We rented an LED truck and parked it outside of @pfizer world headquarters in Manhattan today⁰⁰Stay tuned… pic.twitter.com/P9waV9vx86
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 31, 2023
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
We rented an LED truck and parked it outside of @pfizer world headquarters in Manhattan today⁰⁰Stay tuned… pic.twitter.com/P9waV9vx86
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 31, 2023
I sure would like a complete and clear explanation of his directed evolution comments. The entire world is owed an explanation whether or not they are engaged in risky research. Pfizer's statement to date is not sufficient.
Project Veritas is a national treasure. I rather imagine that its lawyers stay plenty busy, though.
{ { { golf clap } } }
That video of the Pfizer exec was hilarious. When he found out that the video was out there he started screaming racism !
Delightful things you didn't really expect to see in 2023.
Faster than a FOIA request. More effective than a Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter (SS BLM) insurrection. A director at Pfizer feels giddy to tell all, then unsafe in day after regret, then Pfizer releases an announcement.
Epic. Alinsky smiles.
Good. At least we have a real JOURNALIST doing ACTUAL Journalism, instead of being a propaganda machine for the left. James O'Keefe deserves a REAL Pulitzer for his work unlike the liars at NYT's and WAPO who received them for spewing lies about the fake hoax paid for by Hillary Clinton, ALL because it was against that big mean Orange man. THIS is what an investigative Journalist does. Pfizer is poisoning us with Government approval. They all belong behind bars....preferably in Gitmo with the Clintons, Bidens and Obamas.
"If Big Pharma had been more honest about the vaccines’ability to prevent transmission and supported vaccinating only those medically compromised, Pfizers overly technical explanation would have more credibility" From Steven Brizel in the comment section.
On the one hand, I suspect the guy was just talking big in order to get some nookie. On the other hand, Pfizer's denials have not been very convincing and parse words in a way that make it look like the guy was telling the truth.
"That video of the Pfizer exec was hilarious. When he found out that the video was out there he started screaming racism!"
It was even funnier than that. When O'Keefe confronts him he first goes to the staff at the cafe and tells them to kick him and Veritas staff out. Then, when O'Keefe and Veritas begin to leave this poofter tells the cafe staff to lock the doors and keep them from leaving.
Then, Jordan "I lie on gay dates just like straight people do!" Walker jumps out in front of a car that doesn't even contain the Veritas crew.
Comedy gold. A new angry bottom classic!
James O'Keefe is some kind of Breitbartian genius. CBS and 60 Minutes should be hanging their heads in shame at losing their premier position as gotcha video journalism superstars.
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, CBS's "60 Minutes" showed ambush journalism every week in support of the leftist/Democratic policy agenda. Shocking undercover reports! I remember how they insinuated misconduct for a targeted doctor...among other things he stored food in a refrigerator with medication.
Back in the network TV era, Alan Funt humiliated regular people for fun and comedy on CBS's "Candid Camera."
This all was when CBS was described as the "Tiffany Network" and the "Gold Standard" for mainstream media. Walter Cronkite. Dan Rather before Rathergate. In the end, Project Veritas is just another case of "It's okay for us but not for them."
"The entire world is owed an explanation whether or not they are engaged in risky research. "
They were bragging about it before the pandemic. Just google "sting pathway bat virus research."
Here is what ChatGPT has to say on the subject:
Studies have shown that bats have evolved unique variations of the STING pathway, which may contribute to their ability to resist viral infections. This research provides insights into the potential mechanisms of antiviral defense and could inform the development of new strategies to treat viral infections in humans.
Here is Nature, in 2015, warning that the research was incredibly risky.
Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research Declan Butler Nature (2015)
An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.
In an article published in Nature Medicine1 on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them.
I don't know how much more fucking evidence we need.
That type of journalism has not been peer reviewed.
Project Veritas is a horse dewormer.
After the FDA initially played down a “statistical signal” linking Pfizer’s bivalent booster to an increased risk of stroke, a CDC presentation last week revealed the risk may be real after all and appeared to be higher in seniors who had simultaneously gotten a high-dose flu shot.
i said it before, but i'm saying it again..
IF Trump was Still President.. How would the mainstream media be treating these vaccines?
How else is Pfizer supposed to expand market share if it doesn't do the advance work creating new problems?
Directed Evolution? Why that’s old fashioned Eugenics. The Nazis redux.
If anyone is interested, let me contribute a more... professional perspective... as someone who actually can claim some understanding of the technology here. Of note, I think that Pfizer should be dragged through courts (Florida -- looking at you) for their brazen attempt to push this technology on young, and is overselling these useless (or worst than useless) boosters.
That said -- nothing in the Pfizer's statements rings any alarm bells, although there might be a bit of evasiveness, likely due to fear of their words being misinterpreted by laypeople. The experiments, including mutagenesis to study ability of viral protein to eliminate binding to antibodies, are completely legitimate, and even necessary, research.
Further, in regard to origins of this pandemics, the whole "gain-of-function" effort and hunt for new viruses, if done properly and transparently (none of which seemed to have been the case), are important and should be openly supported, rather than being left to secretive (military) or incompetent (those that leaked the current virus) labs.
Agh, good old "The Andromeda Strain"!
Media(D-hack) Loyalist
Biden handlers
Crook Fauci
Mega corporate medical whores...
Chi com disease spreaders - hardest hit.
On the other hand, Pfizer's denials have not been very convincing and parse words in a way that make it look like the guy was telling the truth.
I think he was telling the truth. To learn new things you have to experiment, and to a drug company, creating some new virus to figure out how to kill it, or see how it reacts to some stimulus etc., could result in useful knowledge.
It would be evil to deliberately release a newly built pathogen in order to profit, and there is always the "oops we fucked up" human factor leading to accidental release (which I am convinced is what happened in Wuhan). So Pfizer must publically disclose to lawmakers what they are doing -- not only to the CDC or NIH. They lost their trustworthy status. Then a small team of credentialed virologists, half of whom are skeptics of the natural origin, should be the ones to review and report.
"On the one hand, I suspect the guy was just talking big in order to get some nookie."
Not sure, his interlocutor was a male.
Something needs to happen. The Street just shrugged this off. I'm guessing our only hope is Sen. Rand Paul and the House GOP. I also note that Gov. DeSantis is convening a grand jury in FL about how PFE got immunity.
At the core of this is how the media is silent. Thank God we still have the something left of the First Amendment.
I never thought I'd live to see the day where the US media was so corrupted in favor of one party and certain favored corporations.
The Press has a constitutional duty to inform the public and it has become propaganda.
Gordon Pasha said...
Not sure, his interlocutor was a male.
Gordon? Time for some maintenance.. Your Gaydar is on the fritz
"Further, in regard to origins of this pandemics, the whole "gain-of-function" effort and hunt for new viruses, if done properly and transparently (none of which seemed to have been the case), are important and should be openly supported, rather than being left to secretive (military) or incompetent (those that leaked the current virus) labs."
That sounds an awful like "But real gain-of-function has never been tried!"
I think it is overwhelmingly clear - from the most memorable and recent experience of such a case - that "proper" and "transparent" gain-of-function not only does not occur, but that parties evaluated as being "proper" and "transparent" in undertaking it were catastrophically neither...destroying any claim by gatekeepers to an objective evaluation of capability to engage in this research ethically. And I would put drug companies like Pfizer and Merck and others at the very TOP of that list.
I'm going to assert that no party is properly and ethically equipped to undertake this research, which...wait for it...may have been the reason it was forbidden to engage in it to begin with.
No. I am not going to acquiesce to 'second times the charm guys!'
I'm still in the control group and as far as I know I've never contracted the rona.
"The experiments, including mutagenesis to study ability of viral protein to eliminate binding to antibodies, are completely legitimate, and even necessary, research."
Too big a risk, some things are not in the province of scientists to decide. As we can see, millions of lives were lost doing this kind of research. But then again, if it had been left to "lay people," WWI would never have happened. What a tragedy that would have been.
Tim in Vermont - my question is specifically what Pfizer is doing. We know what Wuhan and NIH were/are doing.
I thought they treated the guy pretty terribly by trying to puff up what he said into the cloud of vaccine conspiracy. There's no reason to be going after this guy.
Had to laugh, watching O’Keefe walking out to confront the Pfizer employee like Mike Wallace used to do to his subjects on 60 minutes.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
I never thought I'd live to see the day where the US media was so corrupted in favor of one party and certain favored corporations....The Press has a constitutional duty to inform the public and it has become propaganda.
You have to deal with the MSM and our government with the George Costanza rule. Believe and do the exact opposite of what they are telling you. They say meat and eggs are bad, and you should focus your diet on carbs. Eat Meat and Eggs. They tell you to get 'vaccinated', run for the hills.
If they say order the tuna salad on toast, order the chicken salad on rye, untoasted and you'll be better off.
So speaking of the vaccine that isn't...
One of the questions asked if you're donating blood is "Have you ever had a covid vaccine?" One type apparently disqualifies you, at least for a while.
Two other quesions:
Did you spend time that adds up to 3 months or more in the United Kingdom countries of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar, or the Falkland Islands?
FROM 1980 THROUGH 2001, DID YOU spend time that adds up to 5 years or more in France or Ireland? Time spent in Ireland does not include time spent in Northern Ireland which is part of the United Kingdom.
They're asking those because of mad cow disease.
Now today at Coffee & Covid 2023 (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/prion-shells-tuesday-january-31-2023) we have a link between- covid vaccine and prion disease. Except, instead of taking years to present, it's months.
Nothing puts one's back up like an obfuscating scientific explanation from a lawyer
If you've been paying attention, the idiot class has been working up to this for decades, now.
There is, for example, Bill Gate's various speeches he's given about the population "crisis", his buy-up of agricultural land, and a bunch of other "tells".
On top of all that, there's the mRNA research reports dating back to the 1990s; mRNA has been like nuclear fusion, until the COVID "crisis" came along. It was always the "vaccine technology of the ever-receding future...", because they couldn't ever get it past the point with the test animals where it wasn't resulting in odd sorts of clotting, reproductive issues, and a whole host of other things that are beginning to manifest. How many young, healthy athletes did we have dying on playing fields before the COVID/mRNA vaccine situation arose?
Of course, you point any of that out, and you're a crank. Dismissed by all right-thinking people...
Frankly, you'd have to be totally ignorant of the literature with regards to mRNA vaccination before you'd ever put that crap into your body in some sort of obscene free-floating test.
Here's the damn problem: Nobody reads or pays attention to this crap. I can remember the research reports about mRNA vaccines coming out in the media back in the 1990s, along with the problems. When they announced the Project Lightspeed results, I recognized the technology, went back to look, and discovered that they'd never worked out the issues; all that got any of that through was the "crisis", which looking back at it all, has all the hallmarks of manufacture. The various flu epidemics historically had a far higher case fatality rate, yet we didn't do anything like this COVID BS advocated by the Chinese and Fauci.
If anyone ever bothers to look into the details, this whole thing is going to wind up looking like the supposed "Opioid Crisis" we had--An artifact of the pharma companies and the medical-industrial complex, exacerbated by politics. It should bankrupt all involved, particularly the corrupt government officials that enabled the entire thing.
Rational response to COVID would have looked a lot more like what Sweden did than what everyone else did. Do note the much lower rate of fatality in Africa, where the use of ivermectin is prevalent for parasitic disease. That's what you'd call a "clue".
Also note that there were never any prophylactic treatments besides ventilators that the "establishment" espoused. You got COVID, you were sent home to either beat it or go into crisis wherein they'd hospitalize you and likely kill you with ventilators. Ventilation has always struck me as being really, profoundly stupid because what is a ventilator going to do? Drive the damn viral particle load up, deep in your lungs. Where does COVID usually take harbor? Your sinuses... So, put someone on ventilation whose sinuses are filled with viral particles, what's gonna happen? Mmmmm? Do the math; in these situations, you don't set things up to push those particles into the lungs, unless the air is somehow treated to lower the virus load. Common sense, which seems to be entirely lacking in a lot of our medical profession.
Ventilation is something extremely suspect in any respiratory disease; you can see that with anyone who uses a CPAP machine and has a sinus cold or flu situation going on. You take a minor cold with one of those machines, and pretty soon you'll have your lungs full of crap as well as your sinuses. I'm really amazed that they don't tell patients on CPAP not to use them when they've got anything at all going on in the sinus cavity, because all that forced air flow does is bypass the already suspect immunological system meant to cope with disease in the human lung. We really weren't meant to stand upright, with our lung system...
Takierks, my niece is a doctor, all done with her residency and everything else. She literally was dumbstruck when dumb old uncle Donald kept saying g this was a virus, it had to go through the population to establish herd immunity just like every other fucking virus. She literally laughed at me. She’s also gained about a hundred pounds since she started medical school (She was an all American volleyball player) and says it’s not a factor to her health at all. My brother the chemical warfare specialist and teacher was flabbergasted when talking to her. DO NOT GO TO HER FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT (In Rome GA).
You buy farmland because it has negative correlation to other assets in your portfolio. Gates hired morons to manage his non MSFT portfolio bit they got that one right…
"Dave Begley said...
I never thought I'd live to see the day where the US media was so corrupted in favor of one party and certain favored corporations.
The Press has a constitutional duty to inform the public and it has become propaganda."
Jesus Christ, this is so dumb I'm worried it might be contagious. You just wake up from a 40 year nap? It's always been that way. Always. Second, the Constitution puts limits on government, not requirements on private parties. You're a lawyer? No wonder you have so much time to spend here.
Dude's gone viral.
His Grindr's blowing up.
If no there there, he immediately ran to the "Liar" defense quickly...then foolishly tried to break that laptop.
At this point, anyone feeding at the Pfi-Derna troughs deserves a public flogging.
Freeman Hunt, usually you’re more perspicacious than this. It’s legitimate to use this man’s legitimately chilling recap of Pfizer’s research strategy to go after Pfizer.
"Congratulations to Bill Gates! Bill Gates invested $55 million on a pre-IPO equity investment into BioNtech mRNA vaccine manufacturer. Today, Gates’ investment is now worth over $550 million dollars."
The elite know where to go to pocket more.
tim in vermont said:
""The experiments, including mutagenesis to study ability of viral protein to eliminate binding to antibodies, are completely legitimate, and even necessary, research."
Too big a risk, some things are not in the province of scientists to decide. As we can see, millions of lives were lost doing this kind of research. But then again, if it had been left to "lay people," WWI would never have happened. What a tragedy that would have been."
Tim, actually, mutagenesis of S-protein on its own is no risk, and does not need live virus to test epitope coverage -- that is what they described as "computational study and...". The second part of my post, on bats and similar, yes, that is very high risk, but if done properly, almost zero. It is idiotic to do it in a major city (CCP-style), of course. But that is not what Pfizer is doing, absolutely no reason to go there for them.
"Further, in regard to origins of this pandemics, the whole "gain-of-function" effort and hunt for new viruses, if done properly and transparently (none of which seemed to have been the case), are important and should be openly supported, rather than being left to secretive (military) or incompetent (those that leaked the current virus) labs."
The elimination of incompetence and secrecy is a fool's errand, and thus so it gain-of-function and similar experiments. This is like squaring a circle- it is impossible.
J.K. Rowling
Jan 29
Female ex-prisoner in Scotland describes the daily reality of being forced to share shower areas and cells with trans women convicted of domestic abuse and murder. This is the very definition of cruel and degrading punishment.
Like Rape? Lefitsts do.
Never create a disease that you have no vaccine for. Never create a vaccine that you can't create a disease for.
By the contrapositive, if you have a vaccine, create a disease that the vaccine cures.
that optimizes the big pharma return.
Is this true? who knows.
"yes, that is very high risk, but if done properly, almost zero. "
Did you read the nature paper I quoted? I am just stupefied.
But other virologists question whether the information gleaned from the experiment justifies the potential risk. Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” he says.
That was 2015. Now we know one trajectory that such research could take, a pandemic in which millions are dead, not just from the virus itself, but from knock-on effects of the response, and the life of almost every human on Earth is disrupted to a greater or lesser extent. What is a low enough probability to make it worth the risk to millions of lives? Plainly it could have been far worse, the original SARS was fatal in a large percentage of cases. You posit the existence of infallible human beings doing science. Scientists publish papers, other people can copy their research, people who may not meet your high standards of infallibility.
The gallows is the proper response for the people behind the research that created COVID.
Curious George, Begley is a lawyer much thr way Alex Murdaugh was a lawyer ;)
tim in vermont said...
""yes, that is very high risk, but if done properly, almost zero. "
Did you read the nature paper I quoted? I am just stupefied. .... '...But other virologists question whether the information gleaned from the experiment justifies the potential risk. Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory”, he says.'"
and Yancey Ward said...
"The elimination of incompetence and secrecy is a fool's errand, and thus so it gain-of-function and similar experiments. This is like squaring a circle- it is impossible."
Yeah, I see your points, and I do not even disagree. Several last years did not exactly help in trusting the competence of NIH and scientists (except, obviously, in Simon from Paris). After Chernobyl, many felt that nuclear research should be closed down, and in 70's they made big deal about cloning in general.
All these things with bats and mutations will be done, one way or the other, in China, if not here, they were done under more primitive conditions in old Soviet Union and, likely, here as well, so they'd better be done under controlled situation and transparently.
Or in other words: If our good Dr. "I am Science" did not fund these experiments in China (through, what I 'glean' to be a fake company) -- do you really think they would not have been done, but without us even knowing what is going on? That was the whole point, not any science.
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