১৬ মার্চ, ২০২৩

At the Thursday Night Café…

 … you can talk about whatever you want. 

২৯টি মন্তব্য:

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

The liberal is going to get the Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin. My problem is Waukesha County is still thriving in spite of Biden and Evers. So is Madison.

I'm pissed because Madison and Dane County live in a wealthy, white bread world, pretty much like Waukesha County. Waukesha County is fueled my private for profit businesses. Madison and Dane County are fueled by taxes and student debt...all for profit as well.

gilbar বলেছেন...

you know? now that i Think about it... I'm Pretty Sure that i AM black!!
San Francisco board open to reparations with $5M payouts

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.
These were some of the more than 100 recommendations made by a city-appointed reparations committee tasked with the thorny question of how to atone for centuries of slavery and systemic racism. And the San Francisco Board of Supervisors hearing the report for the first time Tuesday voiced enthusiastic support for the ideas listed, with some saying money should not stop the city from doing the right thing.

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

The whole California reparations boondoggle is going to crash into reality. Then what happens to all the silly white lefties who fed the fantasy? I'm interested only to see how the blame is portioned out in the end.

Jake বলেছেন...

Here’s hoping we’re done with posts about that Stanford law school nonsense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

hree years ago today.

The day everything changed.

Look how excited Fauci and Birx were about permanently altering the lives of millions of people.

Fauci pocketed millions off of gain of function and purposeful release of a contagion. All accomplished to install the crooks into permanent power.

TickTock বলেছেন...

Gilbar, as you know. Life is old when you are spending other peoples money.

My bet is that the Board of Supervisors knows that this will be overturned by some court. So the lard can posture away without ever really having to make good. What slimballs.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...


You know what happens next? Zero or next to zero reparations are paid, and a new summer of love riots result.

These people aren't stupid, they're evil.

Gospace বলেছেন...

The Chive is pretty much a non-political site. Devoted mostly to scantily clad women, alcohol, and humor. I frequent it for the same reason I subscribe to gocomics,com- the humor. Though the Saturday Hunnies and Funnies comes equipped with both.

But anyhow, they had a post today:
The most UNHINGED things people did during the pandemic (30 Photos)
link: https://thechive.com/humor/the-most-unhinged-things-people-did-during-the-pandemic-30-photos/

Scroll down, read the comments. They appear, at least right now, to be very one sided. I've upvoted quite a few, but feel no need to add one.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market-Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall.
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn.
That water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision, and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorilas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither clud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market-Place;
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch.
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch.
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings.
So we worshiped the Gods of the Market Who promiced these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promiced perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: 'Stick to the Devil you know.'

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promiced the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbor and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: 'The Wages of Sin is Death/'

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selective Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: 'If you don't work you die.'

The the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tounged wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to belive it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four---
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man---
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:---
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!"

We are closer and closer.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"I'm interested only to see how the blame is portioned out in the end."

Let me guess...

The silly white lefties will say "But we tried" and blame those nasty conservatives for stealing (once again) the hopes and dreams of long-suffering (just not from slavery) blacks. Blacks will believe them. The End.

What do I win?

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Here’s a story from 2019. Iowa lawyer, mom and wife works in Nevada as a prostitute. Claims she made $55k in 3 weeks. Hubby is fine with it.

Both Drake Law alums. That figures!


FullMoon বলেছেন...

They/Them confusion

Does They represent male, while Them represents female

Or vice versa

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Gospace, I enjoyed your link. But most of that didn't seem so crazy, just entertaining. Shit I had a great time in lockdown! It fucked up my businesses, yes. It was totally unnecessary and a massive government overreach, sure. But I loved it. My family and I went to the Grand Canyon on the last day before AZ imposed a total stay at home order. The place was deserted like you cannot imagine and will never see it again. I went to Costco 2 weeks before the panic hit and bought a van full of toilet paper and food. My two sons and I lifted weights like mad and ate massive amounts of food. We all got strong as fuck. Went running and lifted weights during the day, and thanked god for all the whiskey I bought at Costco at night.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Hey Robert Cook, how do you feel about The Fall?

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

Gretalogy: A religious cult for lazy entitled white people. The sacraments of the religion are not performed by members of the church, but forced upon the nonbelievers. The sacraments include purchasing unaffordable and unusable electric vehicles, eating bugs as a primary source of protein, and living with unreliable, expensive, insufficient, and declining energy sources. The Bible of Gretalogy is a work in progress, and as such, the number of sacraments grows over relatively short periods of time. The political influence of Gretalogy is sufficient to have initiated innumerable mandates by governments around the world in deference to the sacraments..

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Here is a song to consider regarding the Ukraine:


I'd just like to see less death.

Kate বলেছেন...

In my wee-hour boredom I clicked on the "pantry porn" article at the NYPost. The pretty young doctorate claims that an ordered pantry is classist, sexist, and racist. I submit that this woman has never lived poor. Simple cleanliness is available to anyone and it is the one way you can improve your life and status. Her earnest face breaks my heart. She genuinely thinks she's helping. The one thing she could do to bring equity, which I assume she desires, is to insist that "pantry porn" is wonderful if it encompasses anyone who organizes and cleans their space. And shame on her for assuming that poor, non-white peoples don't need or desire this.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Richard Epstein says the SVC troubles are caused by diversity boards and regulators who don't understand the first thing about banking, recommends a cultural change back to merit over looking like America.

Traditional standards of merit is the only thing that can save us, he says.

Humperdink বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Humperdink বলেছেন...

Watching President Biden (80 years old) and Treasury Secretary Yellin (76 years old) respond to questions by saying "the banking system is safe" does not give one a warm and cozy feeling. Their manner of speaking clearly does not inspire confidence. Remember inflation/ transitory? As a 71 year old myself I know my limitations. Good grief we need new leadership. These people are laughingstocks.

gadfly বলেছেন...

So within two weeks of the FBI announcement that Wuhan-based virus experimentation caused the Sars COV-2 virus to be released, international scientists found incontrovertible evidence that the source of the pandemic began with Chinese raccoon dogs at the Wuhan Animal Market.

The animals are neither raccoons nor dogs, but are canids, the same as foxes - but bigger.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Seems likeky...


VDH sees through it.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Old and slow... No chance of less dying, Biden's Wehrmacht has committed to fight to the last Ukrainian.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Child mutilation is merely a symptom.

wendybar বলেছেন...

THIS is fucked up....I am losing faith in America everyday with the Deep State and the Politicians treating people this way. Talk about being OPPRESSED in today world....And isn't it funny, how the media was called in to record it all?? They are all in on it together. This is fucked up.

"Evans, a West Virginia state legislator and one of the first J-6ers arrested, fist-bumped a police officer as he walked through the east side doors of the Capitol, and thanked him for his service. He was never instructed not to enter the building. He echoed Gold’s statement that the crowd he saw was respectful and “self-policing” inside the Capitol. The next day, given the media coverage, Evans thought the FBI might want to speak to him. He retained a lawyer, who contacted the DoJ and FBI. He preferred to go in himself, rather than have his four children (all under five years old at the time) experience the trauma of watching their father be arrested. His lawyer was told that wouldn’t be necessary.
On January 8, 2021, the media arrived to Evans’ house unannounced and set-up their tripods and cameras in his yard. Shortly thereafter, the FBI pounded on his door and cuffed his hands at his house in front of his young children. Initially, Evans was charged with four misdemeanors, but then a felony obstruction charge appeared at the eleventh hour. The prosecutor told Evans and his lawyer that the addition of the felony was “coming from the highest levels of the DoJ” and that she had never experienced anything like it before. Following a plea deal, Evans spent three months in prison, with three years of supervised release, and paid $2,000 in restitution. His appearance on the CPAC panel marked the first time he traveled since serving his term."

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

Mason G said...
"What do I win?"

Five million dollars, just like the black residents of San Francisco. Get in line.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

gadfly said...So within two weeks of the FBI announcement that Wuhan-based virus experimentation caused the Sars COV-2 virus to be released, international scientists found incontrovertible evidence

I know you're gadfly, so taking your claims with a grain of salt is right there in your name, but you might want to watch those adjectives. It wasn't evidence, incontrovertible or otherwise. COVID and racoon dog DNA were found on a surface at the market. That's it. That's the evidence.

Narr বলেছেন...

"Incontrovertible evidence" that the CCP could neither find nor present . . .

What a pathetic old fool you are, gad.

Michael K বলেছেন...

international scientists found incontrovertible evidence that the source of the pandemic began with Chinese raccoon dogs at the Wuhan Animal Market.

gadfly sucks up to the CCP. News at 11.