“It is the District Attorney of Manhattan who is breaking the law by using the fake and fully discredited testimony (even by the [Southern District of New York]!) of a convicted liar, felon, and jailbird, Michael Cohen, to incredibly persecute, prosecute, and indict a former president, and now leading (by far!) presidential candidate, for a crime that doesn’t exist,” the ex-president seethed [on Truth Social]. “Alvin Bragg should be held accountable for the crime of ‘interference in a presidential election.”
Barriers are going up outside the courthouse where a grand jury is hearing testimony in the "hush money" case involving @realDonaldTrump.
— Robert Sherman (@RobertShermanTV) March 20, 2023
There's definitely some tension in the air as the city prepares for the possibility of demonstrations should the 45th President be indicted. pic.twitter.com/dqDbLvTkts
NY prosecutor, NY jury, NY judge. How do you think it will come out?
“Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been
The champion of the world”
Going to be lots of khaki trousers out and about. Maybe even a few tiki torches if we're lucky.
Its amazing how the Liberal/Left AlWAYS thinks ahead, and plans ahead. And the center-right never does. The liberal/left is NEVER concerned with looking unreasonable. Or "overeacting". Or being called "Snowflakes". They care about only one thing, accomplishing their goal.
Their number 1 priority is maintainnig the safety of those about to arrest Trump. So we'll get an army of police to protect them and keep order. Is it justified? No. NYC isn't exactly Trump country. And the treatement of J6 protesters makes clear anyone who shows up for Trump will probably end in the Gulag for years, with ZERO backup or support from anybody.
The GOPe should clap themselves on the back. By supporting the inquisition against anyone who showed up on J6, and supporting the DOJ arresting over 1,000, they destroyed any desire for Conservatives to street protest. WHich is last thing GOPe wants. They want to lose gracefully, with no fuss or muss.
Last thing, Desantis has made a comment on the Trump arrest, and its not encouraging. If he stands by, and makes nothing more than weak sauce comments, he's done for as a POTUS candidate.
“Punch back twice as hard.” I forget who said it, but seems like good advice for dealing with a Soros DA.
Meade : Hurricane by Bob Dylan. Nice. Haven't heard that one in at least 25 years.
Every time I'm about to move on from Trump the Dems pull something like this to drive me back into the fold. I thought the Repubs were supposed to be the stupid party.
I love how Trump turns shit around and punches back HARD!
"Arrest me???!!! Faaaaaccckkkk you! How about we arrest you?!!!"
That's how these corrupt NY Democrat assholes should be treated.
I'm all in on Trump. Go for it man.
If college educated white women hate Trump, so be it. They can vote to sink the ship.
Love the "interfere in our election". We heard it about Putin for four years and it was all bullshit. This time...it's true.
No one who goes for justice in Manhattan gets justice. No one.
Bragg's antics don't make me any more - or less - likely to vote for Trump, but they have absolutely decreased my already-strained belief in our justice system.
'Maybe even a few tiki torches if we're lucky.'
Never thought of Polynesians as Nazis, but you learn something new every day...
A Republicans "seethe" article?
DA Bragg is too busy pursuing Trump to pursue common criminals. Indict Bragg and George Soros for election interference.
Trump should show up in front of the DA's office, get on top of his limo, and do his YMCA dancing shuffle.
Like Michael Jackson did...
If those barriers are meant to protect the grand jury, shouldn’t they have been put up before the day began? Weren’t they hearing from a final “special witness” today? Perhaps the barriers are there for an expected arrest tomorrow, but I’m not sure what they’ll do. Interesting the arrest is expected prior to starting deliberations and getting an indictment. It’s like the results are predetermined. Interesting thing they call Justice in NY.
Trump knows a lot about NYC politics and judges.
They arrest Trump tomorrow, the only real question is what does he do after he's elected in 2024. He'll be a lock for the nomination, and there will be so many pissed-off people voting for him in the general election that they're not going to be able to play games with the vote-counting.
Of course, the more I see of this, the more I suspect that Trump himself is a put-up job. If you think about it, how much "swamp-draining" did he actually do?
You'll know what he actually is, once you see his actions after the election. If he goes with more of the same as he did last time, he's a plant.
You can't look at the last twenty years of this crap and not have questions about it all. The graceful losses to that "articulate negro", the inept way Trump actually handled his transition, the lack of planning, all the inept hires from deep within the swamp. I mean, the first day that Sessions recused himself? He shoulda been fired. Trump let himself get rolled, and in a very obvious way. I don't think he's really that stupid, so I'm left wondering what the hell is really going on with all of this.
I still can't discount the idea that this whole thing is theater, meant to distract the majority of us while they carry the till out the back of the store. You watch what's been going on, and it starts to look very much like a national-scale organized crime "bust-out".
RideSpaceMountain said...
No one who goes for justice in Manhattan gets justice. No one.
"Manhattan Justice" is gonna be the name of my homemade hooch, cuz it gives you a swift kick in the azz.
is this court house in the middle of Fifth Avenue?
Will Trump fulfill/demonstarate another campaign promise/prediction
JUST IN - Governor Ron DeSantis responds to reports of a possible Trump indictment.
"The Manhattan District Attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor...They weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society...The Soros District Attorneys are a menace to society!"
"to incredibly persecute"
huh? Trump's words skills are terrible.
The liberal/left is NEVER concerned with looking unreasonable. Or "overeacting". Or being called "Snowflakes". They care about only one thing, accomplishing their goal.
Nationwide insurrections, death, destruction, intimidation (a la KKK)... of no consequence.
the treatement of J6 protesters makes clear anyone who shows up for Trump will probably end in the Gulag for years, with ZERO backup or support from anybody
Abort, cancel, sequester, civil rights what... hero.
Never again, and again, and again.
Need some enterprising hard core conservative DA's to start issuing arrest warrants for the Chi-Com leadership. That would be Pealosi, Schumer, Hillary, Scar'Bro, Hunter, and The Fauc. It would make for great theater. Charges? Don't need no stinkin' charges. Just make something up.
I love how Trump turns shit around and punches back HARD!
Yes, the question is if he will follow through for the People and "our Posterity". Will there be yet another Democrat insurrection, twice, thrice?
And just think, Chuck was speculating a few days ago that Trump would soon be under a gag order...
Donald Trump was falsely tried
Hush Money 1, guess who testified?
Michael C and Stormy D, and they both probably lied
The newspapers, they all went along for the ride.
PB said...
"NY prosecutor, NY jury, NY judge. How do you think it will come out?"
You left out NY Grand Jury and NY Grand Jury Foreperson
Are they putting up the barriers because they are planning on Epsteining Trump? People might show up if there are camera problems and sleeping guards.
If they fear unhappiness with the arrest, they might ought to worry the some will be distraught and take off a few days, so the sewage pumps will back up into Manhattan.
Gotta keep that violent Antifa out. You KNOW they will be there to cause trouble, light cars on fire and destroy businesses. It is their calling card.
Going to be lots of khaki trousers out and about. Maybe even a few tiki torches if we're lucky.
So, the FBI??
Demonstrations in deep blue Manhattan if Trump is charged? Pull the other one.
Trump needs to be telling voters what he plans to do to these people should he become President.
If Bragg is violating the law ... would Trump arrest him if President?
Last time, he promised to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for her crimes while Secretary of State. He promised to put her in jail. Lifelong friends with the Clintons (who were invited to his wedding) and a former donor to them, it was astonishing that Trump would make such a claim to voters during the last debate between the two candidates.
But once President, Trump surprisingly did not even seek her arrest. She then went on to pay for the creation of the fake Steele Dossier which brought down Trump's Presidency.
If Bragg is committing treason ... Trump should say so, and tell voters what his plans are to bring Bragg and his co-conspirators to justice if he were to become President. Who would Trump appoint Attorney General. Would that person commit to prosecuting Bragg?
Are we a nation of laws, or not?
When I think of all the unbelievable tactics over the last 6 years to get Trump I can hardly believe it. Four years of lies by our intel community, by Congress, arrests of many of Trump's associates, a raid on his personal property, spying on his campaign, the FBI hiding the Hunter Biden laptop and then getting a bevy of former intel officials to vouch that it had the earmarks of Russian disinformation, and on and on and on.
We truly are the USSA. Literal troikas and gulags have arrived, just in a slightly different form.
"Its amazing how the Liberal/Left AlWAYS thinks ahead, and plans ahead. And the center-right never does."
Normal people don't spend 24/7 thinking about how to leverage power. This is why Constitutional change is needed - to push the bad people back in their holes for 100 years.
No protests in liberal areas. Conservative areas, near and directed at liberal enclaves.
At a minimum, the Supreme Court needs to take a close hard look at prosecutorial immunity.
Trump is wrong to call for this, but the fact is this- were the party labels the exact opposite here, the DoJ would arrest Bragg. That is the very nature of our double-standard justice system.
This is why we love Trump.
Also ... my God. Could you guys lift the needle off the "white women waa waa" track and find a new tune? Women commenters here don't number as many as the men, but you should give our posts a look sometimes. You might find the msm slander less convincing.
When someone, anyone, even Trump, tweets in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ALL THE TIME!, well, you know they are not stable and are losing the argument.
When someone, anyone, even Trump, tweets in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ALL THE TIME!, well, you know they are not stable and are losing the argument.
Meanwhile detailed bank statements are released on the Biden family receiving numerous direct payment of millions of dollars from the Chinese Government.
This is pure gold.
We were never going to be able to vote our way out of this.
But we can help collapse the system.
Buy some gold/Silver and crypto today people. The crash is imminent.
Yes. I was totally just thinking, what we need to do is more politically motivated prosecutions. Eventually, "everyone you dislike" ends up in prison, right? That's how these things end? Tit-for-tat until your side wins? That's gotta work.
He should have called for homeless people to hit the streets to protest. Might have made NY solve that problem.
If Bragg didn’t exist, Trump would have to invent him. They are co-dependent circus clowns.
Looks like the big protest Trump called for sort of fizzled.
"hard core conservative DA's to start issuing arrest warrants for the Chi-Com leadership. That would be Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Scar'Bro, Hunter, and The Fauc."
JFC. Please. There are no hardcore conservative DA's in those perpetually 'blue' jurisdictions.
"Also ... my God. Could you guys lift the needle off the "white women waa waa" track and find a new tune? Women commenters here don't number as many as the men, but you should give our posts a look sometimes. You might find the msm slander less convincing."
Liberal white women are enemies of freedom.
J6 has had the desired effect of preventing any non-Democrat from ever taking part in a protest again. We know what happens to people who protest on the right. Most of us have jobs and careers. We simply can't throw away our lives for the sake of an ineffectual protest, so we are silenced. This will work for quite a while I imagine. Right up until it doesn't. This open corruption is poisoning American civil society. It won't end well.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Looks like the big protest Trump called for sort of fizzled."
Where and at what time was it supposed to happen?
lonejustice: "When someone, anyone, even Trump, tweets in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ALL THE TIME!, well, you know they are not stable and are losing the argument."
We'll just mark you down as pro-weaponization and of the legal system against political enemies.
Gee, who could have guessed you would come down on that side?
Besides everyone, I mean.
M Jordan: "When I think of all the unbelievable tactics over the last 6 years to get Trump I can hardly believe it. Four years of lies by our intel community, by Congress, arrests of many of Trump's associates, a raid on his personal property, spying on his campaign, the FBI hiding the Hunter Biden laptop and then getting a bevy of former intel officials to vouch that it had the earmarks of Russian disinformation, and on and on and on"
According to stellar legal beagles like lonejustice, its all Trump's fault and those innocent democratical and radical Soros-funded leftists simply had no choice.
So please, like linejustice, find time to shed a tear or two for the highly respected, nay, noble, Alvin Bragg as he takes on this necessary task in order to Save Democracy.
Attorney Robert Costello bounced the Michael Cohen-rubble on Tucker this evening.
Absolutely crushing.
I suspect lonejustice will be along shortly to call for the NY Bar to sanction Costello as Costello's info certainly puts a bit of a crimp in this latest Get Trump Ploy/Hoax.
The Soros DA's are ruining our nation.
Loyalist leftists don't care.
Barron Trump, a HS junior in W Palm Beach , turns 17 today. My focus that day was on learner's permit and thinking colleges.
" So Alvin Bragg comes out of nowhere. He may have guys beating the teeth out Jews, “Die dirty Jew, kill all the Jews.” He had a felony, downgraded it to a misdemeanor. The guy’s only in prison for six months, but he wants to put, he’s emptying the prisons, what, to make room for Trump?!
No one else is getting charged with anything. So, you settle a case like this anyway, if he’s running for president or not, just to protect your family and your reputation. Bragg’s under pressure because he’s running out of the statute of limitations on the federal side. It’s a gain-of-function processing commission. You have a misdemeanor that they’re Frankensteining into a felony case with a campaign finance violation. And the guy wants to make a name for himself, obviously, because he wants to be the Trumpster. I’m going to be the first prosecutor to throw cuffs on Trump. That’ll get you elected, pretty much governor in the state of New York. That’s what he’s after.
Also, Trump’s now rising ahead of DeSantis in a lot of these polls. And a lot of people are terrified of him because if he does become president again, he wants to make peace in Ukraine. He wants to get Jerome Powell out of there as a Fed chair. He wants to close the border down. He’s a big threat.
So, they’re trying to take him out now and they’re trying to trigger another January 6th. Oh, going to get Trump in Manhattan. Let’s put up a bunch of cops with a bunch of bars around this place. Don’t fall for it."
Inga fell for it.
There's definitely some tension in the air as the city prepares for the possibility of demonstrations should the 45th President be indicted.
Oh please. Not from the Right, that's for sure.
When things do come to pass, the Fort Sumter of Civil War II will be far outside the big left wing shit hole cities on the coasts. Far more likely it will be some Federal courthouse in a small city in the Mountain West, where the FBI is railroading a respected local citizen for having a shotgun barrel a couple of inches shorter than their liking. A committee of vigilance will set him free by main force, and maybe decide it is time to do to the Feds as the Feds did to the church in Waco. Without all the dead babies, of course. I hope I live to see it.
HBTPFH: "huh? Trump's words skills are terrible."
Your time would be better spent trying to understand why DeSantis delivered such a milquetoast pathetic Nikki Haley "quality" weak response. A response that was clearly, clumsily DC consultant massaged and thoroughly inadequate to this moment.
Even many DeSantis supporters know how badly this misfire actually was and demonstrates DeSantis will cater to the establishment crew on important issues...justfying the reluctance of Trump supporters to move on from Trump to the Ken Griffen candidate.
I fear that any indictment of Trump on the garbage theories that have been discussed will open the gates. The new norm will be that it’s OK to indict your political enemies on ridiculous legal theories and weak evidence. It’s won’t matter if you can get a conviction. The process is the punishment. We will all live to regret this.
However, I still won’t vote for Trump.
Ah isn't Trump Humper #2 tired?
DeSantis is articulate. Trump and his humpers are jealous and angry.
Drago - you don't personally mind that Trump banged a porn star when his wife was pregnant with Barron, and then paid her to keep quiet about it.
Not a crime... but now everyone is supposed to run out and kiss the inarticulate dick-stepping man baby's ass?
When you've lost Michael Avenatti... (h/t Instapundit)
DRago - Is DeSantis required to comment on Trump's dick stepping? why?
While I hate what the corrupt left are doing to Trump, Trump insults DeSantis every day. Why would DeSantis owe Trump any statement at all?
Drago - If Trump supporters want to take their ball and go home - please do so. I really do not care.
You can have your corrupt leftist government - the corrupt leftist government that Trump helped usher in.
It's Frog March day everyone!
Trump says what?
"“Ron DeSanctimonious will probably find out about FALSE ACCUSATIONS & FAKE STORIES sometime in the future, as he gets older, wiser, and better known, when he’s unfairly and illegally attacked by a woman, even classmates that are “underage” (or possibly a man!),” Trump seethed. ‘I’m sure he will want to fight these misfits just like I do!”"
This is not presidential material, folks. Wow. What a word salad lash-out loser.
"If Trump’s warnings are correct and he is arrested today, it will represent a new low in a chain of unprecedented prior boundary violations, including an unannounced FBI raid on a former president’s home with guns drawn. This time, the consequences will not be pretty — for once a red line is erased, it is gone for good, no matter which party you belong to. Who will be next?"
@HBTPFH We get it you're a DeSantis supporter, but your arguments (borderline hated for Trump) are tiresome. I will vote for either Trump or DeSantis, which ever one get the baton.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
DRago - Is DeSantis required to comment on Trump's dick stepping? why?
While I hate what the corrupt left are doing to Trump, Trump insults DeSantis every day. Why would DeSantis owe Trump any statement at all?
This is what I love about the Romney wing of the Republican party. They have "mah principles."
Trump banged porn stars and does what he promises as president.
Desantis hides from voters during CPAC and hangs out with big money donors. There are things like Desantis helping donors bigfoot constituents in Florida that are far worse to me than banging a porn star.
Desantis's statement was pathetic, delayed, and perfectly fits the Jeb! Bush playbook.
Desantis's poll numbers are cratering for a reason. Most Republican voters have caught on to the GOPe sham. I am just glad he is making his Rubio streak show so blatantly before getting elected.
If you have lost Sefton at Ace you are done.
Stick a fork in Meatball Ron.
It is over. He listens to his handlers too much and just does not have the right instincts.
Readering said...
"Barron Trump, a HS junior in W Palm Beach , turns 17 today. My focus that day was on learner's permit and thinking colleges."
Jesus, dude. You hate the guy so much you follow his kid around? You know how old he is? Get a fuckin' life. Harass people your own age.
Readering said...
"Barron Trump, a HS junior in W Palm Beach , turns 17 today. My focus that day was on learner's permit and thinking colleges."
Jesus, dude. You hate the guy so much you follow his kid around? You know how old he is? Get a fuckin' life. Harass people your own age.
HBTPFH: "Drago - If Trump supporters want to take their ball and go home - please do so. I really do not care."
You are projecting again. Thats the GOPe you are describing, and they have done it again and again.
Republican supporters of Trump policies will not react the same way in the end as non-republican (yet) Trump voters.
You should stop being flip-side Inga. Not a good look.
Insurrection porn for liberals.
Flip-side Inga: "DRago - Is DeSantis required to comment on Trump's dick stepping? why?"
This was a freebie/gimme moment for DeSantis who could have waltzed in, said what was right and grabbed all the cash on the table in regards ti one of the leading populist issues: weaponization of the govt against his citizens.
Instead, even as DeSantis' conservative supporters have written, DeSantis allowed his crew of Jeb Bush/Scott Walker-y DC Consultants to prime him with a failed scripted weak answer.
A very big missed moment. Naturally I didnt expect for a moment a flip-side Inga like you to pick up on any of that, but miracles do sometimes happen.
Flip-side Inga: "You can have your corrupt leftist government - the corrupt leftist government that Trump helped usher in."
And, of course, there it is.
Written even as the GOPe surrenders to their dem allies on just about every policy issue around.
McConnell/Schumer thank you flip-side Inga for your steadfast devotion to the advancement of the America Last agenda.
Douglas B. Levene: "I fear that any indictment of Trump on the garbage theories that have been discussed will open the gates. The new norm will be that it’s OK to indict your political enemies on ridiculous legal theories and weak evidence. It’s won’t matter if you can get a conviction. The process is the punishment. We will all live to regret this.
However, I still won’t vote for Trump."
You have been quite supportive of the corrupted democratical lawfare practices to date and last I recall, you were still Desperately Seeking Jan 6 Weapons Caches and Text Messages To DJT.
Not willing to vote for Trump? Gee, there's a shocker...not.
What was it flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) wrote earlier? Something about "taking balls and going home"?
Well here you go HBTPFH, all teed up and ready to go for criticism!
Something tells me, however, HBTPFH will have no problem with this Levene lad doing precisely what she just falsely accused me of being willing to.
So much "principled" "conservative-y" "republican-y" "consistency" that you can almost cut it with a knife!
"Trump Calls for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to Be Criminally Charged for 'Interference in a Presidential Election.'"
If paying a porn actress to shut up about sex is a "campaign contribution", then what Bragg is doing most certainly counts as "Interference in a Presidential Election".
For that matter, every single big tech action that helps a Democrat candidate (such as suppressing something that hurts Democrats as "misinformation") is also a campaign contribution, and those tech companies are seriously violating the law with their over the limit contributions.
Let's prosecute all of them
Douglas B. Levene: "I fear that any indictment of Trump on the garbage theories that have been discussed will open the gates. The new norm will be that it’s OK to indict your political enemies on ridiculous legal theories and weak evidence. It’s won’t matter if you can get a conviction. The process is the punishment. We will all live to regret this.
That's an actually intelligent statement by you. Good job!
However, I still won’t vote for Trump."
And now you return to the land of moron. Because "hey this is a horribly bad idea and if people get away with it it will destroy our society", which is what you correctly wrote, is not followed by "but I will support it anyway" by any person with a functioning brain.
But that is also what you wrote
Thank you for staying consistently wrong
HBTPFH: "Trump says what?
"“Ron DeSanctimonious will probably find out about FALSE ACCUSATIONS & FAKE STORIES sometime in the future, as he gets older, wiser, and better known, when he’s unfairly and illegally attacked by a woman, even classmates that are “underage” (or possibly a man!),” Trump seethed. ‘I’m sure he will want to fight these misfits just like I do!”"
This is not presidential material, folks. Wow. What a word salad lash-out loser."
Meanwhile, back in reality and objective assessment land, this is happening:
"Twenty-two words may have just tanked Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2024 prospects.
To make matters worse, he was late.
Two days after Trump announced his impending arrest, and two days after hordes of Republicans – even his rivals, even “Never-Trumpers” – condemned the partisan overreach of a radical Soros-funded district attorney, DeSantis finally spoke up – and it was to take a cheap shot at Trump.
“I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair,” Mr. DeSanctimonious, er, DeSantis said.
“I have no interest in getting involved in some manufactured circus by some Soros-DA,” he continued. “He’s trying to do a political spectacle. He’s trying to virtue signal for his base. I’ve got real issues I got to deal with here in the state of Florida.”
If the weaponization of the criminal justice system isn’t a “real issue,” then DeSantis isn’t ready for the White House.."
This should have been an absolute layup for DeSantis with DeSantis winning extra converts left and right and sending a signal to the populist republicans that he was raring to fight the entrenched Deep Staters.
Instead, DeSantis did what many of us feared: he went Full Squish.
In the face of this reality I expect HBTPFH to launch even more screeds about the Horrible Orange Man and how the Horrible Orange Man's stupid supporters better get on board or else or some other "convincing" persuasion "strategy".
I thought what DeSantis said was pitch perfect.
Trump sounds like a child on Truth social.
what an embarrassment.
but his bitter humpers still believe.
Rusty, do you follow me around? If one googled Trump yesterday it popped up. Because ....
Flip-side Inga: "I thought what DeSantis said was pitch perfect."
Well, there you go. The kiss of death.
To repeat, for the slowest studebts among us:
"If the weaponization of the criminal justice system isn’t a “real issue,” then DeSantis isn’t ready for the White House.."
DeSantis just showed himself to be controlled opposition.
DeSantis didn't have the guts to stand up to his handlers. All he had to do was channel McCarthy, Turley and Vivek for 5 minutes and it would have been an awesome win.
However, that establishment leash around DeSantis' neck is even shorter than we feared.
At this point DeSantis might as well just come out for the Griffin/Ryan agenda across the board.
"It’s amazing to watch a popular governor who everyone WANTED TO LIKE, and most MAGA folks WANTED to succeed Trump, throw his caché away predominantly as a result of horrific political advice and campaign management by RINOs.
Awful, awful malpractice by the “advisors”."--Raheem J. Kassam
But Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) loved loved LOVED the DeSantis "own goal"
Probably because it confirmed DeSantis' establishment suckup credentials.
Prediction: within 48 hours DeSantis issues a second clarifying statement that more directly attacks the democraticals and their destruction of our republic.
But it will still be too late.
Drago said...
DeSantis finally spoke up – and it was to take a cheap shot at Trump.
And Trump accusing DeSantis of sex with school children is what, exactly?
Look, all rules go both ways. If you engage in cheap shots against an opponent, or your supporters do so and you don't call them out for it, then you dont' get to whine when the cheap shots get returned.
Trump attacks DeSantis
Bragg illegitimately attacks Trump
DeSantis attacks both Trump and Bragg
DeSantis quite properly attacked Bragg for his corrupt behavior, and threw in a shot at Trump for having sex outside his marriage while married.
If you're whining about this, while not previously having attacked Trump for his shots at DeSantis, then if you're looking for a whining baby, look in a mirror
“So, I’ve seen rumors swirl. I have not seen any facts yet, and so I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I do know this,” DeSantis began. “The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor. And so, he, like other Soros-funded prosecutors — they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety.”
“If you have a prosecutor who is ignoring crimes happening every single day in his jurisdiction, and he chooses to go back many, many years ago to try to use something about porn star hush money payments, you know, that’s an example of pursuing a political agenda and weaponizing the office. And I think that that’s fundamentally wrong.”
So, DeSantis attacked Bragg for politicizing the office. Said that his going after Trump is "fundamentally wrong."
But Drago babbles
"If the weaponization of the criminal justice system isn’t a “real issue,” then DeSantis isn’t ready for the White House.."
After DeSantis directly stated that the political weaponization of the criminal justice system is "fundamentally wrong".
I'll ask you Drago what I ask the lefties: does it bother you when you have to lie to advance your political agenda?
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