Trump, in posts on his social media platform Truth Social, referenced reports that he could soon face possible criminal charges in New York relating to a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
The 76-year-old presidential candidate has said he has no plans to drop out of the race even if he gets indicted. “Absolutely not,” he told reporters at a political event in early March, adding that getting charged “would probably enhance my numbers, but it’s a very bad thing for America.”
AND: Here's the NYT headline: "Trump Claims His Arrest Is Imminent and Calls for Protests, Echoing Jan. 6 His indictment by a Manhattan grand jury is expected, but its timing is unclear."
...getting charged “would probably enhance my numbers, but it’s a very bad thing for America.”
Twitter's Musk thinks so, for what that's worth. Fox News reports he's gonna get arrested, fingerprinted. They didn't mention perp walked but thast's probably on the menu...
When the hooker breaks the NDA but you end up getting arrested. Priceless.
I guess that means the Georgia indictment stalled. Trump is a hot potato nobody wants to deal with, the man best known for making deals.
Yes! We have bananas! Just like any Central or South American republic where they try to throw the last guy into jail.
For once, the Left is making a giant mistake. Trump will lose in the primaries to DeSantis because of this. With DeSantis, the GOP stands a chance of winning in 2024.
Trump can’t win the 2024 race. But they had to put him in jail.
I agree. Let the banana Republic left do all they can.
While Crook Criminal Biden family get a total pass...
Burisma... Ukraine... Chi Com dollars for drugged out Hunter. Hunter bagging millions from corrupt deals while his father "the big guy" was VP.
While crime spikes around the nation...
with no end in sight.
After years of BS and lies, all the left have is... Stormy Daniels.
The left are so desperate to frog march Trump to the guillotine. It's almost comical.
And in the meantime, the Bidens continue to get interest on their millions collected from multiple foreign nationals including from the CCP and no one in the legacy or mainstream media will even whisper it. (aside from maybe Tucker).
This is the biggest story of our lifetime and affects the last election, the covid shutdown, the vaxes, the war in the Ukraine and possibly WWIII, the economy, energy policies worldwide, and the loss of the US dollar as the world standard.
But Trump.
You don't see this for Biden...
Payback is going to be awesome.
Hush money probe.
hush money probe.
The banana republic ... & the hush money probe.
After years of Maddow-Adam Schitt-Hillary lies about Russian Collusion and Mueller report to nowhere millions for a bogus witch hunt... we get .... hush money probe and Story Daniels.
Well it makes sense - the left are obsessed with sex.
How does the Secret Service manage this event?
Sky King's niece? My Little Margie? I get them confused.
3rd world stuff
So the charge would be felony falsification of business records? I have never heard of this one.'s hard to believe that germaphobes would have sex with porn stars. Just sayin'! New York's Inspector Javert arresting Trump will only make him a martyr.
Former 1 term president donald trump posted he will be arrested on Tuesday and will surrender.
Posting on his web site, he asks his followers to PROTEST,TAKE OUR NATION BACK(peacefully not implied) The judge will have that to add to the vernacular from the J6 speech for the former president's resume. This looks like a trial indictment to see how it goes with Georgia and other cases more palatable. There is no evidence of a leak by the department, and it looks as if it is a play to control the narrative. Follow the bouncing ball. I have not done odds on this event as I don't find it to be a profitable venture instead, I will check out next Kentucky Derby prep race as 1st Saturday in May comes closer. The former presidents' issues are boring. Move on this guy is a loser, why beat a dead horse (get it) :)
Indicting him on a BS charge is not helpful.
This quest to get Trump on anything that can be conjured up is not good for the Republic. It will now become SOP when power passes from one party to another. Does this make it more or less likely that Republican prosecutors will go after Biden when he is out of office? I am sure that Kathy Hochul is looking at a retroactive law banning the consuming of pudding without utensils to get DeSantis.
A rule of thumb for persecutors when making a nakedly political prosecution - if the crime is not obvious to all Americans then perhaps the prosecutors should let it go. If the potential defendant were not named Trump would any prosecutor anywhere be doing this?
The democrats seemed to have made up their minds that getting Trump out of the way now can better concentrate their efforts on going after DeSantis later.
The hope that Trump and DeSantis would damage each other is a bridge too far.
What, Exactly? was his "crime"?
I mean, other than the crime of being a successful republican?
We're well into the second year of the Biden Hell..
and that means it's been A LONG TIME since the stock market made money
meanwhile, woke banks are going broke, and there's money for them!
meanwhile, the Ukraine Nazis are blackmailing Biden, and there's money for them!
The big question is would Trumpers rally behind DeSantis, or are the democrats betting that Trump loyalists are just going to stay home?
I'm guessing they would stay home. Much will depend on whether or not Trump endorses DeSantis.
Trump makes a deal with DeSantis to adopt Trump voter issues and they have a photo op.
Something missing from virtually ALL discussions over the years and, in recent days, about this story is what crime is he alleged to have committed.
Not something vague like "he paid a hooker to keep quiet" but what actual crime that we might look up in the criminal code.
Nothing in the NBC report that I saw.
Does anyone know what crime is alleged?
John Henry
Meanwhile at the White House, the smart play would be to indict Trump so Biden could pardon him, for the good of the nation yadi yadi yada.
I will never vote again for Trump, he’s lost me, but he’s right that indicting him on a very weak legal theory, as Bragg appears set to do, would be bad for America.
Hush money? Ooooh Former President Bill Clinton has some of those. Get on it Texas!
What, Exactly? was his "crime"?
The crime is his name.
Yes, certainly; Trump's running in a presidential race is bad for America.
And yes; we have also clearly seen how past event like this -- the Mar-a-Lago search, two impeachments -- each helped Trump's popularity numbers within a base GOP plurality. Think about that. Remember it as you read this.
But... Another grand Trump defeat in a general election after winning a divisive primary is something that would be very good for America. These repeated electoral events in which Trumpist candidates (and Trump himself!) win divisive GOP primaries and then lose in general elections are very good things. There are enough repeated instances to be causing some deservedly terrible soul-searching among Republican leaders and voters in MI, GA, WI, PA and AZ.
Dave Begley said...
For once, the Left is making a giant mistake. Trump will lose in the primaries to DeSantis because of this. With DeSantis, the GOP stands a chance of winning in 2024.
Trump can’t win the 2024 race. But they had to put him in jail.
Dave your assertion depends upon GOP primary voters believing that an indictment (several indictments, in several jurisdictions?) is disqualifying and they will support a Republican other than Trump. But we have seen how these things boost Trump's numbers among the small number of Trump-fanatics, while they also increase Trump's negatives among the much larger numbers of independents and Democrats.
Do you perchance remember the Michigan 3rd Congressional race in 2022? It was the one where Peter Meijer, a personally respected, talented, genuinely conservative Republican first-termer was primaried by John Gibbs. Gibbs was an African-American alumnus of the Trump Administration Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. And he ran as an UltraMAGA. He ran after being recruited by TrumpWorld as punishment for Peter Meijer. Because Meijer had voted in favor of the second Trump impeachment in the House.
So the Democrats ran primary advertisements suggesting that Gibbs was "too radical." The Democrats knew what those ads would do. The ads helped Gibbs to win the primary, thanks to the TrumpWing voters. TrumpWing voters for whom hearing that Gibbs was "too radical" was eggzackly wut they were lookin' fer. Gibbs won that primary, with the Democrats' wink/nod "support." And then Gibbs lost decisively to a relatively unknown Democrat, Hillary Scholten. Flipping the seat from (D) to (R). The Democrats' strategy worked perfectly. They played the Trump rubes.
Dave Begley; something I saw on Twitter and I can't easily find the link again...
It went something like this; The mainstream GOP desperately now wants a mainstream DeSantis to be their nominee. But DeSantis right now wants to be MAGA's nominee.
I thought that was interesting.
Orange hair, Orange tan, Orange jumpsuit, you decide.
Jailing people who lose elections is the hallmark of "Banana Republic". It's the last stage before "Tinpot Dictatorship"
Dave Begley said...
For once, the Left is making a giant mistake. Trump will lose in the primaries to DeSantis because of this. With DeSantis, the GOP stands a chance of winning in 2024.
Trump can’t win the 2024 race. But they had to put him in jail.
I am curious how you think Desantis will get 10 million fewer votes than Trump and somehow have a better chance of winning?
It makes no sense.
How much longer are people going to keep their heads in the sand, and continue to believe we are a "Nation of laws not of men" or that you can get justice in the USA if you're MAGA or on the Center-right?
The Left controls the legal system and they have weaponized it. They use it to destroy anyone they don't like. The call it "Lawfare". Meanwhile, anyone they like can literally commit murder and get off with a slap on the wrist.
Fuck the "Rule of Law".
GOPe is A-Ok with it, because they hate Trump.THey'd rather jump in bed with the libeal Democarats and destroy Trump by underhanded methods, then win. That's because they aren't the opposition to the Democrats, they are their Allies.
No reasonable prosecutor…
Trump is shown as the SUPREME power again!.
Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.
Its scary how anyone just accepts this as "The new normal". But then conservatives are just liberals/leftists who want to go the speed limit. They don't care if we go off the cliff at 70 MPH, as long as the speed limit is 75.
Why isn't some Republican DA in a Red state retaliating? Of that's right, because we'd rather be right then win. So, we lose.
Remember Vaughn Meader's "First Family" album? What a hoot if only he had the Bidens to analyze. Fucking the babysitter, fucking the sister in law, showering w/daddy all of 'em on drugs. Makes Dinky proud.
Biden better pray he dies in office. Even Trump can beat him now. The next Republican President is going to go ape shit crazy on Biden and the Democrats just to make sure they never pull the shit they have been pulling for years.
Trump can’t win the 2024 race. But they had to put him in jail.
Dave, perhaps they'd rather put Trump in jail than win in 2024. If we had the choice between Nixon in jail or Carter in the WH in 1976, Jimmy probably would have been back in Plains. Events didn't work that way, though.
IIRC, Sky King's niece was named Penny.
“would probably enhance my numbers, but it’s a very bad thing for America.”
The truest thing Trump has said since he declared again. Maybe the only true thing.
It’s no surprise the Trump ‘perp walk’ nonsense has started - three Biden’s caught receiving money from China, Hunter admitting the laptop is indeed real, the bank crash(es), train derailments, COVID info starting to leak out, #J6footage released.
7:14 AM · Mar 18, 2023
And please, if they’re going to arrest him for how he spent campaign donations then they better start arresting a whole lot of elected officials. Just sayin’.
7:21 AM · Mar 18, 2023
This is really funny. Trump got elected partly on his promise to jail Hillary Clinton for her many crimes against the nation.
Then he didn't do it.
So it's only fitting that he end up in prison. Republicans need to be shown what the score is.
As to Musk's "landslide" prediction ... Donald Trump isn't going to be on the ballot for President, so he can't "win a landslide." If necessary, they'll just murder him. They are willing and able to do that.
Remember when the left impeached Trump because he wanted to investigate Biden, a "potential" Presidential election opponent? So, when does the Biden impeachment begin?
Catturd ™
The FBI, FEDs, and Antifa to dress up like Trump supporters and try to incite riots in ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ....
Don't fall of another Ray Epps situation.
It's a trap.
Stay peaceful.
9:30 AM · Mar 18, 2023
Lem wrote: "I guess that means the Georgia indictment stalled."
That indictment stalled the minute the public got a load of that batshit crazy witch of a lead grand juror.
She gave 3 interviews, and just oozed glee at finally "getting" Trump, and let the cat right out of the bag. New York prosecutors won't make those sorts of mistakes.
It's a state charge.
Can cops be sent to FL to arrest him?
Arrested for fucking a bimbo?
Bill Clinton has no comment.
Oh, wait. That wasn't sex...
If they do come and get him in Florida, Trump should insist on being transported back to NY on his own gigantic private jet.
Put on a show...
“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”
— Lavrentiy Beria
The Democrats' obsession with getting Moby Trump is instead going to end up turning him into the Nelson Mandela for normal Americans who love this country and its constitution. I've been ready to vote for DeSantis, but if they persist in trying to humiliate Trump with a cuffed perp walk and especially an incarceration, I for one am going to feel it's my sacred duty as a still free American citizen to vote for this guy. There is no doubt in my mind that he could run this country better from federal prison than Joe can from the basement of his Rehoboth Beach home.
"We're well into the second year of the Biden Hell"?
We passed the two-year mark on January 20th. We're well into the third year - almost two months into it. Time flies when you're having fun, also when you're not having fun.
I like DeSantis. But if this happens I’m definitely voting for Trump in the primary.
This is how much our corrupt establishment hates the Trump supporting American working class. It’s not just about hating him.
And then we can include college educated white women in the mix of those who despise the working class.
If DeSantis keeps his mouth shut, and doesn’t condemn this Soviet style lawfare, even if he gets the 2024 GOP nomination, I’ll sit home. At that point college educated white women can just go ahead and sink the ship. They’re doing a great job already.
Oh...and fuck New York. State full of lunatics. At least ours are concentrated in Madison, WI.
I’m gonna vote for Trump, and I never took the poison mRNA shots. Feeling pretty good about both.
For all those that think DeSantis is the savior, think about how much shit Trump has put up with for you, and how much wealth he has lost in the process.
He’s the target, because you’re the target too. And for all the corrupt lies and and election fraud to take down the MAGA movement, ya’ll just gonna jump ship...just like they want you to do. I don’t know if I’d get in a lifeboat with you people.
Trump exposed our corrupt, war mongering establishment. At least say thank you.
College educated white women can pretend we’re not in a pool of deep shit.
Blogger Danny Lemieux said...'s hard to believe that germaphobes would have sex with porn stars. Just sayin'! New York's Inspector Javert arresting Trump will only make him a martyr.
Exactly ! I was saying this to my wife yesterday. The Bidens, of course, go germ fishing with any available female.
With Az, Ga, Wi, Mi, and Pa’s “fortified” election vote counting process,
I don’t see how a Republican can win and be President.
Rick Wilson's (The Lincoln Project) Twitter feed is pure fire today.
He begins:
"Just to calibrate expectations:
1. The arrest secures the nomination for Donald Trump.
2. The base will rally politically, and possibly physically. (Let me know how that goes.)
3. The gentry GOP will double down now on DeSantis, to no avail.
4. Anyone’s surprise he’s a fucking criminal at this point has been living in a bunker.
5. The most interesting place to watch the barometer will be Fox.
6. Every other Republican candidate for president should be asked if they’ll pardon Trump.
And then:
“Trump doesn’t run the Republican party. We’re moving on. It’s time for new leadership. It’s time for DeSantis or Haley or Youngkin.”
That’s the line from 1000 lobbyists, major donors, and the National Review cruise ship boys.
Speaker Von Papen proves that wrong: (Rick then links this crazed Kevin McCarthy tweet of less than an hour previous)
"Kevin McCarthy
Here we go again — an outrageous abuse of power by a radical DA who lets violent criminals walk as he pursues political vengeance against President Trump.
I’m directing relevant committees to immediately investigate if federal funds are being used to subvert our democracy by interfering in elections with politically motivated prosecutions."
11:07 AM · Mar 18, 2023
Fantastic stuff.
The DA's theory is that the $130,000 hush payment was charged to Trump's business and is an illegal business expense. A misdemeanor charge. Then, the DA want's to say that the $130K came from campaign funds, which makes the crime a felony.
The Democrats are scared stiff of Trump and will do anything, even indict him for a misdemeanor. They are the party of neobarbarism.
Blogger Chuck said...
Dave Begley; something I saw on Twitter and I can't easily find the link again...
It went something like this; The mainstream GOP desperately now wants a mainstream DeSantis to be their nominee. But DeSantis right now wants to be MAGA's nominee.
I thought that was interesting.
Chuck finally finds an acorn, like the blind squirrel. DeSantis knows he can't win, if any Republican will be allowed to win, without the millions of Trump voters.
I suspect the left will steal another election, though. Katie Hobbs showed how it is done in AZ.
Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky defiled the Oval office with a cigar stuck up her....then he lied about it. That's okay though. Progressives can do and say whatever they want with no consequences. How DID Bill spend that $500,000 that Putin paid him for his "speech" The State Department under Hillary Clinton denied requests to sanction Russia in 2010, and weeks later Bill Clinton went to Moscow to deliver his $500,000 speech. Nothing to see THERE. What a load of crap this lawsuit is, but it makes Progressives get tingles down their there is THAT.
This is also a test for DeSantis. We'll see how he does.
If he expects to ever have my vote he'll be out and loud in his condemnation of this illegal persecution.
Trump doesn't have much luck with extortion. First he was impeached for asking Zelensky to investigate Biden's extortion of Ukraine. Now he faces prosecution for allegedly paying an extortionist.
In the world of Democrat grifters victims of extortion are fired (Ukraine) or are indicted (NY) while extortionists are elected POTUS or become star witnesses. Business as usual for the evil party.
BTW, in a decent country chickenshit charges like this would result in a summons not an arrest of a former President who isn't a flight risk.
Arresting your political opponent screams “banana republic.” I’m not sure they would even do this in Argentina.
And Trump marches on
I wonder how this gets spun when Tuesday comes and goes and Trump is a free man, the walls ever closing in but never actually closing?
The alleged crime as I understand it is that Trump personally labeled the payoff to Daniel's as legal services in the business records. I am curious as to how it should have been labeled. There isn't a category in any business records for "paying extortion", so how should it be labeled here?
Of course, no one has ever been prosecuted under this theory anywhere in the United States. Paying Daniels wasn't illegal, having her sign an NDA isn't illegal, and doing it via the lawyer isn't illegal. As far as I can tell, there is no financial benefit that accrues to labeling this legal expenses. The initial effort to get Trump on this was that by not repaying Cohen immediately, who is the one who wrote the check to Daniels, Trump had accepted an illegal campaign donation from Cohen. Trump fixed that by repaying Cohen. So now you get this fallback position. The problem is this- Cohen was, in fact, Trump's lawyer, so his work, paid for entirely, was legal services. The prosecutor needs to argue that Cohen wasn't acting as a lawyer during the negotiations with Daniels and her lawyer- I don't think that argument is really makeable, but Trump will get convicted anyway.
As for those above who claim this will come back to bite the Democrats in the ass- I disagree- no Republican anywhere would ever be allowed to use these same tactics against a Democrat. The DoJ would immediately arrest any Republican state prosecutor who tried to do so. This is a two-tiered justice system now, and it isn't fixable by tit-for-tat. We are slowly becoming a one-party state where the criminal justice system is used to quash dissent.
LLR-democratical & Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Rick Wilson's (The Lincoln [Pedophile] Project) Twitter feed is pure fire today."
Are they posting more pictures of young boys?
Or are they still trying to keep that under wraps?
Michael K: "DeSantis knows he can't win, if any Republican will be allowed to win, without the millions of Trump voters."
Correct! However, the real operative word is "if." I predict no Republican will be allowed to win - ever.
When the worst President in memory, probably in history, has a 46% approval rating (Rasmussen recent), despite dismantling the country at home and jeopardizing us abroad, it is bound to be close enough for Democrats to steal.
46%! As recently as 2020, it would have been unimaginable that so many would be insane, stupid or complicit.
Chuck - you're a loyal Kristol Cheney Kinzinger Adam Schitt Pelosi Lincoln Project Pedophile-approving Democrat now.
Now tell us about your feelings on Biden family illegal international grift.
Jonathan Turley
We are on the verge of watching a prosecution by plebiscite in this case. The season opener of “America’s Got Trump” might be a guaranteed hit with its New York audience — but it should be a flop as a prosecution.
I voted for Trump, but I considered his dalliance with Stormy Daniels a mark against him. I'm sure that there are some people who didn't vote for him because of this, and I can sympathize with their reasoning. Screwing around with a porn star and going to elaborate lengths to cover it up is one kind of wrong, but criminally prosecuting a man for such behavior is a quantum leap in wrong behavior. When it comes to sex, most splooge stooges would say that the juice is worth the squeeze, but I don't think that analogy holds with criminal prosecution for such behavior.
How embarrassing to follow Rick Wilson.
Get ready for Manhattan DA’s made-for-TV Trump prosecution: high on ratings, but short on the law
"“The moment that we are waiting for, we made it to the finale together” — those familiar words from “America’s Got Talent” — could well be the opening line for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg next week, when he is expected to unveil an indictment of former President Trump. With Trump’s reported announcement that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday, it would be a fitting curtain raiser for a case that has developed more like a television production than a criminal prosecution. Indeed, this indictment was repeatedly rejected only to be brought back by popular demand.
Trump faces serious legal threats in the ongoing Mar-a-Lago investigation. But the New York case would be easily dismissed outside of a jurisdiction like New York, where Bragg can count on highly motivated judges and jurors."
Although it may be politically popular, the case is legally pathetic. Bragg is struggling to twist state laws to effectively prosecute a federal case long ago rejected by the Justice Department against Trump over his payment of “hush money” to former stripper Stormy Daniels. In 2018 (yes, that is how long this theory has been around), I wrote how difficult such a federal case would be under existing election laws. Now, six years later, the same theory may be shoehorned into a state claim.
It is extremely difficult to show that paying money to cover up an embarrassing affair was done for election purposes as opposed to an array of obvious other reasons, from protecting a celebrity’s reputation to preserving a marriage. That was demonstrated by the failed federal prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards on a much stronger charge of using campaign funds to cover up an affair."
Do it. Arrest Trump. Punch that tar baby.
I always love the lame responses from the Center-Right. The left does something outrageous and breaks every norm of American politics or life. And the Center-right does a varation of "Well, they'll be sorry" "This will backfire on them".
Yeah, poor them.
They'll only be sorry if someone actually fights them. And gets upset and protests. People on the sidelines issuing comments about "Don't eat me, Mr. cannibal, you'll be sorry when you get indigestion" don't accomplish a damn thing.
I myself have been with more porn stars than Charlie Sheen, but sadly we were not in the same room at the time. When it comes to porn, it might literally be said that the juice is worth the squeeze, and that we have all had a hand active in the porn industry. Still, one expects better in a Presidential candidate. Perhaps Pence has a browsing history that is worthy of our nation, but I have doubts about DeSantis especially during his deployment in Iraq. Perhaps the Democrats can investigate his computer records during that deployment and settle the issue....In the ranking of Presidential horn dogs, I would put Trump far behind Clinton and Kennedy. I would bet that what we know about them is just the tip of the iceberg, and what we know about Trump is pretty much all there is to know.....So far as egregious crimes go, there is no one who will ever top Ted Kennedy. He left a woman to die and then ran for President.
Our country has become completely corrupt, very little difference between the democrat law system and russian law system to be honest. I read the same politicized arrests there as I do here.
This is a good opportunity for De Santis. Trump lives in Florida, not NY. DeSantis can tell NYC DA to go to hell and label it a "political prosecution" and completely invalid.
Will he do it? Lets see.
It's funny how the New York Times (and many other major news outlets) were totally supportive of the BLM protests, even after they turned violent. But if a conservative person or group calls for a protest, it's automatically an illegal insurrection against the government.
Both Trump and Bannon said today that this indictment will secure Trump’s nomination. I now think they are right.
Bannon also said today that on the night of the election a White Shoe lawyer showed up at Trump Tower and told Bannon that the Left was coming for all of them.
Here’s a hypo. Trump indicted in DC for …. whatever; insurrection. A DC federal jury convicts. Isn’t there some law that saws a federal felon can’t serve in a federal office?
GOPe wants DeSantis? No. They just don't want Trump. They would rather lose than get Trump back as POTUS. And if DeSantis is MAGA, they will want him to lose.
Go look at the words of Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, etc. Look at how Mitch McConnell has behaved and the love fest between him and Joe Biden. GOPe is the "Controlled opposition". They don't want to win. They just want Uniparty to win.
If the first, second, third, and... I've lost count, try, try, again. There are babies to be conjured as fetuses that can be socially tried, indicted, and aborted in a Democrat district, somewhere. Trump is that baby who has been deemed a "burden", not worthy of life.
Michael K said...
Chuck finally finds an acorn, like the blind squirrel. DeSantis knows he can't win, if any Republican will be allowed to win, without the millions of Trump voters.
Right. So how exactly does DeSantis do that? Does he promise to pardon Trump? Does he become as abrasive and as combative as Trump? Does he become more abrasive and combative than Trump ever was? Does he purposefully outflank Trump to the right, on things like abortion and immigration and gay rights? And then, how does DeSantis run in a general?
Are the "millions of Trump voters" now just a boat-anchor around the GOP elephant's neck? Where the party can't win elections with them, and can't win without them?
And really, Michael K, aren't these comments pages the best evidence, of how hard it will be for any prosecution, any attack on Trump, to convince his base that there's been more than enough "Trump"? The commenters here aren't much turning away from Trump based on an indictment. There may be a few pundit types who think that turning away from Trump is the best strategy, but do they really want to?
This is going to be a hard week for TrumpWorld. If there is any way that I can be of help in making it worse, I hope that you'll let me know.
If this is true, I'm withdrawing my savings and buying more guns and ammo and supplies, because civil war is certainly on the way. All thanks to a communist Manhattan DA who is too stupid understand the difference between tax accounting and managerial accounting, or more likely, is too full of radical zealotry to care.
Starting to think the best course of action is to rip off the bandaid with a good old fashioned bank run and hope for complete governmental collapse. Our own government is our worst enemy now, worse than Putin, Xi, or any other tinpot 3rd world dictator. Maybe it's time to give these enemy scum what they've been asking for. As my dad used to say, "Stop crying, or I'll give you something to cry about."
"...Bragg is struggling to twist state laws to effectively prosecute a federal case long ago rejected by the Justice Department against Trump over his payment of “hush money” to former stripper Stormy Daniels."
Why isn't some Republican DA in a Red state retaliating? Of that's right, because we'd rather be right then win. So, we lose.
Because he would instantly be prosecuted by Merrick Garland's Justice Department for corruption, or violation of civil rights, or whatever trumped-up charge they could get him on. Boy did we dodge a bullet when that evil heap of dung was denied a spot on the Supreme Court.
I've been ready to vote for DeSantis, but if they persist in trying to humiliate Trump with a cuffed perp walk and especially an incarceration, I for one am going to feel it's my sacred duty as a still free American citizen to vote for this guy.
This. I was leaning toward DeSantis too, but I feel the same way.
The only law Trump has broken may have been a campaign finance law, a misdemeanor leading to a fine. He has a lawyer pay a striper $ to sign a NDA, Trump reimburses the lawyer. This is all old news, but now the state will do legal acrobatic theory to charge a felony. The Deep state is scared to death of MAGA and Trump. This will only make him stronger.
The Lincoln Pedophile Project: An organization so perverted and corrupt that it sent now-divorced human-walrus George Conway and the laughably incompetent Steve Schmidt running for the doors while screeching "I saw nothing!!!".
Chuck's continued support of them is very much on brand.
I don't know why the idiots keep going after Trump. All they're doing is adding to his credibility, and drastically increasing the odds that he winds up as President, again.
Smartest thing they could do would be to ignore him legally and just mock him in the media, but... No, we're gonna convince everyone on the street that we're crooks, and that Trump is their only hope.
Swear to God, it's like the whole thing is some kind of charade.
I still don't rule out that Trump has been a stalking horse, all along.
Gusty Winds said...
For all those that think DeSantis is the savior, think about how much shit Trump has put up with for you, and how much wealth he has lost in the process.
He’s the target, because you’re the target too. And for all the corrupt lies and and election fraud to take down the MAGA movement, ya’ll just gonna jump ship...just like they want you to do. I don’t know if I’d get in a lifeboat with you people.
Trump exposed our corrupt, war mongering establishment. At least say thank you.
College educated white women can pretend we’re not in a pool of deep shit.
The regime wouldn't even have to cheat to beat Desantis if he wins the nomination with Trump arrested.
Desantis didn't denounce the Maralago raid either.
The only path Desantis has to be president is to run in 2028 after enthusiastically supporting Trump in 2024.
If Desantis runs in 2024 he wants democrats to win.
Suddenly, they needed to swamp the chattering landscape with leaks of this indictment. I doubt much will come of it.
Why the need to flood the zone? Well, there is the new payoff revelations that include Ashley Biden now. There is the Democrat economy pushing banks owned by Democratic party supporters to fail. Or maybe it is aliens?
chucks feeble liars:
Jeff Goldstein smacks em down - hard. with facts...
"Let me get this out of the way upfront: I’m no fan of The Bulwark or any of its writers. I find them to be lazy, opportunistic, profiteering Never Trumpers who have strayed so far from conservatism that they now profess to save it by actively supporting progressive Democrats. They are the print equivalent of Adam Kinzinger: their takes are contrived, and the tears they pretend to shed for the country are as fake as Joe Biden’s teeth.
So. Now that you know my biases, allow me to justify them. In today’s “Morning Shots,” Charlie Sykes, a one-time conservative radio host and now editor-in-chief of The Bulwark, dropped a piece entitled “Trump Picks an Enemy: Us.” In it, he claims Trump “sides with Russia” — which in Bulwark-speak means he doesn’t believe in a hot war with a nuclear power, nor does he believe Russia is our country’s greatest threat — arguing that the former President’s real enemy is the American people. To promote this idea, Sykes cites a Tweet from Ron Filipowski, another former Republican broken by Trump, that seeks to turn Trump’s critique of a massive, politicized, un-elected administrative state and a military-industrial complex overtaken by leftist ideologues, into an attack on Americans themselves — as if the average American citizen owes fidelity and allegiance to bureaucrats and the Defense Department, to General Milley or Ukrainian pensioners."
The left will make certain that Trump is given the full Sherman McCoy treatment.
DeSantis has nothing to do with Stormy Daniels.
With Az, Ga, Wi, Mi, and Pa’s “fortified” election vote counting process,
I don’t see how a Republican can win and be President.
This is the crux of the problem. Nothing was fixed, or even talked about following the 2020 election. Incumbent President gets 5 million more votes than his first election, still loses by a 8 million to a dead guy campaigning from his basement.
So long as the judiciary issues edicts of 'no standing" to challenge election law/fraud before or after an election, I'm hard pressed to find a solution.
Oh, and once again, they'll never allow Trump to be President ever again. By any means necessary.
This is what happens when we have lawless criminals in high office. Throw them out of office! [TTOOO! like phutooie!]
“We’ve got to get justice in this country, and we cannot allow these things to continue. Activists have got to stay on the street, and we’ve got to get more active. We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.” -
Good advice from Rep. Maxine Waters
Democrats know how to activate their thug Shock Troops to get violent. Trump should be taking notes and just using the quotes of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, who famously noted she couldn't understand why there wasn't violence in the streets.
Dave Begley said...
Here’s a hypo. Trump indicted in DC for …. whatever; insurrection. A DC federal jury convicts. Isn’t there some law that saws a federal felon can’t serve in a federal office?
Since you picked "insurrection," I would point you to the Fourteenth Amendment, Dave Begley.
"SECTION 3: [Disqualification from Holding Office]
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
So I think that a conviction under the Insurrection Act would bar Trump from taking the Oath as President again. No doubt, there would be a court case, and a Supreme Court decision. One for the ages. But to me the text is pretty clear.
Since the Presidency is a Constitutional office, I'm aware of no other statute that would bar a felon from being President. I think most legal experts agree with me.
Until we get rid of mail-in ballots and early voting, corruption will reign.
Until we get rid of mail-in ballots and early voting, corruption will reign.
Until we get rid of mail-in ballots and early voting, corruption will reign.
that you are taking it out on DeSantis - is exactly the trap the left want you to step in.
"Why isn't some Republican DA in a Red state retaliating?"
What the heck would that look like? I'm really curious; there are times when I cannot even imagine the thinking in TrumpWorld.
Is Avenatti a witness for the prosecution, or the defense?
Isn't there a pattern and practice of extortion that could come into any trial?
rcocean said...
This is a good opportunity for De Santis. Trump lives in Florida, not NY. DeSantis can tell NYC DA to go to hell and label it a "political prosecution" and completely invalid.
Will he do it? Lets see.
Wait; are you suggesting that as Governor of Florida, DeSantis could instruct Trump to not bother going to New York for any arraignment; defy any and all New York issued summonses and subpoenas, and if it came to the point of an extradition request, deny that request to essentially give Trump safe refuge in Florida? As Trump runs a national campaign for president?
It is a question that has of course been asked, and largely answered. I don't expect that bizarre scenario to play out; almost no one does. Because the end game is just more inevitable trouble for Trump.
Do you guys ever sit around and think about what we need to do to reform health care, or deal with inflation, or how to balance the federal budget, or how to handle Russian aggression in Europe? Or do you just ponder ways that the Trump Crime Family can beat the cops?
Tom Wolfe predicted it all!
I wish someone in the “media “ would post part one of the Donald’s truth social post where he initially called for protests, it’s great!
Mike of Snoqualmie said...
The DA's theory is that the $130,000 hush payment was charged to Trump's business and is an illegal business expense.
It would only be an illegal business expense if he tried to claim it on his taxes, no? Even then one might argue that it is a legitimate business expense to prevent reputational harm to the business. That might or might not fly but an argument could be made.
If he did claim it on how taxes, I still don't see how it rises to a crime, even if disallowed. Normally pay the tax plus interest and maybe a penalty.
Then, the DA want's to say that the $130K came from campaign funds, which makes the crime a felony.
So which is it (if you know, Mike) from business or campaign? It seems unlikely to be from both.
John Henry
Chuck - Life was good when Trump was prez.
Life sucks under high inflation Fauci Chi Com virus crook puppet Biden.
Chuck - you're the one with his hands down his pants jerking for Trump all the time.
Do you guys ever sit around and think about what we need to do to reform health care, or deal with inflation, or how to balance the federal budget, or how to handle Russian aggression in Europe? Or do you just ponder ways that the Trump Crime Family can beat the cops?
Chuck you misspelled Biden Crime Family. Do you ever think about anything besides Trump? I have not detected any thoughts on those other matters, although the "Russian aggression" seems more imaginary. You jerks will not be satisfied until we are at war with Russia.
Rabel said:"This is also a test for DeSantis. We'll see how he does.
If he expects to ever have my vote he'll be out and loud in his condemnation of this illegal persecution."
Same here. If the republicans don't strongly condemn these banana republic tactics, as well as the unconstitutional treatment of the jan 6 protesters, I'll never vote for them again. I'll stay home. Let the lunatic dems own it all.
These soviet style lawfare tactics, the transgender insanity, the covid tyranny and bull shit global warming agenda, are signs that this country is on its way to hell.
If we don't have any leadership that will fight the insanity then let it go to hell as quickly as possible.
Browndog: "This is the crux of the problem. Nothing was fixed, or even talked about following the 2020 election."
Ronna Romney and the GOPe/DC Consultant class are On The Job!
And really, Michael K, aren't these comments pages the best evidence, of how hard it will be for any prosecution, any attack on Trump, to convince his base that there's been more than enough "Trump"? The commenters here aren't much turning away from Trump based on an indictment. There may be a few pundit types who think that turning away from Trump is the best strategy, but do they really want to?
More Chuck bullshit. "His base" is made up of 75 million normals.
I have reservations about his age and I do like DeSantis but I am concerned about DeSantis whole campaign being about the culture. His comments about Ukraine reassured me that he is not one of you warmongers.
Final note:
If your initial, emotional reaction to a possible Trump arrest in New York by Stalinists is to drag DeSantis you may want to step back and ask yourself why.
Failing to recognize who and what the enemy is..will inevitably lead to Biden in the White House and Trump ranting on Truth Social from Mara Lago.
They need to prove it was paid with campaign funds. Even Gary Hart did not get arrested for his actual use of campaign funds to pay a girlfriend off. (yes, I'm that old).
Crazy World said...
I wish someone in the “media “ would post part one of the Donald’s truth social post where he initially called for protests, it’s great!
User name checks out!
Let me try to do this as clearly and as simply as possible.
First, the media -- no scare quotes -- is happily posting Trump's deranged "Truth" Social post calling for protests. I don't think that there is a bigger story in the nation right now, than the NY Times' front-page story on Trump's call for protests echoing his calls for action on January 6, 2021. Et cetera, et cetera. We in the Trump-hating world love it. We want everyone to know about it. Absolutely no one is hiding it or ducking it.
Second, most of my fellow-lawyer Trump-haters are very, very cautious about when and how Trump might ever go to jail. I know I am. A guy can hope, but I am maintaining my caution about if and when that might happen.
BUT... there is a very rapidly-growing consensus that that the fastest and most direct way that Trump might now go to jail would be for his Truth social posts, like the one you admired so much, to be seen by a judge and taken as a potential call for social violence or interference with the legal process.
And in that instance, a judge would condition Trump's pretrial release on a general gag order for Trump with special regard to such calls for protests, or worse.
Which would naturally lead to Trump defying that order, because he is Trump.
Which would lead inevitably to the judge recasting the order in even more specific and direct terms. Which Trump would again violate, because he is Trump.
Which would then lead to Trump's pretrial incarceration.
Good move for Biden would be to step in and pardon Trump.
A tricky negotiation. No doubt the NY authorities are seeking to have a long perp walk for the press and to separate Trump from his bodyguard and secret security for the maximum interval, and Trump's lawyers are seeking the opposite.
LLR-democratical Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Or do you just ponder ways that the Trump Crime Family can beat the cops?
Just in case anyone missed the last Soros-funded Media Matters talking point, Chuck keeps you up to date.
But remember, Chuck only provides the far left lunatic perspective as a means of "helping" to "conserve conservatism".
Recall that Fetterman's stroke provided a counter-intuitive political benefit to him because it was a distraction from the facts that Fetterman was a vacuous blowhard, a kneejerk lefty, and a phony trust fund kid.
When Trump is charged for the absurd reasons under discussion, it will provide a political benefit to him because it will be a distraction from the facts that Trump is egomaniacal, untrustworthy, a poor tactician, and inept in managing his personal and political relationships. Look at his deer in the headlights performance after the 2020 election, surrounding himself with incompetent liars promising to release the nonexistent Kraken.
We need competence. We need to have someone that the public trusts, who can credibly persuade a majority of this country that the Biden party has governed very badly, and that he or she would dramatically change that. That will never be Trump, no matter how many ferocious comments his supporters upload to the internet.
Even when Trump tells the truth, he won't be believed. Who would want to elect Cassandra as President? Trump's rock solid 40% support is like a rock tied to the prospects of having a competent, just government. 40% is about 11% short of useful.
Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000. Didn't see anybody arresting him. I remember everybody calling the girls BIMBOS and saying guys always cheat.
"Protest" is an unprecedented call for violence?
Didn't Trump also say,""If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
Oh wait.....
This is called Trump fund raising.
"With DeSantis, the GOP stands a chance of winning in 2024."
Ballots, not votes.
B.R.I.B.E.R.Y is still a felony, last time I checked.
Former President Trump admitted on Thursday, April 26, 2018, to reimbursing his lawyer for a $130,000 payment made on the eve of the 2016 election to porn actress Stormy Daniels as part of a settlement about her 2006 sexual encounter with Trump. Trump's fix-it lawyer, Michael Cohen, was convicted of criminal activity for paying a bribe for the benefit of "Individual One, "a candidate for federal office."
Then there was the Playboy model, Karen McDougal, who had sex with Trump 13 times. She sold her story to The National Enquirer in 2016 for $150,000 but the magazine admitted that it killed the story as a quid-pro-quo favor to Trump after paying only half the contract fee.
If Trump loses, which he will, he cannot serve as an elected official.
Indicting him on a BS charge is not helpful. … It will now become SOP when power passes from one party to another.
Seriously? Republicans don’t actually believe they have the right to win any election ever. They would never have the temerity to prosecute the former pres even if video existed of Xi personally delivering pallets of cash to his house.
2:19 Browndog - for the win.
browndog said
If your initial, emotional reaction to a possible Trump arrest in New York by Stalinists is to drag DeSantis you may want to step back and ask yourself why.
Failing to recognize who and what the enemy is..will inevitably lead to Biden in the White House and Trump ranting on Truth Social from Mara Lago.
The Ever Blind faith Trumpers have emotional hang ups that cloud their thinking and make them arm and arm brothers with the Chuckie Cheese and the gang of leftwing liars. Strange bed fellows.
The Poor Man's LLR-democratical Chuck, gadfly: "Former President Trump admitted on Thursday, April 26, 2018, to reimbursing his lawyer for a $130,000 payment made on the eve of the 2016 election to porn actress Stormy Daniels as part of a settlement about her 2006 sexual encounter with Trump."
He did no such thing.
gadfly said...
B.R.I.B.E.R.Y is still a felony, last time I checked.
Check again, nitwit. Stormy isn't a public official, and contracting with her to maintain her silence regarding any affair she might have had with Trump is entirely legal.
wendybar said...
Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000. Didn't see anybody arresting him. I remember everybody calling the girls BIMBOS and saying guys always cheat.
That was an out-of-court settlement in the state sexual harrassment case filed by Jones.
Big difference.
Then there was the Playboy model, Karen McDougal, who had sex with Trump 13 times.
Jealousy is never a good look, Gadfly.
The radicals at the NYT are already eagerly dusting off a "stock headline" and an accompanying obit:
"Trump Shot While Trying to Escape".
From the NYT editorial discussion:
"Is the Trump story finished yet?"
"We're working on it, but we haven't quite decided yet whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape."
Trump / OnlyTrump has been insulting DeSantis for weeks. "Meatball Ron." "DeSanctimonius" Bullshit about his boots.
Now they come crawling looking for the governor to protect Trump from the big bad NY DA?
Eat a little crow. And choke on it.
More gadfly:
"If Trump loses, which he will, he cannot serve as an elected official."
Bushwa. He's being charged for an alleged state law violation.
"Companies are barred by New York state law from misclassifying the nature of expenses, such as, theoretically, calling the reimbursement to Cohen for the Daniels payment “legal expenses.”
Violating that law can result in a misdemeanor charge. But that can be raised to a felony if the misstatement is done to cover up another crime."
A state conviction would not disqualify him from holding a federal office.
Wachoo smokin', gadfly????
Of course, if the Leftwing judges and DAs are able to jail Trump or keep him from running, they'll NEVER go after De Santis.
Because, once the Left takes out trump by foul LAWFARE, they'll put that weapon away and NEVER use it again on another Conservative or Republican.
Yep. /Sarcasm Off/
DeSantis had better step up and fight extridiction.
John Henry:
So which is it (if you know, Mike) from business or campaign? It seems unlikely to be from both.
That's my understanding of the DA's case. The DA wants it to be both so he can charge Trump with a felony instead of a misdemeanor.
I didn't say it made sense. It doesn't. The DA's trying to combine state and federal law in one case. He has a very weak case.
The walls are closing in now! [Queue scary music]
Bannon says this will ensure Trump's election. No it wont. Not if Trump is in Jail. Or on Parole under some leftwing Judges supervision.
Bannon is like most conservative pundits. Their first reaction to every Leftwing outrage is NEVER. "This is insane we need to fight this by doing x and y". No their first reaction is to handwave it away and NOT fight.
"Wow, the left really shot themselves in the foot. haha".
So, we don't need to do anything. Just sit back and laugh.
The left takes action in the real world. The Right makes wry comments.
effinayright said...
Stormy isn't a public official, and contracting with her to maintain her silence regarding any affair she might have had with Trump is entirely legal.
What if she was secretly in the employ of the FBI at the time?
The Ever Blind faith Trumpers have emotional hang ups that cloud their thinking and make them arm and arm brothers with the Chuckie Cheese and the gang of leftwing liars. Strange bed fellows.
You are sounding like Chuck. Are you sure you want to do that?
Browndog said...
Final note:
If your initial, emotional reaction to a possible Trump arrest in New York by Stalinists is to drag DeSantis you may want to step back and ask yourself why.
Failing to recognize who and what the enemy is..will inevitably lead to Biden in the White House and Trump ranting on Truth Social from Mara Lago.
It is not an emotional reaction. It is pure analytical logic.
If Trump is arrested and any other republican is nominated at least 50% of the expanded republican party will refuse to vote for that republican.
The best case scenario for Desantis in 2024 whether Trump wins or not is the Romney vote total in 2012.
Less than 61 million votes. That is a guaranteed loss. The democrats wont even have to mail in that many extra ballots.
The only way Desantis approaches 75 million votes like Trump got is he supports Trump in 2024. He will have to convince he working class voters to him and that he will actually tell the people that are giving him hundreds of millions of dollars right now we aren't going to have.
If Desantis stays quiet and tries to steal the nomination while Trump is being attacked by the deep state he has no path to victory. None.
Period. Desantis has already acted dodgy when he did not condemn the Maralago raid. There is no reason to expect him to act differently but I hope he will.
The emotional people are supporting Desantis. They cannot make it 15 words into my post. There are below average people in every party.
I am starting to understand why Chuck was banned and to wonder why he is back to annoy us ?
It doesn't surprise me liberals are so gleeful at the prospect of Trump being arrested but you would think they would have enough sense and pause, considering Trump is also just as gleeful.
Why don't they ever ask themselves why he's broadcasting this from the hills? They will sorely miss the rule of law after it all collapses.
If results are the test of competence, Trump was competent. I doubt he could be elected again (or should be elected again), but I'm skeptical of politicians' claims to be competent. There are enough obstacles to getting things done, and enough opportunities to screw up, and our political class is messed up and inept enough, that the competence of politicians may well be an illusion.
If results are the test of competence, Trump was competent. I doubt he could be elected again (or should be elected again), but I'm skeptical of politicians' claims to be competent. There are enough obstacles to getting things done, and enough opportunities to screw up, and our political class is messed up and inept enough, that the competence of politicians may well be an illusion.
@Hassayamper: "Starting to think the best course of action is to rip off the bandaid with a good old fashioned bank run and hope for complete governmental collapse. Our own government is our worst enemy now, worse than Putin, Xi, or any other tinpot 3rd world dictator."
Hyperbole much?
Are you a fed?
Michael K said...
More Chuck bullshit. "His base" is made up of 75 million normals.
Well, 74 million, right?
Anyway... 81 million Trump-haters >>> 74 or 75 million Trump "normals."
306 electoral votes to 232.
Courtesy of Jimmy Buffett:
I remember being
Buck-toothed and skinny
Writing fan letters
To Sky King's Penny
I wish I had a pencil-thin mustache
The Boston Blackie kind
Even at age 10 or 12, we always put Sky King's "niece" in air quotes.
Anyway... 81 million Trump-haters >>> 74 or 75 million Trump "normals."
306 electoral votes to 232.
Have you met all, those 81 million? I doubt anyone has. The fraud was so good, they dared us to find it in Time magazine.
Arizona was very well done in 2022 with the Katie Hobbs caper. Suddenly the voting machines in Republican precincts all failed on Election Day. Kari Lake made the mistake of warning them.
Michael K -
The left have been hounding and harassing Trump for years... and now some Ever-Trumpers have lost interest in blaming these same Stalinists. Instead they walk into the media trap and blame DeSantis. Insane.
I stand by what I said. Browndog gets it too.
Achilles said:
If Desantis stays quiet and tries to steal the nomination while Trump is being attacked by the deep state he has no path to victory. None.
There's some choice Trump-Humper logic.
pious agnostic -
Good point.
2:55 Ampersand
another fine post with excellent points.
Hunter Biden’s etc. wrote: The Ever Blind faith Trumpers have emotional hang ups that cloud their thinking . . .
Bill Maher nailed it - he called Ron DeSantis the tribute band of the 2024 election cycle.
Exactly. - The Stones are old. They’ve had too many girlfriends and they have scandalously young wives. But we don’t want no stinking tribute band. We want the Stones! And we want Trump. And the DNCFBICIA++ can take a hike (figuratively speaking of course)
Trump 2024
Bill Maher is still a raging loyal demoncrat.
He'll be all in for old Joe.
Ampersand: "We need competence. We need to have someone that the public trusts, who can credibly persuade a majority of this country that the Biden party has governed very badly, and that he or she would dramatically change that. That will never be Trump, no matter how many ferocious comments his supporters upload to the internet."
Gee, is that all? Its so easy! The vague undefined and unnamed perfect candidates always poll the best.
Well done Ampersand!
It sounds as though your job is 97% complete!
Should be a cakewalk.
Michael K said...
"I am starting to understand why Chuck was banned and to wonder why he is back to annoy us ?"
He has mental issues. He thinks he's smart. He's stalking Althouse. He thinks we can be made to care. He thinks he's an important part of this blog. He thinks that by imitating normal conversation he will be taken as normal.
Fuck off Creepy Chuck
HBTPFH: "2:55 Ampersand
another fine post with excellent points."
Not surprising such a vague, trite and cliched post would appeal to flip-side Inga.
Here's an idea: convince the plurality (perhaps majority) of the republican base why they should dump the only republican in their lifetimes that supported them and didnt insult them and governed in a way that delivered for them just to take a chance on another GOPe supported candidate with supporters like HBTPFH that crap all over them and insult them non-stop. A candidate supported by all the parties that opposed every single Trump policy.
Go ahead. We'll wait....just as we've been waiting every day for almost 2 years now.
But who's kidding who? That will NEVER happen because if it could happen it would have happened already.
Name-Calling Trumpie doesn't deserve the Stalinists, but he should shut the hell up forever and go away.
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Michael K -
The left have been hounding and harassing Trump for years... and now some Ever-Trumpers have lost interest in blaming these same Stalinists. Instead they walk into the media trap and blame DeSantis. Insane.
Trump is still the gold standard in terms of governing. Just think about what he could have done if he had help. I don't like his swipes at DeSantis but I have had reservations about DeSantis. Some of his supporters seem to be part of the Establishment with connections to climate crazies, DEI crazies and Ukraine warriors. I was glad to see DeSantis voice some skepticism about the billions to Ukraine. My mind is open but I resent the NeverTrump crazies like Chuck.
Bob Boyd said...
What if [Stormy Daniels] was secretly in the employ of the FBI at the time?
Well, her real name *is* Raylene Epps.
It's too late for me to go back and find the imbecile who cites alleged sexual encounters with two woman to be the reason Trump should not be allowed to run again.
Hey. Your dementia-ridder prez SHOWERED WITH HIS DAUGHTER.
Case closed. Take the L, loser.
So of all the Democrats in the south in late 60s and early 70s, ONE became a Republican. Join the above loser in the penalty box, Cookie. Only racists will compromise that a black person is only 3/5ths to be counted for representation in the House. But that's Democrats for you.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Achilles said:
If Desantis stays quiet and tries to steal the nomination while Trump is being attacked by the deep state he has no path to victory. None.
There's some choice Trump-Humper logic.
It is.
That is why you can only respond with stupid and immature insults.
pious agnostic said...
Trump / OnlyTrump has been insulting DeSantis for weeks. "Meatball Ron." "DeSanctimonius" Bullshit about his boots.
Now they come crawling looking for the governor to protect Trump from the big bad NY DA?
Eat a little crow. And choke on it.
We are just noticing that Ron is awfully silent while the swamp attacks Trump for him.
When the Republican money machine starts attacking Trump for Ron he will probably do exactly what Romney did in 2012 when they trashed every Republican in the field.
Then Ron and his supporters will be shocked and stunned when Ron gets 60 million votes and loses.
You people pretend like we are just making stuff up.
It has all happened before. Over and over again.
You think this is an intelligent comment. It is not.
Ampersand said...
We need competence. We need to have someone that the public trusts, who can credibly persuade a majority of this country that the Biden party has governed very badly, and that he or she would dramatically change that. That will never be Trump, no matter how many ferocious comments his supporters upload to the internet.
We need someone that can get 75 million votes.
Trump is the only person who has ever done that.
Ron's cap in 2024 is 60 million.
So you might want to put your thinking cap on there and put a little more effort into this.
Now they come crawling looking for the governor to protect Trump from the big bad NY DA?
Eat a little crow. And choke on it.
3/18/23, 4:55 PM
Great way to lose then. Do you really think Conservatives will vote for a guy who ignores the corruption of the left?
"Because Meijer had voted in favor of the second Trump impeachment in the House."
I give you credit, Chuck. You figured it out.
Trump should publicly ask Phil Knight how he feels about extortion by Stormy's lawyer.
facts that Trump is egomaniacal, untrustworthy, a poor tactician, and inept in managing his personal and political relationships.
Calling any Presidential candidate egomaniacal is like calling water wet
Untrustworthy? Again....any random politician :ie Biden
poor tactician? Elected President, in the face of Half the DC Republicans campaigning against him.
Personal relationships? Toss up.
Political? Excellent. Remember ALL of the DC swamp is scared to death Trump will reveal a big chunk of the grift happening in DC. Like 10% of Ukraine aid is ending up in DC politicians pockets.
Ampersand said...
"We need competence. We need to have someone that the public trusts, who can credibly persuade a majority of this country that the Biden party has governed very badly, and that he or she would dramatically change that. That will never be Trump, "
That was Trump. He did that. He scared the shit out of the swamp. Why. You can't , "influence" what you can't buy.
Since the Presidency is a Constitutional office,
The President in not an "officer" as defined in multiple places in the Constitution.
You have seen that in hundreds of different places. It is the reason the Emoluments clause does not apply to the office of President.
Rusty - Trump didn't do enough to drain the swamp.
Drago- keep up the faith. Only Super Hero bubble Gum card dick stepper used car salesman Mexico will pay for the big beautiful wall ... like never before! can save us.
Everyone else is a GOPe..
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Name-Calling Trumpie doesn't deserve the Stalinists, but he should shut the hell up forever and go away.
Are you drunk when you post this stupidity?
Most of us have noticed that Trump is the only person who actually did what they said he would do for his base. It seems like you prefer to be stabbed in the back.
You would rather go with some unknown entity that is endorsed and supported in record amounts by the swamp than with a man clearly in a literal fight to the death with the swamp.
You are just being emotional and stupid and dishonest with yourself. The biggest problem these people have is they were wrong about Trump in 2016 and wrong about Romney in 2012. They pride themselves on being better than those icky Trump supporters who all work for a living.
But the Trump supporters have been proven right the last decade over and over again.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"Rusty - Trump didn't do enough to drain the swamp."
He wasn't allowed to. Establishment Republicans blocked him all the way. Graft is a powerful motivating force.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Drago- keep up the faith. Only Super Hero bubble Gum card dick stepper used car salesman Mexico will pay for the big beautiful wall ... like never before! can save us.
Everyone else is a GOPe.."
"Faith" has nothing to do with it. You are simply too dumb to realize it. Very on brand for you.
Just sit back in your little GOPe nest and take whatever worm gets shoved down your throat.
You know, just like you've always done.
Eva Marie said...
Bill Maher nailed it - he called Ron DeSantis the tribute band of the 2024 election cycle.
That is ruthless. Even I give Desantis more credit than that.
Late to this thread but what a doozy.
And in that instance, a judge would condition Trump's pretrial release on a general gag order for Trump with special regard to such calls for protests, or worse.
Trump would ignore such an order. And there is a first amendment argument to be made that such an order would be unconstitutional. We're talking about a former president running for the office again. The judge would have to thread the needle of time/matter/place restrictions. You don't lose your constitutional rights simply for being charged with a crime.
Which would then lead to Trump's pretrial incarceration.
Ha! No judge would want that spectacle. They might confine him to house arrest, but they aren't going to put him in the county jail. It's an empty threat.
But let's take your hypothetical at face value. Assume Trump is incarcerated in some sort of jail setting (not home detention). Do you think that matters to Trump? First of all he doesn't have to worry about his physical safety. The Secret Service would still be responsible for his safety even in a jail setting. But extrapolate further. Do you think the population of the prison hates Trump? They will love the man. He's affable, a TV personality, and a billionaire. He's pardoned people from prison who were unjustly convicted. He pushed for prison reforms. I could see him giving away commissary items. There will be stories of him hanging out with the guards, with the prisoners, laughing it up.
He won't shut up from within prison either. He'll have daily (hourly?) visits with his lawyers who will get communications out to the world. He could run an entire presidential campaign from within the 4 walls of a prison cell. And every word will be raced through the media with fanfare simply because it's being said from within the prison!
In talking with my wife on Friday I was imagining the following scenario if he's actually incarcerated. Imagine with me:
1. He leaves Mar-a-Lago to "report" to authorities for the charges. Media does a whole OJ in the Bronco chase to the airport.
2. He's all smiles and laughs with everybody as he walks onto his plane, with the giant Trump logo. Not a care in the world.
3. He flies to NYC, the media following along with ATC radar as his plane navigates the US airspace. A Bronco chase in the sky if you will.
4. He arrives in NYC, and proceeds to the appropriate booking facility. He's laughing it up with the police (who love him) telling them he's always been on their side and how he can't believe they are making up some charge on him while they let all the people the police arrest go free.
5. He's laughing with the fingerprint tech as they take his fingerprints.
6. He's got a big smile for his mugshot, joking between takes.
If you doubt me, what about the above is out of character for Trump? How do you silence the man?
What is the downside for Trump in being incarcerated? Can you keep him from communicating? Can you keep him from raising money? Can you keep him from running? Can you harm him physically in prison?
If I were Trump I'd have someone draft my "Letter from the Metropolitan Correctional Center" already so I could spring it to the world after they put me in jail.
As an aside, his "indicted Tuesday" post is a master stroke of media. It is so specific. Tuesday. Not "next week", not "by Friday". Tuesday. He took all the wind out of the DA's sails. It forces the DA's hand. It simultaneously makes the whole indictment a "no worry" to Trump, while also being sort of a "coming attraction". He's done the initial framing of it being a political witch hunt. When the indictment comes out it will be evaluated against that framing. It will have to be "shot someone on 5th avenue" level of details. Anything less will be embarrassing.
Achilles said...
"Eva Marie said...
Bill Maher nailed it - he called Ron DeSantis the tribute band of the 2024 election cycle.
That is ruthless. Even I give Desantis more credit than that."
But it's true. A smart Desantis will accept the vice presidency or wait till 2024 when he can have his own show.
I don't see anything wrong with a little tush money for Ms Daniels.
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