February 23, 2023

At the Library of Distilled Spirits...


... you can talk about anything.


Quaestor said...

I'd like to apply for a library card, please.

n.n said...

As long as they don't send a select committee to recover past due apparitions held in reserve within cages.

Chuck said...

It looks like Eno Vino but I don't think they do that with spirits.

boatbuilder said...

I think we should talk about distilled spirits.

My current extravagance is Ardbeg An Oa.

Although right now I'm drinking Jameson for my post-work snoot. Because tomorrow is a work day. I save the wild stuff for special occasions--like Friday night.

madAsHell said...

The head of the Oregon Liquor Control Board has resigned after the state AG started a corruption investigation.

Narr said...

I bought Slingerland's book "Drunk" a few weeks ago (pbk, with some gift money) but haven't sampled it yet.

narciso said...



mongo said...

Would someone please explain “LLR” to me, as in LLR Chuck?

Dave Begley said...

Great pix, Ann!

Where is this?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We are under an undeclared state of emergency. It's the only thing that makes what I'm seeing make sense... and it has to make sense.

Tweet: "Dr. John Littell admitting other physicians, cardiologists, pathologists & paediatricians have been calling him asking for Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine for themselves but are too frightened to say anything."

"Yet the gullible have been gaslit by media thinking it’s for horses."

link to tweet

Jaq said...

Life Long Republican Chuck has lost whatever credibility he may once have had. He has devolved to pushing "the current thing" and every day it's something new, but it's never anything different.

BIII Zhang said...

How many classified documents has the FBI found in the Chicago furniture warehouse where Barack Obama stores his presidential papers?

What's that you say? There is no FBI investigation into Obama's illegal possession of classified documents?

But there is an FBI investigation into Trump and Pence and even Joe Biden illegally possessing classified documents. Storing them in unsecured places like garages and stuff.

But no news stories about the FBI investigation into Barack Obama.

I guess it makes sense. Teflon, after all, is black.

Jay Vogt said...

My constant is Buffalo Trace.

Up-and-comers are:

Zubrowka vodka - in the winter. it's a Polish vodka but was recommended to me by a Russian. A shot served ice cold in an ice cold glass low ball - stored in the freezer. Trying to beat winter at it's own game!

Laphroaig 10 year. In the autumn and some of the winter. I'd drifted towards bourbons over the years and had forgotten how full and rewarding an island scotch could be. they do get into you! But, they are (this one is)very good. Drink un-cut -maybe with one ice cube, maybe not, in a really nice crystal bar glass (Val St. Lambert low ball).

William said...

I sometimes watch old movies to escape this world I presently occupy. I recently saw L'Eclisse. It was a 1962 film by Antonioni. Back when I aspired to be hip, people who were young and hip spoke highly of Antonioni. I missed it back then, but I finally caught up with it. Being young and hip is an ongoing project. I'll get there eventually.....Some critic said that it was a movie of its time but not of all time. The movie was made before the invention of sex. When the two protagonists exchanged steamy glances in the background either a priest would walk by or some woman with a baby carriage. Lots of subtle nuances in an Antonioni film.....Monica Vitti appears in blackface in an African dress and necklace and does an African tribal dance. You don't catch scenes like that in current movies....The movie was purposefully boring to dramatize the emptiness and alienation of the characters. It's a neat trick to be boring in an interesting way, but Antonioni succeeded. The movie held your attention.

n.n said...

Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine

Two of the safest, most effective drugs in long-term use, particularly in Africa, where [non-sterilizing (i.e. jabs, shots as in flu)] vaxxxines enjoyed their lowest penetration, and the progress of the Covid-19 family of diseases was remarkably low, and in some highly diverse (number, not color blocs) Indian States, too.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Angela Davis finds out she has ancestors who came over on the Mayflower.

Guess she'll have to pay herself reparations!

Iman said...

“The Democrat Party’s Heaven is America’s Hell.”

tcrosse said...

What's the percent alcohol by volume?

Original Mike said...

"All of these entities have debased their value, both financial and cultural, by actively suppressing legitimate stories and attempting to quash debate and dissent."

I posted on the mainstream media's refusal to even report on the Cochrane meta-analysis of masking studies a few days ago, but attempted to give them the benefit of the doubt; maybe they hadn't gotten around to it yet. But no, apparently they are suppressing it. Unconscionable.

No matter how many times it happens, each new instance of media irresponsibility in the reporting (or lack thereof) of news consequential to society as a whole still shocks me. I can not fathom this behavior. As I asked the first time I posted, how do these people sleep at night? You're job is to report the news. Do your damn job.

effinayright said...

Speaking of reparations, apparently Biden gave 36 BILLION dollars of OUR money to the downtrodden and oppressed Teamster's Union:


So that's the way it's gonna work: all you bruthas and muthas expecting to be handed gobs of cash to be spent on Kools, weed and malt liquor need to go to the end of a long, long line.

Really, how else did you think this would work out for you???

Old and slow said...

LLR = Life Long Republican (self-professed)

traditionalguy said...

WHITE LIGHTNING must be in a a real museum..

Maynard said...

Why don't you just leave us alone Chuck?

You really are a sick fucking asshole.

Original Mike said...

Blogger tim in vermont said..."Life Long Republican Chuck has lost whatever credibility he may once have had."

There was a time, now long since in the rear-view mirror, that I took his declaration to be a LLR at face value. I thought he was just misguided. But he's clearly on "the other side".

Jaq said...

Statements about the US coming out of China suggest strongly that Joe Biden has managed to drive China into Russia’s arms, and suggest that if we get into an open war with Russia, Russia will not be without friends.

This Ukraine misadventure has never been in America’s interest.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I bought Slingerland's book "Drunk" a few weeks ago (pbk, with some gift money) but haven't sampled it yet.

I'm about half way through it. It explains about why it's an insult not to drink with someone when offered a drink or why drink is used to solidify an agreement.

Good read.

ngtrains said...

really? I thought LLR meant Left Leaning Republican

Lurker21 said...

I was watching The Larry Sanders Show with Garry Shandling. It really brought back the Nineties, which I had always thought of as a lost decade, either a continuation of the Eighties or the first of the three non-decades (compared to 20th century decades) that we've had recently. It's a very funny series, but I could see why Larry got tired of it. Six seasons is too long to say fresh.

I also saw London Fields, based on the Martin Amis novel. Amis was a big deal in the Nineties, at least in Britain, so I was curious. But it was an awful movie. Maybe there was something in the book that didn't come out on the screen, but the only interesting thing about this is that you can see Amber (leading role) and Johnny (uncredited) together at a time when they may have been happy.

Even worse (if that's possible) was The Curse of Downers Grove. It was trash, as you'd expect a teen horror movie to be, but sometimes we say jokingly that something popular is trash when we actually enjoy it. Not this. I only saw it because Bret Ellis Easton co-wrote the screen play (from someone else's novel). Truly wretched. There is no curse. It's a stupid stalker/slasher movie without even the pleasures of a horror film.

I loved The Offer, about the making of The Godfather. British actor Matthew Goode captured all of Paramount head Bob Evans's mannerisms (though as everyone in the special features tells us, it was much more than a mere impersonation). The actress playing his then-wife, Ali McGraw, also captured her perfectly. Burn Gorman, the strange-looking guy from just about every drama or mystery on British television, was also good as tycoon Charles Bluhdorn.

Colin Hanks, though, seemed like he was in the wrong movie (but then he was supposed to be a misfit and his character was fictional, a composite of everyone in the studio who didn't want the picture made. Giovanni Ribisi put on a lot of weight to play mobster Joe Columbo, but I wasn't that impressed. He may have captured Columbo (I don't know) but he seemed less subtle than other actors who have played Mafiosi. There are also all manner of "Easter eggs" -- little references in the series to things in the movie. They suggest that more of the story may be made up than at first appears, but they are fun to see, even if you need the special features to spot them.

Old and slow said...

Boardwalk Empire: Richard with the shot off face, you know him or you don't. That man knew when to keep his fucking mouth shut (what was left of it...). So much talking in this world.

Big Mike said...

I want to talk about Sam Brinton. On March 9, 2018, Asya Khamsin, a Tanzanian woman living in Houston who has designed and hand-made her own clothing line for years, had flown into Ronald Reagan National Airport to participate in a fashion show in Washington, DC. To her horror, she discovered that someone had stolen her suitcase, with her unique clothing and jewelry inside, intended to be exhibited at the show.

Khamsin said she recently saw a report that Brinton had been charged with stealing multiple pieces of luggage across the country. She looked up pictures of him snd noticed that the former Biden administration official was wearing her clothes in several photos. There is no question that the clothing is hers, since there are photos of both her snd him wearing the gowns, and they were one-off designs not for sale to the general public.

This guy Brinton is a kleptomaniac and he needs to br forbidden to ever enter a baggage-handling area again. Not at airports, not at train stations, not even at bus terminals.

gadfly said...

Electricity production generates roughly one-quarter of the greenhouse gases produced by the United States; cleaning it up is key to President Biden’s plan to fight global warming. The landmark climate bill he signed last year provides $370 billion in subsidies to help make low-carbon energy technologies – like wind, solar, nuclear, or batteries – cheaper than fossil fuels.

"Greenhouse gases" is just another way to avoid admitting that carbon dioxide is important to our ecosystems. Nothing grows without it so we do not need to control what our wondrous, already-in-place, sun-driven cloud system does to keep these gases in line.

And then our climate nutcases suddenly admit they cannot make wind, solar, nuclear, and/or batteries "cheaper than fossil fuels" - let alone design a way to implement these wonder replacements that always cost too much.

So our smart government will spend $370 billion - because they can - without staying up with energy demands.

effinayright said...

William said...
I sometimes watch old movies to escape this world I presently occupy. I recently saw L'Eclisse. It was a 1962 film by Antonioni. Back when I aspired to be hip, people who were young and hip spoke highly of Antonioni. I missed it back then, but I finally caught up with it. Being young and hip is an ongoing project. I'll get there eventually.....Some critic said that it was a movie of its time but not of all time. The movie was made before the invention of sex. When the two protagonists exchanged steamy glances in the background either a priest would walk by or some woman with a baby carriage. Lots of subtle nuances in an Antonioni film.....Monica Vitti appears in blackface in an African dress and necklace and does an African tribal dance. You don't catch scenes like that in current movies....The movie was purposefully boring to dramatize the emptiness and alienation of the characters. It's a neat trick to be boring in an interesting way, but Antonioni succeeded. The movie held your attention.

I think the term is "horrified fascination."

If you're trying to make a movie to at least make a modest profit and not piss away your producers' money, it's not a good strategy.

gadfly said...

Fairfax County police officers chased, shot, and killed Timothy McCree Johnson, 37, for stealing designer sunglasses from Nordstroms at Tysons Corner Center. Fairfax police chief Kevin Davis framed the officers’ actions in stopping an alleged theft and giving chase as part of his department’s “commitment to public safety” at the mall.

“He’s dead from shoplifting,” said Melissa Johnson, Timothy's mother.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In an undeclared state of emergency elections are null and void?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sloppin it in...
Gadfly knows Timothy?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Biden Steered $36 Billion In Taxpayer Money Into Teamster Union Pension Funds
Not only did he take our retirement money and use it to pay off his union backers, but he also probably helped his union cronies avoid prosecution, because, had those pension funds run out of money as they would have without this semi-secret taxpayer bailout, there would certainly have been some legal attention devoted to the question, WHERE DID THE MONEY GO?

wendybar said...

BINGO Bill Zhang. Saint Obama will NEVER be raided. THAT would be racist. Must be great to have THAT suit of armor in this country today. He spied on Trump before, during and after his presidency with the help of his Intel agencies that he fundamentally changed just like America.

2/23/23, 7:58 PM

wendybar said...

Actions have consequences Gadfly, didn't your mother teach you that??

wendybar said...

What's going on?? Clinton friends are dropping like flies lately...


Saint Croix said...

Is Donald Duck Donald Trump?

Is Daisy Duck Melania Trump?

(Cookie says she's the brains of the operation)

Does Walt Disney have the sixth sense?!

Saint Croix said...

Willie Wonka and the Censorship Factory

Saint Croix said...

Jake Tapper: Racist attacks on Nikki Haley -- it's a "very ugly side of the Left"

Even CNN is noticing, you racist swine!

typingtalker said...

The Library of Distilled Spirits looks like it could be a building on the campus of a Seagram's Distillery.

Saint Croix said...

Wajahat Ali, whoever that is, says this about Haley...

She's an “alpha-Karen with brown skin”

uses her race to "launder white supremacist talking points"

“The reason why I feel sad is because no matter what she does, Mehdi, it will never be enough. They’ll never love her,”

He's talking about a woman who was governor of South Carolina!

If Republicans did this shit, we'd constantly be saying how Biden was a "black supremacist" and how black people will never love him. And how sad it is.

What the fuck are "white supremacist talking points," anyway? Anybody who talks this narrative shit should quote the "offensive" Haley speech that is "white supremacist" so we can judge for ourselves whether your stupid racist theory has any validity.

You're making vile accusations about another human being! Quote her so your accusations are grounded in reality, as opposed to your made up racist fantasies.

tim maguire said...

ngtrains said...really? I thought LLR meant Left Leaning Republican

It's a taunt. Chuck introduced himself here as a lifelong republican concerned about the direction of his beloved republican party, but he's a republican like Jennifer Rubin is a conservative--all he ever does is trash republicans.

So some of the people who got sick of his game started calling him "LLR Chuck" as a way of making fun of his pose.

Saint Croix said...

I don't know what Alarabiya News is, and I've never heard of Park MacDougald, but this is pretty sharp analysis.

(Working the Google, it's an Arabic news channel based in Dubai).

Big Mike said...

“He’s dead from shoplifting,” said Melissa Johnson, Timothy's mother.

Nope. Timothy McCree Johnson died from the lingering effects of poor parenting. But no doubt Gadfly believes the Lefty talking point that teaching your kids not to steal is White Supremacy.

Saint Croix said...

Very informative article on Vivek in The New Yorker

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

After reading LLR Chuck's comments over the years, it would appear to me he is the son-in-law of Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Humperdink said...

Talk about a world upside down, China offers a peace plan for the Ukraine/ Russia war. What's a guy .... er ... pronoun like Lindsay Graham to do?

Breezy said...

I just noticed the subhead under the Althouse blog title. Lol - has that been there a while already?

Ernest said...

Everyday drink: Evan Williams Black Label. For special occasions (like the weekend): Maker's Mark Cask Strength. It's nice living here in Bourbon country: Kentucky. But I don't have any interest in the ponies.

BUMBLE BEE said...

wendybar said...
What's going on?? Clinton friends are dropping like flies lately...

Looks more like "flies are dropping like Clinton Friends" to me.

Rusty said...

Lurker21 said...
The curse of Downers Grove- a real town in Illinois- is having to live there.
What are you complaining about? You voted for this. This is what you wanted.
typingtalker said...
The Library of Distilled Spirits looks like it could be a building on the campus of a Seagram's Distillery.
What it should be is a ride at Disney.

Rusty said...

Lurker21 said...
The curse of Downers Grove- a real town in Illinois- is having to live there.
What are you complaining about? You voted for this. This is what you wanted.
typingtalker said...
The Library of Distilled Spirits looks like it could be a building on the campus of a Seagram's Distillery.
What it should be is a ride at Disney.

Iman said...

Another hit piece from the Yew Norker, saint? I was less than impressed or informed by that.

wendybar said...

Humperdink said...
After reading LLR Chuck's comments over the years, it would appear to me he is the son-in-law of Zbigniew Brzezinski.

2/24/23, 7:42 AM

Now that you mention it, I think you are correct. Beavis is here!!

Candide said...

Big Mike said...
“I want to talk about Sam Brinton...”

Hard to imagine Brinton knew what was in the Asya suitcase. Most likely it was a random find for him. Like in lottery, it takes many tries before hitting a lucky number. Which means he was probably stealing suitcases on a regular bases and throwing most of them away without finding anything attractive.

n.n said...

US Green Impossibilities

A Green blight on land and sea... tilting at windmills and other intermittent power generation schemes with renewable "benefits".

Old and slow said...

My mom grew up in Downers Grove back in the 1940's. The name makes it sound lovely, and I think maybe it was back then. When I last visited in the early 1980's, it was kind of a slum (at least where we were).

Evan Williams is the best cheap bourbon around in my opinion.

lonejustice said...

Scott Adams has switched his endorsement from Trump to Ramaswamy because of the issue of fentanyl and the need to go after the Mexican drug cartels, something Trump never did.

planetgeo said...

I'm assuming that's an actual photo of the Meadehouse wine and holy spirits cellar. Nice.

effinayright said...

lonejustice said...
Scott Adams has switched his endorsement from Trump to Ramaswamy because of the issue of fentanyl and the need to go after the Mexican drug cartels, something Trump never did.
Oh really?


"Mexico rejects US intervention after Trump outlines drug cartel plan"

https://www.foxnews.com › politics › trump-calls-for-war-against-mexican-drug-cartel-monsters-after-americans-murdered-in-shootout

https://www.businessinsider.com › trump-suggested-bombing-drug-cartel-labs-mexico-ex-defense-chief-2022-5?op=1

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › donald-trump-mexico-missile-strikes-drug-cartels-mark-esper-60-minutes-2022-05-06

President Trump suggested missile strikes in Mexico against drug ...

gadfly said...

Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began
To laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again.

Marianne Williamson is getting back in the saddle again in the Democratic Presidential Primary. and she is prettier and far more intelligent than Aged Joe. And she has not lived her life with her hand out seeking monetary rewards from voters. I guess that puts her ahead of Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Glenn Youngkin, Chris Sununu, Kristi Noem, Greg Abbott, Larry Hogan, Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson, and Mike Pompeo.

But there is one Republican that I will vote for should she run - Liz Cheney.

wendybar said...

You may be in luck gadfly. She may run as a Democrat.

Humperdink said...

Liz Cheney? Another LLR surfaces.

Joe Scar'bro unavailable?

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