March 11, 2023

"Lauren Boebert will be a grandmother at 36. This is what conservatives want for us."

That's the headline of a column at The Guardian by Arwa Mahdawi.
I want to stress that the only reason her growing family is at all newsworthy is because Boebert decided to turn a private affair into a big public statement about how the rest of us should live.... 
“There’s something special about rural conservative communities,” Boebert effused. “They value life. If you look at teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation, well, they’re the same, [in] rural and urban areas. However, abortion rates are higher in urban areas. Teen moms’ rates are higher in rural conservative areas, because they understand the preciousness of a life that it’s about to be born.”

Boebert's son, the father-to-be, is 17.


Michael K said...

I see the Guardian is keeping close tabs on Colorado Republicans.

gilbar said...

How Old, ARE you supposed to be? When you have your 1st child? 32? 36? Never?
Being a Grandmother BEFORE you are 40 is a mark of (genetic) success; Liberals are TOO STUPID to know this

JRoberts said...

Does the article say anything about a shotgun weeding and who might be wielding that shotgun?

Gahrie said...

Anyone want to guess the demographics of the typical 36-year-old grandmother, and who is enabling and glorifying them?

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

That is an excellent time to become a grand parent. That gives lots of time for the grandkids to bond with the grand parents that are still vital. In retrospect, having my first grand child at 70+ would have been better at 36.

rehajm said...

This is the solution to Ann’s population panic. Conservatives have no need for economic incentives to procreate, plus our women are not insufferable like liberal women…

Readering said...

Obama conceived when mother 18 going on 19 I think. Still, LB a nut glorifying 17 year old son.

Gahrie said...

It's almost as if women have evolved to give birth in their late teens.

Gospace said...

Never met a 32 year old grandmother until I moved to the rural commuity I now live in. Now I know several of them. Along with 48 year old great grandmothers.

The thing is, most of them aren't church goers in the least bit. And I have yet to meet one that's both 1. Married and 2. to her first and only husband.

I was 25, my wife 23 for our first child. 48 for the first grandchild. 67 for the 7th, with more to come.

No, grandmothers at 36 is not what conservatives want for people.

Narayanan said...

Boebert is so much worse than ...
a working girl putting herself through school :: The 31-year-old is reportedly “getting her masters in FBI CSI while working for the FBI and CSI also," according to her mother on Facebook.

BIDEN BABY Who is Lunden Roberts and when did she have a baby with Hunter Biden?

Roberts reportedly got pregnant around the time Hunter had broken up with former sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, who had been married to his late brother, Beau Biden.

The 31-year-old is reportedly “getting her masters in FBI CSI while working for the FBI and CSI also," according to her mother on Facebook.

Gahrie said...

More cruel neutrality. In a week in which Hanoi Jane advocated the murder of pro-life activists we get this.

n.n said...

To fuck or not to fuck is the first choice, particularly through puberty, the liberal period of human development.

Conservatives are Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness under a Constitution designed to mitigate authoritarian progress. Conservatives oppose the performance of human rites (e.g. witch trials, warlock judgments, planned parent/hood) for social, redistributive, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather progress. Conservatives do not take a knee to the twilight faith, the ethical religion, class-disordered ideologies ("diversity") that deny dignity, agency, and normalize human life as negotiable commodities. Conservatives acknowledge the fitness of a woman and man, throughout her and his, respectively, life, and encourage mitigation of risk to mother and child ("our Posterity").

Conservatives, clearly, are less prone to conflate logical domains, etc.

Enigma said...

Now they should do a deep dive on the average ages of single black urban grandmothers...

When childbirth is made partisan, that party is heading for extinction.

JRoberts said...

Based on the excerpt provided (paywall), I see Boebert expressing her values and, I assume, the values of the parents-to-be.

While her expressed values don't exactly match mine, I see nothing that attempts to force her values, either by societal or legal pressure, to force those values on anyone else. Just more post-Roe hysteria on the part of the NYT writer.

rhhardin said...

More likely a difference in birth control than abortion.

n.n said...

In retrospect, having my first grand child at 70+ would have been better at 36.

Safer for the mother, more productive for the father, and less harrowing for their child. And grandma and grandpa are emotionally primed to enjoy the pitter patter of little feet and physically able to contribute to their functional development.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How is her personal life or her son's choices - any of anyone's business?

meanwhile- Hunter Biden made millions off of his father's Vice Presidential status - all in secret and against the law.

Fuck the left.

Iman said...

Millions of babies killed in the womb and this is a problem?

n.n said...

I see the Guardian is keeping close tabs on Colorado Republicans.

The Guardian maintains a faith in a consensus of experts, advocates, and activists who assert that excess children... I mean, carbon, causes [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change.

cfs said...

I got married at 17, had my first child at age 20, and my first grandchild at age 49. I'm glad the grandchildren started arriving while I was young enough to enjoy them. Although I admit the current 3 year old can run circles around both hubby and me and is a lot harder to keep up with than the first one was at that age and I was only 52.

I also think it is a lot better than just killing the baby for everyone's convenience. So, I'm glad Lauren Boebert is supporting her son and his girl-friend and looking forward to welcoming her new grandchild into the world.

Dave Begley said...

Just had coffee with a group of my Class of ‘75 classmates. One guy has 23 grandkids with 3 more on the way. Lucky man.

Stan Smith said...

By the time I was old enough to really understand my maternal grandparents, they were in their mid-eighties. I never really got to know them.

In one of my first positions at what became my career, the boss's secretary was a grandmother at 35. She had married Frank Tanana (an L.A. Angels pitcher) at 15, had her daughter, who then herself had married at 15. They all seemed to be very happy.

n.n said...

the demographics of the typical 36-year-old grandmother

Hispanic? Orthodox Jew? Mormons, once upon a time? Social liberals who miss the six week window to legally abort their "burden" and ride to sanctuary states?

Limited blogger said...

I mis-read a headline earlier, I thought Boebart was having a child.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Older than i was when i became a grandfather. It’s great to be a young grandpa. People feel the need to say “you seem too young to be a grandparent.” Well they did until the second one hit her twenties.

alanc709 said...

Such a life-affirming viewpoint, to denigrate someone for having children. No wonder we import illegals into the country, it saves those leftwing sycophants from having to go through labor to maintain our society. You are seriously going to deserve the hellhole you'll live in when you get the world you're creating.

victoria said...


Are you nuts? Being a grandmother is not a mark of any kind of success, anymore than being a grandmother at 40, 50, 60 or beyond. It just is. It's not valuing life, don't be an IDIOT. I am amazed that you believe that junk.

Vicki from Pasadena

Robert Cook said...

“They value life. If you look at teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation, well, they’re the same, [in] rural and urban areas. However, abortion rates are higher in urban areas. Teen moms’ rates are higher in rural conservative areas, because they understand the preciousness of a life that it’s about to be born.”

Well, that's one (somewhat disingenuous) spin on it.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Good heavens, no! None of us want Arwa Mahdawi to reproduce in any way, shape or form!

However, I do think the Left should give some thought to the possibility that the Right will outbreed them.

n.n said...

Congratulations to mom and dad for "our Posterity" and choosing the hardest job you will ever love. Congratulations to grandma. Fair winds and following waters for mother and child.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, it would be nice if you were not so judgmental and chose to be tolerant of the way other people choose to live their lives. I assume the reason why the Guardian included the sentence “This is what conservatives want for us” in its headline — and you in your turn chose to make it part of your headline for your post — is that you and your sister feminists wish to dictate family lifestyle choices and would like to preclude couples in their late teens starting a family.

tommyesq said...

Celebrating that a child will be born out of a pregnancy is not the same as suggesting that every 17-18 year old should be getting pregnant. Strawman argument.

Misinforminimalism said...

And what do liberals want for us? Endless college? Barrista jobs and Fortnite accounts? Having kids is great. The problem is we have a generation of parents who raised their kids as if they'd never have kids of their own, so even at 30 they're not ready.

Inga said...

Boebert reminds me of Sarah Palin. Hopefully Boebert’s young son’s fatherhood and relationship with the 15 year old will be more successful than Sarah Palin’s daughters’s and older son’s, or her own marriage. If the acceptable standard for conservative communities (and to brag about them) is to impregnate 15 year olds and become grandmas at 36, well bless them.

mccullough said...

Perhaps the lad could have worn a condom. Like Father, like Son

Sheridan said...

Boebert's son has taken-on a real challenge by becoming a father while still in his teens. But if he is a mature 17 year old blessed with a strong conscience and good character and is willing to put in the work to be a caring and loving partner/parent then the odds of success for the baby are very high. The young man has left the world of teenager angst and wishful thinking and playtime. There can be no looking back. And after all, it wasn't that long ago that humans lived on average to the age of 30. People grew-up quick and died young back in the day.

Tim said...

How old was Barky, the mocha messiah's mother when he was born? 18?

Mary Beth said...

From the time I was young, I have heard that it's fine and normal for teens to be sexually active and that there is no shame in teen pregnancy. Has that changed? This feels like shaming to me. Or is there just shame in not getting an abortion? If the families are supportive and the pregnancy isn't going to "ruin" anyone's life, why shouldn't society be happy with the choice they've made?

Joe Smith said...

If the 17yo is a good father and can afford to raise a kid, good for him.

And yet another reminder, birth control in this country is virtually free.

Chuck said...

"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not for our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."
~ Jack Handey

NKP said...

Chuck Berry - Teenage Wedding (clip from Pulp Fiction)

Gunner said...

"Anyone want to guess the demographics of the typical 36-year-old grandmother, and who is enabling and glorifying them?"

Well, in this case, Boebert seems to be the one "glorifying" them.

Can't we agree that this really isn't a good thing? I kinda doubt her son wants to spend the rest of his life with this girl he knocked up before he can buy a lottery ticket.

gspencer said...

It's not unusual among a certain Democrat client group/base to find four-generation-"families" where the oldest is in her mid-40s. Responsible adult males generally no where to be found.

Iman said...

“Frank Tanana”

Now there’s a name I have not read or heard in a very long time!

Steven said...

Mmm-hmmm. And as a matter of hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary selection pressures, are women more likely to find it psychologically fulfilling if they become first-time mothers at 36, rather than if they become first-time grandmothers at 36?

As a libertarian, I have no objection to individual women choosing delayed marriage and motherhood. But I strongly doubt that it's actually a good and healthy thing for most women for there to be a societal expectation that they'll have their first child closer to age 36 than to age 18.

Kai Akker said...

--- It's not valuing life, don't be an IDIOT. I am amazed that you believe that junk. ---

Steven Wilson said...

Gil bar says:

How Old, ARE you supposed to be? When you have your 1st child? 32? 36? Never?
Being a Grandmother BEFORE you are 40 is a mark of (genetic) success; Liberals are TOO STUPID to know this

Vicki responds


Are you nuts? Being a grandmother is not a mark of any kind of success, anymore than being a grandmother at 40, 50, 60 or beyond. It just is. It's not valuing life, don't be an IDIOT. I am amazed that you believe that junk.

Vicki from Pasadena"

Denying that it is success, particularly GENETIC success merely indicates you haven't grasped the fact that the future belongs to those who show up and especially to those who show up in quantity.

Jupiter said...

"This is what conservatives want for us."

No actually, that is what we want for ourselves. If the likes of Arwa Madawi are determined to kill their babies before they are born, or neuter and sterilize them after, I have come to realize that there is only a limited amount we can do about it. Fortunately, it seems like one of those evils Lincoln spoke of, "those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove ... ". And indeed, He has given us people like Arwa Madhawi, who are striving to bring about that removal.

Chuck said...

Frankly, I am optimistic about the future for Boebert's 17 year-old boy-father.

Rep. Boebert can probably get him a job in Washington, fundraising and doing organizing for a Pro-Trump PAC or a conservative think tank, or perhaps something at the Washington Times. Something in the $165k-$185k range, to start. Get his foot in the door, get registered as a lobbyist. Get a starter condo in Fairfax, somewhere in the $750k range. To, you know, support the grandchild so that nobody's waiting in any government food lines.

Deirdre Mundy said...

In rural areas, the mom can go to Community college, get a job as bank teller, work her way up. The father, if they stay together (there's no longer pressure for marriage in the same way, shotgun weddings are out) can get a factory job at 18. They can have a house before they're 25.

This looks weird and alien because they're living like people did in the 50s/60s, just without the social stigma.

Moondawggie said...

One of my best friends at Stanford Med School got married in high school and had his oldest daughter when he was 17. He had a great career as a Cardiac Anesthesiologist, and his kids did well.

Also, IIRC, if it weren't for 17 year old kids getting pregnant, the world would never have been graced with the presence of Barack Obama. (Of course, his much older, mature, and presumably responsible father abandoned Barack and his mom in hurry.)

So I'm not sure that age is the biggest determinant of future parental success.

Perhaps Arwa Mahdawi should mind his/her/their own business, but I guess attacking a political enemy's family is just too inviting an opportunity to pass up.

The Vault Dweller said...

Well, that's one (somewhat disingenuous) spin on it.

I don't know. I don't follow Lauren Boebert or pay much attention to anything she says. And from the snippets of what I've heard her say she doesn't seem a terribly bright person. But this does sound like an opinion that could be genuinely held. It can be argued it is incorrect, but I think it more likely than not she genuinely believes it.

Darury said...

Didn't the left have the same sort of fit when Sarah Palin's daughter got pregnant and didn't boast about having an abortion? If these same children had gotten abortions, it would have been how wonderful things are that their lives aren't "ruined" by having children early.

Amadeus 48 said...

The Guardian: always in the vanguard. Forward!

Amadeus 48 said...

This situation begs for Andrew Sullivan's input.

dbp said...

There's a nice agreement between the left and right. They don't want to reproduce and we are fine with their choice.

Aggie said...

"This is what conservatives want for us."

Say, let's do a little experiment on what Liberal Progressives want for us: Let's go to a housing project and count the number of little unmarried single girls with babies, and see what their average age is. Bonus: Count the number of grandmothers under 35.

mccullough said...

Boebert is a dipshit like AOC.

It’s fucking sad that these two are in Congress.

tolkein said...

My Mum and Dad were 19 when I was born. They were married at 18. He was in the Royal Air Force seconded to The Royal Canadian Air Force. I'm the eldest of 5. They were married until the death of my Mum in 2012 - nearly 59 years. My Dad followed her after his 80th. My Grandma was 41 when I was born.
I have no words for the Guardian or the sentiments in the article.

Critter said...

Diversity is our strength until it comes to conversations. What is the difference between a person of the Left and a phony?

lonejustice said...

I think that getting married and having children when you are a teenager worked a few generations ago. People grew up and matured much earlier back then, because they had to. Nowadays, with delayed adolescence the norm, I would not be comfortable with anybody making the decision to get married and having children before 22. Maybe even 25. This is a lifetime commitment, and you have to be mature to make that decision.

narciso said...

she worked as a pipe fitter, and later owned a restaurants, she got a concealed carry permit because she there was an incident at the restaurant,

n.n said...

With choice follows responsibility. With self-moderation follows liberty. This is why young adults are generally discouraged from having sex. That said, it's difficult to predict which individual girl or boy will reach the fullness of adulthood as an adult, let alone when they are younger with wide open dreams. Good luck, mother, father, and baby makes three. You can have it all, eventually, plan accordingly, work diligently, embrace fidelity in your relationships.

James K said...

There's an old joke about three kinds of Jewish weddings. At a reform wedding the bride is not Jewish. At a Conservative wedding the bride is pregnant. At an Orthodox wedding the mother of the bride is pregnant.

And that's not intended to be disparaging of the Orthodox. They marry young and have continue to have kids as long as they are able to. That seems to me a good thing.

Lewis Wetzel said...

My parents married when my father was 19 and my mother had just turned 16. This was 1957.
I was born when my mother was 19 years old, and my older brother is more than two years older than I am.
This was not unusual for the late '50s, and we weren't country people. my parents lived in a suburb of Minneapolis.

Michael K said...

I had to go look at the article to see that Boebert brought this up. I do not approve of that. These are private matters. My wife had her first child at 17, not an example of mature judgement but she had graduated from High school at 16 and was married (Not to me). She went to nursing school with two little boys and got her RN. Her husband did not approve of education. He was in his 30s when they were married. We met years later. Her oldest son is close to 60 and a great guy. He has three sons in their 30s and they are married and have kids so she is a great grandmother.

One of my partners in practice was married at 16, he worked for his father while finishing high school. He started medical school in the Philippines and finished at UCLA. He did his surgical residency at UCLA, as well.

Not all is exactly as we might wish it but life has its little surprises. What is important is how they are handled.

Joe Smith said...

"Rep. Boebert can probably get him a job in Washington, fundraising and doing organizing for a Pro-Trump PAC or a conservative think tank, or perhaps something at the Washington Times. Something in the $165k-$185k range, to start. Get his foot in the door, get registered as a lobbyist. Get a starter condo in Fairfax, somewhere in the $750k range. To, you know, support the grandchild so that nobody's waiting in any government food lines."

Great idea. It's what all the D grifters like Maxine Waters do...keep it all in the family.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I read somewhere that the idea that people in the Olden Days married while in their mid-teens is not really true. Most women married in their late teens or early twenties. Marriage was postponed until the husband could could afford a dependent family.
IIRC, Jack London (1876-1916) railed about the difficulty of working class men gaining a wife and family. It was simply too expensive, no woman would marry a man who could not provide her a home, so working men's sexual adventures were commonly with prostitutes.
Consider the stereotype of the bachelor "hired man" on a farm. In the stereotype he lives alone in a loft above the barn. The reason for this is that his wages were too low for him to afford a wife.

Jupiter said...

"To, you know, support the grandchild so that nobody's waiting in any government food lines."

So Chuckles, I've been wondering. Are you still a life-long Republican, like you used to be? Or are you now a life-long something else?

SteveWe said...

So what? Seventeen is a perfect age to become a stupid father. It's God's design. I hope he adjusts and becomes a good a good father -- mother as well.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Being "too fertile" is such a predictable attack by leftists on a conservative. Imagine the opposite; a conservative publication attacking a progressive politician for being childless.
Ocasio-Cortez is 33 years old. Where are her children? It get dramatically more difficult for a woman to have children every year past the age of thirty.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Chuck: "Frankly, I am optimistic about the future for Boebert's 17 year-old boy-father.

Rep. Boebert can probably get him a job in Washington, fundraising and doing organizing for a Pro-Trump PAC or a conservative think tank, or perhaps something at the Washington Times. Something in the $165k-$185k range, to start. Get his foot in the door, get registered as a lobbyist. Get a starter condo in Fairfax, somewhere in the $750k range. To, you know, support the grandchild so that nobody's waiting in any government food lines."


Remember, LLR-democratical Chuck is a bigly defender of Hunter Biden and the Biden clan, thus, Boebert and son are already somehow implicitly guilty of something they've never done while LLR-democratical Chuck's democratical heroes are the very embodiment of the corruption all democraticals like Chuckles defends.

Again, its a very good thing Chucky has abandoned his hilariously transparent faux conservative/"lifelong" republican posturing.

The only thing missing from Chuck's rhetorical repertoire is his cringe-inducing Eddie Haskell-like suck-uppery with Althouse....but the day is still young. Let's see what else it brings.

n.n said...

It get dramatically more difficult for a woman to have children every year past the age of thirty.

Pregnancy becomes less viable, but if a woman and man are successful, it occurs at a higher risk to both mother and child.

MountainMan said...

I've known several people who married young, had children, and went on to have very happy and successful marriages. The best example is someone I worked with. She met a 21-year old college student when she was 18 and a senior in high school. They married the summer after she graduated. She had her first son at 19, the second at 21. She stayed at home and kept the boys while he worked. Once they were both in school she enrolled in the local community college and went to class during their school day. After she got her AS degree she transferred to a nearby branch of the state U. Graduated at 35 with honors with a BS in Comp Sci and came to work for us when her boys were 16 and 14 and able to take care of themselves. No issues with maternity or child care interfering with her career. Her added income helped pay for their education.

She became a grandmother around 45. She went on to work for us for 30 years, retiring at 65 about the same time I did, having had a nice career and with a good pension and 401(K). She was a great employee. Now she is in her early 70s like me and enjoying her great grandchildren. With good health she will live to see great-great-grandchildren.

None of this was by accident. She planned it that way. Very smart. Kids and family first, career later.

Drago said...

mccullough: "Boebert is a dipshit like AOC."

It's quite true that she lacks the "gravitas", "respectability" and political inclinations of a Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski.

Andrew said...

Lauren Boebert, along with Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Trump himself: Yeah, a little bit nuts. Self-aggrandizing. Hypocritical. Narcisstic. Lacking virtue. Etc.

But a thousand times better than our regular elite in DC. God bless them.

Yancey Ward said...

If I could go back and do my life over, I would not only have had children, but I would have had 4 or 5 of them by the time I was 30. My parents had four of us by the time my mother was 31 and my father was 34. My mother wanted more, but my father didn't. I wish my mother had gotten what she wanted- I wouldn't have minded, today, having a couple of extra siblings around the Christmas table.

The critiques of Boebert sound like jealousy to me.

Narayanan said...

is this redux of Andrew Sullivan claiming Sarah Palin was her own grand-mother or something like that?

Doug said...

Well, in this case, Boebert seems to be the one "glorifying" them.

Gunner, are you really that dense, or is this some kind of mind game?

Jupiter said...

"In a week in which Hanoi Jane advocated the murder of pro-life activists we get this."

Hey, look. All she said was "Murder". She didn't say whom she wanted to murder. Maybe she just wants to murder some babies. Is there anything wrong with that?

Yancey Ward said...

My maternal grandmother, born in 1930, was 36 when I, her first grandchild, was born in 1966, and got her first great child (my first cousin's son) when she was 54, though there was a big gap after that to the subsequent great grand children, some of whom she didn't live to see.

My mother, who was just two months past her 18th birthday when I was born, was 54 when she got her first grandchild, my oldest sister's first daughter. It is unlikely my mother will live to see great grand children unless they arrive in the next decade or so, and I put those odds as slim right now.

Nancy Reyes said...

Grandparents matter.
And before you point fingers, just remember that it was the grandparents who helped raise President Obama and President Clinton so their teenage moms could finish school. True, the moms found husbands but the husbands didn't support them: Clinton's father had died, and Obama's father sort of disappeared. It was the grandparents who enabled the girls to both have their kid and finish school, not the government.

tim maguire said...

I’ve never met a liberal who had the slightest clue who conservatives are, what they believe, or why they believe it.

Though, to be fair, most liberals are no better informed about liberals than they are about conservatives.

Ralph L said...

if you made it to your teen years, then you were likely to live into your sixties.

If you didn't get TB (1 in 5 did) or die in childbirth, there was always plague, pestilence, and war.

When my 29 y.o. cousin married a 21 yo Miss [State] USA, my aunt was freaked out that her grandmother was a year older than she was.

It must be horrible to be the teenage child of a public figure. I don't blame them much for acting up.

Bruce Hayden said...

The criticisms of her are highly classist. Our type of people just don’t do that. They go get a college degree, then a graduate degree, work for a bit, then maybe get married, and start trying to have their kids in their early 30s. Which by then is a lot harder, and more problematic.

Not everyone needs a graduate degree. Or even a college degree. Right now the ROI of a plumbing or electrical apprenticeship is far higher than that of an average gender studies, English lit, etc college degree. And what are they going to do with a graduate degree?

That said, I can’t quibble with what my partner did. She wanted a college degree before she got married. Graduated at 21, married a couple months later, and a son 10 months later. Daughter married a year or two earlier, but had her first son at about the same age. Now, we are worried about our 21 and 19 year old grandsons getting trapped into marriages too young. The big problem is the young women they have been with. Sex is an intoxicant for late high school boys. The 21 year old has been with enough women by now that he listens to his grandmother carefully as she tells him what to avoid in a mother of his children. The 19 has been with a hot mess of a girlfriend, who started having sex at maybe 13. She is a compulsive lier. The next two grandsons are on track for college, and later marriages, but hopefully not that late. Fifth is probably going to do the same.

My problem with early (<18 or so) motherhood, is that it seems to stunt their emotional and intellectual maturity, at the point of their first full term pregnancy. This probably didn’t matter when women started having kids in their teens, and typically kept at it until they died doing it. That worked in a less industrialized agrarian (or earlier) society. My partner is somewhat related by marriage to a couple Catholic families with maybe a dozen kids, of her generation. In the big cities, it was more 4-5 for the Boomer generation. That now is cost prohibitive for most. That is happening all around the world, and is why we are facing a demographic collapse, with China expected to lose half its population in the next half century. So what does a woman do who has her two kids by 20, 4 grandkids by 40, etc, and she is stuck emotionally and intellectually at 18? The answer seems to be to work alongside their daughters at Subway, etc. Then maybe alongside granddaughters.

Iman said...

My parents married when my father and mother were 21 and 17, respectively. They had 4 children by the time my mother was 21 years old. Different times and sensibilities in the ‘50s…

Lurker21 said...

If you feel like writing an article like this one, it's best to lie down and wait until the urge passes.

But there are deadlines, and journalists have to keep turning out copy or they end up on the street.

There's no reason why the rest of us should care.

Moondawggie said...

Since it seems our progressive moral and intellectual betters have decided that teens and 20-year-olds should wait until they are at least 30 to procreate, will those same elites step up to the plate and pass a law that eliminates all government-funded AFDC/TANF/welfare payments and health care benefits to every under-30 parent with children?
(Just indulging in a little reductio ad absurdum here.)

Maynard said...

My mother became accidentally pregnant at 17 and had me at 18. I have never met my biological father who passed away over 10 years ago.

It was not ideal, but it worked out because we worked at it.

I think the concept of "White Privilege" comes from AAs who attend fancy schools with privileged liberals and think that is how all White people live. You know, intact families, white collar jobs, houses in the 'burbs and all that shit. Many of us lived far different lives and flourished due to hard work and a reasonable amount of judgment and intelligence.

Gospace said...

So, first births for women in my family,starting with generation ero- my wife:
0: 21
1: 24
2: 23, 24
3: 16, 25, 21, 18
4: 27, 19, 23 (to first husband, not my line), 32, 16, 26
5: 26, 22, 16, 25,

At that generation the dates start becoming fuzzy. But the ones on the other side of the Hanal Line, that is, in Ireland, were likely 16-19. On this side 21+. That 16 year old in generation 3 was 16 years and 3 months old and my grandfather, an only child, was 5 months premature! It's a wonder he survived. Or maybe it was a shotgun wedding... My great grandfather was 31- according to all US records he was only 25 at the time. Somehow he lost 6 years coming over from England... Kind of makes me wonder why he left... but that's something we'll never know. The 18 and the other 16 year old first birth were Irish- the other side of the Hajnal Line. The same pattern holds true in my wife's ancestry- first births past age 21 except in the Irish lines.

But first births at 6-18 were uncommon west of the Hajnal line. Men were expected to be able to support a family before they got married- and women, while usually younger then the first husband, weren't spring chickens for their first marriage. They were helping out mother with baby #10. My maternal grandmother, born In Boston, had 6 siblings. She was the only one to make it to adulthood. Her husband had 7 I know of- 5 made it to adulthood. Pretty good for the time.

Even the known racist Ta-Nehisi Coates has written about the Hajnal Line, though he didn't know what to make of it. The US was settled initially by people from those cultures that practiced later marriage and childbearing. In my extnded family tree- I have over 22,000 people on it - in teh primary lines I've traced I don't see a lot of under 18 marriages until the 1940s. And then, in Texas and other Southern states, not in the Northern states.

So lots of men and women getting married and having kids while in their teens here in the USA is largely a modern myth, not in line with reality.

As far as the future goes- I saw revently that based on projections, in 20 years, Mormons and Mennonites/Amish will be the majority in many US states, and overall in the country. And as a side note- the active Catholic population will be made up of people going to Latin masses regardless of the wishes of the current Pope. AT my sons masses in CO, and now in FL, the only young families at mass that don't have 3 or more children are newlyweds who haven't had time to get there yet. Much to his mother-in-law's horror, they're at 5 and working on more. My wife and I are fine with it. We had 5 over 19 years. Daughter-in-law was 31 at first birth.

iowan2 said...

What this conservative wants for us is Federalism.

The rest will work itself out.

iowan2 said...

I'm with Yancy @6:17

There were four of us kids. More siblings now, would be nice. We stopped and 2, I put the breaks on because after 16 years, I could get my life back. (yes I was wildly selfish) but now with 6 grandkids, double that many would be great.

Tina Trent said...

Mr. Wibble nails it. And envy sounds pretty strong here.

Tina Trent said...

Mr. Wibble nails it. And envy sounds pretty strong here.

rwnutjob said...

Probably wet his panties.
By Zeeshan Aleem, prolly a freakin' terrorist.

stlcdr said...

Ah, yet another article supporting the Lefts hatred of family. Because a family is independent and can support itself, and reduce the effect of problems that plague (sic) the younger generations as they try the support their own families.

(A single mother with 4 children with no father or parents to be found has a government for a family. Just how they want it).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This will give the left something to harangue harass and obsessively hate over.

Narayanan said...

My problem with early (<18 or so) motherhood, is that it seems to stunt their emotional and intellectual maturity, at the point of their first full term pregnancy. This probably didn’t matter when women started having kids in their teens, and typically kept at it until they died doing it. That worked in a less industrialized agrarian (or earlier) society. My partner is somewhat related by marriage to a couple Catholic families with maybe a dozen kids, of her generation. In the big cities, it was more 4-5 for the Boomer generation. That now is cost prohibitive for most. That is happening all around the world, and is why we are facing a demographic collapse, with China expected to lose half its population in the next half century. So what does a woman do who has her two kids by 20, 4 grandkids by 40, etc, and she is stuck emotionally and intellectually at 18? The answer seems to be to work alongside their daughters at Subway, etc. Then maybe alongside granddaughters.
uuummmmmmm ....
and how many customers will Subway have by then?

Saint Croix said...

Pro-life people are constantly being accused of being control freaks and trying to "force" people into having babies.

Actually birth control should control when you give birth, that's the whole point of birth control. Outlaw abortion and (I suspect) the usage of birth control will skyrocket.

I would also suspect that sport-fucking would decrease.

50 years of sport-fucking -- specifically, drunk sport-fucking -- has caused a panic among women about date rape. Feminists should consider again why abortion is part of the "Playboy Philosophy."

I predict that pro-life states will have less drunk sport-fucking and less date rape, and more babies and more marriages. I guess we'll see in 10 years!

JAORE said...

"This is what conservatives want for us".

I'm always impressed by the high percentage of mind readers on the left. They know, just know, what is on the mind of conservatives.

And all without benefit of actually knowing or talking to one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Boebert is ordinary.

We cannot have ordinary citizens representing constituents.

NO! no no - we need overlords like Pelosi, Kerry, Biden, and other various insider pols-for-life who enrich themselves at our expense. We can't have flawed and ordinary.

Narayanan said...

Q for people advocating later child-bearing -

are there studies showing such parents better parents without fail?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No flawed or ordinary people allowed.

This is a country club for the corruptocratic elite! (plus McConnell)

Only Adam Schitt-(D) type assholes can rule over us... with their lies and deceit!

Mock Boebert now - oh leftwing assholes.

Gospace said...

Narayanan said...
Q for people advocating later child-bearing -

are there studies showing such parents better parents without fail?

I can only give you numbers from my own extended family. The majority of my known relatives with jail time are from families with younger marriages and child bearing.

Well, actually there are societal numbers. Look where the high crime areas are and look at the first birth statistics there. Of course, that's also mixed up with- look at the numbers of single mothers and multiple fathers of their children...

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Gospace said...
No, grandmothers at 36 is not what conservatives want for people.

That's true. but the Left has fucked up are culture too much, so we're going to get those pregnant 15 - 18 year olds.

So, now the question is, do we want those pregnant couples to also be killers of the innocent?

No, we don't

Do we want people to learn that there are costs and consequences for their fucking around?

Yes, we do

Good for LB, for not helping her son kill her grandchild

Readering said...

We sure have come a long ways from the Veep and Murphy Brown.

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