"I thought back to one of the signs I saw displayed in front of the White House by a jubilant anti-Trumper after the 2020 election was called for Biden. 'The End of an Error,' the sign read, though it turned out not to be. Instead, Trump lived on as a zombie political force, defeated but not really gone. Here we are, two years later, and the unhappily exiled ex-President is running unopposed for reëlection while calling for the termination of the Constitution. And it was not just Trump but the Republican Party leadership that endorsed such a manifestly unfit candidate as Walker.... The Washington Post has found that a hundred and seventy-eight adherents to Trump’s 2020 election lie won their races for House, Senate, or key statewide offices last month. In the House, a small faction of the most rabid maga members looks poised to pick the new Republican Speaker—and exert powerful leverage over him. Ascendant Republicans include Marjorie Taylor Greene... and DeSantis, who, while being the non-Trump flavor of the month among the Fox News set, is probably better viewed as one of Trump’s heirs than as his antithesis...."
Writes Susan B. Glasser in "Trump’s 2024 Campaign So Far Is an Epic Act of Self-Sabotage/But is this really the end of an error?" (The New Yorker).
Ask me next June, when some number of others have made their intentions known. My first election was 1976 and at this point in 1974 I thought Hubert Humphrey would be the Democratic nominee that year. Can't remember why he wasn't.
Someone needs to explain to Glasser that her problem isn’t Donald Trump. Her problem is that there are 80 or 90 million Deplorables that she wants to screw over (because, you know, Deplorables are to be deplored) and getting rid of Trump doesn’t get rid of them.
Of course it isn't the end, because Ms. Glasser and her ilk, who were 100% responsible for the Trump phenomenon in the first place, refuse to let it end. They'll grasp at any straw, make any exaggeration, tell any lie, to give themselves an excuse to talk about how they hate Trump.
As long as the smug, condescending, self-righteous, and unjustifiably arrogant airheads of the Manhattan-DuPont Establishment Media indulge their hate of Trump, he will be the natural standard-bearer for the people who -- quite rightfully -- hate the smug, condescending, self-righteous, and unjustifiably arrogant airheads of the Manhattan-DuPont Establishment Media.
Even when they’re trying to talk sense, they can’t help indulging silly conspiracy theories. Trump never called for terminating the constitution.
There are a lot of people appalled by what he did do and could be persuaded to abandon him who, thanks to the unhinged leftist response, will in the end just roll their eyes and forget about it.
While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And say "God bless him"
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he's in - Traditional
Blogger Readering said...
Ask me next June, when some number of others have made their intentions known. My first election was 1976 and at this point in 1974 I thought Hubert Humphrey would be the Democratic nominee that year. Can't remember why he wasn't.
"Uncommitted" won the Iowa caucuses (AFAIK the Democrats eliminated that option). If Humphrey couldn't even place there, he wasn't going to win anywhere.
Glasser must continue to propagate the narrative.
The big lie bullshit. Fuck these people.
“Even when they’re trying to talk sense, they can’t help indulging silly conspiracy theories. Trump never called for terminating the constitution.”
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
Donald Trump
Even now some Trumpists are able to become human pretzels trying to shine a better light on Trump’s own words. What a pathetic example of Trump cultism.
Sometimes I question to myself if it's Trump I am weary of or the media and establishment everything which continues to puff him in a negative way up and try to make me weary of him. Yes, he gave and still give them ammunition but why did they have to make so much stuff up? It's all such a damned shame. I feel so bad for our country.
Trump political career has likely ended and his time has likely passed. However, he became nothing less than a saint among his followers, he permanently broke many opponents, and the Democratic Party put up Biden with echoes of Trumpism. "Make America Great Again" --> "Build Back Better." Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Trump was easily the most influential President since Johnson or FDR...for good or bad...there's no undoing the shift away from globalism, his calling out NATO, the UN, and other fuzzy, entitled, and shades-of-gray establishment bureaucracies. Trump didn't even start this trend, as it followed the UK's Brexit and echoed Pat Buchanan's failed Presidential runs of 20 years ago.
I don't expect the post-Trump movement to achieve all its goals ("Drain the Swamp"...ha ha, those gators and snakes will eat you alive), but momentum shifted. Somehow, someway.
"Hate has no home here." I bet Glassner had that sign up. She meant it, as long as the object of here obsession wasn't a deplorable Republican. In that case, hate had no limit.
Oh. NOW Inga is interested in the Constitution. A document she has never read let alone understands. Next time, Inga. Include the whole quote. Stultus dolere oportet.
Are the walls closing in yet, Inga?
John Henry
You gotta be some kinda uber retard to prefer Joe Biden and what is happening to Donald Trump’s douchebag personality and phenomenal presidency. Take Inga and Readering on this thread for example.
You gotta be some kinda uber retard to prefer Joe Biden and what is happening to Donald Trump’s douchebag personality and phenomenal presidency. Take Inga and Readering on this thread for example. I
Inga said...
“Even when they’re trying to talk sense, they can’t help indulging silly conspiracy theories. Trump never called for terminating the constitution.”
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
Donald Trump
Exactly. Trump never called for terminating the constitution. Thanks for agreeing with me in your own weird typically off-kilter way.
To bring us up to speed, here's the part you carefully avoided quoting:
"There are a lot of people appalled by what he did do and could be persuaded to abandon him who, thanks to the unhinged leftist response, will in the end just roll their eyes and forget about it." My eyes are currently rolling.
Which of Trump's assertions constitute "the big lie?" We can't be certain that Biden "stole" the election. The lefties can't be certain he didn't. However, the evidence supports numerous irregularities, even illegalities, arguably favoring Biden. It is delusional to argue otherwise.
OTOH, Trump clearly called for the "termination" of, at least, provisions of the Constitution. His obsession with the reversal of the 2020 election is impairing his judgment and his political appeal to non-idolators. It is delusional to argue otherwise.
John Podhoretz wrote: "Trump is an unworthy vessel chosen by God to save us from the evil on the left."
I believe this is correct. Unfortunately, Trump too often focuses on proving his unworthiness rather than saving us.
Enigma wrote: "Trump was easily the most influential President since Johnson or FDR ...."
I disagree. QuidProJoe has done an unprecedented amount of damage in a very short time. Admittedly, he is building on a foundation laid by Obama. Nevertheless, his damage is incalculable and will likely prove irrevocable.
Early polls indicate there is strong opposition to Trump within the party, however, it he still has a strong base of support.
Ultimately, Trump”s ego will decide his fate. If he understands that there is no way he can win the election he will drop out. If he can’t smell the coffee than he will continue on.
LBJ dropped out of the 1968 race after winning the New Hampshire primary.
“Inga. Include the whole quote.”
Explain how this is any better, I bet you can’t. He is still calling for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution. So you’ve joined other Trump cult members who are experts in human pretzeling, no surprise.
“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
The New Yorker was one of the principal fabricators of the Russia collusion hoax.
Anybody left out there who doesn’t know the 2020 presidential election was sabotaged?
the unhappily exiled ex-President is running unopposed for reëlection while calling for the termination of the Constitution
How do these journalists write these things with a straight face? Do they have no shame or it is like some kind of cool club where everyone talks this way because they know no one will call them on it.
Speaking of trying to get rid of the Constitution, Biden is now calling for the elimination of semiautomatic firearms.
I agree with the earlier comments that Trump is merely representative of 80,000,000+ citizens who see this country going in the wrong direction. I would add another 20,000,000 or so to that who represent people who did not like Trump but who agreed with his policies.
To identify erasing Trump as the solution is to demonstrate a profound misunderstanding of over half of the electorate in the country today. Very bad things will come from that misunderstanding. If the left thinks erasing Trump means that the country is theirs, they will be very disappointed at what comes next. It will either be a bigger demagog or a slicker, more presentable follower of Trump's policies.
People are touting DeSantis as a Trump light option. But look who is backing him. Nothing but GOPe people like disgraced Wisconsin ex speaker, Paul Ryan.
I know what will happen with DeSantis, He will get slammed with repeated fabricated scandals. Lots of stuff from his Governor administration. Racists, sexually harassment, campaign money issues, Anonymous staff complaints. Foreign involvement. All is being fabricated as we speak. Surveillance has already started on DeSantis. Like Trump, probably being farmed out to several of the 5 I's intelligence agencies. They can operate on US soils, the CIA is not supposed to.
Human sources are being vetted now, to gain positions on DeSantis campaign staff.
No other person but Trump can withstand the onslaught
Do not EVER, as long as you live, read anything from the once-great, now insular and petty, New Yorker magazine.
Do not read the New Yorker and you will be a happier and wiser person.
Trump never called for terminating the constitution.
Well sheee-it. Democrats keep trying to get rid of the 1st, 2nd, and 10th Amendments. Why not get rid of the whole thing?
@Drago, note well what iowan2 wrote.
I thought Hubert Humphrey would be the Democratic nominee that year. Can't remember why he wasn't.
Because the much-hated Dick Nixon had mopped the floor with him in ‘68.
Also, though most people didn’t realize it until later, because Nimmy Carter had been on the election rules committee, and he was able to game the rules like no one else.
People keep forgetting that Trump was the result not the cause. He is supported not because he is the only person that seems to represent the people who otherwise feel un-represented. The effort to destroy Trump includes the effort to marginalize those he speaks for. That dissatisfaction will return in another form.
Trump isn't going anywhere, especially as long as Biden's running in 2024. Period. Typical RINO post-election strategy to blame for the first time ever a non-sitting president for McDaniel/McConnell's utter inept and treacherous mid-term election results.
The Murdochs and the McPubs are leading the RINO charge to kneecap Trump. A succession of pub candidates will take turns beating on him through the primaries at which time DeSantis will enter stage right if Trump's support is flagging and save the day.
It's hilarious to watch dems rationalize creating the term election denier in 2016, and foisting progressives' "powerful leverage" over Pelosi, Schumer and Biden. Mistakes were made surely, but not by us....
The other day Musk said that Twitter interfered in the 2020 election.
I think it puts Brando et al in an interesting conundrum. If Twitter did interfere, it probably violated various state and federal laws. If Brandon et al want to hurt Musk, they could do a big investigation into whether and how Twitter interfered.
I don't see how they can ignore it. If they do, perhaps Musk will poke the bear a bit harder. Maybe release info on election interference.
OTOH, by investigating, they admit that there was at least potential election fraud. Can't have that after all the denial. Discovery would be a bitch.
I'm looking forward to how this plays out.
If the Demmies and Repos are going to put PEDJT back in the oval, they need to do it soon. They only have 40 days left. If they wait till after 1/20/23 he can run in 24 and have 6 more years as Prez. If they do it before, he can't run in 24.
John Henry
It's like HOTEL CALIFORNIA "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. The trumpers will have to vote for him again and then lose again, they have no choice. Groundhogs Day over and over, backing a complete loser. If they don't nominate him, he'll take his cabal and go home and blow the place up. Shine on you crazy diamond Trez beaucoup Dinky Dau 45
Both Fetterman and Walker were manifestly unfit to serve in the Unite States Senate. Republicans did not elect Walker. Democrats elected Fetterman. Irrefutable evidence that Yellow dog Democrats are more bigoted and dominant than MAGA Republicans....Trump is louche and self indulgent. Biden is creepy and addled. You choose among the available choices. I hope to have a better choice in 2024.
Not only had Nixon beaten Humphrey in 1968, but McGovern had beaten him in 1972 and Kennedy (with the help of his father's money) had beaten him in 1960. Humphrey had also humiliated himself as Johnson's subservient and obsequious vice president for four years.
Carter was a stealth candidate. He wasn't part of the party's progressive McGovern wing. But he wasn't an identifiable "Old Democrat" like Humphrey or Scoop Jackson. Nobody knew who Carter was, so he could invent his own image and biography. The very ambiguous "Southern progressive" meme also helped him, as it could be interpreted in different ways depending on how one wanted to think about Jimmy.
Trump won't win again, but the idea that politicians just disappear in disgrace when you don't like them isn't realistic. Look at how long Biden has hung on. How many times was he justifiably written off as someone who should never have real power, and yet ...
It's too early for obits.
It's too early for obits.
It's too early for obits.
Blogger Wa St Blogger said...
People keep forgetting that Trump was the result not the cause. He is supported not because he is the only person that seems to represent the people who otherwise feel un-represented. The effort to destroy Trump includes the effort to marginalize those he speaks for. That dissatisfaction will return in another form.
I completely agree with this. It began with the TEA Party, continued with Sarah Palin and culminated with Trump. I don't know the next step. A lot will depend on how bad the results of the Biden regime are by 2024.
"Is this the end-end of Trump"
No. Dems need him for at least one more election cycle.
"Or merely another moment when the false hope of Trump’s imminent demise is indulged for a few days or weeks...?"
False hope is itself a Dem disinformation stratagem. The point is to keep him just clownish enough and just viable enough to secure a few more Dem victories.
As long as the DOJ consists of liberal activists, and as long as the various US Attorneys are liberal activists, they can just keep investigating/prosecuting him (justified or not) into oblivion.
Death by a shit-ton of cuts.
You can't fight city hall, and you can't survive an opponent with limitless resources...
Susan Glasser and Peter Baker appeared on BookTV's "In Depth" show last weekend. I recorded the show, but have not watched it yet.
Thanks for the responses to my Humphrey comment. I was a neophyte in 74, but think HHH sat out 72, which made him more plausible in 74 for 76 after McGovern-Eagleton/Shriver debacle. I voted Udall in the primary and was amazed how Carter came out of nowhere to diminate until Brown entered (too late). (Gov Carter was on what's my line without blindfolds)
Think there so many things that can happen in both parties. But still often depressed at prospect of 2020 rematch.
Michael K said...
I completely agree with this. It began with the TEA Party, continued with Sarah Palin and culminated with Trump. I don't know the next step. A lot will depend on how bad the results of the Biden regime are by 2024.
When I posted the picture of the coronation of Napolean on the other thread it was in reference to this.
The next 2 years are going to be brutal economically. The signals are all there. Individuals savings are at all time lows. Real inflation is at all time highs. Food and fuel production are getting crushed. There will be an armed conflict with China soon and the Chinese Regime is going to collapse at some point. Government spending is just plain comical.
The economic pain over the next 2 years is going to be crushing. It is baked in so prepare.
The current conflict in the US is not between Democrat and Republican. It is between the rulers and the ruled. There are some Never Trumpers out there that will eventually realize this but it will take time.
Palin was a start and the Tea Party was a very polite escalation.
Trump was the scream of the proletariat. And Trump delivered prosperity to the working class.
The working class will have the next 2 years of comparison.
The next leader will make Trump seem nice. It is just how things work. This is the river of history. I am not advocating or supporting and to be honest the next leader of this movement is going to be much more leftist than Trump is is my guess. There will be an alliance of Trump and Bernie supporters and probably disaffected minorities. There is an element of chance as to who these people will coalesce around.
It will be interesting to see how quietly the bourgousis go this time.
But they will go. It happens again. And again...
They will be wishing they treated Trump better soon.
Blogger Readering said...
Thanks for the responses to my Humphrey comment. I was a neophyte in 74, but think HHH sat out 72, which made him more plausible in 74 for 76 after McGovern-Eagleton/Shriver debacle. I voted Udall in the primary and was amazed how Carter came out of nowhere to diminate until Brown entered (too late). (Gov Carter was on what's my line without blindfolds)
Think there so many things that can happen in both parties. But still often depressed at prospect of 2020 rematch.
12/9/22, 1:27 PM
—- ———————-
I am pretty sure that Humphrey had been diagnosed wupith terminal cancer by the time 1976 rolled around.
At what point will you understand that Trump cannot win a general election?
Donald Trump really haunts them like the whale haunted Ahab.
readering: "I voted Udall in the primary and was amazed how Carter came out of nowhere to diminate until Brown entered (too late). (Gov Carter was on what's my line without blindfolds)"
Carter did not "come out of nowhere" to win the nomination in 1976. A campaign wave picked him up and launched him.
Carter was the result of the democratic insiders and their media allies pushing Carter to the front to avoid another "1972" when the far left democratic activists took over the dem nominating process which led to moron liberal McGovern being the nominee and losing 49 states AND to neutralize George Wallace (by putting a southerner on the ticket).
The Southern aspect is probably why Carter got the insider nod over the also quite acceptable Scoop Jackson.
Interesting note given today's political landscape: Carter ran as the anti-establishment/anti-elitist candidate.
AMDG: "Achilles,
At what point will you understand that Trump cannot win a general election?"
AMDG is back with his "detailed" electoral "analysis" which predicts a DeSantis win in 2024 by, and I'm not kidding here, this is what AMDG gave us:
1) Pick up the 44k votes Trump supposedly pissed away (how that is done is not explained)
2) Win GA and AZ (not explained how that will be accomplished under the new ballot harvesting rules with a complete Dem lineup controlling AZ and the dem-lite squishes Raffensberger and Kemp running GA)
3) pick up 1 state out of WI, MI or PA; you know, just like that. Just pick one up. Like you're shopping at Target.
That's it! Magic baby! Magic!
DeSantis will supposedly pick up a WI, MI or PA when only 1 republican in the last 40 years won any one of those, which was in 2016, by you know who.
AMDG has thought very "deeply" about all of this.
BTW, congratulations are in order for AMDG et al: one of their republican "adult"/Not-Trump types came out with another idea to enliven the republican base voters:
Supporting a Carbon Tax!!
I tell you, those McConnell-tard Romney-types are just brimming with great policy ideas!
No wonder the republican base voters, that the GOPe-ers despise, are so fired up about elections!
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