But why is she still speaking with a Spanish accent? See "Hilaria Baldwin’s Spanish accent and suspect origin story, explained/Hilaria Baldwin, a.k.a. Hillary Hayward-Thomas Baldwin, has come under fire for allegedly fibbing a Spanish accent" (Vox, 2020).Hilaria Baldwin is stressed pic.twitter.com/Q3cWwsyjSH
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 21, 2023
And, fron July 2021: "Hilaria Baldwin Now Claims She's Culturally 'Fluid' After Spanish Heritage Scandal/Alec Baldwin's wife, who was accused of pretending to be from Spain, suggested her critics are denying her right to belong'" (HuffPo)("When you are multi, it can feel hard to belong"/"We need to normalize the fact that we are all unique ― our culture, languages, sexual orientations, religions, political beliefs are ALLOWED TO BE FLUID").
Self-identification. That said, Baldwin is a proponent of reasonable scalpel... gun control. I guess rights and responsibilities were considered equitably, not equally. Surprise.
Stolen Exotica!
When a conservative orders tacos it’s cultural appropriation. When a liberal takes a Spanish accent it’s cultural fluidity. Got it.
I'm sure Alec will call them from prison every night with a nice message like the one he left for Ireland, his daughter with Kim Basinger.
I remember when that Hilaria story broke. It was so bizarre. I was asked to leave a convenience store because I couldn't stop reading the NY Post trying to figure out just what the heck was up with her and the fake accent. Buy it or leave.
FWIW: One of last week's headlines:
Ireland Baldwin: My Pregnancy Is Hard, And Having ‘Idiots’ In The Family Doesn’t Help
To abort or not to abort is the question. To simulate, stimulate through surgical, medical, or psychiatric corruption is the question. To share/shift responsibility through redistributive change (e.g. progressive prices) schemes is the question. To conflate logical domains and spread a Green blight is the question. Democracy without borders is the question. Ethics is a nominally secular fluid religion.
Diversity of individuals, minority of one, is a novel conception in the modern family of models.
"allowed to be fluid" Who's stopping you?
Problem is,nobody pays attention.
When a liberal takes a Spanish accent it’s cultural fluidity.
Liberalism is a philosophy of [selective], [fluid] divergence.
Dios mio!
As long as Star Trek aliens are acceptable to identify as, I'm all in. Feeling Ferengi today.
I'm with her on this. Why are these journos following her and the kids around?
Don't they have any better stories to cover?
Secret corvette documents
Brandon's chine relationships
Hunters laptop etc
What a bunch of scum
John Henry
When I’ve worked with Colombians I can start sounding like them after a short while. Same with Mexicans and Puertorriqueños. I don’t see anything nefarious about it.
Surely one can see the connection to a particular "Friends" episode.
I want so badly for 'Hilaria' to be the Spanish translation of 'Hilarious.' Alas, it is not.
How soon can I stop caring about this stupid woman and her First World Elite travails?
They’ve had 7 kids in 10 years. Impressive!
The really big question is, why are none of these intrepid peripatetic reporters asking Hilarious why she's still faking a Spanish accent and what happened to her Back Bay accent the one she was born with when she learned to talk? The outrage would be delicious to watch, if they would just refuse to play along with this crap - why are they there, if it's not to get a juicy story? This reluctance to be a professional is killing me.
Sounds like a gastro-intestinal disorder.
"We need to normalize the fact that we are all unique ― our culture, languages, sexual orientations, religions, political beliefs are ALLOWED TO BE FLUID"
Hollywood values. It takes a lot of value to keep these people so ethically poor, if you know what I mean.
The collateral consequences on family members of the accused/imprisoned are heavy.
OJ Simpson’s two youngest kids had it as hard as it gets.
Decent people would leave the family members alone.
"My keedz!"
Can’t blame her. It’s no fun being white anymore.
What is it with these folks named Hillary? La Rodham-Clinton was "in no ways tarred" at least when speaking south of the Mason-Dixon line. Hillaria slipped into Spanglish so bad she threw out her "y". Next, we'll find out that Sir Edmund came down from Everest speaking pidgin Sherpa the rest of his life.
She should just start talking about Hunters laptop, the Biden family business, and the Twitter Files. They’ll all go away then!
ALP said...
As long as Star Trek aliens are acceptable to identify as, I'm all in. Feeling Ferengi today.
Got a deal on self-sealing stem bolts? Willing to pay in gold-pressed latinum.
ALP said...
As long as Star Trek aliens are acceptable to identify as, I'm all in. Feeling Ferengi today.
Got a deal on self-sealing stem bolts? Willing to pay in gold-pressed latinum.
ALP said...
As long as Star Trek aliens are acceptable to identify as, I'm all in. Feeling Ferengi today.
Got a deal on self-sealing stem bolts? Willing to pay in gold-pressed latinum.
This reminds me of Riverdance. Do you remember that brodhán and pennywhistle bullshit? I do (long-term memory still intact, tg). And I remember its epic fall, precipitated by principal bare-chested dancer and choreographer Michael Flatly who put on a sham Irish accent while being interviewed by one of the top-draw chat show hosts. Turns out Flatly was born and raised in Chicago. Granted, his parents were Irish emigrants, but in earlier interviews, Flatly spoke like any middle-class white guy from da windy city, which is disgraceful enough, but genuine.
Partly this is just Baldwin Family Values™ in operation, those values being arrogance and stupidity subtly balanced like notes of chocolate and tobacco in the nose of a fine cabernet sauvignon. But it is mostly another instance of the general leftwing assault on the concept of authenticity.
Is that law degree LLR Chuck brandishes like a pistol in the hand of a convenience store bandit authentic, or is it as fake as that surgically mangled wound Richard "Rachel" Levine calls a pussy? Such a question is already deemed gauche in certain, shall we say, gender-fluid quarters. It won't be long before it's criminal if Maxine Waters has her way with the law.
The goal is to make America truth-fluid, i.e. a citizenry forbidden to sort opinions into categories of plausibility. How could Winston Smith expect to convince anyone of the joyous news that the chocolate ration had been increased to 7 grams per week when the most plausible opinion among doleful the proles held 7 grams to be yet another plummet. Orwell attributed this to the corruption of language, but the corruption of authenticity amounts to the same thing.
Born in Hillary Lynn Hayward-Thomas in Boston in 1984, attended New York University in 2009. Her parents moved to Mallorca in 2011. Since she was only 27 at the time I suppose it's not surprising that after a few visits to them she'd have trouble dropping the accent. I had a similar problem after a long layover at Heathrow.
Think of the kids of the dead woman.
If the Baldwin family wanted to be left alone, they’d move to Mullen, Nebraska.
The deceased had one son and a husband.
If you can't tell the genuine from the fake, you're already a slave.
sexual orientations
Sex and sex-correlated gender (e.g. sexual orientation).
word-forming element meaning "on the near side of, on this side," from Latin preposition cis "on this side" (in reference to place or time), related to citra (adv.) "on this side," from PIE *ki-s, suffixed form of root *ko-, the stem of demonstrative pronoun meaning "this." Opposed to trans- or ultra-. Originally only of place, sometimes 19c. of time; 21c. of life situations (such as cis-gender, which is attested by 2011).
The same side. Same-sex. Transgender spectrum. Normalizes, tolerate, or reject?
Political congruence ("=") is a sociopolitical construct. The Rainbow banner is a phobic symbol traditionally raised with pride in parades.
That said, civil unions for all consenting adults. Lose your ethical religion.
Children, too? Sure, with social progress. Throw another baby... a fetal-baby for social distance, on the barbie, it's over, again, and again, and again.
They’ve had 7 kids in 10 years. Impressive!
Productive. Responsible. A model of fitness to the father and mother's credit.
That said, it's unfortunate that the father acted with negligence, but now he appreciates that reasonable gun control exists, not with prohibition, not with phobic appeals, but with rights and responsibilities, equal and reconcilable.
I'm with her on this. Why are these journos following her and the kids around?
She needs people's support. Her family needs support. Alas, instead, she will become a prop in the modern family of JournoListic intrigue.
So he gets a three or four month prison sentence. What's the big deal?
I blogged on Hilaria's discovery of her Spanish identity a while ago, finding it all quite hilarious. I probably shouldn't pile on now. God knows if Alec is going to be convicted of something serious.
What makes her claims to being Spanish at least a little reasonable (as I recall): her dad did a lot of travelling in Latin America on business, and became fluent in Spanish. He told his son Jeremy (not daughter Hillary) that he might come on some of these trips, but he had to learn Spanish. Son did so, and did travel down there. Eventually son married a Spanish woman, and to some extent has raised children speaking Spanish, spending substantial time in Spain. Mom and Dad retired to Spain, Dad obviously able to order in a restaurant in Spanish and so on, Mom not nearly as fluent. Some enterprising reporter found a wait person who said when the family group spoke together, they spoke English. Perhaps for Hillary's sake as much as anything.
On the other hand, borh of Hillary's parents are extremely WASPish, and they had careers as white collar professionals in the U.S. I'm not sure Hillary even took Spanish in high school or university (NYU), or if anyone has heard her speak a sentence or paragraph in Spanish fluently. No one who knew her heard anything about Hillary being Spanish, or speaking English with a Spanish accent, or struggling for English words, until after all her U.S. schooling. They may have heard about dad and brother speaking Spanish. How much time has Hilaria ever spent in Spain? A few summers before her parents retirement, and then a few trips after? Intersectionality: does she think a women can get away with what would otherwise be cultural appropriation?
If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.
Breezy for the win!!!!
“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.”
I could be a surviving mechanism from a time when living amongst other tribes was a most perilous undertaking.
She is a Narrative Displayer on Demand dressed up in her innocent Hispanic persona. A career is a career.
The last line is the 'tell.' Being fluid is a tactic. Once the objective of totalitarianism has been achieved, it will be discarded as no longer necessary. Baldwin probably doesn't even see it coming.
no self respecting latina would call herself hilaria, she might be one of those lost emperor concubines,
I am a member of my town's Insurance Committee. At our most recent meeting, a representative of the self-funded regional municipal insurance association, which provides our liability and workers compensation coverage, was discussing some new risks and issues to be aware of.
One of them, he said, is DEI, which, according to him, is now DEIB. The "B" is "belonging," meaning the claimed right of employees and others to "belong," and to be protected from things which make them feel like they don't "belong."
It was very late in a long meeting, at the end of a long day, so we did not discuss it in detail.
I suspect that Ms. Baldwin is on the cutting edge.
I read that the Native American population in the USA increased by 85% between 2010 and 2020 census. Heap big fluidity.
They’ve had 7 kids in 10 years. Impressive!
As Master Yoda would say, "Clown car, it is not."
Seems like the lesser of the allegations vis a vis The Baldwins.
Hell..remember when Madonna sported that ridiculous acccent after Evita?
That was before she promised blowjobs to Hillary voters.
The whole time she’s talking the guy in the sewer service truck is oblivious.
I am the Frito Bandito.
Respect my authoritay.
Hola Hilaria!
Tengo tu liquido acqui.
Sod off you and your jerk of a husband have been cheering this kind of treatment for years. Deal with it.
Oh. I took Spanish accent to mean she spoke Spanish like the Spaniards.
Never mind.
In a world in which teenagers are encouraged to start chopping off parts of their bodies, is pretending to be Spanish all that big of a deal?
I have a strong dislike for Baldwin, and I'm kind of hoping he gets some jail time over the shooting but cut the wife some slack here.
As for seven kids, why not? He can afford it. Hell I'm hoping Elon has a dozen more.
In my late teens, I faked a British accent. It was fun. Like smoking. The fake accent was easier to quit, but I did quit both. If Hilaria (if that is her real name) is over, say, 25, she should drop it. It’s not cute anymore.
Another civil war in the making: Cispanics versus Transpanics.
I have a tiny bit of sympathy for Hilary/Hilaria given all the television anchors and reporters who hyphenated or changed their names to sound more Hispanic. Julie Bidwell -> Julie Banderas.
If your parents retired to a Spanish-speaking country, does that make you Hispanic? If your grandparents left Germany or Italy or Poland or Croatia for Argentina or Chile or Cuba or Mexico and your parents came here, are you Latino/a/x?
Is Hilaria Baldwin related to Titania McGrath?
In a world in which teenagers are encouraged to start chopping off parts of their bodies
Abort, redistribute, corrupt, simulate... Healthy parts of their bodies. Mengele, eat your heart out.
Oh for simpler times, when discussions about fluids usually just meant another Bill Clinton story.
IF Baldwin goes to prison, he will spend less time than the grannies in the DC gulag for taking selfies in the Capitol after getting ushered in by the Capitol police.
It's all of a piece with the rest of the left-wing nutbar BS. Why shouldn't she cosplay being hispanic, when they have men cosplaying women as a major wedge issue?
Whole thing is nuts, and an example of why none of these people should be listened to at all, whenever they stand up on their hind legs and start pontificating.
The essential difference between most of the "politically active" on either side of the so-called divide and the rest of us would be the unavoidable fact that they're all insane, while we're not. If you're standing here going "But... But, she's not actually hispanic...", then you're sane. If you're standing here saying "Well, that's her truth...", then you're one of the crazy. Simple as that.
She's still pretending to be spanish after getting called out for her fakery...https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11661751/Hilaria-Baldwin-slammed-offensive-Spanish-accent.html
Mystery Ad Exec
Jan 20
Replying to
absolutely love that she’s like “well we traveled to Spain annually” ma’am you lived in BOSTON daily. Boston accents aren’t simply avoided!
My German accent is world class (though my German is not).
Maybe I'll start presenting publicly as a Kraut. With two German-born grandparents I could claim German citizenship, unless the rules have changed, and not that I'm tempted.
Is it bad that whenever I see that name I think Hilarious?
Troll and response to troll deleted.
The deleted troll is instructed not to post again. I will be deleting you going forward. Don't even try to improve. Find somewhere else to write.
I agree with the mockery of her fake accent. And I'm glad that Alec is being prosecuted.
But I do feel sympathy for her when she talks about her kids being subject to the news media following them around. I don't know if there is any solution. People in the media have the freedom to follow the subjects of news stories around. But I do wish there were some legal way to protect children from the obnoxiousness of journalists.
What struck me was how, after that moving lecture, the reporters started throwing questions at her as if she hadn't said a word.
Maybe they can't understand her accent.
Obviously I’m DMing you. Cause yur deleting this before folks can see it.
Thanks for referring to “writing.” It always seemed odd when you referred to the comments here as “talking”.
Anywho, I will be back at some point. You’ve trained me (going back to 2008) such that I know my so-called permanent bannings aren’t literally permanent.
BTW, it’s not totally obvious that having a commenter like me is a bad thing. You should have taken a pass instead of shitting on this mom taking kids to school. You need to hear that sorta POV more. IMHO.
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