I set out to skim the White House press release, "The White House Announces Guest List for the First Lady’s Box for the 2023 State of the Union Address," but couldn't even skim to the bottom... though I did skim to the Bono. I don't have time for this.
I do have time to write out that I remember when David Foster Wallace observed the foolishness of press releases that announce that a press release announces something.* That is, it's silly to have an announcement phrased as if it's pointing to something else, when it is the very thing it is announcing.
Here, we've got "The White House Announces Guest List...." when it really means "Here Is The White House Guest List."
* In "Big Red Son," Wallace quoted a press release from Adult Video News that said "The nominations for the 15th Annual AVN Awards were announced today," then dropped a footnote: "The passive mood here’s a bit disingenuous — the release itself is announcing them." A bit disingenuous... ha ha.
"I have no plans today"
Those wall aren't going to paint themselves. Just sayin.
Might be nice to see Speaker McCarthy sitting behind POTUS the entire time.
I have this box where I toss in things I used to pay attention to, but no longer even care if they still exist. Do they still exist?
Things like the Academy Awards. The Golden Globes. The State of the Union Show. The Tonight Show. Major League Baseball regular season games. The NBA regular season games. Sunday morning 'news' shows. SNL. 60 Minutes. Today. My Mother the Car.
If only someone could fly one of those RC balloons across the room in the middle of his speech.
But after J6 it wouldn’t be free speech. They’d give you life.
“Paul Pelosi (San Francisco, California)
Pelosi is a businessman, father, and husband of Speaker Emerita of the House Nancy Pelosi. Mr. Pelosi was violently attacked by an intruder in their California home in the fall of 2022. The attack reportedly was politically motivated, with the intruder’s alleged intent to harm and kidnap the former Speaker. According to court filings, the intruder confronted Mr. Pelosi, asking “Where’s Nancy?,” a similar chant of those responsible for the January 6th Capitol insurrection.“
Other guests include illegal aliens and people who survived cancer thanks to Joe Biden.
"But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have to stand naked"
Better than nothing is a hurdle too high for the SOTU.
“Amanda and Josh Zurawski (Austin, Texas)
Amanda was 18 weeks pregnant when her water broke. She and her husband Josh were devastated, as they had been trying for a baby for over a year. Her doctors were unable to intervene to help her because they were concerned that providing the treatment she needed would violate the Texas abortion ban, which prohibits abortion care unless a woman’s life is in danger. She was sent home with instructions to come back if she developed signs of a life-threatening infection, which she did, three days later. Zurawski developed sepsis and nearly died because of the delay in receiving treatment. She continues to suffer from medical complications due to the delay.”
I don’t believe this. She’s got a great medical and legal malpractice case.
"Might be nice to see Speaker McCarthy sitting behind POTUS the entire time."
Yeah, but will McCarthy play with his dentures throughout the speech and tear up his hard copy of the speech at its completion?
LOL, it kind of reminds me of those trumpeters in the Wizard of Id who announced the approach of the king. The press loves this role, they just wish that they got the kinds of snappy uniforms that the Pope's guards get.
Kevin McCarthy should fake it as though he is going to tear up Biden's speech, set it down and smile.
The most amazing thing about this post is that a tweet about it from the blogoverse doyenne herself appeared on my timeline!
As a retired public relations pro, I can speak to this. Press releases are usually written in newspaper style, so that if the news outlet is lazy enough (some are!), they can pick up the piece verbatim. Others will pass it on to the copy desk to edit for the particular outlet's style; most will send it to a reporter for a rewrite or further investigation if they find the story worthy. "Announcements" "briefings" and "media opportunities" are usually labeled as such, and include only the pertinent details (date, time, location) and maybe bulleted points. Of course, there is a huge mix of PR styles and many in the more recent generations that are taught quite differently!
I’m sure whatever Biden says tonight will be barf inducing. Planning to rearrange my sock drawer.
I see Paul Pelosi is on Biden's guest list. You can bet he'll steer clear of Kevin McCarthy, who now holds the gavel.
(What, too soon?)
You'd think if anybody would know how to make a release exciting it'd be the adult film industry.
Republicans rip! What happened to pounce?
It's to keep the legislature IN! Who wants to hear more of his babbling?
The SOTU used to preempt all the regular shows on the only TV stations we have. Why would anyone tune in in real time to watch it today? I watch almost nothing live. Even news happening now is going to be streamed video. Who would sit still for this thing? Ugh. I have an aversion to the sound of applause. I hate it on live music recordings. So it's impossible when a speech is continually interrupted with applause. Continually and predictably.
"'She was sent home with instructions to come back if she developed signs of a life-threatening infection, which she did, three days later. Zurawski developed sepsis and nearly died because of the delay in receiving treatment.....' I don’t believe this. She’s got a great medical and legal malpractice case."
I don't believe this either. Isn't the normal medical practice to require the birth one way or another within 24 hours when the water breaks? When this happened to me 4 decades ago, I was sent home to see if I would go into labor but required to come back and have labor induced, all within 24 hours. What is the current practice?
I don't like that the threat of criminal liability is there if something ends up crossing some line into what prosecutors consider abortion, and I'm sure this problem will be litigated, but I just don't believe that she'd be told to just go home and watch for signs of " life-threatening infection." That sounds like obvious malpractice.
Dave Begley said...
“Paul Pelosi (San Francisco, California)
They are just honoring the King of Insider Trading...you know, the husband of Queen Nancy that won't be sitting in the Speakers box tonight.
ChatGPT: write a believable SOTU speech for the USA that Biden can read without messing up words. Do not mention China.
"The White House Announces Guest List...." sounds like news. This happened and we have found it news worthy.
"Here Is The White House Guest List." sounds like, "If you're interested, here it is."
What, no Kardashian? How do they think they're going to attract viewers?
Carpe Donktum🔹
Tonights #SOTU may include, but is not limited to:
1. Nuking MAGA people
2. Compulsory unity
3. Everything is Trumps fault
4. The climate killing us
5. Trans people are better than you
6. Everyone is racist, sexist, and homophobic except dems(who are perfect)
7. Get the Vax
8:27 PM · Feb 6, 2023
Replying to @CarpeDonktum
8. Inflation is in your imagination.
10:59 PM · Feb 6, 2023
And here is a bingo card so you can play along!!!
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"The SOTU used to preempt all the regular shows on the only TV stations we have. Why would anyone tune in in real time to watch it today? I watch almost nothing live. Even news happening now is going to be streamed video. Who would sit still for this thing? Ugh. I have an aversion to the sound of applause. I hate it on live music recordings. So it's impossible when a speech is continually interrupted with applause. Continually and predictably."
I dunno. It would be worth it to see them shoot the person who quits clapping first. I mean. If you're going to do political theater then DO political theater.
Speaker McCarthy should have a big white balloon to release unknotted to fly across the Senate ⚪💨.
Biden is a senile old fool who is destroying America. I have zero desire to see him read the speech that was written for him. And approved by whoever is the real POTUS.
I will predict two things:
1) At the mention of "Brave little Ukraine" every Senator/Congressmen will jump to their feet and cheer.
2) At the mention of "Our noble Israeli Allies" everyone will jump to their feet and cheer. And shed tears of joy.
I would be interested to see the OUTRAGE that would occur if the GOP Speaker tore up his speech. Or maybe better, lit it on fire or blew his nose on it.
I never had much interest in the Grammies, but I'd pay attention to the next day coverage to see if any of the performers were especially offensive or if there was a nip slip. I hold some vestigial interest in the Oscars. I have heard of many of the winners and losers and they frequently make fools of themselves. But again, it's not something I would bother to watch live. Why sit through three hours of dreck for those ten minutes of interesting stupidity....I can't say I ever watched a SOU speech until Trump. Trump generates drama. You could never be absolutely certain that he wouldn't turn around and flip Nancy the bird or whether she would jump out of her chair and attack him with the Speaker's Gavel. This SOU promises to revert to the main. Some suspense as to where and how Biden will screw up the delivery, but not enough to generate viewing.....The Super Bowl remains the only event that I consistently watch live.
Temujin, same here. Used to be a rabid NBA/NFL fan, now not interested. Lost interest in the hollywood groomers quite a while ago.
At the SOTU, Presidents, especially Democrats, espouse bug plans and big promises that never come to pass. Yawn. I will be more productive by reading a history book tonight.
Joe Biden is a senile guy who has been bribed by foreign countries and he's taking credit for curing cancer.
The Left put him in power because he handed out the Big Money to special interests, to-wit: $380 billion in federal tax credits to Big Wind and Big Solar.
What I want to know is did the Roman Emperor and Senate celebrate and honor the illegal alien invaders? How did all that turn out for the Romans?
BTW, Joltin’ Joe Biden is heading to Madison, WI, tomorrow as his first stop on his post-SOTU tour. Has it become tradition for Dem presidents to make their first stop on their annual post-SOTU tour to stop somewhere in Wisconsin? Clinton and Obama did that several times. What is up with that?
I think the widescale deployment of whoopee cushions in the chamber would be additive.
I wasn’t planning on watching, but if Bono is going to attend then I know it’ll be an intellectual feast for the ages. The intrigue of Joe, Kamala, and Bono all in a single camera - be still my heart.
Joe is a mean old liar. Maybe we can get the Cackling Kamala in his place.
Think of this shit show as a police chief at a presser referring to ongoing crime sprees and riots that he is detached from but promises an investigation soon.
The buck stops everywhere else.
You will be forced to applaud for Paul Pelosi.
The left are going to install devices in every home to make sure we do.
It would be cool if they could get that guy in the red dress (devil outfit?) from the other night to come perform at SOTU. Maybe book a comedian or two. How about Zelensky? He could play Hail To The Chief with his penis on a grand piano! I'd tune in for that.
If one voted for Biden or decided not to vote (and thus accepted whomever was voted in) should WATCH THE DAMN STATE OF THE UNION.... for punishment.
I have but one plan for the day and that is NOT to watch the State of the Union. We have put over $100 million into Ukraine, a country where Joe Biden’s son received millions of dollars for doing nothing, where Joe himself boasted that he got a prosecutor fired for looking into the company that Hunter was being fed money from, the same place where a phone call from Trump to look into it cost him an impeachment, and a country where millions of lives have been upended and maybe a million lost because in part of these things … and the man lurking behind it all will smirk his way through the SOTU as our military, our Congress, our media all applaud.
Nope, count me out.
Right now US sanctions are preventing relief to Syria, Joe could announce that he is lifting them, but the tens of thousands of dead mean nothing to him in the context of the US project of world domination.
Ann wrote: “ I have an aversion to the sound of applause.”
Thank you. And I’ll up the ante to say I have an aversion to to obligatory standing ovations … and they’re all obligatory. We might as well live in North Korea and clap until our palms are raw when Kim Jong Un steps on stage. That’s how bad it’s gotten here.
Stop the clapping, O Seals. Stop the standing, O North Koreans.
I had some choices of things to do today:
-Play golf
-Take a beating
-Watch the State of the Union show
Now golf has been canceled. I'm having a hard time deciding.
This applause comment from Ann really heartened me. Also triggered me. I watch quite a few videos of rock concerts from aging rock stars (Jeff Lynne’s are the best) and I cringe every time the band begins the next song, there’s a one-second lag, then the fake, “Yeah, baby, it’s that one song” applause waves through the arena. I hate that moment.
The obligatory standing O is the equivalent of saying “Absolutely!” instead of a simple “Yes.” It’s a form of inflation. Jesus foresaw this moment and begged us to Let our yeas be yea. Thank you, Jesus.
Our debt is approaching asymptoptic levels and that is a fact. But the democrats inserted person will not mention the budget once, but will propose many more trillions of dollars.
We will not like hose this ends.
Humperdink said...
"Kevin McCarthy should fake it as though he is going to tear up Biden's speech, set it down and smile."
Better yet, wait until during the speech. Hold it up and tear it slowly, for maximum effect.
Ann Althouse said...
"I don't like that the threat of criminal liability is there if something ends up crossing some line into what prosecutors consider abortion, and I'm sure this problem will be litigated, but I just don't believe that she'd be told to just go home and watch for signs of " life-threatening infection." That sounds like obvious malpractice."
If it were due to negligence or reckless disregard, I would agree. If it were handled so as to make a political statement, I'd lean toward criminal intent, but I don't know enough about law to say so for sure.
Scotty, beam me up... said...
"BTW, Joltin’ Joe Biden is heading to Madison, WI, tomorrow as his first stop on his post-SOTU tour. Has it become tradition for Dem presidents to make their first stop on their annual post-SOTU tour to stop somewhere in Wisconsin? Clinton and Obama did that several times. What is up with that?"
Visiting the friendlies in the reality-free zone. It's like taking a test known to be an easy A.
Won't watch it unless I hear that Kevin McCarthy will be holding a white party balloon.
The 'guests' will all be black and/or trans.
Extra points for a handi-capable left-handed lesbian of mixed race...
Like the Oscars, went from must-see TV to brain dead boredom. You have to wonder if the Roman Senate became this deadly dull in the declining years of the Republic. Even Will Smith and Brutus' attempts to inject physical violence couldn't save them.
it's silly to have an announcement phrased as if it's pointing to something else, when it is the very thing it is announcing. ... Here, we've got "The White House Announces Guest List...." when it really means "Here Is The White House Guest List."
Press releases are phrased this way so reporters can simply cut and paste the press release into their stories. The phrasing sounds weird because it is written from the point of view of *the reporter*, not the White House.
This is pretty standard. Basically, the press release is writing the story for the reporters. Reporters don't have to make even small changes to grammar.
Glad to read that Ann has nothing planned today. I know, to keep my mental health in a decent state, I occasionally will use one of my days off to do absolutely nothing. I sleep late, don't get lured into doing chores, refuse all social invites and let the weather and my impulses drive the day. I might take a walk to the beach and back. I might watch a movie I've never seen. I might be on the internet all day, just reading interesting things or watching song videos. I don't ever feel guilty for not being "productive".
Biden's State of the Union Address will be as cringeworthy as this week's Satanic Grammy awards.
Here's a random example of how press releases are written so reporters can simply cut and paste them into their stories:
Alphabet Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2022 Results
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – February 2, 2023 – Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG, GOOGL) today announced financial results for the quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
Were I in the House tonight, I would smuggle in a white helium balloon, and release it just as Biden starts talking. Of course, I would get arrested and charged with terrorism, but it would be worth it.
What I wish is that no republicans showed up. Not a single Republican congressman. And even the Speaker of the House, should just abstain and not show up.
The STOU needs a 21st century update with streamed video, comparison charts, documented factual charts charts by people who do it for a living not partisan alternative charts.The seal clapping and scowling would be limited ,people could verify on their own what was presented rather than bland talking points from people who are horrible public speakers. Its time to change the format so the common person can actually view comparisons and statements made and use their own judgements, Rebuttals by people who have already admitted lying to the public and the press (Sanders) and the rebuttal teams need more than talking points and need to be viewed as truthful not just from their own groups. This format is stale and predictable, shake it up! Show videos, use the media all the people of the country use to make things interesting and to drive home points for the uneducated in the policies of Government. Show the border, show the previous balloon flights, show the world's economies show the terrorist groups of the world and of the United States. Make it real.Hold the applause please its old and played. Show the lies and the Liars no spin just "see with your own eyes. Me know, Beaucoup Dinky Dau. :(
DINKY DAU 45 said...
The STOU needs a 21st century update with streamed video, comparison charts, documented factual charts charts by people who do it for a living not partisan alternative charts.
And unicorn farts, too. "Documented factual charts" that show how well the country is doing under the Biden regime. Sure. That'll take just a minute.
AVN is all about releases and pressing, they're just not good at press releases.
DINKY DAU 45 said...
No amount of charts are gonna make this turd any shiney-er.
"documented factual charts charts by people who do it for a living not partisan alternative charts."
You mean like Zero Hedge?
Why wait?
I’ll watch if Will Smith is invited to sit with the members of Congress on the floor.
David Foster Wallace never met a footnote that he didn't like.
Dave Begley said...
The Left put him in power because he handed out the Big Money to special interests, to-wit: $380 billion in federal tax credits to Big Wind and Big Solar.
The left and corrupt Republicans in Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Michigan put Biden in power.
The Republicans are getting paid in all of this too.
Speaking of "politically motivated," this is a another Biden reality-defying stretch...
Paul Pelosi (San Francisco, California)
Pelosi is a businessman, father, and husband of Speaker Emerita of the House Nancy Pelosi. Mr. Pelosi was violently attacked by an intruder in their California home in the fall of 2022. The attack reportedly was politically motivated, with the intruder’s alleged intent to harm and kidnap the former Speaker. According to court filings, the intruder confronted Mr. Pelosi, asking “Where’s Nancy?,” a similar chant of those responsible for the January 6th Capitol insurrection.
She was sent home with instructions to come back if she developed signs of a life-threatening infection
Incompetence? This is akin to an underage girl raped and the "burden" of evidence aborted in a sanctuary state. An underage boy groomed under the aegis of social progress. A third rail to share responsibility through taxation and progressive prices. A war started through premature evacuation, a proxy funded through overriding claims, a Spring waged across three continents. A majority failed conversion therapy practiced on underage boys and girls with forward-looking collateral damage. A non-sterilizing shot with pathogenic progress distributed by mandate and coercion. Masks to offer a false sense of security and probable infectious vector. The revisiting of DIEversity under ethical religious sanction. A wicked solution socially justified by exception to the humane rule.
What's with Dr Jill, not being able to find an American to sit with her? WHY an Irishman?
DINKY DAU 45 said..
This format is stale and predictable, shake it up! Show videos..
Maybe you're On to something! Maybe they should take a cue from the AVN's!
shake it up! Show videos!! Get RID of Dr Jill, and replace her with someone like Lauren Phillips!!!
Then Again... Maybe not
Last SOTU I watched was Clinton's first. I don't plan on changing that tonight.
However, I do look forward to the reviews ... especially if/when he reads aloud instructions on his prepared text.
President Biden’s speech has zero chance of going over well with Republicans, unless he promises to:
1. Kill all Mexicans
2. Kill all Chinese
3. Kill all Americans on Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security
4. Remove all tax liabilities for anyone with a net worth greater than $1 billion, and to exclusively raise everyone else’s taxes instead.
5. Force tech companies to sponsor viewpoints fed to them by OAN.
6. Dismantle the ADL and replace it with an organization TBD, as long as it’s headed by Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.
7. Expel transsexual students from public schools, force them to wear a pink triangle and register with a ministry of re-education that reports to Ron DeSantis.
8. Make Judeo-Christianity the official state religion.
9. Deport the CEO of Disney.
10. Designate July 4th as an official 24 hours of hatred against George Soros.
11. Make it an offense punishable by law to allow anyone over the age of 4 to leave the house without a semi-automatic weapon in their hands.
So it's impossible when a speech is continually interrupted with applause
It's wretched.
Al Gore's 2000 Convention speech is the only big public speech I can remember that wasn't interrupted. What a difference it made! Coherent arguments not playing to applause lines. Almost made me want to vote for Gore, despite not agreeing with his wishlist. I don't know why no one has tried it since. When did the SOTU begin to be interrupted? I can't remember any pre-Reagan.
hpudding: Pure bullshit. It is perfectly acceptable for young children to leave the house with a pistol, as long as they have a speed loader.
hpudding said...
I would love to meet your parents.
Biden’s speech is great!
It’s pro-worker, pro-manufacturing, pro-consumer, pro-senior, pro-infrastructure, pro-Medicare (a Medicare that can limit deficit spending by negotiating drug prices!), pro-civil rights.
All the things that Republicans hate.
An anonymous old wide-brimmed internet man asking to meet my parents? How creepy.
I guess my parents never lied to me like the Republicans do, Or were gullible enough to let themselves be screwed over by them!
Republicans gave America a Great Depression (resulting in the rise of European fascists like Hitler), a Great Recession and a fatally botched pandemic response. And they can never wait to give America more of those things.
That’s why if you love America the only Republicans you’d vote for would be progressives like Teddy Roosevelt.
Blogger Ralph L said...
"Almost made me want to vote for Gore"
How'd that vote for Sonny Bush work out for you?
Once the trust, and assumption of basic competence goes, both have to be earned back with actions, over time, if they’re to be earned back at all.
I don’t really trust the people in our political institutions will act according to the principles I find true and reasonable, most of the time. The people I might trust are mostly in a minority, or merely form another faction.
I certainly don’t trust the institutions you’re linking to in order for relevance and insight about my principles, nor about the truth. I keep an eye on my enemies, mostly.
When I do act, it’s locally, where I’m in an even smaller minority, for issues with most the direct and immediate impact.
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