১৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২২

Lake Mendota — late morning.


Write about anything you want in the comments.

৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Can anyone explain the difference between cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia, and the TV evening news??

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Leaving morse code bands from the radio playing throughout the house, in case some conversation wanders onto the frequency, has a hazard during "contests" when you'll hear the same station sending the same thing over and over, with perhaps contact number going up by one each time.

Otherwise, between conversations it's a nice source of white noise.

TickTock বলেছেন...

On a day old topic. The Trump NFTs (which I think are pretty silly) remind me of the 2016 campaign when Trump pulled out a bunch of "Trump" branded steaks and peddled them to the assembled reporters.

That's when I decided to vote for him. It was clear then that the man just didn't care what others thought of him. I still smile when I recall the video of it.

So I forgive the NFTs, but believe he is possibly past his sell by date. But after of lifetime of frequent democratic votes, I'll vote Republican, no matter who is running, til the day I die.

TickTock বলেছেন...

From Zerohedge:"Trump Files Defamation Suit Against Pulitzer Prize Board For Rewarding 'Russia Collusion' Coverage"

Hell, I might even buy a Trump NFT to support that suit.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

That’s awesome!
Very unique.

Clyde বলেছেন...

On my Facebook page, I'm doing a Top 10 list of my favorite "new" songs that I discovered in 2022, as in "new to me." The only other rule is that only one song is allowed to be in the Top 10 from any particular artist. I'm starting off with five honorable mentions. I'm going to just copy and paste the text here, along with the YouTube link for the song.

Post 1 of 15 - Clyde's Top 10 Favorite "New" Songs of 2022
Honorable Mention #5 - The New Cars - Not Tonight (It's Alive - 2006)

First off, this would definitely be in the Top 10 if I was certain that I hadn't heard it sometime before this year. Second, Todd Rundgren is a musical genius, and there's a reason that I'm starting off with this song instead of pushing it higher up the rankings. In 2005, Rundgren got together with a couple of members of The Cars (Elliot Easton and Greg Hawkes), along with other musicians and created a band that performed a number of songs by both The Cars and Todd Rundgren, as well as this original. He definitely channels his inner Ric Ocasek on the vocals.

The New Cars - Not Tonight

Saint Croix বলেছেন...


I can't tell the fucking difference.

That's a police force that can go fuck themselves. Lawless shits in clear violation of the Constitution. Scumbags.

gilbar বলেছেন...

madAsHell said...
Can anyone explain the difference between cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia, and the TV evening news??

sometimes (at least, sometimes) schizophrenia is medically treatable

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Saint Croix-

Readering বলেছেন...

I had not seen before. Another 13k+ documents have been released from JFK assassination files. Final roughly 5% next June. Same time twitter files become public?

walter বলেছেন...

Scowlface to Da Fauch's defense:

John O. Brennan
Dr. Fauci is a national hero who will be remembered for generations to come for his innate goodness & many contributions to public health
Despite your business success, you will be remembered most for fueling public hate & divisions.
You may have money, but you have no class.
Quote Tweet
Elon Musk
Dec 11
My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci
Show this thread

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

I found a documentary series on Netflix called "Sea Power." It's about modern war ships, starting with the conversion from wooden ships to steel ships. The main focus of episode 1 is WWI: the battleship, battle cruiser and submarines. It's in French with English subtitles. Recommended for anyone interested in that subject.

n.n বলেছেন...

cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia, and the TV evening news

Discomfort, division, divisive.

gadfly বলেছেন...

TickTock said...
"Trump Files Defamation Suit Against Pulitzer Prize Board For Rewarding 'Russia Collusion' Coverage"

Hell, I might even buy a Trump NFT to support that suit.

Don't waste your money. This is another stupid Trump lawsuit bound to lose. Where has he been since 2018? Russian interference in the 2016 election has been proven already.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Could Althouse sell NFTs of her pictures?

I’d buy some. But it needs to be like the DJT cards where it’s all hidden and crypto.

Ever since Althouse was posting the items that folks purchased with her link to Amazon I decided that that was a level of surveillance and exposure that was not compelling to me. I’m a fan of the blog and I’d like to support it, but I don’t need Meade reviewing the stuff I buy. That’s creepy. IMHO.

Unlike the DJT situation Althouse wouldn’t be setting up a way to launder influence buying or other dirty shit. She’d just be letting folks support the blog w/o Meade peaking at other people’s business.

Mutaman বলেছেন...

"We spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden CIA documents, a person who was deeply familiar with what they contained. We asked this person directly, "Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President? And here's the reply we received verbatim. Quote, "The answer is yes."

Tucker Carlson

This is so Tucker. The stupidity of the people who waste their time watching this guy is breathtaking.

I just spoke to someone who is deeply familiar withe Tucker Carlson. I asked him if Tucker practiced coprophagia. And here's the reply I received verbatim. Quote, "The answer is yes."

rcocean বলেছেন...

I often wondered what would have happened if Ross Perot had been elected in 1992, and now that we had Trump as POTUS and as ex-POTUS, I think I Know.

Perot would've either been forced to be a stanard Pol, a sort of shorter 5 foot 6 inch Bush, or he would've been destroyed. Its incredible when I look back on it, that the FBI/DHS/DOJ was subverting and undermining Trump in 2020. That's not just the lower-level liberal/left types, it was Barr and wray.

You can't blame Trump. He was just a businessman, and he thought he could trust "Friends" like Sessions, McConnell, and Christie to recommend FBI directors, AG, and deputy AG, that were decent, honorable men. And all these "Friends" recommended back-stabbing establishments shits. Wray, Rosenstein, Barr.

And its even worse. Pence betrayed him. His chief of Staff betrayed him. His DoD secretary betrayed him. Coates head of DNI betrayed him. McConnell lied (smiling damned villian) and betrayed him. Ryan betrayed him.

Good God, is there anyone who stood by Trump - and his voters - and fought for him. Even the First lady's "Chief of staff" betrayed her and wrote a tell all book!

The power elite sent us a message. You, average people, you count for NOTHING. Vote for someone we approve of - or we will destroy them. You peons, count for NOTHING.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

Daytime temp finally dipped under 75 today, and I was able to turn off the AC and open the windows. The pool is a brisk 70, but I don't need as much coffee in the morning. Tis the season.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...


tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The same people who murdered JFK and deposed Nixon and crippled Trump have us fighting alongside nazis in a war we provoked with Russia; they would never lie to us about elections though.

LBJ is the guy who invented the tactic that Democratic precincts *never* report returns first. Oh yeah, and he was president when JFK’s limo was ordered washed and repaired and John Connolly’s suit was cleaned right after the assassination. That car should be in storage today in its condition from the assassination if there were any serious attempts to get at the truth. Since there was not, then the strong inference is that the truth is known to the powerful, and they want it hidden.

If the car somehow proved that it was Oswald, why was the evidence destroyed. Oswald’s last words, captured on camera, after his plea for a lawyer, was that he was a patsy, which looks to be correct.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

I think we’ve gotten a foot of snow &it’s heavy snow. Going out now- oldest is flying home from FL today. Hope the flights are all good.

Owen বলেছেন...

That pic of Lake Mendota started out looking grey and blah to me, but on second look I am liking it a lot. The sky is quintessential Slit Your Wrist Winter Sky and there is amazing detail in the foreground, with the pebbles on the beach and in the nearest margin of the lake being shown precisely, while just beyond them the water blurs and deepens, becoming icy slush and then fully ice as the eye travels back toward the horizon. A definite moment in time.

As for the ongoing pell-mell collapse of the polity, I haven’t the heart to comment just yet.

Oh Yea বলেছেন...

Are NFTs still a thing? I thought they jumped the shark sometime around last spring, which was last I heard anything significant about them. Do any of them still retain the seemingly absurd prices they were getting?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

This is so Tucker. The stupidity of the people who waste their time watching this guy is breathtaking.

Unless, of course, you’re the one who is stupid and gullible. If the CIA had no role in JFK’s assassination then why are they objecting to full disclosure? Are their hands clean but they are doing so just to be assholes?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Blogger rcocean said...I often wondered what would have happened if Ross Perot had been elected in 1992

When he withdrew over “threats” to his family, he showed he didn’t have what it takes to succeed in politics. When he came back, his support had evaporated. For good reason—he would have been a disaster as president even if he did have some good ideas. His legacy is siphoning just enough votes from Bush to get Clinton elected.

wendybar বলেছেন...

WHAT rcocean said @

12/16/22, 11:00 PM

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Oh Yea said...Are NFTs still a thing? I thought they jumped the shark sometime around last spring,

It’s fundraising ploy—like writing a book and having a handful of supporters buy them by the pallot-load. Nobody who buys a $99 Trump trading card cares about the card.

wendybar বলেছেন...

She is running. Just what we need....more division and hate, and everything is RACIST. It was wonderful while America lasted. God Bless. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/12/my_evening_with_michelle_obama_.html#commentsSection

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Are NFTs still a thing? I thought they jumped the shark sometime around last spring, which was last I heard anything significant about them. Do any of them still retain the seemingly absurd prices they were getting?

I own about $5,000 worth of NFTs that I won playing an awesome crypto game called Splinterlands. Their value hit $17,000 in 2021. So there's been a sharp drop-off in prices, along with the rest of the crypto market.

But what keeps me invested in them is that my original cost basis was $10.

You win NFT assets by playing the game. I was there early, so the assets I won increased dramatically in value. It's a very fun game and I would still play it even if I didn't make money every time I played. But that combination of fun gameplay and winning NFT assets really got me hooked.

In fact I've gotten so bullish on Splinterlands that I've started adding money to the game. So now my cost basis is up to $600 or something. You may or may not want to do that. But I would strongly suggest paying the $10 fee. And if you don't like games, introduce your kids to them. It might pay for their college tuition one day.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Snow and covered rock
Ventures to the icy depth
Not seeking, doing.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

MadAsHell: re: Cognitive Dissonance

I never watch CBS news(or any news- including Fox) but the internet is down so the 1st item up for bids on the morning news… Criminal charges for Trump?

Cognitive Dissonance. Coming to a media outlet near you.

Obsession of Trump will not put food on the table.
People are going to start looking for the ones responsible for this economy.

Hint: it ain’t Trump.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Leskov Brandonovic
Making foreign policies is a major part of being POTUS. Especially on wars. And yet, based on the record, “Trump without baggage” does not even remotely resemble Trump on this. Instead, he has almost the exact same stance as Bushes and McCain. And it’s very dangerous.
7:20 AM · Dec 15, 2022


iowan2 বলেছেন...

Russian interference in the 2016 election has been proven already.

Proven? Can you even explain it? If by proven you mean $200K in facebook ads...supporting BOTH candidates, yep. But $200k in an election that surpassed $2 BILLION, in total ad spending, $200k isn't even couch change.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The FBI never had access to the server or even any data needed to determine that “the Russians” hacked the DNC emails and that it was not a leak from Seth Rich. The private company who did the “analysis” simply refused to provide the FBI anything, and the FBI went ahead and mouthed DNC talking points anyway. It was all part of their ongoing plan to demonize Putin and to label any embarrassing info as “Russian disinformation.” It’s hard to get six years of anti-Putin propaganda out of your head, though. Even as they used the same shit against Trump and even Bernie Sanders, and it’s all been proven lies.


Howard বলেছেন...

Made my world famous spicy cookie bars for our hiking/swimming/snowshoeing/Plein Air painting/semi-gourmet food group. Start with Dunkin Hines spice cake. 3/4-cup softened Irish grass fed butter, 2-eggs, 2-tsp cinnamon, 2-tsp pumpkin spice, 1-tsp salt, 2-TBS vanilla. Mix until smoove and creamy. Add one 8-oz pack butterscotch morsels and 5-ozs of finely chopped candied ginger.

Heavily butter a 8*15 pyrex, spread thick batter out evenly. Bake for 22-minutes at 350°F. Cool on rack completely then cut into squares.

You can do a chocolate chip version by just adding butter eggs salt and vanilla to Dunkin Hines French Vanilla cake mix before folding in a bag of milk or semi sweet chocolate morsels.

For the tea. 4-bags of Fortnum & Mason Earl Grey to 36-ozs boiling water in thermos. Let steep 3-minutes. Add 2-TBS honey, 1-tsp citric acid and 3-TBS orange liqueur. This recipe works with fresh lemon or lime juice as well. Also can substitute Benedictine DOM for orange liqueur. It's a hot toddy without much of an alcohol kick which is important if you want to be a grey haired athlete.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

What rcocean said.

Every time I say I'm done with the Trump the feds do something stooopid. When they raided Mara Lago I was back on board.

When people decry Trump's behavior, I asked how they would behave if every state and federal went after they and their families for 7 years, using every intel agency at their disposal.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

“ Russian interference in the 2016 election has been proven already.”

By “proven” he means asserted without evidence, or even an adversarial process to verify any of the so called ‘facts’ involved.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Oh Yea said...
Are NFTs still a thing? I thought they jumped the shark sometime around last spring, which was last I heard anything significant about them. Do any of them still retain the seemingly absurd prices they were getting?

NFTs are like anything else. There is nothing inherently valuable about them.

The art projects are all drying up.

The nfts with utility and value are still around. We have about 20k in nfts that would take us about a month to liquidate. We invested probably 10k liquid into them.

They are a lot like real estate in a harsh bear market right now. You have to be very careful and picky.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

"Russian interference" was some piddling social media posts. What was alleged was collusion with Russia, and that was not proven.

Trump didn't have a large enough Team so he had to rely on Establishment figures who weren't loyal to him. That was a large part of his problem. He also wasn't familiar with DC politics and how to get what he wanted from people and how to get around them if they were uncooperative. Trump couldn't really handle disagreement either. I wouldn't say that Pence betrayed Trump, rather Trump demanded something from Pence that Pence couldn't give him, something that wouldn't work. Trump refused to face up to his own failings. Perhaps he couldn't have done anything against the forces determined to bring him down, but Pence couldn't have saved him either.

JFK was as likely to kill LBJ or GHWB or just about anybody as they were to kill him. The CIA had dealings with Oswald, but I doubt they or LBJ organized a hit on Kennedy. Why did Oswald shoot Tippett if he was just a patsy?

And finally -- liqueur in the tea all day does explain a lot.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"The hatred of the accomplished Musk and the worship of the hollow man SBF are sad commentaries on how liberalism has descended into progressivism and ultimately into Stalinism." (Victor Davis Hanson)

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Instead of investing in the future, we will pay Fake Reparations to people who have enjoyed the advantages of affirmative action for 50 years." - Don Surber

Rusty বলেছেন...

Rt41Rebel said...
"Daytime temp finally dipped under 75 today, and I was able to turn off the AC and open the windows. The pool is a brisk 70, but I don't need as much coffee in the morning. Tis the season."
(Rusty looks out the window to the thermometer on his icy, snow covered deck.)
Go screw yaself!

Narr বলেছেন...

Thanks for the show recco, Mike of S. One of the things that struck out in Lockhart's book "Firepower" is how much 19th and early 20th C military and naval tech was pioneered by the French. It wouldn't surprise me if the show is French, or Canadien--they seem to do a lot of tech-oriented shows.

It appears more likely to me that Oswald was an early 'known wolf' who wasn't watched carefully enough and the CIA/FBI were scrambling to cover up the connection--a conspiracy of concealment rather than a conspiracy of execution--than that he was working to their order in this case.

It's clear that LBJ and Hoover had to use the Lone Nut theory of the case or too much stuff would unravel, and the Warren Commission's marching orders were to bolster that theory regardless of evidence.

Ross Perot would have done well as the National Graph and Chart Presenter, but he wasn't presidential material. One of my history profs was from the same place and class and always called him Ross PEE-roe.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

NFT's are essentially the same as Beanie Babies. Valuable for a brief moment, and soon to be trash.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

State Farm sends a letter explaining "Things you have to know" about their new billing system. Completely unintelligible insider talk. It does however increase the number of mailings to me from three a year to six, which means that morons have taken over that company.

You find it in a minor ways in companies that tell you to change your password from time to time for security reasons. State Farm does that too.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"JFK was as likely to kill LBJ or GHWB or just about anybody as they were to kill him. The CIA had dealings with Oswald, but I doubt they or LBJ organized a hit on Kennedy. Why did Oswald shoot Tippett if he was just a patsy?"

I know, I didn't want to go down the rabbit hole either. If it hadn't been for the Zapruder film turning up, all of the other evidence had been destroyed already by the government. There are conflicting witness reports about Tippet.