March 2, 2023

The 3-year-old boy who won World Book Day.


Joe Smith said...

Does he have an ungrateful sister who treats him like garbage?

Dave64 said...

Child Abuse

Doug said...

This cute little boy's mother should have mental health counseling.

Achilles said...

This is gross.

I do not think that boy wanted to do this.

rehajm said...

All the tweet comments look like bots. Who tweeted the pic? Harry’s PR firm?

Caroline said...

If there is anything worse than shameless selfie culture, it’s using your kids as clickbait.

gspencer said...

Kid wins this one hands down,
--- he has more hair than Harry the Wimp
--- his testicles are not stored in the purse of some harridan
--- he's not married to Meghan

Drago said...

Why wasn't the child holding up a "I want privacy" sign on his social media account?

I mean, if he wants to be as accurate as possible in his portrayal of the ginger victim.

Known Unknown said...

I bet you he's less of a whiny brat.

Known Unknown said...

Being brave would've dressing up as a frostbitten penis.

Narayanan said...

TheDuchess [tweeting twit] did not use Grammarly >>> ... this cute little boy dressed up has Prince Harry.

will they jump on PR opportunity?

William said...

I don't think the kid was unduly traumatized....I've heard that in England, Prince Andrew polls higher than Harry. If true, that's quite a feat Harry has pulled off....I remember when Princess Anne was everyone's favorite royal to hate. She's really fallen out of disfavor. You don't see much of her anymore.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not creepy at all.


Quaestor said...


Fred Drinkwater said...

Oh, please.

Kevin said...

His new book, WAAAAGH

Balfegor said...

Before the image popped in, I was certain it was going to be a child dressed as a Nazi, making fun of Prince Harry who, of course, famously went to a costume party dressed as a Nazi.

The actual punchline was a lot more boring.

rwnutjob said...

His parents' next cosplay will be that he's trans

Leland said...

I thought they left the royal family. They're keeping their titles of nobility? Whatever, I don't care, but it seems if the royal family was so awful, that you would reject the titles they gave you.

Balfegor said...

Re: Leland:

I think they keep the ducal title and Harry remains a prince but he loses the style His Royal Highness. That or maybe he keeps the style but his wife and children don't get the HRH style or the princely title. He and his wife threw a public fit about . . something like that last year.

All that said, he's in the US now, isn't he? I don't think any authority in the US is going to prosecute Bonnie Prince Harry for pretending to a title or style to which he is not actually entitled.

Yinzer said...

After seeing the picture, I assumed he was trying to look like Vincent Van Gogh!