২৪ মার্চ, ২০২৩

"Even the name of the place Corey Brooks frequented for routine medical care — Magee-Womens Hospital — felt alienating."

"Patients donned pink gowns. Cutouts of pink bras were plastered on the walls. A sign urged patients to 'fight like a girl.' 'Things like that are just incredibly disorienting for someone going into those spaces who is always being reminded, hey, this wasn’t designed for you,' Brooks said. 'You’re not really sure if you should disclose to these people that you’re trans or not.' Brooks identifies as nonbinary and transgender, but as someone who was assigned female at birth, they share similar health needs as cisgender women for gynecologic care and screenings for chest health as they age...."

Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?! After fighting for so long to get special attention for women's health issues, are we now going to be forbidden to say "women"? After calling so much attention to breast cancer, are we supposed to feel bad about saying "breast"?! How much will be taken in the name of inclusion? I think women tend to want to be terribly empathetic and kind, so please be careful about how much you demand. Perhaps you should gracefully accept the hospital's earnest decor and efforts at mood-boosting. There are plenty of us cis-women who could also take offense at pink gowns and cutouts of pink bras "plastered" on the walls, but we tolerate it, and we're — many of us — mostly glad there are hospitals and well-meaning health care workers.

৮৭টি মন্তব্য:

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!

Join the club.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!"

Yes. Next question.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Separate but equal.

Btw, first read it as Corey Booker and thought, 'He belongs in a women-only hospital...'

Aggie বলেছেন...

Do you remember the Alan Bates movie, the King of Hearts? Whereby a WWI reconnaissance soldier enters a town that has been evacuated and then, unbeknownst to him, is populated entirely by people from the local insane asylum? And it takes a while for him to understand why the townspeople are behaving so incomprehensibly strangely? That's where we are right now. We haven't figured out that they're the crazy ones yet every last nutting one of them.

takirks বলেছেন...

I think that insisting that the universe come into perfect alignment with your own delusions is a pretty clear sign that your delusions are, indeed, delusional.

I don't care what you may have convinced yourself about your essential "two-nature self", the raw fact is that all you need to do to figure out your sex is look in your pants: Inny? You're a girl. Outy? You're a boy. Deal with it.

The vanishingly rare genuine-article hermaphrodite aside, the encouragement and weaponized tolerance these sorts of sadly confused people demand is a marker of how effete and degenerate our civilization has become. You only have room for this crap when there are enough resources available to humor the lunatic, and that current luxury state is not likely to obtain much further, particularly the drag these types are putting on everything.

There are at least four major West Coast cities that are currently in a state of collapse under the weight of the surrounding BS this mentality is a part of. Where the hell that ends? No damn idea, but the rest of you are not going to like it, one bit. I project urban collapse by 2030 for Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Dunno about 'Frisco or LA, but what I've heard ain't good.

Every time I've dealt with any of our suppliers still working out of either Portland or Seattle, the poor bastards on the other end of the phone have a litany of horrors to relate. One guy was desperate enough to make the sale that he offered to drive the company truck across the river into Washington to meet me, and said he'd pay the sales tax. His company has lost so much on-call business because nobody wants to drive into Portland's urban disaster zone that they're on the verge of going out of business. He's got "homeless" people crapping on his loading docks, his employees are not only getting assaulted by the homeless types, but getting arrested for defending themselves and then sued by homeless activists for having done so.

Lemme tell you what... When WalMart shuts down operations in your locale? Things have gotten really, really bad. As in, apocalyptically bad.

And, it's all on the same spectrum with this LGBTWTFBBQ crap. Leading cause or symptom of something else deeper into the mental dysfunction? No idea, but it's all going to go away when the inherent contradictions in it all finally do cave in on us all.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

This is what the left wants!

sean বলেছেন...

Considering Prof. Althouse's life-long support for inclusion and the rights of sexual minorities (including the right to be respected and valued by the larger society), this is kind of funny. We don't often hear from les enfants de Saturne, so to speak.

gspencer বলেছেন...

This trans world is NUTS!

And McAuliffe would agree with me.

Eva Marie বলেছেন...

“I think women tend to want to be terribly empathetic and kind, so please be careful about how much you demand.”
Isn’t another way of saying this - we are women, because of our empathy, who aren’t capable of establishing the boundaries on the kind of behavior that we find unacceptable. Therefore we rely on you (whoever you are) not to do anything that might harm us.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

It's me, hi
I'm the problem, it's me

Taylor Swift - Antihero

BIII Zhang বলেছেন...

You people are done.

Women, I mean.

You brought these Democrats into the world. Only you can take them back out again.

Enjoy your fate.

The VERY SECOND that a candidate for the United States Supreme Court lied that she couldn't "define" what a woman was, and they were appointed to that court anyway ... that was the END of you as a species. And you all cheered.

And so you all deserve it; and we're not going to help you out of the predicament you created for yourselves. We're done trying to take care of a bunch of ingrates.

We want our fking rib back.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?! "


Goldenpause বলেছেন...


The short answer to your question is “Yes.” Unless “women” fight back. Of course leftist women will feel conflicted and let themselves be run over.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

"but as someone who was assigned female at birth"

No, she was bornfemale. She needs serious mental health counseling as to why her ego is so fragile.

This small, mentally ill population should not be dictating how we conduct ourselves. These trans-mafia is providing cover for men to harass women (sexual predators) and take over women's sports (Lea Thompson, etc.). Surgeons, "children's" hospitals and pharma companies are making big bucks on medical services that do not solve the mental health issues of the truly fragile people. Elite, liberal White women see trans as the new cool trend and don't care what happens to their kids.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

You women are so problematic.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Minorities have responsibilities in a free society.

There is always someone who will be offended by something as exclusive.

10% of us are left handed. They live with it.

Live with being trans.

John F বলেছেন...

“Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!”


Rory বলেছেন...

"I think women tend to want to be terribly empathetic and kind, so please be careful about how much you demand."

It's still about money - the gains from feminism still outweigh the losses from transgenderism, so the boat will not be rocked.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Huh. So crazy people aren't sane? Who knew?

Balfegor বলেছেন...

People who assert a transgender identity are at some point just going to have to deal with the conflict between biological sex and gender identity. If you're in a healthcare setting, biological sex really must take precedence.

That said, as an adult man, would I be uncomfortable in a women-only space like this? Yes. But my number one concern, frankly, would be another patient picking a fight and accusing me of sexual harassment or something because she didn't expect or want to see a man walking around in an open back hospital gown. Not whether that gown is pink.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Great questions.

Its what many of us have been saying about the protected classes identified by how they sate their sexual desires. Acceptance is not good enough. All must fully embrace the protected class, to the point of loosing our personal individuality, and our group identities. All must be sacrificed to change all societal histories to avoid being called a bigot.
Don't want to see a guys swinging junk when you put on your workout togs. Tough, your feelings must be sacrificed in order that very small number of people can be out and proud practicing their very specific sexual fetish.

gilbar বলেছেন...

World Ends! Minority Trans Folk greatest hit!!

n.n বলেছেন...

Misogyny processed under the trans/neogender, trans/social umbrella. Even trans/homosexual females have noticed its progress under political congruence ("="), Pro-Choice ethical religion that they once championed. Feminists and social progressives played with a doubled-edged scalpel and the casualties and collateral damage are mounting.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

I saw some pictures posted on Twitter of the surgery necessary on a woman to create a fake penis. One would have to be crazy to undergo those surgeries.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

This is abuse, and these people are absolutely counting on you being a nice, accommodating person who says please.

Spiros বলেছেন...

Aren't trans people like 1% of the population?

walter বলেছেন...

Yeah. Go to the hospital adorned with cocks and jocks.

Banzel বলেছেন...

They're still breasts, even after surgery to make the chest resemble that of a man. "Chest care" and "chest feeding" need to stop.

lgv বলেছেন...

"...but as someone who was assigned female at birth, they share similar health needs as cisgender women for gynecologic care and screenings for chest health as they age...."

Assigned, as if randomly. Sorry, the reason for the "assignment is because she is a female. They share the health needs of cisgender women because they are both women with female anatomy regardless of how one identifies oneself.

"ill-informed medical professionals". I suspect the label ill-informed has been assigned to the wrong group.

wildswan বলেছেন...

An individual spends nine months as an unborn child building up a body which is a male or female mammalian body plan. Then, at age two or three or six or eighteen, the individual repudiates the body they built for themselves and spends the rest of their life at war with it. Original body, that is to say, every cell in the individual's body continues to try to build up and maintain a male or female mammalian body as specified in the individual's DNA, as laid down in the body built by the individual in the womb and after. But now gender-mind begins to use social knowledge to repudiate the body which its body is always nevertheless building and maintaining as well as it can. Gender mind begins to use medical knowledge to build up another body which externally resembles the mammalian body plan opposite to that which its own body is always building and maintaining. And so, for this individual, a forever war against its own original body begins. Original body never surrenders and throughout life continues working to build and maintain the original mammalian male or female bodily plan. And throughout life, gender-mind continues to thwart this, its own entire male or female mammalian bodily process, in favor of a socially-driven process in which hormones and mutilation sculpt a body with a surface resemblance to the mammalian body plan opposite to the individual's own continuing-below-the-surface bodily plan.

With all that going on in their life, I don't know how these individuals have time or mental energy to note the color of the walls around them. And I guess I wonder what color they'd find appropriate. Or is it just that guys don't like pink? and the indomitable guy body of these individuals continues to object? and their "female" mind, which is to a real female mind as a Barbie doll is to a wife and mother, wimpily accepts the objection as its own.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

I saw some pictures posted on Twitter of the surgery necessary on a woman to create a fake penis. One would have to be crazy to undergo those surgeries.

Xmas বলেছেন...

Yep. This is the rollercoaster everyone signed up for. The brakes were blow-torched off and all the seat belts have been cut. Hold on for dear life all of you likely-to-have-born-with-a-uterus-but-not-always-because-nature-is-random-sometimes people. Because you likely-to-develop-breasts-normally-if-your-ovaries-are-properly-functioning-and-you-do-not-have-other-developmental-issues persons have to accept that women and men will be uncomfortable with you cis-chest-feeders celebrating your mere happenstance of birth.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!"

Yes. So? What are you going to do about it?

"After fighting for so long to get special attention for women's health issues, are we now going to be forbidden to say "women"? "

Not forbidden, maybe, just looked down upon as deplorable. Progs are just not into you anymore.

"I think women tend to want to be terribly empathetic and kind, so please be careful about how much you demand."

Why be careful? Women's empathy is readily exploitable for political gain, so exploited it will be.

We deplorable men are happy to help. But only if nice liberal women decide once and for all that they are going to oppose prog outrages for real. Be allies.

Chest Rockwell বলেছেন...

Repeal the 19th amendment.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

So, do they get chestograms?

Real American বলেছেন...

Sex isn't "assigned" at birth. It's acknowledged.

Doug বলেছেন...

Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!

Yeah! How ya like it?

Robert Marshall বলেছেন...

"For trans people, medical visits can be more traumatizing than healing"

Very fixable problem: don't schedule medical visits. Problem solved.

Or are you expecting everyone else to yield to your insatiable desire for validation of your particular and peculiar point of view? What about acknowledging that you are one of a terribly small minority of people who subscribe to your odd sexual orientation, and just suck it up for once? You're fortunate enough to live in a place and a time where your health problems are mostly subject to being fixed, so quit your belly-aching about your feelings being hurt, talk to the doc about your problems, take your meds, do your therapy, and shut the fuck up about the pink gowns.


Doug বলেছেন...

Womyn: this trans stuff looks crazy. What do hetero men think about it?
Other womyn: they're against it.
Womyn: okay, then we're all for it LET'S COMPLAIN!

PM বলেছেন...

Voyager 1 and 2 continue to travel in interstellar space carrying to the universe the image of a male and a female as representatives of our civilization - as we were, are and forever will be.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

I'm having painful flashbacks to John Irving's Roberta Muldoon and the stupid joke about the Peter Bent Brigham and Women's Hospital.

MartyH বলেছেন...

This is just another version of the patriarchy. Seriously. It’s XY chromosomes pushing XX chromosomes around.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

“Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic…”

holdfast বলেছেন...

To paraphrase John McLane, “welcome to the party, gal!”

Time to join the straight white me in the shame barrel.

Clyde বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!"

Only by the mentally ill and their enablers.

Clyde বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!"

Only by the mentally ill and their enablers.

~ Gordon Pasha বলেছেন...

Anatomy is destiny. Anything else is medical Lysenkoism.

robother বলেছেন...

And this is why we fight in Ukraine. As in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. Our Military/Industrial Complex' new cold war: World War T. It is the very essence of Democracy to accept that male and female are just arbitrary labels assigned at birth. Nations and cultures that deny this are our natural enemies.

Fred Drinkwater বলেছেন...

To quote a famous social philosopher:
"Welcome to the party, pal!"

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

That the tranny feels uncomfortable in a women's medical center is understandable.
What's not is that the Washington Post thinks this is the next great civil rights issue that they need to advocate for.

n.n বলেছেন...

Beware Levine's follies. Trans/neo therapy through medical, surgical, and psychiatric corruption not only fails but forces a progressive condition in the majority of subjects.

Separately, toxic femininity. Karmic irony.

You can't abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too.

That said, women, men, and babies... fetal-babies are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.

n.n বলেছেন...


Same sexual. Trans/homosexual. Yeah, trans/homosexual females, aside from their sexual orientation, are feminine female (gender/attributes and sex). So are trans/neo/quasi/pseudo/sim-males, whose biological character and architecture cannot be changed by practitioners exhibiting psychiatric dysphoria.

Ex-PFC Wintergreen বলেছেন...

“Picture a boot - you know, the kind that makes your legs look so slim and chic, even though that boot and leg belong to a man in drag - stamping on a woman’s face, forever.”

Seriously Ann…when are you women going to swat these lunatics and their enablers down and say, yell, scream at them that no matter what they do to themselves surgically, they are not women and it’s time for real women to stop genuflecting at the altar of trans craziness???

What Christina Hoff Sommers calls “gender feminism” has betrayed women (I refuse to use the abomination that is the term “cis-women”; women are women and men in drag are still men) over and over, and real women fail to do anything about it. We men want to help but goddammit, we need women to take the lead (else we’re just mansplaining, y’know). How much longer are you and your compatriots going to “take it for the team” and allow nut jobs to, over and over, insist the best “woman” is a man???

Amy Welborn বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?! "

Well, yes. That's the trajectory of this movement. It's fundamentally misogynistic, telling women that they are better off being men and maintaining that men make the best women.

Even women speaking about women's spaces is toxic and forbidden. Organizers of gender-critical events have taken to not announcing venues or doing so only to confirmed, checked attendees so as to not attract the trans activists who are not at all interested in peaceful protest, but in shouting and banging down speakers and blocking entrance to events.


Witness the response just today (yesterday??) in New Zealand to activist Kellie-Jay Keen's "Let Women Speak" event - she has been touring Australia holding these events, events which she regularly holds in England.

Trans activists regularly harass attendees at these events, but things got quite violent in Wellington

Follow links and retweets from that account to see more.

Myself, I am less concerned about young women offended by pink than I am, for example, about incarcerated women in many states in the United States who are having male offenders housed with them because the male offenders declare themselves to be women, and the meaning of "self-identity" is that policy and law must bow to one's declaration of identity, no matter what the physical evidence says:


A violent male pedophile has been moved to a women’s prison in Washington after beginning to identify as transgender.

Jolene Charisma Starr, born Joel Thomas Nichols, is the latest male transfer to the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW), which currently has approximately one dozen male inmates being housed in the facility. According to a source within the facility, the transfer was completed within the last few months.

Starr, 57, was convicted in 1995 of two horrific attacks on young girls.

But yeah...just...be kind.

Amy Welborn বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?! "

Well, yes. That's the trajectory of this movement. It's fundamentally misogynistic, telling women that they are better off being men and maintaining that men make the best women.

Even women speaking about women's spaces is toxic and forbidden. Organizers of gender-critical events have taken to not announcing venues or doing so only to confirmed, checked attendees so as to not attract the trans activists who are not at all interested in peaceful protest, but in shouting and banging down speakers and blocking entrance to events.


Witness the response just today (yesterday??) in New Zealand to activist Kellie-Jay Keen's "Let Women Speak" event - she has been touring Australia holding these events, events which she regularly holds in England.

Trans activists regularly harass attendees at these events, but things got quite violent in Wellington

Follow links and retweets from that account to see more.

Myself, I am less concerned about young women offended by pink than I am, for example, about incarcerated women in many states in the United States who are having male offenders housed with them because the male offenders declare themselves to be women, and the meaning of "self-identity" is that policy and law must bow to one's declaration of identity, no matter what the physical evidence says:


A violent male pedophile has been moved to a women’s prison in Washington after beginning to identify as transgender.

Jolene Charisma Starr, born Joel Thomas Nichols, is the latest male transfer to the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW), which currently has approximately one dozen male inmates being housed in the facility. According to a source within the facility, the transfer was completed within the last few months.

Starr, 57, was convicted in 1995 of two horrific attacks on young girls.

But yeah...just...be kind.

Amy Welborn বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?! "

Well, yes. That's the trajectory of this movement. It's fundamentally misogynistic, telling women that they are better off being men and maintaining that men make the best women.

Even women speaking about women's spaces is toxic and forbidden. Organizers of gender-critical events have taken to not announcing venues or doing so only to confirmed, checked attendees so as to not attract the trans activists who are not at all interested in peaceful protest, but in shouting and banging down speakers and blocking entrance to events.


Witness the response just today (yesterday??) in New Zealand to activist Kellie-Jay Keen's "Let Women Speak" event - she has been touring Australia holding these events, events which she regularly holds in England.

Trans activists regularly harass attendees at these events, but things got quite violent in Wellington

Follow links and retweets from that account to see more.

But yeah...just...be kind.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

"First, they came for the manholes, and I said nothing...."

wendybar বলেছেন...

So much for the patriarchy!! The left is letting men take over womens roles in everything....sports, jobs, you name it. A perfect meme I saw yesterday said "A century of fighting for womens rights, and in 2023, the women being celebrated have penises"

wendybar বলেছেন...

"In order for us to feel safe, it's essential that every person on earth agree with our opinions and openly celebrate them in public at all times," said Trans Community Safety Liaison Bertha Glamqueen. "The knowledge that even one hockey player somewhere in the world is maybe not fully endorsing our beliefs is literal genocide."


Krumhorn বলেছেন...

Women’s sports hardest hit.

- Krumhorn

RonF বলেছেন...

Forget this “trans” nonsense. If you need the services of a gynecologist you are a,woman despite any claims to the contrary and should seek psychiatric help as well as physical care.

Doug বলেছেন...

N.n at 10:25 wins the internet!

n.n বলেছেন...

It's war of the worlds, baby... fetal-baby. That said, take a knee, beg, VP. #WhyNotLewinksy

n.n বলেছেন...


"Welcome to the party, pal!"

"Welcome to the party, pal!"

Go along, to get along, to be a "good American". There are precedents.

Hey Skipper বলেছেন...

Per RonF, I’ve always found the “trans” label a bit confusing, obfuscatory, even.

How about “ersatz women”, instead.

Being a usually inferior imitation or substitute; artificial.
Not genuine; fake.
Made in imitation; artificial, especially of an inferior quality.

Pretty much says it all.

hombre বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!"


Feminists are being hoisted by their own petard and are so immersed in their Democrat BS they haven't noticed.

Cappy বলেছেন...

The what?

JK Brown বলেছেন...

Do people not realize how alienating it is to be an orphan in a world filled with kids with parents? How hurtful it is for a classmates to notice their mother or father watching the game or show from the audience? Why is there a world where kids don't go to the cemetery to look a stone with the names of people you never knew? And this was in the '60s and '70s when a kid without both parents was an anomaly.

Why didn't/don't these parent die to make my life less different?

How sad my life would have been if I had wallowed in my misfortune. As my older brother, who had actual memories, said, we had a couple bad days. Oh, forgot to tell you, we were orphaned twice within 3 years. So really, cry me a freakin' river so I can go tubing on it.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"What in thee hail you think you're doin', boy? Don't chu bring no dick up in here! This a wimmin's hospital" - a gatekeeper at Magee

ALP বলেছেন...

The podcast Blocked and Reported mentioned a trans individual that had legally changed their name after the transition. They were so traumatized at the mere sight of their former name, they couldn't bear to look at any bills issued in their former name, so let them sit and never paid them.

Many trans individuals seem to be traumatized at the drop of a hat.

ALP বলেছেন...

And another thing....

Coming from an artsy family and having a shit ton of art/design school under my belt, I can predict with some confidence that the cheesy, pink-laden decor described here would offend ME despite being female. I lean towards abstract minimalism or expressionism these days. Don't insult my intelligence by showing me a literal image of a bra! I want to see an abstract, IDEA of the bra. The IDEA of a uterus.

Farmer বলেছেন...

There are plenty of us cis-women...

They've already got you speaking their ridiculous language, so why wouldn't they keep pushing? It doesn't matter how much you support them. The first time you say no, you'll be branded a despicable bigot. There's no such thing as "too far" - just a new group of former-allies now-transphobes.

At least they can't get you fired.

BIII Zhang বলেছেন...

"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?"

Yes. That's what you voted for, Ann. That's what you voted for and wanted. And so that's what you got. And it's what you're going to vote for again in 2024! Even in the face of this new knowledge. And you will continue to do that in every election until your gender is wiped from the face of the Earth.

You spent your entire life in the legal teaching community. Dumbing it down as much as you possibly could; introducing concepts such as quotas and equity. Ensuring the unqualified could have a place at the bar, on the basis of equity.

To the point where you got an idiot black Supreme Court Justice who, in her confirmation hearings could not even define what a so-called "woman" is. YOU wanted that! You championed this sort of teaching of the law.

How DARE you.

You now have the unmitigated GALL to bitch about this now that you are sitting on your$170,000 a year pension having fked it up for every other woman following you?

Get bent, lady.

loudogblog বলেছেন...

There is nothing wrong with embracing being female or being male, but some people are saying that simply doing that is "hurting" them. I'd tell those people to grow up and watch some videos of the American soldiers going to die on the beaches of Normandy during WWII. That's the real world. Life is never going to bend over backwards to appease your ego. Get used to life in the real world. It's not about you and your feelings; it's about life and death. Also, I wouldn't care if the hospital I was sent to had the worst graphics in the world on their walls as long as they provided the best medical care for me.

Strelnikov বলেছেন...

Short answer to all your questions: Yes. Obviously.

You encourage and indulge the nonsense of which you complain through your self-referential use of the deranged term "cis".

jbspry বলেছেন...

Feminists wanted all the old sexist "vive la difference" tropes and outdated mores eliminated - immediately! - in favor of a Brave New World of asexual equality.
This is what that world looks like...


autothreads বলেছেন...

The thing that bothered me the most about Justice Jackson's "don't know nuthin' 'bout what is a woman" act is that she damn well knew she was sitting there being confirmed specifically because she is a woman.

EAB বলেছেন...

There are plenty of us “cis-gender” women who roll our eyes at the pink, etc. But we do as most mentally healthy people do, we ignore it. Just as I ignored going into a generically cold and unfriendly radiology lab for a mammogram. It’s healthcare. What matters to me is actual expert treatment.

If we ignore differences, we lose on health. Women have different health needs and concerns than men. That goes for race also. My friend, who is white, has a daughter who is half black. When her daughter was a baby, she suffered from lots of diaper rash. When she finally switched doctors…one who dealt with more black babies, she found out it was lactose intolerance and switched to soy formula. These things are real and what matter. Not what is welcoming or fits your silly needs. Get over yourself.

Joe Bar বলেছেন...

I'm sorry this is happening to you.

John Fisher বলেছেন...

Straight white women are being culled from the herd.

furious_a বলেছেন...

Clyde said...
"Is everything woman-specific now going to be characterized as unfriendly or even wrong and toxic?!"

Let’s face facts - men make better women than women do. Just ask the transwomen, they’ll tell you.

furious_a বলেছেন...

I get that women let the transwomen use them as doormats because actual women are supposed to be empathetic, nurturing, abd welcoming, but letting the biological dead-ends do the same thing to your daughters? Have they excised the XX momma bear gene along with the XX-self respect gene? How can actual women with daughters being forced off of podiums and out of scholarships, who risk having their futures destroyed if they speak out or protest the invasion of actual women’s spaces, abide the serial outrages?

Mason G বলেছেন...

"Organizers of gender-critical events have taken to not announcing venues or doing so only to confirmed, checked attendees so as to not attract the trans activists who are not at all interested in peaceful protest, but in shouting and banging down speakers..."

In another context, that "shouting and banging down speakers" is a Constitutionally protected right. Or so I'm told.

ConquerorofAllFoesCheese বলেছেন...

I had a political philosophy prof in the mid-80s who just absolutely adored Shulamit Firestone. As an adult male I viewed her as b*tsh*t crazy. Then I learned about Andrea Dworkin and the rest and decided that the ones (feminist 'theoreticians") who weren't crazy were Marxists and more than a few were both. The chickens have come to roost.

Meanwhile, the women who would normally be protected by men have destroyed the idea that they need or want men to defend them to the point that they have few actual men any longer who are willing to defend any woman they don't know well, and not all of them. Chickens/roost.

My extended family is going damn near back to tribal just to protect itself. Nastiness is in the offing I think.

Mr. Krishan বলেছেন...

And just how do you think men dealing with breast cancer feel, princess?

SMH. No sympathy for you.

DaTechGuy বলেছেন...

A reminder we conservatives argued against this stuff and were called bigots.

That you might now like these new rules is not our problem or fault

Forbes বলেছেন...

Stop using cis-women, for starters...