February 17, 2023

"I think we’re just communicating wrong, because, like, what I know 'woke' to mean is, like, learning new things about people or the world..."

"... and then acting accordingly. Like, basic kindness. Maybe a gesture of care to people who are more vulnerable than you. You know what, actually you wouldn’t like it — it’s Jesus stuff...."
Said Sarah Silverman, guest hosting on "The Daily Show," quoted in the NYT.

Interesting clothes and hair, by the way. I guess it's a comic "newsperson" getup. It fixes your attention and makes it strangely hard to think.


tim maguire said...

She's lying. It's impossible that she thinks that's what woke means. For sure, it's defenders rely heavily on the fact that woke isn't clearly defined, gotta keep the plausible denial going for its more risible features, but if you describe woke without mentioning social justice, you're lying.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enigma said...

"basic kindness...Jesus stuff" from the lips of Sarah Silverman!

Doublespeak Friday Headline: Pot Calls Kettle Black!

This is the star of the anti-Christian anti-Christmas show "Santa, Inc."


Silverman cannot address this problem because she is the problem and built her career by making problems.

Tina Trent said...

This is a woman who relentlessly and toxically slurs my religion, my body, my sexuality, and my politics with words I wouldn't repeat. She especially attacks Jesus and Mary and yet claims persecution and that criticizing her belief system is dangerous bias. She also slurs minorities as being oversexed criminals and yet get away with it. Different standards for different people.

She is a shameless supremacist who cannot open her pie hole without crudely lying.

MadTownGuy said...

"I think we’re just communicating wrong, because, like, what I know 'woke' to mean is, like, learning new things about people or the world... and then acting accordingly. Like, basic kindness..."

There is nothing kind about wokeness. It is not interested about learning new things. It is censorious, coercive, conforming, and cancelling. It must always hew to the Narrative, whatever it happens to be on any particular day.

Kevin said...

Like, basic kindness.

Let’s use science.

Does anyone think the world got kinder?

Hypothesis rejected.

Curious George said...

She's like, a liar and like, an idiot.

Robert Marshall said...

She, like, needs to learn how to talk, like, without relying on crutch words such as, like, "like."

Annoying, especially for one who talks for a living!

dbp said...

Kindness, like getting people fired or criminally prosecuted for using the "wrong" pronouns? Or maybe kindness like teaching white kids to hate themselves because of things which happened hundreds of years before they were born? Or maybe kindness like terrifying children over non-existent threats to to the environment?

Silverman's claims about what "woke" means, reminds me of the old feminist lie: "Feminism is believing women are human beings too"

D.D. Driver said...

Here's the elevator pitch: It's like a lot "kindness" except practiced by assholes.

wendybar said...

She's Jane, the ignorant slut.


Leland said...

Sarah Silverman, the woman who pretended a burrito was an aborted fetus. Maybe Goecke is on to something.

gilbar said...

news flash! leftists slur rightists, and Then DEMAND that the right apologize for being upset.

James K said...

Her most ridiculous out right lie is "Nobody's pushing sh*t on you." Ask all the people who have been disciplined or fired for wrongspeak. Legal Insurrection has a long list of cases on university campuses, such as Joshua Katz at Princeton. And the number of professors and administrators under attack by the woke is much larger.

rwnutjob said...

Make a joke about trans instead of Trump Sarah. You'll catch a buttload of what woke is about.

Saint Croix said...

I love her. Funny and provocative.

It's definitely Christian to talk about "waking up" to things. I just finished a blogpost about Dr. Bernard Nathanson.

"I am deeply troubled by my own increasing certainty that I had in fact presided over 60,000 deaths"

Dr. Nathanson "woke up" to the pro-life movement. It's absolutely true that Christianity is about waking up to things, from sleeping through life (unaware) and seeing something in a new way (waking up). It's a common metaphor.

Amazing Grace was written by a slave-trader, a white guy who woke up to the horrors of slavery and became an abolitionist.

The problem with what Sarah is saying is not that "woke" isn't a term from Christianity. The problem is that it's been hijacked by people who refuse to listen to or respect other people who wake up to other things. Many women (and men) who have had abortions in their past have become pro-lifers. If you can't acknowledge this, then don't cite Christ or Christianity because you're not representing our religion. You're doing a political skit and you ought to leave Jesus out of it.

TaeJohnDo said...

Shit spouts from her mouth and her audience smears it all over their face in approval.

Laurel said...

Tina Trent nailed it.

Thank you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Woke is the opposite of kindness. Woke = leftist totalitarian speech codes and crimes + the addition of forcing children into sex topics by the woke sex army of angry liars.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Daily show = The totalitarian Democrat Party Propaganda show.

William said...

She goes beyond the political into the polemical. Well, it's for the Daily Show and the ridicule is meant to be hostile rather than funny. It's ridiculous how biased their ridicule is....I've listened to her when was a guest on various podcasts. She does have a sense of humor and, in a relaxed, conversational format, she comes across as a human being rather than a jerk....Iirc, she got into trouble with the woke crowd because she was insufficiently critical of Louis CK. She claims Louis masturbated in front of her with her permission and, at times, she took an interest in the proceedings. Okay. Some people are just made that way. Why not be tolerant of them. Jesus would be tolerant of exhibitionist wankers and so was she.....Apparently some other female comedians were not as into watching Louis CK wanking as she was. They felt put upon and harassed by the proceedings. They criticized her for her stance on Louis CK. Sarah fell into line and apologized for not slamming Louis CK with sufficient vigor. So now it's all good with Sarah and the woke crowd.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists are lying liars who lie.

Jeff Weimer said...

Motte and Bailey; pure and simple.

Don't let these assholes get away with it.

Achilles said...

It isn't the mean violent people that you need to fear. They are honest and up front and you see them coming. Enemies like the Taliban or Al Quada were assholes and needed to die. But in the end they were just enemies.


It is the shitheads that do all of their bullshit "For your own good." They are nice and compassionate really.

Pretty sure it was CS Lewis that pointed this out long ago.

These people are far more of a threat to our freedom and our high trust society than the taliban ever was.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A nice touch to dress like a schoolmarm clown when delivering hot garbage.

Roger Sweeny said...

from Arnold Kling:

"I had used the term “Woke” and was asked to define it. I offered two definitions, one charitable and the other uncharitable. The charitable definition was that it means a concern for the impact of past treatment of certain groups on their status today and the need to rectify injustice.

The uncharitable view is that it is a set of status signals by which people in the educated class differentiate themselves from those who are less educated. Being able to toss around terms like 'intersectionality or gender fluidity' enables one to signal membership in a self-described moral elite."

RideSpaceMountain said...

Silverman has an insatiable appetite for good-looking gentile cock.

Ask me how I know.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Wokeism is just about being nice then why is one of their most prominent logo a raised defiant fist?

reminds me of “are we the baddies” skit

And if Wokeism is just more Jesus stuff, is the Jesus on their woke cross a black man or a white man?

Call me skeptical.

Gabriel said...

...the motte-and-bailey doctrine is when you make a bold, controversial statement. Then when somebody challenges you, you retreat to an obvious, uncontroversial statement, and say that was what you meant all along, so you’re clearly right and they’re silly for challenging you. Then when the argument is over you go back to making the bold, controversial statement.

Some classic examples:

1. The religious group that acts for all the world like God is a supernatural creator who builds universes, creates people out of other people’s ribs, parts seas, and heals the sick (bailey). Then when atheists come around and say maybe there’s no God, the religious group objects “But God is just another name for the beauty and order in the Universe! You’re not denying that there’s beauty and order in the Universe, are you?” (motte). Then when the atheists go away they get back to making people out of other people’s ribs and stuff.

2. Or…”If you don’t accept Jesus, you will burn in Hell forever.” (bailey) But isn’t that horrible and inhuman? “Well, Hell is just another word for being without God, and if you choose to be without God, God will be nice and let you make that choice.” (motte) Oh, well that doesn’t sound so bad, I’m going to keep rejecting Jesus. “But if you reject Jesus, you will BURN in HELL FOREVER and your body will be GNAWED BY WORMS.” But didn’t you just… “Metaphorical worms of godlessness!”

3. The feminists who say you can’t be a real feminist unless you believe in specific commitments in X, Y and Z (bailey). Then when someone objects to “feminism”, they argue you can’t object to feminism because it’s “just the belief that women are people!” (motte). Then once the person hastily retreats and promises he definitely didn’t mean women aren’t people, the feminists get back to demanding everyone support affirmative action because feminism, or arguing about whether you can be a feminist and wear lipstick.

Jaq said...

Would that it were so. The power of the cudgel comes from the illusion that it is not a cudgel.

rhhardin said...

Thinking the best of others instead of the worst is Jesus stuff too.

Saint Croix said...

Back in January my sleep got super-wacky and I had a several strange experiences. I may or may not write about it on my poor start-up blog. (Thanks, Lem, my one commentator!)

I had multiple, multiple people try to shut me up when this happened. And a couple of posts of mine were really bad. And when I say "a couple" it might have been 10.

Inga said I was in the middle of a "manic episode" which might be true. I have no idea, I'm not a doctor. Inga's not a doctor, either. Personally I chalk it down to lack of a sleep and a really odd thing that happened to me in my bedroom that freaked me out.

Anyway, while I was in a "manic episode," or insomnia-induced madness, or just cranky comedian, whatever the fuck it was, I got the bright idea to leave several comic voice mails on Sarah Silverman's blog. I only had 60 seconds to leave a message so that was kind of funny. I told her I was a pro-lifer in Charlotte. (Her tour is coming through here). And I said shit like, "I know you're scared, Sarah! Pro-lifer! Ahhhhhhhhh! Pro-lifer leaving voice mails! Ahhhhhhh!" I thought it was funny. But I also thought the shit I posted on the Althouse blog for a few days in January was funny. Sometimes shit I think is funny isn't funny at all. And so it goes.

Balfegor said...

Like, basic kindness. Maybe a gesture of care to people who are more vulnerable than you.

Haha, is this the punchline to the joke?

Eva Marie said...

Is this the same Sarah Silverman?
From Forbes Aug 13, 2019:
“I recently was going to do a movie, a sweet part. Then, at 11pm the night before, they fired me because they saw a picture of me in blackface from that episode. I didn’t fight it. They hired someone else who is wonderful but who has never stuck their neck out. It was so disheartening. It just made me real, real sad, because I really kind of devoted my life to making it right.”
Silverman goes on to complain about the dangers of “cancel culture,” attributing the current social media climate to her firing:
“I think it’s really scary and it’s a very odd thing that it’s invaded the left primarily and the right will mimic it. If you’re not on board, if you say the wrong thing, if you had a tweet once, everyone is, like, throwing the first stone. It’s so odd. It’s a perversion. It’s really, ‘Look how righteous I am and now I’m going to press refresh all day long to see how many likes I get in my righteousness.’”

Anthony said...

"The uncharitable view is that it is a set of status signals by which people in the educated class differentiate themselves from those who are less educated. Being able to toss around terms like 'intersectionality or gender fluidity' enables one to signal membership in a self-described moral elite."

Change 'educated' to 'credentialed' and it's nailed.

Saint Croix said...

Is this the same Sarah Silverman?

It sounds like her. I don't have time to track down old Forbes articles. 90% sure that would be a Silverman quote.

Althouse has a tag for Sarah Silverman. Click on it, lots of interesting articles.

She's a very brave comedian. She loved Norm Macdonald, who was Christian and pro-life, I think. I just ignore her shit that's boring or stupid or bad and focus on the positives, and she has many.

Tina Trent said...

Sarah Silverman: "I'm glad the Jews killed Jesus. If they hadn't, I'd do it again." Then she called people who criticized her for this anti-semites.

Sarah Silverman: holds up a paper doll collection of Christ suffering on the cross that can be dressed on the cross in costumes like a tutu,a devil outfit, and a red bra.

Sarah Silverman: "unborn babies are just goo."

Sarah Silverman: "Who's going to complain about rape jokes? Rape victims? They barely report rape."

Sarah Silverman: "laws about aborted baby parts make me want to eat an aborted baby."

Sarah Silverman: wears blackface on her comedy show. Says she could get away with it because liberals can get away with any kind of "douchiness." "We're liberal, so we can say anything," she says. Later she said if she knew at the time that cops killed black people all the time, she wouldn't have worn blackface.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I know she’s dumb but she’s setting records for cluelessness here. Let me simplify: Jesus is about love and forgiveness but woke’s essential message is there is no forgiveness for Whitey, there should be no free speech, and we need to destroy America and start over with angry black peoples in charge. There is no similarity of message only the same human habit of creating religion around the concepts because we complicate everything including the Gospel.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Of course you have to simp for wokism like this when you have been caught wearing blackface like Sarah.

Mike Petrik said...

Laurel nailed it. :-)

Ann Althouse said...

@Saint Croix

You should write to her and identify the messages and sincerely apologize. It is not funny to prank-scare someone. She has no way to know it's not a real threat. And you know pro-lifers have committed violence.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rh knocked it out of park as usual.

Dude1394 said...

It is truly amazing how there is now an open democrat journolist. They all just follow each others leads. Elon explained this glitch in Musk time, before the digital ink was dry.

Every democrat outlet needs a 24 hour timeout for people to vet everything they print.

Laurel said...

Ann Althouse said…

“And you know pro-lifers have committed violence.”

Yep. Pro-lifers killing people, all the time. ESPECIALLY comedians. There’s the focus. You betcha.

Marcus Bressler said...

Women who have abortions participate in violence too. That's the whole idea. Who else has participated in violence? BLM, Antifa, the Eco-crazies, PETA for a start.

There's a meme out there of a disapproving woman who states, "That's not funny!" Either is many of Sarah's topics. I wouldn't leave that message. I just ignore Silverman.


Wince said...

Wokeness is more like "devil shit."

hombre said...

Like, like, like ....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftist Anti-Lifers get a pass on their violence and arson.

"Officials have once again raised the reward amount for information relating to arson at Longmont’s Life Choices pregnancy center this summer.

A tweet from the FBI’s Denver office indicated the reward is now up to $25,000, an increase from $20,000 in November and $10,000 at the onset of the investigation.

The pregnancy center at 20 Mountain View Ave. was set on fire and vandalized on June 25, a day after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.

The center operates as a “Christ-centered ministry” providing free pregnancy tests, baby clothes and supplies, and support services related to unplanned pregnancy. It does not provide abortion services."

Saint Croix said...

You should write to her and identify the messages and sincerely apologize. It is not funny to prank-scare someone. She has no way to know it's not a real threat. And you know pro-lifers have committed violence.

I didn't prank-scare her. You misinterpreted what I said. I was funny and nervous and all over the place. I was trying to tease her. You weren't there and you can't really judge without listening to the messages. It was aggravating because I only had 60 seconds and it cut off quick.

If Sarah complains or says something, then I will apologize to her. I don't mind apologizing to women, I'm a Southerner, we do that all the time. Feel free to reach out to her and ask if you think I'm a bad person.

effinayright said...

Has she stopped brag-singing that she is fucking Matt Damon?

Classy chick!

A role model for all young wymyn!!

The Vault Dweller said...

The joke about you can always use them to strain pasta was pretty good. It was also a little ironic that in a riff against Nazism the audience seemed so keen on the idea of using pieces of clothing to identify people they should hate.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“And you know pro-lifers have committed violence.”

Well the one guy I know about, Eric Rudolph, who set the Olympic bomb(s) off was trying to hurt and or kill people so I'd have to quibble with the term "pro-life" being applied to him. He's definitely anti-abortion, but setting off bombs cannot in any normal understanding be pro-LIFE.

So who else beside him is on the list? Anyone? Buehler? Or is this satirical? It is strangely phrased for Althouse with the "And you know..." intro.

Eric said...

She knows better. Woke is not what she wants it to be. Woke is being all-in on the Grand Agenda, no deviations allowed.

Sebastian said...

"I think we’re just communicating wrong, because, like, what I know 'woke' to mean is, like, learning new things about people or the world..."

She knows, like, wrong

"Like, basic kindness. Maybe a gesture of care to people who are more vulnerable than you."

Actually, like, the opposite: abuse the trope of vulnerability to force other people to care about other people, by giving them stuff and ignoring bad behavior, or else.

Which raises the recurring question: do progs believe their own BS?

mccullough said...

There are over 7.5 billion people on the planet.

How is any person supposed to become more aware of all those struggles? At any point in any day someone is dying, starving, in agony, killing someone else, etc. Omniscience and Omnipathy are impossible.

So Woke and its close-cousin Empathy are just power politics. Like Outrage.

Saint Croix said...

Mike, there are probably about 10 or so people who went "John Brown" and started murdering people.

Saint Croix said...

When pro-lifers like me say, "abortion kills a baby," it upsets sensitive liberals because they think I will immediately engage in violence to stop the baby-killings.

For actual Christians, there is (obviously) no obligation to murder anybody.

Jesus murdered no one.

God does not call on us to kill. That is an Islamic thing, not a Christian thing.

Saint Croix said...

It is strangely phrased for Althouse with the "And you know..." intro.

I think she's read my book, I sent her a copy.

BarrySanders20 said...

Right Sarah. The woke are all about forgiveness and turning the other cheek and not casting the first stone.

Saint Croix said...

If people are wondering how a Christian like John Brown could murder people...

I don't actually know. But my best guess would be, he might have heard a voice or a spirit whispering in his ear.

"Slavery is wrong. Slavery is wrong. Africans are human beings. This is awful. They're raping and killing human beings. Horrific atrocities. Nobody is paying attention."

I would identify that voice as the Holy Spirit.

And it's possible that he heard another little voice.

"You got to do something. Better hurry. If you kill a few men in Kansas, it will wake up the world. And all the slavery will stop."

I would identify that voice as Satan.

So, if you're a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim who believes in revelation from God, it's very important to use your brain and discern what voice is speaking to you. (In my era you might also wonder if you're suffering from a mental illness). You do the best you can. That's all any human being can do.

rcocean said...

Silverman is disgusting but used to be funny. Her shtick started to get tiresome about 10 years ago. It didn't take long for her to go from "Fresh funny new face" to "Tiresome hack doing the same thing over and over".

And Like Jon Stewart, she plays the "Clown nose on, Clown nose off game". They make serious poltical statements or vicious Political satire, then say "Why are you attaking me, I'm just a comedian". Clown nose off, Clown nose on.

rcocean said...

I was going to use Letterman as example of Clown nose on, Clown nose off, beause I remember him callng himself "Joke Boy" but realized that was the 20th Century Letterman. The 21st Century Pompous Dave Letterman thought he was quite the political genius and had no doubts about his political views being better than all the "Morons" and "Facists" who disagreed.

rcocean said...

John Brown wasn't a Christian. He was your typical WASP. And he was going to kill you, for the good of humanity. Its not that he hated you, nope. Or that he selfishly benefited from your death, no it was because he was SO CONCERNED you were oppressing another group of people. He was doing it for THEM.

To use an analogy, an old-timey European would kill Grandma because he wanted her money. And say so. But an Anglo-American would claim he killed Grandma because she was selfishly hoarding money that could be used for all of Humanity. Killing her was the Christian thing to do.

rcocean said...

Sarah Silverman: "I'm glad the Jews killed Jesus. If they hadn't, I'd do it again." Then she called people who criticized her for this anti-semites.

Hurray for Tina Trent.

Mary Beth said...

And I said shit like, "I know you're scared, Sarah! Pro-lifer! Ahhhhhhhhh! Pro-lifer leaving voice mails! Ahhhhhhh!" I thought it was funny

You're as funny as she is.

I started listening to her talk about Elon, but the way she pronounces his name was distracting. Also, she was talking about him wanting everyone to hear what he has to say. I don't think she's any different - she wants people to notice her. Musk just has more interesting (to me) things to say and is more effective at getting his message out.

I skipped ahead to the Adidas/Kanye bit. Silverman asks, "Wouldn't it be wrong for Adidas to take Nazi money?" (Because, according to them, the only people buying the Yeezy shoes are Nazis.) But there was no mention of the company having been started by members of the Nazi party. Literal Nazis. No recognition of the irony of the whole situation.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

dangerous unhinged people off their meds up in here
. May want to take a screen shot, been noticing the delusions growing. :(

Saint Croix said...

Okay, I still love Sarah, but let me push back slightly on her belief that she is brave.

It's not "brave" to mock Jesus and Christians. Nor is it "brave" to mock Republicans and all the working class people who voted for Trump. A shitload of bad comedians do that boring and predictable schtick. Sarah, you are way more interesting that the fuckers running the shows on TV. Don't water down your comedy to appeal to stupid fuckers.

I'm not saying you have to insult Islam or anything. You're a girlie, I don't expect you to do that. I'm a man, I'll say that shit.

Mohammad! I've got a cartoon of you and I stuck it up Sarah Silverman's ass!

(I know, I know, amateur hour. Nobody pays me for this shit)

And while I love about 62% of your stand-up, Sarah, your blog has caught syphilis and I don't want to go anywhere near it. By God your commentators suck. Hillbillies rule, NYC is dead, Charlotte is nice.

Bunkypotatohead said...

She saved the humor for the advertisement for the show.
She says she's got a bidet under the desk and she's fresh as a daisy 2 inches deep.

Saint Croix said...

hey, Sarah is going to Madison on March 9

Saint Croix said...

Althouse, you can try a nice invitation and see if that works! I didn't get any response whatsoever.

At least I didn't get a police raid at my house. Apparently that was a possibility.

I did mention "dinner" and who knows what vulgarities I said. I still think I sounded more like John Belushi than Islamic Terrorist. But it was a couple of months ago and the moon was full and Inga diagnosed mania so maybe I went a little wolf-man.

Invite her for a tour of Madison and maybe say a few nice words about me! Or not, that's cool.

Tina Trent said...

I was once the executive director of the largest pro-choice coalition in the southeast.

That's how I became pro-life.

Unlike the ladies who lunch or practice politics or law who made up my board, I desperately needed a job and was recruited. That was indeed my choice alone.

But I made a point of sitting in clinics listening to the mostly teen, mostly minority, clientele.

There were girls aborting very late second trimester pregnancies because their baby daddies had impregnated their best friend. There were clearly under-aged girls with adult "boyfriends" or pimps making sure the job got done. Clinic workers were required to ignore this.

Not one person on my board or main funder had ever worked in a clinic. The big donors were clinic owners, Ted Turner and REM. Board members were lawyers, politicians, several lesbians, one gay man -- all at least very financially comfortable. There are many more gay people now on such boards, I expect by now a majority. Just saying.

A very pro-choice activist I knew got a job at a clinic. After one day of assembling the body parts of unborn babies in trays to make sure all the parts were removed -- reassembling babies, torso by finger -- she showed up on my porch and had a nervous breakdown and quit.

I had several similar experiences with women whose honest beliefs and lives and politics led them, bravely I think, to directly confront the reality of what they were endorsing. I examined my conscience far too slowly, got help from a true Catholic who loved, not judged me, confessed my sins still expect to go to hell, but I am no longer involved in cleverly promoting the baby killing business from arm's length.

Pro-choice is a movement run by rich women and men, many gay, who have never set foot in a clinic, and that includes rich minorities. Many clinic staff are sex abuse victims, and several clinic managers and owners I know are mentally ill. In contrast, most advocates are just politically and financially coddled in ignorance -- and that goes equally for men and women. People who joke about abortions are just deeply sick.

I don't think anyone should be vocally pro-choice until they spend a day re-assembling dead baby parts and sitting in waiting rooms with the clients watching a VCR tape of Pretty Woman (common), listening to visibly pregnant little girls talking about how much they love the scene where Richard Gere sends his whore shopping, and the scene where Gere keeps pretending to give her a necklace, then snaps the box shut.

Pretty sick stuff. Not empowering.

Our city's worst clinic, now shut by authorities for live third-trimester deliveries, etc. -- was run by two gay men who called women breeders. I have never met a mentally stable clinic owner, nor a professional advocate who is a direct provider, and I once knew them at the highest national levels. There is a complete disconnect, and none of this is about empowerment. For the clients, that is. The professional advocates make out quite well promoting the issue.

These girls need something different than "choice." They need love and parenting and stability, self esteem and deeply encouraged abstinence. So do their boyfriends. So do college students and young adults. The pimps and abusers need prison. The clinic workers need therapy. And you and every other willfully distanced person promoting the euphemism "choice" need to see what you endorse. It's not 1930. We have welfare, child support, birth control, divorce, shelters -- and millions of decent pro-life advocates ready to help any pregnant woman or girl.

Go work inside an abortion clinic, inside, not outside, and only then say what you think the laws should be.

Saint Croix said...

Sarah's podcast caught syphilis, not her blog.

Cappy said...


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Words are arbitrary and mean what they mean by convention and agreement. "Woke" means what people understand it to mean. "Silly" used to mean "blessed" and morphed over the centuries to it's current foolish "Keep" used to mean something unmoving, now it means continuing. When people understand a word differently then that has to be dealt with first before communication can take place. There are defined areas, such a law or the various sciences, where a word does have adefined meaning that must be adhered to. But conversation isn't like that. I can readily believe that the people who first used "woke" wanted it to mean what Sarah says. But now it doesn't. It means different things to different people and is useless. See also, "racism."

Conservatives - language conservatives especially - have just as much trouble with the concept. "What socialism really means is..." or they want to get exercised about "irregardless," as if every language isn't chockablock full of redundancies.

Tina Trent said...

Norm MacDonald did not like or respect her. He had real beliefs.

Saint Croix said...

God bless you, Tina. Thank you for sharing your story. So powerful. Reminds me of Abby Johnson's story. So hard to cross over when you find out the truth. Very impressive.

Saint Croix said...

You're as funny as she is.

Mary Beth, I love this line.

At first I was like, "Awesome! We're both funny."

And then I was like, "Oh shit. Unless Sarah is not funny, in which case I am not funny, too."

I'm assuming we're both funny but I love the ambiguity.

Ancient Mariner said...

Like, a lot of, like, Valley Girl babble.

I used to think Silverman was smart.

Now, not so much.

Ancient Mariner said...

Like, a lot of, like, Valley Girl babble.

I used to think Silverman was smart.

Now, not so much.

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