April 7, 2023

"Governor Brad Little, a Republican, signed legislation on Wednesday that prohibits an adult from helping a minor travel to receive an abortion..."

"... or access abortion medication without their parents’ consent. A person convicted of 'abortion trafficking' under House Bill 242 could face a sentence of two to five years in prison.... In a letter to state legislators, Little said the legislation does not 'criminalize, preclude, or otherwise impair' interstate travel or prevent an adult from seeking an abortion outside state lines. 'Rather, the "abortion trafficking" provision in the bill seeks only to prevent unemancipated minor girls from being taken across state lines for an abortion without the knowledge and consent of her parent or guardian,' he wrote.... Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates West [said]... 'This legislation is despicable, and we’re going to do everything in our power to stop it'...."


Dave Begley said...


ACLU to collect big bucks in federal court from the State of Idaho.


rhhardin said...

Job for young teens: passing travel dollars to pregnant teens.

Old and slow said...

Who, besides the parents of a minor girl should be taking her to get an abortion? This does not seem like it should be all that controversial.

rhhardin said...

Idaho goes blue, is my prediction. Republicans have a political suicide wish.

gahrie said...

Can't we all at least agree that no one can kidnap (by definition the child is unable to consent, and the parent/guardian was intentionally prevented from it) a child, take it across state lines and then cause the child's genitals to be mutilated?

Would anybody support this if it involved circumcision instead of transgenderism?

Wa St Blogger said...

'This legislation is despicable, and we’re going to do everything in our power to stop it'...."

Doing everything in their power to enable pimps and rapists. Only THOSE people have the best interest of the young girl at heart. NOT the parents.

Joe Smith said...

"'Rather, the "abortion trafficking" provision in the bill seeks only to prevent unemancipated minor girls from being taken across state lines for an abortion without the knowledge and consent of her parent or guardian,'"

Very short-sighted.

What about the minor boys wanting an abortion?


Original Mike said...


A minor. Without consent of a parent.

Michael K said...

These Republican legislators and governors are assisting Democrats to demonize them on this issue which left the station long ago. Reasonable limits, like those in Europe and in the USSC decision are the best hope for preventing infanticide, the Democrats' goal. Obama showed this back when he was in the Illinois legislature.

Rob C said...

Question on legalities:
Technically getting a minor pregnant should be considered statutory rape right? Some states have clauses if both parties are underage.

A non-custodian adult taking a minor across state lines to conceal a crime would be a criminal act / conspiracy wouldn't it?

If people can be charged for buying cigarettes for a minor then wouldn't something like aiding and abetting in a surgical / medical procedure (ESPECIALLY across state lines) at least need to be investigated?

n.n said...

From six weeks, when baby meets granny in biological and legal state, it is illegal to choose the commission of homicide in the United States, with exceptions in Progressive Cults under the Pro-Choice ethical religion.

Planned Parenthood Federation is enabling the sexual exploitation and trafficking of minor girls victimized in socially progressive cultures, twice in sanctuary States. At the border, these transhumane advocates and activists would be imprisoned for crimes committed under DIEversity (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism) against the individual, society, and humanity.

Abortionists, Traffickers, Clinicians, Pedophiles, Misogynists, Feminists, Social Progressives Sans Frontieres

Mark O said...

The return of the Mann Act.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Why doesn't this article get the patented AA language-parsing treatment? Obviously, the bill doesn't criminalize abortion. (Actually, I already know the answer: something to do with the subject matter.)

Big Mike said...

A Republican governor signed it.

It privileges parents’ rights and responsibilities over both an absolute right to abortion, as well as the right of a sexual predator to quietly get an abortion for his underaged lover.

Planned Parenthood is livid with rage.

Must be a great law!

Roger Sweeny said...

So if Jennifer says, "Mom, I'd like to look at the scenery in Washington state. Can you drive me?" And once they cross the border, she says, "Now that we're here, there's a nice little abortion clinic I know", then everything is hunky-dory because as far as the adult knew, it was just a sight-seeing trip? Sounds like an easy way around the law.

Rit said...

What is truly despicable is people who would assist and or encourage minors to have any medical procedure performed without the knowledge and consent of that minor's parents.

Darury said...

Given Planned Parenthood's typical stance on not reporting statutory rape, this is not surprising. They can't let little things like laws get in the way of profit from abortion.

William said...

To some extent, I can see the point of this. A Charlie Chaplin, for example, would be highly motivated to drive his fifteen year old inamorata across state lines in order to secure an abortion. He would be just as glad to keep the parents consent or knowledge out of it...On the other hand, look at the way this article is written. It will cost the Republicans vote.

Bob Boyd said...

I would have thought it was already illegal to takes anybody's kid anywhere without their parent's permission.
Leave abortion out of it for a minute. Is it okay to take somebody else's kid across state lines without their parent's permission to buy them a friggin' hotdog?

n.n said...

Feminists, masculinists, social progressives, and Planned Parenthood advocates that women, and girls, must be made affordable, available, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence, excess carbon, aborted, perhaps cannibalized, sequestered in darkness. The performance of human rites for social, redistributive, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather progress is a compelling interest for all empathetic minded.

Gabriel said...

A teenage woman can't buy cigarettes, get a tattoo, or use a tanning bed. But she can cross state lines with her (statutory) rapist and get an abortion in another state, at taxpayer expense too, and her parents can do nothing and not even be informed.

Saint Croix said...


ACLU to collect big bucks in federal court from the State of Idaho.


Not unconstitutional.

These are minors we're talking about.

40-year-old man rapes a 15-year-old girl, take her to another state to get an abortion to cover-up his crime.

Not stupid, either. Kudos, Idaho.

Nancy said...

"helping a minor travel ...without their parents' consent". Not "her" parents. Does that answer your question, Joe Smith?

Iman said...

One must not impede this absolute need some people have to kill the unborn. It’s obviously one of the principles that’s of utmost importance to them.

Ann Althouse said...

The linked article links to the text of the statute. Key language:

18-623. ABORTION TRAFFICKING. (1) An adult who, with the intent to conceal an abortion from the parents or guardian of a pregnant, unemancipated minor, either procures an abortion, as described in section 18-604, Idaho Code, or obtains an abortion-inducing drug for the pregnant minor to use for an abortion by recruiting, harboring, or transporting the pregnant minor within this state commits the crime of abortion trafficking.
(2) It shall be an affirmative defense to a prosecution under subsection (1) of this section that a parent or guardian of the pregnant minor consented to trafficking of the minor.


A parent or guardian can't be guilty of these crime. This is about other people moving the minor to another state (or giving an abortion drug) "with the intent to conceal an abortion from the parents or guardian."

Saint Croix said...

I'm not sure if we should file this article under

Liberals Want to Fuck Your Children


The War on Parents

The kid's not even 16, apparently, because 16-year-olds can drive themselves.

n.n said...

It's despicable that the State defers exclusively to parents and [legal] guardians in the matter of elective medical, surgical, psychiatric? treatment offered to unemancipated minor [girls], thereby denying equity and inclusion of diverse others. That said, sanctuary States, Planned Parenthood Federation et al, the Federal Government under current administration, has compelling cause to abort, perhaps cannibalize, and sequester "burdens" of evidence for social, economic, medical, and political progress.

n.n said...

Planned Parenthood Federation steps foot on its female cohorts.

Joe Smith said...

Republican legislatures should pass whatever bills they want.

Let Biden send in the National Guard if he doesn't like it.

Let the Supreme Court send in their army if they don't like it.

Gospace said...

Can't take a minor across statelines for sex- that's a FEDERAL offense.

Actually, an adult taking a minor anywhere without parental consent or knowledge could be called kidnapping.

Maynard said...

How does the State find out that a minor had an abortion in another state?

Roger Sweeny said...

Thanks for the explainer. I obviously misread the excerpt from the article. It seems like the statute is only going to apply in a small number of cases.

n.n said...

If it's rape... rape-rape, report the transgression to police in order to keep other women and girls safe.

If it's unwanted, inconvenient, excess carbon, a female when a male child is desired, or otherwise deemed a "burden", six weeks to baby meets granny in biological and legal state.

hombre said...

I can understand the predictable reaction of the baby killers. Nevertheless, the operative word here is "unemancipated."

Are the baby killers accomplices willing to take responsibility for other areas of the child's life or just baby killing and, presumably, genital mutilation?

I read something today that went like this: Democrats/leftists/Marxists have goals, not morals or principles. Sounds about right.

lawyapalooza said...

I love it that Republicans continue to ignore the massive groundswell among women and young people. By all means, keep passing idiotic legislation and running right wing anti-choice candidates. I hope Dan Kelly runs again!

lawyapalooza said...

I love it that Republicans continue to ignore the massive groundswell among women and young people against their policies and focus. By all means, keep passing needless legislation and running right wing anti-choice candidates rather than paying attention to the actual needs of your constituents. I hope Dan Kelly runs again!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How dare they! Common sense child protection has no place in the abortion debate.

Wa St Blogger said...

I don't understand how this can be considered an extreme position by our own fellow Republican community. This will piss off the white suburban women, as usual, but not because it is an extreme position, but because the media portrays it as such. Surrender will not be a solution. Getting a compromise at 15 weeks will not mollify the left. Anything less than partial birth abortion will be an extreme position to the left and the media, and unless Republicans submit at that level, they will always be accused of cutting their nose off to spite their face. I have said before, there is. no. compromise. with abortion. Like ALL lefty issues, there is never a permissible moderate position.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So if Jennifer says, "Mom" then the law doesn't apply. Mom's aren't the ones operating "without parental consent." This law is to KEEP the decision-making with the responsible adults not enlist them in Tomfoolery. WTF are you thinking?

Why do people complicate it with weird hypotheticals?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

So if Jennifer says, "Mom, I'd like to look at the scenery in Washington state. Can you drive me?" And once they cross the border, she says, "Now that we're here, there's a nice little abortion clinic I know", then everything is hunky-dory because as far as the adult knew, it was just a sight-seeing trip? Sounds like an easy way around the law.

That's a stupid example. The Parent took the kid across the state line and then took the kid to said abortion clinic. That's the very definition of parental permission.

MadisonMan said...

How many of these young women are rape victims? Should we prevent their rapist from moving their victims across state lines to destroy evidence?

Jupiter said...

"This legislation is despicable ..."

To say that something is despicable is to say that it deserves to be despised. It is a comment not merely on effects, but on intentions. Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates West is saying that the people who want to prevent them from killing babies for profit have bad intentions. No doubt these unscrupulous legislators hope to increase future tax revenues by using helpless young women as citizen-breeders. Sickening! It's like something right out of the Handmaid's Tale.

Hey Skipper said...

David Begley: Unconstitutional.

ACLU to collect big bucks in federal court from the State of Idaho.


I don't understand how you reached that conclusion. Please explain.

Chuck said...

My favorite headline for this story: Idaho Passes Fugitive Uterus Act

Temujin said...

Man...parents are really getting in the way of lefties and their claim on your kids.

tommyesq said...

Wouldn't taking an unemancipated minor across state lines for any reason be a crime (maybe kidnapping, maybe child abduction)?

farmgirl said...

Why is abortion still even a viable issue, what w/every type of birth control under the sun given to young, sexually active(girls?)(women?)

Implanted in arms or uterii as if they were cattle. I made uterii up, I like it better and it doesn’t rhyme w/platypuses. Or sound like rhinoceroses.

It’s strange that adults want so much leverage w/other peoples’ issues. Or property. Or bodies.

And w/this I’m saying: those bodies in utero. In the uterii.
Live &let live.

farmgirl said...

Why is abortion still even a viable issue, what w/every type of birth control under the sun given to young, sexually active(girls?)(women?)

Implanted in arms or uterii as if they were cattle. I made uterii up, I like it better and it doesn’t rhyme w/platypuses. Or sound like rhinoceroses.

It’s strange that adults want so much leverage w/other peoples’ issues. Or property. Or bodies.

And w/this I’m saying: those bodies in utero. In the uterii.
Live &let live.

JAORE said...

/Phone rings
Girl: Hey Dad.
Dad; Thank God you called. We've been worried sick. Where are you?
Girl: Idaho.
Dad: Idaho! Why are you in Idaho?
girl: They told me I don't have to tell you.
Dad: They? Who the hell is "they"?
Dad: OK, how did you get to Idaho?
Girl: A man drove me.
Dad: Who is this man?
Dad: You are 15 and a man drove you to Idaho for God knows what????
Girl: They say I don't have to tell you. But I called to tell you not to worry.

Narrator: Dad is still worried and now he's PISSED!

tommyesq said...

By the way, the most likely circumstance in which this happens would be an 18-year-old (legally an adult) taking his 17-year-old girlfriend to Oregon (or wherever) for an abortion, not the child-rapist from the Ohio spat.

JAORE said...

OK.... I should have said Colorado in my scene, not Idaho.

But Colorado is is still pissed.

Owen said...

Rit @ 11:20: “ What is truly despicable is people who would assist and or encourage minors to have any medical procedure performed without the knowledge and consent of that minor's parents.”

Word. If my child were kidnapped and exploited in this manner, I cannot describe what might happen.

Temp Blog said...

I doubt "let's let people take your kids across state lines to kill your grandkids" is a winning message for pro-aborts in Idaho. Idaho may go blue but not because of this law.

Jersey Fled said...

“A parent or guardian can't be guilty of these crime. This is about other people moving the minor to another state (or giving an abortion drug) "with the intent to conceal an abortion from the parents or guardian."

You mean like, uhh, someone who might be employed or otherwise contracted by Planned Parenthood to provide such a service?

Rosalyn C. said...

If parents are legally not entitled to know what their children are doing, things which will have major consequences, why should those parents feel responsible or be held responsible for their children?

If a child decides he or she is entitled to make decisions about gender transitions and abortions, big things like that, without their parents' knowledge, what makes that kid believe that their parents should be obligated to be responsible or care for them?

Everyday it seems like we are seeing a dissolution of our social norms, even the bond between parents and children.

Mason G said...

So we're at the point where the government says you can't get an abortion for somebody else's child without the parent's consent and government is the bad guy here?

Michael said...

Taking a minor child across state lines without the knowledge or consent of parents or guardian is not simply "abortion trafficking" - it is kidnapping. And "parental domination" of minor children, within legally established bounds, if entirely appropriate. That's what parents are for, to raise and civilize the next generation. Otherwise we would reproduce like sea turtles. And at least parents have skin in the game, as opposed to some Progressive ideologue who will never be accountable for poor decisions.

n.n said...

Everyday it seems like we are seeing a dissolution of our social norms, even the bond between parents and children.

A low trust society, a low trust family, a low trust marriage, we have observed this progress before. That said, here's Joey...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Could shed light on how the Supremes might vote on minor's "gender care" down the road.

This case could be huge.

walter said...

"Rit @ 11:20: “ What is truly despicable is people who would assist and or encourage minors to have any medical procedure performed without the knowledge and consent of that minor's parents.”
That is how it should be worded.

lasagnapalooza said...I love it that Republicans continue to ignore the massive groundswell among women and young people against their policies and focus. By all means, keep passing needless legislation and running right wing anti-choice candidates rather than paying attention to the actual needs of your constituents
Moms are cool with other unauthorized adults submitting their kids to medical procedures?
That's not very maternal.

walter said...

If not mistaken, schools in Seattle were doing this bacxk in the 90's.
I remember talking to some friends at the time and was shocked they had zero concern over the negation of parental say. I chalked it up to them not having kids, but that is not a reasonable excuse to be that stupid.

n.n said...

Bodily sovereignty until ex-utero viability, Planned Parenthood #CecileTheClinicalCannibal, or a sanctuary State with a compelling cause. Women and girls, second... third, and baby, maybe #SS BLM.

Rusty said...

farmgirl said...
"Why is abortion still even a viable issue, what w/every type of birth control under the sun given to young, sexually active(girls?)(women?)"
The left prefers its young women stupid, pregnant and totally dependent on the left.

Leora said...

I would add to what Michael said that the person trying to procure an abortion for a minor without parental consent is often the adult who has been victimizing her.

Mark Nielsen said...

Temp Blog said: "Idaho may go blue but not because of this law."

Nah. I live here. Idaho ain't goin' blue any time soon.

Michael K said...

Trying to talk sense about abortion is about like being a Jew in Germany on Kristallnact. There is no sense, only frenzy. Riley Gaines tried to talk about transgender last night and was attacked and nearly killed. The crazies are in control now. They are largely insane and will crash the country. Maybe then, in the midst of the wreckage, sane people can try to rebuild civilization.

madAsHell said...

Apparently, Idaho has execution by firing squad.........again.

I mean.......can't we just call that a late term abortion???

Readering said...

A small battle in the war that will end with the decriminalization of abortion by legislation or judicial decision.

walter said...

Small battle for parental rights. No biggee.
Hand the kids over to the "teachers", Team Clipboard, wannaprents and yes, child abusers.

walter said...

This is an example where if you substitute other elective surgical procedures be done without parental consent, those same people would think it absurd.

n.n said...

Why is abortion still even a viable issue,

The Liberal sects, social progressives, Planned Parenthood Federation et al, and State GDP have compelling cause to keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence aborted, cannibalized, sequestered in darkness.

walter said...

"can't we just call that a late term abortion??"
Did they not earn it?
Therein lies the difference.

Tina Trent said...

Abortion clinic workers frequently used to know when an abusive adult male, boyfriend, mom's current live-in (common), or pimp brought an under-aged girl in for an abortion -- sometimes because he'd previously brought in other girls. Yet they mostly looked the other way until parental consent laws were passed in many states.

In Alabama, an older, black, male doctor who performed abortions vocally supported passing legislation requiring a parent or legal guardian to be present or otherwise legally informed when an under-aged girl sought an abortion. His efforts created an uproar among abortion supporters, but he said that when girls knew they absolutely had to tell their mother (almost exclusively mothers), they told much earlier in the pregnancy and didn't put off getting the abortion until it was almost too late, which is what he had been seeing in his clinic for decades. He also spoke about men exploiting such girls. That legislation and legislation like it in other states usually provides for an informal, accessible and confidential juvenile court hearing for girls who don't feel they could tell a parent, or grants doctors permission to make that call under certain circumstances -- mainly because it is a family member or mom's boyfriend molesting the minor, or the mother/father are abusive or incompetent from drugs, etc. It provides a temporary emancipation and also adult eyes following up on the welfare of the girl.

I don't see anything different in the Idaho legislation as quoted here. Many Blue states have similar laws on the books for any minor getting an abortion in that state -- including Delaware, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

holdfast said...

@tommyesq - A 17 year old can drive herself. She can even borrow his car. You fail.

n.n said...

No doubt these unscrupulous legislators hope to increase future tax revenues by using helpless young women as citizen-breeders.

Two men and a womb. Also, two women and a splooge stooge.

Tina Trent said...

The malign reporting on Idaho is pure disinformation.

Google: abortion laws for minors by state.

You will see the actual code sections. As many blue states as red states have these restrictions for minors.

Let's talk about why the media is lying about that.

MikeR said...

Boy are they stupid.

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