December 12, 2022

When Twitter banned Trump.


Humperdink said...

And this surprises who?

chickelit said...

When you believe that someone is the next Hitler, it must seem a small price. But imagine being so well-educated and yet so stupid to have believed all the anti-Trump hype. I wonder what the gender split was against Twitter. For that matter, what was the gender quotient amongst Twitter employees.

Rory said...

"Under pressure from hundreds of activist employees"

Describes every screwball thing our institutions are doing.

Enigma said...

What will the House Insurrection committee do now? Will Liz Cheney recant? Will Adam Schiff come clean?

Tune in next week for the shocking reveal!

RideSpaceMountain said...

Fee fi
Fo Fum
I smell the start
of a Class Action!

cfs said...

Trump didn't violate the rules, but he had to be banned because "orangemanbad" and "literally Hitler". And then, they celebrated their "warm and fuzzy feelings".

Did these people ever stop to think that maybe THEY were the bad ones in their discussions?

rcocean said...

Musk's summary is rather misleading. TWitter was falling in line with Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. that all, in a coordinated action, banned the POTUS from social media. The lower level employees who "pressured" Jack Dorsey had no power. Don't blame it on the anonymous employees.

Further, if you read the twitter emails, it becomes perfectly obvious that Yoel Roth desparately wanted to Ban Trump, and so did the chief legal counsel. They were running around dissecting Trump's tweet, brainstorming how to cancel him, and saying things like: "Gee, if we say this is coded language for X, we can ban him". Roth constantly called Trump and his supporters "racist" and "Nazis". So, this wasn't due to "presssure from employees".

wendybar said...

The ends justified the means for them. They lie. They cheat. They were the ACTUAL Insurrection. They all need to go to prison. ALL of them. There will never be a United States again, if they get away with what they have done.

Michael K said...

Easy. They did it because they could.

rcocean said...

Bari Weiess quotes several heads of states that DID incite violence and were NOT banned. She further quotes a large selection of world leaders who protested Trump's ban.

Of course, the leaders of the Republican party: McConnell, Romney, Bush, McCarthy, Ryan, etc. did NOT protest the POTUS being banned for two mild tweets. Because they wanted Biden as POTUS.

Jaq said...

For all of the people who defended the stifling of conservative speech in the nation's public square as a prerogative of a business trying to maximize its revenue by keeping icky people out, there was no discussion of that issue anywhere. "We need to remove this speech or our demographics are going to go south," or something like that? None.

Jaq said...

Jack was like one of those young kings in the old dramas who had the title, but not the power, and who had all important matters hidden from him, lest he should take some action they did not want. Kind of like the voters in America.

tim maguire said...

Still not sure how important any of this is. Pressure from the government is important. Coordinatión with the government should lead to arrests. But crap woke social media companies behaving like crap woke thugs? That story basically ended when Musk fired them all.

Shouting Thomas said...

Twitter comments to this post are absolutely hysterical.

It’s the entire catalog of anti-Trump hoaxes maintained by Scott Adams repeated with insane, shrill elaboration.

Our political and intellectual lives are absurd jokes.

gilbar said...

Didn't the mere fact;
that Trump was a republican, that had The Gall to think he was President, violate the rules?

Doesn't Our Democracy REQUIRE that ALL Presidents act in the interest of the democrat party?
Isn't Any Action against the interests of the democrat party... TREASON?

Let's ask the FBI, the "Shield and Sword of the Party".. FBI says: YEP!!!

gilbar said...

cfs said...
Did these people ever stop to think that maybe THEY were the bad ones in their discussions?

Are WE the Bad Guys?
Nope! They NEVER thought that.. . Not ONCE

n.n said...

The democratic/dictatorial duality. #PrinciplesMatter

Jaq said...

26. Less than 90 minutes after Twitter employees had determined that Trump’s tweets were not in violation of Twitter policy, Vijaya Gadde—Twitter’s Head of Legal, Policy, and Trust—asked whether it could, in fact, be “coded incitement to further violence.”

Literally anything could be "coded incitement to violence" He could simply tweet a picture of him tugging on his earlobe. So "I know you are angry, it wasn't fair, but Everybody go home now, we lost" (paraphrase), could easily be a "coded message" to call in bomber strikes from the redneck air force based in an abandoned coal mine in Skunk Hollow, West Virginia.

n.n said...

Because they wanted Biden as POTUS.

Biden excused the Slavic Spring. I wonder how they felt about leaving people behind in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

rcocean said...

It'd be interesting to know how much REAL control Jack Dorsey had over Twitter and its banning policies in Jan 2001. By this time, he was not the major stockholder, and the Board of Directors was in the saddle not the CEO. Further, its not clear who pushed him to hire Yoel Roth. Or hire a lot of lot of ex-cia, ex-fbi personnel after Trump's election.

I mean, how did Baker end up at Twitter? From reading about Twitter you get the impression that somebody was pulling the strings, and it wasn't Jack Dorsey.

Finally, where are the losertarians? Notice how nobody at twitter was doing anything based on MONEY. Or maximizing shareholder value? Certainly, Yoel Roth and Chief legal counsel weren't.

gilbar said...

Mr Wibble said...
and that the employees had become parasites feeding off the host.

That's what Happens, when you have wine on taPPPPP

Jaq said...

The problem with Twitter is that you learn shit like this:

Why did the non-partisan people administering the election in Maricopa County need a detailed map of where Republicans voted most heavily? We know very well, it's been publicly acknowledged, that many of these precincts had problems that led voters to leave without casting their ballot, problems that were easily avoided by simple testing, and that showed up on Election Day, and that could have been created by remotely accessing the printers, NOT the voting machines.

What could possibly prompt election officials there to keep tabs on where Republicans voted?

n.n said...

"Gee, if we say this is coded language for X, we can ban him"

In the model of diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry)... Inequity, Exclusion (DIE) doctrine.

Also political congruence ("=") celebrated under a Rainbow banner (e.g. albinophobic).

Mike said...

Most CEOs today do not have the testicular fortitude to avoid caving to a bunch of screwball employees. Worse, they'll cave to "stakeholders" outside the company. Time for them to grow some hair on their chests (whether those chests be male or female).

Readering said...

Musk banned Ye for what?

There is audio played by Rachel Maddow of McCarthy hearing reports of incendiary reports of statements by colleagues about 1/6 and asking if they can be banned from Twitter.

Ficta said...

@Mr Wibble -- Absolutely! The whistle blower files are hair raising. I mean...just...WOW! That Musk is, presumably, dealing with that insanity in addition to all the political stuff is crazy. This is a good summary (if you're a software engineer you may find yourself reading in between the fingers you've instinctively used to cover your eyes, like you're watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre).

Readering said...

Skimmed this. Seems like the discussion is about statements Trump made after 1/6. They had already decided not to ban him for statements on or before 1/6.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger rcocean said...
Bari Weiss quotes several heads of states that DID incite violence and were NOT banned. She further quotes a large selection of world leaders who protested Trump's ban.

Of course, the leaders of the Republican party: McConnell, Romney, Bush, McCarthy, Ryan, etc. did NOT protest the POTUS being banned for two mild tweets. Because they wanted Biden as POTUS.

Exactly. The banning of Trump is not just about banning Trump, nor is it just about Twitter banning Trump. It's not even about violence obviously. It is about Big Tech, Democrats, Deep State, and GOPe banning and vilifying the entire MAGA movement and its voters. They are the fascists. Some too stupid to know it. Others like Pierre Delecto know damn well.

Notice the transition at the end of Weiss' thread. After banning Trump and getting drunk on their own power Twitter quickly moves to ban "COVID Misinformation". I'd imagine those releases are coming in the next few days. Musk just foreshadowed it.

Then came the lies about the "safe and effective" mRNA shots...which turned out to be ineffective and unsafe, and only augmenting the medical danger and risks to to a mostly ignorant population. Many of whom are the highly credentialed.

The 2021 COVID "vaccine" push is worse than the political censorship. This convinced millions of people the mRNA was good for them. Good for their neighbors. Their community. Their children. Now this shit is pumping through the veins of a hundred million Americans and the long term effects are either unknown...or are being covered up. See SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome).

Now...think about what these sick demented people, along with Big Pharma, and the education establishment are doing pushing mRNA experimental treatments on our children and grandchildren.

Readering said...

Hard to imagine this is doing anything to increase the value of Musk's investment. These files will not move the needle, and they would not have moved the needle if they had been leaked in winter 2021. Twitter climbed to all time stock price high 6 weeks after 1/6 and went down thereafter.

At the time I thought, great, now Trump will just start his own social media platform and make a fortune. Looks like I overestimated his business competence.

cubanbob said...

rcocean and mr wibble are spot on. First rule of being a boss, be the boss. Jack Dorsey failed boss 101. Musk for all his faults understands the concept of being the boss. Dorsey can thank Musk for his golden parachute.

Gospace said...

I rarely read tweets directly, only going over to twitter itself when a link takes me there. was for the longest time an interesting site to check daily. Then in the run up to election 2022 the silencing of conservative voices made it a liberal echo chamber. Weren’t even any good crazy people threads- actual humorous crazy people, not boring crazy liberals.

In the last several days it’s become full of interesting threads. Including some apparent insider info not showing up in the reveals everyone is paying attention to.

And Archbishop Vigano’s threads have started showing up. Interesting fellow, and if there is anyone in the world who should be able to identify worldwide conspiracies, an Archbishop would be one of them. And he writes about them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The lair left did what?

We all knew Trump was being destroyed... with the lies about Russia.. (when it was really Hillary Clinton who pocketed secret corrupt insider Russian cash.) We all knew the Corrupt press and the tech-giants+democrat power elite were stomping on free speech and any speech that went against the leftist narrative.
The Bidens are still crooks -and the press corrupt FBI still do not care.

Gusty Winds said...
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rhhardin said...

Making up rules as you go along characterizes children's games.

The guy after you who put his foot on the wall higher than you did didn't keep his other foot on the ground, a new rule, e.g.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Musk knows the Crooked Biden family and their puppet masters are all corrupt.

That's why Hitlery and her goons are out to smear and destroy Musk.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

Readering said...

At the time I thought, great, now Trump will just start his own social media platform and make a fortune. Looks like I overestimated his business competence.

How's that newsletter of yours working out?

rhhardin said...

Looks like I overestimated his business competence.

Trump thinks that Americans care who "actually" won the 2020 election. It's a delusion matter, not business competence.

Joe Smith said...

Now do Covid.

Then banning people for using the word 'Groomer,' or 'Learn to code.'

The left are a bunch of fucking crybabies and mean girls...

iowan2 said...

rcocean said...

Musk's summary is rather misleading. twitter was falling in line with Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. that all, in a coordinated action, banned the POTUS from social media

Just a coincidence, that all the social media heavy hitters were threatening to ban Trump

We as supposed to forget that The FBI, DHS, and the ODNI were talking in person, weekly with all of these companies and pushing the SAME Narrative dictated by the White House?

RoseAnne said...

Blogger rcocean said...

Finally, where are the losertarians? Notice how nobody at twitter was doing anything based on MONEY. Or maximizing shareholder value? Certainly, Yoel Roth and Chief legal counsel weren't.

12/12/22, 3:29 PM

As I read these various files, I have asked that question multiple times. The worst was probably from the whistle blower who was fired last Jan 2022. Nobody and everyone appeared to be in control of the company. Even he was blindsided by the lack of structure and controls.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mr Wibble said...

...the employees had become parasites feeding off the host.

Yep, I bet a lot of people who got caught up in the Musk Purge will be removing Twitter from their resumes.

cfs said...

Gospace said...
I rarely read tweets directly, only going over to twitter itself when a link takes me there. was for the longest time an interesting site to check daily.


I also go to to read the most interesting threads. I'm not on Twitter but you don't have to be to read the threads there. That's where you find the most interesting information, some of which never makes news anywhere else. I had quit going to the site for several months, because it had turned into just repeated threads about how soon Trump was going to prison, and how great Biden's policies were for the country.

It's much more interesting lately. For instance, today there is an interesting thread on the pharma industry and how doctor's determine which drug to prescribe for any diagnosis. Something such as that would have never been allowed a few months ago and would have been declared "misinformation".

narciso said...

its not an academic argument, there are enduring consequences to this stolen election, on our streets, on the plains of afghanistan, in the caucasus, on the border, et al,

Known Unknown said...

"activist employees"

I think I found the problem.

Temujin said...

So far, it's going pretty much as I had presumed it went. I had actually been hoping there was more nuance to their decision-making. But it was clear that they were looking for ways to cut him out entirely, after shadow banning or cutting the amplification of many other conservatives. They finally looked at Trump and said, 'Fuck it. Just cut him off.' They'd wanted to do so for 4 years.

So now what? The media is covering this just as they covered Hunter's laptop. As David Burge says, "With a pillow. Until it stops moving."

What astounds me is how many people still take the approach of covering their ears and eyes and shouting "Lalalalala" as loud as they can so they don't have to hear or see any of it. Just leave us alone in our ignorance. Don't upset us or we'll claim that you're putting us in danger."

Ugh. There is no debate here. There are facts and there are...can I say it?....DENIERS. There....that was long overdue.

Maynard said...

The Left believes that public questioning/criticism of their ideological positions, puts them in danger.

I recently received a letter from my alma mater which was in the news for giving grade schoolers dildos and butt plugs. The Principal wrote to say that the school community felt "targeted" and "unsafe" because of the expose.

This is what the future leaders of our country are taught in the most prestigious schools. They really believe that Trump is a literal violent threat to them when he speaks out. After they get Trump, they will come for us.

Original Mike said...
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Original Mike said...

"Under pressure from hundreds of activist employees, Twitter deplatforms Trump, …"

It took a couple of years, but these activist employees got themselves fired. Karma.

walter said...

A long way from press hiding FDR's disability. Hey, that seems pretty contemporary somehow.
Of course, screwing around with politics is SOP compared to squelching dissent to the largest instance of medical malpractice ever.

Freeman Hunt said...

I like the person from China who points out that censorship is bad. Then all the ignorant Americans who take their country totally for granted come in with, "I respect that, but..."

PB said...

Trump didn't violate the rules, the partisans at Twitter did.

tim maguire said...

"hundreds" so...5%? More? Less?

What an extraordinarily poorly run company. Cowards

Yancey Ward said...

"Still not sure how important any of this is. Pressure from the government is important. Coordinatión with the government should lead to arrests. But crap woke social media companies behaving like crap woke thugs? That story basically ended when Musk fired them all."

I agree except for one thing- Twitter as operated prior to the election was an unreported in-kind contribution to the Democratic Party. That is, in fact, illegal in multiple ways, not that anyone will ever be prosecuted for it since none of them are Republicans.

The really important stuff is the censoring after Biden took office- the COVID censorship was far more extensive than the election stuff, and was definitely driven by the government- we already have a lot of documentary evidence of it from the FOIA work done by some conservative interests groups extracting material from the CDC and the FDA, but what is missing so far are the e-mails from within one of the social media companies.

Kevin said...

The Dems knew this was coming.

It’s why they spent so much political capital calling people “election deniers”.

Drago said...

Readering: "Hard to imagine this is doing anything to increase the value of Musk's investment."

Your "concern" is downright touching.

Readering said...

Maynard: Parker? The School getting elementary school kids cursed at by adults as they are
dropped off in the morning and that evacuated for a bomb threat?

Gahrie said...

"Hard to imagine this is doing anything to increase the value of Musk's investment."

They've said the same thing about every company Musk has started or run. I don't understand why people keep underestimating the man.

Gahrie said...

At the time I thought, great, now Trump will just start his own social media platform and make a fortune. Looks like I overestimated his business competence.

Musk built and runs a multi-billion dollar car company (the first new American car company in almost 100 years) and a multi-billion dollar rocket company he built from scratch, both of which are revolutionizing their industries, and runs at least three other companies at the same time, and along the way became the richest man in the world.

Just what would business competence look like to you?

Drago said...

readering: "The School getting elementary school kids cursed at by adults as they are
dropped off in the morning and that evacuated for a bomb threat?"

"by adults"

You mean, parents whose children were being aggressively groomed without their knowledge by by sick and twisted adults?

And a "bomb threat"? Gee, which federal agency or leftist activist do you think called in the fake bomb threat?

Will that be like the "pipe bomb threat" (wink wink) at the RNC and DNC headquarters?

Or maybe someone was going to be kidnapped by another FBI-led team?

How about some details there tiger. If its not too much trouble and won't get in the way of your talking points.

Next up for readering: Leftist school officials report seeing "nooses" hanging from garage doors in the local area!

Original Mike said...

Musk has repeatedly said he didn't buy Twitter as an investment.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Gahrie (to readering): "Just what would business competence look like to you?"

To readering, it would look alot like Sam Bankman-Fried.

Readering said...

Drago, don't feel obliged to think up a catchy response to all my political comments. Some work even less well than others.

Once written, twice... said...

So, Twitter, a privately owned, decided that they did not want its company to be used to undermine our country. That is what has conservatives outraged? How is different than lefty blathering on about Fox News, the most-watched news network in the United States?

Once written, twice... said...

It seems right-wing conservatives want the government to reintroduce the fairness doctrine.


Readering said...

Original Mike: the lenders who provided $25 billion towards the Twitter p¹urchase were probably told something different.

Yancey Ward said...

Notice how Readering describes his "study" of this material, and he has only done it once in 10 days- "skimmed it".

In short, Readering hasn't read any of it. Temujin is correct- they are covering their eyes, plugging their ears, and saying over and over, "I can't hear you."

Even Readering can't bring himself to outright lie about doing exactly this.

Maynard said...

Maynard: Parker? The School getting elementary school kids cursed at by adults as they are
dropped off in the morning and that evacuated for a bomb threat?


Parker used to be a school that taught students HOW to think, not WHAT to think. I greatly admire what that schooled used to be. It helped a lower middle class kid like me become successful.

Unfortunately, it became politically correct when it stopped giving scholarships to the families of (largely minority) teachers because a gay Music teacher thought it was discriminatory.

The place is fucked up with a lot of rich leftists who have no clue what the real world is like, sort of like the Democrat elitists.

That they are now playing the victim card is no surprise.

Drago said...

Readering: "Drago, don't feel obliged to think up a catchy response to all my political comments."

Mirrors frighten you.

I get it.

Drago said...

Readering: "Original Mike: the lenders who provided $25 billion towards the Twitter p¹urchase were probably told something different."

Sure they were. I expect we'll see the lawsuits any day now....



......any day now.......

Drago said...

Once written, twice: "It seems right-wing conservatives want the government to reintroduce the fairness doctrine."

What other incorrect or nonexistent things "seem" to you to be happening?

D.D. Driver said...

GOPe banning and vilifying the entire MAGA movement and its voters. They are the fascists. Some too stupid to know it.

MAGA deserves to be mocked and vilified. That's a red-herring. If we silence them we don't get to laugh at all the stupid shit they say. You can hate MAGA (and fuck do I hate MAGA--pretty sure Taibbi does too!) and also be outraged at censorship. With your constant whining and victimhood it makes it really hard to be "on your side" but here we are.

Big Mike said...

That's why Hitlery and her goons are out to smear and destroy Musk.

With the enthusiastic support of many people who think of themselves as good and honest individuals. Not a mean bone anywhere in their bodies. The New York Times tells them to hate Elon Musk, and like Pavlov’s dogs they respond.

Rusty said...

D.D. Driver said...
"GOPe banning and vilifying the entire MAGA movement and its voters. They are the fascists. Some too stupid to know it.

MAGA deserves to be mocked and vilified. That's a red-herring. If we silence them we don't get to laugh at all the stupid shit they say. You can hate MAGA (and fuck do I hate MAGA--pretty sure Taibbi does too!) and also be outraged at censorship. With your constant whining and victimhood it makes it really hard to be "on your side" but here we are."
Yeah. But see, you voted for Biden and nothing you bring to the table carries any weight. Because you voted for Biden.

Mike said...

Well it's not as if he hadn't spent the previous two months riling up his supporters and lying to the country. And then he summoned them to Washington on the false claim that Pence could overturn the election. And then set them lose on the Capitol to try to overturn the election.

Anyone other than the POTUS who acted that would have been banned months earlier for repeated flagrant violations of Twitter TOS. I know Republicans are obsessed with their status of victims, but quit portraying special treatment as a conspiracy.

Readering said...

Yancey Ward: at least your comment indicates that you don't hang on my every word like Drago.

wildswan said...

Bottom line is that it is now documented that all Twitter's tweet inspectors said Trump was not violating policy and then the head honchos banned him anyhow. And anyone who realizes the leaders did this should now accept that the whole staff would feel entitled to ban absolutely anyone for any reason. And to me, maybe I'm crass, but to me, this means that you have to wonder if they didn't then start to take money to ruin people or businesses. I mean - no standards, right? To me - perhaps there's something wrong with my spirit - but to me, no standards = takes money.

Drago said...

Readering: "Yancey Ward: at least your comment indicates that you don't hang on my every word like Drago."

Stop writing stupid and transparently false things and I'll stop noticing that you are writing stupid and transparently false things.

It's very straightforward.

Readering said...

Yancey Ward, a wise person would realize that the Talking Points Memo revelation, through Mark Meadows texts, of the GoP Congressional effort to overturn the election result around 1/6/21 is a lot more interesting than the disclosure of internal deliberations on Twitter's decision to ban Trump during the same period.

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