March 31, 2023

"You’re actually super transphobic and I never want to share a space with you."

Said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to "Libs of TikTok" creator Chaya Raichik, quoted "AOC storms away from ‘Libs of TikTok’ creator on Capitol Hill" (NY Post).


tim maguire said...

Rejection of fundamental Enlightenment values sounds pretty on-brand for AOC. If you want to call yourself liberal, you must first reject all liberal principles.

Tank said...

I find AOC oddly attractive when she does that little hopping thing.

Mary Beth said...

"You're the bad one!", said the vampire to the mirror.

rhhardin said...

Finding trans people amusing isn't exactly phobic. The same thing was the usual reaction to gays long ago, before they became activist.

damikesc said...

I will never understand how reposting videos posted by trans people willingly is, somehow, transphobic.

Dave Begley said...

Not much different than the Stanford law students shouting down Judge Duncan.

Just wondering if AOC is OK with Nebraska Medicine removing the healthy breasts of 16 year old Luka Hein.

Leland said...

Stunning. Brave.

Shouting Thomas said...

3 kids murdered for being Christian by a trans maniac. Biden’s press secretary announces that trans kooks are the real victims and Biden announces that today is “Trans Visibility Day.”

Do you get the message? Christians have it coming. They’re getting what they deserve for being “bigots.”

The anti-bigotry crusade has been an insanity ever since rich white women announced that they were oppressed. It’s no longer just careerist hustlers and S&M con artists playing the game. Now, it’s drug soaked psychotics telling us that we have to honor their delusions or they have the right to murder us.

Breezy said...

AOC is a coward. Why not address the ethics complaint? Because she knows she crossed the line, and she’s fine with that.

Owen said...

“[AOC] storms away…” That’s definitely mature. Not. She lost the exchange right there.

wendybar said...

She stomped her little feet and ran away like the tantrum throwing 3 year old she is. Little AOC is a joke. She has so much hate in her heart. It's ALL about identity politics with this little crybaby. Why isn't she at the border crying like she did in the photo ops she posted like she really cared about the illegals??

Jamie said...

Wow. She sounds 14.

Mr Wibble said...

My dad had a Chevy Supertransphobic back in the 70s, and he said that the thing was a pussy magnet.

Readering said...

Suggests a reason why parties are generally not allowed to serve process of their own summons and complaint.

rwnutjob said...

Leftists don't like it when they are exposed for their perversity

Enigma said...

Ms. AOC must learn the meaning of '-phobic' and should not throw it about willy-nilly. Phobic means fear a la phobias. It was often used in the 1970s-1980s Gay Rights era for people who feared being seen as gay or 'fags' or 'queers,' and possibly among gays in the closet who sought to avoid detection/adverse consequences for being gay.

As with '-gate' after Watergate, '-phobic' later spread to all political opponents of Topic X. In actual fact, these disagreements have no relation to fear or phobia and in the case of sexual behavior are more likely related to disgust or revulsion. Some imagine or consider the sexual practices of gay, lesbian, and transgendered people...then recoil in horror. This is likely visceral, instinctive, and a product of biological functions. Part A goes in Slot B, and is easy to understand because that's how all of us were conceived before artificial insemination was invented.

If you want to bring this error home to the left, consider that a great deal of straight-on-trans violence involves Black males who feel tricked and humiliated by trans prostitutes presenting as women. See above regarding visceral, instinctive revulsion. Fear is but one of many emotions.

dbp said...

Now witness the firepower of this fully operational denizen of tolerance.

AOC can't be in the same room as someone with different views. She needs to be in a padded cell, not Congress.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So the Bronx big mouth turned tail and ran away? Her phony tough girl act is as weak as her phony crying pose. But then it’s very on-brand for the phony baloney squad members who relish luxury goods while pimping socialism.

BUMBLE BEE said...

In other news, doctors report an emerging uptick in testicular injuries in women athletes.

Gahrie said...

Sounds like AOC is truth-phobic.

MayBee said...

I'm still trying to figure out how we got into this everything-for-trans people moment in time.
I would think maybe I'm old and I've just lost touch, but my kids don't know how we got here either.

John henry said...

AOC gives Puerto Ricans a bad name.

Let's keep in mind that she is not Puerto Rican.

She is nyorican.

John Henry

Charlie said...

I predict she'll be President in 18 months.

Wince said...

"Cat fight?"

"Because men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other there's a chance they might somehow... kiss."

Maynard said...

Little AOC is the exemplar of our well "educated" new generation of political leaders.

Of course "educated" means indoctrinated and lacking both the will and ability to question her own ideological assumptions.

Chairman Mao would be proud.

WI-Patriot said...

More perversion of language from liberals. Normal human reaction to LGBT people is one of revulsion or disgust. Not fear.

Joe Smith said...

It's incredible that an admitted genius when it comes to media attention (AOC) is so intellectually deficient when it comes to anything else.

She's just not very smart.

98 IQ-ish from what I've seen...

Captain BillieBob said...

Sandy Cortez should stick to mixing drinks and leave the serious business to the adults. The least Sandy could have done is fix one of her signature drinks for Chaya before she stormed off. What a twit.
No wonder everything is turning to shit in our once great country.

Sebastian said...

Of course, phobias are just progspeak.

But even as we don't take AOC literally, we should take her seriously. Her phobic projection is real in its consequences. Her claim that she cannot be in the same space as a "transphobic" person is true. It follows that for good progs all spaces must be cleansed of deplorables. A. Hale is their vanguard.

Lurker21 said...
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Lurker21 said...

"You’re actually super transphobic and I never want to share a space with you."

I smell money in this.

Marvel movie ("Super Transphobe") or sitcom ("The Newest Odd Couple")?

Maybe a romcom ("Transphobia Actually")?

MadisonMan said...

If you don't have the facts, then pound the table. Works for former bartenders too, I guess.

victoria said...

Right on AOC. Conservatives (like DJT) are afraid of her mnd are encouraging her to go back and serve drinks in a bar. Oh that we could do that to Bobo, who consistently misquotes the bible, rages against normal Americans and is an idiot. At least, whether you like her on not, AOc speaks like an intelligent, well educated person.Maybe thats why the far right hates her.... Smart, articulate, educated, the very opposite of your saviors, Bobo, MTG, Gaetz and Jim Jordan.

Vicki from Pasadena

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Who knew old donkey chompers could be such an ass?

Drago said...

In about 30 minutes AOC will claim she was literally murdered by Chaya.

B. said...

AOC smiled at the camera after her rant? Such a complete fake.

Jupiter said...

"Transphobic"? Like, "Islamophobic"? Meaning, scared of people who intend to kill you?

Leora said...

Refusing to talk to people with whom you disagree is extremely persuasive to idiots who may be watching you with respect.

n.n said...

First, conflation of sex and gender. Trans/homosexuals and the politically congruent are notoriously transphobic and Pro-Choice. Second, the majority of subjects are unpredictably, irreparably harmed by "gender-affirming care". Third, AOC is the voice of CAIR, CRT (Critical Replacement Theory), and "burdens" Planned in darkness, in sanctuary States. She is also misogynistic? Play with a double-edged scalpel... How are those bennnies?

n.n said...

Biden announces that today is “Trans Visibility Day.”

Political congruence, Respect for Marriage Act, Keep the Clinics Open Act, DIEversity, Planned Parent/hood, shared responsibility/progressive prices, World War Springs... a selective, opportunistic, Pro-Choice ethical religion.

PB said...

AOC is intelligence-phobic.

boatbuilder said...

AOC is a performance artist posing as a politician.

PM said...

It's never what AOC does or says that's interesting. It's the fact that she's young and photogenic in a head-cheerleader way that accounts for all the attention. It's the exact opposite of the gravitas she believes she has. She's pretty much an 80s chick with less eye make-up.

mikee said...

Well, AOC is right. If she's in the same space as Libs of Tik-Tok, AOC will look really, really bad. So don't share the same space!

Jim at said...

"You’re actually super transphobic and I never want to share a space with you."

Your terms are acceptable.

Temp Blog said...

I hope AOC sets up an OnlyFans. I'd pay $8 a month to see her naked.

JAORE said...

At least AOC recognizes boundaries. Else she might have said, "Oooooh, cooties" as she ran away.

Sheridan said...

AOC reminds me of Taffy Dale (played by Natalie Portman) in Mars Attacks. With Washington D.C. essentially wiped-out (including politicians, bureaucrats and lobbyists) and much of the country destroyed, little Taffy, now acting as the President awards the Medal of Honor (MOH) to her boyfriend Richie Norris (played by Lukas Haas). I can see AOC standing in the cultural ruins of America presenting the MOH to one of her squad mates. Makes me shiver thinking about it.

Jim at said...

At least, whether you like her on not, AOc speaks like an intelligent, well educated person.

She's a freakin' moron and proves it every time she opens her mouth.

Christopher B said...

From the AofSHQ post but not included here is the detail that AOC happily posed for a photo with Raich, assuming she was a fan, before Raich told her who she was.