Writes Prince Harry, quoted in "William is my ‘arch-nemesis’, says Harry in new book Spare" (London Times).
William, according to Harry, urged his little brother to hit him back, recalling the fights they had as children. Harry, however, said he refused and William left before returning, “looking regretful, and apologised.”
When William left again, Harry said he “turned and called back: ‘You don’t need to tell Meg about this.’
“‘You mean that you attacked me?’
“‘I didn’t attack you, Harold.’”
Harry said he did not initially tell his wife but called his therapist. Meghan, 41, is said to have later spotted “scrapes and bruises” on Harry’s back and it was then that he told her about the attack. Meghan, according to Harry, “wasn’t that surprised, and wasn’t all that angry. She was terribly sad.”
Elsewhere in the London Times, in "Harry’s book Spare is excruciating in its detail of fight with William/Claim that prince knocked his brother to the floor takes things to a new level," Valentine Low writes:
That William — like his father — has a temper is well known. But the claim that he would grab his brother by the collar and knock him to the floor takes things to a new level. It will also be an accusation that William will find hard to shake off: he will always be the prince who attacked his brother.
"It will also be an accusation that William will find hard to shake off"
Umm, no.
"he will always be the prince who attacked his brother"
And good for him.
Siblings fight. even royal ones! so exciting.
"Harry said he did not initially tell his wife but called his therapist."
Say no more, petit prince. Say no more.
"he will always be the prince who attacked his brother."
Richard III murdered two princes. William is a piker.
Harry is officially the personification of Virgil's "Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo"
He's decided that "If he cannot move heaven, he shall move hell".
I'm not going to check, but I hope it's behind a paywall, giving me a rare opportunity to be grateful for paywalls.
No, he won't. But Harry will always be the guy who fell for a gold digging fame whore who wants to bring down his family and the crown. They are both jealous that Harry is further down the line because of William and Kates children. Both of them need to go away. They are insufferable.
"He called his therapist"
Don't be such a Nancy Harold get up and hit him back.
Guess that military training is not all it is cracked up to be. Hopefully the talk with the therapist helped.
I'm the last person to discover "Yellowstone"
Just watched the first season (which came out in 2018?)
I'm not loving it. It's OK. so-so. I'm not gripped.
It's cowboy meets breaking bad. sort of shallow. trying to be hip with lots of touches of "Breaking Bad" inserted.
(I thought Breaking Bad was very good - although too violent for my tastes. A+ on the creative scale)
Yellowstone - meh.
The family anger and rage is something to behold. and now this! This is real, we guess.
I don't like one-sided accounts. How do we know Harry is being honest? Leaving out details? What is the other side of the story?
Prince Harry: Always a victim. My brother shot me with a BB gun, and the bastard once hid my ice cream. It melted. MELTED!
Every time I see something about Harry and his wife, I think of that old SNL skit with the immortal punchline, "Lord and Lady Douchebag."
"ripping my necklace..." Talk about pearl clutching.
Why would anyone make this public? (if true, of course) When I first read this I thought it was about when they were kids.
Parlor game: who’s more stupid and loathsome, Harry or Meghan?
Or, to quote the late great Dan Hicks, “How can I miss you if you won’t go away?”
he will always be the prince who (I will add allegedly) attacked his brother
Which makes him different from other princes how, exactly?
Good Lord, his "necklace"? Harry is truly a perfect fit for the description "Big girl's blouse". What a sad case he is. He called his therapist for fuck's sake. And he thinks making this public will bolster his image?
He should have had his ass beaten for wearing a necklace. Did William not know that their mummy had been killed in a car crash.
Well, as royals go this isn't the most far out, after all, he didn't have him beheaded.
Overall, I'm thinking nobody really cares. If Harry and Meghan were cute and lovable, ingratiating to everyone they meet, people might care. However, they're pretty much perceived as overprivileged, insufferable snots. Some may even think William should hit him again.
Here we have an example of the vary first time a brother has roughhoused with another brother. I guess there is nothing else going on in the world. The fact that Harry is a wimp and couldn't take it explains why he is so whipped by Meghan.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Brothers got into a physical altercation? The older brother laid hands on the younger brother in anger? That has never happened in the history of the world ever. I cannot believe the Monarchy could possibly survive this. No. Way. Why couldn't William and Harry just be friends and hang out with their wonderful Uncle some more?
And, uh, Harry thinks spreading this sort of gossip is going to make rapprochement easier does he? Well, he and his wife certainly didn't get where they are by dint of their brains, but there comes a point at which it's easier to conclude that he's simply lying about wanting any sort of relationship with his family than that he's so dull witted as to believe this is going to work. Either way, prince Bertie Wooster here needs a Jeeves to sort things out for him.
It will also be an accusation that William will find hard to shake off: he will always be the prince who attacked his brother.
Will he though? The Netflix stunt apparently bolstered sympathy for the Prince of Wales a lot more than for the Sussexes (44% for the POW vs. 17% for his brother). Their track record in drumming up sympathy for themselves is pretty bad.
One thing that really struck me about the recent Megan and Harry doc on netflix was the similarities between Megan and the Donald. Both outsiders, both populists, both eschewing “norms,” both conspired against by elites. I wonder if it’s something to do with being American.
At least William didn't drown him in a butt of Malmsey.
If Harry had a beef with his brother he should have settled it privately. Making it public for a profit is about low as you can go.
If they really wanted to live a private life without a lot of media scrutiny they could have easily done this by living a low key life in the US. But maximizing and monetizing their royal grievances puts keeps them in the spotlights.
He and Megan aren't worth the publicity they are getting. They aren't worth a blog post here, or even my comment.
Prince Quimby, the Ginger Prince is ever so precious.
The brother and the snowflake. BFD. Brothers fight.
Ripped his necklace? Crikey!
If it happened that way, who cares? Brothers get physical with each other. Common knowledge.
Harry: You are not special and I don't care to hear anything from you or about you. Accept your Woke decision to become an invisible and forgettable commoner just like the rest of us.
Harry's regrets are rising but still unfocused. He will forever be known as the Crybaby Prince.
Everything I've read, shows that Prince Harry is a complete cuck. His brother hits him, and he doesn't fight back? Why is that admirable? Maybe women think that. Probably, Harry deserved to be hit.
But then he probably only cares what Meghan thinks. She runs the show. That's the problem with Monarchy, if the Prince is a beta male you're stuck with him. If the power position is open for competition, you'll get an Alhpa. But if its just who gets born to who, you'll get people like Harry.
The Brits need to strip him of his titles and get rid of him. Enough is enough.
More evidence that they are only half-brothers........
Don't know their relative sizes/athletic ability, but I picture Harry as a larger and better athlete than his brother...
At least this is some good gossip and not whining about racism and Harry marrying a woman who has lighter skin than anyone in my Italian family : )
harry is lucky. How many people have an arch-nemisis these days? I wanted one, but they were sold out.
I yearn for the old days when the father and son would plot to kill the second son. Then Will Shakespeare would write a play about it.
The Cuckold Prince.
I yearn for the old days when the father and son would plot to kill the second son. Then Will Shakespeare would write a play about it.
The Cuckold Prince.
I yearn for the old days when the father and son would plot to kill the second son. Then Will Shakespeare would write a play about it.
The Cuckold Prince.
Harry, Harry, Harry. You don't go public with things like this. What happens in the palace stays in the palace. Never go against the family, Fredo.
Harry is a good illustration of the shift in society away from duty, responsibility, and conformity, as represented by his grandmother, to a belief in self-expression and self-actualization, a theme you can trace through David Riesman, David Rieff, Christopher Lasch, Robert Putnam and others.
I don't really care much about the royal family. But William and Kate truly seem to be classy and virtuous people. Harry and Meghan have proven themselves to be whiny, privileged bottom-feeders. The more they talk, the more contempt I have for them.
I have two brothers (out of four) who are complete assholes. But I wouldn't write a book about it.
I guess that means the reconciliation is not happening in time for the coronation?
Building the brand.
Remember the days when everybody wanted to play at the Palace? When you can't compete with reality TV, you become reality TV. Someone here will think of the word that perfectly describes Harry, and it's nothing admirable.
What part of this is not an entertainment product though? UK Royals v Cali Cringe Crew. They're rich people that have to spend a lot of time in front of cameras and taking direction from others. If you have a uniform fetish, it could be the job of a lifetime.
A great tweet from Scott Walker:
"Out of respect for the privacy of his family, Prince Harry has announced that he is a candidate for Speaker of the House."
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"I'm the last person to discover "Yellowstone". Just watched the first season. I'm not loving it. It's OK. so-so. I'm not gripped."
You might enjoy the prequel "1883." It stars Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Sam Elliott, Isabel May, and LaMonica Garrett. I think it's a LOT better than "Yellowstone."
I'd sure as hell rather go by Harold than by Harry. Harold is a very cool name.
Yellowstone is somewhat entertaining this is just bottom basement drivel is chris steele his ghost
What bullshit. All these guys have to do is make babies, open a new school every once in a while, wear the finest tweeds, drive new Range Rovers and stay out of trouble. The poor baby couldn’t do it.
Is Harry henpecked? His wife says no.
One day he will be the king who (allegedly) attacked his brother.
Harry Festivus!
cassandra lite @ 9:14: "Every time I see something about Harry and his wife, I think of that old SNL skit with the immortal punchline, "Lord and Lady Douchebag."
Thank you for summoning that SNL moment! I can still hear the herald announcing their arrival: "Lorrrd...and Lady...Dooshuh-BAGG!"
Re: GRW3:
Overall, I'm thinking nobody really cares. If Harry and Meghan were cute and lovable, ingratiating to everyone they meet, people might care.
I disagree. Dim but amiable is what everyone expects from royals and actors, so it is the most forgettable combination regardless of what happens to them (unless it's really awful, like getting shot by revolutionaries or something). Dim and malicious gives us someone to root against!
I must confess I enjoy these stories rather. Harry and his wife seem a bit ghastly but the stakes are so low that I can enjoy the spectacle without any fear of guilt or sympathy. No one is going to lose his livelihood over this. No one's ending up in the poorhouse. No one's going to jail. It's just gossip about a bunch of immensely rich and privileged people who are all coming out of this pretty much as rich and privileged as they went in. At most it's going to be Harry carping about his children not getting this or that title or how he had to give up some unearned honourary position or other.
When I read the first paragraph I thought it was going to be about Paul Pelosi. . . .
The soap opera continues.
A surprise attack by Harry on William, without reason or cause, would be educational to both Harry and William. Nutshots always work wonders on older brothers. I propose Harry try it at William's coronation, so the attack gets all the publicity he can. Meghan would approve, I'm sure.
Almost Biblical- shades of Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, and the Jonas Brothers.
Michael and Fredo.
RideSpaceMountain said...
"Harry said he did not initially tell his wife but called his therapist."
Say no more, petit prince. Say no more.
Ha. My first thought was 'Which one?'...
"Harry, old boy, you're one amazing guy. Your voice is still clear and strong. Which is so strange since the voice usually changes when your balls are kept in your wife's purse."
What's the opposite of clickbait? I'm not that interested in the royal family. My pose is that nothing they do can be of interest to me, but it's just a pose. Every so often some story comes around that makes me want to click on it. I clicked on this one, but there was a paywall. Maybe they can dramatize this incident on the next installment of The Crown....It looks like Harry and Meghan have lost the pr battle, but I don't follow their story closely. Maybe an appearance on The View would help to turn tide.....I think Pope Gregory is the least clickbaitable Pope of modern times. I see stories about him posted in the NY Post and the NYT, but I've never had a flicker of interest. I suppose, though, that like the Kardashians he has his fans.....Trump stories are usually interesting.
Ripped his necklace? The horror!
rcocean at 9:53
"harry is lucky. How many people have an arch-nemisis these days? I wanted one, but they were sold out."
I'm so stealing that.
rcocean at 9:53
"harry is lucky. How many people have an arch-nemisis these days? I wanted one, but they were sold out."
I'm so stealing that.
He ripped me nickless, the bosstard...
Maybe Harry is a woman trapped in a man's body.
I recently clicked on something on Twitter about the "Harkles" - it was anti-Sussex(so I wasn't upset), clicked on a couple more.
Now #HarryIsALiar is trending on my time line and I'm enjoying the tweets immensely. Lots of folks have kept tabs on Megs and Harry over the years and their lies are pretty amazing
What do I want to know? Why was William so upset? Does the article or the book explain that?
Was it because Meghan was caught taking photos of one of the royal children when she was told absolutely not? For that alone I would punch out a sibling who tried to defend it.
Sometimes feels like McCarthy wants the job just so he can be the spare (after Harris).
I suppose William and Harry could settle this the old fashioned way. Each prince can raise an army and fight it out in some English field to see who gets the crown.
'Ripped his necklace? The horror!'
Was it pearl?
"He set down the water, called me another name..."
What name did William call Harry? Two candidates immediately spring to mind:
1) "The NOT Prince of Wales"
2) "David" (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_VIII)
Once 'royalty' stops portraying the stereotypical kings and queens and princes and princesses, they become tabloid fodder, and of no real interest to the vast majority of Americans.
Almost Biblical- shades of Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, and the Jonas Brothers.
A daughter should not sleep with her father. Don't envy your neighbor's wife. Two men in union are an evolutionary cul-de-sac at best. Honor your father and mother. Be fruitful and multiply in the fitness sense. And so on and so forth. An insightful history of behavioral choices.
This is how world wars evolve. That, and ethnic Springs.
Lurker21 said..."Harry is a good illustration of the shift in society away from duty, responsibility, and conformity, as represented by his grandmother, to a belief in self-expression and self-actualization, a theme you can trace through David Riesman, David Rieff, Christopher Lasch, Robert Putnam and others."
Of note:
Lasch's daughter, Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, wrote a book titled "Race Experts: How Racial Etiquette, Sensitivity Training, and New Age Therapy Hijacked the Civil Rights Revolution"
...in 2002!
PS. It just occurred to me that Oprah is a remarkably weak substitute for Barbara Walters.
Aggie @ 8:58
Well said!
How many indignities must this poor man suffer? Laid out upon the dog's bowl!
Laid out upon the dog's bowl!
And he broke it. Now the dog hates him too.
'PS. It just occurred to me that Oprah is a remarkably weak substitute for Barbara Walters.'
Weak? She could tear a medium-rare brisket apart with her bare hands...and she has!
So many comments and no one can stand the Sussexes. Who says we can't agree on anything?
And there's a medium!
Even so, however, his mother's ghost was not available for comment.
What happens when Harry has the scales fall from his eyes and realizes that Meghan has destroyed his life in her scorched earth campaign against his family? He is alienated from his family and has severed communications with many of his friends from the time before his marriage. My family experienced this very situation when my sister married her first husband, who was a world-class narcissist and a$$hole. It took her 13 years of marriage before she had enough of his antics and divorced him. Harry recently stated he wants his father and brother back in his life. Yet, he keeps blowing up his familial bridges with nuclear bombs with his public utterances like in the Netflix series and this book. King Chuck needs to pull all of Harry’s titles and any monies Harry still receives from the Crown until he starts acting like a member of the Royal family and keep his intra-family issues behind palace doors and out of the public.
Good for Will. Harry deserves to be knocked around.
Hope Will gives his worthless father the back of the hand next. Charles isn’t king material.
You wanna see royal brothers at odds with each other? Look no further than that Devil's Brood, the Plantagenets. This is a rather lame illustration. Henry II and Eleanor raised them some scrapping sons.
The Lion in Winter: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063227/
"William is my ‘arch-nemesis’, only one of his nemeses, but nonetheless the "arch." This is a real bodice ripper. I think Harry has a refined talent for adolescent pseudo-porn. Might be a good career move.
It's like Trump is the king of England and all dignified appearances are out the window.
Sounds like typical brother stuff except for that necklace detail — somehow I’m still friends with all of mine despite the occasional fisticuffs.
I don't know anything about "The Royals". My mother had English linage. She followed the Royal Family. She served in Army as a Nurse in Europe during WWII, and would have been pregnant with son #2 during the Queens Coronation. Mom followed the Queen mostly in secret, because no one around her had any interest at all in British Royalty. But when us kids had homework that touched on it, she really lit up, being able to explain chain of succession. Talking to mom I know that there is a contingent of subjects that want the Crown to end. I have no idea what the polls say on the matter
But having said all that, is Harry trying to sabotage the Royal Family in an attempt to push polls to hasten the end?
Because I need motive driving Megan and Harry. Everything they do seem to be counter to their personal interests.
Even a warped mission to end the Crown, seems not enough for what it costs them personally.
Why does/should anyone give a shit about this tripe? I won't be running out to buy or read Harry's "memoirs." Or Megan's, either. just go away and leave us alone.
He busted my gold chain and I sprang to my feet, ready to feed him a hard knuckle sandwich. Fortunately my dignity and military training prevented me from committing fratricide.
Meg and I wept together later.
Don’t care about the royals but this is the closest I’ve come to liking any of them. Good for William and Harry looks even weaker whining about this in public than he already did. Does the guy not have any other man around to talk things over with? No man would tell him to put in a book how his big brother kicked his a$$ with no trouble and how he called his therapist about it. Lol. It sounds like he is surrounded by women and following their cat fight advice. Sad.
“‘I didn’t attack you, Harold.’”
He's Henry Charles Albert David Windsor.
‘Poor lil’ Nigel Cummerbund wuz trampled by one of Lord Sainsbury’s ‘orses sir. Come quick. You know, blind Nigel wif da club foot suh. He’s bleedin’ from his mouf suh.’
‘Dead’ was all Col Cadbury could muster, on haunches.
I glimpsed an elbow twisted horribly, eyes staring skyward in the pea-colored fog. A sob emerged from the crowd. Then another.
‘But He’s got no family’ a voice wavered.
‘I sez its something awful it iz’ muttered gamey Ned.
All attention turned towards the Black handsome cab emerging from Whistler’s Walk.
‘A Gamin’s Life’. Chapter 4.
Harry is the new Amber Heard.
Re: iowan2:
Because I need motive driving Megan and Harry. Everything they do seem to be counter to their personal interests.
Money and pique. Ignore the nonsense about wanting his family back. His pride, and especially his adventuress wife's pride were wounded that relatives and courtiers weren't thrilled with his mesalliance (even though the Queen gave the required consent). They've since complained about not getting government-paid bodyguards and I think about his children not being styled "his royal highness" (Harry lost the style when he decided to abandon royal duties). And they want money so he can continue to live in the style to which he is accustomed. I think resentment and greed are perfectly sufficient to explain his decisions. Even if the Netflix series and this book are a flop, I'm sure he got paid.
Oh, and his wife -- formerly a TV actress -- probably loves seeing herself on TV or the news, whether it's positive or negative. Harry genuinely seems a bit tormented (though I think he's hamming it up), but she seems to be enjoying playing her role -- cosplaying as his dead mother at formal events, playing the wounded and offended spouse, terribly troubled by the loss of privacy while cameras follow her around her living room at her invitation. Her pride was probably wounded, but I think she's having great fun.
Harold? Was there someone else in the room?
Harold? Was there someone else in the room?
"Prince Harry has blamed Prince William and Kate for his notorious appearance at a costume party wearing a Nazi uniform in 2005.", Daily Mail.
Prince Harry isn't a beta male, he is a delta mail and maybe retarded.
The scandal here is that the Sussexes’ dog ate from such a cheap-ass bowl.
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