Random musing about the J6 Tucker videos. 1) If it proves R's and Tucker are lying and dangerous as MSM argues, then R's are done. 2) If it proves Tucker and R's are right in a way, since that will never make its way out in the MSM, R's are done. 3) If it proves the D narrative was incorrect, since that will never make it out in the MSM, R's are done.
No matter what, R's are done. I do not know the solution. Wish I did, but I have zero hope. Demographics determine destiny.
REVEALED: Four Americans in Mexico kidnapping have lengthy rap sheets: Male survivor 'sold crack cocaine outside school,' one of men shot dead was busted for drugs manufacture and woman was indicted after daughter, 8, tested positive for amphetamines'
Ms. Lindsey Graham (R-Sabre Rattler) declared another war today. This time against the drug cartels in Mexico. He is one tough cookie. Hope it's more successful than say the Afghan war or the Ukraine war or even the war on poverty.
Political Junkie said... Random musing about the J6 Tucker videos. 1) If it proves R's and Tucker are lying and dangerous as MSM argues, then R's are done. 2) If it proves Tucker and R's are right in a way, since that will never make its way out in the MSM, R's are done. 3) If it proves the D narrative was incorrect, since that will never make it out in the MSM, R's are done.
No matter what, R's are done. I do not know the solution. Wish I did, but I have zero hope. Demographics determine destiny. ************
You make a series of unsupported assertions, and think you've made "arguments."
You haven't.
You merely assume that the MSM controls "the narrative", and yet they are bleating impotently about what Carlson has exposed. You ignore the massive distrust of the MSM among a majority of americans.
In 2021, the WA Democrats neutered police pursuits. In most cases, cops cannot pursue law violators, like DUI drivers. Last week a DUI driver was driving at 111 mph on I-90. The cops had to terminate the pursuit according to the 2o21 law. An hour later, the drunk driver drove the wrong way on I-82 near Sunnyside (Yakima). He collided with another car, killing two kids.
Democrats had a chance to repeal that law today. They voted to not bring the revision to the House floor. All Republicans voted to move it to the floor and all Democrats voted NO. The only conclusion is that Democrats hate kids and love drunk drivers.
If the legislature does not restore pursuits, then the cops should give the Dems in the legislature the middle finger and continue the pursuits, regardless of what the law might say. What's the worst that can happen? No jury will ever convict for violating that law. If internal affairs tries to make trouble, a little beat down on those as*holes would do wonders for their attitudes. After all, Democrats don't care about protecting the public and don't believe in the rule of law.
Tucker: “Not one working journalist [has] asked me [for copies of the J6 tape] and instead I’m getting all these texts like “I’m Sarah Ellison from the Washington Post. Is it true you suck?
…does anyone still believe this is hyperbole? Ann?
Not sure if Former Speaker Pelosi has even heard of the Althouse blog
or due process
since Former Speaker Pelosi never went to law school
but I kinda think Perry Mason covered cross-examination, a pretty vital aspect of criminal procedure, you walking disgrace to Con Law.
As for all the lawyer weasels who surrounded Pelosi and advised her on the legalities of a fucking show trial, yes it's true that nobody can go to jail for that shit. But it's also true that you're a fucking disgrace to the legal profession, and I would support disbarment proceedings against you fuckers.
the process whereby an attorney is deprived of his license or privileges for failure to carry out his practice in accordance with established standards.
One's a fairly interesting if slightly ridiculous version of due process. And the other is a fucking joke masquerading as some kind of fucking non-fiction event.
I would support multiple disbarment investigations and hearings over that shit. The right to speak freely and the right to practice law are two distinct things. And if your law skills are so atrocious that you simply dismiss cross-examination and due process to goose the ratings, holy fuck. Seriously, your future is in television, not the practice of law. Find a new career.
In an Unexpected and Shocking Turn of Events, lefty billionaire Pierre Omidyar-funded and MSNBC contributor Jonah Goldberg has surprisingly come out against release of the videos and attacks republicans.
persnickety about language Tweets o the day: David Burge @iowahawkblog 49m I'm perfectly fine with strong violence, grisly images, and sexual content, but I draw the line at brief language…I for one oppose children being exposed to sentence fragments, contractions, and elided consonants
Medical examiner in DC classified Ashlii Babbit’s death a HOMICIDE. Let’s not pretend it was anything else. Now, the officer was cleared of that murder but it was still a murder. “BREAKING: DC chief medical examiner announces cause and manner of death of four people who died during January 6 riot at US Capitol. Autopsy of @CapitolPolice Brian Sicknick still pending Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old: •Cause of Death- Gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder • Manner of Death_ Homicide”
Told Nikki Haley to her face that she was a woman in her prime. She laughed and thanked me. The crowd loved it. Nice moment. Glad I had the chance to do it.
One last thing about Nikki. She gave her stump speech for about 40 minutes and then took 15 minutes of questions. Very fluid. Very sharp. Joe Biden couldn’t perform as well if you paid him $20 million in diamonds.
Why does Carlson continue to lie by saying no one ever saw these videos with Jacob Chansley being followed/escorted by several Capitol police. These have been seen before, they are NOT new and “never been seen before”. If Chansley’s lawyer didn’t know these videos existed, he’s lying. Did his attorney argue in court that these Capitol police were helping Chansley so Chansley should not be held accountable for trespassing and trying to interfere with the certification of the votes?
Is this something new that Tucker Carlson is pushing to help Trump? Carlson also had a segment about all the wonderful things that Trump is promising should he be president again. Carlson said he hated Trump, didn’t he? It’s apparent that Tucker Carlson is whoring himself to promote Trump. What has Trump promised him? It’s apparent Carlson doesn’t believe what he says on air, as was revealed in his emails.
paminwi (7:37pm): Not all homicides are murders. Killing a human being is homicide (that's what the Latin name means), but some homicides are justifiable, like Kyle Rittenhouse's killing of two men who were trying to kill him. Not only is justifiable homicide not murder, it's not even a crime. The medical examiner seems to think the killing of Babbitt was a justifiable homicide.
On Monday, Tucker Carlson caused a ruckus. On Tuesday and Wednesday, he wasted everyone's time whining about the reaction to his ruckus. Is there nothing else in the footage? I know there are claims that he's being muzzled by higher-ups at Fox, but he could at least pretend that there's more to come.
rehajm said... Tucker: “Not one working journalist [has] asked me [for copies of the J6 tape] and instead I’m getting all these texts like “I’m Sarah Ellison from the Washington Post. Is it true you suck?
…does anyone still believe this is hyperbole? Ann?
Is that true? Did he really say that? I'm going to presume that it's true because I cannot think of why you would manufacture a quote like that.
So; what was your takeaway? What did it mean? Did it mean that Tucker thinks that "working journalists" don't want the videos? That they, uh, don't want the videos because they are hoping that the story goes away? That they do not wish to see what Tucker's team is seeing? Or, howzabout this; the deep state msm controllers have ALREADY seen the video which damns the J6C narrative, and so now, together, they are all trying to hide it?
Really, what is Tucker's point?
Because, first of all, if I were working for CBS News, CNN, Politico, ProPublica, ABC, Axios, Advance, Scripps, the Los Angeles Times or Gannett, what I would do is probably hire a preeminent media lawyer like Chuck Tobin at Ballard Spahr, and get him to write a demand letter to Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Maybe even threaten litigation.No, wait, they just did that! All of them! Together!
Why would a-n-y-o-n-e in news ask Tucker Carlson for what they should rightly get from the Speaker (if the Speaker, whoever she is, decides to release the recordings)?
The whole point of this shit-eating exercise was for McCarthy to do Carlson the gigantic favor of giving him an exclusive for however long it helped FNC ratings. Does anybody doubt that? I don't think Tucker Carlson disagrees with that. The exclusive is payback to Tucker Carlson and Matt Gaetz, and the MAGA swamp that they rule, after Gaetz let McCarthy become Speaker. McCarthy owed Gaetz, and Gaetz smilingly said, "Do Tucker this solid, Kev! He will run the tapes exactly the way that MTG and I want them to be run! We'll all be happy here in MAGAland."
LemFTA (5:54pm): Who cares if Russia has 28.5 times the land area of Ukraine? (Yes, I looked it up.) Unlike Napoleon and Hitler, Ukraine has no intention of trying to conquer Russia, or of trying to annex a single square centimeter of it. All they want is every bit of Ukraine back. The size of Russia is no hindrance at all to that: only the size of Ukraine matters.
If anything, the enormous size of Russia is a disadvantage to the Russians. Read Trent Telenko on Twitter. Sanctions are taking a heavy toll on the Russian railway system. Only half a dozen countries have the technology to make high-quality bearings for railroad cars, and Russia isn't one of them. The heavy-duty rail cars used to transport armored vehicles, ammunition, and fuel are particularly vulnerable to bearing failure. Having to haul troops and arms and ammunition thousands of miles from Murmansk and Siberia and even North Korea, while Ukraine only has to haul arms and ammunition from the Polish border, is a huge disadvantage.
When I was a kid, it was the ultimate plot device. Just like the damsel tied to the rail line with an oncoming train. Tarzan always found a way to rescue Jane from the quick sand.
I figured it existed, but where??
We recently visited Mont Saint Michael on the Normandy coast. They very actively discourage people from walking across the sand beach to reach the Abbey because of quick sand.......the tides are treacherous as well!!!
We also reviewed the Tapestry in the Bayeux Museum. The tapestry depicts cavalry dashing across the tide flats, and falling to the quick sand pits.
"Medical examiner in DC classified Ashlii Babbit’s death a HOMICIDE."
So what? Means nothing.
"Following the routine process for shootings by Capitol Police officers, the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia and the United States Department of Justice investigated Babbitt's death and made a determination that the shooting was "lawful and within Department policy". Upon clearing Byrd, USCP released a press statement saying his action "potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death"."
The Banshees of Inisherin does have humor and local color, attractive locations and decent acting, but still, it's two hours of Colin Farrell moping because Brendan Gleeson doesn't want to be his friend anymore.
The apathetic progress of empathetic dissonance for abortion victims, transgender simulations, misogyny, misandry, political congruence ("="), diversity, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, and wars without borders over more than a century is truly astonishing.
The war serves several purposes see 1984 for suggestions
Obama's premature exit, Biden's premature exit, and World War Springs aided, abetted, and funded in second and third world nations without consequence. Quite literally DIEversity.
Liberals believe in ideas and ideologies and making those ideas and ideologies come true.
The USA was founded by liberals who believed in liberal ideas like equality and freedom. We said things like "all men are created equal" and had other ideas about freedom that inspired people around the world. Liberals were excited by these ideas and ideologies and sought to impose them on the world.
Liberal elites in the academy removed conservative voices so that liberal voices dominated, and they all had many ideas and ideologies. And the liberal voices had a very strong feeling that the only thing that really mattered was ideas, ideologies, and narrative. Nature and biology could and would be controlled by liberal thought.
Drunk with excitement over their ideas and ideologies, liberals started deconstructing biology and nature, and began to insist (insanely) that there was no biological reality. All that existed was human ideas and human ideologies. The life of the mind is everything. Narrative is everything. Liberals put such an emphasis on ideas and ideologies that they started to believe that factual reality, biological reality, was irrelevant.
Liberals had the idea of denying biological reality. Unborn babies can exist or not exist, whatever you want. It's all in your mind! And since biological reality is denied and dismissed as just another human idea, it can be erased. And with the erasure of biological reality, liberals began to kill off the babies that conflicted with the narrative.
50 years after insisting that unborn babies are not people, liberals began to insist that women don't really exist, either. Deconstruction of words become deconstruction of reality, and an ugly fucking nihilism (and depression) swept over the liberal universities.
A Quick and Dirty History of the Conservative Mind
Liberals were right to insist on free speech and equal protection and due process. Our Constitution is beautiful and the liberal ideas of our founding can and should be enshrined as real truth. We are in fact equal. All of us have free will, a gift from the Lord. Every day we make moral decisions and each and every one of us is a moral free agent, responsible for our actions. This is a gift from our Maker and the brilliant liberals who put this gift into words should be celebrated now and tomorrow, too.
We are all equal, not only as human beings with free will, but as children of God, the Creator who loves us and wants us to be happy. We have been given the freedom to change nature and biology. But we must recognize that biology, nature, the universe and God is outside of man, way bigger than man, and far beyond our limited ideas and ideologies.
We must not lie.
It is not enough to form ideas and ideologies. They must be tested with factual reality and truth. There is a truth, a unified truth, a truth that is bigger than us and beyond our understanding. Seeking this truth is important. And while we have the power to change or bend our reality into a new reality, we cannot lie or deceive. Nor should we be depressed or give up. God is with us and if we have faith, we will find a way.
Lem Former Twitter Aficionado said...Why is the Unites States not trying to end this useless war?
Because it’s of tremendous value to the United States that some other country is degrading the Russian military and knocking them down from troublesome regional power with delusions of grandeur to a minor local player. People complain about all that money going to Eastern Europe instead of East Palestine, but the reality is, 100 billion is peanuts compared to what we’re getting in return. It’s money well spent.
For now, keeping that war going is smart geopolitics. For now, it’s a case of not interfering with your enemy when they’re making a mistake. The trick is knowing the right time to shift policy—we want Putin’s government weakened, we do not want it to collapse.
"For forty-five years (1964 to 2009), the United States experienced significant progress in race relations. And then along came the presidency of Barack Obama."]
"Throughout the south in 1860, upwards of 4-5,000 black families owned slaves and supported the Confederacy. In 1655, Anthony Johnson, a Black man, was the first person, Black or White, to outright own an African slave in the colony of Virginia. Further, Blacks during this period could and did own White indentured servants or de facto slaves."
"Why are athletes who choose not to be vaccinated barred from competing in the United States, while 6-7 million illegal entrants were waved in without passports, vaccinations, or COVID tests?"
Medical examiner in DC classified Ashlii Babbit’s death a HOMICIDE. Let’s not pretend it was anything else. Now, the officer was cleared of that murder but it was still a murder.
No. It was just a cause of death. In most states there is a legal definition of the cause of death. In my state there are only 4: natural, accident, suicide, or homicide. The coroner must put one of the 4 on the death certificate. In Babbit's case her cause of death was homicide. She was killed by another person. That doesn't mean it was murder. It was just the cause of her death. If someone threatens to kill you with a gun and you kill this person in self defense, the cause of the death of the person you killed would be homicide. But you would not be charged with murder.
I've been locked out of twitter for telling the truth about transgenderism:
Specifically for:
Violating our rules against hateful conduct.
You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.
@ACLU Trans youth are either mentally ill or they're perpetrating a fraud to gain an advantage they're not entitled too. 4th-rate male athletes can always beat 1st-rate female athletes.
Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
"Why would a-n-y-o-n-e in news ask Tucker Carlson for what they should rightly get from the Speaker (if the Speaker, whoever she is, decides to release the recordings)?"
I dunno....maybe because Tucker has intimated that if they ask, he will give them the info as a professional courtesy---without having to ask McCarthy, who hasn't said that?
Biden want to give Federal employees a 5.2% pay boost. That's the wrong direction. It should be a 5.2% pay decrease, to reduce the Federal deficit. Federal employees should not benefit from government policy causing inflation.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Today is the international day of women born females… or something.
I was struck by the raw basic numbers not mentioned in the Ukraine war analysis I've seen.
Russia has an estimate population of 147 million (2021 Census)
Ukraine has an estimate 37 million.
Russia is the largest land mass country in the world.
Ukraine is about the size of Texas.
Why is the Unites States not trying to end this useless war?
Random musing about the J6 Tucker videos.
1) If it proves R's and Tucker are lying and dangerous as MSM argues, then R's are done.
2) If it proves Tucker and R's are right in a way, since that will never make its way out in the MSM, R's are done.
3) If it proves the D narrative was incorrect, since that will never make it out in the MSM, R's are done.
No matter what, R's are done. I do not know the solution. Wish I did, but I have zero hope. Demographics determine destiny.
News you can use:
Seen this in the American press?
REVEALED: Four Americans in Mexico kidnapping have lengthy rap sheets: Male survivor 'sold crack cocaine outside school,' one of men shot dead was busted for drugs manufacture and woman was indicted after daughter, 8, tested positive for amphetamines'
NO need to guess why you haven't.
Ms. Lindsey Graham (R-Sabre Rattler) declared another war today. This time against the drug cartels in Mexico. He is one tough cookie. Hope it's more successful than say the Afghan war or the Ukraine war or even the war on poverty.
Political Junkie said...
Random musing about the J6 Tucker videos.
1) If it proves R's and Tucker are lying and dangerous as MSM argues, then R's are done.
2) If it proves Tucker and R's are right in a way, since that will never make its way out in the MSM, R's are done.
3) If it proves the D narrative was incorrect, since that will never make it out in the MSM, R's are done.
No matter what, R's are done. I do not know the solution. Wish I did, but I have zero hope. Demographics determine destiny.
You make a series of unsupported assertions, and think you've made "arguments."
You haven't.
You merely assume that the MSM controls "the narrative", and yet they are bleating impotently about what Carlson has exposed. You ignore the massive distrust of the MSM among a majority of americans.
In 2021, the WA Democrats neutered police pursuits. In most cases, cops cannot pursue law violators, like DUI drivers. Last week a DUI driver was driving at 111 mph on I-90. The cops had to terminate the pursuit according to the 2o21 law. An hour later, the drunk driver drove the wrong way on I-82 near Sunnyside (Yakima). He collided with another car, killing two kids.
Democrats had a chance to repeal that law today. They voted to not bring the revision to the House floor. All Republicans voted to move it to the floor and all Democrats voted NO. The only conclusion is that Democrats hate kids and love drunk drivers.
If the legislature does not restore pursuits, then the cops should give the Dems in the legislature the middle finger and continue the pursuits, regardless of what the law might say. What's the worst that can happen? No jury will ever convict for violating that law. If internal affairs tries to make trouble, a little beat down on those as*holes would do wonders for their attitudes. After all, Democrats don't care about protecting the public and don't believe in the rule of law.
Ingles has a fudge brownie with coconut on top that is out of this world.
If there’s no Ingles by you, maybe you can order them on line. They are worth it.
Tucker: “Not one working journalist [has] asked me [for copies of the J6 tape] and instead I’m getting all these texts like “I’m Sarah Ellison from the Washington Post. Is it true you suck?
…does anyone still believe this is hyperbole? Ann?
Not sure if Former Speaker Pelosi has even heard of the Althouse blog
or due process
since Former Speaker Pelosi never went to law school
but I kinda think Perry Mason covered cross-examination, a pretty vital aspect of criminal procedure, you walking disgrace to Con Law.
As for all the lawyer weasels who surrounded Pelosi and advised her on the legalities of a fucking show trial, yes it's true that nobody can go to jail for that shit. But it's also true that you're a fucking disgrace to the legal profession, and I would support disbarment proceedings against you fuckers.
the process whereby an attorney is deprived of his license or privileges for failure to carry out his practice in accordance with established standards.
Contrast a show trial with the Perry Mason show.
One's a fairly interesting if slightly ridiculous version of due process. And the other is a fucking joke masquerading as some kind of fucking non-fiction event.
I would support multiple disbarment investigations and hearings over that shit. The right to speak freely and the right to practice law are two distinct things. And if your law skills are so atrocious that you simply dismiss cross-examination and due process to goose the ratings, holy fuck. Seriously, your future is in television, not the practice of law. Find a new career.
In an Unexpected and Shocking Turn of Events, lefty billionaire Pierre Omidyar-funded and MSNBC contributor Jonah Goldberg has surprisingly come out against release of the videos and attacks republicans.
I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.
"Why is the Unites States not trying to end this useless war?"
Although I'm 100% sure this is not why, I'm going to ask anyway...
Where in the Constitution is the US government tasked with resolving differences between foreign countries?
So very great. Please Althouse, continue.
So... Dr. Redford knew it was man made.
Junkie... those ramblings of yours are anything but random.
persnickety about language Tweets o the day: David Burge @iowahawkblog 49m I'm perfectly fine with strong violence, grisly images, and sexual content, but I draw the line at brief language…I for one oppose children being exposed to sentence fragments, contractions, and elided consonants
The war serves several purposes see 1984 for suggestions
First photo is beautiful. Orgasmic explosion of red, yellow, and orange.
---No matter what, R's are done. I do not know the solution. Wish I did, but I have zero hope.
Must be time to go cold turkey, Junkie.
Medical examiner in DC classified Ashlii Babbit’s death a HOMICIDE.
Let’s not pretend it was anything else.
Now, the officer was cleared of that murder but it was still a murder.
“BREAKING: DC chief medical examiner announces cause and manner of death of four people who died during January 6 riot at US
Capitol. Autopsy of @CapitolPolice Brian Sicknick still pending
Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old:
•Cause of Death- Gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder
• Manner of Death_ Homicide”
A broiler!
Told Nikki Haley to her face that she was a woman in her prime. She laughed and thanked me. The crowd loved it. Nice moment. Glad I had the chance to do it.
She’s a real dynamo and tough-minded too.
One last thing about Nikki. She gave her stump speech for about 40 minutes and then took 15 minutes of questions. Very fluid. Very sharp. Joe Biden couldn’t perform as well if you paid him $20 million in diamonds.
Why does Carlson continue to lie by saying no one ever saw these videos with Jacob Chansley being followed/escorted by several Capitol police. These have been seen before, they are NOT new and “never been seen before”. If Chansley’s lawyer didn’t know these videos existed, he’s lying. Did his attorney argue in court that these Capitol police were helping Chansley so Chansley should not be held accountable for trespassing and trying to interfere with the certification of the votes?
Is this something new that Tucker Carlson is pushing to help Trump? Carlson also had a segment about all the wonderful things that Trump is promising should he be president again. Carlson said he hated Trump, didn’t he? It’s apparent that Tucker Carlson is whoring himself to promote Trump. What has Trump promised him? It’s apparent Carlson doesn’t believe what he says on air, as was revealed in his emails.
paminwi (7:37pm):
Not all homicides are murders. Killing a human being is homicide (that's what the Latin name means), but some homicides are justifiable, like Kyle Rittenhouse's killing of two men who were trying to kill him. Not only is justifiable homicide not murder, it's not even a crime. The medical examiner seems to think the killing of Babbitt was a justifiable homicide.
Lem Former Twitter Aficionado said...
Ingles has a fudge brownie with coconut on top that is out of this world.
Haven't heard of Ingles in years! My late Aunt who lived in Morganton, NC used to shop there all the time.
On Monday, Tucker Carlson caused a ruckus. On Tuesday and Wednesday, he wasted everyone's time whining about the reaction to his ruckus. Is there nothing else in the footage? I know there are claims that he's being muzzled by higher-ups at Fox, but he could at least pretend that there's more to come.
I had a memory of seeing Dr. Redfield talking about a lab leak origin quite early in the Panicdemic . . . once, and then I never saw his face again.
He struck me as more serious and believable than Falsci, then and now.
Dave - Be careful saying nice things like that. The peanut gallery will erupt.
"Why is the Unites States not trying to end this useless war?"
Because there a lot of congresspersons making a lot of money off this war.
rehajm said...
Tucker: “Not one working journalist [has] asked me [for copies of the J6 tape] and instead I’m getting all these texts like “I’m Sarah Ellison from the Washington Post. Is it true you suck?
…does anyone still believe this is hyperbole? Ann?
Is that true? Did he really say that? I'm going to presume that it's true because I cannot think of why you would manufacture a quote like that.
So; what was your takeaway? What did it mean? Did it mean that Tucker thinks that "working journalists" don't want the videos? That they, uh, don't want the videos because they are hoping that the story goes away? That they do not wish to see what Tucker's team is seeing? Or, howzabout this; the deep state msm controllers have ALREADY seen the video which damns the J6C narrative, and so now, together, they are all trying to hide it?
Really, what is Tucker's point?
Because, first of all, if I were working for CBS News, CNN, Politico, ProPublica, ABC, Axios, Advance, Scripps, the Los Angeles Times or Gannett, what I would do is probably hire a preeminent media lawyer like Chuck Tobin at Ballard Spahr, and get him to write a demand letter to Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Maybe even threaten litigation.No, wait, they just did that! All of them! Together!
Why would a-n-y-o-n-e in news ask Tucker Carlson for what they should rightly get from the Speaker (if the Speaker, whoever she is, decides to release the recordings)?
The whole point of this shit-eating exercise was for McCarthy to do Carlson the gigantic favor of giving him an exclusive for however long it helped FNC ratings. Does anybody doubt that? I don't think Tucker Carlson disagrees with that. The exclusive is payback to Tucker Carlson and Matt Gaetz, and the MAGA swamp that they rule, after Gaetz let McCarthy become Speaker. McCarthy owed Gaetz, and Gaetz smilingly said, "Do Tucker this solid, Kev! He will run the tapes exactly the way that MTG and I want them to be run! We'll all be happy here in MAGAland."
LemFTA (5:54pm):
Who cares if Russia has 28.5 times the land area of Ukraine? (Yes, I looked it up.) Unlike Napoleon and Hitler, Ukraine has no intention of trying to conquer Russia, or of trying to annex a single square centimeter of it. All they want is every bit of Ukraine back. The size of Russia is no hindrance at all to that: only the size of Ukraine matters.
If anything, the enormous size of Russia is a disadvantage to the Russians. Read Trent Telenko on Twitter. Sanctions are taking a heavy toll on the Russian railway system. Only half a dozen countries have the technology to make high-quality bearings for railroad cars, and Russia isn't one of them. The heavy-duty rail cars used to transport armored vehicles, ammunition, and fuel are particularly vulnerable to bearing failure. Having to haul troops and arms and ammunition thousands of miles from Murmansk and Siberia and even North Korea, while Ukraine only has to haul arms and ammunition from the Polish border, is a huge disadvantage.
Quick sand!!
When I was a kid, it was the ultimate plot device. Just like the damsel tied to the rail line with an oncoming train. Tarzan always found a way to rescue Jane from the quick sand.
I figured it existed, but where??
We recently visited Mont Saint Michael on the Normandy coast. They very actively discourage people from walking across the sand beach to reach the Abbey because of quick sand.......the tides are treacherous as well!!!
We also reviewed the Tapestry in the Bayeux Museum. The tapestry depicts cavalry dashing across the tide flats, and falling to the quick sand pits.
Blogger paminwi said...
"Medical examiner in DC classified Ashlii Babbit’s death a HOMICIDE."
So what? Means nothing.
"Following the routine process for shootings by Capitol Police officers, the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia and the United States Department of Justice investigated Babbitt's death and made a determination that the shooting was "lawful and within Department policy". Upon clearing Byrd, USCP released a press statement saying his action "potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death"."
Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn “The Informational Fed”
A new way of looking at what the media is doing.
Hint: 12 minutes video clip of a podcast.
Jenna Ellis accepts censure as attorney for 10 misreps in connection with 2020 election.
Dave Begley: NH not DT. Nuff said.
Paminwi: no one claims she tripped and fell. Justifiable is the point.
The Banshees of Inisherin does have humor and local color, attractive locations and decent acting, but still, it's two hours of Colin Farrell moping because Brendan Gleeson doesn't want to be his friend anymore.
Banshees takes an unexpected dark turn.
The apathetic progress of empathetic dissonance for abortion victims, transgender simulations, misogyny, misandry, political congruence ("="), diversity, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, and wars without borders over more than a century is truly astonishing.
The war serves several purposes see 1984 for suggestions
Obama's premature exit, Biden's premature exit, and World War Springs aided, abetted, and funded in second and third world nations without consequence. Quite literally DIEversity.
Welcome to the Insurrection!
A Quick and Dirty History of the Liberal Mind
Liberals believe in ideas and ideologies and making those ideas and ideologies come true.
The USA was founded by liberals who believed in liberal ideas like equality and freedom. We said things like "all men are created equal" and had other ideas about freedom that inspired people around the world. Liberals were excited by these ideas and ideologies and sought to impose them on the world.
Liberal elites in the academy removed conservative voices so that liberal voices dominated, and they all had many ideas and ideologies. And the liberal voices had a very strong feeling that the only thing that really mattered was ideas, ideologies, and narrative. Nature and biology could and would be controlled by liberal thought.
Drunk with excitement over their ideas and ideologies, liberals started deconstructing biology and nature, and began to insist (insanely) that there was no biological reality. All that existed was human ideas and human ideologies. The life of the mind is everything. Narrative is everything. Liberals put such an emphasis on ideas and ideologies that they started to believe that factual reality, biological reality, was irrelevant.
Liberals had the idea of denying biological reality. Unborn babies can exist or not exist, whatever you want. It's all in your mind! And since biological reality is denied and dismissed as just another human idea, it can be erased. And with the erasure of biological reality, liberals began to kill off the babies that conflicted with the narrative.
50 years after insisting that unborn babies are not people, liberals began to insist that women don't really exist, either. Deconstruction of words become deconstruction of reality, and an ugly fucking nihilism (and depression) swept over the liberal universities.
A Quick and Dirty History of the Conservative Mind
Liberals were right to insist on free speech and equal protection and due process. Our Constitution is beautiful and the liberal ideas of our founding can and should be enshrined as real truth. We are in fact equal. All of us have free will, a gift from the Lord. Every day we make moral decisions and each and every one of us is a moral free agent, responsible for our actions. This is a gift from our Maker and the brilliant liberals who put this gift into words should be celebrated now and tomorrow, too.
We are all equal, not only as human beings with free will, but as children of God, the Creator who loves us and wants us to be happy. We have been given the freedom to change nature and biology. But we must recognize that biology, nature, the universe and God is outside of man, way bigger than man, and far beyond our limited ideas and ideologies.
We must not lie.
It is not enough to form ideas and ideologies. They must be tested with factual reality and truth. There is a truth, a unified truth, a truth that is bigger than us and beyond our understanding. Seeking this truth is important. And while we have the power to change or bend our reality into a new reality, we cannot lie or deceive. Nor should we be depressed or give up. God is with us and if we have faith, we will find a way.
God bless.
BUMBLE BEE said...
So... Dr. Redford knew it was man made.
3/8/23, 6:54 PM
And Fauci and the left shut him up, and shut him down.
Lem Former Twitter Aficionado said...Why is the Unites States not trying to end this useless war?
Because it’s of tremendous value to the United States that some other country is degrading the Russian military and knocking them down from troublesome regional power with delusions of grandeur to a minor local player. People complain about all that money going to Eastern Europe instead of East Palestine, but the reality is, 100 billion is peanuts compared to what we’re getting in return. It’s money well spent.
For now, keeping that war going is smart geopolitics. For now, it’s a case of not interfering with your enemy when they’re making a mistake. The trick is knowing the right time to shift policy—we want Putin’s government weakened, we do not want it to collapse.
"For forty-five years (1964 to 2009), the United States experienced significant progress in race relations. And then along came the presidency of Barack Obama."]
"Throughout the south in 1860, upwards of 4-5,000 black families owned slaves and supported the Confederacy. In 1655, Anthony Johnson, a Black man, was the first person, Black or White, to outright own an African slave in the colony of Virginia. Further, Blacks during this period could and did own White indentured servants or de facto slaves."
"Why are athletes who choose not to be vaccinated barred from competing in the United States, while 6-7 million illegal entrants were waved in without passports, vaccinations, or COVID tests?"
Nice to see open water.
The photos are gorgeous.
paminwi said...
Medical examiner in DC classified Ashlii Babbit’s death a HOMICIDE.
Let’s not pretend it was anything else.
Now, the officer was cleared of that murder but it was still a murder.
No. It was just a cause of death. In most states there is a legal definition of the cause of death. In my state there are only 4: natural, accident, suicide, or homicide. The coroner must put one of the 4 on the death certificate. In Babbit's case her cause of death was homicide. She was killed by another person. That doesn't mean it was murder. It was just the cause of her death. If someone threatens to kill you with a gun and you kill this person in self defense, the cause of the death of the person you killed would be homicide. But you would not be charged with murder.
I've been locked out of twitter for telling the truth about transgenderism:
Specifically for:
Violating our rules against hateful conduct.
You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.
@ACLU Trans youth are either mentally ill or they're perpetrating a fraud to gain an advantage they're not entitled too. 4th-rate male athletes can always beat 1st-rate female athletes.
Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
I'm not going to delete that tweet.
Chuck bleated:
"Why would a-n-y-o-n-e in news ask Tucker Carlson for what they should rightly get from the Speaker (if the Speaker, whoever she is, decides to release the recordings)?"
I dunno....maybe because Tucker has intimated that if they ask, he will give them the info as a professional courtesy---without having to ask McCarthy, who hasn't said that?
IOW The Path of Least Resistance???
Ya think? YA THINK?
Redfield... Dr. Redfield!
Fascinating... the use of "Chuck" and "think" in the same post!
Biden want to give Federal employees a 5.2% pay boost. That's the wrong direction. It should be a 5.2% pay decrease, to reduce the Federal deficit. Federal employees should not benefit from government policy causing inflation.
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