Both parties compete for the designation, though they insist the other party deserves the title.
Right now, the Republicans are making a big play for the anti-honor. Must I copy and paste the headlines that have caused me to write this post? I'm too annoyed to blog them in detail or even to make links to save you the step of going to Memeorandum.
You should appreciate that I'm plucking some this garbage out of the general stew:
- Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state
- Texas GOP Bill Gives Tax Cuts to Heterosexual Parents
- Tennessee becomes the first state to pass a ban on public drag shows
- DeSantis cannonballs into America's deep blue states for war on ‘woke’ ahead of 2024
Question - are any of these headlines factual?
That fourth bullet point probably terrifies you, Althouse.
Leftists are known to lie. I wonder if the FL bill is push-back against those lies?
What's stupid about opposing the agenda of the left?
Here's one for you, Ann. In Nebraska, the Dems want to put gay marriage to a vote notwithstanding the Obergefell decision. Nebraska passed a constitutional amendment outlawing same sex marriage years ago, but it is now obviously unconstitutional and the Revisor of Statutes has a note on it.
But that's not good enough for the Dems! The risk they run is that Nebraskans will again vote to ban same sex marriage. I think the vote will be close and the people will vote like they did before. Previously, a meaningless constitutional amendment to "ban" slavery" only got 70% of the vote.
At least Florida will let you blog first, register after.... Theory for constitutional challenge?
I see the collective lair left are still calling the 'protect kids from kindergarten to 3rd grade from leftist over-sexualization' - the "Don't say gay law".
Fucking liars.
"TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida lawmakers introduced legislation to prohibit someone describing themselves or others with pronouns besides the ones they were born with, at least in the context of the Florida education system.
The legislation, House Bill 1223, is aimed at requiring “specified policies relating to person’s sex at public K-12 educational institutions.” The bill summary says it “prohibits specified actions relating to use of certain titles and pronouns; and revises requirements for instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools.”
It also expands bans on sexual orientation and gender identity topics in schools from kindergarten to third grade, as set up by Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education/Don’t Say Gay” bill to pre-K through eighth grade instead."
The "Don't say Gay" part of that is nowhere in the offical law.
Again - the left are all fucking liars.
Tennessee becomes the first state to pass a ban on public drag shows
I believe it's "drag shows on public property." There's a difference.
The intent may have been to ban drag shows in public schools and libraries.
The legislators went a little too far, but only a little.
"Furthermore, students may not be asked by employees of public schools to give their preferred personal titles or pronouns, nor be penalized or subjected to adverse or discriminatory treatment for not giving their preferred name or pronouns."
That's the key part.
What I see happening locally - if you do not obey the pro-noun police - you will be identified and harassed and canceled.
JournoListic discretion by their choice
Parents and human reproduction in contrast to guardianship and other arrangements
The law is an extension of restricted adult sexual expression to minors
Woke is a class-disordered ideology that discriminates by race, sex, age, etc.
Do we trust that we can get the truth out of the mainstream press?
After all - the MSM still calls a certain Florida Bill that aims to protect children from sex-talk in Kindergarten to 3rd grade as "Don't say gay" - even though "don't say gay" as language is nowhere in the law.
Anyone who who writes -- "Don't say gay" law is a liar.
That would be
I believe I will continue to allow the Minimum 72 hour rule as to how I should react to news stories to remain in effect as the characterization of republicans, their policies (both in effect and proposed) and supposed republican infractions are often, and this will shock many no doubt, purposefully lied about by the legacy media/dems/LLR's (but I repeat myself), etc.
The 72 hour rule allows for diving in a bit to see just where the lefty/LLR lies are coming from and for what purpose.
"DeSantis cannonballs into America's deep blue states for war on ‘woke’ ahead of 2024"
Should he have swan-dived instead?
But that's not good enough for the Dems! The risk they run is that Nebraskans will again vote to ban same sex marriage.
Democrats support political congruence ("=") for the cisgender. Civil unions for all consenting adults. The "Respect for Marriage Act" is unConstitutional and arbitrarily discriminatory.
Tennessee Senate Bill 3
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 14, relative to adult-oriented performances.
Tennessee Senate Bill 1
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 28; Title 29; Title 33; Title 34; Title 36; Title 37; Title 39; Title 40; Title 49; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to medical care of the young.
State Pushback On ClownWorld
Note that this is not gay or drag-specific; it would equally apply to the adult "titty bar" that is already considered an "adult cabaret" which is precisely why it should not have been necessary in the first place -- the people doing this were intentionally circumventing same by holding these events in other than adult entertainment venues that already prohibited minors.
The second bans any treatment of a medical form (surgical or medication) that is intended to alter a minor's hormonal or physical characteristics for the purpose of identification or living as other than their biological sex. One of the justifications is particularly on-point:
"This state has a legitimate, substantial, and compelling interest in protecting the ability of minors to develop into adults who can create children of their own."
Exactly, and all of these procedures and medications carry at minimum a risk of permanently destroying that capacity. Without a next generation there are no humans.
So, DOCTOR and PARENTS, if you pull this garbage you damn well better be right because if that kid regrets what he or she was talked into you're ruined and said child has until they are 48 to change their mind.
"Oh Sophia is so sure she's a boy!"
Oh really? How certain are you she's not just a tomboy and a few months or years down the road is going to change her mind? Are you so sure that you'll bet your house, your checking account and everything else you own until Sophia-now-Steven is 48 years old?
Considering that minors cannot give consent and thus such an act never is consensual on the part of the child this is a good balance. You make this call you better be right or you're absolutely wrecked -- whether you're a parent or a health provider.
I like it.
Gender Conflation Theory (GCT) has left a majority of girls and boys, women, too, in a state of progressive confusion and dysfunction for profit and social progress.
Going on the offense is the only way Republicans are going to turn Blue States to Red. So how is it stupid if DeSantis does something against the three gooniest goons of the Blue State Left?
"The stupid party" moniker typically refers to the party acting out of line with public sentiment, shooting itself in the foot. Banning drag shows for kids may or may not be constitutionally infirm, but it's a very, very smart move politically.
Wouldn't cruel neutrality mandate a similar list of Leftist proposals?
Asking for a friend...
The first does strike me as pretty dumb. I wonder how factual it is? The 2nd is probably geared to get people to have more babies, thus a tax credit to married couples where the wife actually gives birth. The third is going to be politically popular. As for the last, the smart thing for the left to do is ignore it, but the fanatics won't be able to do that. So, DeSantis will get just what he wants, bunches of raving leftist loonies acting insane because he is befouling their safe space with his presence, and thus giving him street cred with the conservative base.
From the Memeorandum aggregator site:
"A new [Texas] proposal would give massive breaks to large families, but only if the parents are straight property owners..."
As a landlord, I found it best to have a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy when it comes to the sexual orientation of the properties that I own.
In American journalism, it is the norm for editorial staff to write the headline for the text authored by the reporter. As a consequence, my reading of newspapers is an exercise in comparing text and headline. Often enough, they don't match up.
I note this bill does not apply to newspapers.
Strange. Why target bloggers? I'd like to know more about the background. I do not trust the press to give the whole story - or the honest account with all the correct details.
JournoListic license was an own goal that Democrats used to discriminate against unauthorized outlets.
Maybe Wisconsin will find some law from the 1840’s that bans abortion…oh nevermind.
Sites wanting eyeballs will choose the most clickbait material they can find, which means they will post the most stupid information available.
The way I read this is that such bills were introduced but are not law. Stoking leftist hysteria is so easy that it should be banned. The poor dears will be running toward the cliff next.
Drag shows are being forced back into adult-only venues in Tennessee, where they belong.
The stupid party award for the century: California's tit-for-tat reaction against the Texas abortion law violation bounty system. California wrote literal totalitarian rules to stop legal challenges to firearms laws. Even the California Attorney General couldn't defend it, as he previously claimed the Texas law was unconstitutional.
The law in question includes a one-way fee-shifting penalty in the government’s favor that applies solely to litigation challenging state and local firearm regulations, the lawsuit said.
Every news report I saw on the Florida legislation regarding blogs neglected to quote from the proposed statute, or to mention its official designation i.d. in process. I wonder why?
That about sums it up, Ann. Stupid in a nutshell. Let's not forget Tennessee banning gender affirming care, banning drag shows in public,lets go on.
Vicki from Pasadena
Don’t know about the others, but the Tennessee bill only bans drag shows in front of children.
Kind of like the so called “don’t say gay” bill.
Republicans wouldn't need to pass laws banning drag queen shows for children if Democrats weren't holding drag queen shows for children.
are any of these headlines factual?
I have similar thoughts. I mean sure, these headlines probably really exist at whatever website, but are they and the related articles fantasy like Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.
Anybody not interested in finding a 32x32 Costas array is stupid.
What women would say if they were the ones interested in math.
"The Stupid Party" is the pet name Republicans have for the Republican Party, not an insult both parties hurl at the other.
Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state
Meh. Local legislator introduces a dumb bill that will never pass. That could be the headline of a hundred stories a day.
Texas GOP Bill Gives Tax Cuts to Heterosexual Parents
The story provides no support for the claim that it is limited to heterosexual couples.
And so it goes...
Re cannonball DeSantis in CA. He's coming to OC tomorrow evening for a fundraiser. Location apparently a secret to forestall demonstrations--by Trump supporters!
My question -- for an otherwise excellent blog post and I want to get this in before Florida registers it -- is how many Republicans agree that these are all prime examples of a "stupid party" in action? The premise here is that Democrats think these headlines represent "stupid" and Republicans think other stuff is "stupid."
Count me as anti-stupid, irrespective of party.
As for the first comment of this comments page asking if any of the headlines are factual, that got me to thinking of all sorts of interesting questions.
~ Are the headlines so stupid that you presume them to be misleading?
~ Would any of the main actors -- DeSantis, Abbott, Paxton, Lee -- dispute the substance of the headlines or the underlying stories? Not details within edited stories; we're just talking headlines remember.
~ If "THE MEDIA" is misrepresenting the stories, how is that being done? I'm not talking about tone that you find disagreeable, or substantive facts that you just don't like, or factual reporting on points of view or politicians that you disagree with and whom you might actually despise. I'm talking about clear, out-and-out falsehoods of the kind that we saw Fox News dabbling in after the 2020 election. Airing declarations of purported fact that are otherwise known to be untrue.
"DeSantis cannonballs into America's deep blue states for war on ‘woke’ ahead of 2024."
I'm sure it's stupid not to recognize the stupidity, but how is this stupid?
For starters, the base wants a fighter. If DeSantis fights, even if it offends nice women who want politics to be boring, it puts him in a stronger position against Trump. Sure, responding to the blue culture war in kind may turn off the moderate middle the GOP needs, but in the short run DeSantis is mostly pursuing a rational strategy.
I myself think that he and others can overdo the woke thing, so he'll have to watch it, but since woke makes war on us, making war on woke is inevitable.
"Fucking liars."
Assumes facts not in evidence. Lying liars.
10:21 Fred Drinkwater-
ding ding ding.
Vicki is a pure example of the obedient talking point left.
Fred, it was incredibly simple to find that information.
"Let's not forget Tennessee banning gender affirming care ..."
So, Vicki, are you planning to get your tits cut off? I don't really object, as long as I don't have to pay for it. Then they can take most of the flesh from one of your forearms and turn it into a little toy "penis", which I guess they sew to the end of your clit or something. Yeah, it sounds disgusting, but that's just because it is disgusting.
I don't know why they can't make the pseudodick out of your whacked-off tits. Maybe they need to give your insurance time to recover before they bill it again? Anyway, that's affirmative, as they say in the military.
Never let it be said that Democrat media operatives can’t write a clickbait headline! They are masters at it.
It's a safe bet that "The Stupid Party" is anybody who swallows what the news media says generally about Republicans, and in particular how Florida is governed.
It's easy to find the text of the Florida Senate bill.
It's as stupid and obnoxious as the headline says it is.
As is its author.
I get a definite Kent "Flounder" Dorfman vibe from the guy.
"Idiot wind, blowing like a circle around my skull
From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth"
They are still denying the lab leak memeoradum causes brain damage
Looks to me that the stupid party is the one who goes to Memoranda for "news".
Since being hospitalized Fetterman has proposed a few bills. One just yesterday.
My mother had a stroke, to think that they put that guy through this is unconscionable, and pure evil.
Since being hospitalized Fetterman has proposed a few bills. One just yesterday.
My mother had a stroke, to think that they put that guy through this is unconscionable, and pure evil.
If you look at what these bills or proposals react to, the evil is apparent to most. Evil can spark all sorts of attempts at prevention. And how those attempts get described can be pretty stupid to begin with, because those describing them are biased.
Cruel bias.
So, DeSantis will get just what he wants, bunches of raving leftist loonies acting insane because he is befouling their safe space with his presence, and thus giving him street cred with the conservative base.
@Ron Winkleheimer, that might be a side benefit — if it happens — but I think what he’s really trying to do is test how many people are truly fed up with “woke.” If enough people in deep blue states are as fed up with “woke” and cancel culture as Floridians are, so that he couldpotentially make deep inroads even there, then he will probably enter the 2024 race campaigning against “woke” as much, perhaps even more, than he campaigns against Biden.
But the dozens of Congressional Democrats who refused to certify Trump’s election don’t get any of the attention that boneheaded proposals from back bench lawmakers from red states get. Yeah sounds about right. It’s just more information warfare from the party that has been waging war on The Republic since it was founded.
One of these bullet points is not like the others...
Efforts like DeSantis might not turn a state, but it could have real effects down ballot. I have heard it posited that the aggressive anti-crime Zelden campaign, though unsuccessful in him becoming governor, may well have been responsible for the Republicans taking control of the House.
Legislators from both parties, at all levels, offer bills that have no chance of passing their own party much less the whole body. I assume these things are campaign contribution beholden. The difference being that the media will seek out stupid things offered by their ideological opposites. Since the media is heavily biased to the left, we mostly hear about fringe bills from the right.
Maybe you've heard the argument, "Yea. Well. Both sides do it!"
Next time try this . . . .
True enough. Both sides do it. Kind of like Michigan (38) vs Wisconsin (17) football . . . both teams scored points.
Thank you Mark..
Here's some of it:
Section 2. Section 50.0311, Florida Statutes, is amended to
64 read:
65 50.0311 Publication of governmental agency advertisements
66 and public notices on a publicly accessible website and
67 governmental access channels.—
68 (1) For purposes of this chapter, the term “governmental
69 agency” means a county, municipality, school board, or other
70 unit of local government or political subdivision in this state.
71 (2) For purposes of notices and advertisements required
72 under s. 50.011, the term “publicly accessible website” means a
73 county’s official website or other private website designated by
74 the county for the publication of legal notices and
75 advertisements that is accessible via the Internet. All
76 advertisements and public notices published on a website as
77 provided in this chapter must be in searchable form and indicate
78 the date on which the advertisement or public notice was first
79 published on the website.
Mark -
Fred Drinkwater merely stated that he is not seeing the media quote directly its contents.
No comment on the FL proposed bill to ban political parties which supported slavery?
The Florida Bill is a troll of 2nd Amendment gun registration bills. It is not a seriously offered bill.
Given the genesis of the "Stupid Party" label, I think it worth posting John Stuart Mill's response to a Conservative who objected to it.
Mill, admitting the phrase to occur in his Representative Government, went on to say, “I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party. I know that I am liable to a retort, and an obvious one enough; and as I do not wish to allow any honorable gentleman the credit of making it, I make it myself. It may be said that if stupidity has a tendency to Conservatism, sciolism, or half-knowledge, has a tendency to Liberalism. Something might be said for that, but it is not at all so clear as the other. There is an uncertainty about sciolists; we cannot count upon them; and therefore they are a less dangerous class. But there is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power”
As we like to phrase it now, I don't think his belief that the uncertainty of Liberal half-wits would make them less dangerous has aged particularly well.
It's really hard to fight against cancel culture and gun restrictions when you support having to register to complain about a public official. Gee, that could never be misused.
The Florida blogger bill sounds stupid, and perhaps it is, I haven't read it, but from what I can tell from the news stories, the idea is to find out if someone is getting paid to write smear posts about the governor or other Florida politicians.
Although I can kind of see why they would want to treat some bloggers like lobbyists (if you are performing essentially the same function for pay, why should it matter whether your pay is from one source or many?), I don't see how that would be enforceable, or if it were, how they would enforce it upon anyone not in the state.
Why the fuck does anyone care what happens in other states? You don't live in Tennessee or Nebraska. I don't live in California. Do what you want where you live.
(The first Florida bill was written by one guy and sponsored by the same guy. Almost no one else supports it so it is going nowhere fast.)
"gender affirming care"
Those are words used to describe something.
SB 1316: Information Dissemination
If a blogger posts to a blog about an elected state
161 officer and receives, or will receive, compensation for that
162 post, the blogger must register with the appropriate office, as
163 identified in paragraph (1)(f), within 5 days after the first
164 post by the blogger which mentions an elected state officer.
First one is obviously stupid
Tennessee bill outlaws shows where children are present. Obviously smart
Texas bill is no different from laws in many countries that incentivize making babies. Obviously smart
DeSantis campaigning in blue states is an attempt to repeat Youngkin's success in Virginia. Obviously smart
The compensated blogger rule is probably an amendment to registered lobbying.
Only one of those four is stupid
Looks to me that the stupid party is the one who goes to Memoranda for "news".
Or any consumer of a paid interpretive publisher (e.g. lobbyist, blogger) of a synopsis, editorial, headline, etc. designed to influence, represent, steer, influence legislatures.
“Lobbying” means influencing or attempting to influence legislative action or nonaction through oral or written communication or an attempt to obtain the goodwill of a member or employee of the Legislature.
(f) “Lobbying firm” means any business entity, including an individual contract lobbyist, which receives or becomes entitled to receive any compensation for the purpose of lobbying, where any partner, owner, officer, or employee of the business entity is a lobbyist.
(g) “Lobbyist” means a person who is employed and receives payment, or who contracts for economic consideration, for the purpose of lobbying, or a person who is principally employed for governmental affairs by another person or governmental entity to lobby on behalf of that other person or governmental entity.
(h) “Office” means the Office of Legislative Services.
(i) “Principal” means the person, firm, corporation, or other entity which has employed or retained a lobbyist.
(2) Each house of the Legislature shall provide by rule, or may provide by a joint rule adopted by both houses, for the registration of lobbyists who lobby the Legislature. The rule may provide for the payment of a registration fee. The rule may provide for exemptions from registration or registration fees. The rule shall provide that:
(a) Registration is required for each principal represented.
The amendment is a definition of terms to mitigate diversity, and ensure equity and inclusion.
Mill, admitting the phrase to occur in his Representative Government, went on to say, “I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.
Passing judgments and applying labels without consideration for principles is traditionally considered ignorant and bigoted.
"The Florida Bill is a troll of 2nd Amendment gun registration bills. It is not a seriously offered bill."
Now that would make sense to me.
Congress should repeal RFMA, and pass an Act that respects and represents all consenting adults in civil unions, without natural discrimination for couples and arbitrary inclusion of couplets.
Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state
The Republican party machine is knowing that democrats will us this against the enemies of the Regime.
Texas GOP Bill Gives Tax Cuts to Heterosexual Parents
This is good policy and any sane culture/society will implement something that encourages propagation of new gnerations.
Tennessee becomes the first state to pass a ban on public drag shows
People don't want that shit around their kids. makes sense.
DeSantis cannonballs into America's deep blue states for war on ‘woke’ ahead of 2024
Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish.
It isn't catching on. Working people know what is important and still support Trump.
thanx nn, for posting the Tenn bills..
So, the Upshot is: Now in Tennessee, you can only have strip shows in strip clubs.
Doesn't sound quite so bad, when you ACTUALLY Read the bill.
Both the FL bill and the TX bill are single-sponsor bills created by state-level legislators, right?
I mean state legislators propose all kinds of stupid stuff all the time--maybe it's worth asking why these particular proposals are receiving national news coverage and causing you to attribute the ideas behind them to a national party as a whole.
"Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish.
It isn't catching on. Working people know what is important and still support Trump."
You catch on to the talking points - fast. Like leftists with their talking points. Do you have proof DeSantis is open borders? The world globalist is now a joke - thanks to Trump humpers everywhere.
Trump will not beat Biden. Trump will not win a single blue state.
Stupid IS, as Stupid DOES.
Gaslighting: “Conspiracy Theories” Already Proven True in 2023
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford professor and MD, said as much in a recent interview with Jordan Peterson. At 5:26, he talks about public perception during the pandemic:
There was this sort of uni-vocal conclusion that you had to do lockdowns, you had to wear masks, you had to socially distance, you had to put plastic barriers up, you had to close schools, you had to do all of these things; that the vaccines would stop transmission of the disease, that therefore it was warranted that people would lose their jobs over them. All of these ideas were sold as if there was a scientific consensus in favor of them. That was a lie. There was never a scientific consensus on almost any of the topics; and as you say on masks, in fact, the preexisting narrative, the preexisting idea of most scientists before the pandemic, was in quite the opposite direction.
maybe it's worth asking why these particular proposals are receiving national news coverage
The same reason why George "fentanyl" Floyd's progressive condition from confrontation to police cruiser to premature exit surrounded by a mob was recast as a "take a knee" incident with diversity (e.g. racist) enhancements. Why is there mass illegal emigration. Who, what, where, when, how, and why was a human-augmented virus released in Wuhan and allowed to spread globally. Why were there mask, shots, sequestration mandated in contravention to science, and clinically supported treatments arbitrarily denied. How long can capital depletion be sustained in a climate of shared responsibility (e.g. progressive prices, redistributive change, unreliable/renewable/Green energy). Has Biden finished feathering his trail in Kiev, and will there be forward consequences for invading Serbia, carving Kosovo... I mean, staging a coup in Ukraine etc.
The stupid party, maybe. Elephants are known to be quite smart.
The stubborn party, certainly. Asses are known to bray and kick in liberal excess.
I had to look up that Texas tax headline as the only tax that could have been mentioned is property tax. Texas has no state income tax.
Here is what I read about it:
“A newly introduced Texas House bill proposes property tax cuts for couples who get married, stay married, and have lots of children,” Rolling Stone reports.
“There’s a catch though. In order to qualify for the tax benefit, couples need to be heterosexual, never divorced, and their children born or adopted after their date of marriage. LGBTQ couples, single parents, divorced parents, and blended families will not qualify for full benefits.”
Denial is not just an Egyptian river, as proven again here.
Texas GOP Bill Gives Tax Cuts to Heterosexual Parents
The emphasis on heterosexual in the bill may be in reaction to the case down in Georgia. Last July William Dale Zulock, 33, a government worker, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35, a banker, were indicted on charges of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, felony sexual exploitation of children and felony prostitution of a minor. They had adopted two boys, now 11 and 9, respectively, and systematically sexually abused the children over a period of years. The prostitution charge is due to an allegation that the boys were pimped out for money to a gay pedophile ring via social media.
My local school district has instituted a week of Black Lives Matter lessons during Black History Month. The outcome of the lessons is that the students are to become advocates for the Black Lives Matter Movement. The lessons use CRT concepts to make sure that the students are properly indoctrinated. One lesson makes the students fill out a privilege vs. oppressed worksheet. The white students are then forced to confess their privilege to the rest of the class while the black students are supposed to indicate their victim status. Sex and sexual orientation are also covered in the worksheet. Thus, white, male, heterosexual students are the most privileged and black, LGPQT females are the most oppressed. I have spoken to the school system's director of curriculum and the DEI director to no avail. I will be speaking at the next school board meeting to try and get them to reverse this policy.
Ann, do you think that these lessons may have a pernicious effect on the students and therefore should not be taught, or am I just being a stupid Republican for opposing the indoctrination of the students.
Local papers owned by gannett and tribune company are just terrible
I have a problem only with the first one.
Stupid in a nutshell. Let's not forget Tennessee banning gender affirming care, banning drag shows in public,lets go on.
Why do you care what they do in Tennessee? Haven't you got enough issues in your shithole state, Vick?
Speaking of stupid - endorsing the term "gender affirming care" exposes the tragically and dangerously stupid in my opinion.
Stupid exists on both sides, but DeSantis has been masterful in taking on the "woke agenda". Not stupid at all. It is going to win him the presidency, God willing.
@Christopher B,
I have to thank you for that bit of John Stuart Mill, as I have never encountered that bit of his work. I also owe you a debt of gratitude for exposing me to a new, extremely apt word for our times, sciolism.
The thing that I have to disagree with Mill on would be this: Stupid is as stupid does, and if someone who looks smart and who has all the credentials manages to produce performative results that are effectively indistinguishable from the ones that one might expect from a stereotypical "stupid" person, while said "stupid" person proceeds on his customary way in his customary manner and doesn't produce those negative results...? Who, then, is actually the stupid person in this discussion?
Look at the rampant homelessness and crime situations in our major cities. The credentialed "smart" people are all for the policies that anyone with a lick of common sense can project aren't going to work: Subsidizing the homeless, free needles, decriminalization of petty crimes, non-enforcement of vagrancy laws, de-policing, and all the rest. I know of precisely zero supposedly "stupid" people who thought those laws were a good idea. Instead, every one of those sorts of folks, lacking in credentials, all predicted the outcome we've actually achieved with all these "woke" policies.
So... That being the case, who here in this is actually the "stupid" party? The folks with all the wunnerful, wunnerful credentials on their "I Luv ME!!" walls of shame, or the lowly "uneducated dolts" who'd never try some BS like those policies because they understand why the hell that crap doesn't actually work.
Educated-yet-idiot. Useful phrase, that, and indicative of why we have so much issue with these things. Like the local pastor who wants to have a homeless shelter and encampment, in order to burnish his social reputation, yet his working-class neighbors that live near the church are all like "Over our dead bodies...". The eternal conflict of the people who term themselves things like "the brights" and the "Light-workers" running up against reality and common sense of the people whose egos don't extend to that.
I think if Mill was around and observing today, he'd either have to readjust his thinking, or go into deep denial.
If you claim you're smart, and the results of your work efforts are utter failure in objective terms? Baby, you ain't all that smart. If you can't recognize your failures, then you're even stupider than all those people you're so contemptuous of, the ones who didn't waste their time getting those credentials you have plastered all over everything.
I would say the stupid party is the one who voted to make car jacking easier in DC, only to become enraged when Biden didn't go along with it.
@Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker, I have strong reservations about Donald Trump’s political acuity, but every time I read another comment from you I want to send a max donation to Trump just to help wipe the stupid smirk off your face.
Sarcasm is a lost art.
In regard to the Florida bill, the number of truly stupid proposed bills that never go anywhere and you never hear about is staggering. The only reason you are hearing about this one is the media has an agenda and they think this will help their cause. Apparently, they found their audience. Also, I am half convinced the bill is trolling and not to be taken seriously.
When a drag queen comes out with a strap-on in front of three-year-olds, it does change your view on the art. Perhaps the bill is a bit too much, but it is not like the drag queens police themselves. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I suppose the alternative is some child endangerment charges all around.
It is cute that you trust the media to not lie to you.
Memeorandum has become as biased as the NYTimes.
"Trump will not beat Biden. Trump will not win a single blue state."
1000xxx. And when Trump loses, AGAIN, he will blame it AGAIN on a stolen election, just like Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Stacey Abrams did. Notice a pattern here?
Mark said...
"Denial is not just an Egyptian river, as proven again here."
You say that without irony which makes it twice a funny.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Denial is not just an Egyptian river, as proven again here."
You prove it every single day.
HBTPFH: "The world globalist is now a joke - thanks to Trump humpers everywhere."
Because you say so?
Or because you simply want it to be so?
Tell us what the word used to mean (you won't be able to do it) and what exactly the "Trump humpers" did to destroy it (you won't be able to do that either).
But go ahead. Give it a shot. We all could use a laugh on a suddenly somewhat snowy Friday afternoon here.
Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes has been booted from CPAC. (Conservative Political Action Conference being held this week.) Trump is the featured speaker at CPAC. Fuentes is the same anti-Semite that Trump dined with at the White House. Enough is enough.
Is the dear Professor trolling us?!?!
"The world globalist is now a joke
Transnationalists is socially forward.
The first is equitable and inclusive.
The second acknowledges the conception and evolution of human life as it happens in Nature, not popular culture.
The third is a handmade tale spread as a meme.
The fourth addresses the progress of woke religion that presumes diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry), including: racism, sexism, ageism, and other class-disordered ideologies.
My vote is for voters without borders because some, select principals of democracy matter.
Achilles: "Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish.
It isn't catching on. Working people know what is important and still support Trump."
I will give DeSantis and his advisor team (which are pretty much the typical DC types) this much credit, they do seem to understand the anger of the base over decades of betrayals that the HBTPFH's of the world are happy to forgive, over and over and over again. Especially now that they can shift all those decades of failure onto Trump. Which they've done and continue to do.
DeSantis made a few interesting comments just few days back where he clearly hedged uncritical support for the coming Forever Ukraine War (TM) in a way that did surprise me. So there is definitely some understanding on his staff that the republican base is not going along with this Biden/dems/GOPe monstrosity while the US suffers.
Further, DeSantis has made a few comments recently (I can't recall where he was without digging it up) where he also spoke somewhat harshly about the globalist agenda. He may have had to clear that with Ken Griffin first.
And that's on top of his previous comments about too much illegal immigration and lack of secure borders.
Are DeSantis' comments along the above lines believable? Not really for close followers of his non-campaign campaign that are more America First, and certainly not believable yet for that 35 to 45% of the base that is hard core economic populist/anti-globalist. Nothing has happened yet to even begin to budge that block of voters. I'm not sure what can be done to move them at this point, particularly if it remains clear that DeSantis is the choice of all the usual suspects that hate the base.
Still, it does show DeSantis' team is lightyears ahead of the other idiots who can't wait to stick a knife into the backs of republicans: "Jeb in a skirt" Haley, the loathsome Larry "Jabba" Hogan, the pathetic Chris Sununu who, like Paul Ryan, has already publicly surrendered on ALL social issues to the dems, etc.
lonejustice: ""Trump will not beat Biden. Trump will not win a single blue state."
1000xxx. And when Trump loses, AGAIN, he will blame it AGAIN on a stolen election, just like Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Stacey Abrams did. Notice a pattern here?"
All you have to do is convince a majority, or even a plurality, of republican primary voters that the candidates you support won't stick a knife in the back of the republican base again and again like they've done for decades. Probably with your strong support.
That's all you have to do.
Get off your butt and get working. According to you morons, it should be quite easy.
Big Mike - Like I care if you waste your money? By all means. Please do so!
Big Mike: "@Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker, I have strong reservations about Donald Trump’s political acuity, but every time I read another comment from you I want to send a max donation to Trump just to help wipe the stupid smirk off your face."
We keep hearing that we can have all the Trump policies without Trump. Great idea!! How?
crickets................(every single time)
Reality: Every non-Trump candidate represents the old school.
Is DeSantis the "best" of that crew? Probably, maybe even demonstrably. But lets face facts. That bar is so low its subterranean, and DeSantis currently has minimal credibility on a national scale with those blue collar and working class voters that are critically important.
Exit Questions for the Early DeSantis supporters (these questions never really get any answers):
- How will DeSantis address the fact that he was a Paul Ryan-clone globalist on international trade matters while in Congress? (gee, do you think the democraticals won't bring up his vote on TPP?)
- There is wiggle room but DeSantis did vote, through budget resolutions, to raise Soc Sec retirement age to 70, as well as change the COLA formula for Soc Sec. Gee, I wonder if those items will make a campaign appearance?
Even if you believe DeSantis is much more economic nationalist/America First than he was before as an up and coming Congressman (and that's probably the best argument you can make) you'll still have to convince all those hardworking folks that DeSantis has their back.
I'm betting the media/dems can have DeSantis looking like a Junior Mitt before June of 2024.
And if it gets out that the people gunning for Trump, deepstaters/dems/GOPe-ers, are coordinating with the DeSantis team to position him to "step in and pick up all the marbles" once Trump is taken out.....well. I think that picture gets Politically Nuclear Ugly pretty darn fast.
But, if you Early DeSantis supporters disagree, that's fine. Let's hear how DeSantis will deal with it all...............
Or you can do what HBTPFH does: covers her ears, curls up in the fetal position and screams "Trump humper" 10 times fast.
Big Mike.
You could also send a donation to Biden. Same thing.
AS to the smirk on my face? Is it like Nick Sandman's?
Achilles and Drago, the Trump Humper Twins - both hate DeSantis and spread Trump's sad lies about him. If it angers you to see a female pushing back against Ever-Trumper delusion - well - that's your problem. Again- please send a BIG donation to the Trumpie. He needs the cash.
Just a coincidence that Ann chose to portray the GOP as the stupid party? How's that boring neutrality working for you all?
'Right now, the Republicans are making a big play for the anti-honor.'
Right now? How about always?
I agree with banning public drag shows.
Take your perversions and fetishes indoors and over-18 where they belong.
The great divide in politics has become pro heterosexual parents who procreate , birth and raise and protect their own children and the sterile lifestyles that play act as if they are entitled to be treated as EQUAL.
I am for both lifestyle choices. But politicians will have to chose. It may come down to outlawing Bibles.
The proposed Florida bill was introduced by a state senator from Seminole County. The bill if passed (likelihood debatable) would require any blogger posting online about elected officials and who has been paid to advocate a particular position or POV (or candidate) to generally register and follow the same dictates as paid lobbyists. Journalists and media are exempt.
The clear intent is to smoke out hidden or disguised so-called "influencers" and make them self-identify along with their paid sponsors.
Not quite the same as "Anyone who criticizes the governor..." but nonetheless, pretty sketchy. As far as has been reported, DeSantis has nothing to do with this proposed law. "Intersectional" is such a meaningless buzz-word of the wokr; this seems to be at the intersection of truth in advertising and freedom of speech.
HBTPFH: "Achilles and Drago, the Trump Humper Twins - both hate DeSantis and spread Trump's sad lies about him."
Name a lie.
We'll wait.
HBTPFH: "If it angers you to see a female pushing back against Ever-Trumper delusion - well -"
HBTPFH goes right to the old democratical playbook.
I can't say I'm surprised in the least. She's so dense she STILL thinks the democraticals are clearing the path for Trump instead of doing what they're actually doing every single day.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish.
It isn't catching on. Working people know what is important and still support Trump."
You catch on to the talking points - fast. Like leftists with their talking points. Do you have proof DeSantis is open borders? The world globalist is now a joke - thanks to Trump humpers everywhere.
Trump will not beat Biden. Trump will not win a single blue state.
Trump will get at least 10 million more votes in the general than Desantis for the reasons I provided.
In any scenario Trump loses, Desantis loses by more.
Specifically because he is supported by Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Ken Griffen and the rest of GOPe Inc.
The voting part of the next election is a lost cause. Mail in voting in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona make the elections there a forgone conclusion.
It is Republicans in these states that are pushing ranked choice voting and mail in voting.
The only reason they are propping up Desantis is to get rid of Trump and reduce the enthusiasm of the working class base.
You are childish and really just Inga with a different tribe.
It may come down to outlawing Bibles.
Political congruence ("=") is a many selective thing, first. Second, burn the science books, biology books, specifically, and criminalize common sense, too. Dissent from the consensus is misinformation, disinformation, and a phobic representation a la albinophobia.
there brodeur makes a mistake, the corporate press have had a vendetta against him, because there was a third candidate in the 2020 race, along with a few others,
You should read the bills before blogging. It wouldn't take long. I'm sure we taxpayers still pay for your emeritus access Lexus Nexus.
Must be nice. We peons can't afford it. So you should make a choice: keep lazily reacting to headlines or spend five minutes actually acting like a professional by providing facts.
Or just post pretty pictures and cultural debate. But this sort of laziness is inexcusable. Pick a lane, as they say.
If the Dems cheat in 2024 like they did in 2020, it won't matter who the Republican nominee is. Whatever vegetable, idiot, or lunatic the Dems run will win. If they don't cheat, Trump or DeSantis would win. In which case I prefer Trump given his proven commitment to the MAGA agenda. Plus, justice demands Trump serve a second term.
If you think DeSantis, but not Trump, could win against the Dem cheat machine, you have to ask yourself, "why?" Why would the Dems allow DeSantis but not Trump to win? The only reason I can see is that they don't fear him as they do Trump. So the bottom line for me is that, unless and until DeSantis proves he's not a globalist swamp creature, I will support Trump over DeSantis.
I apologize for being entertained by the interplay between April Adam’s Apple and Drago Queen.
Oh, and I apologize to Achilles for chuckling as he tries to portray himself as a serious person instead of a laughable extremist.
Name a lie.
Not my fight, but I do believe Trump came out this week citing the debunked lie that George Soros wants DeSantis to win.
Trump self sabotages himself. DeSantis doesn't. DeSantis would not trust and hire idiots like Omarosa and most of Trump's Cabinet who turned against him.
Blogger Mr. Majestyk said...
" If the Dems cheat in 2024 like they did in 2020, it won't matter who the Republican nominee is."
Mr Majestyk thinks that if you let black people vote, its cheating. So unfair.
All you have to do is convince a majority, or even a plurality, of republican primary voters that the candidates you support won't stick a knife in the back of the republican base again and again like they've done for decades. Probably with your strong support.
This is the strongest argument for Trump. I like DeSantis but his proto-campaign has been all about cultural issues. Trump promised and delivered. I don't know if he can win, just as I don't know if any Republican can win over Zuckerbucks and the vote fraud. In AZ Hobbs was even open about it.
Blogger Mutaman said...
Blogger Mr. Majestyk said...
" If the Dems cheat in 2024 like they did in 2020, it won't matter who the Republican nominee is."
Mr Majestyk thinks that if you let black people vote, its cheating. So unfair.
More lies from the left. Actually, letting blacks count the votes is where cheating usually occurs.
Drago- Trump is a Democrat asset. Eat it. He will be engineered to win the primary and lose the election.
Drag Queen - please inform the class how your precious Trumpie will win the election. Notably - the blue states.. Is Trump going to sweep the independents? LOL - do tell.
Jim At
"Name a lie."
Not my fight, but I do believe Trump came out this week citing the debunked lie that George Soros wants DeSantis to win.
Trump Humpers are lie, just like loyalist leftists. Any lie will do.
Here is a link to Trump's attacks on DeSantis. Note Trump has ZERO attacks for Democrats... ever.
Trump is assho
@ Gunner;
"Trump self sabotages himself. DeSantis doesn't. DeSantis would not trust and hire idiots like Omarosa and most of Trump's Cabinet who turned against him."
Recall Scaramucci lol. and Bannon... and Roger Stone... and ... the list is so sad.
Trump-Humpers say - "He meant to do that."
HBTPFH: "Drago- Trump is a Democrat asset. Eat it. He will be engineered to win the primary and lose the election."
The democraticals dont believe you and their actions prove they dont believe you.
But hey, thats just reality. Something you dont participate in.
Jim at: "Not my fight, but I do believe Trump came out this week citing the debunked lie that George Soros wants DeSantis to win."
The claim class dunce HBTPFH made was that Achilles and I were pushing lies.
I said "name one".
She couldn't.
This is how every exchange with HBTPFH goes.
"The voting part of the next election is a lost cause. Mail in voting in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona make the elections there a forgone conclusion. "
We agree there. But the idea that Trump will get 10 million more votes? LOL>>> laughable.
Mr Majestyk: "If you think DeSantis, but not Trump, could win against the Dem cheat machine, you have to ask yourself, "why?" Why would the Dems allow DeSantis but not Trump to win? The only reason I can see is that they don't fear him as they do Trump. So the bottom line for me is that, unless and until DeSantis proves he's not a globalist swamp creature, I will support Trump over DeSantis."
Careful. If you ask any questions of HBTPFH related to political reality, she collapses into a weepy heap and mutters "Trump humper" to herself until the moment passes.
HBTPFH: "He will be engineered to win the primary and lose the election."
OK, here we go again.
"engineered" by whom? How?
Note: HBTPFH has never answered a single question related to her non-reality-based assertions.
And she never will.
She really is the flip-side Inga.
Hey Mutaman, go read VoterGA's report on the multitude of problems, involving hundreds of thousands of votes, in the 2020 election. Then come back and explain to me why the election results in GA were legit.
Frankly, Im not holding out much hope that Mutaman will engage in good faith and address the evidence. Much easier to casually imply that someone is racist. But, unfortunately for folks like Mutaman and other fierce defenders of The Most Secure Election In History, the following documented events/practices are, in fact, NOT necessary for blacks to vote: mass ballot harvesting by hundreds of harvesters stuffing drop boxes in the middle of the night; matching signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes to signatures on mail-in ballot applications, rather than to signatures on voter registration cards; prematurely destroying ballot image files, in violation of state and fedral law; counting 18,000+ ballots from "voters" whose address is a vacant lot; preventing poll watchers from getting close enough to meaningfully observe the counting process; and announcing at 10:30 pm that counting would stop for the night, and then resuming counting after poll watchers had left. Or maybe I'm wrong. Which of those things is necessary for blacks to vote, Mutaman?
@Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker, thank you for your response at 5:45. I’ve been busy so just now read it.
I am very impressed that Governor DeSantis, for a number of reasons. If he’s on the primary ballot on March 5, 2024 when we vote here in Virginia’s primary. I may vote for him. But I believe that you are a moby, trying to sabotage the good governor ahead of time. The Republican candidate in 2024, whether Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, or someone no one is thinking of at present, will need a united party behind him (or her) to win, and you are doing your level best with your asinine “Trump-humper” remarks to drive people away from the good governor. So sing praises of your candidate, if you want. But how about you respect other people who are reluctant to abandon Trump at this point. Save your snark for Democrats.
Can somebody who knows more about Florida State law, not to mention federal, explain to me how requiring a lobbyist to register is in any way constitutional?
Michael K said...
"More lies from the left. Actually, letting blacks count the votes is where cheating usually occurs."
Polly want a cracker?
"You are childish and really just Inga with a different tribe."
3/3/23, 6:32 PM
And THIS!!
"The Republican candidate in 2024, whether Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, or someone no one is thinking of at present, will need a united party behind him (or her) to win, and you are doing your level best with your asinine “Trump-humper” remarks to drive people away from the good governor. So sing praises of your candidate, if you want. But how about you respect other people who are reluctant to abandon Trump at this point. Save your snark for Democrats."
3/3/23, 10:15 PM
Like someone else said...there is no difference between you and Inga.
The Florida piece is the perfect example of what's going on and it isn't misbehavior by Republicans. In that case, one state senator proposed a loony idea. This is promoted as "news" because the media would like to portray all Republicans as loons. I'm pretty certain that, with thousands of state legislators, the news outlets could be filled every day with crazy proposals which have miniscule support, from both parties. Somehow, only the crazy Republican proposals will see the light of day and go nowhere, meanwhile the crazy Democratic proposals will silently become laws and we'll wake up one day with, WTF! They banned socks! And we have to live with it because it's significantly harder to get rid of a law than to enact it in the first place.
The media wants to manipulate you and if you think the FL proposal says anything about Republicans, it has succeeded.
Don't be a news splooge.
"Gender-affirming care.."
You mean "mutilation" of minors.
I don't know about the constitutionality of the thing, but lobbyists and lobbying firms at the federal level are required to register, and in most states.
Inga is a loyal progressive.
Supporting Trump at this point is akin to supporting Biden... and all of the progressives.
Got that - Wendy.
btw- big Mike and Wendy ... This is Ann's blog and she too thinks that 2024 will be Trump v Biden again, and we will get 4 more years of Biden.
Is she a Moby too?
Funny I might add how if any R candidate makes a wrong move or a slight mistake - it's all over.
If Trump creates super hero bubble gum cards, steps on his dick, again, has dinner with Fuentes and Ye, surrounds himself with sabotaging morons, and on an on... his loyalists stay true.
Trump could kill someone on Broadway, even burn a bag of puppies - and his loyalists would stay true. dedication.
@dbp, maybe not socks, but while Althouse is off hunting for things to help her regard everybody who doesn’t think like her as “stupid” (which is itself pretty stupid as far as I’m concerned), the Democrats are making another run at gas stoves via the Department of Energy and Richard Trumpka on the CPSC.
btw- Big Mike- Achilles said this above: "Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish."
Curious what you think of that?
Also Curious is how Trump's ardent supporters think that Trump alone can overcome the left's vote-cheating.
btw- Trump has declined to promise to back the GOP nominee. He will take his base with him - so its a lose lose. If Trump wins - he will lose. Trump, loses primary - WE will lose. Thanks Trump!
Say hello to 4 more years of Biden. or perhaps the Chicago Mob boss Pritzker can pull it out? He looks like a mobster - so that's fitting.
Biggest Moby of all? Trump himself.
Back to the thread's topic. Do we know who wrote this legislation?
Jim at said...
Name a lie.
Not my fight, but I do believe Trump came out this week citing the debunked lie that George Soros wants DeSantis to win.
I think it is pretty obvious Soros prefers Desantis to Trump.
They might be his last two choices but we know what order they are in.
Speaking of Party of ONE - party of Stupid--
Trump is in the background, accomplishing very important work:
"Trump, allies say, seems set on “Ron DeSanctimonious,” even though others around him don’t think it’s a bullseye. Some of the new ideas the former president’s entertained: “Ron DisHonest.” “Ron DeEstablishment.” Or even, “Tiny D.”"
LOL. Such important work. Back-stabbing a popular and successful Governor on his own team.
Gotta find that signature immature Trump "name-call" - so the Ever-Trumpers can join in with their pom poms.
April, you are humiliating yourself.
Hunter's Hooker is mad you all....Don't you dare call her out for the fool she is. Keep crying little girl.
Big Mike:
First -what a pack of sad crap from you.
I barely mention DeSantis and I have no idea if he is running. Trump pulls down his man-diaper each and every day to crap all over DeSantis. & Not just DeSantis - Trump trashes his own party all the time...including people like Rand Paul - who I think would make a fine president.
We already know about treacherous McConnell or Romney - known sell-outs. So spare me.
I was on team Trump, but then he decided to trash his own team and place the splinter.
Trump's own words and behavior have pushed all sorts of people away from him.
I find it amusing how so many men (and Wendy) are so sensitive to any Trump push-back.
Trump's can dish it - but he cannot take it. Nor can his dedicated loyalists.
I reject the sad old man with his ridiculous and embarrassing bubble gum super-hero cards and dick-stepping dinner with Fuentes.
Again - many of his die-hard movie fans cannot fathom any introspection about the aging ego.
Perhaps all you Ever-Trumpers are the real Moby. You have no problem sabotaging DeSantis and Rand Paul. or anyone who might upstage the bubble gum super hero.
Wendy - Stay True to your Trump love. Like a Teddy bear.
Achilles said...
""Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish.""
Achilles - by your repeating a known lie:
"I think it is pretty obvious Soros prefers Desantis to Trump."
You have lost all credibility. You are a liar. But any lie for your precious Trump, - right?
Soros said he thought DeSantis would be the nominee. That's it. That is not support - it is his
opinion on who he thinks will win the nomination. All sorts of people will have opinions about who will win the nominations. or are you that stupid?
Again Achilles -you have no credibility.
On the very important issue of nicknames for Ron Desantis, if I were Trump, I would go with "Ron DeSwampis." (Heard that one somewhere, maybe in the comments on this blog but can't remember.) "DeSanctimonious" is ridiculous.
"DeSwampis," on the other hand, goes to the heart of the concern: DeSantis's apparent coziness with the GOP establishment and assorted swamp creatures like McConnell.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Perhaps all you Ever-Trumpers are the real Moby. You have no problem sabotaging DeSantis and Rand Paul. or anyone who might upstage the bubble gum super hero."
You become quite agitated about any questions being asked of Ron DeSantis supporters and, quite revealing, you've never been able to address a single one of them. Perhaps due to the ignorance you have conclusively demonstrated time and again, perhaps due to an innate inability to look at any situation objectively, etc. Who knows.
But lets try it again.
You claimed it was being "engineered" to have Trump be the nominee. So, simple questions were asked of you...oh, wait. No questions are "simple" when you are involved.
So, correction: questions were asked of you and they went a little bit like this:
- Just who, precisely, is "engineering" the republican primary win for Trump?
- Just how are they doing that?
Now, since you are incapable of backing up your dumb assertions that fly in the face of all facts and actions, I fully expect you to once again cover your ears with your hands and start screaming "Trump humpers" over and over again.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Also Curious is how Trump's ardent supporters think that Trump alone can overcome the left's vote-cheating."
Another lie.
And "Trump's ardent supporters" are actually not confident anyone can overcome the cheat machine the democraticals and your GOPe heroes have created and allowed to stay in place.
Further, "Trump's ardent supporters" are simply ardent supporters of certain policies that, thus far, ONLY Trump has articulated and been seeing fighting tooth and nail for over the last 7 years.
So go ahead and show us who will give us the Trump policies without the Trump drama.
That's something you've never even attempted to explain, because you can't.
It's just "Trump humpers" all the way down. It's all you've got and all you'll ever have. Make sure to put that on some billboards in the midwest and see how far you get.
Here's another one for Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): How will DeSantis pitch/explain away his puppy-dog-follower-of-Paul-Ryan support for the TPP treaty (the one Hillary and the globalists were quite enthusiastic about) to the blue collar voters throughout the midwest?
Here's the answer I expect from HBTPFH: "Trump humper! Trump humper! Trump humber!"
And that should play pretty well on the campaign trail....I guess.
Drago - Lets try again, shall we?
DeSantis is not running for President. Trump is.
WE are waiting for you to tell us your opinion on Trump's bubble gum super hero cards. and .. other dick-stepping Trump moves. Waiting! ... *crickets*
& this development: Trump's super-duper very important behind the scenes
"Trump, allies say, seems set on “Ron DeSanctimonious,” even though others around him don’t think it’s a bullseye. Some of the new ideas the former president’s entertained: “Ron DisHonest.” “Ron DeEstablishment.” Or even, “Tiny D.”
Impressive. Got your pom poms ready? and your anti-DeSantis signs? Do you have your tickets to the Trump rally?
Drago - that you falsely accuse me of being a [Fill in the blank w/ globalist Trump extra special villain of the week] Went from McConneltard to now it's accused "Paul Ryan supporter!" - is just par for the course with you. You're a LIAR just like your mental-twin Achilles.
Trump is your billionaire loser. Enjoy.
Drago - if the left can engineer a Biden win - with ballot harvesting and other forms of cheating - they can certainly choose the R candidate with the same methods.
Drago says - "your GOPe heroes have created and allowed to stay in place. "
My heroes? Who is a GOPe hero of mine that created the cheat machine for Biden to win. Got factual information and names?
"So go ahead and show us who will give us the Trump policies without the Trump drama. "
Perhaps some of us are tired of Trump's ego. Trump's demand that everyone kiss is ass or else.
It no longer matters what his policies are - his ego trumps it all.
Building the wall of China and promising that Mexico will pay for it.. LOL. You can more of that BS. I'm walking away.
"I'm walking away."
It's about time. You have had nothing new to add to the conversation.
If the Dems can engineer a Biden win in the general election, they don't need to worry about who wins the Republican primary.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Drago - if the left can engineer a Biden win - with ballot harvesting and other forms of cheating - they can certainly choose the R candidate with the same methods."
What an "impressive" breakdown of just "who" is "engineering" a Trump primary win and "how" they are doing it......
That's about your level of performance alright. Keep up the good work.
Wendy - I'm walking away from Trump.
AS far as your blind faith adoration of the man. You keep on.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "DeSantis is not running for President. Trump is."
You are clearly an idiot.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Drago - that you falsely accuse me of being a [Fill in the blank w/ globalist Trump extra special villain of the week] Went from McConneltard to now it's accused "Paul Ryan supporter!"..."
I simply pointed out the fact that while in congress DeSantis was fully supportive of all Paul Ryan moves on economic policy and foreign trade.
You have a very difficult time dealing with those sorts of things.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "It no longer matters what his policies are - his ego trumps it all."
And there it is.
That's why you've always been happy to settle for whatever the GOPe shoves down your throat.
FYI: The policies are the ONLY THINGS THAT MATTER. I don't care who the candidate is or what their strengths and weaknesses are. I want them fighting for what I'd like to see.
Looks like Sununu and Larry Hogan should be adding you to their fundraising lists.
Again - I will always defend Trump against the left's lies - the Strozk-Schitt-Maddow-MSM-DNC-Hillary manufactured lies.
But Trump is a terrible candidate and he will throw it all away for his precious ego.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "and your anti-DeSantis signs?"
And there is another.
Simply asking questions based on DeSantis' record and who is backers are is considered "anti-DeSantis".
Well, I'm sure the democraticals will be happy to play by your patsy Marquess of Queensberry "rules".
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Building the wall of China and promising that Mexico will pay for it.. LOL. You can more of that BS."
Opposed to building the wall as well, eh?
How very Paul Ryan-ish of you.
I see Drago Queen and his girlfriend are still bickering, how cute.
DRag Queen - Trump's donors are leaving him. That money was fine with you as long as it was flowing into Trump coffers.
DRago - Building the Wall of China is never going to happen. Or are you that dumb?
Trump's promise to BUILD A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL -(and make Mexico pay for it) never happened. Or are you an idiot? Trump's campaign promises - to the fawning gullible faithful - will not make a wall materialize. We don't have the funds. It won't ever happen.
That fact has NOTHING to do with my feelings about a wall.
Drago - Well, your Trump Humper twin is definitely anti-DeSantis - when he states this:
"Desantis needs to look tough while not addressing any actual economic issues. He is acting like an open borders free trade all the wars globalist without the blue hair fetish."
and the two of you share the same brain.
Haha. I love how you say the Republicans are only “right now” showing how stupid they are. As if 4 decades of pushing the economic policies of 1929 weren’t stupid enough. Or the two decades of machismo and corruption before that weren’t stupid either.
Well, Americans have finally woken up to how much Republican feudalism has bankrupted them and radicalized our working class. (Same as what happened in Europe after the Republicans inflicted the Great Depression on them).
So now that their economic policy has been exposed as intellectually bankrupt and socially rapacious. What next?
Equally useless authoritarian curbs on free speech, that’s what. Combined with hatred or marginalization of anyone deemed “different.” If you can’t improve the lot in life of your poorest constituent, you can feed his ego by telling him he’s better than those horrible queers. Then hope that he votes in favor of that, instead. You might as well put pink triangles on them.
As John Lennon said, keep them doped on religion, and sex and TV.
In the meantime, JB Pritzker mused about why DeSanctimonious is so proud of how poorly his state’s schools rank, and how he uses words like “woke” that he can’t define and doesn’t know the meaning of.
DeSanctimonious doesn’t have to know the meaning of anything. All he and the cons need to know is a label - whether they can even define a target or not. Since they can’t reason their way out of any problems, hating something else is all they can offer. Even if they don’t have a clear idea on what that “something else” even is. Just hate it, they tell their cons. Fear it and loathe it, and that won’t set you free. But it will make you feel like less of a loser than the Republicans’ policy has made you into, economically.
And BTW, if you don’t like it - don’t forget to register with my state office for a license to criticize me.
Meatball Ron, indeed. This guy’s like a mafioso.
“Again - I will always defend Trump against the left's lies - the Strozk-Schitt-Maddow-MSM-DNC-Hillary manufactured lies.
But Trump is a terrible candidate and he will throw it all away for his precious ego.”
Awwww. How sweet. I guess even right-wing cuckoldry has its limits - at least for female right-wingers who spend a lot of time thinking about hookers and Hunter Biden. The other cuckolds defining the right wing? Who knows.
But if Former President Bleach-Drinker isn’t the candidate I look forward to seeing how Meatball Ron does on a stage with anyone whose politics weren’t shaped by a state full of hard-core retributionist Cubans and rednecks. I’m sure authoritarian mafioso antics play well with Castro’s kids, the KKK and senile fuddy duddies. But there’s a country full of at least (nominally more) normal people outside of Florida who prefer some actual substance over the white knight slaying a tyrannical nexus of all the evil drag queens, opinion columnists and Disney workers.
But you do you, Ron. No one can deny your ability to grift with the best. Or at least with Florida’s finest. Finest Fuddy Duddies. LOL!
Who engineered Biden's win, Drago?
pudding - another lefty liar.
Trump never told anyone to drink bleach.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Trump's promise to BUILD A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL -(and make Mexico pay for it) never happened. Or are you an idiot? Trump's campaign promises - to the fawning gullible faithful - will not make a wall materialize. We don't have the funds. It won't ever happen.
That fact has NOTHING to do with my feelings about a wall."
The cost of the entire wall project was estimated between $20B to $25B.
But you didn't know that because you dont know anything.
The total $ amount of remittances from all nations back to Mexico in 2018 was around $38B.
But you didn't know that because you dont know anything.
The US of course represented the vast bulk of those remittances back to Mexico, so call that portion around $30B.
The original plans called levying a fee on those remittances of 10% - 25%.
But you didn't know that because you dont know anything.
The ONLY thing that stopped that plan from being enacted and coming out of Mexico's pocket was the opposition of the Usual Suspect GOPe-ers.
The very people you are now scrambling to cover for and to blameshift away from...because of course you are.
Once again, as always, you are attacking the ONLY elected republican leader that was fighting for the policies a huge chunk of the republican base supports...and insulting those voters as you do it.
McConnell and Ryan smile.....
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "I see Drago Queen and his girlfriend are still bickering, how cute"
It seems ungrateful of you to speak of your Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) anti-Trump ally that way.
Not very nice at all.
Did we ever get to the bottom of this?
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "He [Trump] will be engineered to win the primary and lose the election."
Drago: "engineered" by whom? How?"
Never got an answer to that...because there isn't one.
Drag Queen Trump Humper #2
Unless you have a verifiable link to that info - it's bullshit. Building a wall along the entirety of the southern border will never happen. No matter how many times Trump or any other bad-faith humper promises it.
Humper Twin 2 thinks "remittances" = they owe us a wall. fucking moron.
hpudding said...
"As if 4 decades of pushing the economic policies of 1929 weren’t stupid enough."
Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
Drago said...
"Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "He [Trump] will be engineered to win the primary and lose the election."
Drago: "engineered" by whom? How?"
Those black people who count the votes.
HBTPFH: "Building a wall along the entirety of the southern border will never happen"
Again, out of the ether with more BS. It wasn't going to be a wall across the entirety of the southern border. No kidding. No one is claiming it needed to be that, nor claimed it would need to be that, nor even insinuated it needed to be that.
But you've lost the argument so not its goal post moving time.
Because of course it is.
Flip-side Inga doing Flip-side Inga stuff.
Looks like Flip-side Inga overlooked this one again. Lets repost for her sake:
Drago: "Did we ever get to the bottom of this?"
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "He [Trump] will be engineered to win the primary and lose the election."
Drago: "engineered" by whom? How?"
Never got an answer to that...because there isn't one.
“Trump never told anyone to drink bleach.“
Trump: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
—(Trump trying to sound smart in front of actual medical doctors by suggesting a way of getting disinfectant into the human body!)
A comment so stupid and unhelpful that he actually tried backtracking by saying it was made “sarcastically!” Hahaha. Right.
The same guy who said windmills cause cancer.
Listening to Trump on a public health emergency is like letting your chemical cargo-carrying trains use brakes from 1860. Oh wait…
What a deregulator! Letting train companies get away without using basic safety features to roll through your red states and red communities and spill hazardous chemicals all over them to poison them with. Same guy. Drink bleach and spill vinyl chloride all over your community water table. Republicans poisoning themselves in the name of improving corporate profits!
He are those Whales doing with the windmills poisoning them in the Altlantic? You hate whales too/?
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