January 15, 2023

Should Hunter Biden's daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, be allowed to change her name to Navy Joan Biden?

Hunter Biden — who is confirmed to be the father and pays child support — says no, reported in "Hunter Biden asks court to stop love child from taking his sullied surname" (NY Post).

The mother, Lunden Roberts, argues that the name change will be good for the child, because it is "synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute and politically powerful."

Hunter Biden's argument is that the name isn't good!

It's the mother who wants the name changed, now, while "the disparagement of the Biden name is... at its height." Who knows what the girl — who is only 4 — will want in the future? — he asks. Why not wait until she can decide?

Obviously, the mother wants advantages for her girl — who is, after all, the granddaughter of the President of the United States. The mother characterizes the estrangement from her father's family as a kind of "misconduct or neglect" that "can be rectified by changing her last name to Biden." 

Is it "misconduct or neglect" to invite so much attention to this little girl? (You'll see if you click on the link that there are many photographs of the beautiful child.)

That's an argument we don't see Hunter Biden making. How could he? If he really believed that and cared, he would do all he could to protect her. He says he is trying to "protect" her from the hardship of having his name, but who can believe he is motivated by the desire to protect her? What good has he ever done for her that wasn't forced by a lawsuit?


Kate said...

If the child's father is Hunter Biden, accepted and acknowledged, then let her change her name. The rest is future-casting and money-grubbing and avoidance. What's best for her psychologically is to let her (force them to let her) belong to her family.

Danno said...

Lunden Roberts, argues that the name change will be good for the child, because it is "synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute and politically powerful."

Maybe politically powerful, but only because our journalists have protected the Biden family whether right or wrong until now.

gilbar said...

The Biden Family, is All About Love, and Togetherness.
The Love, that cums from showering with your teenage daughter.
The Love, that cums from f*cking your dead brother's widow, while on another crack binge.
The Love, that cums from f*cking, and knocking up strippers, while on another crack binge.
The Togetherness, of ignoring your daughter.. And going to court, to deny her your name.

Sally327 said...

It seems patriarchical, Hunter Biden trying to control what surname his child can use. Very un-modern of him. I am trying to figure out why it benefits Hunter to win this particular fight. And also trying to figure out what the mother gets out of this. It's not going to affect how much money Hunter has to pay (which, by the way, he has not been paying all that willingly and he recently tried to get the amount reduced).

rehajm said...

The Bidens are really awful people, aren’t they? Back in the day even Democrats rejected them. Joe got historical preservation status with Delewarian voters somehow…are Delewarians awful people, too?

Michael said...

I know the temptation is to guffaw at another Biden family dysfunction, but think about how sad this whole scene has become. And it's not just Hunter. Joe, Jill and the whole cast are disowning one of their own. How do you do that and sleep at night? Are one's need for public face and political power so overwhelming a force that it can cripple one's humanity in such a manner?

Meanwhile across America there are millions of grandparents caring for the child born from their own offspring's casual dalliances. They seem to have a more grounded moral compass than the family occupying the White House.

mezzrow said...

If there is a road to redemption for Hunter Biden, it will include his acceptance of this child as fully his and include a full accounting of how they all got to the place they find themselves today. God willing, she will be here long after we are all gone.
Isn't it interesting how so many bad decisions by two people could have created something so beautiful as this child. Life's a funny thing, that way.

William said...

The mother is crass and exploitative. You can see why she and Hunter hit it off for a time. We as a community should all support and encourage her in her efforts to gouge Hunter and his father for every available penny. I don't think, however, should use every available means. Her relations with Hunter were profane and mutually exploitative. I would wish her relations with her daughter to be more honorable. I don't see how this is in the child's best interest.

Dave Begley said...

Be sure to click through for the pictures of the cute little girl.

And why haven’t Joe and Jill accepted this little girl?

Dave Begley said...

How about a hypenanated last name? Roberts-Biden. Very modern. I see it in college football all the time.

Just watch. The judge in Arkansas will join the baby rather than split the baby.

Danno said...

gilbar said...The Biden Family, is All About Love

Like in Joe's attempt of a high-tech lynching in Clarence Thomas' Supreme Court confirmation hearing?

rehajm said...

What does the United States Navy have to say about all this?

Michael said...

She can change her sex and she can change her goddamn name.

Beasts of England said...

Navy deserves a White House stocking at Christmas. The Bidens are white trash.

michaele said...

Maybe the child is showing precocious artistic talent in her drawing and coloring and the mom wants her to benefit from the trail her birth father has blazed. It might mean the difference of 100s of thousands of dollars to be able to sign her work with the Biden name.

Owen said...

The kid should be free to take any name at all. Although I personally think that taking the surname “Biden” is a bit déclassé. A much better version would be “Unindicted Biden.”

Big Mike said...

Joe got historical preservation status with Delewarian voters somehow…are Delewarians awful people, too?

@rehajm, as a person who yes to vacation at Bethany Beach (just south of Rehoboth), that’s affirmative.

Mary Beth said...

I think it's funny that she shares a last name with the Chief Justice (no relation that I know of) and is arguing that "Biden" sounds more educated. I will agree that it is more politically powerful, but why does a child need political power? Also, that wheel turns, so who knows whether that will be the case in a few years.

holdfast said...

If the little girl is not allowed to change her name she will never grow up to take large bribes from Ukrainian energy interests and Chinese industrialists who are connected to the CCP. That would be a crime.

gspencer said...

The mother is going to court for permission to be "allowed to change her [daughter's] name?"

What's with all this "allowed" stuff. We're not allowed to do anything unless some public official gives the okay.

"Her name was McGill but she called herself Lill and everyone knew her as Nancy"

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Oh, what bullshit! StripperMom wants a do-over. She could have named the child Biden when she filled out the birth certificate, plenty of men have been falsely accused of paternity that way. And Hunter's response, what hot garbage!

Once again, the Bidens and those in their orbit have proven themselves to be the trashiest bunch in the trailer park!

Tina Trent said...

The child is his. It's more disturbing she is not embraced as an equal with her siblings, cousins, aunts uncles, grandparents and father.

And the term "love child" is grotesquely demeaning. You might as well call her a "sperm child." What all of those powerful people are doing is disowning an infant.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden - Degenerate loser with millions of our washed clean tax dollars in his bank account.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If one of Trump's kids sired a child with a prostitute - spoze we'd never hear the end of it in the press.

Temujin said...

She just wants her daughter to have an inside track on getting a seat on the board of Burisma.

Curious George said...

"Michael said...

I know the temptation is to guffaw at another Biden family dysfunction, but think about how sad this whole scene has become. And it's not just Hunter. Joe, Jill and the whole cast are disowning one of their own. How do you do that and sleep at night? Are one's need for public face and political power so overwhelming a force that it can cripple one's humanity in such a manner?

You're kidding right? These are the Bidens. The answer to you question is "yes, of course."

Sean said...

How much money is being spent in this pursuit? The end game is to have this child carry the name of her estranged splooge-stooge dad.

What is positive about this? These people are messed up.

I guess the legal argument is interesting. Are there legal restrictions on taking family names? Am I not allowed to declare to be called Kennedy if I so choose?

Ann Althouse said...

The child is a real person, and her interests should be put first — and probably will be put first by the court. I doubt that exposing the child to publicity is in her best interest. The important thing is that child support payments are made, and the mother should use that money to provide the best home and education that she can. She should not use the child to make additional money or try to turn the child into a mini-celebrity.

Bob Boyd said...

At least they didn't name her Space Force Joan.

Lurker21 said...

Navy Joan ought to be able to have a normal life, or at least as normal a life as a girl whose mother was a stripper, whose father is an addict and grifter, whose grandfather is Joe Biden, and whose first name is Navy can possibly have. If she wants to change her name later to cash in that's up to her. I suppose that 20 years from now, she could have the world at her feet, but she has to survive childhood first. Children can be cruel, and the adults around little Navy Joan don't seem to be capable of making good decisions or raising children properly.

"Navy Joan" reminds me of "Usnavy." The story -- I don't know if it's true -- is that people south of the border saw the "US Navy" on passing ships and thought it was a good name for their daughters. Nowadays "Navy" may suggest Old Navy and its colorful advertising, rather than either a glorious maritime heritage or the seediness surrounding many naval bases. Kudos, though, for bringing back the grand old name "Joan."

Lurker21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Marshall said...

It is shameful of the Bidens, as a family, to deny this child is a part of their family. Joe, she's your granddaughter, please!

On the other hand, they might be doing her a favor, keeping her out of that low-class, incestuous, child-bothering mess. Lower chance of getting sniffed and fondled by you-know-who.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not dealing with respectable people here. Yeah - good luck making sure that child isn't messed up.
We are dealing with a prostitute for a mother, and a crack using dick jerking money grubbing crook (crook part is OK with the FBI!) with zero responsibility in life for a father.
BTW - did he get the prostitute pregnant while married? No one in the media cares. Again - imagine if this were a Trump family member.

Steven Wilson said...

Other than the financial aspect of the arrangement, I can honestly say that it is no way in the best interest of a child to be associated with this family. And that the Biden's are fighting this tells you everything you will ever need to know about them.

Take the money and run. I'm hoping that the mother, Lunden(?) has her act together from the circumstances when the child was conceived. Maybe there are grandparents on the mother's side that would like to haveher.

retail lawyer said...

The rename of the girl would dilute the power and majesty of "I give you my word as a biden".

hombre said...

Althouse at 8:16: 'Nuff said!

Aggie said...

I must have missed something. Isn't the child free to change her name to whatever she wants it to be? What say-so do the Bidens have over these choices, since they have energetically forgone any parenting responsibilities, besides child support from afar?

BIII Zhang said...

That whole family is trailer trash; a blight on the Presidency.

It's child abuse to give this kid the name Biden without her consent.

JK Brown said...

She can change her gender, why can't she change her name? Perhaps she feels like a Biden genetically?

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse said...The important thing is that child support payments are made, and the mother should use that money to provide the best home and education that she can.

The name Biden is poi$on. But any man that would deny his son or daughter his name is a piece of shit. That's the Biden family. Poor little girl. Of course single birthing people can put whatever name they want on the birth certificate.

But Hunter already has tried to weasel out of child support, and our joke President and his "Doctor" wife haven't even acknowledged this little girl. More pieces of shit.

It's not just about child support either. Which part of the Biden Chinese/Ukranian fortune are they going to leave to her? Or are they going to shut her out of those spoils to?

More than anything, what will damage this little girl in her life is not the name, nor they money...but the disownment. Their gonna give this girl daddy issues right from the start.

Amazing that feminists support this family. But this is what you get when you hate REAL men. You get men like Joe and Hunter Biden.

Gusty Winds said...

On second thought it's probably best to keep this little girl away from her Grandpa Joe.

He might want to shower with her.

Amadeus 48 said...

I give you my word as a Biden…

Talk about a worthless promise! Talk about a worthless premise!

Joe his whole life has embodied the stereotype of the braggadocious Irish windbag (see Juno and the Paycock or Barry Lyndon) and now Hunter exposes the awful truth— the name is worthless.

I give you my word as a Snopes.

Cappy said...


Tina Trent said...

Ann, didn't Hunter Biden initiate this round of legal proceedings by seeking to reduce his support of the child? Family law sucks, but any good attorney would counter with precisely this motion.

I am sure though that the best interest of the child isn't putting leather pants on a four year old.

wendybar said...

Poor kid has Biden genes.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

What’s not mentioned is that Hunter is suing to reduce his court-ordered child support payments that were ordered after he denied paternity and underwent a DNA test that refuted that.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I think at one time many surnames reflected the trade or occupation of the family founder. Hunter's kids might be named "whoreson" (whoredaughter) "grifter" or "pimp." Yes, my father was successful in getting governments and rich people to bribe my grandfather. Not many people can say that.

Dave Begley said...

And check out the designer clothes and purse little Navy has. Ready for a trip to the White House.

Sebastian said...

"What good has he ever done for her that wasn't forced by a lawsuit?"

That's funny. But then, what good has he ever done?

"She should not use the child to make additional money or try to turn the child into a mini-celebrity."

Why are additional money and being a mini-celebrity not in the child's best interest, particularly if the "celebrity" derives from being associated with one of America's most powerful families and could potentially be turned into a number of media projects?

Dude1394 said...

I am quite sure having the name Biden WILL be a benefit as she goes forward in life. And being able to say whine her father is openly ( because her name is Biden ) will be comforting in everyday actions.

I mean we could call her Crow I guess, so we will always know is she is a bastard, that would be best I think.

Yancey Ward said...

I am guessing there is a trust document somewhere in the bowels of Biden Inc. that would make a "Biden" child an heir to some Ukrainian and Chinese money.

donald said...

Mom sure did get huge. I’m guessing the little one ain’t getting her fair share.

JPS said...

Poor kid.

It's probably been discussed, but Navy seems an especially odd first name for a child born in 2018 to a father discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2014, after being direct-commissioned in 2013 and failing a drug test one month later.

Well, I hope she'll be OK somehow, in the long run. And I hope (as some kind commenter wrote of Wm F. Buckley Jr.'s harshly rejected illegitimate grandson) her other grandparents are nice to her, anyway.

Big Mike said...

I view this litigation as just another gambit in a negotiation for greater child support payments.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter is supposedly married.

when did he impregnate a hooker?

gilbar said...

the biden NAME might be "poison", but the biden Family is worth Hundreds Of MILLIONS
(well; Hundreds of MILLIONS, pre Ukraine War... Probably Tens of BILLIONS, now.)
If i was a stripper.. I'd want My daughter to get some of That pie

tim maguire said...

It's hard to imagine the winning argument that says a child can't take her own father's name.

n.n said...

First, it is to mom and dad's credit that she did not abort the little "burden", and he did not convince, or succeed to convince, holding a human rite. After their first choice, and failing to prevent conception, mom and dad have equal responsibility for their Posterity. That said, perhaps he's just protecting his daughter in the light of Biden's progress and family cover-ups.

Jupiter said...

"The Bidens are white trash."

But not poor white trash.

Pauligon59 said...

Strangely enough, I think it is plausible that Hunter Biden is trying to protect his daughter. What parent would want there child mixed up with the shenanigans that go on in that family. The fact that the daughter still has to deal with her gold digger mother for some number of years is going to be punishment enough.

typingtalker said...

What is the meaning of the name Biden?
The name Biden is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means From The Shadow Valley, Button Maker.

Old English habitational surname from the word byden, meaning "shallow valley" or an occupational surname for a button maker, from the French word boton.


Static Ping said...

It says something about our current political situation that someone like Joe Biden, a man who is utterly corrupt, incompetent at everything other than politics and corruption, a liar of great accomplishment that I'm not sure he knows what the truth is anymore, and is now senile, is the champion of the "elite."

This is the sort of thing I would expect of a Chinese dynasty in a death spiral, the corrupt ministers protecting him only because if he was replaced they would risk losing their positions. The rot is great.

CJ said...

A name change would be for the better. Who wants to be called “Navy”?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Note all the missing leftists on this thread.

Lefty Mark?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Note the leftists stayed away from this thread.

They adore their degenerate Biden family dick-tators.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I can understand why the Bidens would not want to sully their good name by associating it with this illegitimate, gold digging 4 year old.

Gahrie said...

Hunter is supposedly married.

when did he impregnate a hooker?

I believe it was right after he stopped having sex with his brother's widow.

Gahrie said...

Yeah, my Dad was a criminal crack-addict pervert who tried to disown me, but he was also the son of the president of the United States.

Rosalyn C. said...

I think that the child should know who her father and grandfather are. Should she be ashamed of that name? No, she didn't do anything wrong. By having the Biden name her relationship to them can not be denied. It's much easier for her to disappear and be forgotten if she has some other last name. Hunter imo obviously wants to pretend she doesn't exist. IMO that's his motivation. Treating her like a non person is cruel.

I don't know how families operate in multi-mother or multi-father situations. Do the children consider themselves as part of an extended family of half siblings or never have anything to do with one another? Probably don't relate as children, but what about when they are older, or much older? Wouldn't you like to know if you have other elderly siblings, especially after your parents and maybe other siblings are gone?

n.n said...

Social distancing.

Lars Porsena said...

She needs to go full throttle on this name change to Navy Bean Biden.

Tina Trent said...

Bill Zhang: "trailer trash"?

Racist much?

farmgirl said...

Would having that last name put her at risk for kidnapping/targeting?
For the $$ or political leverage?

traditionalguy said...

Don’t try to see Biden’s mini me as motivated by family duties to accidental offspring. The Biden’s fame is their hold on great power. A hold that never gives lesser people an inch. Call it Cruelty Incorpoated. Trouble is unless they can extort millions in money from you, they hate you.

Which is why China gets everything and Americans get nothing from the nasty old bastard.

Tina Trent said...

JPS: excellent point. WFBuckley was scum.

Our Kennedy. Apologies for that.

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