January 16, 2023

"I was persistent, even pushy. I said the uncomfortable things, that Covid was more like HIV than the flu, that Covid was never going away..."

"... that we shouldn’t have to keep tiptoeing around the normalcy fairytale. I referred to all the research showing that we would have to invest heavily in HEPA filtration, even upper room UVGI down the line if we wanted our daughter to stay in school. As Kraken began spreading, I put my foot down and said if our school didn’t bring masks back, we would have to homeschool her.... Finally, I told him neither one of us would ever be able to live with ourselves if she developed a chronic illness because we were too weak to stand up for her health...."

From "We Convinced Our School to Bring Back Masks/Here's how we did it," by Jessica Wildfire (OK Doomer).

Via Metafilter, where somebody says: "I believe the point the article's author is making is that a lot of information is coming out that covid has a permanent or semi-permanent affect on immune systems.... Covid seems to be an immune-affecting disease. Like HIV...."


Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

Masks? How about something more effective like snapping your fingers every hour?

n.n said...

Covid-19/20/21/22 or Covaxxx? The spike protein is pathogenic. The "vaccine" is non-sterilizing. The vaxxxine is mutagenic. Yes, it can be contracted through fecal transmission. How you get infected matters.

Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study

Trained medical professionals, in a controlled environment, with virtually unlimited resources. Your results may vary.

mikee said...

In the movie Blade Runner 2049, the young woman living in the isolation room, protected from all germs, might be an example guiding these parents' insanity.

Jake said...

I'm not going to spend the time to read what she wrote. If Covid is the end of humanity, so be it. I would note, however, I presume her kids got sick again after contracting covid because she had kept them sheltered for so long they hadn't been exposed to other bugs and, therefore, weren't immune. Not some other something. And, if it is some other something, every person I know that's had covid is now fine except for those that had preexisting immune problems/comorbidities. So, maybe you're in the extreme minority? And maybe we shouldn't drive public policy based on the least common denominator.

mezzrow said...

On the bell curve of Covid fear, this is an example of what it looks like at the thin end of one end of the tail.
Amazing the degree to which it mimics the tone on the other tail end of the curve.
The common thread? Be relentless, doubt is the greatest enemy. All we want is everything we want, plus this one other thing too.
Or, is it all parody, including the comments? Hard to tell.

paminwi said...

“She came home with sniffles a couple of times.”
This has to be her first kid.
Does she not understand once your kids are in any kind of school setting from preschool to regular school your kid has sniffles all the time.
It will never stop. Little kids especially, touch their runny noses and then touch toys, crayons, doorknobs, whatever!
Now her kid will have a runny nose behind that mask!

Tho only thing she said that made sense, WHICH THE FEDS GAVE MILLIONS OF $$$$ TO SCHOOLS FOR, is better ventilation.
Too many schools gave their teachers raises instead of improving air flow.

IMO this woman will want masks FOREVER!

rhhardin said...

covid has a permanent or semi-permanent affect on immune systems

Jake said...

Also, I think her "list" is comical. "Look! I compiled articles that support my position. I HAVE to be right. See all the articles?" The comments to her post are similarly so. They all tell her how great she is and how she's doing the right thing. Wonderful to live in echo chambers.

Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.

Bruce Hayden said...

Bunch of retards. My partner wears a mask, when traveling, or in doctor’s offices. But kids? It retards their development (which fits in with my characterization of that author and the commenters). I think it likely that those who keep getting COVID-19, have been vaccinated, which can destroy natural immunity. Indeed, getting vaccinated first can keep you from acquiring natural immunity when you do get COVID-19, partly because of the overfixation on (esp) Wuhan variant spike proteins.

No doubt they got the teachers behind this, because as a class, they tend to be very liberal, and prefer nothing more than to getting paid to not go to school, but teach remotely, where they can ignore their trouble students.

Oh, and her vaunted masks don’t prevent transmission of the virus. When you are presymptomatic or non symptomatic, the virus is primarily exhaled as an aerosol, and not on water vapor (which you get when you are coughing- when you are symptomatic, and should be self quarantining). And in an aerosol, the virons are an order of magnitude smaller than the holes in N95 masks. (And bandanas, neck gaitors, etc are worse than worthles, with holes that don’t even slow the virons in the aerosol down).

boatbuilder said...

What the hell?

So life as we know it is over, and our children shall be forever required to live in a state of imprisonment, varied only to the ever-changing whims of the doomsayers.

What a colossally stupid outlook on life.

Bruce Hayden said...

“covid has a permanent or semi-permanent affect on immune systems

Maybe. But we know that the vaccines do that.

Beasts of England said...

It’s a cult.

Dave Begley said...

The funny thing to me is that this Covid nuts all think they are so, so smart despite all the evidence to the contrary. Just like the CAGW loons. Wrong for over 50 years, but that won’t stop the net zero carbon insanity.

Do a Venn diagram of CAGW loons and covid nuts; near perfect overlaps.

Sebastian said...

Has any healthy kid, anywhere, actually died of Covid?

The post does show that it wasn't just teachers unions and power-hungry Dem officials who inflicted the Covid damage. Insane parents contributed.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'll go out on a limb now and say it is more likely the vaccine + COVID infections is the culprit more than the virus alone. I know many people who have had the virus once as happens with annual influenzas and recovered, my wife and I included. We are both just over 60-years-old and she had preexisting immune problems, which was the reason she avoided the mRNA. She was in health care for 20+ years and the risk of mRNA interacting with her immune system was too great compared to the minimal risk of treating COVID.

No one who we know that was unvaccinated and got the virus has had a repeat infection or long-term issues from COVID 19. Everyone we know who got the jab has also had COVID 19 at least once after the shot, except my mom who suddenly had D-fib problems. Just a coincidence though, right.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

rhhardin said...
covid has a permanent or semi-permanent affect on immune systems

It's more like the people who have extraordinary fear of COVID have an affect.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

“Okay,” he said. “You’re right.”

The guy was interested in getting laid at some point in the future and knew, based on past experience, that would not happen until he agreed with her.

I'd have sympathy for him, except for the fact that he is enabling her.

Gusty Winds said...

I had Omicron COVID Jan of 22. I'm fine. Noting since. Unvaccinated. Glad I got it over with. Didn't feel like a "natural" flu. Felt kind of... synthetic.

Question. Can you still catch COVID during unprotected sex if you're wearing a mask? I think you can contract HIV under the same conditions so I'm having a hard time understanding the similarities.

Seems the author is talking about a 4 year old that brought COVID home from pre-school. I don't think they are having unprotected sex at the preschool. No Bidens or Clintons are known to be employed there.

"For a little while, I felt paranoid." - HYPOCHONDRIA. But she is not alone. Howard Stern and Gene Simmons suffer from the same delusion. And they are willing to make children suffer for their own self-preservation just like millions of other crazy adults.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I said the uncomfortable things, that Covid was more like HIV than the flu, that Covid was never going away..."

Or, how I safely and effectively denied the efficacy of the covid vax.

Kate said...

Of course covid has a permanent effect. I've had a low-grade cough since my first bout in 2020 and I expect it to last the rest of my life. It will take two generations for the mutations to catch up and nullify covid. Deal with it. You can't hide from it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Safetyism, baby. Nothing is enough.

Lawnerd said...

The woman is insane. Data shows that Covid is not a risk to children or healthy adults. That is the science. Masking children cripples their mental development. That is the science. This fucking safetyism culture that is being shoved down our throats is the worst kind of totalitarianism. I will live my life to its fullest. Risks and all! Indeed, bring on the risks, they are the spice of life. Fuck all these snowflakes and their feelings and their need to live in a padded room to stay safe. Fuck them all.

n.n said...

Endemic viral or vaxxxine effect? Perhaps both, the former in a minority with preexisting comorbidities (and planned parent/hood), but the latter was an unforced error, and, of course, social contagion (e.g. cargo cult effect) with forward-looking collateral damage.

stlcdr said...

I've been sick 3 times in the past year, the last with COVID (a bad chest cold, really). Over the past year, mask usage has simply dropped to zero in all areas that I frequent. Prior to that it was almost all mask all the time with frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer many multiple times a day.

These are facts, but what conclusion can be drawn?

My feeling (sic) is that the lack of exposure to germs led to an increased susceptibility to innumerable persistent pathogens in the world. Of course, this is anecdotal. I also got sick during the masking period (which required prescriptive medicine). What conclusion can we draw with this additional information?

You can justify your world view any way you like. If you have a problem with all the sickos out there, then wear a mask - it seems this has been normalized. Wear one if you want, or not. Your choice.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If her daughter gets Covid, she won't be able to get her boyfriend pregnant?

Ampersand said...

Chicken pox has a permanent or semi-permanent effect on immune systems. So?

Dan from Madison said...

rhhardin beat me to it

MadisonMan said...

As I started reading, I started making assumption about the gender of the person. I was right.

tim maguire said...

neither one of us would ever be able to live with ourselves if she developed a chronic illness because we were too weak to stand up for her health

We all carry a basket filled with rocks that represent each of the different things that could harm us.

For most people, a basket whose rocks are sized according to how big a threat they present will look very different from a basket whose rocks are sized according to how much they worry about them. This woman's basket is of the second type.

She cannot protect her children from everything, but she can go nuts over COVID. So she does.

tim maguire said...

I said the uncomfortable things, that Covid was more like HIV than the flu, that Covid was never going away

In other words, she was wrong.

Curious George said...

$20 says this fucking idiot wears a mask when out walking her dog or in her car alone.

Their kid must be so fucked up.

Jupiter said...

"Nobody wanted to listen to me talk about Covid, not even my spouse."

MikeD said...

The biggest similarity between the many incarnations of "covid" and HIV/AIDS is the gnome Fauci's fucked up responses to both!

Jamie said...

Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.

Free, ubiquitous, and SO satisfying!

Daily I give thanks for my husband, who is resistant to its charms and does the work I hate to do by checking CNN, the Houston Chronicle, the NYT...

Jim at said...

As long as there are no consequences for these people being wrong about everything for the last three years, they will continue with their insanity.

If it only impacted them, that would be one thing. But the thugs forcing their mental illness onto the rest of us.

It must stop. Forcibly, if need be.

Aggie said...

Let me get this straight: She 'put her foot down' and threatened to take her kid out of school and keep her at home? And the school didn't take her up on it? COVID really has changed things for the worse - it's conferred social cowardice and an immunity to common sense.

And as anyone can see, while the story is supposed to be about the daughter's schooling, it's really all about her.

Lurker21 said...

Jessica Wildfire

If she really had to change your name, you would have gotten more bang out of making "Wildfire" her first name.

I referred to all the research showing that we would have to invest heavily in HEPA filtration, even upper room UVGI down the line if we wanted our daughter to stay in school. As Kraken began spreading, I put my foot down and said if our school didn’t bring masks back, we would have to homeschool her.

I wondered if "Kraken" was the daughter's name. Kraken Wildfire?

n.n said...

the gnome Fauci's fucked up responses to both!

Coincidence or coincidence? Some may say it is a conspiracy, a collusion, of vested interests. Once you normalize holding human rites, carrying out inhumane experiments, and call it science, with "benefits", anything is possible.

Big Mike said...

God help a kid with asthma of some other pulmonary issues but is forced by the school system to wear a mask anyway thanks to this dingbat.

effinayright said...

Question. Can you still catch COVID during unprotected sex if you're wearing a mask? I think you can contract HIV under the same conditions so I'm having a hard time understanding the similarities.
I imagine certain oral sex practices will lose their zing if you perform them wearing a mask.

Cacambo said...

I’m so glad I and my family don’t live in an enclave with kooks like her. Some people have been so insulated from illness and death that they cannot process and live a new health risk, even though it is relatively minor from any reasonable historical perspective.

JK Brown said...

Okay, so this child was 4 so maybe 5 yrs old now. And she doesn't anticipate the abuse that children who erred in wearing their mask suffered.

Also, no one tell her about the 2019 study that found a strong correlation between the rise in medically-assisted acute respiratory infections (ARI) among children age 5-18 and schools being open compared to those for younger than 5 or older than 18.

A better solution for schools would be the post 1919 pandemic Fresh Air movement where authorities ordered that windows be left open and engineers installing steam heating systems were advised to size the systems to heat the hous on the coldest day of the year with the wind blowing and the windows open. Probably need to upsize that new high-efficiency low temp (i.e., 95 F rather than 180 F furnace) heat pump.

On the upside, perhaps this will cause more reasonable parents to save their kids from government and private mask indoctrinating schools.

Biff said...

The comments over there about people who might see things differently were as tolerant and encouraging as one might expect.

"The sane people have to stop being nice."
"Who cares what they think."
"Anti-maskers made life hell for everyone, disrupting meetings and storming schools."
"I’m down for anything that sends the anti-vaxx, denying, minimizing orc horde back to their holes, and your experience is a reminder that we can do it."
"Like the first spear thrown that gets past the hole in the dragon scale for everyone to see, we’re HERE for this."


chuck said...

We will see. The immune imprinting that effects the immune system is probably due vaccination with with a small segment of the spike protein. It is the immune system version of "If you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".

That said, there is no evidence that masks are effective. Masks are last year's tulips.

I think we will learn a lot more in the coming months and years, especially as the restrictions on scientific argument are weakening and more data is being analysed.

Clyde said...

Safety uber alles, whether it's reasonable or not. The inveterate maskers remind me of Poe's "Masque of the Red Death," where the partygoers had isolated themselves away from the plague and thought they would survive.

Brian said...

I'm going with "didn't happen".

No school is going to change everything over a single parent threatening to homeschool.

Maynard said...

The funny thing to me is that this Covid nuts all think they are so, so smart despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Modern Education = Indoctrination.

Independent thinking is highly frowned upon in the traditionally liberal institutions. In the fully woke institutions, it is grounds for dismissal.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The mask served to rope some people into a kind of lifetime investment. You know it was like they were in Vegas, and they said, 'I'm all in'. When you're all in, you are going down with the ship. You are never going to say you were tricked, for as long as you live.

Tina Trent said...

Well, just wait for the ineffective COVID Prevention non-masking drug to come out at 9K a year only for those who seek it and do the bureaucracy and are vetted and approved, paid by the rest of us, and it will be just like AIDS.

Richard Aubrey said...

The implication of masking is that stuff "trapped" is zapped to some alternate universe.

Nope. It's TRAPPED! It means stuck there, refreshed with each warm, moist exhalation. It picks up--traps--outside stuff coming in. And it build and builds. Then the masked person adjusts it and gets the concentrated stuff on his hands. And then?

Where you put your hands in a public space is designed for people to put their hands. Door push bars, stair rails, elevator buttons. And people are along every minute.

We've all seen somebody hock up half a lung, jerk his mask around, and then shove open a door.
This is a GOOD thing?

Gospace said...

What a depressing person.

Like all other diseases, there’s a lag time between exposure and the disease. In my case I know exactly where and who I got it from. An exactly 50 year younger Scout leader, double vaccinated, with his second bout. Asymptomatic because he was double vaxxed. He had symptoms the next day and texted he had tested positive. I developed symptoms the following evening, and my wife the day after. Extrapolating from her substack the 3 of them got it simultaneously. Means the school wasn’t the source.

She doesn’t mention her Vitamin D status or supplements. And was bedridden for 3 days? The current versions of the dreaded covid don’t do that unless your immune system isn’t working properly. And the mere title of another substack of hers is enough to say she’s insane: We’re Living through The End of Civilization, and We Should Be Acting Like It”. I’m not going to read it.

What JK Brown said about the 1919 Fresh Air movement would be a very effective measure against airborne diseases. But Jessica and her liberal cohort would have to give up their war on cheap energy to make that possible. HEPA filters? Expensive. And effective on recycled air. Better to increase air changes per hour. As expensive in energy use as open windows during heating season. Unless you install regenerative heat exchangers. Tough to do in a retrofit. Better off tearing the building down and building one designed with “proper” ventilation with whatever number of air changes per hour you want to mandate. Ventilation from the bottom up (for airflow) as suggested in one reference she had would help. Or likely from the top down. But in a room with 30 people? You’d need a whole lot more ductwork.

Masking? Real world useless. You can cherry pick a few studies that show they’re effective. You can also find a few that show among younger children they increase URIs. But she’s a fan and wants to impose them.

We had 5 children, spread unevenly over 19 years. If you have multiple children in the house, even if they’re healthy, you’re going to spend a lot of your life taking care of sick children, especially in winter.

Spraying Enovid (nitric oxide) up her nose is the only effective antiviral thing she does. IMHO, less effective, for multiple reasons, than my daily nasal irrigation with a xylitol/erythritol mix. And less friendly to her nasal membranes. My wife won’t do this, but she uses Xlear, nasal spray with xylitol. Likely as effective as the Enovid.

Tom said...

I developed a polymyositis from the vaccine, to the point I was hospitalized in September for three days. The issue is that the vaccine caused such an immune response that if I’m exposed to anyone who’s sick, my skeletal muscles begin to lock up (think about all four limbs feeling you had the worst Charlie horse ever for about a week post exposure). I’m permanently damaged.

The vaccine has destroyed my quality of life. I’m also immediately injured if I exercise.

Covid restrictions nearly killed my business and just as I’m back to working my butt off so I can eventually retire, I have to fight my own body.

There’s no one to sue. The pharma companies are shielded from the harm they caused. But even if I was successful in a lawsuit, it won’t get me my health back.

Now my only mission is to work as much as I can to pay off our house so my wife can enjoy the retirement she’s earned. I doubt I’ll be around to see it or be much fun if I do.

walter said...

VAIDS/negative efficacy/immune imprinting/mutation driving/disease causing/career damaging....
And I dread having to see the maskerade every time I visit Woodman's in Madison.
But nothing is more ridiculous than kids in school completely defeating even the hypothetical benefit.

chuck said...


Wow, that sucks. I hope you can find a treatment that helps. Best wishes.

farmgirl said...

Yikes, Tom!!! Maybe an alternative source of relief would work- my friend is learning lymphatic drainage massage that is supposed to be really good is ridding the body of toxins.

Don’t give up hope.

gilbar said...

Were Liberals This Stupid, before Covid?

Paul said...

I DO NOT get a flu shot each year... I had the two shots for COVID a couple of years ago and that is that. Sure I get a touch of flu each year... sniffles, pain in joints, maybe some phlegm... but I get over it. And I'm 68 years old. I work out. I take vitamins. I keep my weight in more-or-less check.

And I dang well ain't gonna wear a mask again unless it's aerosolized smallpox!!

End of discussion.

William50 said...

Why didn't just stick a mask on her kid and send her to school?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

How would this prevent anyone from getting COVID if the rest of the world doesn't do the same things?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Measles causing immune system damage. Maybe COVID does, too. Doesn't actually matter as far as what we can do about it without better vaccines and drugs. We don't control measles with masks and other nonsense, because it doesn't work.

Lilly, a dog said...

Why are you promoting this stupid woman's blog post? I don't get it.

Spiros Pappas said...

She can homeschool if she wants.

gilbar said...

Tom said...
I developed a polymyositis from the vaccine, to the point I was hospitalized in September for three days. The issue is that the vaccine caused such an immune response that if I’m exposed to anyone who’s sick, my skeletal muscles begin to lock up (think about all four limbs feeling you had the worst Charlie horse ever for about a week post exposure). I’m permanently damaged.

it IS Funny (ha! ha!) how all these coincidences KEEP happening!
Seriously Tom, my condolences and my prayers

walter said...

Hoping jab detox protocols like at FLCC might help.

Chris N said...

It’s spreading like Wildfire.

Come on, people.

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

"Too many schools gave their teachers raises instead of improving air flow."


Too many politicians increased their teacher's union PAC contributions instead of improving air flow.

dbp said...

“covid has a permanent or semi-permanent affect on immune systems

Yes, this is called immunity. It's what immune systems are supposed to do.

I honestly feel sorry for this lady. She's got her ideas, all reinforced by looking very hard for confirmation. She has her Substack, stocked with followers who provide positive feedback.

I also feel sorry for all the people she's harming, not the least, herself. If I had a kid in the one school still forcing everyone to mask, it would be such a hassle to move my kids someplace sane.

Inga said...

“We don't control measles with masks and other nonsense, because it doesn't work.”

Measles vaccinations do work though. The measles virus doesn’t seem to have the ability to mutate the way Covid does.

Researchers Clarify Why Measles Doesn’t Evolve to Escape Immunity

Inga said...

“She doesn’t mention her Vitamin D status or supplements. And was bedridden for 3 days? The current versions of the dreaded covid don’t do that unless your immune system isn’t working properly.”

Then why did YOU report that when you had Covid recently you had to take “Oxy” because of the severe pain? You also reported how severe your symptoms were for the first few days. Do you have amnesia? You had been reporting how you didn’t get Covid because you were taking high doses of Vit D, why did you get Covid?

Gospace said...

Inga said...
“She doesn’t mention her Vitamin D status or supplements. And was bedridden for 3 days? The current versions of the dreaded covid don’t do that unless your immune system isn’t working properly.”

Then why did YOU report that when you had Covid recently you had to take “Oxy” because of the severe pain? You also reported how severe your symptoms were for the first few days. Do you have amnesia? You had been reporting how you didn’t get Covid because you were taking high doses of Vit D, why did you get Covid?

No, I said I had symproms, the worst was the one day of feeling run over by a truck. I could have got by without the oxy- which I took one or two of, but I had it, and why endure pain? My wife took tylenol. Every body is different on how they repsond to pain meds. Tylenol or sugar pills have an equal effect on me. None. And I'm still wondering what this "high" is some people experience with oxy or other meds. I don't get high. Either they kill pain, or they don't. 30 oxys are a year supply for me. Or more- it's been 18 months since my last script and I have more then half left.

I suspect the Vitamin D is one of the factors that delayed my first and so far only case until so late in the pandemic. If you also recall, I said I got it from an asymptomatic twice vaxxed person about 30 years younger then me on his second go round. and that we suffered virtually identical symptoms. I was wrong about one thing. I asked him how old he was- exactly 40 years younger. I have never said a sufficient blood level of Viamin D would keep you from getting it, but it's a factor. It will keep you out of the ICU and from dying of covid.

I wasn't bedridden. Worked around the house during my mandatory time off. As our usual routine, the wife and I took turns preparing meals. Tired more easily for few days.

Gospace said...

Oh, Inga, one more thing. One of the newwer versions of covid, present in NY, is as infectious as measles. If I were to guess, it would be that's the version I got. So many mutations occurring so quickly are because the vaccinated are driving virus mutation because the virus isn't stopped cold by the vaccination. Or a twice vaxxed person wouldn't have it for a second time.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Right, measles is controlled by vaccines.

Make better COVID vaccines. Why haven't we?

Gospace said...

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...
Right, measles is controlled by vaccines.

Make better COVID vaccines. Why haven't we?

The measles virus, like the smallpox virus, doesn't mutate much.

Covid is a coronavirus, and like the influena virus, mutates easily.

Prior to the vaccine that isn't there were many many tries to develop a coronavirus vaccine for annumals or humans- and none have worked, some backfiring really badly.

Since mRNA was developed, over 2 decades ago, thtere have numerous attempts to use it in various ways- none have workd.

Combining the two? With a history of failure with both things, we got- another failure. And one that appears to be backfiring bigly, doing more harm than good, making people with more shots more likely to get the disease it is supposedly protecting them from.

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