March 11, 2023

Sunrise — 6:19.

IMG_0481 2

Talk about whatever you like in the comments.

And don't forget to "leap forward" tonight. I'm looking forward to the correction to my extreme early rising — and by that I mean before 4 a.m.


lonejustice said...

As a 20+ lawyer reader of the Althouse blog, I want to make one final comment here on the Stanford Law School protest thread. Whether you agree with Ann or not, she has been cited in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and many other outlets for her opinions and her blog. She is relevant and people at the national level pay attention to her. All of you critics here have never been quoted at the Times or the Journal. Nobody in the entire world gives a flying fuck about what you think and post here. If you started your own blog, no one would ever read a single word of it. Because you have no credibility. What you do to get your jaded opinions out on the Internet is to leech onto a very successful blog like Althouse Blog to spout off your opinions. Pathetic.

Humperdink said...

The FDIC should have appointed SBF to run SVB so the SEC could be involved along with the FBI. The DOJ would approve.

tim maguire said...

Me too, i’ll go to bed tonight confident that I will sleep until 5 for at least a few days, and then wake up at 4 anyway and be annoyed.

Original Mike said...

"And don't forget to "leap forward" tonight."

I'm glad I'm out of the country.

Not really; since I retired I don't really care about "losing an hour". In fact, traveling to Australia I "lost" an entire day. (We get it back when we come home).

Chuck said...

"Spring forward"... right?

"Spring" forward and "fall" back.

Although "leap forward" is what you would do to your to calendar-date watches in non-leap years. February 28 ===> March 1.

traditionalguy said...

Wake up little Ann, wake up. Sunrise waits for no woman.

Narr said...

Posted at 601, a.k.a. 701 . . . up by 4 am . . . needs a good night's sleep . . . dollars to dumplings this doesn't show tonight. (Sent 750 a.k.a. 850.)

Stay warm and/or dry y'all. It's just cool and drizzly here.

n.n said...

Stanford president and law school dean apologize for propagation of DIEversity, anthropogenic climate change, and an environment unbecoming a university.

n.n said...

re: Standford DIEversity dean

So, what did she do wrong? Or was the turning point the social status of her target?

Big Mike said...

@lonejustice, that Ann Althouse disappeared not that long after she retired. Her commitment to free speech has vanished, and may have always been a sham.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Thanks for pointing that out, lone!! How dare any of you rubes question Ann's comments!! Who the hell do you think you are!?

Candide said...

lonejustice said...

“... All of you critics here have never been quoted at the Times or the Journal. Nobody in the entire world gives a flying fuck about what you think and post here...”




Wa St Blogger said...

@Lonejustice, that is just another form of the appeal to authority fallacy. Sort of like: shut up and listen to your betters. It is also disrespectful toward people you don’t know anything about.

hawkeyedjb said...

lonejustice, while our hostess does provide an interesting selection of curated articles, I would not read this blog if there were no comments. While there are some nonseqitors in the responses, many are interesting. (Yours was not, particularly.)

Lurker21 said...

The Fabelmans had some very fine moments, also some embarassing ones. I wondered if Spielberg's trademark sentimentality was going to break through (I also wondered if Spielberg's co-author Tony Kushner hadn't snuck a homoerotic subtext into the picture). Spielberg had colonized so much of our collective mind that I bridled at giving him another 2½ hours of my attention, but the movie was alright. It really belongs, though, not to the actor playing young Steven, but to Michelle Williams, who plays his mother.

Spielberg may be feeling nostalgic, and his team did a lot to recreate the look of the 1950s and 1960s, but I didn't feel like it was a real portrayal of the times. Of course, it wasn't primarily meant to be a period piece, but Steven Spielberg has drawn so extensively on his childhood in his films that The Fabelmans seemed to recreate not the Fifties and Sixties, but timeless Spielbergland. My father worked for the same company as Spielberg's father, and we lived not so far away from the Spielbergs, but the picture didn't make me feel nostalgic. Spielberg's real world was always the movies, not the external world of those days.

Sebastian said...

I don't mean to start another Stanford thread, but I was struck by this line from Stanford prez and dean:

“staff members who should have enforced university policies failed to do so, and instead intervened in inappropriate ways that are not aligned with the university’s commitment to free speech."

Glad to see them at least pretend to agree with near-unanimous commenter sentiment, not Althouse's rationalization.

wildswan said...

Comedy Gold -

This is Congressperson Garcia desperately seeking to understand the relationship between Bari Weiss, Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi. As I've come to realize, the Blueys, who are half the country, don't know what's going on, mainly because they're not aware of news sites other than those their grandfathers read. That's the key; it's not that Blueys don't read the sites; it's that the Blueys don't even know the sites exist. This is propaganda on a graduate degree level. Soviet Russia used to jam Radio Free Europe but in our more advanced times some sort of self-jamming process has been developed which self-implants so that formerly free minds are now enveloped in a dense cloud of unknowing. They know what not to know and when not to know it but they don't know they know not know.

wildswan said...

Comedy Gold -

This is Congressperson Garcia desperately seeking to understand the relationship between Bari Weiss, Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi. As I've come to realize, the Blueys, who are half the country, don't know what's going on, mainly because they're not aware of news sites other than those their grandfathers read. That's the key; it's not that Blueys don't read the sites; it's that the Blueys don't even know the sites exist. This is propaganda on a graduate degree level. Soviet Russia used to jam Radio Free Europe but in our more advanced times some sort of self-jamming process has been developed which self-implants so that formerly free minds are now enveloped in a dense cloud of unknowing. They know what not to know and when not to know it but they don't know they know not know.

Rory said...

My old dog has me on a 24-hour schedule, including one trip out that averages about 3 am. I'm not sure what more DST can do to me.

Lucien said...

Chris Rock’s latest stand up set must be like a slap in the face to Will Smith.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In order to 'contribute my grain of sand' (that's a Spanish language metaphor that probably doesn't quite translate) in the prevention of triggered reactions, I'm changing my screen name to Lem the misspeller. My screen name will be a trigger warning.

I hate to see kids troubled by an uncaring world.

effinayright said...

If I had revealed myself to be a totalitarian sympathizer and a completely innumerate and science-illiterate MORON, as our intellecutal whip-wielding blogmistress has done to day, I'd think of sleeping in.

Once you've ripped off those masks, you can't put them back on.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Elon Musk needs to shut up about Shaman.

In the new normal, his words could be construed as a terroristic threat to democracy (or some such) by a zealous prosecutor in Garland's Justice.

Laura said...

Count me as nobody.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe the Canadian Gov was right, and Jordan Peterson needs to take a Media Training Program.

⚠️ But first we want to warn our viewers, what you are about to see contains highly graphic material, viewer discretion is advised. ⚠️

Pull That Up, Jamie

You know what? If you want to know what I'm talking about, go to the Joe Rogan Subreddit.

(I don't want to put the professor on the spot)

Hint: Looks like JP fell for a "sex fetish" troll.

Mrs. X said...

Contra “the Dean handled the situation well,” the presidents of Stanford and of the law school apologized, saying: “In addition, staff members who should have enforced university policies failed to do so, and instead intervened in inappropriate ways that are not aligned with the university's commitment to free speech.”

gadfly said...

President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable,” Mike Pence said [during remarks Saturday evening at the annual Gridiron Club Dinner in Washington, DC].

“Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing,” Pence said. “Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the Speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials.”

Methinks that Mikey expects that he will have to testify before Jack Smith's federal grand jury hearing about January 6th.

Rt41Rebel said...

I'm really enjoying the new Beavis and Butthead reboot on Comedy Central. No matter what Mike Judge has done in the last few decades, he still knows how to do B&B faithfully, right down to substituting critique of TikTok in place of MTV.

Readering said...

Another perspective

Gospace said...

I just glanced down at the time on my compyer and wondered- How did it get to be 0322 already? The wonders of modern electronics- I don't even have to reset my watch. When I was younger, I never reset my phone... This is the time I normally start getting ready to hit the sack- except the clock says it's an hour later than that time...

farmgirl said...

Thank you for your affirmation.
I’m going out to milk my cows.

alanc709 said...

lonejustice- spoken like a proper little minion of the left. How dare anyone express a contrary opinion to a recognized expert.

tim maguire said...

lonejustice said... She is relevant and people at the national level pay attention to her. All of you critics here have never been quoted at the Times or the Journal. Nobody in the entire world gives a flying fuck about what you think and post here.

Is this a parody account? The only valid opinions are the ones given by influential people?

Do you use this reasoning before juries? If so, I weep for your clients.

tim maguire said...

Original Mike said... traveling to Australia I "lost" an entire day. (We get it back when we come home).

That plot device in Around the World in 80 Days always bugged me. It wasn’t believable that Fogg calculated his time by checking the local calendar wherever he was instead of ticking off the days in the journal he would have meticulously kept. How could the reader just accept that he was unaware of the significance of the international dateline until the final moments of the bet? That he was unaware the day he left England of what day he needed to be back to win the bet?

Humperdink said...

Now that major league baseball's opening day is around the corner it reminds me of a story from 1981. On January 20, 1981* the American hostages were released by Iran after being held for 444 days. Bowie Kuhn, MLB's commissioner announced the newly released hostages would be given lifetime passes to MLB games. To which sports commenter Beano Cook replied: "Haven't they suffered enough"?

*Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, a pure coincidence.

Big Mike said...

This is Congressperson Garcia desperately seeking to understand the relationship between Bari Weiss, Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi.

Garcia is apparently unaware that married lesbians do not have threesomes with two heterosexual biological males.

Owen said...

Stanford apology letter: only gets a B. It could have earned an A grade by simply stating that the student ringleaders and the Dean of Safe Spaces had already been sent packing.

Judge’s reply letter: A+. Graciously accepts the apology: B. But then cashes in the apology by stating a hope that the same and more be said and done for all those truly injured by the incident —the Fed Soc members and everybody at the school who still cares about intellectual freedom. That makes the B an A. And then he closes by saying he’ll be “watching with interest” to see what Stanford actually does “to restore” intellectual freedom. “Restore” is the exact word that nails the A+. It means Stanford is not OK. Stanford is sick. Stanford is in rehab and strong interventions are needed if it is ever to regain what it has thrown away.

Jersey Fled said...

Who ever heard of an atmospheric river? Must be some new phenomenon caused by climate change. Or maybe it's just a new name for something that's been going on for millennia. I vote for the latter.

jaydub said...

Don't be so hard on lonejustice. A 20+ lawyer is not supposed to know anything.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just realised ‘Lem the grain of sand contributor’ would be good, if not better than ‘Lem the misspeller’

I’m staying with ‘Lem the misspeller’ though, as I am in the the process of going through the 12 steps again with a new sponsor.

I’ve need to admit my faults. I don’t have to, but I want to.

Rusty said...

Readering and Gadfly. Mike Pence doesn't matter to the right. He has never mattered to the right. He has always been a creature of the swamp and recognized as such.
On a more alarming note the eighth largest bank in the country has defaulted and has been taken over by federal regulators. A bank run by and for far left silicon valley corporations.
Anxiously awaiting your expert analysis.

tim maguire said...

jaydub said...Don't be so hard on lonejustice. A 20+ lawyer is not supposed to know anything.

The funny thing is, he thinks being a 20+ year lawyer gives him gravitas, earns him respect from the rabble. As though a sizeable portion of the people he was belittling weren’t also longstanding lawyers.

Tina Trent said...

Lonejustice is a good handle for a small mind. You have no idea what we are accomplishing when not chatting here.

Saint Croix said...

I think The View is a live show? I read up on Saturday Night Live one time and the biggest headache for the producers was when a guest host used their time slot to say insane shit.

Anyway, Norm MacDonald was on the View and said that Bill Clinton was a murderer.

On Friday Jane Fonda was on the View and suggested murder as something pro-choice people could do aside from marching and protesting.

"While women's reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest," a representative for Fonda replied.

People on the pro-choice side might want to reflect a bit on what her speech reveals.

Pro-Lifers: "You're killing people."

Jane Fonda: "I've thought of murder."

Congress, by the way, waited until somebody tried to murder Brett Kavanaugh to increase security for the Supreme Court in the wake of the leak of the Dobbs opinion.

The danger of a Pravda media is that people in the government often won't act until the spotlight is on them.

One of the reasons I like free speech is that people reveal what's going on in their minds, and that's how our thoughts improve. A secret society is a poisonous society. An open society is best.

If the media reported what abortion is, openly and honestly, with photographs, I believe the numbers of abortions would dramatically decrease, and people would take birth control (and loving relationships) far more seriously. I believe the positives of free speech -- and honest journalism -- outweigh the negatives of controlled speech and controlled narratives (i.e. the polite lie).

Saint Croix said...

Her commitment to free speech has vanished, and may have always been a sham.

Big Mike,

I believe that's the dumbest thing I've read on the Althouse blog all year.


Saint Croix

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Who ever heard of an atmospheric river? Must be some new phenomenon caused by climate change. Or maybe it's just a new name for something that's been going on for millennia. I vote for the latter.

Here in the Great Pacific Northwest, those atmospheric rivers have been called Pineapple Expresses since time immemorial. They're nothing new.

Breezy said...

We had a rigorous debate about how critical it is to let people of different stripes speak, then lonejustice comes in and lets us know that only our host’s voice matters here. Wow.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Baseball has the Mendoza Line for a batting average of 0.200. Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson has had a couple of stupid comments about Guam tipping over because of a Marine base there and children's parties not being able to use balloons because of a helium shortage. I propose a new standard for stupidity: the Hank Johnson Level.

WA's 1st District Congresswoman, Suzan DelBene, reached the Hank Johnson Level of stupidity when she complained that Republicans were placing foreign bond holders before servicemen's pay when it comes to allocating tax money during the current debt limit. She seems to think stiffing the bond holders would be a good thing.

Suzan DelBene, come on down and accept your Hank Johnson Level Stupidity Award!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Clarice notes...
If you’ve ever wondered why the Left is so successful in fooling so many people for so long, you might consider branding expert Rob Frankel’s observation.

The average IQ score is 100, encompassing about 68% of the population. If you add in the population who isn't even that bright, all the way down to the bottom of the barrel, you'll find that an astonishing 84% of the population ranges from "average" to "breathing paperweight." That leaves about 16% of people who are "above average" or "really, really smart."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Lone for a reason.

Saint Croix said...

I've always thought Woman's History Month, like Black History Month, is really annoying.

There's only one history. Try to find it! Year-round!

Anyway, I'm surprised to say, Woman's History Month is disappearing, because women no longer exist.

That's the problem with Marxism, I guess. Eventually the authorities will eliminate you from the photograph.

Drago said...

lonejustice: "Nobody in the entire world gives a flying fuck about what you think and post here. If you started your own blog, no one would ever read a single word of it. Because you have no credibility. What you do to get your jaded opinions out on the Internet is to leech onto a very successful blog like Althouse Blog to spout off your opinions. Pathetic."


Whoa tiger. Talk about peeling back the onion on your own internal issues. How many therapists would it take to get you back on track?

Physician heal thyself, so to speak.

Kai Akker said...

---Stanford is sick. Stanford is in rehab and strong interventions are needed if it is ever to regain what it has thrown away. [Owen]

You are right. But so much has been thrown away, by Stanford, Yale, Oberlin, and many, many others. It will be a long time before they can truly regain what they have destroyed for themselves. I suspect at least a generation.

Too much money polluted their minds. The inflows never last forever.

As for the Asst Diversity dean, Stanford has the opportunity to regain an inch by eliminating the job. That woman thought she was going to be heroine for a day, with her speech, but she incorrectly judged that those students represented her entire constituency. Must now be coming as a shock to her to hear otherwise. Hers is a misbegotten job that should be eliminated.

MadTownGuy said...

Social science is irreproducible, drug tests nonreplicable, and stoves studies ignore confounders.

[Selected section about gas stoves:]

"Are gas stoves dangerous? This 2022 environmental study said they are, claiming with 95% confidence that they are responsible for 12.7% of childhood asthma. I doubt the study will be reproducible for reasons I’ll detail below, but for now it’s science, and it may soon be law.

Part of the replication problem is that researchers have been found to lie. They fudge data or eliminate undesirable results, some more some less, and a few are honest, but the journals don’t bother checking. Some researchers convince themselves that they are doing the world a favor, but many seem money-motivated. A foundational study on Alzheimers was faked outright. The authors doctored photos using photoshop, and used the fake results to justify approval of non-working, expensive drugs. The researchers got $1B in NIH funding too. I’d want to see the researchers jailed, long term: it’s grand larceny and a serious violation of trust.

farmgirl said...

Lem: the good guy.
That’s who you are to me.
G*dspeed w/your steps.

Owen said...

Jersey Flex @ 7:04: “…atmospheric river…?” It’s a new word and so it must be a new thing. Through the power of faith in climate change, mighty forces are unleashed and the world is transformed. Please send money now or we are lost.

MadTownGuy said...

Jersey Fled said...

"Who ever heard of an atmospheric river? Must be some new phenomenon caused by climate change. Or maybe it's just a new name for something that's been going on for millennia. I vote for the latter."

It's a narrow concentration of water vapor that rides alongside a jet stream. One well-known one is called the Pineapple Express, which funnels Hawaiian moisture to the West Coast.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Me too, i’ll go to bed tonight confident that I will sleep until 5 for at least a few days, and then wake up at 4 anyway and be annoyed.”

Daylight Savings Time? What’s that? Said by someone in AZ, which doesn’t abide with such nonsense.

Michael McNeil said...

Who ever heard of an atmospheric river? Must be some new phenomenon caused by climate change. Or maybe it's just a new name for something that's been going on for millennia. I vote for the latter.

It is indeed the latter. View this map (also this) to see what California (particularly the Central Valley) looked like after the tremendous sequence of “atmospheric river” storms that smashed into the West Coast during the winter of 1861-62. As the 2nd map above notes, such atmospheric rivers can (each) carry the water of 15 Mississippi Rivers.

(Modern highways overlaid for clarity. Saved from a SciAm article some years back.)

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

This is too funny: "Drama: Oscars Scramble ‘Drip Control Team’ to Catch Leaks, Rain Puddles". The Big Guy (Not Joe Biden, the original Big Guy) is signaling his opinion on the washed-up Oscar ceremony.

Jersey Fled said...

Here in the Great Pacific Northwest, those atmospheric rivers have been called Pineapple Expresses since time immemorial. They're nothing new.

I guess "pineapple express" was racist or something.

n.n said...

As for the Asst Diversity dean, Stanford has the opportunity to regain an inch by eliminating the job.

Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment) is derived from the Pro-Choice ethical religion based on principles of political congruence ("=") with integrated bigotry.

Drago said...

BUMBLE BEE: "Lone for a reason."

As with obama, we have all greatly failed lonejustice and failed to live up to his/her exacting standards of excellence.

longjustice is like another LightBringer illuminating our deficiencies and lamenting that the blog can't be a string of one lonejustice posting after another, thereby increasing the overall acceptability of life in America.

Big Mike said...

@Saint Croix, your assessment of my analysis, coming on the same thread as the comment by lonejustice, should cause me to feel honored.

But I think it’s just that you’re wrong.

Saint Croix said...


after watching one Clint Eastwood movie too many

decides he needs to "clean up this blog"

and bring back some law and order

Bam! Bam! Bam!

he doesn't stick around for any thank yous

or to rape a hillbilly woman

(depending on what Clint Eastwood movie you're watching)

it's a rough justice

but somebody had to do it

and lonejustice rides off into the sunset

leaving behind a cleaner, happier blog

as those bad commentators

bleeding out from their mind wounds

sink back into our darks holes

never to besmirch the Althouse blog again

(unless there's a sequel)

Saint Croix said...

One of the nice things about going abroad is you discover how American you are

And I don't know about you, but I mock the shit out of restaurants here in the U.S. that don't put ice in the water.

"There's this thing called a freezer," I say, in one of my pro-ice rants. "I know they can't afford freezers in France, but we don't have to import every damn idea from Europe into the United States of America. This is the South. We like ice. We need ice. Ice is our friend! Sophisticated restaurants have sophisticated freezers that make ice cubes. I am almost certain these prices you are charging include ice cubes."

I do not say any of this to the waiter, lonejustice, if you are taking notes, to the waiter I say, "I need some ice, please."

Also I give the waiter a big tip, because that's what Americans do, we rock hard and tip big, and if that's too chill for all your lukewarm socialist pals dying of heat exhaustion in France because there's no fucking ice cubes, to them I say, fuck it, and tip some more. I take my aggression out in charity, aggressive charity, fuck you charity, 200% charity, charity so obnoxious that other people want to do charity to teach me how to do charity correctly.

I read that article and I go, whoa! That's my ugly American ass, loud and bitching about the lack of ice cubes, walking in with my flip-flops, a.k.a. leather sandals, a.k.a. Jesus footwear. I mean, they had me until they got to "manscaping" and I was like, what the fuck, I don't know my own country anymore.

Saint Croix said...

I think it’s just that you’re wrong.

That's why journalists censor pro-lifers all day.

That's the little voice that goes on in their feeble little minds.

you're wrong, you're wrong, you're so wrong, you're so wrong I'm not going to read it and nobody else should be allowed to read it either, that's how wrong you are, you wrong-headed wrong bastard

Althouse thinks I'm wrong and publishes my opinions anyway.

She's an awesome liberal, in my opinion. Full stop.

Owen said...

St. Croix @ 11:57: your ice-rant is brilliant. Unhinged; but brilliant. Thanks.

Saint Croix said...

thanks Owen

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