April 6, 2023

It's just a "paid partnership" on Instagram. If it's not for you, it's not for you.

I'm yawning at the "uproar," noted by the stalwart New York Post, in "Nike faces online uproar over paid partnership with trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney."

Overheard at Meadhouse:

"I've never called anything 'stalwart' before. I just felt for some reason that I needed to call The New York Post 'stalwart.'"

"I think you probably heard it called that before."

"So I'm being conventional?"

"It's just somewhere in the back of your memory, that you associate the word with The New York Post."

"Stalwart" means "Resolute, unbending, determined" as in " The duke made his stalwart declaration in the House of Lords against all parliamentary reform" (OED). 

And an "uproar" is a "Loud outcry or vociferation; noise of shouting or tumult" (OED). Some classy examples:

1667    J. Milton Paradise Lost  x. 479   Night and Chaos wilde..fiercely oppos'd My journey strange, with clamorous uproare Protesting Fate supreame.... View more context for this quotation
1820    J. Keats Hyperion: a Fragm.  iii, in  Lamia & Other Poems 191   Thus in alternate uproar and sad peace, Amazed were those Titans utterly.
1852    H. B. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin II. xxxv. 221   The sound of wild shrieking,..mingled with the barking of dogs, and other symptoms of general uproar.

Is that really how people are reacting to the light-hearted stylings of Dylan Mulvaney?


Temujin said...

He's a boy/man. Why would Nike ignore/eliminate women in their ads for women's accessories/clothing? Who's zooming who?

Dave Begley said...

People are angry at Nike and Bud Light for legitimizing and approving this whole trans business. Kids are being influenced. Kids think it is cool. Trendy.

This trans business has to meet arch opposition.

Like it or not, we are at a cultural and societal pivot point. The Jacobins must be defeated and defeated so completely that they know they are beaten.

When three Jacobin women in the Nebraska Legislature grind the business of the Unicameral to a halt, you know it is bad. One Jacobin, Megan Hunt, has a 12 year old girl who has thought she is a boy since 10. The Nebraska Jacobins want to allow Nebraska Medicine to lop off the healthy breasts of young girls. This madness needs to stop.

AB and Nike are dead to me. Their marketing people are totally out of touch.

rehajm said...

I see the major brands that advertise during ball sport games all want to hitch up with this Dylan. Bud Light has some kind if boycott backlash thing going on…

I see the same people who sneer at Kardashians are fawning over this Dylan. At least y’all are consistent in your inconsistencies…

Dave Begley said...

The Left threw a fit about Joe Camel. Why not throw a fit about the cartoon fake woman Dylan Mulvaney?

Dave Begley said...

If Dylan is going to get fake boobs; get some boobs with some substance to them.

Gahrie said...

I can't wait for the new line of Nike products designed for anorexics that automatically shrink to fit as you starve yourself to death.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nike customers are undeterred by knowing the shoes are made by child slaves so why would they care that Nike promotes a dude playing dress-up, culturally appropriating female stereotypes that is, as the Nike ideal woman customer. Why not hire Steppenfetchit to do outreach to customers of color too?

robother said...

Looking forward to a line of Nikes with the swoosh replaced with a swish. Somehow, it's a very Dylanseque Nike marketing strategy: "the answer my friend is blowing in the wind."

tim maguire said...

Mulvaney is the Trump of the left--he identified an opportunity and he took it. And his power is hugely magnified by his critics.

Mulvaney literally never crosses my mind, I forget he exists, until I see a rant by someone who hates him. Then, often as not, I need a moment to remember who he is. I forget again shortly after finishing reading the rant.

Maybe seeing him in Althouse rather than on Twitter will give him more staying power, but I doubt it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Zenvy leggings. Alate bra. Comfortable and buttery soft cozy workout wear. The @nikewomen fairy godmother waves-her-wand wannabe-woman hobby kit.

So much oproar and consternation over "what's a woman" these days! Didn't you know? Zenvy leggings. Alate Bra. Comfortable and buttery soft cozy workout wear. Presto! You're a woman!

rhhardin said...

No underwire, no maxipads. Appeals to women.

Big Mike said...

Well, I admit that I do not get why biological women would be upset over Nike using a trans female to model its line of sports bras. If you think it might be uncomfortably tight on you (e.g., you are an A cup or larger) then just buy a competitor’s product. Perhaps this is a line of sports bras intended for use by cancer survivors who’ve undergone a double mastectomy.

Dave Begley said...

The cultural pivot point was when a female nominee to SCOTUS couldn't tell a female US Senator what a woman is.

"I'm not a biologist."

Lyssa said...

Eh, I wouldn’t say I’m in an uproar (more disheartened), but I find this mockery of womanhood pretty offensive., and don’t want to be associated with it. Plus, for a woman, finding clothes (especially bras!) that work well for your body is hard enough when they’re actually made for your body. If they’re being advertised by someone who has a male body, they’re not for me.

I don’t buy lot of Nike, but I run and it’s certainly one of the options I consider when looking for new things. I’m not happy about this.

narciso said...

a chimera, manticore, no he? is a figurehead,

natatomic said...

The dude LARPs as a “girl” for a year, and he’s getting deal after deal, full access to the Rainbow Room for his one-“woman” show, a letter from the VP congratulating him on his one year of girlhood, and an interview with the president. All of those things could have been given to REAL woman, but instead, they just go to another white male who is showing how much better men are at being women than actual women.

Here I am a conservative woman, and even *I* am over here yelling, “This is just the patriarchy with makeup and a sports bra!”

Meanwhile all the handmaid feminists (minus TERFs, and thank God for them) are tripping over themselves to bow to this ideology that is making a mockery of womanhood and destroying women’s sports and women-only spaces.

I’m living in bizarro world, and I feel like the majority of the west is celebrating, even ushering in, our inevitable downfall.

Meade said...

Stalwart blogger Ann Althouse—still alive, still making substantive blog posts.

Ann Althouse said...

"He's a boy/man. Why would Nike ignore/eliminate women in their ads for women's accessories/clothing?"

It's not a normal ad campaign!

It's an Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement.

It's a way to advertise through social media that already has a following. It's a cost-effective way to reach a crowd of people who the Instagrammer has collected independently. This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!

Sebastian said...

"the light-hearted stylings of Dylan Mulvaney?"

Insanity is so much fun! And it pays! Isn't capitalism grand? Let's enjoy!

"What's the problem!"

Fair enough. If feminists and actual women don't see a problem, why should I?

Iman said...

We’ll see if the mentally ill person’s endorsement overcomes national boycotts.

Lyssa said...

I think the defense that it’s not a “normal ad campaign” is a little disingenuous. It’s approved by Nike (they obviously aren’t paying just anyone for these), and it’s intended to sell products. It’s not a television commercial or billboard, but it’s performing the same action and serving the same purpose. This is a normal ad campaign, in 2023.

natatomic said...

The dude LARPs as a “girl” for a year, and he’s getting deal after deal, full access to the Rainbow Room for his one-“woman” show, a letter from the VP congratulating him on his one year of girlhood, and an interview with the president. All of those things could have been given to REAL woman, but instead, they just go to another white male who is showing how much better men are at being women than actual women.

Here I am a conservative woman, and even *I* am over here yelling, “This is just the patriarchy with makeup and a sports bra!”

Meanwhile all the handmaid feminists (minus TERFs, and thank God for them) are tripping over themselves to bow to this ideology that is making a mockery of womanhood and destroying women’s sports and women-only spaces.

I’m living in bizarro world, and I feel like the majority of the west is celebrating, even ushering in, our inevitable downfall.

MayBee said...

"It's not a normal ad campaign! "

How is an Instagram paid partnership in the year 2023 considered not a normal ad campaign? Because it's not on tv?

MayBee said...

I also don't like the fake version of femaleness that Mulvaney is selling. I don't like teenagers being encouraged (by Nike) to see him as positive.

If kids can be social contaigened into suicide and mass shootings, they can be social contaigened into trans behavior.

Aggie said...

You know what's interesting to me? How is it he, and others like him, get so much public exposure? How did this person become nominated and put into place as an advertising corporate spokesman? How did executives come to the conclusion that it was shrewd business to have him as their public face?

Without the constant media promoting, he is otherwise just a plain, uninteresting, self-promoting attention hound. He's been doing it for years, even before his supposed epiphany of sex change. It's a mental illness with him. But it's a form of conditioning for us.

Nobody cares. If I didn't have to look at him again, ever, I would never think of him again, and I would miss nothing.

MayBee said...

Just yesterday, a soccer team posting a meme about their female being athletes being "Barbie" was a big problem.

Today, Nike paying a man to post while he pretends to be a female who acts like a Barbie is no problem.

Dave Begley said...

What's the problem? Ann!

1. It will alienate all the male jocks. Bad business for Nike.

2. It will alienate all the female jocks. Bad business for Nike.

3. It normalizes mental illness and dupes impressionable young kids to mutilate their bodies.

We are in the cultural and political death throes of the American Republic. We've got to turn this around.

Michael K said...

It's amusing to see "feminists" support this sort of nonsense. The "Suicide of the West" is no exaggeration. The repeal of the Enlightenment is a good description.

RideSpaceMountain said...

@nikewomen, from #justgirlythings to #justgurlythings.


CStanley said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...

It's not a normal ad campaign!

It's an Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement.

I don’t understand why this distinction matters at all. This is a new form of advertising, with companies paying amateurs rather than professionals for an ad campaign. What should consumers’ reactions be any different? The company is choosing this person as part of their branding.

The Vault Dweller said...

I get why some people are worried about the campaign. It is not that Bud Light and Nike chose a trans person it is that they chose a person because that person is trans and that seems like a tacit approval of the overall trans movement. But is it inherently wrong for Nike or Bud Light to want to sell clothing and beer to people who associate with the trans movement? Now I think it is fair to point out that some on the left do the very same thing. And they will target companies who advertise things with the 'wrong' people or to the 'wrong' people. That is why Fox News is full of ads for Reverse Mortgages, gold bullion, and catheters. I am not sure how to unwind the situation, but it would be better if there was far less worry about political appearances in day-to-day commerce.

BIII Zhang said...

These people monetizing deep mental illness are some sick, sick individuals. I hope one day they are criminally charged.

Humperdink said...

AA asked: "It's a cost-effective way to reach a crowd of people who the Instagrammer has collected independently. This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!"

It's being promoted by the largest athletic wear company in the world, normalizing aberrant behavior. And goes beyond "the people who the Instagrammer has collected independently".

Gusty Winds said...

Dylan Mulvaney is just a clown act. I don't care anymore. People will eventually tire of this shit.

I don't own a pair of Nike shoes or any clothing. I drink Miller Lite rather than Bud Light.

But...you know we will have reached peak ridiculousness when they have a "man" with a vagina doing adds for ercitite dysfunction.

Black Bellamy said...

Ann, I work in advertising. This is a completely normal campaign. Client comes in with a spend and it gets divided up; this much to display ads, this much to affiliate marketing, this much to influencer posts, this much to product placement, etc. What you describe as an "Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement" is part of that campaign. Mulvaney is just another checkbox on the campaign planning document. His fee comes out of the advertising budget. No one bats an eye when someone mentions influencers in campaign planning.
I want to add that influencer marketing is not worth the value; I see the numbers and with very rare exceptions it's throwing money away. Clients see it as the hot thing to do and they're all really into it and ad agencies are not going to turn cash away.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

It's a way to advertise through social media that already has a following. It's a cost-effective way to reach a crowd of people who the Instagrammer has collected independently. This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!

Well, with Bud Light, they are alienating the already existing customers, which are rednecks, bikers, and hillbillies who, for some reason, think mass produced horse piss is good beer. Anyway, I think the Bud Light brand has been nuked. Its fan base will switch to Miller or (God help us all) Coors. Manly men are not going to want to be seen drinking Bud Light. And the people Mulvaney influences aren't going to take up drinking Bud Light. If they drink beer at all its going to be craft beers.

gilbar said...

Stalwart pro gay pro tran blogger Ann Althouse, loyally and resolutely defends trans actions

screenjockey said...

According to Google, "stalwart New York Post" is at least a minor thing.

Ann Althouse said...

I watched Dylan Mulvaney on TikTok in the early days, and I didn't know if I was looking at a transgender person sincerely addressing viewers or a comic actor who'd developed a Marlo Thomas style character and was playing the part with style and elan. It was performance either way. Mulvaney built a following of people who enjoyed the material. What's that to you if you don't like it? I think it's fine that a social media person chooses to monetize. It might hurt the material, but content-creators need to make a living.

As for the company that sponsors the material... it has money-making issues particular to the world of social media. It can't just continue with old-time advertising that worked in the days when a third of America watched "That Girl" because it was one of the 3 things that were on TV at that time. Media is entirely fractured, so how do you reach people? Sponsoring Mulvaney and others is the method we're seeing here.

Seriously, why is this a problem for you? Why don't you move toward things you love instead of fucking with an energetic, creative performer who's found a way to get on in life? How does it hurt you? If you're using this young person to leverage your political agenda, you're disgusting. You want to stir up hate for Nike, get people to boycott it's products, something like that? Get a life.

Ann Althouse said...

"This is a normal ad campaign, in 2023."

Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference. You need to address that difference if you are engaging with my points.

Ann Althouse said...

You're calling *me* disingenuous?

Darkisland said...

30-40 years ago Bob Hope used to joke "They have made homosexuality legal in California. In 10 years it will be mandatory."

That never came to pass but the trannies are working on it. The thing these days is moaning about how lesbians will not date them. They want to force lesbians to date them. I suspect that they would have no problem with having a law to make them.

Well, fuck these people. I'm a live and let live guy and have never had a problem with trannies. I think they have a screw loose but so do many of us including myself just in different ways.

At some point it goes beyond peaceful coexistence and needs to be pushed back. We've passed that point.

And don't get me started on what they are doing to kids (under 18). I FULLY support any and all laws against tranny surgery and drugs for kids. Over 18, do what you want. Just don't whine to me that it doesn't work out like you hope.

BTW: Female Genital Mutilation among Muslims, in some cases no more than a symbolic nick in the labia, used to be a big deal in the US. People are in jail for this. Funny how we don't hear much about it anymore, isn't it?

John Henry

rehajm said...

It's not a normal ad campaign!

It's an Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement.

That is a normal ad campaign, old woman…

Balfegor said...

Re: Temujin:

He's a boy/man. Why would Nike ignore/eliminate women in their ads for women's accessories/clothing? Who's zooming who?

Men who like to dress up as women are a valid target audience too. It's not much different from using fat models to microtarget fat women you want to persuade to buy your clothes.

To some extent, too, there's a "no such thing as bad publicity" element here too -- you may think this fellow kind of offputting, but he's not, you know, stealing womens' luggage, ordering the FBI to spy on civil rights leaders, or going around shooting up Christian schools or anything. To my (limited) knowledge, he doesn't engage in aggressive, hateful rhetoric or threaten "vengeance" upon the enemies of the transgender movement or anything like that. He seems like a daffy young man who enjoys dressing up in womens' clothes, which is not a terrible thing. I don't think he's a toxic or repugnant figure in himself. The downside risk to their brand is minimal, and the cost involved negligible.

Ann Althouse said...

"This trans business has to meet arch opposition."

How to lose.

I would treat people as individuals.

traditionalguy said...

The Grooming of 10 year old boys is this gay instagrammer’s sole talent. He is promoting gay bottom sex among boys. For that pied piper role he is being hired by the huge international Company Guinness (a/k/a the defacto government of Ireland.)

The Trans niche is only an excuse for this young boy’s appearance to play the bottom role for gay men. Look at our Secretary of Transportation. They are both playing seductive females acceptable to gay men. Why should only women have that much power.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...

It's a way to advertise through social media that already has a following. It's a cost-effective way to reach a crowd of people who the Instagrammer has collected independently. This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!

No it is not.

It is a way of telling every normal woman that they are just not good enough. No biological woman will ever be as good as a man pretending to be a woman.

I was never a Nike fan, to the extent of seeing out their products. Never had a problem buying their products, either. I am wearing Nike shorts as I type. Just another brand.

No more. No Nike for me. They want to say fuck you to my wife, daughter and grand daughters? Well fuck you right back, Nike.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...

It's a way to advertise through social media that already has a following. It's a cost-effective way to reach a crowd of people who the Instagrammer has collected independently. This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!

No it is not.

It is a way of telling every normal woman that they are just not good enough. No biological woman will ever be as good as a man pretending to be a woman.

I was never a Nike fan, to the extent of seeing out their products. Never had a problem buying their products, either. I am wearing Nike shorts as I type. Just another brand.

No more. No Nike for me. They want to say fuck you to my wife, daughter and grand daughters? Well fuck you right back, Nike.

John Henry

Rory said...

Newsradio: Lisa has called Dave "Stewart" - her ex-lover's name - in an intimate moment. Lisa tries to cover by insisting that she actually called Dave "stalwart."

CStanley said...

Seriously, why is this a problem for you? Why don't you move toward things you love instead of fucking with an energetic, creative performer who's found a way to get on in life? How does it hurt you? If you're using this young person to leverage your political agenda, you're disgusting. You want to stir up hate for Nike, get people to boycott it's products, something like that? Get a life.

It’s a problem for me because my young teen daughter and almost all of her friends are experiencing mental illness and it’s clearly related to what they’re experiencing in our culture.

Nike chose to associate its brand with this and people will react to that. What’s it to you? Why are you hating on the people who hate this instead of moving toward the things you love?

Dave Begley said...

Dylan Mulvaney and his ilk may well have influenced Nebraskan Luka "Bunny" Hein that she was a man.

Check out Luka's Twitter feed. Her body was destroyed by Nebraska Medicine. Listen to her.

As to kids, this trans stuff is pure evil. It's Satanic.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Got this from the comments on a youtube video talking about the Mulvaney/Bud Light bruhaha.

"Been planning a trip to the bar was looking forward to an ice cold bud after work on Friday looks like its miller or coors for me fuck bud light won't drink that shit again"


"I was at a dollar store yesterday, and while I was standing in line a man had a case of bud light in his hand. And I nicely asked him why he was buying it. Of course he told me that’s what he’s always drank. Then I asked him, can I show you a video? He said ok… showed him the video of Dylan, and he about lost his sh**. He stepped out of line, retuned the beer to the shelve, and grabbed a case of miller light."

The point of having a brand is to associate it with certain traits. Basically, you consume a brand because it makes you feel like you have the traits associated with it. Trans is not a trait that the consumers of mass produced beer want to be associated with.

Joe Smith said...

'I watched Dylan Mulvaney on TikTok in the early days, and I didn't know if I was looking at a transgender person sincerely addressing viewers or a comic actor who'd developed a Marlo Thomas style character and was playing the part with style and elan. It was performance either way.'

Yes, it is certainly performance and overblown at that. But that's the point.

But in some videos, Mulvaney is acting like a 6-year-old girl, not a trans WOMAN.

It really is creepy.

As for it being a 'different' campaign, I would normally be the target audience for both Budweiser and Nike, but they're not making it any easier for me to buy shoes or beer.

Joe Smith said...

'Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference. You need to address that difference if you are engaging with my points.'

But you can't narrowcast in secret.

'Normies' are going to find out...

Humperdink said...

AA said: "I would treat people as individuals."

So would I. Unfortunately it's become a movement, as in freight train. Don't stand in front of it.

gahrie said...

Seriously, why is this a problem for you?

Because it is part of an effort to glorify the physical mutilation of children. Would you support an ad campaign that glorified anorexia?

Why don't you move toward things you love instead of fucking with an energetic, creative performer who's found a way to get on in life?

Because it is part of an effort to glorify the physical mutilation of children. Would you support an ad campaign that glorified anorexia?

How does it hurt you?

Me? Not at all? Society? It normalizes and glorifies a movement designed to mutilate children.

If you're using this young person to leverage your political agenda, you're disgusting.

But only the ones who oppose him ...right? All of those using him to promote and glorify transgenderism are perfectly OK. Some people think this dude cashing in on his mental illness is disgusting. Would you support an Onlyfans model who slowed starved herself to death for her fans getting advertiser support?

You want to stir up hate for Nike, get people to boycott it's products, something like that? Get a life.

Anyone else remember all of those post condemning the attempted boycott of Chi-fil-a? Are we allowed to "stir up hate for Nike, get people to boycott it's products" if we're doing it because we oppose child labor?

Shouting Thomas said...

The trans fakery BS is the ultimate outgrowth of Althouse’s fake victim feminism and gay worship. Rich white women started this fake victim crap in the 60s.

The only positive thing Althouse can do here is to admit that her feminist ideology is a 60 year old con job, a drama queen lie.

That con job is pushing us into a global nuclear war as traditional religious cultures around the world refuse to kowtow to the drama queen theatrics of rich white American women.

rehajm said...

Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference. You need to address that difference if you are engaging with my points.

Like many things you’re just wrong about this. Broadcasting is old media. This is not narrowcasting, as you call it. The ad is on one platform but now it will be repeated in print and broadcast media, for free. Twitter content will pick it up. To mansplain, it is called going viral. That’s how it’s done now…

gahrie said...

"This trans business has to meet arch opposition."

How to lose.

I would treat people as individuals.

And the slippery slope gets steeper. It's time to start developing your defense of pedophilia and bestiality, after all they're individuals too.

Repeal the 19th.

Lyssa said...

While I don’t think you are generally disingenuous, yes, I think your statement here about it not being a normal ad campaign is disingenuous. I’ve commented positively here for 15 years; obviously, I respect and like you, but I disagree with your stance here. You have not shown how the fact that it is narrowcast to a particular audience is really relevant -it becomes broadly cast when it becomes a public spectacle, and it reveals that Nike is willing to support something that many of its potential customers find insulting. Maybe they made a calculation that those people don’t matter and there’s more to gain then lose here, I don’t know. Some companies did that with gay rights (which i supported) when it was still fairly controversial, and it worked out. But gay rights were positive, while this is based around sexist stereotypes.

I’m sure no one would (and I certainly wouldn’t) claim narrowcasting if a (major, mass market) company targeted ads that were insulting to a certain race or religion to only a narrow audience that might appreciate them.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Whatta hoot! Caligula via Ad Council. It's what they dream of.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Tiny Tim's metamorphosis?

Dave Begley said...

I draw the trans line when kids are getting pumped full of drugs and the doctors have no idea what the real long term effects are. And, of course, surgery on kids is simply evil.

And the Nebraska Jacobins are doing everything in their power to allow kids to be exploited and maimed.

bgates said...

It's not a normal ad campaign!

It's something new and unlike what we've seen before, and it's a mistake to treat it as a member of a pre-existing category when there are such obvious...

...obvious differences...

I mean, paid partnership on Instagram ad campaigns *are* normal ad campaigns!

jaydub said...

""This is a normal ad campaign, in 2023."

Hardly. I checked out his posts and there wasn't a single Black person in any of them. That alone makes this ad campaign completely out of the norm for 95% of the commercials on TV in 2023. My problem with Dylan has less to do with his trans shtick than the fact that he's a fake white woman who is taking commercial acting opportunities away from women of color. That shit has to stop!

rhhardin said...

What Women Want (2000) Nike ad proposed:

You don’t stand in front of a mirror before a run…

and wonder what the road will think of your outfit.

You don’t have to listen to its jokes and pretend they’re funny.

It would not be easier to run if you dressed sexier.

The road doesn’t notice if you’re not wearing lipstick.

lt does not care how old you are.

You do not feel uncomfortable…

because you make more money than the road.

And you can call on the road when ever you feel like it,

whether it’s been a day…

or even a couple of hours since your last date.

The only thing the road cares about…

is that you pay it a visit once in a while.

Nike. No games.

Just sports.

rhhardin said...

The objection is to mainstreaming a mental illness.

Curious George said...

"It's not a normal ad campaign!

It's an Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement.

It's a way to advertise through social media that already has a following. It's a cost-effective way to reach a crowd of people who the Instagrammer has collected independently. This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!"

You don't know any of this, but I think it's bullshit. First, it's not "It's an Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement." His posts for both Nike and Bud Lite are not simply sponsored, but the content is a commercial. And nothing but a commercial. I doubt there is a sufficient market upside with tranny woman (or is it men?...who cares) looking for a Lite beer to drink or what expensive workout closes to wear to offset the market loss of people saying no more.

It's clearly just Nike DEI posturing using Mulvaney to show how open and accepting they are.

The left are using these trannies as wedges. Time to stop lying down. If some dude what's to pretend he's a woman, fine. To make the rest of us be expected to play along, fuck no.

MayBee said...

" Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference. You need to address that difference if you "

The same is true of any advertising campaign. They target the audience for the ad by selecting the shows the ad will play to. It isn't broadcast to "all of America", just the Americans who chose that television show.
This ad doesn't just go to his followers, by the way. If you follow the #teamnike or #nikepartner it will be fed to you. And Instagram suggests people to follow and hashtags to follow by showing posts in your feed.

So yeah, it isn't a Super Bowl ad buy, but it is an ad campaign.

Elliott A. said...

I have a patient who works for a beer distributor which has Anheuser Busch products. Many cancelled contracts, no sales at the grocery stores. Many people have "neutrality" about various social constructs, but do not wish to be viewed as promoting a particular lifestyle. Worse, they will resent being forced to do so.

gilbar said...

Ann Althouse said...
but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference

So? if i'm a rope manufacturer and i 'narrowcast' to lynchers and not broadcast to all of America?
that makes a difference? Remember! YOU 'treat people as indivduals'

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Interesting tweet: Why is it mostly white men who get confused and believe they are women?

🤔 things that make you go…

hombre said...

"This is Mulvaney's work and it's nicely monetized. What's the problem!"

There are a couple of problems. First, Nike is already an immoral company that has profited by exploiting child, and possibly slave, labor. Second, the ad normalizes a front "man" for an immoral movement that degrades women and their rights, mutilates and attempts to sexualize children.

"Tolerance is the virtue of people who do not believe in anything." Chesterton.

Alternatively, "Tolerance is a noun, not a virtue." Hombre.

narciso said...

except he is being presented as a woman, which is false advertising, there is no individualism to the left, the python crew pretended to be women, but they never suggested they were,

JK Brown said...

I'm enjoying the comedic aspects of these products tying themselves to Mulvaney.

Bud Light: "Hey lady, do you have the balls to drink that beer"
(I expect to hear in bars everywhere when someone orders a Bud Light, male or female. Few will be trans and fully reflect the drunken comment)

Nike: Dylan Mulvaney, of 365 days of becoming a girl fame, for Nike: Just do it already.

Inga said...

Yes, it appears that people are reacting in an uproar to the Mulvaney Nike ads. Just look at the comments here. Why be upset by this funny boy wearing women’s sport clothing? Is he going to grab your sons and convince them to wear mommy’s Nike pants and be the “bottom boy”? Seriously, there aren’t more serious things to react in an uproar over? No more children’s books to censor in school library?

This transphobia has become hysterical, and from manly men! Sheesh get a grip.

PM said...

Ann, your fine defense of Mulvaney avoids using any pronouns.
Intentional or accidental?

Rosalyn C. said...

People aren’t just reacting to this Dylan individual. It’s much bigger. People are outraged that we are being forced to accept men in women’s private spaces, that girls who have dedicated themselves to sport are being beaten by men who have taken up the label of “woman” to take the prizes and records. There is a lot of unhealthy stuff going on these days. Women are being degraded by men who reduce being a woman to an affectation.
You can see it clinically and remain detached, but I think this situation is especially detrimental to young people who haven’t developed the critical thinking to understand these deviations and do not have good role models. I think our society is producing a lot of confused and unbalanced people.

robother said...

tim mcguire: "Mulvaney is the Trump of the left"

When clicks became monetized in the early 21st Century, it was only a matter of time until someone noticed that outrageous behavior and uproars drive clicks. Most humans are programmed to give maximum attention ("max headroom") to these types.
And here we are.

Narr said...

Did Dylan of TikTok have a DickDock, or is that required?

hombre said...

Althouse: "I would treat people as individuals."

What does this even mean? The Nuremburg trials treated people as individuals who belonged to a movement that engaged in immoral conduct including medical procedures that mutilated people.

No, my point is not to compare trans to Nazis, but to address the implications of Althouse's comment. (Although I'm not sure how moral relativists make a distinction. Medical mutilation of children in American hospitals: Good. Medical mutilation in Nazi concentration camps: Bad. Hmmm.)

Kevin said...

trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney."

No one has truncated this to TransToker yet?

Or is truncation taboo when describing trans people?

hombre said...

"Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference. You need to address that difference if you are engaging with my points."

Nonsense! It's not just an ad regardless of who sees it. It's an endorsement of the trans movement by Nike. It was absolutely predictable that it would receive widespread exposure.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Mulvaney also has a deal to promote Tampax. WTF? This guy will never menstruate nor will he ever experience the medical issues that many biological women experience with their reproductive organs. These companies that make deals with Mulvaney are insulting biological women as well as diminishing them as actual women. What I don’t understand is why feminists who have fought hard for their rights are just rolling over and defer to, nay, celebrate M-F transgender people who are taking away from them their hard fought rights and accolades.

SoLastMillennium said...

Clicked the link and discovered the New York Post has Page 3 Girls, sort of..., close enough.

And can't help but wonder if the guy/girl is just putting on an act and we're just not cool enough to see it, like the whole "OK Boomer" thing.

William said...

"The Sorrows of Young Werther": Lots of young men were taken with Goethe's novel. It became a fad of young men of that era to wear canary yellow trousers and commit suicide. I guess it was it an early example of social contagion. So far as I know, young men are not born with an innate need to wear canary yellow pants while committing suicide. Teen suicides are a phenomenon susceptible to social contagion. That's why the publicity surrounding teen suicides is minimized. I suspect social contagion is also a thing with school shooters although, regrettably, nothing is done to minimize the publicity surrounding such crimes....Advertising is the way that companies use to take advantage of social contagion. Target the influencers and early adapters and a substantial portion of the public will follow them. I question where this wish to change their sexual identity among young people is coming from. I don't think a fixed portion of the population is born with an innate desire to cut of their penis or breasts.....Young people lived for many years without tats or piercings, but now they're quite common. I don't think sex change operations will approach the level of tats and piercings, but it's passing strange that so many now want to do so. I think it is fitting and proper to discourage young people from pursuing such a course. Suicide is said to be a permanent solution to a transient problem. In many if not most cases, so are sex change operations. We shouldn't encourage this phenomenon, and that's what Nike and Bud Light are doing.....Maybe Smith & Wesson can come up with an advertising campaign that features a trans saying that there's no better way to blow off tension and release hostilities than going to the range and firing a few rounds. Would you have any problems with that?

Dustbunny said...

The trans crowd aren’t standing up for individuals but for a social movement. A social movement based on a fad in which the long term effects of the drugs and surgeries are unknown. Replacing women with men is seemingly quite popular with upper middle class feminists.

farmgirl said...

I treat ppl as individuals.
That’s not what this is about.
That’s not what they want.

They want to burn it all down.

Humperdink said...

It is clear Dylan Mulvaney suffers from gender dysphoria*, a mental illness. Why is Nike is exploiting this person? Anything for a buck?

* "Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life." (www.NHS/UK>conditions>gender dysphoria)

Lilly, a dog said...

A normal person's reaction to Mulvaney is revulsion, but you are welcome to scold us about it.

Michael said...

Ann, no one is fucking with “her” they are fucking with Nike and Bud Light. Good for “her” to tap into the insanity that passes for serious corporations but the consumer revolt to follow should make it clear that leaning in to normals versus the .02% is more profitable.

Mountain Maven said...

Next on the slippery slope will be an attempt to normalize pedophilia. The state will want to mediate this the way California has made itself a "sanctuary state" for minors who want to undergo sex change operations. Makes me sick.

Doug Hasler said...

The girl is a dude. Full stop. Perversion on Insta that hurts no one today permeates the mainstream tomorrow. Then, it is the "new normal." This is another indicator, as if we needed one, that our culture is not a serious one. Pretending boys are girls? Girls are boys"People are "non-binary"? Ok to surgically remove healthy body parts? I am all in favor of tolerance and respect for all. Don't expect me to celebrate this.

Ahouse Comments said...

Here's a marketing plan for some big chain.

1. Stop selling Nike gear because of the Dylan deal

2. Get trannies throughout your marketing area to stage highly visible protests.

3. Make sure the protests are well publicized but otherwise ignore them. No apologies, don't back down.

4. Dive into your olympic size swimming pool full of money.

It worked for Chik-Fil-A, Memories Pizza and others with gays. Should work equally well with trannies.

Applebees, Chiles or another restaurant chain could do the same thing with Bud beer.

John Henry

Rollo said...

The Stalwarts went underground after one of them shot President Garfield.

Now that you've turned over the rock, watch your back.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's an Instagrammer doing posts with reimbursement.

A media channel already under investigation for targeting female children with their algorithms. Sure it's just a coincidence. Benefit of the doubt and all that. Look at steppenfetchit dance!

Social media is social disease. This incident only reinforces my premise.

Paddy O said...

"what's the problem?"

As I've heard the backlash on Twitter, it's seen as akin to Nike reaching out to the Black community by using a white guy in blackface.

Maybe there is a neo-vaudevillean Instagramer out there who has a following and Nike could reach his audience too.

alanc709 said...

Is there any perversion the left doesn't promote and glorify?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America.

Really? Does this take into account their internal promotion of the Instagram show, its appearance on trending lists, the number of times it appears as a suggestion in timelines? Will Meta share the reach and conversion rate of those targeted or any demographic data to show what age groups they are advertising this show to?

In my experience Instagram put a lot of crap in my timeline, more and more increasingly, before I finally gave up and stopped using it a few years back. We don't know WHAT their actual intentions are for Dylan and Instagram, and I don't trust Zuck to honestly disclose it anyway. He's proven his evil intentions and he's a lousy CEO too.

Yancey Ward said...

Althouse, this is just civility bullshit. I am surprised you can't see that.

Mulvaney and Nike are entitled to nothing. It was a blatantly political gesture, and thus gets explicitly political pushback.

Curious George said...

"Dave Begley said...
AB and Nike are dead to me. Their marketing people are totally out of touch."

This wasn't a marketing decision.

baghdadbob said...

You phobes in the comments above referring to gender dysphoria as a mental illness are on the wrong side of (future) history.

Some of you probably still believe that homosexually was once listed as a mental illness in the DSM.

Silly phobes. 2+2 = 5. Homosexually was never considered a mental illness in the DSM.

And the DSM, 2025 edition, makes it clear that gender dysphoria was never considered a mental illness. Particularly in young children, who need aggressive early life-saving intervention, known as Gender Affirming Care.

Phaedrus said...

On the one hand, I gotta agree with the Professor as Dylan has struck oil lately with his niche performances. Gotta admire the fella, er, lass or whatever for the gumption to make the dollars while he can.

But the companies themselves, Bud Light, Nike, etc are pretty damn disingenuous if the .1% of society, or whatever it is the the folks pretending to be other genders are as a percentage, is truly what they claim is their target audience. Definitely not in shareholder interests when I don’t know, doing a Joe Namath type thing instead where the lines weren’t blurred and not going to be as much of a cultural issue since it would be an overt attempt for attention.

Then again, with Nike, that may be the entire point.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Influencer marketing was always fake. Now it's fake AND gay.

Big Mike said...

I would treat people as individuals.

This was written by someone who once accused me of being a racist because I’m a Republican and she “knows” that all Republicans are racists.

MikeDC said...

Ann Althouse said:

Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference.

This gets my "Althouse being disingenuous" tag.

You need to address that difference if you are engaging with my points

I address that "difference" by saying that you're fabricating it. In the real world, it simply doesn't exist. It only exists as a rhetorical concept for you to step back and troll your commentators with and to give yourself a free pass from engaging on the ads from cultural and feminist perspectives that would make you uncomfortable.

But, you're a smart person and know this, which is why you can't engage beyond the "get a life" style insults

Michael K said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...

The trans fakery BS is the ultimate outgrowth of Althouse’s fake victim feminism and gay worship. Rich white women started this fake victim crap in the 60s.

I pretty much agree with this without the emotion.

This strikes me as, in addition to being amusing, one of the historic marketing disasters akin to "New Coke." Now you could peddle this freak to teens and disturbed gays but to think beer drinkers are going to respond positively to this creature is delusional.

MikeDC said...

Ann Althouse said:

Yes, but it's narrowcast to a particular following and not broadcast to all of America. That makes a difference.

This gets my "Althouse being disingenuous" tag.

You need to address that difference if you are engaging with my points

I address that "difference" by saying that you're fabricating it. In the real world, it simply doesn't exist. It only exists as a rhetorical concept for you to step back and troll your commentators with and to give yourself a free pass from engaging on the ads from cultural and feminist perspectives that would make you uncomfortable.

But, you're a smart person and know this, which is why you can't engage beyond the "get a life" style insults

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Yes, it appears that people are reacting in an uproar to the Mulvaney Nike ads. Just look at the comments here. Why be upset by this funny boy wearing women’s sport clothing? Is he going to grab your sons and convince them to wear mommy’s Nike pants and be the “bottom boy”? Seriously, there aren’t more serious things to react in an uproar over? No more children’s books to censor in school library?

This transphobia has become hysterical, and from manly men! Sheesh get a grip."

Our resident dullard misses the point once again. Few really give a shit about Dylan Mulvaney. He can do whatever he wants. The issue is, as has been stated by many here, companies like Nike and A-B normalizing trannies. And this has very big consequences. Here's a few:

1) Woman's sports: There already are many cases of women being effected by men in their sport. On a high school and college level. Starting to creep into pro sports too, and that will grow because of the pay-outs.

2) you make fun, but you probably okay with young kids being exposed...forced to watch...tranny behavior. I mean you were fine with Biden showering with his daughter.

3) kids being mutilated with transitional surgery and taking life altering drugs.

Rocco said...

natatomic said...
The dude LARPs as a 'girl' for a year, and he’s getting deal after deal, full access to the Rainbow Room for his one-“woman” show, a letter from the VP congratulating him on his one year of girlhood, and an interview with the president. All of those things could have been given to [a] REAL woman...

The word of the day is "womanface".

Rocco said...

Ann Althouse said...
"I watched Dylan Mulvaney on TikTok in the early days, and I didn't know if I was looking at a transgender person sincerely addressing viewers or a comic actor who'd developed a Marlo Thomas style character and was playing the part with style and elan."

I watched Marlo Thomas. Marlo Thomas was a crush of mine. Sir, you're no Marlo Thomas!
- (with apologies to Lloyd Bentsen)

Ampersand said...

I'm still able to enjoy sports, and I simply choose to buy the best gear. Nike's sports apparel is very good, as are their tennis and golf shoes. So, no boy/girlcott here. But you can't help noticing that these companies are run by fools and knaves. Were Nike to disappear tomorrow, I'd miss the products, but not the low values people who make their marketing decisions.
Nike means Victory. Colin K and Dylan M reek of failure.

gahrie said...

People are literally pouring beer down their sinks because of a similar deal Mulvaney has with Bud Light.

Do you know how mad you have to get people in order for them to throw away their beer?

Maynard said...

The objection is to mainstreaming a mental illness.

Yes. More importantly, it glamorizes the trans craze for impressionable young kids.

However, it is more important for liberals to virtue signal their great tolerance that it is to wonder about how this affects young kids.

My wife is a generally liberal Democrat and HS teacher. Her biggest complaint is kids playing the trans game and insisting (rather forcefully) on their preferred pronouns and names. The normal sexual confusion of adolescents is being turned into full blown mental illness and a way to harass adults.

gilbar said...

Travis Tritt Drops Anheuser-Busch Over Trans Deal

Serious Question: which would have sold more Bud Light over the next year?
Travis Tritt? or Dylan Mulvaney?

Note: I'm Not asking which You'd like to love like a son, or love like a whatever...
I'm asking: which would have sold more Bud Light over the next year?
Travis Tritt? or Dylan Mulvaney?

gilbar said...

They lost Kid Rock too.. Another name that means NOTHING to those of you who'd NEVER drink Bud Light

gilbar said...

Remember the old saw? Lesbian until graduation?

The Fun Thing NOW, is that: You can't go home again.
Once you've taken the Chemical Castration, and taken the "T", and had the "top" surgery..
You're a freak.. FOREVER!!! nah nah nah, hey normal life, Good BYE

Temp Blog said...

Pro-pedo old woman Ingot: "Seriously, there aren’t more serious things to react in an uproar over? "

I'll answer that the first time a Christian walks into a drag show and guns down 3 performers and 3 kids.

Balfegor said...

Re: Doug Hasler:

The girl is a dude. Full stop. Perversion on Insta that hurts no one today permeates the mainstream tomorrow. Then, it is the "new normal." This is another indicator, as if we needed one, that our culture is not a serious one. Pretending boys are girls? Girls are boys"People are "non-binary"? Ok to surgically remove healthy body parts? I am all in favor of tolerance and respect for all. Don't expect me to celebrate this.

For me, there's degrees, and the way that one side (the transgender activists) have pushed to one extreme has prompted an opposing extreme counterreaction.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being a transvestite, which is what I understand this fellow to be. There's a long tradition of men playing female roles in theatre, both in Western and Eastern cultures, and it's funny when Eddie Izzard or members of Monty Python or Rudy Giuliani do it. I don't even have a strong opposition to someone asking to be referred to in the third person with pronouns that don't correspond to his biological sex. Seems like a silly affectation, but fine -- we all have our silly foibles. Most of them don't inconvenience other people, the way asking them to observe particular speech taboos in one's presence would do, but it's not the biggest imposition.

The overreach is in things like trying to persecute people for declining to apply pronouns according to newspeak rules, or for "deadnaming," like promoting dangerous and perhaps irreversible medical procedures for minor children, like forcing transgender women (i.e. men) into girls' locker rooms, or like pushing drag queen performances for toddlers.

I don't think people would have such a strong reaction against this fellow dancing around pretending to be a woman exercising in Nike sportswear if they didn't view it as the thin end of the wedge, for further entrenching the parade of actual horribles into public life. Or the gateway drug for young, impressionable children struggling with puberty to form an idée fixe that only with invasive surgery can they feel comfortable in their bodies.

But I do think we can draw lines in the middle -- the pushback against the developing modern barbarism of mutilating otherwise healthy minors into eunuchs doesn't have to be a ban on transvestite entertainers. For centuries, actors in Chinese opera played female roles without young boys begging their parents to have them castrated. That's a stable equilibrium.

Temp Blog said...

I think Althous' major problem now is that the ultimate result of her long-held Marxist feminism is becoming clear. Marxist feminism holds that there is no value in the individual, all sexes and genders are equally unvaluable and systemically interchangeable.

Now that American society has accepted this ideological construct the inherent contradictions are being realized. By pushing inter-changability and a privileging of the ethereal (feelings) over the empirical (observable reality) women are now ascendant in society for a brief moment. That moment is coming to an end as men become women and reclaim their ascendance in society.

Honest feminists will of course identify this as "patriarchy" because they need some grand theory of how it is that women constantly become inferior to men. But "patriarchy" by definition is a sort of uber-structure that always privileges men. Feminism posits that when "patriarchy" doesn't privilege men they become ascendant by their own nefarious means.

What we are seeing now is the reality: this uber-structure exists, but it's not the mythological "patriarchy". It's women creating this end result by their own agency. Women create the privileged structures of society and place men in the ascendant position. Then the women order men to go die for them.

Temp Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

I wish I could throw out more Nike stuff in response to their latest idiocy, but that ship sailed with Colin Kaepernick.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I’m with Rh. Mainstreaming mental illness is not going to end well.

Iman said...

“Gareth Boyd, the marketing & PR director at Forte Analytica, says Bud Light lit its brand on fire and has lost touch with its core audience with the ad campaign.

“I really cannot understand their approach for this because their core audience just cannot relate,” Boyd said.

“Cutting your core audience in the hope you can draw a completely new audience in, who haven’t been exposed before, doesn’t make sense.

“Most U.S. families are exposed to their father drinking the beer, or other family members, but it has never been seen as the cool beer.

“In terms of what they did this year was good, with the Superbowl, but now they’ve come off the back of something really good and lit it on fire.

“Kid Rock is the poster boy for Bud Light, and for someone like him to come out and shoot cans it tells you a lot about the reaction from their core base customers.”


Jim at said...

This transphobia has become hysterical, and from manly men! Sheesh get a grip.

Well, that would certainly explain why there are women - in this very thread - who are calling it out.

Are you intentionally daft or does it come naturally?

Rabel said...

Althouse, Mulvaney has had extensive facial and thoracic surgery, and is taking drugs which have caused the growth of breast tissue and the reduction of male genitalia to infantile size. It is likely Mulvaney has had surgery on his hips as well.

I do not know if Mulvaney has had genital surgery - yet.

The persona may or may not be fakery and lighthearted performance art, but the physical modifications are real.

This person is being presented as a heroic role model for young people enraptured by powerful online programs designed to influence them.

This is wrong.

CStanley said...

However, it is more important for liberals to virtue signal their great tolerance that it is to wonder about how this affects young kids.

The most charitable interpretation I can make for people who enjoy or celebrate the “creativity” of influencers like Mulvaney is that they aren’t parenting or teaching young kids and thus don’t see firsthand how this stuff is affecting a whole generation. For kids to get exposed to so much propaganda concerning sexuality before they’ve processed their own genuinely confusing feelings during puberty is terribly damaging. Unfortunately it’s permeated all forms of pop culture, sports, advertising, everything…so there is no way to prevent young kids’ exposure.

It’s quaint that Althouse mentions the old days of That Girl and three channels on the TV. Remember also that there was “prime time” when only family friendly content could air, and the worst thing that was advertised to kids during Saturday morning cartoons was Frosted Flakes.

n.n said...

I would treat people as individuals.

Diversity of individuals, minority of one. Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature.

CStanley said...

Blogger Althouse said:

would treat people as individuals.

Isn’t the whole point of social media influencers that they have outsized cultural impact?

Why then should I not react as though this one person actually does have a potential to effect more people, including kids in their formative years, than the average individual does?

n.n said...

Suspension of disbelief. Just do it!

BarrySanders20 said...

Trans Dude makes total mockery of women through egregious stereotypes, is feted by corporate sponsors, gets loads of attention, expands influence. AA yawns, does not feel oppressed by the latest installment, and calls it narrowly-targeted commercial speech.

Just a few days ago, in connection with the hate that JK Rowling gets (now there's a REAL feminist . . :), the same AA in typical astuteness pointed out a remarkable quote by JK that: "Women are the only group — to my knowledge — that are being asked to embrace members of their oppressor class — unquestioningly, with no caveat."

Some see AA's response to the Nike ad with the fake girl as disingenuous, what with her saying she is a feminist and a law perfesser and all, which drew a hostess rebuke. Seems to me that AA really doesn't feel oppressed by the fake girl, which is good since the fake girl is quite ridiculous, and you give people power by allowing them to influence you. This is fake oppression by a fake girl, so no biggie.

The trans-insantity has completely changed my wife's outlook on social and political cohesion. The school agenda, the effect on women's sports, the mockery of women, all have her questioning whether we are all crazy. She hasn't been attacked like JK, but she does feel oppression, is offended, and isn't gracefully embracing her oppressor/offender class. So if revulsion is what they were going for, then they succeeded with her. She's not in denial that they are mocking and coming after her rights, her space, and are denigrating women.

In contrast, I wonder if AA believes that the fake girl movement is a threat to women. Or is it just that this one example, a ridiculous fake girl stereotype in a women's bra, examined with no other context within the bigger picture, is not in itself proof of oppression/mockery/offense, and does not justify the vitriol toward the jerkboy who (like all the popular girls) just wants attention.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Rory said...
Newsradio: Lisa has called Dave "Stewart" - her ex-lover's name - in an intimate moment. Lisa tries to cover by insisting that she actually called Dave "stalwart."

Or she could say, "call me Annie... Lennox."

Would I lie to you honey?
(Oh no, no, no)
Now would I say something that wasn't true?
I'm asking you sugar
Would I lie to you?

DarktheKnight said...

Outhouse is pro-rape.

Her support for extreme trans insanity is leading and will lead to more women being raped.

It is already happening. Men claiming to be women are going to women's prisons and raping women.

It will get worse. The day is coming when women won't just have to accept being raped by a man in a dress identifying as a woman, but they will have to like it. And fake liking it won't cut it.

That it what Outhouse's support will lead to.

lonejustice said...

Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges:

Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all Activities.

That's a very high standard, something that I think most professionals would have difficulty meeting. Judges must avoid even the "Appearance of Impropriety." Did the actions of Justice Thomas in accepting these vacation perks have the "appearance of impropriety?" I don't know. But as a member of the highest court in the U.S.A., I would err on the side of caution.

Gusty Winds said...

Michael K said...but to think beer drinkers are going to respond positively to this creature is delusional.

A Wisconsin beer drinker, I thank you. I'm a Milwaukee macro brew drinker. Miller Lite, Pabst... stuff my lower middle class aunts and uncles taught me to drink.

But here's the thing. New Glarus' Spotted Cow is a kick ass beer. Sold only here in WI. Minnesota bars across the river from La Crosse, get caught selling it, not going through a distributor. Owner is a TOTAL lib. Lound about it. But his beer ROCKS. He doesn't want to distribute outside the state. Says he's big enough.

I'm not a Bud anything drinker. But dammit. I'm not giving up Spotted Cow! Even if the guy who brews it loves tranny story hour for children.

Beer is more important than politics.

DavidUW said...

Why is it a problem?
I have daughters.
It’s a problem
You have a gay son

You have no clue.

Dave64 said...

There is nothing normal in these ad campaigns, nor is there anything normal about the little insane twerp pretending to be a woman.

Narr said...

Dylan Mulvaney : Girl :: Bud Light : Beer

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Distractions like this keep people from paying attention to the complex surveillance system being assembled to be used for God knows what.

gilbar said...

hey Vermont people? What's up with THIS?
Vermont homeless shelter employee 'butchered' with ax by resident: police
Zaaina Asra Zakirrah Mahvish-Jammeh allegedly killed Leah Rosin-Pritchard in Brattleboro

There's pix of Zaaina.. And she looks:

But Everything i find.. MAKES NO MENTION of its birthname.. Any info?

Big Mike said...

This strikes me as, in addition to being amusing, one of the historic marketing disasters akin to "New Coke."

@Dr. Michael K., or Gillette deciding to "dis" its longtime customers with its anti-male ad campaign in early 2019.

Rabel said...

DarktheKnight said...

"Outhouse is pro-rape."

Is that the best you got?

Fuck off, asshole.

Known Unknown said...

Or she could say, "call me Annie... Lennox."

A woman who semi-famously cross-dressed as a man. Time is a flat, weird circle.

wildswan said...

This campaign will probably be a marketing classic - how to ruin a brand. A brand is name evokes a scene. Bud Light - out with the guys, a beer that's about being young and thin and fit. OK. Bud Light - a guy who's chopped it off and is playing with dolls. WTF.
But there are brands Dylan could advertise. For example, Dylan should be getting her period once a month. There could be equipment to fake that. And some pills to cause cramping and mood swings in some months. And then she could advertise the products to others who want to transition. Another example. There's Milwaukee women working at the airport on the late shifts who have to go home on busses and walk through the dark, dangerous streets to their house without any protective devices because they can't have guns or mace with them at the airport. Just one of the dangers a woman might face. Dylan as part of becoming a woman could work like these women, face danger like them for the paycheck, go home late like them without protection. Advertise their struggle. It could be a Day 124 Instagram. Social Awareness.

gilbar said...

BREAKING: Trans male arrested for planning Colorado school shooting, had anti-Trump manifesto

Nothing to see Here, people; just another crazy trannie, planning on MURDERING little kids. Move Along!

Bunkypotatohead said...

Nike could have sold a billion dollars worth of sneakers with Kanye West, but chose to do this instead.
Their business goal seems to be something other than making money.

walter said...

It should be depicted running in Nike, slamming Bud.
Just Do It!
It's funny to focus on NY Post. "Can you believe that?"

Curious George said...

"Balfegor said...
I don't think there's anything wrong with being a transvestite, which is what I understand this fellow to be. There's a long tradition of men playing female roles in theatre, both in Western and Eastern cultures, and it's funny when Eddie Izzard or members of Monty Python or Rudy Giuliani do it."

Uh, that's not being a transvestite.

Mark said...

As we remember Good Friday and the sacrifice our savior made, it is surprising how many here are eager to pretend to be God on the internet and judge others.

Jesus so loved the world that apparently he asked David Begley to claim to be the resident anti-trans expert on a blog, spewing vile hate.

Christianity sure has changed.

Tina Trent said...

He's a male rejecting a male body. He's a male mocking the female body. Sometimes he poses as a sexualized female child, which is horrifying. But worst of all, he looks severely anorexic. So Nike is using anorexia, surgical mutilation, and mockery of the female body to market sportswear for women? Anywhere?

I don't see how anyone could look at this poor soul and not see the victim of a passel of dysphorias -- sexual, paedophilic, anorexic, and likely an addiction to plastic surgery itself, a disorder often explained away by gender politics. Ethical plastic surgeons refuse such patients and refer them to therapy.

Feminists still revolt against the influence of unhealthy advertising featuring starved-looking female bodies. But this is OK? I can't imagine being amused by such a tragic image. If this is how Nike executives want to sell clothes to young women, they may as well be advertising on pro-anorexia blogs.

Tina Trent said...
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JAORE said...

There is a common question now (even for SC nominees), "What is a woman?"

Is it like pornography, I know it when I see it?

OK, let's poll the room. Who sees Dylan Mulvany and says, "There, that's exacty what a woman is. Right there!"

(Scans the room)

Anybody? No one? No one at all?

Of course not. Dylan Mulvany's a clown who either has a wildly distorted, twisted version of what it means to be a woman. Or he's a grifter that has hit the mother lode of madness currently holding sway. (I'm voting for door number two.)

If a biological woman acted lke Mulvany most people would wonder why the frick would she be acting like that and avoid eye contact.

Tina Trent said...

This same person, a 26 year-old adult male, not only says he identifies as a pubescent girl, but he calls women's vaginas "Barbie pockets." Yet Biden met with him, and he has taken the place of female speakers at more than one purportedly women's event.

How isn't all of this degrading, creepy, woman-hating? We're not in a Gilda Radner skit anymore.

gahrie said...
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gahrie said...

BREAKING: Trans male arrested for planning Colorado school shooting, had anti-Trump manifesto

Nothing to see Here, people; just another crazy trannie, planning on MURDERING little kids. Move Along!

It's been that way from the beginning. The first incident involving transgender for most of us (apart from Renee Richards which was an anomaly) was when a man pretending to be a woman committed assault and battery upon Ben Shapiro on a TV show.

gahrie said...

Christianity sure has changed.

Jesus was a big fan of homosexuality and transgenderism.

I wonder how Mohammed felt?

Narayanan said...

stalwart sound Nordic ! what is the etymology?

Narayanan said...

I wonder how Mohammed felt?
some have called him paedophile

Narayanan said...

There is a common question now (even for SC nominees), "What is a woman?"
I knows I knows >>> depends where you probe for answer!

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