Said George Santos, quoted in "Liar Rep.-elect George Santos admits fabricating key details of his bio" (NY Post).
He also "confessed he had 'never worked directly' for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, chalking that fib up to a 'poor choice of words.'"
Also: "I didn’t graduate from any institution of higher learning. I’m embarrassed and sorry for having embellished my resume. I own up to that … We do stupid things in life."
He's also "very much gay" and "OK with my sexuality," though he "dated women in the past" — "I married a woman. It’s personal stuff.... People change. I’m one of those people who change."
Well, what are you going to do? The time to catch a politician lying is before the election. What if you could undo elections because the winner lied? We couldn't have a democracy. You have to accept that when it's over it's over. There are procedures for challenging the vote itself, and when those procedures run out, it's time to move on. But there's no post-election procedure for reexamining whether the candidate deserved your vote. All you can do is make fun of this guy... and maybe resolve to do better research on candidates in the future.
I'm just curious; where was this type of intellectual curiosity/scrutiny when it comes to virtually ANY democrat? Let's start with Biden; has a single reporter tried to track Corn Pop?? What about the Naval Academy? How about his supervisor when he was a truck driver? What about that purported Puerto Rico community that he was raised in? I'm sure he claimed he was Jewish-adjacent at some point so let's start probing that as well.
I'll give a rats rear-end when I see some reporter investigate any of the above.
Why didn't his Democrat opponent find all this out before the election?
Funny watching the morons on CNN acting as if the election could be overturned or something.
Presumably, the legislature could refuse to seat him. Something like that happened, or was attempted, with Adam Clayton Powell by the US House of Representatives back in the 1960s. It's an alternative to the more difficult and divisive process of impeachment. So much has changed since the 1960s, though, that Santos ought to keep his seat as a monument to just what kind of representatives and what kind of state and what kind of voters and what kind of country we have.
Looking at this story and the other one, I have to conclude that it's the media that really runs the country, or at least that the country is governed through the media. It's only when the media choose to put a politician in the spotlight and turn up the intensity that politicians get in trouble.
Liar? His truth is non-binary.
The time to catch a politician lying is before the election? Really? Joe Biden?
Sounds like he will fit right in.
New to this story; should be interesting to compare and contrast reactions to this guy vis. the other "election dishonesty" stories. When it's all just whose team's oxes are being gored, does any of it really matter anymore?
He can be stripped of committee assignments and the idiots in both parties who failed to vet him will have lost their constituents a functioning representative. And there can be a recall vote.
The Dems have picked Santos, Lauren Bobert and MTG as examples of dolts.
The Dems - on the other hand - will always have Representative Jefferson who asked a top Pentagon General if the island of Gaum was going to tip over if more runways were added to the Air Force base there.
The General's response was one of the greatest of all time. Medal-worthy.
There are procedures for challenging the vote itself, and when those procedures run out, it's time to move on
…but when those procedures are ignored, or standing laches moot takes precedent, or the procedures expose votes that should be disqualified but aren’t- that is definitely NOT the time to move on. That is the time to allow the procedures to work in the manner in which they are intended. Ann’s impatience should not be a factor.
Thankfully we learned about the sniper fire Hillary survived before she became President. So glad that little girl that handed her flowers on the tarmac survived the sniper fire too.
What if a politician keeps telling a lie after it's been proven to be a lie; and his or her minions have presumably explained to him or her that it's been proven false? Well we just call that person Brandon.
What if we get a hateful bigot on the Harvard Law School faculty who testifies before Congress, and when she's shown a verbatim quote from her own tweet, says: "That does not accurately characterize my statement"?
Journalists are more interested in suppressing thought and speech they disagree with than breaking stories. And whatever evidence gathering these people do is limited to the internet -- no on the ground "shoe-leather" reporting. They're losers.
One of the best jokes ever on the American voter and media. What a bunch of saps the lot of us are.
If lying was an issue for politicians, we’d see a good many resignations. So many… this I can tell you.
The stuff he lied about is all rather superficial. It's not good at all - but yes, too late.
My guess is someone better step up in the next year to take his place - he will lose.
Biden is a speech plagiarist. I heard the audio the other day for the first time. He clearly plagiarized JFK and RFK - word for word in various speeches. At the time - Maureen Dowd actually covered the scandal.
Now - Joe and his brother and son essentially raped our treasury with the use of Hunter and the bag-man in Ukraine and china. Millions of US tax dollars washed clean thru Barisma.. etc..
and maybe resolve to do better research on candidates in the future.
You are funny.
Those "procedures" only work for (D)s, as proven in Arizona.
As others have commented, the distinction between "Jewish" and Jew-ish" is perfect fodder for a Curb Your Enthusiasm edition.
After Santos, I suppose any gay man running as a Republican in a Blue State can now expect to fight ugly rumors that he's really straight.
No problem. All Santos needs to do is change his registration to Democrat, wait a few years and run for President.
Reminds me of the Mad Men scene when Pete Campbell rats out Don Draper to Burt Cooper who says: Even if this were true, who cares? This country was built and run by men with worse stories than whatever you've imagined here.
But did he get arrested for driving his big rig to Robben Island to give his uncle a purple heart for liberating Auschwitz after getting two degrees and graduating from the top of his law school class with an IQ of 356?
Just say you are Cherokee. That's tried and true. If anyone calls you on it blame it on "family lore."
Damn, if only he had claimed he was Cherokee, rather than Jewish, he might have even had a good shot at the Senate in a few years.
I think he'll fit in perfectly with our current bunch of Leederz.
All you can do is make fun of this guy... and maybe resolve to do better research on candidates in the future.
Agree, but you gotta give this rascal some points for the creative use of Jew-ish.
The guy's a weirdo and a schmuck. That said, he now has the opportunity to list all the lies of Democratic politicians, and point out their hypocrisy. Starting with Joe Biden.
All minor resume "enhancements" which is why he's only a lowly congressman. Brandon shows what it takes to successfully embellish at the highest level. Specifically, there has never been a politician who lies more comfortably about his "accomplishments" than Uncle Joe and there has never been one who pays less of a price for it. No lie is too big or too small when the fact checkers and opinion leaders are the ones who facilitate the mendacity.
"...Representative Jefferson who asked a top Pentagon General if the island of Guam was going to tip over..." That's Hank Johnson (D-GA). He is Cynthia McKinney's successor.
Seems puzzling until you read the whole enchilada. Then some standard themes appear:
1. If the R candidate completely ignores Trump the DNC-Media ignores him; the media mob is only interested in reporting on R candidates who say nice things about Trump (and in response they destroy the candidate) or who criticize Trump (they run standard “even Republicans hate Trump” story) but if you do neither they overlook you.
2. Loudly proclaiming you’re gay inoculates you from oppo research, at least until they see this and fill in that blind spot.
Personally I hope this guy is not assigned any committees. He’s pretty greasy. But then Lindsey G keeps getting re-elected.
Carl Bernstein says, "worst scandal since Watergate."
I recently became aware of a quote by Alexander a pope:
“An honest man is the noblest work of god”
Now, apply that quote to any man, not just politicians.
But concerning politics, why shouldn’t any politician regardless of political affiliation be allowed to creat hi own relaity?
Someone didn't know that politicians lie? Our current President just says strings of lies that no one even bothers to fact-check any more. Our previous President, too.
Could be Santos is running for President. Don't apologize, though, at least not too much. He won, didn't he?
I read the headline as "Liar-Elect".
The only novelty here is that this was a Republican candidate lying who didn't get caught before the election. The House is filled with 435 liars 100% of the time, though.
He claimed to self finance his campaign when it does not appear he had the means to do so. It included election filings that carry criminal penalties if false. The investigation is just getting started. Hard to see it having a good ending.
"All you can do is make fun of this guy... and maybe resolve to do better research on candidates in the future."
If only there was an organization or group of people whos sole job was to investigate and interview candidates and impartially report the facts on what they find out. So that we the public could make informed decisions on who to vote for.
What would we call such an organization?
With all the lying he certainly has the credentials for being a Democrat.
Althouse said...There are procedures for challenging the vote itself
No there's not. That's just make believe. There are no procedures for challenging fraudulent elections. Maricopa County, AZ just proved that once again. The courts have failed. They to are corrupted.
You can't have a democracy when everyone is merely pretending there's a democracy. Even Saddam Hussein held "elections".
Time to move on...into our totalitarian future...
It is interesting, though, some of the lies he told and how they seem to have shielded him from pre-election investigative journalism. Had he lied about serving in Iraq, for example, he probably would have been found out long ago.
In any case, Santos won't be the only one to be found out in the next few months- the rear-guard action to retake the House has already started for the Democrats.
Most of the time the tribal ideological supporters and voters don't care about the lies. It's just about power.
Look at Massachusetts voters and Pocahontas. You think they care she lied and used a fake background to get herself ahead? Shit...she got rich off that lie.
At least Santos' "Jew-ish" explanation is so bad it's kind of funny.
@Lurker21, it's highly unlikely that he would be refused a seat under the rulings that came out of the attempt to refuse to seat Powell. The House can only judge election controversy, which is not an issue in this case, and can only regulate conduct once a person is a sworn member of the House.
Yancey be right! 100%
He and Richard Blumenthal have similarities; didn't seem to hurt Blumenthal.
Althouse wrote: What if you could undo elections because the winner lied? We couldn't have a democracy.
We don't have a democracy in the United States anymore. That's a fantasy. And I'm not talking about "we're a Constitutional Republic". That's structural. We're not that either.
Both require a fair and honest vote. The United States doesn't have fair and honest elections.
The major advantage for those that implement the voter fraud is that there are a shitload of people that just want to "move on" no matter how corrupt the results...even knowing and believing that results are corrupt. So here we are.
Government of the people is dead. Come on.
I find myself coming to terms with that. Making peace with it and moving on.
With all that lying and back peddling, he is a perfect Republican. After Bobo, MTG, Gaetz and Jordan, they will all love him.
Vicki from Pasadena
Back in NASCAR's defining days of the 1960s to 1980s, you had to get caught on the spot to get into trouble for cheating. NASCAR racing was invented by former moonshine bootleg runners, so the culture respected a fast car for being faster than the other fast cars. Smokey Yunick made cheating an art form.
Don't get started on the endless stream of Olympics cheaters from at least the time of the USSR to the present.
When the rules of a game involve lying, cheating, and stealing...none can cast stones. All live in glass houses. We are in a grossly corrupt age and the worm will turn only when people need true merit winners.
Hang in there Santos - immense lies about one's background can be forgotten with time. See this clip of Joe Biden's lies being debunked by the media back in the 1980s. [partial clip queued up is about 35 seconds; full clip is 5 minutes.]
Democrats love to harass R's. The gay ones especially
Dave Begley,
RNB at 9:46 AM identifies the congressman.
The military officer was Admiral Robert "Rat" Willard, then the PACOM commander. I would not want to play poker against the Admiral, as his deadpan answer "We don't. anticipate that" is an all-time classic.
Trivia: Then-LCDR Robert Willard is in the credits of the first Top Gun, under "Additional Crew." He was the film's aerial coordinator, and he is the MiG-28 [sic] pilot flipped off by Maverick early on.
The first comment on this thread say it all. I agree 100% with Trollinator1000...
"I'm just curious; where was this type of intellectual curiosity/scrutiny when it comes to virtually ANY democrat? Let's start with Biden; has a single reporter tried to track Corn Pop?? What about the Naval Academy? How about his supervisor when he was a truck driver? What about that purported Puerto Rico community that he was raised in? I'm sure he claimed he was Jewish-adjacent at some point so let's start probing that as well.
I'll give a rats rear-end when I see some reporter investigate any of the above."
12/27/22, 8:46 AM
Gusty Winds (Runnin' on Empty) said...
Althouse wrote: What if you could undo elections because the winner lied? We couldn't have a democracy.
We don't have a democracy in the United States anymore. That's a fantasy. And I'm not talking about "we're a Constitutional Republic". That's structural. We're not that either.
Both require a fair and honest vote. The United States doesn't have fair and honest elections.
The major advantage for those that implement the voter fraud is that there are a shitload of people that just want to "move on" no matter how corrupt the results...even knowing and believing that results are corrupt. So here we are.
Government of the people is dead. Come on.
I find myself coming to terms with that. Making peace with it and moving on.
12/27/22, 10:19 AM
Now do Biden.
Blogger Gusty Winds (Runnin' on Empty) said...
Althouse said...There are procedures for challenging the vote itself
No there's not. That's just make believe. There are no procedures for challenging fraudulent elections. Maricopa County, AZ just proved that once again. The courts have failed. They to are corrupted.
Exactly. Hobbs the winner (now), has supplied the invited punishment for contesting an election. The crime was contesting a "certified" election, even though it was "certified" by the other candidate in her role as Secretary of State, which she refused to recuse herself.
I think the Democrats will find a judge that will order the election rerun, though.
The calls from Democrats for Santos to resign for lying are not based on principles.
Joe Biden lies routinely, as do his spokes people and they lie about far more important things than their bona fides.
This is merely a tactic.
"What if you could undo elections because the winner lied? We couldn't have a democracy."
But you can undo elections. Each House (House and Senate) may expel any member on a 2/3rds vote.
Voila. Democracy!
By the way, we do not live in a democracy. We live in a Constitutional Federal Republic.
And you, a law professor! Pffft.
Reminds me of Councilman Bill Dexhart
I think that this guy is a Joe Biden parody. His fabrications (which are astounding in number, if not in quality) mimic the lies (and number of lies) that Biden tells.
Come on, man! Joe Biden (D) lies all the time and nobody cares. Check out Richard Blumenthal, senator from CT (D). And Sen. Pocahontas (D-MA). And the Cuomo brothers (D). And Obama (D) really did believe that marriage was between a man and a woman, or so he said for a while.
Nobody cares about this stuff unless you an R. In that case, you deserve the death penalty.
He's a politician. How can anyone expect anything better?
"What if you could undo elections because the winner lied? We couldn't have a democracy. You have to accept that when it's over it's over. There are procedures for challenging the vote itself, and when those procedures run out, it's time to move on."
Does this apply to any narcissistic election-denying presidential losers?
I like the label Jew-ish to help navigate the cutural/secular Jew from the religious.
Does he also lie about his..positions?
Energy and Environment: Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)?
Energy and Environment: Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
"People do stupid things"
That was Johnson, not Jefferson… Hank Johnson, Dave Begley
“ With all that lying and back peddling, he is a perfect Republican. After Bobo, MTG, Gaetz and Jordan, they will all love him.”
It’s the Little Old Biddy From Pasadena!
By 2012, being gay was practically a sacrament in New York already. Why would a gay man feel the need to marry a woman to cover anything up that year?
Rusty: they used to be called journalists, the League of Woman Voters, and Common Cause.
All three organizations went from at least trying to be objective to swing hard left and lost their credibility and the willingness of candidates to answer their surveys and submit their background credentials.
"But there's no post-election procedure for reexamining whether the candidate deserved your vote."
What if it turns out he's a criminal? Like Joe Biden? A corrupt, thieving traitor?
This guy is a piece of work. From New York? You don't say!
I was sort of down the other day thinking I wouldn't be able to watch the Madison Cawthorn train wreck in the New Year. This gift from the Grand Old Party could not have come at a better time.
RNB: you are right about Hank Johnson.
Amusingly, a few years later, Cynthia took on Johnson as the Green Party candidate and got 50 or so votes, or .02%. That's quite an historic nosedive, though redistricting helped Johnson. One wonders if even her own family voted for her. The only worse downfall I can recall is Bob Barr going from the House to representing Baby Doc Duvalier.
No one party holds the monopoly on clowns.
Johnson, Jefferson.
The Jefferson I recall was found to have $90 thou in cold cash in his freezer. Am I remembering right? Whatever became of him?
Per Wikipedia, sentenced to 13 years, released during appeal 5 years later. In two months, 7 of 10 charges were tossed, and he took a plea deal, sentenced to time served.
Guilty as hell, free as a bird!
Does this apply to any narcissistic election-denying presidential losers?
Yes, it applies to Hillary.
Blogger victoria said...
With all that lying and back peddling, he is a perfect Republican. After Bobo, MTG, Gaetz and Jordan, they will all love him.
No, Victoria. Biden is Democrat. Almost a perfect Democrat but not as smart as Mayor Daley or even LBJ.
Next, he'll take off his mask and be Wes Welker.
So much has changed since the 1960s, though,
Alcee Hastings, impeached for corruption as a judge, was re-elected multiple times until his death.
In 1988, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413–3. He was then convicted in his impeachment trial before the United States Senate on October 20, 1989. At the time, the Senate was also controlled by a Democratic majority.
Wow, have the Democrats changed !
With all that lying and back peddling, he is a perfect Republican.
A Biden voter just wrote that.
OMG. Politicians are hypocritical liars and gossip mongers. What will they think of next.
Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.
Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!
Blogger jim5301 said...
I was sort of down the other day thinking I wouldn't be able to watch the Madison Cawthorn train wreck in the New Year. This gift from the Grand Old Party could not have come at a better time.
The Biden/Harris train wreck doesn't do it for you, eh? The difference is that they pretend to run the country.
Imagine, a story as unique as this, and then one Biden comment after another.
He's not a Republican either!!
A Jew named Santos........give me a break!!
He's not a Republican either!!
A Jew named Santos........give me a break!!
What interests me is what this says about NY voters. It was so easy for him.
Investigate the laptop!
Is Larry David writing the Matrix now?
"Was he Jewish or Jew-ish?"
"No, Jew-ish."
"Was he wearing a yarmulke?"
"I couldn't tell. He had dark bushy hair."
"Definitely Jew-ish."
"I never claimed to be Jewish. I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was 'Jew-ish.'” Said George Santos, quoted in "Liar Rep.-elect George Santos admits fabricating key details of his bio" (NY Post).
And look at what happened after he funded all those campaigns for left-wing district attorneys...
Oh... who? Never mind.
Secular trends in the progressive transgender tale.
Will Biden resign for his numerous lies. Drunk trucker killed his first wife, top student at law school, son dying in Iraq, etc.
Readering: "Imagine, a story as unique as this, and then one Biden comment after another."
"...a story AS UNIQUE as this..."
Unprecedented! Never Before Seen In The Annals Of Human History!
A politician has been loose and lax with the truth of his background, upbringing, status!
It's an absolute first according to readering!
We should immediately establish a "Truth" commission to investigate.
I recommend Liz Warren as Chairperson with Joe Biden and Da Nang Dick Blumenthal as charter members.
Imagine, a story as unique as this, and then one Biden comment after another.
Yeah. A freshman-elect congressman from New York made up some shit and somehow we have the audacity to compare it to the President of the United States. The same President who's been making up far worse shit for the last 50 years.
I never had the opportunity to vote for or against Mr. Santos. The same can't be said about you and Joe Biden.
If you're going to be in politics, you're going to have to be a better liar than that.
"If it works to win an election, it's not a lie." Harry Reid paraphrased.
Also worth looking into is when and how George Santos became a citizen if he’s from Brazil (as he first claimed) or was born here (but no long-form birth certificate displayed as yet). It’s important to note that no one can be a member of the House unless age 25, a citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state represented. The latter two qualifications are being questioned since no record seems to exist for naturalization if he was foreign-born and the fact that the man has declared himself as the agent for his FL company which under FL law requires him to be a Florida resident.
"'Does this apply to any narcissistic election-denying presidential losers?'
"Yes, it applies to Hillary."
Well...despite her other grievous failings, she was/is not a election denier. (And she really did get more actual votes...just not where it helped her electoral votes.)
I usually hate people who say things like this, but in the television industry he did sound a little gay-ish.
she was/is not a election denier
"Trump is not a legitimate president." - Hillary Clinton
Neither Lia-a-Watha nor Talcum X could be reached for comment.
Follow the $$$ and they will!
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