February 25, 2023

Are you really confused if what's playing in your head is Aretha Franklin?


"Who's Zoomin' Who" came out in 1985, so it's a bit funny for Biden to say it's a song of "my generation." Even "My Generation" — which came out 20 years before "Who's Zoomin' Who" — was not a song of Biden's generation! 


wendybar said...

What a disgrace this idiot is. He has to go back to his home in Delaware to get rejuiced up. He is an imbecile, and his wife isn't any better.

Old and slow said...

Yeah, "his generation". Try Edith Piaf. That's his generation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The internet: "The phrase “Who’s Zoomin Who?” means a type of flirtation where one person is scoping or checking out another person, unaware that they are also being analyzed."

Biden, Russia, China, Ukraine and Palestine, Ohio.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It’s one of those rare moments in history when the actual president is dumber than every dumb actor available to play a president and less intelligent than a Baltimore eighth grader on crack.

Birches said...

Wow.That song sounds dated in 1985. Maybe it would have sounded fresh in 1975. So yeah, maybe Biden's right. That song was made for middle aged people who thought they were still young. Lol.

That's happening to me right now. Spouse and I were looking at recliners last night and the GenX/old Millennials as the new Boomers playlist was going strong at Lazy Boy. Lots of artists like Sheryl Crow, Third Eye Blind, En Vogue. I guess we know who's buying furniture these days.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

4 more years of the old man puppet regime.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden barely knows where he is. His handlers locate him, and the loyal fawning propaganda press fill in the blanks, and cover for him. (All while they obsess over Trump)

WE are a late stage Republic... on the decline. Our decline mirrors Biden's mental state.

Iman said...

It’s ALL funny until it’s not.

Lurker21 said...

In my mind I can hear Biden's little "heh, heh" half-laugh and see his little Joker half-smile. They always seemed ominous and troubling to me. I suppose that's always t the case with the mannerisms of politicians one doesn't like, but it's still strange to me that Biden's supporters never think about his snicker and smirk.

"My Generation" was very much a song of Biden's generation. He and The Who were born during or immediately after WWII. Biden's mental world (like perhaps his mental development) seems like it stopped before the Beatles and Vietnam, but he was only 23 in 1965.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bringing up Aretha Franklin, Biden might be in hot water with the LBGTQ+ wing... again.

Aretha's "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" (1967) is in the chopping block as trans intolerant.

Before the day I met you, life was so unkind
And you're the key to my peace of mind

'Cause you make me feel, you make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman (woman)

When my soul was in the lost and found
You came along to claim it
I didn't know just what was wrong with me
Till your kiss helped me name it

Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for
And if I make you happy, I don't need to do more

'Cause you make me feel, you make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman (woman)

Who's Zooming Who Indeed.

Oh, i see what Althouse did with Who there. Pretty sneaky sis.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

To answer the question posed, yes. Yes he is profoundly confused and he is admitting that during Zoom meetings, when his attention should be focused on the topic of discussion, he is instead lost in his own mind trying to remember the lyrics to a song from 40 years ago and misremembering it as a song from 65 years ago. So yes. Hell yes he is confused. He will admit to anyone he can’t even keep straight who is president right now.

Hint to the Big Guy: it’s you. Sadly, it is you.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Aretha Franklin and Joe Biden were both born in 1942, any song of hers is a song of his generation.

traditionalguy said...

What? Do you mean the installed President is lying? I thought being a President meant he is for us and not a lying liar who always lies.

Joe Smith said...

Aretha Franklin was the Queen of Soul, and a national treasure.

Biden is neither of those things.

Point to Her Highness...

Dave Begley said...

Joe has been Zooming us the entire time he's been in DC.

Owen said...

That video clip of him is terrifying. Does he not feel the least embarrassment at his performance? No, he does not: no more than would a two-year-old.

Beluga cobalt said...

This is gen x Aretha….love her George Michael song “knew u were waiting” much more from that period.

Narayanan said...

He has to go back to his home in Delaware to get rejuiced up.
he could be getting the juice of eternal youth. then every generation is his generation

Temujin said...

The entire world awaits his next thought. It could bring us WWIII or just another reference to something he never did, but thinks he did.

And he's planning to run again. And people- breathing adults (as well as dead people) will vote for him again.

Somewhere along the way, we veered down the wrong path.

Carol said...

With years of having lots of young staffers around, these guys do pick up on new cultural trivia and fancy themselves younger than they are.

Sebastian said...

“At this moment not. I was, I did a whole video, I mean, uh, you know, the uh, what the Hell? On Zoom. All I can hear every time I think of Zoom is that song of my generation, 'Who's Zoomin' Who?'"

And that's the Leader of the Free World for you. The free world in Ukraine anyway, the country he visited more often than many American states.

"I did a whole video" would be a good tag for Biden's "leadership."

Ann Althouse said...

"Wow.That song sounds dated in 1985."

No, it sounds exactly like 1985. It's *very* similar to Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know?" — which also came out in 1985.

Ann Althouse said...

""My Generation" was very much a song of Biden's generation. He and The Who were born during or immediately after WWII. Biden's mental world (like perhaps his mental development) seems like it stopped before the Beatles and Vietnam, but he was only 23 in 1965."

I looked up his age for 1965 before I wrote this post. I was 14 in 1965 and a member of the Who fan club.

Biden is a pre-Boomer.

If he'd said "My Generation" was from his generation, I'd have let him get away with it.

Christopher B said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
Aretha Franklin and Joe Biden were both born in 1942, any song of hers is a song of his generation.

Nice try but the generational reference is to the age of the song, not the singer.

Lurker21 said...
In my mind I can hear Biden's little "heh, heh" half-laugh and see his little Joker half-smile. They always seemed ominous and troubling to me. I suppose that's always t the case with the mannerisms of politicians one doesn't like, but it's still strange to me that Biden's supporters never think about his snicker and smirk.

That's the "I'm lying, and I know that you know I'm lying" tell, and Biden sycophants like Charlie above eat it up with spoon.

Yancey Ward said...

The really hilarious thing is that one of his age 50-60 staff almost surely gave him the line about the Franklin song to use about Zoom calls. I am sure Biden doesn't remember the song at all.

Franklin had a brief renaissance of her popular music career in the period 1984-1988- even had a #1 duet with George Michael. So those mid/late 80s songs aren't of Biden's generation- Biden was already in his mid 40s by that time. I am sure some of the big artists of my youth had renaissances in the 2000s and 2010s, but those songs aren't of my generation either.

rcocean said...

Joe Biden Generation's song was probably song by the Beatles, Chuck Berry or Elvis. He was 22 in 1964.

People are explaining Biden's flippant "Fuck you" response to "The big Guy" being senile. Actually, this has ALWAYS been his attitude. His behavior in every VP and Presidental debate was disgraeful. He has contempt for any tough questions, constantly lies, and refuses to have regular press conferences. Biden gets away with it because (1) the MSM covers for him and (2) Democrats don't give a damn how Biden behaves as long as he hands out the graft and supports TEAM LEFT.

Yancey Ward said...

Just to make it clear- a song is "of your generation" if it was hit when you were a teenager-early 20s. If it was hit outside that age bracket, it isn't, and it doesn't matter who sings it or what generation they are from- it only matters when it was a hit. Althouse is right.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Biden may not have been born a ramblin man, but he has grown into one.

Yancey Ward said...

I liked the Aretha song very much when it was a hit (I was still a teenager at that time). I hear on the "Rock Classics" station pretty often- several times a year, and the 80s Sirius station.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

No, it sounds exactly like 1985. It's *very* similar to Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know?" — which also came out in 1985.

Both produced and co-written by Michael Walden. So, yeah, it sounds right for 1985.

n.n said...

He is young... He hearts young.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Aretha Franklin and Joe Biden were both born in 1942, any song of hers is a song of his generation."

The song was released in 1985 bub.

Not to worry. In about 15 minutes Joe Biden will be claiming to have been raised Puerto Rican-Polish in a black neighborhood while attending synagogue with his "almost Jewish" family and claiming to have co-written the song along with a couple others from Burt Bacharach....and Left Bank will be twisting to find ways to justify it all.

rcocean said...

I say this about Biden: He LOOKS great for a 80 year old.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Biden/Fetterman '24 - Theme "Can You See The Real Me?".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you’re trying to remember what a zoom call is called how can your mind go to the song before it goes to the call?

It’s Biden doing Biden again. See Drago above 👆🏽

Meade said...

If you hear “zoom” and don’t think “Aretha,” man, you ain’t black. Black like Joe.

boatbuilder said...

Not a word of concern for the residents--just a complaint that he's getting a bad rap.

I am frankly stunned that he didn't work in the claim that it's all Trump's fault.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Meade lol 😂

Captain BillieBob said...

"Are you really confused......."
Not nearly as confused as the big guy.

re Pete said...

"People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In his mind Joe went to Palestine Ohio.

William said...

I saw the Biden interview with David Muir on ABC News. Biden was sometimes halting in his speech and occasionally a bit muddled, but he didn't sound addled. They may have edited out the addled moments, but he looked in possession of his faculties. Fetterman sets the bar nowadays, and I would say that Biden, in some respects, is closer to compos mentis than Fetterman. Compos mentis is a bit aspirational, but he's in the neighborhood.

Limited blogger said...

he barks 'let me finish', as if anyone cares about his vague memory of a song

Birches said...

The studio version sounds very 80's. I just listened, but in that live version, it's hard to hear the synthesizer beat and she's singing it a lot faster too. Sounds very 70's Vegas.

Iman said...

This is the House that Jack built, y’all
Remember this House
No joke

Iman said...

Biden’s Generational song would be anything sung by Pat Boone or Johnny Ray.

Iman said...

Muddled but not Addled…

So you’re saying he has a chance of a dozen brain cells sparking?

Iman said...

“I say this about Biden: He LOOKS great for a 80 year old.”

You must not have an HD TV.

madAsHell said...

He LOOKS great for a 80 year old

I saw Vladimir Lenin in his tomb. Joe doesn't look that good.

Tina Trent said...

Sometimes his eyes are blue. Sometimes they are all black, dilated? Do drugs do that?

Chick said...

Remember the mashed potato, popular in '62? It's now Joe's brain.

Jim at said...

Aretha Franklin and Joe Biden were both born in 1942, any song of hers is a song of his generation.

Congrats on completely missing the point of this imbecile's gibberish.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Biden is a pre-Boomer.” OK, boomer, if that’s what you want to call Joe Biden’s silent generation. So Strangers in the Night (1966) and My Way (1969) were Frank Sinatra songs of your generation?

Deirdre Mundy said...

He's clearly had excessive plastic surgery and it's giving his face an "unexpressive, uncanny valley" effect. Plus the mechanical arm movement....

I think he'd be better off just looking his age and having a face that worked.

Compare to Ronald Reagan, who had Alzheimer's, at age 80 (Start at 4:55 mark)


Butkus51 said...

Still cant get over that people arent embarrassed by this. Obama has been a dictator for 14 years now. And will be for at least 2 more but probably 10 more.

They still have work to do.

Butkus51 said...

Still cant get over that people arent embarrassed by this. Obama has been a dictator for 14 years now. And will be for at least 2 more but probably 10 more.

They still have work to do.

Butkus51 said...

Still cant get over that people arent embarrassed by this. Obama has been a dictator for 14 years now. And will be for at least 2 more but probably 10 more.

They still have work to do.

Butkus51 said...

When people analyze Joes words...........I'll be kind just this once

rehajm said...

Hey he could have recalled ZOOM! from PBS in the 70s.

Hubbi Frubbins!

rehajm said...

Living in a community of old people I’ve learned lots of old guys lie about their age. Last year one of my neighbors said he was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and later said he was 71. One of them wasn’t right, I thought. He quickly convinced he was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. A few months later his wife innocently busted him. Whoops.

Clyde said...

Biden's generation was Pat Boone and the Rat Pack.

n.n said...

Pin the tale on the Donkey.

Pass the Grey Poupon.

Jupiter said...

You are if you're Joe Biden.

Chris-2-4 said...

Wait. Aretha Franklin and Joe Biden were born in the same year. So, clearly they are of the same generation.

Chris-2-4 said...

Wait. Aretha Franklin and Joe Biden were born in the same year. So, clearly they are of the same generation.

gpm said...

>>Just to make it clear- a song is "of your generation" if it was hit when you were a teenager-early 20s.

Mostly on board with Yancey about what constitutes your “generation.” For my brother, ten years older than me, it was Elvis and Annette. For me, about three years younger than Althouse, I like a lot of pre-British Invasion stuff (and have since gotten into Ella, Sinatra, etc.), but I am and always have been a Beatle freak. Stones (not my fave, but OK). The Who: Tommy came out when I was in high school; also remember My Generation. Other stuff of that era.

Pretty su

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He also does the stiff old man shuffle.

effinayright said...

madAsHell said...
He LOOKS great for a 80 year old

I saw Vladimir Lenin in his tomb. Joe doesn't look that good.


effinayright said...

rcocean said...
I say this about Biden: He LOOKS great for a 80 year old.

And that's what counts!!!!

As Billy Crystal used to tell us on SNL:

"It's not how you FEEL, it's....how....you... LOOK!!!"

@ rocean: once again, you tell us that deep down, you're shallow.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cartel king pin... well. Not that he really knows it.

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