December 18, 2022

"Taraneh Alidoosti, one of Iran’s most famous actors, has been detained by security forces in Tehran days after she criticised the state’s use of the death penalty against protesters...."

The Guardian reports. 

In her last Instagram post, the actor said: “His name was Mohsen Shekari. Every international organization who is watching this bloodshed and not taking action, is a disgrace to humanity.”

Shekari was executed on 8 December after being charged by an Iranian court with blocking a street in Tehran and injuring a member of the country’s security forces with a machete....

Fluent in German and English, Alidoosti has also translated books by Alice Munro and Nicole Krauss from English to Persian.

She had vowed not to leave Iran, writing: “I do not have a passport or residence anywhere except Iran. I’ll stay and look you straight in the eyes like all these normal people when I scream for my rights. I’ve inherited this courage from the women of my land, who for years have been living their lives, every day with resistance … I will stay, I will not quit, I will stand with the families of the prisoners and murdered and demand their rights. I will fight for my home, I will pay whatever it takes to stand up for my rights, and most importantly: I believe in what we are building together today.”


Gusty Winds said...

Remember when the NYTs reported that Iran had ended its morality police?

That was December 5, 2022.

A lifetime ago when it comes to modern day fake news and propaganda.

Dave Begley said...

Biden and Garland should lend some FBI agents to Iran in order to censor and crush dissent.

Dave Begley said...

We should be smuggling guns into Iran. I hear Iran has an open border.

wendybar said...

We are getting close to that here. Who thought we would ever have a political prisoner gulag??

gilbar said...

IF the United States had a government.. Instead of being a wholly owned subsidy of Red China..
We'd be supporting these Iranians

RMc said...

I love how snowflakes scream about how horrible and fascist America is, and then they ignore stuff like this. (On the "horrible and fascist" scale, the US ranks about 117th.)

Mark said...

The story yesterday about how many women ate raped after being arrested needs to be a part of the discussion.

Nonyabidness said...

This is precisely what would occur in the United States today. If protestors here attacked police with machetes, they would be arrested, convicted and likely receive the death penalty.

Their supporters would also face arrest as giving aid and comfort to domestic terrorists.

Iran is doing EXACTLY as the United States would do if the US government was attacked by the people with machetes.

Think on what the US has become as a nation. And weep.

Dave Begley said...

Our Bill of Rights is the most important and valuable document in human history.

Agree with me Professor emerita?

Howard said...

We need a return of Ronaldous Magnus Reaganski to sell the mad mullahs more armaments.

Critter said...

Where are the Woke? Their hero Biden is trying to strengthen the Iran regime. Recently, the same for Venezuela. Could it be that the Woke have no human rights principles beyond automatically criticizing America for not being perfect? Anti-Americanism and not anti-totalitarianism. We can see their ideological home.

Temujin said...

At this moment she has probably been beaten and raped to within inches of her life. And the Biden team's response with what's going on in Iran?

I believe they are working on a Gay Awareness program for Iran.

When looking at things like our current foreign policy and our current domestic policies- I guess I mean everything- the word 'feckless' seems so meager. Yet, it's all I can think of when it comes to the Biden Administration. Feckless, dangerously over their heads, and arrogant beyond words. Arrogance and ignorance are not good governing traits.

n.n said...

Elective abortion (e.g. unarmed woman in a prone position, a woman kicked until she's dead, citizens detained for a regime-instigated riot) with or without cause is a cultural thing. Anyway, Persian Spring in the Obama/Biden/Pelosi World War Spring series in progress.

Achilles said...

It is too bad none of the Iranian dissidents offered to give the Biden's 20% instead of the 10% the Mullahs kick back.

Curious George said...

"Gusty Winds (Elon Musk Fanboy) said...
Remember when the NYTs reported that Iran had ended its morality police?

That was December 5, 2022.

A lifetime ago when it comes to modern day fake news and propaganda."

You mean reasonably elevated and dignified modern day fake news and propaganda. Right?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Iranian Mullahs deserve nothing but death.

Where is the outcry from useless leftiwng Hillarywoodland?

Rusty said...

Silly woman. You don't have any rights until the state gives you some rights.
Am I right, Comrade Bob?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It used to be that the red pistachios came from Iran and the green ones came from California but today who knows?

Rusty said...

Silly woman. You don't have any rights until the state gives you some rights.
Am I right, Comrade Bob?

Rusty said...

Silly woman. You don't have any rights until the state gives you some rights.
Am I right, Comrade Bob?

Michael K said...

Those are the people that Biden wants to give an atomic bomb.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Amateurs. In United States, we track down and arrest people for trespassing on Govt property. And hold them without bail for years.
In Canada, they freeze your bank accounts in attempt to make you homeless and hungry.

Of course, execution does seem a bit extreme.

rcocean said...

Injured with a machete? What a rather odd way of putting it. It bring up images of someone hitting someone with the handle and brusing somebody. Of course, they mean "Cut/stabbed with a machete" and you don't stab someone with a machete because you want to "injure them". You're trying to kill them.

This fellow was executed because he and his partner killed two policeman and "Injured" a 3rd. So, this dopey actress gets into the act because she's trying to win points with the West. I don't think she's "Brave" - she knows being a "dissident" will help her career.

Joe Smith said...

I know many Iranians. They are really smart people. They are not Arabs, who I've never found to be very bright.

So I cannot understand why they ever put up with the fanatics in their midst...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

My question is how the anti-Trump administration handled Iran?

My recollection is that they were on a moderation path before our current White House occupant.

Sebastian said...

Who cares. Let's make a deal with the mullahs and be done with it.

JAORE said...

Her bravery, and likely sacrifice, is NOTHING compared to our media types that vow to not leave Twitter.

Why those media types are JUST LIKE the boys storming Omaha Beach.

Just a couple of examples of the insane logic of the left.

Sure, let's give them nukes and a few more billions.

Jupiter said...

"At this moment she has probably been beaten and raped to within inches of her life. And the Biden team's response with what's going on in Iran?"

If she worked for the WaPo, Biden's handlers would have him promise to make Iran a "pariah state".

Tom T. said...

Notice how there's no one in the comments saying "I don't know what to believe." Somehow that's only a problem when it's Putin and he's losing.

mikee said...

I, for one, remember 1979 when the mullahs took over by imprisoning or killing anyone who objected too publicly. It did not take many executions and arrests to chill the ardor of the anti-mullah factions. Look for more executions and imprisonment, unless those performing those functions suddenly switch to opposing rule by mullahs.