March 27, 2023

Texting at Meadhouse at 6 a.m.


Chuck said...

And here I thought that perhaps you'd look at the actual text of that utterly unhinged speech on Saturday.

Chuck said...

Could we pause for a moment and define our terms in, "...And he defeated them all..."?

He's been a colossal loser since November of 2016. An electoral pounding in the 2018 midterms; his own electoral loss (with both houses of Congress) in 2020; and a 2022 midterm in which figures explicitly representing the Trump Wing of the Republican Party lost in almost every contested race in the general election. We have seen the farthest reaches of the Trump Party and it isn't a majority party.

R C Belaire said...

If Biden ever emerges from a vehicle in real life, you will no doubt see the same care taken by his handlers. Before it's edited out, of course.

Mr. Forward said...

If Joe Biden was a movie it would be "The Manchurian Candidate".

Leland said...

Is that the picture of Trump getting out of “the beast” on Jan. 6th heading to the Capitol after he grabbed control of the steering wheel from the Secret Service? - asking for Pelosi and Schiff.

Krumhorn said...

Mr Wibble made a succinct case. I would only add that apart from the theatrics, Trump’s number one virtue in KrumhornLand is his willingness to take the bug-eyed lefties on. He’s a Happy Warrior and gives as good as gets. W had a patrician attitude and turned the other cheek….leaving the lefties slide their dicks up between them while they ate his lunch..

I like a man who grins when he fights - Winston Churchill

Reagan also took them on with his wit, but we won’t see the likes of him again any time soon.

The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so. - Ronald Reagan

- Krumhorn

Temujin said...

It's his secret power. It's there, daily, in front of everyone. We all recognize what he does, but the left and most of the right continue to dismiss and disregard him. That said, clearly there is a Defcon 1 level fear of him because they've come at him with every 2-bit investigation, report, accusation, and lawsuit possible. And still he's there, in their faces.

I hear from GOP friends and a couple of relatives who dismiss him, but suddenly realize he's still got a huge following. And they sound fearful as well.

Personally, I don't wan to have to listen to him again, I don't want all the bullshit that comes with the good stuff he can do. I do believe we have another choice to get the good stuff done without all the theatrics and the me, me, meing. But...if he wins the GOP nomination, if he goes head to head with the others and comes out on top, he'll have my vote. The Left is not an alternative. It's our end.

gadfly said...

We can but hope that two loving partners are pulling each other's chains. The SS agent is but one of many, so what madness escapes through Trump's facial grimace?

My guess is that dementia has arrived for TFG who continues to rave about Mexico paying for a border wall that he was unable to get built.

Gusty Winds said...

I saw the photo this morning and liberals on Twitter freaking out that they think it was AI. But it's actually and AP photo, un-doctored. Poso says he's lost weight following a Keto diet.

Funny what the eye catches. I didn't even notice the bodyguard holding the door, let alone associate in with heil Hitler. Ridiculous.

But, by Nov 2024 things might be so fucked up people will be begging for Trump. Everyone except college educated white women.

Imagine. The war in Ukraine might still be going on. China-Russia and not NATO countries may dump the dollar, then we will really be hurting. Tranny story hours at public schools will increase, and output and test scores decrease.

Inflation isn't under control. I bought a pound of nice 21 to 25 count raw SHRIMP at the local Piggly Wiggly for $6.99/lb. Eighteen eggs for $4.99. Eggs are almost as expensive as shrimp.

Gusty Winds said...

If liberal judge Janet Protasiewicz beats Dan Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court Seat on April 4, Wisconsin is long gone for a long time. It won't matter how good Trump looks, or how bad of shape America is in. Nominating DeSantis won't make a shit of difference.

Protasiewicz will join the three other liberal justices and will shoot down ANY election integrity effort. Madison and Milwaukee will be free to harvest and stuff ballots. Our swing state will be run by four liberal Karens wearing black robes.

This is what Milwaukee wants, it is what Madison wants, and it is what College educated white women want.'ll be able to get a third trimester abortion in the Wisconsin Dells. They'll probably open a Planned Parenthood next door to Storybook Gardens.

Gusty Winds said...

You don't even need a body guard to hold the door and accidentally look like heil Hitler anymore.

You just have to be against tranny drag shows for little kids and college educated white women think you're a Nazi.

We are already over the edge.

J. Farmer said...

Does a protagonist in a movie look different from an antagonist? A friend and I were just talking yesterday about how protagonist/antagonist is often conflated with hero/villain and tried to think of examples of non-villainous antagonists. My first thought was Tommy Lee Jones' character in The Fugitive. Then Apollo Creed in the first two Rocky films. Then it devolved into a fight over the shark in Jaws. I said the shark was the villain and the mayor was the antagonist. But then we weren't sure if the shark was the antagonist and the mayor was the villain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He'd be a real force if he could speak like a literate adult.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - because immature name calling... is so powerful.

traditionalguy said...

War of the Worlds. And this time Mars wins. Probably with help from the Martian Rocket Man.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scotty, beam me up... said...

“Texting at Meadhouse at 6 a.m.”…

Ann - do you and Meade ever carry on an actual verbal conversation in your home? It seems lately you two text each other like teenagers who are sitting across the table from each other all of the time…

jaydub said...

"Now, a more tame personality, such as DeSantis, isn't necessarily the answer. The GOP establishment is full of "policy wonks" and middle-management losers who can spout 10,000 facts, but have no guts for making decisions."

Yeah, except DeSantis stuck his neck way, way out to tamp the Covid hysteria down in FL, which nearly every other politician in every other state, the media and pharma, and, yes, Trump succumbed to. He also took on the teachers' unions to keep the schools open, kept small businesses open and kept the FL economy going. He demonstrated the courage of his convictions and the ability to tame the bureaucracy, which is one reason I moved to FL in June of 2020 shortly after visiting some friends here. After living in NC under unnecessary Covid lock down for a few months I found the personal freedom in FL to be extremely restorative. Just being able to have a beer on the patio of a restaurant, get a haircut, try on new clothes in a store and other such pre-Covid, mundane life events had become extraordinary in other states where personal freedom was secondary to the state's bureaucratic hysteria. Apparently others felt the same way because I gained next door neighbors from NY and MA shortly after moving here. My confidence was also bolstered by my personal analysis of the Diamond Princess data from January - Approximately 13 deaths among a ship population of 3500 and none without comorbidities (or 0.37 % among a mostly elderly group and with very few of the draconian restrictions that had became the norm.) Moreover, my analysis of three months of data from Guilford County in NC where I lived at the time showed 2 reported comorbidity induced, Covid deaths among 50-and-under age groups out of a population of 360.000. I was surprised by the results of my analysis but also confident of the results due to my graduate education in statistics and stochastic modeling, plus a decade in the field. BTW, I shared the results of that analysis on this blog at the time and advocated keeping the economy and schools open (not a single death and only a single-digit hospitalizations among the 25 and under population.) Moreover, the 108 deaths attributed to Covid were almost all in nursing homes and among other facilities catering to people nearing the end of their lives due to age and/or other morbidities. You can look all of this up in my posts on this blog from the summer of 2020. Those posts were ridiculed by the likes of Inga, Ken B and other Covidians without counter arguments, other than the NIH and CDC and DNC party lines.

All the info was available during the first six months of the "pandemic" but very few were willing or able to analyze it who were also in a position to do something about it. DeSanis was one who was and did. Too many people were lining up to blow Fauci, or Cuomo or other, mostly Dem fascists who were enjoying the power trips and who were focused on killing the economy before the election, or so it appeared to me. Now, Trump, Trumpsters and the media have to denigrate DeSantis because DeSantis got the most important policy of the last 100 years right, and none of them can afford to admit that fact, hence the ignorant attacks on DeSantis on this blog.

Personally, I hope DeSantis gets the nomination as it would be great for the country, but I would also be perfectly happy to have him remain our governor here in FL. In the event, I would also be somewhat annoyed that Inga, Gadfly, Drago, Tim and crowd were to benefit from his leadership. None of them deserve it.

wendybar said...

"Yes - because immature name calling... is so powerful."

YOU would know.

Rusty said...

Gusty Winds said,
"Inflation isn't under control. I bought a pound of nice 21 to 25 count raw SHRIMP at the local Piggly Wiggly for $6.99/lb. Eighteen eggs for $4.99. Eggs are almost as expensive as shrimp."
It's a small price for you to pay so that Gadfly can feel comfortable with his irrational hatred.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann - do you and Meade ever carry on an actual verbal conversation in your home? It seems lately you two text each other like teenagers who are sitting across the table from each other all of the time…."

Yesterday we had a rambling phone conversation when I was only about 30 feet from him and within view (but on a different floor and on the other side of a window).

We live in a big house with many rooms, including multiple bathrooms and bedrooms and work areas and TV-watching spots, so texting is often quite normal. But we'll text when we are side by side too, because sometimes we're sending links or passing things along and sometimes the other person is wearing headphones or sleeping or talking to somebody else on the phone.

Don't all couples do this? We talk face to face too.

Usage pointer: "verbal" includes texting.

Kate said...

Trump has been described in gamer speak as a Tank. In group raid, the Tank draws all the attention, pulling the enemies and holding them while damage dealers kill them. A Tank pisses people off and takes the blows, distracting them. His role in 2016 was clear.

This time he doesn't seem so Tanky. He's kind of the guy in group on headset who won't shut up and do his job.

Narayanan said...

It seems lately you two text each other like teenagers who are sitting across the table from each other all of the time…
wearing short skirt and shorts [inter changeably!]

Achilles said...

The depth of thought in Mr. Wibble’s post at top is impressive.

Trump understands how to fight this type of battle against overwhelming power and corruption.

The ankle biters and whiners don’t. They don’t even know why they hate him.

You will find your answers in the mirror.

And it looks like Desantis is going to decide to fail in 2028 rather than 2024.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
He'd be a real force if he could speak like a literate adult.

Trump can speak extemporaneously to a crowd of 20K. He can also get up in front of the UN and say things to globalists nobody has the balls to say. And his State of the Union addresses were always well done.

What's your bar? Biden...Harris...? With the current condition of America, and our obvious downward trajectory...Trump is the main guy that runs counter to the current regime.

Sad part is, for all the lies that have been told about Trump since 2015, they seem to be having and effect on those that now consider DeSantis the only savior. Seems their efforts are working well.

REAL Primaries are battles. When is DeSantis going to declare himself in??

Sebastian said...

"win in the end"

How so? He lost in 2020, nice women and GOP squishes won't vote for him, and state-level elections will be even more stacked against any GOPer (assuming Trump even runs as GOP).

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Yes - because immature name calling... is so powerful.

I realize attacks on DeSantis can be hurtful. It's part of the game. I like DeSantis. When is he going to declare himself a candidate.

First GOP Presidential Debate is this August in Milwaukee. Five months away. If they position candidates by polling numbers, Trump will again be center stage like he was in 2015 when nobody could believe it.

I hope DeSantis gets in. Let's see it. It'll give everyone a feel on how DeSantis is balancing his needed support from the GOPe, will still trying to peel off the MAGA voters. Trump doesn't have to appease the GOPe.

Our only hope is somebody completely outside the Uniparty. And at the moment, that is Donald J. Trump.

Humperdink said...

My spouse has her office on the second floor. She's on the computer all the time, "working" on Wordle, crossword puzzles or off the computer praying. I'm on the floor reading political posts. We text each as we can't hear each other. If important, I beckon her to the balcony for a real conversation. Works for us.

Big Mike said...

Don't all couples do this?

Ah, no. If wife and I are texting it’s because we’re physically in different locations and cannot talk face to face.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendy - I'm not running for President.

Birches said...

Such a boomer meme. He really needs Carpe Dontum back in charge.

Leland said...

Oh, so it is not a deep fake fever dream AI picture that the progressives were all hoping for last week. Bummer for them.

Yancey Ward said...

"If Joe Biden was a movie it would be "The Manchurian Candidate".

Weekend at Bernies', surely.

Known Unknown said...

"But then we weren't sure if the shark was the antagonist and the mayor was the villain."

It's this. If the trio of men had to kill the mayor, he would've been the antagonist.

It's like the Burton version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Charlie is the hero, and Willy is the protagonist, because Willy changes while Charlie does not. Charlie enables Willy to change.

JK Brown said...

Strictly speaking the bodyguard appears to giving the Black Power salute, closed fist and all.

In any case, the bodyguard is a government agent and as the entire government is against Trump, you can't be sure the bodyguard's positioning wasn't to create the photo impression.

Darkisland said...

It turns out this morning that DeSantis' main proponents are George Bush and Karl Rove.

PEDJT's attacks on DeSantis have been a bit childish. I wonder if he had attacked him in the more dignified manner that some seem to want, would it have been noticed?

And if it had not been noticed, would the Bush/Rove connection have been smoked out?

DeSantis seems to be a good governor. But do we want the tribute band when we can have the real thing? Especially now that we find out who is behind him?

John Henry

Lurker21 said...

"Any Functioning Adult 2020" was an anti-Trump bumper sticker. It didn't work out so well. Biden isn't functioning, and barely an adult. But to save himself from unforced errors, self-sabotage and own goals, Trump needs a mature and responsible adult -- a good, trusted advisor he will listen to. I keep waiting for New Trump or Trump II to show up, but if he hasn't come along by now, it doesn't look like he ever will.

Wince said...

And clearly he's just protecting Trump from the edge of the door.

“Like when you guys put somebody in the car, and you’re protecting their head — the way you put the hand over — like, don’t hit their head, and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head? I said, ‘You can take the hand away, OK?’”

Gusty Winds said...

The GOP primary is STRONGER with both Trump and DeSantis running.

I don't know why DeSantis people are "I sick of Trump", and Trump people are "DeSantis is Paul Ryan in sheep's clothing".

Both men are far better than the current Regime. For either to defeat the 2024 Dem nominee, in AZ, WI, MI, GA, and PA...we are going to have to play the game their way. Absentee ballot harvesting is key.

We're going to need our own semi truck full of absentee votes that can be delivered from NY to PA.

PigHelmet said...

@J. Farmer: the category of “foil” is useful in this context.

Michael K said...

I don't know why DeSantis people are "I sick of Trump", and Trump people are "DeSantis is Paul Ryan in sheep's clothing".

No, DeSantis is the Bush machine's candidate and is being run by Karl Rove.

n.n said...

The bodyguard is like Obama are like Hitler? #InterpretiveHandGestures #OK (no pun intended, maybe)

Michael K said...

But, by Nov 2024 things might be so fucked up people will be begging for Trump. Everyone except college educated white women.

Yup but it might be too late. This time feels like early 2008. Who is going to find all those illegals when they start doing what comes naturally to criminals? Who will still be able to afford to drive with gas at $10 a gallon ? Here in Tucson I've been watching it climb in price. By summer it could be $5 a gallon. Five years ago it was less than $2.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Michael K said...

No, DeSantis is the Bush machine's candidate and is being run by Karl Rove.

If that is really the case, then there is no difference between Biden and DeSantis.

How does DeSantis hold on to the MAGA base? If I see him with Jeb Bush, George Bush, Karl Rove, or Paul Ryan...I'm out.

I don't mind drinking beer and smoking cigarettes while the country goes downhill. It's not what I want, but I'm prepared to do it.

Rabel said...

DeSantis was asked about the persecution of Trump by the NY DA and his response was essentially "not my problem."

He lost my support right there. He had that support as a possible alternative to Trump until then.

In my opinion it is every American's problem and a refusal to stand up for what is clearly right because the victim of this injustice is a competitor was petty beyond anything I can accept.

It was an exceptionally poor position to take from both a political and a patriotic point of view.

You guys are going to be very disappointed once you get to know the Governor better.

Rusty said...

Darkisland said...
"It turns out this morning that DeSantis' main proponents are George Bush and Karl Rove."
Oh. That's unfortunate.

Temujin said...

"Don't all couples do this? We talk face to face too."

Yeah. My wife's office here in the house is on one end, mine on the other end. And we tend to just talk to each other no matter what part of the house we're in, passing through, or leaving. We never hear each other, and we're always shouting, "What? WHAT?" or simply muttering under our breath, "I didn't hear a word of it."

So, yes, we end up sometimes texting each other for a quick answer. I haven't tried a laser pointer, but I might consider it if I wasn't concerned it would bring out the 'catty' part of her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are disciplined. They know NOT to bloody potential front runners.

Trump will destroy himself and take DeSantis with him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump crapping on DeSantis out of the gate - Trump lost my support.

I will vote 3rd party of stay home. he can suck it.

Aggie said...

"If Joe Biden was a movie it would be "The Manchurian Candidate"".

Well maybe, but he'd be Senator Johnny Iselin, taking his data from the Heinz Ketchup bottle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DeSantis owes Trump? why?

Trump SHITS all over DeSantis on a daily basis and has done so long before the corrupt left brought Stormy Daniels back in the mix. Somehow DeSantis is supposed to come to Trump's rescue?


F Trump. He is an inarticulate dick-stepping whiny buffoon... He is a ponzi scheme used car salesman "like never before!" televangelist Democrat party asset. Period.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

oh - funny how Trump can dish it - but the man-baby sure cannot take it.

Leland said...

+1 to Big Mike at 9:38AM.

I also live in a big house with multiple rooms and when I’m with the wife, she’ll usually be watching TV and working, and I’ll be listening to my iPad and on my computer. Yet, if we want to share information, we just talk.

J. Farmer said...


@J. Farmer: the category of “foil” is useful in this context.

I disagree. Foils plat a much different role than protagonist/antagonists. The relationship between the protagonists and antagonistss is what creates conflict and drives the story forward. Foils are more about character development. Foils are characters with qualities or traits in contrast to the main character's. Foils highlight attributes in one character through opposing traits in another. Holmes and Watson. Oscar and Felix. Riggs and Murtaugh. Scully and Mulder. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Antagonists can certainly play the role of foils but so can sidekicks, partners, accomplicies, or even alter egos. Jekyll and Hyde. Superman and Clark Kent.

Michael K said...

Trump SHITS all over DeSantis on a daily basis and has done so long before the corrupt left brought Stormy Daniels back in the mix. Somehow DeSantis is supposed to come to Trump's rescue?

First, that's not true. I don't approve of some of Trump's comments. On the other hand, DeS is now outed as the Bush candidate and he needs to avoid alienating the millions of Trump voters who stay with Trump. Many, if not most, are not traditional Republican voters. Where were the Reagan Democrats when Bush I ran for re-election in 1992?

Aggie said...

I'll probably be voting for the one that isn't Joe Biden, and I expect I'll have some company. Until then, I'm resting up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael K -- It is true.

Trump has done nothing but crap all over "DeSanctimonious" ever since DeSatnis' impressive win in FL. Trump is a jealous short-side buffoon. btw- What is DeSantis now? "Meatball Ron" I can't keep up with Trump's immature man-baby non-presidential name-calling.

Funny how Trump doesn't have any "names" for crook Biden.

If millions of Trump's ever-Trumpes want to stay home? fine. Do it. I really do not care.
Trump is a democrat asset and Trump's army ... same. Trump is a billionaire - he doesn't care about real people like he claims. He's a ponzi scheme televangelist.

DeSantis Outed as a Bush candidate? How exactly? Support is support. Trump is bleeding support and donors. This makes Trump lash out.... and his loyalists, too. Last week it was the Soros lie.

Rusty said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"Democrats are disciplined. They know NOT to bloody potential front runners.

Trump wil destroy himself and take DeSantis with him."
And yet, there he stands. Stronger than ever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Sleepy Joe" - is Trump's cut-throat name for the man destroying America. wow- such impressive name-calling skillz.

F Trump. Not enough F Trump's from my arsenal of F Trumps.

Crazy World said...

Run and hide in your safe space Chuck.

Rabel said...

I am placing my bunnies into protective custody.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meatball Ron is a Jeb! Meatball Ron is a Bush!-McConnnel!-Rove!-Ryan!-Soros! +Romney! oh my.

Even after DeSantis called out all the corrupt Soros DA's around the country. Amazing. Trump and his supports can bend reality to fit their Trump-obsessed will.

Trump is a tired old 76 year old ponzi Schemer. btw- Did that boring loser rocker guy actually call Zelensky "A homosexual weirdo"? The democrat party can play the loop.
Good going - losers.

What a clown show.

Inside Trump's ties to the multi-level marketing company that gave him $8.8 million -when the dupes at the bottom were screwed

Years ago - I was invited to attend the ACN multi-level marketing seminar. I went. I was the only person sitting in the audience fully aware it was all hot garbage. Everyone else in the room was mesmerized by the promise of an easy work day and high pay for little effort.
People I know lost money (shame on them) - but Trump walked away with millions. What an asshole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rusty - Trump will never win a national election ever again.

You can rub it in if I am wrong. But I am not wrong.

John henry said...

Hunter Biden's taxpayer funded...

You sound more and more like a lifelong republican

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- Trump is ahead in the polls? Yeah - sure.
As I stated before... If that is real - have fun.
It could be fake. The left know what they are doing.

AMDG said...

Blogger Rabel said...
DeSantis was asked about the persecution of Trump by the NY DA and his response was essentially "not my problem."

He lost my support right there. He had that support as a possible alternative to Trump until then.

In my opinion it is every American's problem and a refusal to stand up for what is clearly right because the victim of this injustice is a competitor was petty beyond anything I can accept.

It was an exceptionally poor position to take from both a political and a patriotic point of view.

You guys are going to be very disappointed once you get to know the Governor better.

3/27/23, 11:46 AM


If you have to lie about something maybe you should reevaluate your position.

DeSantis did not punt. He stated clearly that the potential prosecution was an illegitimate hit job by a Soros prosecutor.

What Trump and his Colin Cowboy brigade do not like is that DeSantis did not give Trump a tongue bath. Instead he observed that he didn’t know about how one could go about paying off a porn star.

This was a mild shot after Trump had suggested that DeSantis was either gay or preyed upon underage girls.

For such a tough guy the Fat Tub of Goo can’t take it. What a weenie and the members of the Trump Colin Cowboy Brigade are bunch delusional fools.

lonejustice said...

Blogger Gusty Passing Winds said...

"But, by Nov 2024 things might be so fucked up people will be begging for Trump. Everyone except college educated white women." and

"This is what Milwaukee wants, it is what Madison wants, and it is what College educated white women want."

Gusty Passing Winds seems to have a real problem with "college educated white women" -- coincidentally, like our gracious host. My lovely wife has a Masters Degree in English Literature, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, and works as a computer programmer. So I don't have a problem with college educated white women. I actually love them. My guess is that Gusty Passing Winds is either single, divorced, or married to a woman who can't stand him. And his idea of a romantic evening is popping open a can of beer and logging on to Porn Hub.

AMDG said...

A vote,for,Trump,I’m the primaries is an endorsement of Biden in the general election.

Why does the Trump Colon Cowboy Brigade hate America?

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Meatball Ron is a Jeb! Meatball Ron is a Bush!-McConnnel!-Rove!-Ryan!-Soros! +Romney! oh my."

Flip-side Inga is having an extremely difficult time adjusting to the facts of just who is supporting DeSantis and what that might mean.

After not jumping on the early reports that the Bushes/Rove were directly involved with the DeSantis campaign, because I always like to adhere to the 72 hour rule, it does now appear that in addition to the other GOPe-ers running the DeSantis campaign and the globalist funders of DeSantis, the Bushes & Rove are smack dab in the middle of the DeSantis campaign screwups.

Which makes perfect sense.

However, do note how freaked out Flip-side Inga gets when these simple facts are laid before her in all her glorious ignorance.

So Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH), just what do you think it means in terms of potential DeSantis policies on Foreign trade, economic nationalism, America First economic policies, immigration etc that ALL of the usual globalist, open borders, forever war morons are backing DeSantis.

See if you can use what little brain matter you may have left to think that one through.

Of course, you won't, but I thought I would still try one more time.

It should be noted that Flip-side Inga was on these very boards yesterday once again pitching the now very clear lie that DeSantis represents getting the "Trump policies" without the "Trump drama".

It is now indisputable that DeSantis will in no way advance any of the Trump/populist/economic nationalist policies as DeSantis' advisors/funders will never allow it and their leash around the neck of DeSantis is even more taught than previously suspected.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "F Trump. Not enough F Trump's from my arsenal of F Trumps."

You really mean "F the republican base" particularly given your continued, non-stop covering for the GOPe backstabbers.

And don't think the republican base doesn't notice it.

Drago said...

Rabel: "DeSantis was asked about the persecution of Trump by the NY DA and his response was essentially "not my problem."

He lost my support right there. He had that support as a possible alternative to Trump until then.

In my opinion it is every American's problem and a refusal to stand up for what is clearly right because the victim of this injustice is a competitor was petty beyond anything I can accept."

This is one of many instances that Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) is completely incapable of addressing in any substantive way whatsoever.

Robert Cook said...

The claim that everyone "who loves America" loves (loved?) Donald Trump is special pleading, a presumptuous and obviously false claim.

Robert Cook said...

"I'll probably be voting for the one that isn't Joe Biden...."

I'll be voting for the one that isn't a Republican or a Democrat.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Rusty - Trump will never win a national election ever again."

It is indeed quite possible the combined dem/LLR-democratical/GOPe team, of which Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) is a part, might very well have sufficient power to keep every outsider from ever winning another election.

Congratulations Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH). The globalists thank you for your loud and proud subservience.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker sees mirror...
"He is an inarticulate dick-stepping whiny buffoon"
Can insight help here?
Doubt it

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is the willing vehicle used by the left to usher in the leftist fascism.

Drago said...

AMDG: "DeSantis did not punt. He stated clearly that the potential prosecution was an illegitimate hit job by a Soros prosecutor.

What Trump and his Colin Cowboy brigade do not like is that DeSantis did not give Trump a tongue bath. Instead he observed that he didn’t know about how one could go about paying off a porn star."

This is demonstrably false as even typical Never Trumpers noticed the clear weakness of the DeSsntis response to the menace of democratical weaponization of the justice system and its paramount importance.

DeSantis gave a purposefully weak, dare I say Rovian, scripted and GOPe-consultant-driven answer to this existential threat to the republic.

But you just go right ahead and pretend that never happened, but its not going to fool anyone.

Maybe Jeb! will add you to his Christmas card list.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Trumpies -afraid of any Trump push back.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Trump is the willing vehicle used by the left to usher in the leftist fascism."

The GOPe is working hand in glove with the democraticals to deliver leftist fascism... and they have been doing it for decades.

And you always give them a full pass.

Your pathetic projection isn't going to fool anyone.

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