April 26, 2023

"Given the stakes, Biden needs to make the case... why [Kamala] Harris is the best choice to succeed him, should he not be able to complete his [second] term...."

"One thing Biden might consider is putting Harris in charge of ensuring that America’s transition to the age of artificial intelligence works to strengthen communities and the middle class. It is a big theme that could take her all over the country. I wrote a column more than two years ago suggesting that Biden make Harris 'his de facto secretary of rural development, in charge of closing the opportunity gap, the connectivity gap, the learning gap, the start-up gap — and the anger and alienation gap — between rural America and the rest of the country.' It would have been a substantive challenge and would have enabled her and the administration to build bridges to rural Republicans. Never happened. I am terrified of going into this election with a Democratic ticket that gives moderate Republicans and independents — who are desperate for an alternative to Trump — any excuse to gravitate back to him...."

Writes Thomas Friedman in "Why Kamala Harris Matters So Much in 2024" (NYT).

Unlike the commenters over there, Friedman doesn't consider replacing Harris. He's just talking about giving her different assignments from the very important ones she already has. His suggested assignments are blurrily described. We are entering the "age of artificial intelligence," but she would somehow "ensure" that it "works to strengthen communities and the middle class." Somehow that vague task — what are "communities"?  — would build up her reputation. Why? Because she could travel "all over the country" with "a big theme." Friedman likens this assignment to the one he recommended 2 years ago — "rural development." Somehow he sees her as suited to pull along people who are left behind. 

That sounds hopeless, but I don't blame him for avoiding the subject of replacing her as the VP candidate. The Democrats can't humiliate her. She's the first black VP and the first woman VP, and they can’t say she didn't do well enough. Unthinkable. 


Mike Yancey said...

She didn't matter in 2020?

I will say I saw a segment of a speech she gave and although the content was just a jumble of words, they've managed to stop the cackling.

Old and slow said...

Yeah, Kamala Harris on AI policy. The jokes write themselves. We are doomed.

Rabel said...

"...Donald Trump cannot be allowed to occupy the White House ever again."

Not your call, Mother Fucker. "Our Democracy" my ass.

Why not quit beating around the bush and just go ahead and offer a bounty for his dead body?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The Democrats can't humiliate her. She's the first black VP and the first woman VP, and they can say she didn't do well enough. Unthinkable."

The most important follow up question to this is "why". Why can't they humiliate her? She hasn't done a terrible job...she hasn't done her job at all. Everyone hates her, conservatives and democrats. Women dislike her immensely (or so I'm told). So why? If anyone deserved humiliation it's her. What super-secret-squirrel demographic loves her so much the they actually need to keep her around?

Aside from her deep-state controllability and status as a penalty Manchurian should Biden get zapped by Republicans, what other reas....oh wait.

wendybar said...

As he is busy creating jobs for his people in South Korea.


Breezy said...

The RNC just needs to fill 30 sec ads with her cackling at inopportune moments. Lots of videos to share there…. Can’t take a chance with either one of them. One too old, one too clueless and fake.

Who is at the controls of the Biden Presidency? I mean, really…

Leland said...

Wow, there is so much wrong with Friedman's thought process. First, why does Biden need to make the case for Kamala Harris? Why can't Kamala make the case for herself? She's a former lawyer and DA. She should know how to make a case. Biden has his own problems making the case for himself.

"America’s transition to the age of artificial intelligence works to strengthen communities and the middle class." Might as well put her in charge of explaining to East Palestine, OH how the train disaster in their community strengthened the bonds the middle class had for one another. At least there is some truth to it, even if it the explanation is bullshit.

Biden gave Kamala stuff to do. He gave her the responsibility to fixing the problems at the border. She made what, one trip to the actual border, and others hasn't done a thing. And what about Biden? What exactly has he done in either 4 years as President or 8 years as Vice President that show he deserves another 4 more years? He's had now two helicopter roof top evacuations from embassies in foreign countries and stranded thousands of other Americans in both those countries. The man is Commander and Chief of our armed forces and the leader of our foreign policy with other nations, yet he abandons the American people that implement these policies on the civilian level. I'm sure Kamala could pull that off too.

If you are terrified by the Democrat ticket making the Republican ticket look better; than how about finding a better candidate? Don't expect the man in politics over 5 decades to be any better than what he's been over all those years. Don't insist that man has to do for a woman that she needs to do for herself, if she wants the role of President.

alanc709 said...

If even Friedman sees Kamala as a detriment, you know she's hopeless.

CJinPA said...

I wrote a column more than two years ago suggesting that Biden make Harris 'his de facto secretary of rural development...Never happened.

Interesting that he indicates there was a real possibility a Dem administration would listen to him. Maybe it's happened before.

Yes, the progressive movement's control of narratives is so complete that no decent American can say Harris failed. Her story as an inspiring success was written the moment she was nominated. Her record literally will not -- cannot -- matter.

Michael K said...

Both of them are incompetent and so are the faceless cabal running them.

Static Ping said...

When you read this sort of thing, you have to wonder if the author is aware of reality and is trying to dance around it, or if the author is simply that stupid.

Biden has a proven five-decade record of incompetence, corruption, and dishonesty. He is showing obvious signs of senility, often not knowing where he is and hiding from the public often.

Harris is obviously incompetent in about every way that matters for a politician, which is not terribly surprising when her political career was entirely dependent on being the mistress of an actually competent politician and winning elections that she literally could not lose. She's basically Biden, except not as good at graft.

It is only in our utterly corrupted system that either has gained this level of power. Normally, you would need a hereditary monarchy with very strict succession rules or an exceptionally corrupted royal court to get this level of terrible. Historically, the best-case scenario would be an overthrow. There are much worse outcomes.

rcocean said...

Previously, I assumed "the Plan" was to ditch Senile Joe, and go into 2024 with President Kam leading the ticket. Guess I was wrong. Either Egotistical Joe (or Dr. Jill, Girl PHD) won't let loose his grip, or Kam has been found wanting.

Anyway, I find Friedman's "Demands" laughable. Short of their finding a secret shrine to Hitler in Kam's basement, she's on the ticket. Nobody is going fire the first Black woman VP. SHe could get BRIBED OFF though. I'm sure Kam would be willing to leave the VP slot for Secretary of State and a Huge legal Bribe of $50 or $150 million

You have to wonder if Friedman is just being his usual stupid self or knows something. Because, why bring this up now? VPs don't lose elections. And President Kam won't be any different from President Slow Joe.

Sebastian said...

"Given the stakes, Biden needs to make the case"

Why? He's running, Dems like Tom will vote for him regardless, so no need for any case.

"why [Kamala] Harris is the best choice to succeed him"

She never was. It's beside the point. She's the AA hire, and it worked. If she succeeds him, Dems will fall in line.

"One thing Biden might consider is putting Harris in charge of"

Biden is still sentient enough to knew that he can't put her in charge of anything.

"his de facto secretary of rural development, in charge of closing the opportunity gap"

WTF? We all know the Althouse theorem, that people don't believe what they profess to believe, but Tom sure seems to be faking it pretty well. How insanely ensconced in the prog bubble do you have to be to consider this notion as anything more than a pathetic joke?

"a Democratic ticket that gives moderate Republicans and independents — who are desperate for an alternative to Trump — any excuse to gravitate back to him...."

Biden and regular progs correctly calculate that the blue state wall is now big and wide enough, and the revulsion of nice women and "moderates" against Trump severe enough, to guarantee victory. Put those pearls away, Tom.

Original Mike said...

"That sounds hopeless, but I don't blame him for avoiding the subject of replacing her as the VP candidate. The Democrats can't humiliate her. She's the first black VP and the first woman VP, and they can say she didn't do well enough. Unthinkable."

I know how the democrats can weasel their way out of this. Stop letting her identify as black. She sure doesn't look black to me. (I suppose that's racist.) And as to being a woman; apparently we no longer know what a woman is.

Original Mike said...

We've already had the first black President. Do we really have to keep track of every office separately, all the way down to dog catcher?

Lincolntf said...

Hmmm. Lincoln swapped out Hannibal Hamlin for Andrew Johnson and that did not go well, at all. I wonder if Biden can find someone to replace Harris who has a "wow factor", like a Michelle or Newsom-type character, beloved by the media.

Readering said...

These are things ti said in a meeting not plastered in the NY Times. What administration would act based on advice in a NY Times column?

Kevin said...

One thing Biden might consider is putting Harris in charge of ensuring that America’s transition to the age of artificial intelligence works to strengthen communities and the middle class.

No one typed that sentence with a straight face.

Roger Sweeny said...

Does Friedman really believe that Harris--or anyone--could do those things? If so, he is a fool.

Might as well add "cure cancer" and "colonize Pluto".

Glenfield said...

Kamala Harris can’t even utter a complete sentence.

madAsHell said...

She's black?? News to me.

n.n said...

Take a knee, beg, VP. Harris is the model of feminist virtue.

madAsHell said...

Kamala matters because she is dumber than a box of rocks.

It's a nonsensical word salad every time that put a microphone in front of her. You can't put her on the road to increase her appeal.....there ain't no appeal there.

Earnest Prole said...

Writing jokes about Kamala Harris and Artificial Intelligence is like hunting cows.

tim maguire said...

Harris has failed at every task Biden gave her and Friedman thinks the answer is to give her bigger challenges!?

Flat Tire said...

As a resident of rural America, this is the most hilarious/insulting thing I read in a while.

Flat Tire said...

They could just be honest and say nobody has any idea what she's talking about. God, what a mess we're in. For God's sake don't foist her on rural America.

Michael said...

She is no more capable of this fantasy than she was of handling the border crisis. Which she clearly ignored

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She is horrible... so -you know, perfect.

Kirk Parker said...

Tommy Friedman... Now there's the name I haven't heard in a long long time. Tell us, is it the Lexus or the olive tree that is more at risk from AI?

cassandra lite said...

Typical genius Tom Friedman, who writes from the land of the Unicorn, where what he believes is divorced from reality and governed by hopes and dreams.

The idea that Kamala could make a cogent case for even her presidency, let alone explain how AI will impact the country, is mordantly funny. Every public utterance of hers is the quintessential jr. hi book report by someone who didn't read the book.

RMc said...

The very idea of Kamala Harris being in charge of artificial intelligence...man, you truly can't make this stuff up!

Yancey Ward said...

Tom Friedman can possibly make Kamala Harris look smart by comparison. I know it seems impossible, but it's Tom Friedman.

chickelit said...

What's the worry on the part of the Dems? They know how to "install" leaders. The elite can elect Harris if they choose to do so.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Insurance, simply insurance.
"Idiocracy" was a forecast.

Jupiter said...

Oh, God, I love it! "The Age of artificial intelligence". Hey, do any of you remember "The Internet Of Things"? How your refrigerator was going to call your phone to tell your self-driving car to stop by the robot 7-11 and pick up a gallon of milk? Gee, I wonder what happened to that. Oh well. On to the next marketing buzzword! AI!

I do have to say, I think it should be possible to get a computer to do what Kamala Harris does. But that would be Artificial Stupidity. Unfortunately, it is unlikely any computer will ever be even as smart as Thomas Friedman. Talk about a low bar. But not to worry, the marketers at the big tech companies will come up with some other load of BS to shovel.

Dave Begley said...

That's rich. A woman with low intelligence being put in charge of the very important issue of artificial intelligence after she failed in securing the border.

Really absurd.

Guimo said...

Dumber than a rock.

Guimo said...

So is Kamala.

DavidUW said...

What a little “man”

gilbar said...

One thing Biden might consider is putting Harris in charge of...

Look at the things that she already IS supposed to be in charge of.. Has she done ANY of them?

Jupiter said...

I especially like the idea that the "transition" to "the age of artificial intelligence" will "strengthen communities and the middle class". Tommy doesn't seem to have gotten the memo. In Joe Biden's America, a "community" is a collection of very expensive and useless freaks who do not reproduce, for one reason or another. The "trans community". The "unhoused community". The "carceral community". The "LGBTQXYZ community". How do you "strengthen" an anomic gaggle of deracinated perverts, when all they have in common is a desire to steal other people's goods and lure other people's children into one or another form of depravity? And Beloved Leader and his cronies don't use the term "middle class" any more. That deplorable group of reprobates is referred to as "domestic terrorists". It sounds like Tommy may have been replaced by an AIBot that has scanned his books and columns. They need to feed it something more recent.

Michael said...

Why would you put someone in charge of the transition to artificial intelligence who has little or no natural intelligence to begin with? And she's going to "show what she can do" in 18 months? (Actually, she's been showing what she can do every day since she took office - nada.) I would, however, be thrilled to see the Democrats spend the next year and more making the case for Harris.

John henry said...

In the 2+ centuries since the 12th amendment, 2 sitting vice presidents have been elected to the oval.

Both lost bids for re-election.

Of the vps who got in through death or resignation, none were re-elected to a second full term.

Yet many people think a vp is some kind of logical successor to the prez.

Based on history, the qualities one wants in a president and the qualities found in the kind of person who would be selected as a vp, I can only conclude it is some kind of psychosis.

John Henry

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, they could let her humiliate herself. That seems to have worked for them so far.

Ellie said...

There has been no job Harris has been given as VP where she has succeeded. Her speeches need some dressing. Giving her tasks with responsibility only showcases her incompetence. The best thing the Biden team can do is keep her in the basement. People are more worried about his dying in office than anything else.

Mary Beth said...

I wrote a column more than two years ago suggesting that Biden make Harris 'his de facto secretary of rural development, in charge of closing the opportunity gap, the connectivity gap, the learning gap, the start-up gap — and the anger and alienation gap — between rural America and the rest of the country.

Her public speaking so often sounds like she thinks she's talking to a class of pre-schoolers, I can only imagine how much rural America would love being addressed like that.

I would pay money to see it.

Original Mike said...

How about doing what's best for the country?

TeaBagHag said...

The case that has to be made, is that Kamala Harris is superior to the bag of reheated, rotten, Christofascist dogshit, that the GOP is bound to run on its ticket.

Maynard said...

We've already had the first black President. Do we really have to keep track of every office separately, all the way down to dog catcher?


The reparations scam will never be delivered in direct monetary payments, but in jobs and awards.

Robert Cook said...

Kamala Harris has thus far shown herself to be an utter nonentity as Vice President. This is generally how Presidents like their Vice Presidents.

Rt41Rebel said...

Apparently Dems haven't learned the lesson from the Ballad of RBG. When it's too late, Biden will have a serious health or mental breakdown which will knock him out of the campaign, and Harris will be the only option headed into the general election.

gilbar said...

John henry said...
Of the vps who got in through death or resignation, none were re-elected to a second full term.

I agree with you, that the office of VP isn't worth a bucket of warm spit...
BUT i think Harry Truman might disagree with you

narciso said...

shes at best a nexus 3, unable to pass the turing test,

friedman has been wrong for 40 years, since sabra and shatila,

walter said...

Stop beating up on Kammy.
She did everything they wanter her to do about the border.
Mission Accomplished.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Best” is not the criteria for President so why should it be for Vice President? There is a political consideration here that won’t be spoken out loud. Black women are the reliable moderates in today’s Democratic Party. That’s why [Ketanji] Brown Jackson was picked for the Supreme Court. And who would be better at helping Joe Biden get reelected?

John Henry: “Of the vps who got in through death or resignation, none were re-elected to a second full term.“

I see what you did there, you’re saying “second” to exclude [Teddy] Roosevelt, [Harry] Truman, and [Lyndon] Johnson who did get elected to a first full term after coming in through death (there’s only the Nixon/data point for resignation). Teddy likely would have been re-elected if he had run as a Republican in 1908 instead of as a Bull Moose in 1912. Harry was not technically subject to the 22nd Amendment in 1952, but its recent passage did hang over his seeking a second full term and maybe Ike would not have run if Harry was on the ballot instead of Adlai.

walter said...

I like to imagine one of those shows where three contestants are in separate silhouettes. A spotlight swishes around while drumroll builds suspense.
With a cymbal crash, spot lights up the center contestant and camera zooms in quickly to see Kammy's wide open eyes, mouth forming a perfect circle, then her trademark giggle/cackle.

Nancy Reyes said...

Why Black? Her father is a mulatto from the West Indies.
But her mother is from India. India is proud of her, but this part of her heritage is ignored by most of the MSM.
Stressing how South Asians have enriched rural America might resonate more with rural voters, since often South Asians are present there as physicians or running many small businesses. By stressing her as a member of the victim class might turn them off (so vote for her or be called a racist).

Big Mike said...

Harris has been given numerous opportunities to show she can take over her boss’s job, starting with the Border crisis. She has failed, sometimes spectacularly, every time. The Times thinks she’d do better with AI? Oh! It’s Friedman. When was the last time he got something right?

John henry said...

Gilbar, the first presidential term truman was elected to was 48. I don't count the partial term he succeeded to in 45. He tried to run for re-election in 1952 did so poorly that he dropped out saying he didn't really want it anyway.

Ditto Ford, lbj, Roosevelt and others.

Would you have voted for truman in 52? Nobody else wanted to.

Other than Coolidge, who did not run in 28, all the former vps have been pretty dismal presidents.

John Henry

rehajm said...

I had to restart a couple of times trying to figure out what the point was supposed to be. When I finally made it to Writes Thomas Friedman it all made sense…in a manner of speaking…

Rocco said...

Original Mike said...
"I know how the democrats can weasel their way out of this. Stop letting her identify as black. She sure doesn't look black to me."

I'll second that. Kamala is half South Asian and half Jamaican, with the Jamaican half being mostly Anglo. Black is waaaay down on the list.

MadisonMan said...

It seems awfully early to start talking about this.

Another old lawyer said...

"The Democrats can't humiliate her. She's the first black VP and the first woman VP, and they can’t say she didn't do well enough. Unthinkable."

Sure, they can certainly humiliate Harris. Humiliating a single individual doesn't really matter, especially since no one really likes her. What the Dems can't do is alienate black women, blacks, or women. That just means they'd have to replace her with another black woman.

Anyone come to mind?

Bueller? . . . Bueller? . . . Bueller?

Butkus51 said...

"Fsetaydylhelkjdol" said Biden when asked for comment

Narayanan said...

from what I have heard since Harris is more articulate than Biden! wht can they not trans / switch on the ticket?

Fred Drinkwater said...

The sentence "Assign Harris / Biden to fix problem X" is semantically identical to "No one In The Democrat party thinks problem X is appropriate to seriously address. "

Narayanan said...

That's rich. A woman with low intelligence being put in charge of the very important issue of artificial intelligence after she failed in securing the border.
with Harris interrogating AI will pass Turing easily with IQ='X'

Gunner said...

Black women love Kamala. At least the ones on The View do. Biden knows this demographic is the base of the Democratic Party now.

Fred Drinkwater said...

The sentence "Assign Harris / Biden to fix problem X" is semantically identical to "No one In The Democrat party thinks problem X is appropriate to seriously address. "

Rt41Rebel said...

The Dems jingle the keys and take the kids for a ride in a '67 Corvette to get some ice cream, but even they know that they can't trust the kids to drive it themselves. And they're probably right, corrupt is a more stable system than fanatical.

Rusty said...

Readering said...
"These are things ti said in a meeting not plastered in the NY Times. What administration would act based on advice in a NY Times column?"
The one you voted for.
Whatever you say it is always going to come back to that. This is what you wanted for this country. Own it.

PB said...

What is Tom smoking?

wendybar said...

Gunner said...
Black women love Kamala. At least the ones on The View do. Biden knows this demographic is the base of the Democratic Party now.

4/26/23, 10:26 PM

And that just goes to show how ignorant the Democrat party is today.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Can't think of a more horseshit exercise than "ensuring that America’s transition to the age of artificial intelligence works to strengthen communities and the middle class."

Friedman is a doofus.

Doug said...

The Democrats can't humiliate her.

She's managing the job all by herself.

Doug said...

Why would you put someone in charge of the transition to artificial intelligence who has little or no natural intelligence to begin with?

Camel-a wouldn't recognize artificial intelligence if it was rammed forcefully and repeatedly down her throat while she was on her knees.

mikee said...

Isn't VP Harris already in charge of some important stuff, like the border crisis? Or do those appointments all come with an expiration date of "as soon as people stop bothering us about it" and no requirement to accomplish anything while she is in charge?

Bunkypotatohead said...

Someone needs to request ChatGPT to write a speech about AI in the style of Kamala Harris. I think it might self destruct.

Kirk Parker said...

Rocco @ 7:50pm,

It's the One Drop rule, as the D's continue their slaver heritage.

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