April 26, 2023

"If they really think I’ve stolen the place [of a female runner], I don’t mind giving the medal back.... But I don’t want to apologize, because I didn’t do anything wrong….”

"They’re angry because they’re saying that one of 14,000 women behind me could have had my place. Really? I did [the race in] 4 hours 11 minutes. There’s lots of women that beat me. ...When I entered the London Marathon, it says, ‘female,’ ‘male’ or ‘other,' I ticked ‘female’ because I see myself as female.'"

Said transgender runner Glenique Frank, who finished in 6,159th place in the female category in the London Marathon, quoted in "Trans marathoner Glenique Frank offers to give back medal after beating 14K in female category" (NY Post).


CJinPA said...

Got a medal for finishing in 6,159th place? I think I'm missing something. The article wasn't any more clear.

Sean Gleeson said...

How does the 6,159th-place finisher get a medal anyway? Does everyone who finishes get a medal?

Old and slow said...

Glenique Frank may see himself as female, but he is not. I've resisted the urge to join in these trans' discussions because it seems like everyone is just repeating themselves. Decent people will simply ignore the fiction and play along for the most part. That's just good manners. But all the civility and polite behavior in the world won't change the fact that the trans nonsense is entirely delusional and incredibly destructive, both the the afflicted individuals and to society. This shit did not even exist except as the most unimaginably fringe weirdness until a very few years ago. You've got to give the insane progressives credit for their ability to move the Overton window.

Michael K said...

Fake women are the only women according to the left.

takirks said...

The problem with humoring the crazy or a drunk is that eventually, you have to confront the point where their insanity intersects with reality in such a way that everyone involved can no longer "look the other way" and not deal with the implications and consequences of the insanity.

We're reaching this point with regards to the whole LGBTWTFBBQ situation, across the culture.

Paul said...

"When I entered the London Marathon, it says, ‘female,’ ‘male’ or ‘other,' I ticked ‘female’ because I see myself as female.'"

BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU FEMALE!!!! Just cause you 'fell' it does not make it right. You have a dick.. not a pussy. You are male, not a female.

And it is that simple. Next time put 'other' if you see yourself as anything other than a male.

RideSpaceMountain said...

One of the rare instances I agree with the transvestite. He didn't actually do anything wrong, the people who let him compete in that category did. Society did. Big business did. Government did. The MSM did. These people are nothing without the awesome might of the establish pushing on the scales for them.

Yes, you need to give back the medal. Take the L and maybe next time try not to be a pawn in the psychopathic establishment's game. Seek help and then go thou, and sin no more.

john said...

If Glenique's medal actually says "6,159th Place", then Glenique should probably toss it, unless 6,159th place would have otherwise been first place for a woman, in which case Glenique should probably donate it.

I think a more vexing issue for Glenique is: did Glenique's performance do Glenique's gender proud? It would seem not.

Readering said...

Tempest in tiniest teapot

wendybar said...

He may feel like one, but HE isn't one. Cheater.

Kevin said...

"Last month, Frank ran in the Tokyo Marathon in the male category as Glen Frank and did the same in the New York Marathon in November.

Since then, UK Athletics has announced that athletes who have gone through male puberty are excluded from competing in the female category.


‘I apologise for entering under the female category because I haven’t had surgery yet."

Transgender runner apologises for competing in London Marathon in the female category

Darcy said...

Part of me thinks this is just what feminists had coming to them - males taking over their sports. I feel bad for the young biological females having to contend against male bodies but - meh. Well done feminists - you've erased your sex. Irony.

D.D. Driver said...

She should have to give back the medal because she came in 6000th place. Why are they giving medals to 6000th place finishers?

n.n said...

It's only fair. Feminists colluded with trans/homosexuals and progressive sects to sell women's dignity and agency in order to purchase the commission of human rites. First, they came for the babies, then the underage girls, and finally the women in empathetic consensus.

GRW3 said...

She probably beat a bunch of men too. Down at that level, a medal is more like a participation trophy. Strict male and female separations should be for top level ranked runners.

tim maguire said...

I’m as disgusted as the next normie about men stealing sports honors from women, but this doesn’t sound like one of those cases. If you’re beaten by a person who needed over 4 hours to finish, you have nothing to complain about.

Iman said...

Rules are to be followed by participants. Shim did it to their selves.

Wa St Blogger said...

When I applied for the position at Harvard, it had a list of races. I ticked Native American because I see myself as Native American. Oh, and Female. And Blind. If there was a Sexual Orientation box, I'd have put whichever they thought they needed most at the school.

Duke Dan said...

They give medals for 6195th place? Talk about participation trophies.

Michael said...

But he ran as a mile in a recent race.

Owen said...

"I only stole a little bit of the glory." "I only totally crapped in the punchbowl of tradition, ceremony and honorable endeavor."

You go, "girl."

Yancey Ward said...

Way to miss the point, dude.

Blastfax Kudos said...

If you're going to place 6000th, why not just suck in the men's division? Aside from getting the opportunity to show women your feminine penis what logical reason is there to run outside your bio category.

This entire trans phenomenon is about bottom homosexuals having a serious psychological problem with being a bottom homosexual. They hate what they are so they twist themselves psychologically in knots trying to convince themselves that they're women, thinking it purifies their sexual attractions with others when in fact it makes them worse. Being a bottom homosexual is undignified, but becoming a trans is even more undignified.

DavidUW said...

Because a really crappy male athlete got beat by a bunch of women, we have to let trannies beat women.

Again. I can wander the halls of any high school in America and find boys who would not only beat current Olympic caliber women but all women who ever lived.

Jupiter said...

I really don't care whether the twisted pervert gives the medal back or not. There isn't any particular reason why women need to be involved in competitive sports. But if "women's sports" just means "sports for losers", let's get rid of Title IX.

gilbar said...

Transgender Minnesota lawmaker introduces bill removing anti-pedophile language from state's Human Rights Act
A transgender state lawmaker in Minnesota introduced a measure that would remove language from the state's Human Rights Act that currently declares pedophiles are not included in protections based on "sexual orientation."

"'Sexual orientation' does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult." That language would be removed under Finke's proposal.

i'm posting this, just in case ANY of you weren't sure what the end game is.
*IF* a 10 year old, is old enough to know their sexuality and take actions on that...
*THEN a 10 year old, is old enough to know their sexuality and take actions on that..

dbp said...

I sort of doubt that the actual woman who really came in 6,159th cares that the official records will show her at 6,160. Every finisher gets a medal, so nobody was deprived of one, as long as they finished.

This kind of thing only matters for the top few in each category. Hell, (s)he probably would have been first if (s)he identified as a 90 year old.

Pillage Idiot said...

Yes, in principle you have stolen the place of a female runner. Nobody cares much here, because it was 6,159th place.

However, if we extend YOUR principle, then eventually there will be zero biological females on the USNWT for soccer or in the WNBA.

If the National soccer team allowed biological males from college Division II teams with only sub-500 records to play on the team, then no one would have ever heard of Rapinoe, Hamm, Lloyd, Wambach or Foudy. They would have been done with soccer as soon as their college careers ended.***

***Of course, if we allow enough Lia Thomas's into women's collegiate sports, then biological women won't even have that space!

Mark said...

Haters gonna hate, despite the absolute meaninglessness of their rage.

Kay said...

Crazy that in the 1970’s they were like, "fine, women can play sports, but because they're innately less athletic than men, only in a special ghettoized league for the frail and delicate where they get paid less," and not only is that still the system in 2023, but viciously lashing out at the smallest challenges to that system gets framed as Feminist Praxis. Even setting aside the fact that gendered body type averages aren't universals, and plenty of individual (cis) women and (cis) men could easily go to toe to toe, have we considered that the fact that all the most prominent and well-paid sports are ones that require things like being tall and having muscle mass, as opposed to, say, gymnastics is itself an artifact of sexism?

Freeman Hunt said...

You wouldn't have to give back the finisher medal. Men get those too. Seems like enough for this person to agree to register in the division for men or other in the future.

Sebastian said...

"because I see myself as female"

Fine. But society needs to answer the question: should subjective feelings dictate policy?

Rabel said...

"Does everyone who finishes get a medal?"

It's a marathon, so, usually, yes, in the big races.

Maynard said...

Rendering: Tempest in tiniest teapot

Yes, but it keeps getting repeated over and over again.

The guy/girl is right. He/She did not do anything wrong. If the race organizers had any sense, they would tell him/her to run in the Men's race as a transgender.

My wife has been a competitive runner for a decade. Almost all her female friends are competitive runners. Most are liberals, but when they let transgenders run against them, they get pissed off.

n.n said...

Males on average have a physiological advantage over females, but while they outperform the best females, they may also underperform, too. So, we have to options: distinguish by sex or by performance. Societies tend to choose the former for reason of fitness, the same reason why human societies distinguish between couples and couplets.

Big Mike said...

To Hell with offering to return the medal. Just do it, asshole.

gilbar said...

Serious Questions:
What makes someone a woman? Is it REALLY, just Wanting to be one?
What makes someone BLACK? Is it REALLY, just Wanting to be?
Is performing in Blackface fine?
Is performing in drag fine?

iowan2 said...

Iowa has female wrestling in enough schools to generate a state tournament. The Iowa Hawkeyes have a female wrestling team.

So if you considered yourself a star wrestler but couldn't make a division 1 squad, get on the Iowa women's team. You'll win the NCAA title. You can always say you wrestled at Iowa.

Big Mike said...

My wife has been a competitive runner for a decade. Almost all her female friends are competitive runners. Most are liberals, but when they let transgenders run against them, they get pissed off.

@Maynard, consider reminding them that when they vote Democrat the are voting for that which pisses them off.

Jim at said...

Haters gonna hate, despite the absolute meaninglessness of their rage.

Pointing out a biological male is a biological male isn't hate.
It's common sense.

Aught Severn said...

have we considered that the fact that all the most prominent and well-paid sports are ones that require things like being tall and having muscle mass, as opposed to, say, gymnastics is itself an artifact of sexism?

I have considered it and have decided that it is not, in fact, an artifact of sexism.

Mr. T. said...

Fake humility is still fake.

Just like his fake womanhood.

Rocco said...

Wa St Blogger said...
"When I applied for the position at Harvard, it had a list of races. I ticked Native American because I see myself as Native American. Oh, and Female. And Blind. If there was a Sexual Orientation box, I'd have put whichever they thought they needed most at the school."

The only thing missing from that description is the old "lesbian trapped in a man's body" line.

wildswan said...

As an unborn child this individual followed the male mammalian body plan dictated by his set of chromosomes in building his body. And as an individual existing animal every cell in his body still strives to follow that initial body plan so that in order to look as if he had a female mammalian body plan he has to take chemicals for the rest of his life in order to (partially) override his own animal self. He is always "he" as an existing entity on all levels from cellular through animal until the human level as expressed in the law or medicine. At that level s/he may, at present, access the same facilities and wear the same clothes as women with the actual female mammalian body plan. S/he is able to force his way into existing spaces and rape all protections for women with the female mammalian body plan And then what? When s/he attracts a man's attention this will lead to a rejection in most instances. If s/he ever loses access to the chemical override, his beard will show through and in every other way he will look like a man in a dress. In what sense is an individual struggling with this fate a woman? even on a social level? It's tough to be an older woman but what would it be like to be an aging man in an dress?

n.n said...

Social standards are considered to normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes.

Josephbleau said...

Winning a race is a proxy for reproductive fitness, so the answer is simple, all the guys will just go after the top fertile female finisher, and likewise male. The winner then will be the next generation of the human race. It doesn’t matter if you can make them see your organ in the locker room, they won’t avail themselves of it.

Old and slow said...

I am so fucking tired of this ridiculous bullshit.

Caroline said...

Darcy makes a good point. Transgender is where the feminist “my body my choice” logic naturally flows. You can’t deny the biological reality of the baby in the womb, or the biological reality of the sexual complementarity of marriage, without catastrophic consequences to humanity.

The Vault Dweller said...

I believe Eddie Izzard, who also goes by Suzy, also runs marathons. Not sure which division Izzard runs in.

Creola Soul said...

Two things will stop this madness: 1 When men start playing women’s golf, and taking all the money or, 2 When a man actually experiences a period, with all the discomfort. This shit will be over in a month.

Oso Negro said...

Althouse "Exalt the Queer" series post # 1743.


Seems to be working! At the current rate of growth, the self-identifying LGBTQ+ percentage of the population should top 100 in just three more generations. What a success for society!

Anna Keppa said...

n.n said...
Males on average have a physiological advantage over females, but while they outperform the best females, they may also underperform, too. So, we have to options: distinguish by sex or by performance. Societies tend to choose the former for reason of fitness, the same reason why human societies distinguish between couples and couplets.

Yeah, males "may" outperform the *best* females who ordinarily win their races, 99% of the time.

But that's "fair". So let them race against the females.

Has it occured to you nn, that we are talking about races, achievement, awards, scholarships....etc for being the BEST? NOT for being "average or above average?

Stan Smith said...

My $1 bills identify as $100s now. Don't disrespect them!

n.n said...

Has it occured to you nn, that we are talking about races, achievement, awards, scholarships....etc for being the BEST? NOT for being "average or above average?

The point is that the average varies between sexes, but that is not the whole reason why we recognize women and men separately and equally.

n.n said...

Is the individual a male or a female sex? Of masculine or feminine gender?

Is it a fetus or a baby, a Planned death socially distanced or a life worthy of life?

Do women possess the dignity and agency to know the "mysteries" of life or does the... uh, "burden" h/t Obama, above their "pay grade" h/t Obama and station in a socially progressive society?

Amadeus 48 said...

Bottom story of the day. This person earned an achievement medal but finished out of the money.

Old and slow said...

Izzard doesn't run marathons, he walks them, sometimes briskly. He has completed very many marathons for charity though. I don't know how he registers, but since this issue has never come up, I'm guessing he "ran" as a man. He finishes so very slowly that there wouldn't be ,many behind him.

PB said...

If someone thinks themselves to be a tree, what is society obligated to do? You are what you are. There are two sexes. Clothes, makeup, surgery and pharmaceuticals can't change that.

Stop enabling them.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Do you suppose the person who came up with the idea of adding "other" to the male/female check boxes considers him or her self to be a sane human being?
It doesn't make sense at any level. Why have an "other" checkbox when a person could simply not check either "male" or "female"?

Rory said...

"Almost all her female friends are competitive runners. Most are liberals, but when they let transgenders run against them, they get pissed off."

They're still getting more from feminist set asides than they're losing from trans set asides. It's only the women without leverage who are down overall.

n.n said...

It's only the women without leverage who are down overall.

A large minority benefit from the sustainable progress of diversity (i.e. class-disordered ideologies), including: racism, feminism/masculinism, ageism, etc.

Pianoman said...

I "see myself" as Christ.

Bow down before me.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

"If they really think I’ve stolen the place [of a female runner], I don’t mind giving the medal back.... But I don’t want to apologize, because I didn’t do anything wrong….”
Yes, you did
You are a male who competed in the female category

"They’re angry because they’re saying that one of 14,000 women behind me could have had my place. Really? I did [the race in] 4 hours 11 minutes. There’s lots of women that beat me. ...When I entered the London Marathon, it says, ‘female,’ ‘male’ or ‘other,' I ticked ‘female’ because I see myself as female.'"

Rachel Dolazi saw herself as "black. Just as he isn't female, she isn't black, and both should be punished for their lies. Their frauds

They provided an "other" category for freaks like "Glenique" Frank. But the goal of trans ideology is to force the rest of us to bow to their lies, NOT to simply go about their lives in "peace"

Boot him, mark him as a fraud, and ban him from the sport

walter said...

Legitimizes his claim to femmedom by being mediocre.

Known Unknown said...


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