January 9, 2023

Sunrise — 7:36.



Reddington said...

Did Ann get some New York Times stock for Christmas? Really pushing the paywall today.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tweet: Lead author of peer reviewed research re-analysing Pfizer & Moderna trials on mRNA vaccine @JosephFraiman calls for immediate suspension of jab due to serious harms.

‘We have conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac death’

Link to tweet with video

I first watched the video via Rumble. It's now been up on Twitter for 12 hours.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tweet: Euthanasia doctor wants us to stop using that word and instead call it “care right to the end of life”

Link to tweet with embedded video

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Variety: Damar Hamlin Released From Cincinnati Hospital, Is ‘Neurologically Completely Intact’

link to story

Good News.

CWJ said...

Ever since it happened, I've been thinking about an incident towards the end of the Packer game. Players and trainers were hovering over an injured player, when a third trainer pulled an uninjured player aside so that he could gain access to the player that needed help. I watched surprised and then disgusted that the uninjured player then roughly shoved the trainer in response. To their credit, more level headed parties quickly ejected the player from the game and field of play. But I don't think I'll soon forget this player's unhinged behavior. After a week of Hamlin agonistics, perhaps something was to be expected, but for the life of me I can't navigate the line from injured player to roughing up a fellow employee for having the temerity to think he has a greater right than you to practice the skills of his employment.

n.n said...

‘We have conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac death’

Aside from planned parent/hood early in the pandemic, vaxxxines were known to correlate with an elevated risk of adverse events. The spike protein in particular was known to be pathogenic. That said, how you get infected matters.

n.n said...

Tweet: Euthanasia doctor wants us to stop using that word and instead call it “care right to the end of life”

Semantic games. For people to properly empathize with this wicked solution, and in the wake and in honor of Planned Parenthood, it should be called planned personhood.

Mark said...

Lem needs to get his own blog.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

On MSNBC and "Authoritarianism"
A brief response to the latest hit piece

MSNBC opinion columnist Zeesham Aleem just penned the latest in what’s become a parade of hit pieces from mainstream outlets directed at me and other independent journalists. Even by the low standards of the genre, “How the populist left has become vulnerable to the populist right” is a humorous standout. It argues that after I spent a month detailing how the FBI, DHS, DOD, CIA and other agencies built a system for mass delivery of censorship requests to firms like Twitter and Facebook, I helped fuel a subculture that “could funnel people from leftism to authoritarianism.”

Here’s a brief list of talking heads at the network now claiming people like me, Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard and Jimmy Dore are the ones guilty of funneling audiences to “authoritarianism”:

John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, now senior intelligence analyst at MSNBC

Frank Figliuzzi, formeer Assistant Director of Counterintelligence at the FBI

Asha Rangappa, former Special Agent for the FBI, specializing in counterintelligence

Nicolle Wallace, former Communications Director for George W. Bush

Jeremy Bash, former Chief of Staff of the CIA

Clint Watts, former FBI counterintelligence agent and MSNBC national security analyst

Chuck Rosenberg, former Acting DEA administrator and senior FBI official

Nayyera Haq, former Senior Director of the White House

Richard Painter, former Chief Ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House

Neal Kaytal, former Acting Solicitor General of the United States

Ben Rhodes, former National Security Advisor to Barack Obama

Barry McCaffrey, former U.S. Army General and Drug Czar, security analyst for NBC and MSNBC

Stephen Twitty, former Lieutenant General of the U.S. Army

Joyce Vance, former U.S. Attorney

Barbara McQuade, former U.S. Attorney

Glenn Kirschner, former Assistant U.S. Attorney

The right word to describe this brand of gall escapes me. The nerve? The bottle? The damned cheek? Both MSNBC and similarly foundering competitor CNN (which lost 19% and 27% of their audiences, respectively, last year) have been open for years now in their desire to serve as final revolving door destinations for the shadiest conceivable military and security officials. While MSNBC went after Brennan, Figliuzzi, and Bash, CNN scooped up James Clapper, Michael Hayden, and Steven Hall, among many others. The lists are so long, only an exceptional mind could keep track of them all. How many spooks fled to the Peacock?

Matt links to a movie clip

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I have been playing with that Chat AI bot, and honestly, it is kind of amazing. But I asked of for the list of main characters of a certain novel by a certain writer, an it gave me the list for a different, more popular novel by the same writer.

I asked it for the main motifs of Moby Dick, and this was its response:

1. Obsession: The main theme of the novel is the destructive power of obsession, as exemplified by Captain Ahab's all-consuming desire to catch and kill the white whale.
2. The sea: The sea is a recurring motif in the novel, symbolizing both the vastness and mystery of the natural world, as well as the dangers and uncertainties of life.
3. The whale: The whale, and specifically the white whale Moby Dick, is a significant motif in the novel. The whale represents the ultimate challenge and quarry for the whalers, as well as a force of nature that is both powerful and unpredictable.
4. Good and evil: The novel explores the themes of good and evil, and the blurred lines between them. Captain Ahab is portrayed as a complex and flawed character, with both admirable and monstrous qualities.
5. The quest: The voyage of the Pequod is a metaphor for the human quest for knowledge and understanding. The characters' pursuit of the white whale is a metaphor for the search for meaning and purpose in life.

I asked it to write a program in basic the corresponded to an exam question I had had in a computer science course, and it output a program that looks like it would work, and was a lot better than my answer, lo these many years ago.

AI is kind of a fun toy. I think it's going to be around for a while.

Humperdink said...

@Lem. Let's not forget the retired intelliflacks (CIA/FBI) who flocked to Twitter to assist in their operational censorship.

@Mark. I went looking for your blog and could not find it.

Jaq said...

Here is a plot for a novel it created based on my prompt of a love triangle and an ocean voyage, apparently it overlooked throwing a giant diamond into the ocean, but maybe it would have if I had prompted it to include the ship hitting an iceberg.

The novel opens as the three main characters board a luxury ocean liner in New York City, bound for Europe. The woman, Anna, is a wealthy socialite who is engaged to one of the men, William, a successful businessman. The other man, Jack, is a struggling artist who has been invited on the voyage by Anna's sister.

As the ship sets sail, Anna begins to have doubts about her relationship with William and is drawn to Jack's passion and creativity. Despite her feelings, Anna remains loyal to William and tries to resist her attraction to Jack.

As the voyage progresses, Anna and Jack become close friends and spend more time together, exploring the ship and getting to know each other. William becomes jealous and suspicious of their relationship, and tensions between the three of them escalate.

As they near the end of the voyage, Anna is torn between her love for William and her growing feelings for Jack. She is faced with a difficult choice: stay with the safe and reliable William, or take a chance on the unpredictable and uncertain future with Jack.

The novel concludes with Anna making a decision and the three of them confronting the consequences of her choice.

Humperdink said...

Headline: Biden administration weighs nationwide ban on gas stoves: report (NY Post)

From the article: "“This is a hidden hazard,” CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr., told the outlet. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Recognize the name? He's the son of Richard Trumka, world famous coal mining fraud. Worked in a coal mine ever so briefly and turned it it into the AFL-CIO presidency.

Headline should read: Son of coal miner calls for clean burning gas stoves to be banned.

The Commie-Pinkos might not see the humor in that.

cfs said...

Researchers Discover Surprising Risks for COVID-19 Infection + Significant Protection From Vitamin D

Surprising to who? Fauci?


May the FBI raids start!


cfs said...

"Blogger Lem Former Twitter Aficionado said...
On MSNBC and "Authoritarianism"
A brief response to the latest hit piece


Taibbi, Greenwald, Weiss, and those other independent journalists are not leftists, they are liberals and somewhat Libertarian, but certainly not conservative or authoritarian. I'm a conservative and read all three of their substacks each day (although Greenwald doesn't update his much lately due to family health issues), and agree with them on some issues. At least they are honest. The left are upset they the journalists have pulled back the curtain on the government and social media's suppression of conservatives' speech. And, they have shown just how deep in the government pocket the MSM newsreaders have burrowed themselves.

To accuse them in such a way shows just how disingenuous and far from the truth Zeesham Aleem and the others listed have become. They support the deep state and only the deep state and no longer have any principles to abandon.

cfs said...

Here is the link to Matt Taibbi's latest article.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Several sources tonight: "Classified docs from Biden’s time as VP discovered in his UPenn office - VP has no declass authority"

Isn't somebody trying to indict Trump for the same thing?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden on classified material at Mar-a-Lago: "How [could] anyone ... be that irresponsible?"

Now we know, Biden himself was that "irresponsible".

Beasts of England said...

The SEC is pretty good…

D.D. Driver said...


This should be fun. I wonder if the the new DOJ oversight committee will be interested in this? My popcorn is ready. 🍿

Pretty cool that they knew about this before the election but waited a comfortable amount of time before making it public. I can't wait to learn how this is different than Trump's storage of classified docs. I do know it's ALWAYS different when the democrats do it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Georgia Dawgs are running away with it 45 - 7 in the 3rd quarter.

"They are keeping the pedal down".

Creola Soul said...

Re Humperdinck’s comment…..
Let me get this straight…..let’s make it hard and expensive to produce electricity. Then, let’s outlaw gas stoves. Got it.
I mean, ffs, there’s no electricity to charge your cars in California when you most need it. Now you won’t be able to cook.
These folks are insane. We’ll be like Africa, cooking outdoors over wood or dung fueled stoves.

traditionalguy said...

65-7. Biggest point spread in college. Bowl,history. That’ll do dogs.

traditionalguy said...

The mass psychosis of CO2 warming anything continues to be the tool used to destroy our lives. Somebody needs to stop the profiteer con-artists stealing our wealth off of that insane lie. Just demand truth to their faces.

Gospace said...

In a report from the UK Daily Mail and spread by bloggers, TS/SCI documents were found among Biden’s papers at “The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement”. Just a quick reminder, the President, as in PRESIDENT Trump has ultimate classification authority and there are no formal procedures he has to follow. Period. Vice-presidents, as in VICE-PRESIDENT Biden have no declassification powers at all. They belong to the President. So their presence there is proof of an actual crime. According to the article the documents were found by Biden’s lawyers- who did not have the clearance to read or handle them. They were handed over, but it doesn’t say to who.

The DoJ is “investigating “. Yeah, right. No news about the FBI securing all the entrances of “The Biden Center…” to conduct a thorough search with security cleared agents to see what else might be squirreled away there.

I’m actually thoroughly shocked the news of this came out and the lawyers involved are still employed.

Quaestor said...

"The novel opens as the three main characters board a luxury ocean liner..."

James Cameron's Titanic was such a crashing bore. The sequence involving Jack and Rose sloshing through those Third Class companionways waist-deep in freezing water was the nadir. I daresay no one who actually attempted that lived to reach the boat decks. Rose's fascination with Jack's rebellious, artistic nature was almost as bad but miserably predictable given the hamfisted rotter Cameron gave us for an antagonist. Come on! A genuine disaster is hardly a suitable setting for an adolescent fairy tale. The Rank Organization's A Night to Remember was far more interesting, though grossly inaccurate regarding the ship's final minutes.

A "crashing bore" is in itself a crashing bore. Perhaps Titanic was the paradigm case of a drowning bore -- a tedious bit of fluff that splashes and flounders for a while only to vanish from human sight to join the crabs' smorgasbord as a meat course.

Big Mike said...

I see that the FBI and U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch are investigating — at this point Attorney General Merrick Garland has amply demonstrated that I should put “investigation” in scare quotes — as to how ten classified documents came to be left lying around in Joe Biden’s old office at the Penn Biden Center. The Penn Biden Center is identified as a think tank (as if we can apply words related to cogitation to anything associated with Joe Biden) where the former Vice President worked (or drew a salary at any rate) during the Trump administration years. At the very least the documents were improperly — and thus illegally — handled.

But who am I kidding? Nothing is illegal when a Democrat does it.

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gospace said...

Slowly but surely the mainstream media and public health authorities in OTHER countries are beginning to put out the word- the vaccine that doesn't work both doesn't work and is dangerous. And major medical groups in the USA are posting data saying hey- not only don't the vaccines work, but it seems they make it move likely you'll get the disease you're being vaccinated against. Joseph Fraiman mentioned above by Lem is one of a growing number of doctors willing to speak out and say "ENOUGH!"

And- there's a growing consensus among the people that pushed the vaccines that don't work on us and demanded that us evil unvaccinated be punished for wrongthink shouldn't actually be held accountable, as that would be wrong and undermine democracy or something. I'm more sympathetic to #teamheadsonpikes then that view.

Seems data is coming out showing Pfizer lied about both effectiveness and about vaccine dangers. I'm all for holding Nuremburg style traials for them where the guilty verdict is pretty much preordained, and it's just the severity of the punishment to be decided. Hanging for bunch of those responsible would be an accptable option. There's a photomeme that's been running around for a while now that puts the issue very succinctly- "Remember, the experts weren't mistaken. They were lying." Yes, they were.

Before the vaccine that doesn't work every attempt at using mRNA for any type of treatment failed. Again, before the vaccine that doesn't work every attempt at making any kind of vaccine for a coronavirus failed, and some backfired hugely. Looks like both records are still intact. They're now testing an experimental mRNA flu vaccine. Don't volunteer for testing, and don't take it if approved. To mRNA- just say no.

So changing rants- Ban gas ranges? Becasue they're dangerous? And harmful to health? I have but to laugh. Except, of course, they're serious. And also seriously demented. Personally, I prefer cooking in an electric oven- better temperature control. And I like my induction cooktop, quick response, easy to clean. But that's my choice. For steaks, I prefer charcoal grilling, but I'm not going to do that inside- that would be foolhardy. Don't have the ventilation for it. I've been to restaurants in the past that had the ventilation for charcoal, and cooked over it. I'm sure they're still around, but don't know of any locally. One of my nephews is an actual certified chef- and he prefer gas cooktops. To each their own.

And changing rants again- censorhip. It comes in many forms. Seems suddenly DemoncRATs and other evil people are calling for the first amendment to be eliminated. They're not saying that directly, but hey, we must do something about all this DISINFORMATION being spread. You know, stuff like the incredibly effectve covid vaccine is dangerous and doesn't work- that's wrongthink, and shouldn't be allowed. Oh, whoops, turns out that never was disinformation, but free discussion was banned by governmant action telling twitteer and facebook to ban free discussion. Again- everyone public official who contacted twitter and asked or TOLD them to censor or not publish certain viewpoints is guuilty of Rebellion or insurrection under 18 U.S. Code § 2383. The first amendment is part of the Constitution, and the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. They were directly engaged in subverting the Constitution. A much better case can be made against them then ANY January 6th defendent being unlawfully held without bail or speedy trial.

Saint Croix said...
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Saint Croix said...

The next time she lies to your face

look her in the eye

and quietly let her know

she needs to tell the truth

Saint Croix said...

If a homeless addict comes up to you for help

put your hands on them

denounce Satan

and free them of their addiction

Saint Croix said...

Do you think Jesus would put his hands on a pregnant woman

and make her baby disappear?

Saint Croix said...

ask people what they want before you try to help them

rehajm said...

This has nothing to with investigations. These DHS/FBI programs are not for building cases. It’s a one-way communication stream with Twitter at the end processing spreadsheets full of government-generated moderation requests. Not even close to the criminal case-building mission. - Matt Taibbi

…and like Monica Lewinsky, Twitter is the only one who got caught. The DHS/FBI program enlisted and coordinated with every major tech firm and media outlet including Ann’s precious If they’re not reporting it it didn’t happen NYT and WaPo.

…and did they shut this program down or is it still running?

Maybe they can distract us with Trump’s tax returns again?

farmgirl said...

Lem is an Althouse treasure trove.

wendybar said...

“When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House? These documents were definitely not declassified.” Trump said.


wendybar said...

“He lost his life protecting our elected representatives, upholding the will of the American people, and defending our Constitution,” a military aide said from the podium in the East Room on Friday. “For his service and his ultimate sacrifice, we the people honor U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick.”

But that isn’t what happened. Sicknick suffered two strokes caused by a blood clot near his brain stem; the D.C. coroner concluded Sicknick died of natural causes on January 7, 2021 at the age of 42. Rather than allow his family the chance to grieve with dignity and in privacy, the media immediately seized on his untimely passing to portray Trump supporters as cop killers."


wendybar said...

"This is what happens when there is no war, no direction, and an 18-month red cycle with no mission," a Special Forces soldier said. "So dudes are fucking around with young kids and the craziest drugs. All these lives ruined because people are just bored."


Saint Croix said...

If the homeless have you trapped in an alley

and they all want money from you

and you are scared

eyeball them

say, "the power of Christ compels you"

and walk right through them

JRoberts said...

I think the biggest crime regarding the documents is the thought that Joe Boden could ever be a contributing principal of a "think tank"

The grift just keeps on going. Maybe he and Dr. Jill should start the "Biden Global Initiative"

Jaq said...

"James Cameron's Titanic was such a crashing bore."

But AI decided that it was the model for a plot of a novel based on shipboard romance, right down to using the name "Jack," and making him an artist. I wonder if an unwary writer could end up getting sued if he used AI to generate a story, and it was a direct ripoff of some story the writer had never read? By definition, every AI generated novel is going to be derivative.

I will say this, this chatbot would made me a lot more prolific programmer. I asked it for a data structure for an associative array in C, and it whipped one out in no time, and showed me how to access it. Of course it was an invitation to a memory exception, and it makes me wonder if I had used it for something more complex, that I was taking risks of writing code that I didn't fully understand. I suppose you could go back and ask it "why is this code blowing up" in whatever way it happens, or 'generate me a complete set of test cases, etc. But you are always at the mercy of it misunderstanding something.

donald said...

How BOUT Them Dawgs.

I never use that phrase, but oh hell yeah.

Brock Bowers is almost bald.

Jaq said...

This is Ukraine talking about their plans for their Russia speaking regions years prior to Russia's intervention:

Ukraine's previous President, Poroshenko, and his policy on Donbass: "We will have jobs—they will not. We will have pensions—they will not. [....] Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements (cellars)."

Their plan is ethnic cleansing and always has been.

Saint Croix said...

If You Are Ready For the Next Level

Find a buddy

go into a strange town without any money

talk about Christ

and see what happens

donald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
West TX Intermediate Crude said...

They are releasing the Biden having classified documents story now because it's time for him to make way for Kamala (after the half-way point in his term).
Kamala will be told who her VP is, and know that she has a year to reform her reputation and skill set. If she does not succeed in this MSM-assisted turnaround, she will go quietly.
The Dems only problem is that they have to find a BIPOC transgender person who is native born and over 35 to be VP, lest they be accused of racism and sexism in pushing Kam aside. I don't envy them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks Farmgirl. I enjoyed your posts myself.

gilbar said...

TiV said...
I asked it for a data structure for an associative array in C, and it whipped one out in no time, and showed me how to access it. Of course it was an invitation to a memory exception, and it makes me wonder if I had used it for something more complex

how does one guard against back doors, in code they wrote; if they have NO IDEA what their code Does?
Sounds like it could be a fun world we* are building

we* and by 'we', i mean whoever is actually Doing the building

Iman said...

Saint Croix… I warned our Cairn Terrier if she wore that cute little sweater my wife gave her for Christmas and walked down a certain alley in town, she’d wish she hadn’t.

But did she listen to me?

Jaq said...

"how does one guard against back doors, in code they wrote;"

Basically, the only way you have a chance at writing clean, tamper-proof, code is to write in machine language. They could be putting back doors in compilers, and how would you know?

Jaq said...

OK, this AI chat is more addictive than Wordle, at least to me. I asked it for suggestions for a plot complication in a story about two old friends on a fishing trip:

One potential complication for a story about two old friends on a fishing trip could be a revelation about a past secret or betrayal. For example, one of the friends might confess to something that the other did not know, such as an affair or a crime, which creates tension and strain on their relationship.

Another potential complication could be a natural disaster or unexpected event that endangers their lives and forces them to rely on each other for survival. This could lead to the friends reevaluating their relationship and the things they took for granted, and help them to appreciate the value of their friendship.

A third idea is one of them is not well, a physical injury or mental health issues. It could provide them a chance to help and support each other and brought them closer.

These are just a few examples of the many different ways you could create a complication for your story about two old friends on a fishing trip. The key is to choose something that feels authentic to your characters and their relationship, and that will push them to confront and overcome the challenges they face together.

You could actually write a couple of those stories. If you wanted to write a potboiler, you could use them all in one. It's like a writing coach.

Saint Croix said...

Saint Croix… I warned our Cairn Terrier if she wore that cute little sweater my wife gave her for Christmas and walked down a certain alley in town, she’d wish she hadn’t.

But did she listen to me?

ha ha ha

that's a cute breed

but yeah, you don't want to be upper-class sweater dog in some dark alley

I think Disney covered this in Lady and the Tramp

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