"However, this is not believed to be the case.
In the footage he posted, he was handed a pizza box from a local restaurant, which some users suggested had inadvertently revealed his location to officers.
The row with Ms Thunberg began earlier this week when Mr Tate tagged the 19-year-old activist in a post boasting about the 'enormous emissions' produced by his fleet of cars.
Following the arrest, Ms Thunberg tweeted 'this is what happens when you don't recycle your pizza boxes,' referring to the online rumour...."
From "Andrew Tate detained in Romania over rape and human trafficking case" (BBC).
A strange story, strange enough to overcome my previous resistance to participating in the notoriety of this person. He's "from social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok — for hate speech (in the form of misogyny). He was banned from Twitter too, but he's one of Elon Musk's restorations.
I'm not following Thunberg enough to have any idea why she would engage with him, which inevitably boosted his profile. Of course, he also got arrested, and we will see what that amounts to and whether Thunberg or Thunberg fans will give her credit for whatever Romanian legal troubles have enmeshed him.
ADDED: The BBC is too discreet to quote Thunberg's original response to Tate's brag about his "enormous emissions." I wouldn't have given him this, but she did and she got over 3 million likes:
yes, please do enlighten me. email me at smalldickenergy@getalife.com https://t.co/V8geeVvEvg
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) December 28, 2022
No one tell David Burge his Earth day celebration has been topped
I am confused here. As I read the article, he was not on the lamb from any charges, so why were the Romanian authorities tipped off as to his location? He was detained on local charges. Help me out here.
The "fleet" of cars term is meaningless as Tate could only drive one at a time. Just as Saint Greta can only fly only fly in one private jet at a time.
Greta Thunberg is interesting to me, because so much of her "angry" public persona seems like trite, artificial, inauthentic mush, but occasionally she seems like a real person on Twitter -- I also remember her comeback to Trump when she turned around a quip he'd made at her expense (something about needing to chill out). She strikes me as different from, say David Hogg -- another angry little child activist -- in that Hogg really seems just as shallow and bland and vacuous as his activist persona. Or maybe I'm just falling for a slicker media operation.
Greta Thunberg? Didn't she used to be somebody? She wanted people to do something?
Oh! That's Right! She wanted Europe to shut down their nukes and coal plants; and rely on russian gas.
What a moronic f*ck! Look at Her Europe now.. Shivering and cold
"why were the Romanian authorities tipped off as to his location?"
That's the false rumor, I think. They knew where he was. Maybe they'd have chosen this day to arrest him or maybe not.
The whole pizza box thing reminds me of pizzagate. Somehow tales containing pizza have legs.
As a certified old, I look forward to not learning about Andrew Tate.
Women aren't great at distinguishing their friends from their enemies. Probably starting with Thurber.
"Extras" is pretty good. I'd been putting off watching it because Gervais's Office was unintelligible. Anyway Gervais accused Hollywood stars at an Oscars of having spent even less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
Nobody wins in these social media feuds.
Thunberg recycling Trump's mild jests in her twitter bio comes across as a tie, something that neither hurt nor helped either of them (or even helped both of them), rather than as a resounding zinger of a retort, but somehow when these things are recounted everything has to be either a crushing putdown or the ultimate fail.
Andrew Tate is only familiar to me as some guy I have never heard of. I may have seen his name, but not bothered to learn any more about him.
That's the false rumor, I think. They knew where he was. Maybe they'd have chosen this day to arrest him or maybe not.
Thank you for this. I read the stories yesterday on the pizza box, and it made the whole story seem absurd that none of it was interesting to me. From what I could tell Andrew Tate is a modern Larry Flint but this time to stop pornography, the speech is called hateful rather than risqué. However, authorities are also claiming Tate trafficked women. What I suspect we will never hear is trafficked to whom?
So Greta's e-mail address is "getalife.com". Sounds about right for her.
I only became aware of the man after recently (post Elon Musk) joining Twitter to see what the fuss was about. His name kept popping up. I watched a couple of his little videos and could hardly believe how low our "culture" has sunk if this man has any following, much less a huge one. I only wish that both he and Thunberg could somehow both lose.
Scott Adams has a special distaste for Andrew Tate and has good reason to. Tate ran off with Adam's wife. After Adams paid for Aerobatic lessons and an aerobatic plane. He can afford it but he is bitter anyway.
I'm waiting to hear what he has to say on Coffee with Scott Adams which puts me to sleep every night.
John Henry
He is, or is not, a sex predator. Think the Romanian courts will sort that out, or care to?
She is a nasty little hypocrite, case closed. Do you think she will criticize the British Pakistani child sex groomers, with tens of thousands of raped, tortured, and murdered victims next?
Nah. She'd be cancelled. And no more hanging with George Clooney types. Screw the cynical little cunt.
So Greta's e-mail address is "getalife.com". Sounds about right for her.
A proprietor of another blog argues that, if Tate was half as hard as he claims to be, a proper response to her would have been "I thought your email was notitties@fetalalcoholface.com!"
Which, y'know, is pretty funny, because it's true.
"Somehow tales containing pizza have legs."
Boxes containing cigarettes used to have legs.
Greta is an autistic child that has been groomed by her parents for activism instead of sex - she's like hundreds of child actors with predatory parents that have made Hollywood's nasty reputation regarding children, since the start of the business. She's a trained performer, that's all. If you pass over the news clips and look at the feeds instead, it's very plain that when performance time comes, she turns it on, does the routine, and then turns it off again.
Andrew Tate I know nothing about, long may it continue.
Now I want pizza.
John Henry,
Thank you for the info. We listen to Scott Adams most nights, too, and he has been very bitter toward women lately--wives in particular. To learn of this connection with Tate explains a lot. Also, whoa.
Mr. Pants and I shared a grudging hat tip to Miss Thunberg for "smalldickenergy@getalife.com"
It made us laugh
Sidebar: he's home from the hospital but it'll take a while for him to be back to normal. Thank you for your kind wishes, those who shared them. Try not to get pneumonia so bad you have to be hospitalized. It was close, y'all.
Tate ran off with Adam's wife
Maybe if he'd married someone age appropriate, with dignity and character, and not a vapid influencer bimbo young enough to be his granddaughter with dollar signs for eyes, he would not be in this humiliating position
Read the book of Proverbs for more information on avoiding skanks who will ruin your life
I'm not following Thunberg enough to have any idea why she would engage with him, which inevitably boosted his profile.
This is pretty funny and illuminates the bubble Ann lives in.
Tate is more popular and has a much bigger profile and is more influential than Thunberg in every way.
Thunberg is really only pushed by the Regime media. Outside of that bubble Thunberg is regarded as a nonexistent mediocrity.
Only someone inside that bubble thinks Thunberg is more influential than Tate.
Humperdink said...
I am confused here. As I read the article, he was not on the lamb from any charges, so why were the Romanian authorities tipped off as to his location? He was detained on local charges. Help me out here.
Pretty much.
Tate is very wealthy and very high profile. He wasn't breaking any laws. He wasn't hiding.
This has WEF written all over it.
The funniest thing about this to me is that I'd never heard of Andrew Tate. So really, what am I doing in this comment section?
Tate is the extreme opposite of the Feminist/LGBTQ movement.
Here is his first interview with Piers Morgan.
Tate is much more popular internationally because he is blocked out from US audiences by big tech filters. He is also popular in the social media sphere which is why nobody on this board really knows who he is.
One of his quotable quotes is paraphrased off the top of my head:
If you teach a man how to make $1000 an hour he will think "Damn I can make $24,000 a day." If you teach a woman how to make $1000 an hour she will think "Damn I only have to work 1 hour a day."
This is obviously not popular with the there are no differences between men and women crowd.
One of those interesting things about being in as many of these spheres as possible is noticing that these spheres all have very similar operations.
The people in those social media spheres are just as ignorant of how you all think as you are of them.
It is similar to how none of you upper class political junkies really understand why Trump is so popular in the working class and veterans.
Around here, pizza boxes are not recyclable. Too many of them are full of grease and sauce, so the recycling authorities just prohibit putting them in with the legal recyclables.
@John Henry, fwiw Adams denies that as a rumor started by Tate to get back at him after he declined to get involved with Tate. Who knows?
I think Tate is Voldemort.
I only know of him from reddit posts by girls/women who ask if they should break up with their boyfriends for watching Tate's videos. It took me a long time to find out his name, though. He was always just called things like "that person I won't name". I don't know if they were refusing to name him or if some subreddits had a ban on his name. It seemed like the latter and felt as though they were giving him too much power.
Because the Romanian security state has absolutely no idea who is in their country, let alone a famous, controversial millionaire; they needed a pizza box to tip them off...
Some people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
John henry said... Tate ran off with Adam's wife.
Or..Adam's wife ran..you know the thing!
Im dealing with a divorce and battling cancer. Now I remember why I stayed off Twitter. A lot of older people acting like kids. Holy cow.
— Kristina Basham (@Kristina_Basham) March 11, 2022
In better times, I remember Scott cheekily telling the world that sex is better when you scream.
Good times.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the miasma of skanks, I shall fear no evil: for my prenup is with me; its clauses and verbiage they comfort me.
Blogger Temujin said...
The funniest thing about this to me is that I'd never heard of Andrew Tate. So really, what am I doing in this comment section?
Because every pop culture related post by Althouse requires at least one such comment.
Traditionally, it's far more dismissive though.
Work on that.
One would think that what tipped Romanian police would be the fact that he went through immigration controls coming back from a recent trip to London that is documented in his participation on a podcast videoed there. Then knowing he was in the country, they, wait for it, went to the property he owns.
Is this the same Tate “Tater” called out by David Wood when he embraced Islam? That is my only context.
I don’t live in Ann’s bubble other than this blog in anyway. I think I’m masculine enough and all. I never heard a the guy before. Just sayin Achilles. Course I’m old, so that’s probably something.
Tate talks to Tucker
says he wasn't arrested. Was victim of swatting.
Nevermind. That's an old video.
First and foremost, I suspect this was a SWATting incident. I.e., someone called in a false report to Romanian police that resulted in the police arresting the Tate brothers.
That said, the primary rumor is that they are busting him for human trafficking. The claim is he and his brother are running a "lover boy" scam with the help of two other Romanian men. The Tate brothers get women to buy plane tickets to Romania to live with them, and once they are in the country, they "force" the girls to do live cam shows for a company with offices down the street from their home. This rumor continues with a story that a woman from the US flew out Romania and was able to contact her ex-boyfriend in the US about being forced to work on cam. The ex then contacted the US embassy in Romania, which initiated the raid.
The other rumor is that just Andrew was busted for money-laundering.
I take both of these rumors with a grain of salt, since both brothers appear to be out of custody already.
First and foremost, I suspect this was a SWATting incident. I.e., someone called in a false report to Romanian police that resulted in the police arresting the Tate brothers.
That said, the primary rumor is that they are busting him for human trafficking. The claim is he and his brother are running a "lover boy" scam with the help of two other Romanian men. The Tate brothers get women to buy plane tickets to Romania to live with them, and once they are in the country, they "force" the girls to do live cam shows for a company with offices down the street from their home. This rumor continues with a story that a woman from the US flew out Romania and was able to contact her ex-boyfriend in the US about being forced to work on cam. The ex then contacted the US embassy in Romania, which initiated the raid.
The other rumor is that just Andrew was busted for money-laundering.
I take both of these rumors with a grain of salt, since both brothers appear to be out of custody already.
What I'm seeing online is that this was a swatting situation on Tate and his brother, not an arrest, on a fake report of human trafficking. Who really knows these days.
And BTW: The pizza box bit is for the slow kids - Tate's likely carrying a smartphone.
This is weird weird weird to me. I had never heard of Andrew Tate until I started watching Youtube Shorts, and for some reason he and Jordan Peterson started showing up. I listened to the Peterson videos, and always scrolled away / banned the Tate videos. He just seemed like a douchebag.
Now this, and a possible Scott Adams tie-in as well (he's also someone who I like as a cartoonist and dislike as a human; I suspect a lot of his self-serving stories are fake, his success with Dilbert was jump-started by other people naming the characters and providing stories, and his predictions in his book on the future of work have mostly fallen flat). But make one long-shot prediction, and he's golden.
Clearly we're in the stupid timeline, and we never should have stopped Thanos.
donald said...
I don’t live in Ann’s bubble other than this blog in anyway. I think I’m masculine enough and all. I never heard a the guy before. Just sayin Achilles. Course I’m old, so that’s probably something.
It isn't about masculinity or Tate's message which would be an not so extreme version of what you hear in here from rhhardin and Shouting Thomas.
It is about a generational and societal gap where we spend our time reading and watching different things.
The message is the same but the worlds are different. Tate has millions of followers and I would guess is right up there with MSNBC as far as reach. The people that watch Tate for the most part don't even have cable.
We all live in a bubble. It is just about which bubble.
The thing about these bubbles is the hardest one to recognize is the one around ourselves.
Roger Sweeny said...
Around here, pizza boxes are not recyclable. Too many of them are full of grease and sauce, so the recycling authorities just prohibit putting them in with the legal recyclables.
I had the same thought when reading this. Surely Greta, the patron saint of the Green movement, doesn't recycle her pizza boxes, right? But then, maybe she's never actually been in the presence of a pizza box.
The other guy just sounds like the world's biggest macho dipshit. Hmmm, maybe the second biggest.
I had never heard of Andrew Tate III either. I listened to an interview he had with Piers Morgan and found him uninteresting and extremely annoying. They got into a back and forth about whether Tate believes a woman becomes the property of her husband, since that is what he said in some video. He claimed the clip was taken out of context and then after the back and forth reasserted his belief that a wife is the property of the husband. Shades of his Muslim training, he's a convert.
The other thing I noticed was that Tate's slightly British accent kept changing and I did a quick search and found out that he was born in Washington DC. and his late father, Andrew Tate, Jr. was a grandmaster chess player and was very well known as an African American savant in chess. His father, Andrew Tate, Sr., had been a sharecropper in Georgia, served in the Army in WWII, then went on to be a distinguished lawyer in Chicago for 48 years. He taught his children chess as part of their education but found that his son, Tate, Jr., was an exceptionally talented player. Tate, Jr., went into the Air Force where he earned a reputation for his chess play (combination of Bobby Fisher and Muhammed Ali) and won Armed Forces Chess Championships. He also became fluent in Russian, and possibly worked in Intelligence. We're talking about a super smart family.
Somehow strange to see this kind of family background producing a guy who runs his mouth and plays the role of misogynist for financial gain, but not surprising that he is an attention seeker.
He's been dating a woman from Romania and lives there so it's not surprising the police knew his whereabouts.
I like my bubble! It generally keeps people like Greta and Andrew (I knew he was In Trouble* from something on Tucker[?] some time back) out of my ken.
Plus, it's nicely decorated and pretty roomy considering.
*Girl Trouble IYKWIMAITYD.
marybeth @ 11:20 AM
"I think Tate is Voldemort.
I only know of him from reddit posts by girls/women who ask if they should break up with their boyfriends for watching Tate's videos. It took me a long time to find out his name, though. He was always just called things like "that person I won't name". I don't know if they were refusing to name him or if some subreddits had a ban on his name. It seemed like the latter and felt as though they were giving him too much power."
I have seen those posts as well. Today they are topped by posts such as: "Is anyone else getting triggered by the constant posts about Andrew Tate".
Tate wrote that he became “rich” by recruiting women for a webcam porn business he has run for “nearly a decade.”
“I’ve had over 75 girls work for me, and my business model is different than 99% of webcam studio owners,” he wrote. “Over 50% of my employees were actually my girlfriend at the time and, of all my girlfriends, NONE were in the adult entertainment industry before they met me.”
Tate added that his “job” was to “meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she’s quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she’d do anything I say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together. Whether you agree or disagree with what I did with their loyalty, submission, and love for me doesn’t matter.”
But Tate’s treatment of women had an ugly side. In 2016, he was booted off the British version of Big Brother over a video of him hitting a woman with a belt. In one video on his YouTube channel, Andrew Tate said “40 percent” of the reason he moved to Romania was that Romanian police were less likely to pursue sexual assault allegations.
So it turns out that Andrew Tate, according to six women, is not the stand-up guy that Tucker thought he was.
Claims that this was swatting have been thoroughly debunked, given a judge added another month in detention.
I always find it funny when everyone here denies knowing about or being on the same political team as a guy like Tate, but then try to associate every fringe radical with the political left.
Based on the logic practiced here about the Democrats, Andrew Tate is a Republican bosom buddy and you guys will forever need to answer for one of your thought leaders.
Mark@7:14AM ventured that "everyone here denies knowing about or being on the same political team as a guy like Tate."
Mark obviously has trouble comprehending other points of view.
For my part, I don't know what political teams there are to join here.
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