February 14, 2023

"Senator Dianne Feinstein... announced on Tuesday that she would not run for re-election in 2024 but would finish out her term in Congress..."

"... Ms. Feinstein, 89, has had acute short-term memory issues for years that sometimes raise concern among those who interact with her. She has never acknowledged the problems.... Ms. Feinstein... these days struggles to recall the names of colleagues, frequently has little recollection of meetings or telephone conversations, and at times walks around in a state of befuddlement...."

Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.


gilbar said...

huh? what was this post about? Did you say something???

Mutaman said...

At least she doesn't think Social security is a Ponzi scheme.

wendybar said...

She's senile, AND she had a chinese spy working for her for 20 years. She should been gone then.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

Meanwhile, OT, Jim Biden admitted that he was hired to negotiate with Saudis over a secret $140million deal 'because of his position and relationship' to his VP brother Joe -who would be 'instrumental to the deal,' bombshell affidavit claims.

Nothing to see here, just more Biden corruption that they keep getting away with. Imagine if this were Trump??

RideSpaceMountain said...

Look ye mortals at your next CA senator and despair. Yes, this fine specimen has already said repeatedly they will run for the seat, and being from batshit insane SF, will probably win.

Swing low, sweet meteor, comin' for to explod' any ol' time ya wanna.

Jake said...

Sick burn, Professor.

Jaq said...

How hard is it to vote the way Schumer tells you to? He probably works out the details with Newsom, anyway.

Two-eyed Jack said...

I think she should run for president in 2024. Being the first woman president and the first openly demented president would be doubly historic.

robother said...

Welcome to the reality version of "Clueless" featuring Feinstein and Fetterman. Looking forward to the big reveal: who is really programming their interactions with the public, the press and their votes?

Gusty Winds said...

She can last two years. Doesn't really matter. Senate Dems just need a lukewarm body in the seat.

See John Fetterman.

Readering said...

The Governor has already picked Harris's replacement. Primary Day next year is March 5. Compromise would be for Feinstein to retire the next day and Newsom pick first place candiate as successor.

wendybar said...

Another one who should walk away soon. How is this normal??

BIDEN: "Your spouses can't go to the grocery store, the gas station, can't show up at the without the can you fix my such and such?"

Dave Begley said...

Diane has one job and only one job: Vote the Dem party line.

stlcdr said...

“ Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.”

Comedy gold from the Althouse clan!

Joe Smith said...

Twenty years and one Chinese spy chauffeur too late...

Sebastian said...

"Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more year"

Why? The Fetterman election showed that for Dem voters service consists strictly in being alive to vote for Dem priorities. As long as DiFi is not so befuddled that she can't take instruction from her prog staff, there's no problem. It's not like any Dem expects the Senate to "deliberate," or investigate the outcome of past policies, or consider needed reform at a time of massive debt and growing entitlements.

Amadeus 48 said...

Biden is on deck for similar revelations. Alzheimer's diagnosis coming in late summer to clear the way for the next Demmie nominee.

Quaestor said...

Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.

A simple solution: Sneak into her office next Sunday night and replace all the calendars. By Tuesday morning she'll be back in sunny California happily retired.

BIII Zhang said...

So which un-elected person is actually casting her votes?

And they want us to think the whole thing isn't rigged.

Our President putters around in a fake White House built specifically for him, and this invalid casts fake votes in the US Senate.

alanc709 said...

Why would you question Feinstein's ability to serve her term, and accept that Fetterman is capable of effectively serving his?

Tina Trent said...

Capitol Hill is becoming a nursing home. Why now? The Supreme Court is one thing, with a replacement calculus Ginsberg and her dottering lost, but Feinstein and I'm sure about two dozen others in perfectly safe districts have no business pretending to practice as elected officials.

Are they afraid the Biden mask will slip off entirely if they leave? Do they fear their own Party's nascent Jacobins? Probably both. Thanks, Democrats. These people all need to submit to objective competency testing, even if it requires everyone in the executive and legislative branches to do the same.

And, where are the political journalists? Well, eff that. I've never said this before, but, being in the Atlanta market, screw your WSB pseudo-objectivity, Jamie Dupree. I used to respect you. No more.

traditionalguy said...

The ChiComs have probably pre paid her for a full term of deep intelligence spying and she fears they will want a 2 years refund if she quits now.

wendybar said...

Two-eyed Jack said...
I think she should run for president in 2024. Being the first woman president and the first openly demented president would be doubly historic.

2/14/23, 3:05 PM

We have one of those already. He was installed in 2020

Big Mike said...

though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.

Ouch! That has to leave a mark.

Usually it’s athletes who try to eke out one or two more seasons, but some politicians try to play the Energizer Bunny. Often enough age becomes a sufficiently strong issue that the voters send them into retirement, however looking at the six oldest senators — Feinstein at 89, Chuck Grassley at 88, Richard Shelby at 88, Jim Inhofe at 87, Patrick Leahy at 82, and Bernie Sanders at 80 — come from states where, if they don’t lose in the primary, they are a lock in the general.

MadisonMan said...

has had acute short-term memory issues for years
Including when she was running for re-election, when the Media was advocating for her.

DavidD said...

I’m sure there have been incapacitated senators long enough for it to have entered her long-term memory….

Biff said...

Except for a few people in leadership positions, most of our legislators (and our current president, a former legislator) seem to be little more than fundraisers and figureheads who represent a general position on the political map. The actual work of legislating is carried out by the dozens and dozens of nameless and faceless congressional staff members that nominally work for the legislators. Basically, legislators have become proxies for political machines.

Biff said...

I wish I hadn't become so cynical. I used to believe.

Butkus51 said...

Feinstein, one of the original enablers of Jim Jones, AKA the Kool-aid guy. So was Jerry Brown. and Harvey Milk. Kamalas old lollipop Willie Brown once said about Jim Jones, “He's a combination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Chairman Mao.”

Those 1970s San Fan dems are some good peoples.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"At this point, what difference does it make?" to quote a famous Democrat who never let her duties get in the way of her desires.

BIII Zhang said...

Remember how I said earlier it's all fake.

Yeah, it's all FAKE. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE.

The Daily Mail is reporting that Senator Dianne Feinstein has announced that she is being PUSHED OUT of the Senate by rogue staffers, who, without her knowledge, announced that she's not running for re-election due to her cognitive decline.

It is unknown which staff member specifically is leading the coup against Ms. Feinstein. Reporters are refusing to say who they spoke with earlier.

'I haven’t made that decision. I haven't released anything,' she told a different set of reporters when she was informed that she's out at the end of her term.

When is the FBI going to get to the bottom of this STOLEN US Senate seat?


Static Ping said...

All she needs to do is vote as she is told. That's the only responsibility of a Democratic senator these days, unless your name is Simena or Machin. Not knowing where you are is not an impediment. Not being able to understand words is not an impediment. Not being alive is not an impediment.

The Democratic Party very much looks like something out of a one-party state.

tim maguire said...

She’s still one of the sharpest Democrats.

WK said...

There is a Special Committee on Aging. Maybe she and Fetterman and a few others can get assigned to special committees.

gilbar said...

In the olden days, pre 17th amendment.. Senators represented their states.
Actually, they represented the Controlling interests in their state's legislatures..
This was considered: BAD!

Now in our More enlightened age; Senators represent Controlling interests in their political parties.
This is considered: GOOD! because now people have VERY Little recourse, and Senators can Actually BE brain dead

Flat Tire said...

As one of her constituents I assure you whoever comes next will be worse. I hope she makes it two years and is not replaced by the governor.

cubanbob said...

If the Dims in CA were clever they would see to it she resigns now so Newsome can appoint her replacement. If the majority if CA electorate were actually smart they would kick the Dims out in the next election. California with it's insane green-red policies are going to euthanize the state. CA Republicans suicided themselves when to agreed to ranked choice.

gspencer said...

“Each of us was sent here to solve problems. That’s what I’ve done for the last 30 years, and that’s what I plan to do for the next two years.”

I really can’t believe she said that. Democrats only create problems by interfering with the lives of people. This is what we really want = LEAVE US THE FUC* ALONE. The entire thesis of our original form of government had been the preventing governing from bothering us. Democrats have completely inverted that. Freedom FROM government is the way of the Founders/Framers.

Suggest a viewing of the 30-minute video Overview of America,


Breezy said...

If DiFi can serve out her term in her current state, then she should definitely run again. Why not? Would you rather her, or Schiff, or Porter? Run, Diane, Run!

gilbar said...

Sen. Dianne Feinstein appears unaware of her retirement announcement during reporter gaggle: reports
Democrat California Sen. Dianne Feinstein appeared unaware of her own retirement announcement Tuesday, telling a group of reporters at the Capitol that she hadn't made a decision on her future despite announcing just hours before that she would not be seeking reelection in 2024.

According to multiple reports, a Feinstein staffer quickly notified the senator that a statement had already been made on her retirement, prompting her to say she was unaware

Old and slow said...

She has also been a terrifically successful stock trader during her time in Washington. Her net worth is over $200 million now. She must have great insight into the markets, or something.

walter said...

She's bowing out to run.
Feinie/Fetty 2024!

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember."

Not only that, but she's always meeting new friends.

Rit said...

On Fetterman: It sounds like a heroic effort. I have great admiration for him as he steps up to this immense challenge.

On Feinstein: Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.

Ageism? Sexism? Ableism? Or something else?

lgv said...

"...and at times walks around in a state of befuddlement...."

I bet there is a lot of that going around. Etymology of befuddlement could be interesting.

Rit said...

On Fetterman: It sounds like a heroic effort. I have great admiration for him as he steps up to this immense challenge.

On Feinstein: Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.

Ageism? Sexism? Ableism? Or something else?

Rit said...

On Fetterman: It sounds like a heroic effort. I have great admiration for him as he steps up to this immense challenge.

On Feinstein: Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.

Ageism? Sexism? Ableism? Or something else?

rehajm said...

When will her handlers announce her Presidential campaign?

Robert Marshall said...

Why doesn't the Governor of California orchestrate an effort to persuade Feinstein to retire? Maybe privately at first, and if she resists, go public. Say to your constituents (and the Governor and the Senator have exactly the same constituents), 'the Senator can no longer serve your interests competently, and if she will resign, I promise you I will appoint someone who will serve the interests of California.'

Wouldn't that be more dignified than having things going loony-tunes at their Senator's office?

rhhardin said...

Feinstein would enjoy this (blitz) chess match. Wait till the surprise end.

rcocean said...

What does it matter? People keep living in a fantasy world, of Senators making the TOUGH DECISIONS looking out for the USA.

Like all the Democrat Senators, feinstein just votes in lockstep with Chuck Schumer. She doesn't need to have short-term memory. All she has to do is follow the Leader. Like a senile Robot.

Replace Fetterman and Feinsteain with other fitter, younger, D's and NOTHING WILL CHANGE.


Readering said...

Sperm Thurmond left the Senate at age 100 and was President Pro Tem at age 98.

ronetc said...

Seems too late on the second "first": "Being the first woman president and the first openly demented president"

Wa St Blogger said...

The sad thing is, people vote party more than person. They don't care if the person is competent or coherent, just if they vote (their vote gets cast) for the party.

Readering said...

Feinstein, for the second time maybe, today contradicts press release that she has decided not to run for reelection. At least she seems to know that she is up for reelection.

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...
At least she doesn't think Social security is a Ponzi scheme.

Um, You are just really stupid.

When Social security was originally passed it was a personal savings account.

But then congress changed it and raided it and turned it into a ponzi scheme..

As it is Social Security is the definition of a ponzi scheme. The only possible difference is the government will throw you in jail if you do not participate in paying off the previous investors. Other Ponzi schemes require tricking new investors. The state just uses a gun to keep Social Security going.

Morsie said...

But its the greatest deliberative body in the world lol

Morsie said...

But its the greatest deliberative body in the world lol

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Senators Feinstein and senator Fetterman are the Bruce Willis of American politics.

Owen said...

Somebody in geriatric medicine should use her and other superannuated or obviously damaged specimens in Congress (Fetterman, anyone?) as subjects in a longitudinal study of how the intellect degenerates, probably at an accelerating rate, probably also losing entire tracts of brain function (e.g. from mini-strokes? vascular impedance?).

Let's get our money's worth.

Biotrekker said...

This just demonstrates perfectly how the DNC just needs a bag of water and meat that votes as ordered. A functioning human is not required.

Biotrekker said...

This just demonstrates perfectly how the DNC just needs a bag of water and meat that votes as ordered. A functioning human is not required.

phantommut said...

As an aside, since it is the most stupid thing that could happen, I expect Adam Schiff will be sitting in Feinstein's seat when all the drama is done.

Saint Croix said...

On Twitter there's a link to Dianne Feinstein talking to terrified little children about the end of the world.

I guess it's funny that Feinstein is clueless and domineering over the little fascist kids.

But what jumped out at me is how indoctrinated these little kids are, and how terrified the teacher has made them about the time table for the world's destruction.

12 years! We're desperate!

If you're wondering why so many kids are psychologically disturbed now, it might be because leftist fuckwits have trained them since they were little to believe that the end of the world is right around the corner.

These poor kids don't have enough life outside their narrative hellhole to realize our authorities are liars who are full of shit.

Substitute "Scientists" for "Presidents" or "Supreme Court Justices." You authoritarian fuckers are monsters and what you have done to babies and children make me furious.

I think teachers and school systems should be sued for instilling this "the world is ending" paranoia in vulnerable children who believe what you say. Sex wackos and environmental wackos should be removed from teaching duties. Parents should be vocal about this shit.

Yancey Ward said...

You could put a sack of dog shit on the Democratic ticket in California, and the voters would elect it to the Senate. The country elected a sack of shit to the Presidency in 2020, so we are really fucked.

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...

"Um, You are just really stupid."

Sorry. i couldn't afford to go to Trump University like you did.


Quaestor said...

Readering writes, "Sperm Thurmond left the Senate at age 100 and was President Pro Tem at age 98."

LOL! Thurmond married his second wife in 1968. Nancy Moore, the 1965 Miss South Carolina was 22. Thurmond was 66. They had four children together. Sperm indeed!

Forget ChatGPS and its silly AI model. Plain old spellcheck has genuine intelligence.

wendybar said...

Jimmy Failla
Diane Feinstein announces that she won’t seek another term in the Senate. The Chinese Government is asking for privacy during this difficult time.
4:18 PM · Feb 14, 2023

Enigma said...

Biden, Fetterman, Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, AOC, Omar, Feinstein. The Democrats today has proven that they do not care one bit about any individual's cognitive functioning. They only care whether the party hive mind can control enough votes to achieve hive mind goals. They'll put all necessary words in their mouths to the extent possible and extent required.

In the words of Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction:

You take a mortal man
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch people's heads a'roll

A'roll, a'roll...

Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony of destruction


Readering said...

Quaestor: No, Strom's actual nickname when I lived in DC late seventies. For reason you noted.

Achilles said...

Hard to understand how she can serve for 2 more years, but I'm sure she's seen other cases of Senators in a similar condition, though it seems that at this point, she would not remember.

So a male invalid in the senate is heroic.

But you can't understand how a female invalid can serve for 2 more years.

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

Sorry. i couldn't afford to go to Trump University like you did.

I am glad you have impressed yourself with your brilliant comeback.

You don't even understand what Social Security is or how it works or the history of how it came to be in it's present state.

I doubt you could even really outline what a ponzi scheme is because you obviously can't apply the concept to real world examples.

You are just a stupid person. Boring too.

Ampersand said...

The comedic epilogue to this is that, today, Feinstein revealed that she was unaware that she announced her retirement yesterday.

PM said...

The Francisco Franco of San Francisco.

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

"You are just a stupid person. Boring too."

Eloquently put, Robespierre.

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