The extreme lack of curiosity about the political ideology of the Nashville shooter, and what role that ideology may have played in motivating the massacre, is very conspicuous, but not at all surprising.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 30, 2023
Highlighting the shooter's ideology is often the primary media framework:
It's a conflicting narrative. Gun people bad vs trans people good. Ratings are everything.
The left's language and actions about Christians are not unlike those of Hitler's Germany toward many disfavored groups.
Jane Fonda recently advocated murder of anti-abortion people:
Whoopi Goldberg can't stay out of trouble...yet is not canceled by ABC...
The Arizona governor's press secretary was forced to resign after advocating violence against those opposed to transgender people:
If one stays in a bubble that delivers feedback that your group is always right and others are always guarantees genocide or a violent civil war within a generation. That war perhaps started in the middle of 2020 with 'mostly peaceful protests.'
Tranny day of vengeance!
Look, squirrel!
Biden says transgender people define the soul of our Nation.
At this point I think he's probably right. We've lost our fucking minds.
The extreme lack of curiosity is the least surprising thing about this. What do these people have in common?
Darrell Brookes
James Hodgkinson
Shannon Brandt
I assumed this was the reason Nashville PD turned over the manifesto to the FBI profilers, rather than make it public. As with Hunter's laptop, it will be a highly classified secret until after the next elections.
Honest leftist. There's a few out there.
And as a gay man, I imagine he's sensitive to the implications for gays, as the gold standard, long-term studies show that most dysmorphia (prior to the current wave of manufactured delusions) resolved in the children realizing they were actually gay.
So if any type of person is being "eliminated" here, it's gays and lesbians. My lesbian friend tells me that her community talks about this among themselves but wouldn't dare make such statements on social media.
It's all about power. If you scroll through the boards of directors of leftist nonprofits over the years, especially feminist, gay, and abortion rights groups, heterosexual white women in particular were removed from leadership posts, and replaced for several years by women of color and lesbians. Now transgenders are filling more of these positions. Even in abortion clinics, many of which now offer gender transition services.
It's never too early or too late to get rid of a female.
If the shooter was Ultra-MAGA we would never hear the end of it. Since nothing is said it can be concluded the shooter wasn't. Reading the news soviet-style.
The FBI has the killer's written "manifesto."
We are being told we will be able to read it after they have analyzed it.
They could analyze it all the want, even if we were ALSO given a copy. The killer is already caught; the case ended. There will be no arrests or trials. There is ZERO reason why the FBI is the only entity permitted to see the killer's reasons.
Unless it's to suppress that information. The corrupt FBI is the law enforcement agency who you give evidence to when you want that evidence disappeared.
I’m old and tired. If I were young, I’d be heading a political movement in every state to drive the state religion, feminism, gay worship and trans lunacy, out of the schools.
The public schools and colleges aren’t abiding by separation of church and state. They are forcing the pervert, hatred of children and family religion on my grandkids.
aren't They STILL trying to figure out what the ideology of the 9/11 terrorists was?
When bad people Aren't white republicans, it's IMPOSSIBLE to figure out motifs
Audrey Hale did succeed in murdering the daughter of the Presbyterian minister who had been counseling her (trying to, anyway — some people are beyond what Christian compassion can reach). I am not gullible enough to call that a coincidence. On other threads I have commented on the courage of school principal Katherine Koonce, calmly ending her phone call and then going unarmed to face the shooter and thus give her life to buy time for others to take cover. I haven’t heard much mention of Ms. Koonce’s bravery in the newsmedia. I wonder why that is? (NOT!)
I have also noted that the gun grabbers had been pointing to the AR-15 used by Salvador Ramos as being so terrifying that the cowardly cops of Uvalde were justified in milling about in safety while Ramos murdered children, and wounded children and teachers who might have been saved bled out instead. The Nashville police showed those Texans what manliness is all about.
Now two more observations. We know that Audrey Hale left behind some writings that the police have called a “manifesto.” She said so in her final text messages to friends and moreover police have acknowledged having it in their possession. Given the online speculation about its contents, the fact that the police have invented reasons not to release it publicly suggests that its contents must be truly frightening.
The other observation is that I have seen clips of the mob rioting over gun control in Tennessee. I certainly came away from watching them confirmed in my belief that there really is a use case for semiautomatic rifles with large capacity magazines.
I'll go out on a limb and predict a motive two-fer in the killer's manifesto:
Both espousing the trans ideology, and exemplifying the need for gun control.
May make sense in the mind of a deranged killer, but the Dem establishment is at least smart enough that could be a deal killer for a decade on both policy issues.
So we get the suppression.
The Left, which includes most of the media, is producing rhetoric designed as war propaganda. The thing is I don't think they realize this. Some of them are oblivious and think is perfectly normal behavior, the lovely products of our corrupted education system. Some of them may have an inkling that this is unfair and mean, but they figure they can push as far as they want and there will never be any significant pushback because the Right is too polite and, anyway, they have all the country's institutions on their side.
As a student of history, often the people being put upon will tolerate a great deal of unfairness, but once the moment comes that they push too far and the targets feel they no longer have anything to lose, it will be painful. Very painful. Those that survive tend to regret their actions, and many of them do not survive.
Indicting the former President of the United States on charges that are absurdly thin when their side commits overt crimes and are never punished, and then taking the side of a school shooter... I never thought I would see the day.
The mediaswine don't lack curiosity. They have just decided we don't need to have the obvious confirmed. The FBI's refusal to label the acts as domestic terrorism or hate crimes carries the same motivation.
Orwell was a prophet.
The media and the feds will bury this like they buried the Vegas shooting, the Epstein client list, and Hunter's laptop.
'The FBI has the killer's written "manifesto."We are being told we will be able to read it after they have analyzed it.'
Yes, and they've been analyzing Hunter's laptop for, what, three years now.
This girl was no more trans than you or I. Cross dresser, yes, trans no.
Lack of curiosity? Hmm, I think they know. They also know that America is not quite so far gone yet that they can spin the fallout of what they know might become known to their advantage. Hence, the incuriosity posture, at least as a holding action.
But as Greenwald says, obviously correctly, not surprising. The regime fights and keeps its eyes on the prize, mobilizing all powers at its disposal.
The FBI is analyzing the Top Secret Manifesto. Bwahahaha!
"A republic," replied Franklin, "if you can keep it."
The "Trans Day of Vengeance" set for tomorrow has been cancelled due to a "credible threat to life and safety". Bullshit! It's been cancelled because yesterday's "Insurrection" at the Tennessee state capitol has ruined the optics.
When any crime is committed by a leftist - the media make excuses.
Poor Poor angry righteous leftist was miffed - because something the "right" did pissed that person off to the point of murder.
Still waiting for the manifesto/transmanifesto/tranifesto.
Also wondering if Audrey was an incel/femcel before she was a transman.
But inspired by the fact that the crush she was mourning was a young African American woman.
All that progress, and she still shot up the school.
Wondering as well about the transurrections in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
Well, THIS is inconvenient...
If the extreme lack of curiousty was the limit of what's going on that would be fine.
Karine-Jean Pierre, the President of the United States' spokesman, is today lamenting that, despite your lying eyes, it is the "trans community" that is under attack.
Not all those dead Christians. They aren't under attack.
It's the "trans community" that is under attack.
This is nuclear gaslighting.
Clearly, the American people can't handle the truth abut this, any more than they can handle the truth about Russiagate, Epstein, J6, and Hell's Laptop to name just a few.
Gotsta have the brilliant psycho-anal-liars of Famous But Incompetent (at everything except Regime Protection) scrub, vet, and massage it as long as possible.
For our own good.
In response to Tina Trent 3/31/23, 7:52 AM:
It's all about power. If you scroll through the boards of directors of leftist nonprofits over the years, especially feminist, gay, and abortion rights groups, heterosexual white women in particular were removed from leadership posts, and replaced for several years by women of color and lesbians. Now transgenders are filling more of these positions. Even in abortion clinics, many of which now offer gender transition services.
If it's true that "heterosexual white women in particular were removed from leadership posts, and replaced for several years by women of color and lesbians" then this would imply the heterosexual white women were just as much window dressing as the women of color and lesbians - they don't actually provide value except as beacons of virtual signaling. The other implication is that men do the "real work" of the boards if women are interchangeable like this -- as being a "woman of color" or a lesbian or a "normal" woman usually makes zero difference to one's ability to do the actual work of being on a board of directors.
The "Manifesto" is potentially dangerous for the left. Therefore, don't hold your breath. The parents, if anything, indulged her by ignoring the guns she bought and brought home. This suggests some similarity to the Connecticut school shooter although he was more obviously psychotic. The parents of the Columbine killers never looked in their rooms to see what was going on.
Patrick Henry: With the sole and minor exception of LGBT groups, whose leadership is almost exclusively male, I was clearly referring to leftist women's organizations. Feminist? Abortion?
Try reading harder, pal.
this would imply the heterosexual white women were just as much window dressing as...
Feminist fodder.
Men, women, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus. #WarOfTheWorlds
Indicting the former President of the United States on charges that are absurdly thin when their side commits overt crimes and are never punished, and then taking the side of a school shooter... I never thought I would see the day.
3/31/23, 9:05 AM
THIS^^^ AND what Michael said @ 9:48 am. She was a cross dresser..not a transgender.
It's never too early or too late to get rid of a female.
Social progress is a compelling cause to keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence sequestered in darkness, in sanctuary states.
The FBI is analyzing the Top Secret Manifesto. Bwahahaha!
They'll report it when the price... time is right.
They won't release it because they're still writing it...
Btw, isn't MANifesto sexist and bigoted?
How do we know the gender of the ifesto?
Michael K said...
Also there seems to be, in the radical trans movement, an effort to train and arm trans activists. I suspect that's where the arms came from.
Obviously, the "manifesto" can't be made public because as QuidProJoe tells us, "Transgender Americans shape our nation's soul...."
This is a good thing because our nations soul is all about mangling children at as early an age as possible. Just ask Moloch and other Democrats.
The parents, if anything, indulged her by ignoring the guns she bought and brought home.
@Michael K., point of information. Audrey Hale’s parents were aware of one firearm and made her sell it. She was able to conceal her purchase of seven add’l guns and successfully hide them from her parents. BTW, that’s four more guns than she actually used in the assault.
It's a replay of the 9/11 handbook. Substitute transexuals for Muslims and you've seen how this will play out in the future.
There is a theory floating around that Audrey Hale was a student in this school right around the time of abuse allegations leveled against one of the church officers...
One wonders if "stochastic terrorism" is still a thing.
Not that it ever should have been. But the strained effort by some (especially in the news media) to turn the shooter into a victim has been illuminating. I appreciate Bill Zhang's comment.
A friend with whom I have significant political differences published an insightful essay in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in which he summarizes:
To grossly oversimplify thousands of pages of research: acts of mass violence grow out of a perceived sense of injustice by a subject who does not have healthy coping strategies for addressing that sense of grievance.
What my friend did not and probably would never write is that there are forces working hard to provoke a greater sense of perceived injustice and to discredit healthy coping strategies (here, change within the liberal tradition). In order not to change but to tear down society and usher in Revolution. The chaos is deliberate.
Michael said...
"This girl was no more trans than you or I. Cross dresser, yes, trans no."
Then why is the "Trans Community" embracing him as one of their own? What do you know that they don't?
Enlighten us.
I'm going to guess that like similar shootings of this type, where a person intentionally seeks out innocent and fragile victims like this, it isn't so much the ideology of the shooter that matters as much as the personal characteristics of the shooter. Those important personal characteristics are that that person is 1) narcissistic, 2) sociopathic, and 3) very low social status. That combination of three factors usually leads to someone who is an outcast that blames the rest of the world for their status and doesn't feel any remorse at hurting people to get revenge against the world for what their life is like.
I understand that CBS has now banned the use of "transgender" in referring to the killer.
Blogger Big Mike said...
The parents, if anything, indulged her by ignoring the guns she bought and brought home.
@Michael K., point of information. Audrey Hale’s parents were aware of one firearm and made her sell it. She was able to conceal her purchase of seven add’l guns and successfully hide them from her parents. BTW, that’s four more guns than she actually used in the assault.
I don't know what happened and was speculating. At the least they should have "red flagged" her.
“And as a gay man, I imagine he's sensitive to the implications for gays, as the gold standard, long-term studies show that most dysmorphia (prior to the current wave of manufactured delusions) resolved in the children realizing they were actually gay.
So if any type of person is being "eliminated" here, it's gays and lesbians. My lesbian friend tells me that her community talks about this among themselves but wouldn't dare make such statements on social media.”
I’ve been waiting for quite some time for gay men and women to once and for all rise up and say:
what is stopping them?
Supposedly under care if doctor for "emotional issues". Examine tox screen and treatment history.
It is not a lack of curiosity - they know the answers.
Those important personal characteristics are that that person is 1) narcissistic, 2) sociopathic, and 3) very low social status. That combination of three factors usually leads to someone who is an outcast that blames the rest of the world for their status and doesn't feel any remorse at hurting people to get revenge against the world for what their life is like.
I think those characteristics are common in the transgender pathology. We will see more of this violence, and more excuses for it. If 20% of ANTIFA are already involved, where does it stop?
Also, Patrick Henry, at the mild risk (I don't care) of sounding politically incorrect, the identity politics sodden thingies that replaced the white, black, and lesbian women before them who had earned their place at the table by accomplishments, not mere decades of empowered identity politics, are inherently inferior in every way: stupid, belligerent, inarticulate, unreliable, and lazy. Pathetic, really. Show me one organization otherwise. I'll trump you, as it were.
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