment of our Freudian ids. They are not real nor were they ever meant to be real or even pursued in real life because they're potentially dangerous or damaging emotionally. That line between fantasy and reality is blurring at warp speed for people growing up in the last 30 years. Not having a 12 inch dick and bottomless charisma or being a buxom bimbette with tattoos who loves getting ploughed by 4 men nightly does not make you a hopeless loser who should lose your tits or make you think about getting some.

Owen said...

Dylan is just so very special. You can tell by listening to her, reading her words.

If you don't agree, you're cruel and dehumanizing.

Because it's all about her, and now it's all about her victimhood.

Give it rest, boy.

holdfast said...

It's become increasingly clear that he is first, an attention whore; second, an actor; and third, a trans entity.

Anyway, we should ignore him as much as possible, and focus attention on the creatively and morally bankrupt corporate entities that seek to rent his "influence". Without their $$$, Dylan goes back into well-deserved obscurity.

Owen said...

For anyone drifting toward sympathy with this foolish grifter, I urge you to sample Kay Hymowitz' article in City Journal on "The Transgender Children's Crusade." Horrifying.


n.n said...

Trans/homo? Trans/social? Psychiatric-induced dysphoria?

Him. Sex from conception. Sex-correlated gender attributes. #HateLovesAbortion

n.n said...

It wasn't cute when he was a "man", and it is even worse when he pretends to be a 12 year old girl. Just go live your life, and leave us alone, and nobody would care.

Pride and progress that may reasonably tolerated, but without any redeeming value to humanity or society, devoid of merit worthy of normalization.

0_0 said...

We get it, Althouse, you’re a fangirl for him.
Oh, and he wants it to be illegal for me to refer to him as he or him.

n.n said...

Why I WILL NEVER Accept This Position

A trans/social with minority appeal? Or Levine's dreams of Herr Mengele?

At least wait until the child matures to adulthood, where they, by law and moral stature, are assumed to enjoy personal independence and responsibility for their choice(s).

Oso Negro said...

More civility bullshit from the queer left

Sydney said...

I have read that the majority of trans are girls to boys, but what we see mostly on the internet are men to women. These are all men who have transformed themselves into pretty women. The message here is that being a woman means being pretty. It is a toxic message for real women.

Lincolntf said...

Everyone is so mean to Dylan! He only wants to imprison everyone who disagrees with him. What a fun, quirky gal he is.

hombre said...

"Camp" is a great description of Dylan, who doesn't get it any more than the Bud Lite folks got it at first.

Few care about Dylan who is a pathetic parody of a woman. Many LGBT types present the same issue. They are seen by most as queer (not the "gay" meaning), by some as pathetic and by only a few as threatening.

It is the LGBT activists whose behavior stimulates hostility. Why desecrate the important Christian sacrament of marriage when civil union is available? Why destroy Christian, but not Muslim, business people for following their faith? Why call for the mutilation/sexualization of children? Why bully and destroy the dreams of girls/ women on the athletic field? Why rub everyone's noses in the aberrance of LGBT sexual behavior?

I am baffled by Caitlin Jenner, but Caitlin speaks out in opposition to the excesses of the trans movement. People respect that. Dylan does not speak out and commands no respect.

Michael K said...

Althouse will not stop until you surrender and celebrate the deviancy. Her mission: eliminate all normies.

Bingo !

mccullough said...

Drama prince.

Look at me! Look at me!

Night Owl said...

I agree with those who say this is getting tiresome.

Everyone, who is rational and sane, knows that the only reason there is any animosity towards the current trans cult is because it's harming children. This is not about yet another tiresome attention-whore called Dylan whatever.

I'm 60, and drag queens and transvestites have been out and proud since I was a child. Most adults today have been exposed to their culture, and watched and enjoyed many popular movies that were made about drag queens. The idea that most people in the USA are "trans-phobic" is laughable.

Leftist leaders know that when you start pushing the mutilation and chemical castration of children, you better brace yourself for the opposing force heading your way. They are purposely creating a wedge issue to divide people. They know that many Democrat voters, especially younger ones, are easily deceived by propaganda.

Leftist media propagandists are lying when they say the current push for laws to ban sex-changes for children is about "trans-phobia" and hating "trans-children". All rational adults know that the pushback is from people who love the "trans" children in their lives and are trying to protect them from irreversibly harming themselves. But leftists love to lie to themselves if it gives them a chance to hate on republicans and conservatives.

The progressive left are deceivers who like to pretend that they are not in favor of hurting children. But those with eyes can see that their political platform is built on the right to murder babies and mutilate children. And they have the nerve to call the opposition "haters". God help them.

Gahrie said...

My favorite feminist's on takethe current transgender obsession.

kcl766 said...

McCullough at 1:45. Yes.

Here's my two cents worth by way of 2 decades working in Academic and Professional Theater: He's a performer and wants attention. If you enjoy his performance that's great. If you don't like it, ignore him and/or don't support the companies that want you to like him. BUT please don't punish me if I don't want to be forced to bend the knee to the wackos.

Larry said...

Don't suppose it will end well for that guy. Hope not. We've all known guys like him, and usually we are glad when they go on their way. I've never knowingly been rude to such a creature nor have I tried to transcend my repugnance.

This special beast's repulsive self pops up everywhere anymore. Guess it is one of the costs of giving way to a maternalistic society.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dylan is being used. this is less about him/her - than it is about Corporations pushing democrat party cultural directives - by insiders who are probably using mob-tactics to do so, and corporate whore arm-twisting.

Jim at said...

Go away.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

But I've always tried to love everyone — you know, people that make it really hard.

Which is why he's demanding that people who point out that he is a "he" be thrown in jail.

IOW, he's a lying sack of shit, and an evil monster, pretending to not be one
In a video from October 2022 now going viral, Mulvaney declares that journalists who commit the “crime” of “misgendering” him in their reporting should be arrested.

“The articles written about me using ‘he’ pronouns and calling me a man over and over again,” he starts. “I feel like that should be illegal. I don’t know that’s that’s just bad journalism.”

So much "love" for the other there

And if they're going to accuse me of anything, it should be that I'm a theater person, that I'm camp. But this is just my personality. And it always has been

You're the one demanding that we pretend that your "camp personality" makes you a woman, and that anyone who refuses to bow down to your demands be thrown in jail, Dylan.

"Motte and Baily" is what you pull when you KNOW you're full of shit

lonejustice said...

Why are the men on this blog so fixated on a transgender? Inflation is rampant, we are in a recession, WW III is on the horizon with possible nuclear annihilation, countries are at war, our public schools are failing, millions of babies are being aborted, crime is rampant, political corruption is everywhere, yet whenever there is a post about an adult transgender, the comments on this blog explode. Why are the guys here so insecure? Live and let live.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I imagine the response of Joan Rivers to this twit. It's all false and will likely end in drug addled suicide after he's used up. Because he really isn't very good at it.
Send in the Clowns applies here, I believe.

Leora said...

Mr. Mulvaney has also said that he thinks journalists who misgender him should be sent to jail. Not a very live and let live attitude.

Leora said...

@ConceptualJames on Twitter has suggested the Democrats are trying to provoke an atrocity against transexuals to create a DragFloyd event to rally all the nice people to reject the Republicans. There may be something to that.

n.n said...

My favorite feminist's on takethe current transgender obsession.

Camille Paglia, of course.

n.n said...

When are the proles gonna learn that we decide for them how to live their lives?

Mortal gods, goddesses, and experts under a secular religion.

That said, deny dignity, deny agency, deny life, and she will no longer be human.

Owen said...

lonejustice @ 5:22: “…Why are the guys here so insecure?”

Nice try. That’s a classic passive-aggressive formulation —I (and I think many others) would challenge your characterization that the commenters are “guys” or that, whatever their gender, they are “insecure,” let alone “so insecure.”

So I read this as trolling. Counterproductive ad hominem distraction. Why not engage on the actual topic: that Dylan is a man, and one who has lost his way?

DavidUW said...

He’s a dude. A he.
A dude in a dress. Still. A. Dude.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Why are the guys here so insecure? Live and let live.

There is no "Live and let live" for the Cult of Trans. The CoT demands obedience to all their demands, including the mutilation of children, the participation of men in women's sports and prisons and the silence of their critics. If you don't obey, they'll assault you or barricade you in a classroom for three hours. Just ask Riley Gaines about that.

walter said...

"a desire to continue speaking to the people who have liked and enjoyed her."
Camp theater fans?
Bud Light meat raffle, NFL fans?

Jim at said...

"Why are the guys here so insecure? Live and let live."

Here's a cluebat, Alt Chuck:

Read the female comments here on this subject.
Those who actually comment are furious, and disagree vehemently with our host.

I suspect those who don't comment are even more pissed.

Gahrie said...

"Why are the guys here so insecure? Live and let live."

No one gives a shit if Dylan puts on a dress and make up and pretends to be a woman.

We're trying to protect children who are being mutilated and abused in the name of his mental illness.

walter said...

lonejustice said...
I often wonder how many of the angry men here are getting boners when they watch the Mulvanney videos, and that scares the hell out of them.
4/22/23, 4:46pm
I have this image in my mind of them all jacking off to his videos while listening to Lola by the Kinks. Please, G_d, make this image go away.
4/22/23, 5:08pm

walter said...

The whole "insecure" trope is along the lines of Godwin's law fishing for critique shutdown.
The guy simultaneously claims trying to be uncontroversial while jamming his schtick in the face of those actually wanting nothing to do with his disorder, be it gender dysmorphia or opportunist money grifting bullshitter with a side of normalizing deviancy.
That wise Latina AOC attempted similar shit with her critiques are because she's hot schtick. The two should join forces in an effort to approximate normal IQ.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Stop the hate!
“We are tired of all of the hate. We are very open to debate and discussion and it’s truly a shame that we can’t have open conversations about this important political and cultural topic. Bars, in our opinion, exist as public spaces where ideas should be exchanged. Unfortunately, due to all of the bigotry and hatred that has surfaced around the Bud Light controversy, any patron wanting to voice their concerns about the issue will be immediately asked to pay their bill and leave our establishment.”

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