Arriving at the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, two officers find an intruder and Ms. Pelosi’s husband, Paul, standing calmly, each with a hand on a hammer that the police demand they drop. Just then, the video shows, the intruder takes control, wields the weapon over his head and slams it with full force....
Prosecutors presented the fullest account to date of what they say happened during the attack, and shared much of their evidence against the suspect, including the body-camera footage.
[David] DePape, 42, said in a police interview hours after the attack that he had other targets, including Gavin Newsom, the Democratic governor of California; the actor Tom Hanks; Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden; and the feminist writer and anthropologist Gayle Rubin, according to testimony on Wednesday. ..
Prosecutors during the hearing also played an audio recording of the interview that Mr. DePape gave to the police. In it, he admitted to busting into the Pelosi home in the upscale Pacific Heights neighborhood through a back door, on a mission to capture the House speaker, interrogate her and break her kneecaps if she “lied” to him....
I'm surprised to see the NYT using "busting" — not in quotes, but in the paper's voice — instead of "breaking." (I was just talking about how Breitbart is to trashy for my taste, and here I am, in a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified, and here's this "busting," like the night's busting open and these two lanes will take us anywhere.)
Back to the Pelosi incident:
The hearing began with prosecutors playing a recording of a call that Mr. Pelosi made to 911 shortly after the intruder woke him up. During the call, Mr. Pelosi speaks calmly but emphatically, seemingly trying to convey to the operator that he is in danger but without alarming the intruder threatening his life. Mr. Pelosi said on the call that there was “a gentleman here waiting for my wife to come back.”
He told the operator who his wife was, and at one point the intruder in the background could be heard saying, “The name is David.”
(I was just talking about how Breitbart is to trashy for my taste, and here I am, in a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified, and here's this "busting," like the night's busting open and these two lanes will take us anywhere.)
Too, not to. Constant lies and partisanship is "elevated and dignified" huh?
How come the worst is always assumed of actors and institutions on the Right, yet the best is assumed of actors and institutions on the Left?
More "cruel neutrality"?
@Althouse wrote: "I'm surprised to see the NYT using "busting" — not in quotes, but in the paper's voice — instead of "breaking." (I was just talking about how Breitbart is to trashy for my taste, and here I am, in a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified, and here's this "busting," like the night's busting open and these two lanes will take us anywhere.)"
Methinks Althouse remembers the old days when NYT had an ombudsman and sincerely 'tried' to be the Paper of Record. That goal fully dissolved with anti-Trump propaganda and the disposals of James Bennet and Bari Weiss in 2020. Old-line news vendors struggled and as most readers/paying subscribers became cheerleaders and blind partisans rather than elevated or dignified. The current readers likely say 'busting' are they trashy too?
Watch Idiocracy (2006) to understand what has become of the culture. And to also learn about the potential for time travel to the past.
It is stunning to me that anyone of intellectual honesty would consider the NYT elevated and dignified. Style is not substance. You mistake a thin veneer of decades old prudence in reporting for accuracy and a passion for truth.
I would rather here the truth in-artfully expressed than a lie from a smooth tongue.
"Just then, the video shows, the intruder takes control, wields the weapon over his head and slams it with full force...."
On Nancy's head.
(A taxpayer can dream, can't he?)
Nothing there to support Readering's and Inga's comments yesterday. I was expecting more pro-Trump stuff.
The police ordered the two men to drop the hammer. One did and the other took the opportunity to bash him. I wonder if the police feel bad about their role in Pelosi's injuries.
Jefferson's Revenge said...It is stunning to me that anyone of intellectual honesty would consider the NYT elevated and dignified.
I like not having to wade through a bunch of hyperbolic ranting to get to the facts, even if ultimately what I get is a highly shaded version of them.
Miguel almaguer is unavailable for comment.
And has been since he told the truth instead of the narrative
John Henry
So does this mean NBC reporter Miguel Almaguer can be released now?
Nice way to deflect away from the deplorable nutbar influenced by Russian robot agenda to commit violence against the evil Washington DC lizard people away from his enablers so they can focus on the NYT libturd bias.
Boxers or briefs? Thongs?
Pelosi seems to have been (deniably) emasculated.
The NY Times, of elevated and dignified fame, names John Fetterman as one of their most stylish people. For some reason Sam Bankman-Fried failed to make the list. It could be the cargo shorts.
I'm surprised to see the NYT using "busting" — not in quotes, but in the paper's voice —
here I am, in a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified, and here's this "busting,"
NO ONE is so blind, as She that will not see
"They appeared calm, until an officer told them to drop the tool. That is when Mr. DePape took control of the hammer" I'm wondering if Pelosi automatically listened to the officer and dropped the hammer, which was a mistake.
So who opened the front door?
Interesting that in this portion at least, the NYTs opts to not explain how the officers got into the home. They arrive there. They find the two men holding the hammer. Did someone open the door? Where did they find the two men?
“Just then, the video shows, the intruder takes control, wields the weapon over his head and slams it with full force...."
On Nancy's head.
(A taxpayer can dream, can't he?)”
What is wrong with you?
At 07:04: So does this mean NBC reporter Miguel Almaguer can be released now?
He's back. I saw him Tuesday night traipsing through the snow out west. Full disclosure: My wife likes NBC news; I can't abide it.
Why does this have a gamergate tag?
I need to start a campaign for fellow girl gamers about how fucking insulting it is to see us used as props anytime someone behaves badly.
"in a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified"
Must be a case of women doing humor.
That rather carefully skirted around the issue of what happened up until the moment the police arrived and opened the door.
Does this body cam video start with Paul Pelosi opening the door, and then walking back to his attacker? Then getting busted by the assailant using a hammer?
Pacific Heights - that is where the ultra rich live.
This doesn't explain how Depape actually got in. One obvious possible inference is that they avoided the use of "breaking" because they know something they're not sharing, and Depape did not in fact break in. I'm not saying Pelosi invited him over, as some have suggested, but perhaps Pelosi answered the door when Depape knocked, and Depape "busted" (or bustled) past him.
The underwear question appears to remain unanswered. These details matter, no?
a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified
A place where the lies are presented with perfect use of the Oxford comma.
I'm surprised to see the NYT using "busting" — not in quotes, but in the paper's voice — instead of "breaking." (I was just talking about how Breitbart is to trashy for my taste, and here I am, in a place I regard as reasonably elevated and dignified, and here's this "busting," like the night's busting open and these two lanes will take us anywhere.)
Ann doesn't mind being lied to.
Ann does mind reading something she considers low class.
Because the most important thing is reinforcing that Ann is better than those icky Trump supporters.
Even if Breitbart is more honest than the NYT's, they are still below her.
Trashy even.
Jefferson's Revenge said...
It is stunning to me that anyone of intellectual honesty would consider the NYT elevated and dignified. Style is not substance. You mistake a thin veneer of decades old prudence in reporting for accuracy and a passion for truth.
I would rather here the truth in-artfully expressed than a lie from a smooth tongue.
You have to be self aware to notice subconscious reactions.
So the assault on Paul Pelosi only took place after the cops arrived.
What was happening before then?
Inquiring minds want to know.
"I cannot read this stuff. It's written to titillate people who are not me." The blatant lies to cover up the Pelosi affair is just like the blatant lies to cover up Nancy's part in the January 6th fiasco where SHE refused to have the National Guard there.
I'm sure it gives The View hags quivers up their legs.
Arriving at the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, two officers find an intruder and Ms. Pelosi’s husband, Paul, standing calmly, each with a hand on a hammer that the police demand they drop. Just then, the video shows, the intruder takes control, wields the weapon over his head and slams it with full force....
So they hired Jussie Smollet to stage the attack?
I haven't seen the video come out to the public yet. NBC scrubbed a report where they accidentally let some facts slip like that Pelosi opened the door for police then walked back to DePape.
How convenient that they waited for the police to get there. Everything was calm until the police got there.
Of course.
A Full force with a hammer to the head means death for someone of Pelosi's age.
This is a hoax from start to finish.
I just had an idea after reading all the comments: Cargo short boxers and cargo short briefs. Cargo short thongs might be a bridge too far. The signature trademark for the products will be a loop to hang a hammer. Real men cargo underwear with room enough to pack all your junk.
So now that the video is in the public record, when does the public get to, you know, like... see it?
Was the video footage actually shown to the jury and public? If I recall correctly, I read yesterday that the monitor was facing the witness, who was questioned about what was happening, but that no one else could actually see the video, but could only hear the sound.
If the video was shown to the entire court, why do we have no stills from it, or even video feeds. Is it not now a public record?
Was the video footage actually shown to the jury and public? If I recall correctly, I read yesterday that the monitor was facing the witness, who was questioned about what was happening, but that no one else could actually see the video, but could only hear the sound.
If the video was shown to the entire court, why do we have no stills from it, or even video feeds. Is it not now a public record?
The real question is why this wasn't released right after the attack. And why are we reading about it, instead of hearing and seeing it?
Is this really what happened, or is the NYT doing some coverup? I wouldn't put it past them. Maybe both of them were naked. Just sayin'
Who let the police in? If Paul let them in as has been reported how was he holding the hammer? Were both men by the door holding a hammer together? Strange they didn’t mention any of that which has been the big question in the general public’s mind.
I think the Times just didn't want to use "breaking" twice in the same sentence (breaking in and breaking kneecaps). Was it here there was a whole thread about avoiding second-uses, or not?
I wrote “reasonably elevated and dignified.”
Disingenuous to drop the modifier.
Thanks for exemplifying the low style I’m talking about trying to avoid.
Obviously, there is no way for me to entirely avoid it. There is nothing in the category I want. But Breitbart is too low for me to tolerate. If you think I’m being inconsistent, you’re being willfully dumb.
To have anything but complete contempt for the NYT and everything it stands for is just an extreme case of Stockholm Syndrome. Its easy to see how Nazism flourished.
It would be shorter to list what the times hasnt lied about from the holomodor to the world wide culling from wuhans lab
He told the operator who his wife was, and at one point the intruder in the background could be heard saying, “The name is David.”
Early internet stories had Pelosi saying that himself. You can't really trust rumormongers who claim to have heard things on tapes. On the other hand, you certainly can't trust the Times either.
Hunter Biden is doing a good enough job messing himself up, but if everybody who ever thought of going after Tom Hanks with a hammer is going to be arrested, we will need to build more prisons.
>>>... and here's this "busting," like the night's busting open and these two lanes will take us anywhere.)
No need to trade in these wings on some wheels. Wings will do the job.
"If you get close to her, kiss her once for me
I always have respected her for busting out and getting free
Oh, whatever makes her happy, I won't stand in the way
Though the bitter taste still lingers on from the night I tried to make her
I can't believe the attacker didn't bring his MAGA hat, his "noose", his bleach, at least 1 subway sandwich and wasn't drilled enough to know to shout "this is MAGA country!" when confronted.
Astonishing oversight on his part. Well, I guess when you are a hippie commune dwelling lefty activist from Berkeley you aren't always up to speed on what gear the fake "MAGA" type is supposed to carry around and what the fake "MAGA" shouting protocols should be.
I'd personally cut this guy some slack on that small point.
Which definition of "reasonable" are you referring to? Because I fail to see how the NYT meets any of them.
If Breitbart is too low for you, name a right or even center right source that is "reasonably elevated and dignified".
MayBee: "Interesting that in this portion at least, the NYTs opts to not explain how the officers got into the home. They arrive there. They find the two men holding the hammer. Did someone open the door? Where did they find the two men?"
Shhhh! Howard and Inga are on a roll. Was it "over" when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
If you think I’m being inconsistent, you’re being willfully dumb.
Nobody thinks you're being inconsistent, this is entirely expected from you. We think you're being biased and lying to either yourself or us about it.
I only note that Howard is off his meds. His keepers need to find where he’s hiding them… his ‘rathole, if you will.
Why does this description begin with "arriving at...police found..." when so much controversy and speculation has been focused on questions such as: Who opened the door? Were the two alone? Were they both holding the hammer when the door was opened?
And rather than (partially) describing the bodycam footage, why can't we simply view it and decide for ourselves?
If you were trying to conceal details, this is the way you would write this piece.
Too bad Nancy wasn’t home, they could’ve had a David, Paul & Nancy trio…
“If I had a hammer…”
They was playin’ Hide the Hammer, Maynard.
One of Depape’s children says Depape is a Green Party supporter.
On the other hand, you certainly can't trust the Times either.
You would think, wouldn't you?
"Which definition of "reasonable" are you referring to? Because I fail to see how the NYT meets any of them."
THIS^^ Same can be said of the Washington Post.
The NYT has been known for its revisions of history and accelerated attempts to set the tone/narrative for decades now.
I has a sad when I think of the witless subscribers…
" Russian robot agenda"
thanks for reminding me to take my Russian Robot pill this morning. almost forgot.
“It would be shorter to list what the times hasnt lied about from the holomodor to the world wide culling from wuhans lab.”
but they do it knowing that a dignified, gussied-up lies will be thought gold by their subscribers.
Well this will certainly disappoint a lot of conservative commenters who had convinced themselves it was a gay tryst gone wrong. Yeah, I'm one of them. Oh well, I'm glad Mr. Pelosi is doing all right now.
Igna asked:
What is wrong with you?
Reasonably elevated and dignified lying is still lying, and in some measure far worse.
Do you prefer it when they misrepresent or lie in perfect English absent s!ang?
You cannot assume what the NYT presents in it's article about this hearing or the entire incident to be correct or objective. It could also be a complete fabrication.
If a politician had their kneecaps broken every time they lied, we'd have run out of wheelchairs a long time ago...
Was it a silver hammer?
Birches said...
So who opened the front door?
Exactly !!!!!
Ann prefers her lies to be enunciated in perfect prose.
But Breitbart is too low for me to tolerate. If you think I’m being inconsistent, you’re being willfully dumb.
If you block out just one Breitbart writer, John Nolte, the average classiness rises significantly.
Here's his reaction to WaPo's troubles:
Well, this is what happens when you’re a bunch of scumbag liars.
I mean, suggesting that the WaPo advanced every leftist fake news agenda in modern times and bet their company on the permanence of Trump Derangement Syndrome makes sense at Breitbart. But the classiness level falls hard with the scumbag and libtard stuff.
"What is wrong with you? " Hah, certainly no different than what the fascist left, antifa, blm, etc, promote and perpetrate on a regular basis against the right. Such attacks on the right emanate on a daily basis from lib reps and senators. Seems only fair to return the same to your side.
Sheesh, that's horrifying. I hope they add security to the homes of prominent politicians.
To those asking why we can't see the footage:
Do you think that crime victims in their underwear should always be subject to public humiliation?
Btw, I've seen two photos/videos of Paul Pelosi since the attack, one at some gala event and another at the unveiling of Nancy's portrait.
Both times he is wearing gloves indoors.
It looks odd since he's not Michael Jackson.
What's up?
Ann Althouse said...
Obviously, there is no way for me to entirely avoid it. There is nothing in the category I want. But Breitbart is too low for me to tolerate. If you think I’m being inconsistent, you’re being willfully dumb.
I think you mean Breitbart is too honest for your tribe to tolerate.
You just wrap it in sneering classist rhetoric.
Everything about this story screams hoax.
But you will not be accepted by the cool kids if you say obvious truths out loud. So you take the NYT's and the mainstream media at face value. You have to to be accepted.
The price of acceptance is sacrificing personal honor and integrity. The Regime is purposely trying to grind down the self worth of the people it rules. They force you to accept obvious lies and they force you to repeat dishonesty and obvious amorality.
I agree you are somewhat consistent.
But I see that you are resisting at some level and that the resistance is growing.
I can't tell from the excerpt, but perhaps I missed it - did the NYT actually view the video or is this reporting on what the prosecution claims the video shows?
Does the nyt know who opened the door but wont tell us or are they as clueless as the rest of us but pretend the whole story began with drop the hammer and expect us to leave it at that.
Freeman Hunt said...
To those asking why we can't see the footage:
Do you think that crime victims in their underwear should always be subject to public humiliation?
Only when they are obviously lying and are running an obvious hoax to justify attacking political opponents.
But you were always a good little German.
I never truly realized what a snob you are, Ann
“This is a hoax from start to finish.”
Achilles used to call Covid a hoax too. Maybe he stopped calling it a hoax after a million people died of it…or maybe he was “self aware” enough to be embarrassed? Eh, probably not.
“The price of acceptance is sacrificing personal honor and integrity. The Regime is purposely trying to grind down the self worth of the people it rules. They force you to accept obvious lies and they force you to repeat dishonesty and obvious amorality.”
I appreciate Achilles’ honesty. He allows us a glimpse into the way an extremist thinks.
Blogger Inga said...
“This is a hoax from start to finish.”
Achilles used to call Covid a hoax too. Maybe he stopped calling it a hoax after a million people died of it…or maybe he was “self aware” enough to be embarrassed? Eh, probably not.
The resident dullard is unhappy that the Covid plan was called by some a "Hoax. That depends a bit on your definition of hoax. The Reischtag fire was a hoax with a purpose. so was this event. The motive is still a bit hazy. There may have been a couple. One, the actions of Fauci, et all were to control the population by hysteria. The Chinese motives are still a mystery. Was this bio-war #1 ? Maybe a test ?
The source of the SARS 2 virus is now pretty well established as the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was apparently working on it in a setting, Level 2 biohazard, which was dangerous and maybe on purpose. The funding was coming from the USA via a couple of "plausibly deniable" contracts with anonymous contractors. In the intelligence world they are called "cutouts."
Those of us not in Wisconsin and dull are assuming that the Biden Regime is a Chinese agent. Aside from the lethal virus and the dangerous "vaccine," what other things are going on that might help China ? Open borders and a flood of illegal peasants who will be government dependent for a generation is one. Another is the war on energy. Another is the debasing of the currency. Another is the proxy, and maybe hot, war with Russia.
A hoax? Yeah, okay. Hope you ordered and saved one of those cabinet kids from Wayfair.
Though I loathe his wife, it sounds as if the elderly Mr. Pelosi did a brave and smart job of controlling a deranged intruder. He kept him talking; convinced him to let him call 911, and 911 was competent too.
There's a classified type -- called disorganized offender -- who behaves like this. It's not that unusual that he agreed to a phone call and even offered his name. So I don't see anything nefarious about the account t of the crime itself, and Pelosi should be admired for using his wits. The only question: how did the police get in?
The Times, on the other hand, repulsively conflated the actions of this nutcase with an entire political movement, did what they could to downplay and misrepresent his longtime affiliation with radical leftism and drug abuse, and have demonstrated gross bias in their treatment of this crime compared to even more violent assaults by leftists on Republicans, not to mention their decades of pandering to cop killers and their celebration of the violent riots and mass destruction by thousands of coordinated leftist criminals for the past decade -- and decades before it.
That's not classy, and it is only sophisticated in the sense that it is sophisticated propaganda. in fact, its presentation and prestige only makes such behavior more disturbing.
I'm surprised to see the NYT using "busting" — not in quotes
Quotes that do not quote are a legacy feature of the NYT's style guide in the conception and birth of handmade tales.
Just for Inga: Here is a retired foreign service officer's opinion on the Covid "Hoax."
COVID, as we now can all clearly see, was a hyped-up "crisis" used to shut down the booming economy--Trump's major achievement--and facilitate bizarre rules on voting to allow the DNC to engage more easily in massive fraud. COVID was a tough one for Trump: a lose-lose. The CDC, NIAID, and the rest of the federal health bureaucracy detested Trump and happily collaborated in feeding the public a scare that was not merited, to say the least. If Trump defied them, the CNN "death clock" would have gone nuts, and he would have been labelled a mass murderer; if he went along, as he did, he destroyed the economy, increased the power of the permanent bureaucracy, including their power to silence those who knew better. A total disaster.
Pretty much my opinion, too.
I sometimes think this site exists so some of you can post batty stuff and then you can be monitored by the powers in charge.
And, really, this conviction that there was some dark action that led to this dude being in Paul Pelosi's it possible you folks have too much free time?
I sometimes think this site exists so some of you can post batty stuff and then you can be monitored by the powers in charge.
And, really, this conviction that there was some dark action that led to this dude being in Paul Pelosi's it possible you folks have too much free time?
“Those of us not in Wisconsin and dull are assuming that the Biden Regime is a Chinese agent.”
Those of us in Wisconsin and the rest of the country who are not senile or a loon, think this is an example of runaway conspiracy theory addiction.
"Here is a retired foreign service officer's opinion on the Covid "Hoax.""
Source, please.
"Though I loathe his wife, it sounds as if the elderly Mr. Pelosi did a brave and smart job of controlling a deranged intruder."
This. One can intensely dislike the actions of a politician without believing wild conspiracy theories about a crime committed against the politician's spouse. Did the media play it in a partisan way? Of course they did. That's all they do. They wouldn't even know how to write an article without doing it.
"Those of us in Wisconsin and the rest of the country who are not senile or a loon, think this is an example of runaway conspiracy theory addiction."
You've brought Inga and I to agreement on an issue.
Russia Collusion Truther And Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Those of us in Wisconsin and the rest of the country who are not senile or a loon, think this is an example of runaway conspiracy theory addiction."
Yes, Inga, of all people, after 6 straight years of one lunatic conspiracy theory after another, an exposed addiction one might say, wrote that.
You know what was instantly hilarious?
When you guys said you'd believe it when they released the bodycam footage.
You could have continuous drone surveillance of the house, Pelosi and the attacker for the last 10 years and you wouldn't believe it. Conspiracy theorists are like water -- always finding a new way to flow.
**Here is a retired foreign service officer's opinion on the Covid "Hoax."
Source, please.
Just follow the fucking money, Inga. FFS… don’t be a willful idiot.
Inga said...
What is wrong with you?
Some of us hate Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat bitches plus sons of bitches she leads obediently around by their noses almost as much as you hate Donald Trump and Republicans. Unlike you, we have legitimate reasons.
Inga said...
“The price of acceptance is sacrificing personal honor and integrity. The Regime is purposely trying to grind down the self worth of the people it rules. They force you to accept obvious lies and they force you to repeat dishonesty and obvious amorality.”
I appreciate Achilles’ honesty. He allows us a glimpse into the way an extremist thinks.
Example A: Inga.
Just a few lies that Inga holds onto:
-Russian Collusion.
-Trump Rape.
-Kavanaugh Rape.
-Brian Sicknick Blood libel.
-Hunter's Laptop.
Inga has no honor or integrity. She is an amoral dishonest shell of a human being.
She is the morally lacking hateful drone that the Regime is proud of building.
Inga will use any lie they give her with no thought about what a disgusting human being she has become.
seemingly trying to convey to the operator that he is in danger but without alarming the intruder threatening his life
The part of the sentence that is fiction. No supporting evidence supplied.
When I was trying out for the College Newspaper back in the day (I opted out after a while), the Editor was fond of writing on my copy "Just the facts please" I guess that's out of style.
Those of us in Wisconsin and the rest of the country who are not senile or a loon, think this is an example of runaway conspiracy theory addiction.
Dullards have to dullard. Biden has been bought by China.
The NYT and the MSM have a well deserved reputation for covering up for the Liberal/left and lying about conservative and Republicans. Especially Trump. For example, has the NYT's ever backed off its false "reported fact" that J6 protesters killed several policeman? If they have, it was in very small print, way after the event.
If the hammer was on the other foot, if this was MTG's husband or involved Trump or Cruz, the entire MSM would be expressing scepticism and demanding to see the police cam footage and hear the 911 tape. But because Pelosi is a powerful Democrat, why we mustn't be nosey nellies and simply accept everything given to us.
Sorry no can do. Pelosi and the MSM made this a frontpage story because they thought it would help the D's. I don't believe anything the NYT's or the Leftwing SF D/A says without proof. I'm almost certai they're hiding something, and if Pelosi's husband likes to have sex with young men, they should be honest about it.
Hey Inga!
Is DePape one of the Boogaloo Boys that are trying to assassinate all the liberals?
The two parties in miniature:
John Boehner attends the unveiling of Nancy Pelosi's official portrait, talks about how wonderful his daughters think she is, and cries.
Pelosi arrogantly tells some reporter not to bother her with questions about whether she'll serve out her term.
But it's the Republicans who are the evil servants of the privileged.
"Those of us in Wisconsin and the rest of the country who are not senile or a loon, think this is an example of runaway conspiracy theory addiction."
“You've brought Inga and I to agreement on an issue.”
Hey, I hear from Achilles that you are a good little German and I’m an amoral shell of a human being.
Freeman @ 11:34am,
Who is the "they" in your statement?
I would expect politicians, if they were concerned about their security, would hire whatever services they thought they needed. And to make the implication clear, no I do not think they are entitled to any more security than the lowliest person in the country.
“Here is a retired foreign service officer's opinion on the Covid "Hoax."”
Good grief, I’m supposed to take your word that this “foreign service officer” you quote is really a foreign service officer and not just another right wing nutter like yourself? No attribution or cite except for what you’ve claimed this person said. Sheesh, that is just stupid.
Freeman Hunt said...
"Though I loathe his wife, it sounds as if the elderly Mr. Pelosi did a brave and smart job of controlling a deranged intruder."
This. One can intensely dislike the actions of a politician without believing wild conspiracy theories about a crime committed against the politician's spouse. Did the media play it in a partisan way? Of course they did. That's all they do. They wouldn't even know how to write an article without doing it.
He opened the door for police.
Then Pelosi walked back to Depape and tried to calm him down.
That's what I would do when after I spent hours trying to calm someone down before the police came. I would open the door for the police, then walk back to the crazy person with a hammer.
Where is the video? I heard it was released? How come I can't find this video?
Here's where I come when i want to watch folks doubling down.
Here is the item from the retired foreign service officer
Mew, mew.
Keep with the big picture Readering. Your demented dolt sniffing symbolic rape trees in the WH while economy goes to shit.
Readering: "Here's where I come when i want to watch folks doubling down."
Why are you bringing up your doubling and tripling down on the hoax collusion and hoax dossier in this thread?
Try and stay on point.
Readering: "Here's where I come when i want to watch folks doubling down."
Why are you bringing up your doubling and tripling down on the hoax collusion and hoax dossier in this thread?
Try and stay on point.
Inga: "No attribution or cite except for what you’ve claimed this person said."
So NOW, after 6 years, you have become a "stickler" for attributions and cites?
How could it possibly get any funnier than that?
Here is Michael K’s foreign service officer. No wonder he didn’t leave a link to a cite. Thanks to Kirk Parker for pointing to the guy Michael K was trying to suggest had some credibility regarding a Covid “hoax”. This is what Amselem did as a foreign service officer. Someone Michael K holds in high regard apparently.
Lewis Amselem, Friend of Rapists, Scum
Hillary Aide Talks About Animal Sacrifice to Demon Moloch in WikiLeaks Email
Oh boy here is a bit more about Michael K’s foreign service officer he was so taken with, sorry I’m finding it pretty funny.
“The latest is a very strange email from one of Hillary’s State Department Foreign Service officers named W. Lewis Amselem, in which he, jokingly or not, made mention of “sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch” — a demon to whom child sacrifices are offered.
W. Lewis Amselem is now a retired senior U.S. Foreign Service officer. In 2009 when he wrote that email, Amselem was the head of the U.S. delegation to the Organization of American States (OAS). It is said that Amselem had concealed the identities of individuals, one of whom was a U.S. national, who in 1989 kidnapped, tortured and raped Diana Ortiz, an American nun in Guatemala.”
Shorter Walter: AAARRRGGHHH!
And to be very clear before anyone accuses me of finding the story funny of the American nun being tortured and raped by American backed Guatemalan Security Forces led by the American guy they called “boss”, no. What is funny and pathetic is that Michael K who calls others dullard, so freely put his faith in this scum of a retired foreign service officer who smeared the nun, spread rumors about her, and covered up the fact that Americans were actively leading these Guatemalan Security Forces and their torture/murder squads, because Amselem speaks about a “Covid hoax”. People should read the account of this American nun and how Amselem treated her. THAT is the sort of human Michael K quotes as if he has the truth. That man lied about a nun who was raped and tortured.
Shorter Readering: (armpit farts)
Maybe Readering has a symbolic rape tree and wonders what the fuss is about. Maybe transplanted a real one in the yard.
Those kids and moms had it coming!
Shorter Readering: [scratches head, shrugs]
Not surprised.
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