December 4, 2022

"'Fuck Biden,' 'Don't Tread on Me,' and a Wisconsin Death Trip for Our Times."

"The author knocks on the doors bearing the darkest symbols, behind which lie guns, ammo, antisemitism, antiabortion dogma—and a belief in the coming civil war."

A long article by Jeff Sharlet in Vanity Fair.


Rob called himself “pro-choice,” but that term means something different in his vernacular. He meant the choice of whether or not to murder a baby is up to you. “If you choose to do something that’s medically possible, I’m going to leave it between you and God, until it affects me in the state of readiness of my defense.” Readiness. It requires panopticon paranoia, looking for threats down every sight line. Rob looked at falling birth rates. He looked at what he considered Mexico’s invasion. He looked at what he suspected would be civil war according to a rural/urban divide—in which, even though he lived in town, he would side with the land he held outside of it. He looked at China, he noted they ended their population control program in 2021, he contemplated 1.4 billion Red Chinese divided by half and then by some factor again to account for age and thinks of hundreds of millions of Chinese wombs churning out multiple Chinese babies (in fact, the Chinese birth rate is falling) and he thought, “they’re getting ready.” For the future war. “You start prepping several generations ahead to have bodies when you lose so many bodies that you need a level of fresh bodies you never dreamed you’d have to dig into.”

This way of thinking was, he acknowledged, “macabre.” But the macabre has flowed into the mainstream....


Owen said...

What uplifting fare as I prepare to go to church this morning!

Are we supposed to believe that Vanity Fair seriously worries about these people; that it is not just presenting a freak show to further polarize the nation and, of course, gratify the bien-pensant readership as it trains its condescending gaze on this carefully selected target?

who-knew said...

They knock on doors with the darkest symbols and the only examples they put in the headlines are Don't Tread on Me and FJB? So, apparently no KKK and swastikas available. I was going to add the hammer and sickle but realized that Vanity Fair would see that as a shining beacon of hope. On the other hand it's kind of nice to see that Wisconsin Death Trip is still considered a recognizable cultural reference.The guy in the paragraph you quote seems a little loopy but I don't think I'd find him scary if we met.

Michael K said...

All those white supremacists must be hiding successfully. The lefty "journalists" must go door to door looking for them.

Wilbur said...

Are you sure Jeff Sharlet is not a non de plume for Howard? All that's missing are his projection insults: obese, stupid, sexually inactive, et al.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"F Biden"

Don't need to read further.

It's Vanity Fair(D). They probably made is all up.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Jeff Sharlet, Vanity Fair, and things that never happened.

Iman said...

De-evolution is real.

Achilles said...

I would like to see the leftists actually address Rob's points.

Demographics are the best predictor of future prosperity by a long ways.

And he has a pretty good grasp on Abortion as far as I am concerned. Women should be able to murder their babies up to a certain point.

And I would prefer a society where women were capable of making moral and conscientious decisions about murdering babies in more advanced pregnancies and taking responsibility for their decisions so that the government did not have to make a law about abortions in later terms.

But a lot of women and particularly progressive women are just not quality enough individuals to live in a free society.

The Vault Dweller said...

It requires panopticon paranoia, looking for threats down every sight line.

Oh the irony of an article designed to stoke peoples' fears of Rob and the existential threat to democracy that he is, using that line.

Achilles said...

Just another story made up by the media that Ann wants to believe.

n.n said...

[Obama/]Biden's Sping, Single/Central/Monopolistic solutions and shared responsibility for progressive prices.
Slavery and the 2/5 compromise.
Underage girls raped crossing state lines to sanctuary states where "burdens" of evidence are sequestered in darkness.
Single-bladed instruments are the weapon of choice in homicides.
Social contagion is a first-order forcing of climate dysphoria.
Anti-Semitism is a subclass of diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs (e.g. "people of color"), color quotas (e.g. too many People of Asia, Asian-Americans, people of yellow), and affirmative discrimination (e.g. Jew privilege, abortion of Semites in gas chambers, in Mendele/Cecile clinics).
The Nazis did... Dezis do subscribe to the Pro-Choice ethical religion, including Some, Select [Jew] Lives Matter.

n.n said...

the hammer and sickle

The fist that forces people to take a knee. Pelosi's hammer that makes them beg. Obama/Biden's single/central/monopolistic solutions that make them "donate" to sustain attendant progressive prices through shared responsibility. Green deals that leave people feeling blue.

Dave Begley said...

Alleged invasion?

Biden has let in 3-4 million in just two years. What’s that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Banning most late term abortions should not be difficult or controversial. Late term abortion is actually somewhat rare. Tho - not rare enough if you look at the reality of Kermit Gosnell and how he operated. Truly immoral, cruel and gruesome. Infanticide, straight up.

Yes - the moral degeneracy of anyone who could make such a horrific decision so late in a pregnancy defies logic and human decency.... I have no understanding of that mind-set.

n.n said...

Women should be able to murder their babies up to a certain point.

There is mystery in sex and conception, the performance of human rites cannot be denied for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes. "Burdens". Women and men lack dignity agency, and human life is but a negotiable commodity. Deja vu.

That said, from State's Choice to State's [ethical/religious] sanction, from planned parenthood to planned parent/hood to planned peoplehood, there has been social progress... one step forward, two steps backward. The six weeks to baby meets granny in legal state, in not in process, takes a giant leap forward. h/t Mao

mikee said...

Then there's the folk who weren't enamored of Trump's governing flues, and also say Fuck Joe. I'd guess they outnumber the people so deplored in the article.

Butkus51 said...

Narcissist Fraud wold be a more apt name for that rag.

n.n said...

where women were capable of making moral and conscientious decisions about murdering babies in more advanced pregnancies and taking responsibility for their decisions

"unlawful killing of another human being by a person of sound mind with premeditated malice," c. 1300, murdre, earlier morþer, from Old English morðor (plural morþras) "secret killing of a person, unlawful killing," also "mortal sin, crime; punishment, torment, misery," from Proto-Germanic *murthran (source also of Goth maurþr, and, from a variant form of the same root, Old Saxon morth, Old Frisian morth, Old Norse morð, Middle Dutch moort, Dutch moord, German Mord "murder"), from suffixed form of PIE root *mer- "to rub away, harm" (also "to die" and forming words referring to death and to beings subject to death).

Everything but "unlawful", I suppose. Damn Semites... babies... Fetal-Babies (1/2 compromise?)... Fetuses ("N-word").

n.n said...

Just another story made up by the media

Another handmade tale, which will be brayed ceaselessly, until people take a knee, beg, "donate", abort, then self-abort in a wave of dysfunctional dysphoria.... Never again, pledged the People and our Posterity.

FleetUSA said...

And the lo-fo voters on the left will swallow this crud.

Wince said...

Rob called himself “pro-choice,” but that term means something different in his vernacular.

Not exactly sure how Rob's position is different than the stated "pro choice, bodily autonomy" positions of most Democrats on both abortion and (as shown boldface) vaccine mandates.

He meant the choice of whether or not to murder a baby is up to you. “If you choose to do [or not do?] something that’s medically possible, I’m going to leave it between you and God, until it affects me in the state of readiness of my defense.”

n.n said...

Fuck off is attested from 1929; as a command to depart, by 1944. Egyptian legal agreements from the 23rd Dynasty (749-21 B.C.E.) frequently include the phrase, "If you do not obey this decree, may a donkey copulate with you!" [Reinhold Aman, "Maledicta," Summer 1977].

Ancient wisdom to inform our times.

gilbar said...

back around the turn of the century, when i still listened to NPR daily, i would hear them interview a "right wing person", that JUST HAPPENED to fit EXACTLY into the point that NPR wanted to make.
(usually, a "life long republican" that FULLY supported gun control and abortion..
OR, a 'Crazy right wing extremist' that appeared certifiably Crazy)

And, i'd wonder to myself...
HOW LONG did NPR have to look, to find this outlier?
Did they Look, at ALL? or did they just make them up? (like O'Bama's white girlfriend?)
So, needless to say, i'm now wondering the same about Vanity Fair?

gilbar said...

he knocks on the doors bearing the darkest symbols..

and the Worst he can find, is a Gadsden flag?
Why didn't he knock on a door with a Confederate flag? You don't have to go THAT far in Wisco to find one.
Of Course, he Would NOT have DARED to knock on a door with a Confederate Flag
Same with a Sons of Silence flag..

The truth of the matter is; there are some SCARY people out in the world.
Next up.
Our fearful writer travels off Stony Island Avenue;
Seeing if he can find Scary people on Chicago's South Side. What Flags will he find? Will he Live?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Of Course, he Would NOT have DARED to knock on a door with a Confederate Flag

Or a Rainbow Flag where a violent dispersion is in progress. Or a Black Flag where Some, Select [Jew] Lives Matter. Or a Pussy Hat where human lives dare not tread, lest they lose their viability to a double-edged scalpel.

n.n said...

To fuck or not to fuck, is the first choice. To prevent conception, by diverse methods, is the second choice. To adopt, perchance to live, is the third choice. To offer safe sanctuary, is the fourth choice. To elect abortion in self-defense is an equal right of women and men. Choose wisely, ladies and germs... 'till age of majority do us part, or Her Choice do us all part.

Fred Drinkwater said...

"If you do not obey this decree, "
See, THIS is the kind of knowledge that's just not available at other law-oriented sites.

Also, Althouse needs a "Gorillas in the Mist" tag.

Fred Drinkwater said...

"If you do not obey this decree, "
See, THIS is the kind of knowledge that's just not available at other law-oriented sites.

Also, Althouse needs a "Gorillas in the Mist" tag.

Jaq said...

Shocking to discover that the people being screwed over by globalism are not alumnae of first rate prep schools and elite universities.

traditionalguy said...

Wow! That’s the Biggest Big Lie contest winner of the year. Now we await its repetition unti it becomes a FACT…since the News Media said it once upon a time..

Lurker21 said...

You can hear things just as crazy if you knock on the doors of the houses with "In This House We Believe ..." signs on the front lawn, and just as stupid in houses with the "Black Lives Matter" signs on the lawn. Darkness, ignorance, and tribalism are everywhere, not just in people who are fed up with Biden, which is more than half the country (though for some crazy reason, a lot of them actually voted for his party last month).

If you have ever felt hatred or some other strong emotion about politics, doesn't that in a way bring you closer to other people who feel the same emotion, even when it's directed against what you love and believe? Isn't there a kind of understanding or kinship there? Maybe I'm just thinking of the good old days when we could all hate Bush and Cheney (or Carter or LBJ) but for different reasons.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I look forward to when the illegals' criminality can't be ignored by the public, like in France and Sweden. It'll make the Afghanistan Exit look like wise public policy. Good Times.

JaimeRoberto said...

Looking through the pictures I'm trying to figure out where the symbols of antisemitism are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I bet that guy has hairy knuckles and no teeth.

Rusty said...

If he had dug a little deeper he'd have found the wackyest people in Wisconsin are from Illinois.

n.n said...

See, THIS is the kind of knowledge that's just not available at other law-oriented sites."Manducate" — it's the word of the day at the OED.

I thought it was one of those neo-words, like "mansplain" and "manspreading," but it goes back to the 17th century, and it means "To chew, to eat; spec. to consume (the consecrated host) at the Eucharist." Examples (from the unlinkable OED)

May a diseased yak nibble at your drawstring

Talk like an Egyptian.

Kate said...

Oh, Jeff Sharlet, you poor schmuck. Behind plenty of doors with none of these symbols are the same beliefs and attitudes. You're surrounded, buddy, and you don't even know it.

His bubble-fed impressions are so tiresome. When will journalism become interesting again?

Tofu King said...

Now do Antifa misfits.

Drago said...

Did Rob belatedly confess to being one of the MAGA dudes that beat up Jussie Smollett?

If the author had been asked to pen 2 articles instead of just 1 that very claim might just have shown up in print.

Bob Boyd said...

This is hate mongering and fear mongering.
If some guy went around looking for the most extreme Muslims he could find and quoted extreme things they said and offered that as evidence that we should all live in fear of Muslims, how much credence would you give to a long article he wrote about it?

Mike said...

I think it's quite possible that Mr. Sharlett is a New York prog who has gotten all wee wee'd up about the rubes in flyover country. It's sort of the intellectual (although that's not a word that I'd used to describe Sharlett) equivalent of a vegan going into the highlands of Papua New Guinea to watch cannibals eating "long pig". Shocked Sharlett is! Positively shocked!

Inga said...

“But 10 years down the road, if I have a war and I’m a leader, and you and the Black population have aborted 40% of their babies for the past 30 years, I’m running out of foot soldiers. Abortions are bodies that never make it to my front line.” (It’s true that a higher percentage of Black pregnancies end in abortion than white ones. Rob’s even right about the number 40. But not the percent: It’s 40 out of 1,000, according to the American Journal of Public Health. That is 4%.)”

This guy sounds like so many commenters here, maybe not as sophisticated or educated, but his extremism(to some degree) is on display in these threads daily. He envisions himself a leader in the war these nutters so badly long for. These people live in a fantasy and will do whatever they can to make their fantasy a reality. He doesn’t care about any lives aborted except for the lower amount of “soldiers” he will have under his control in the war of his dreams. Sick.

Daniel12 said...

Achilles said...
"I would like to see the leftists actually address Rob's points.

Demographics are the best predictor of future prosperity by a long ways."

China ended the one child policy because of EXTREMELY low fertility -- between 1.1 and 1.3 children per women ("replacement " is a little over two, such that each woman on average has a daughter, replacing herself). While low fertility is unique in human history and so we don't know will happen to it in the long term, the long term trend is rapid population reduction in China in the future. As well as an insane ratia of old people to working age and young people.

US fertility is going down more slowly, not least because of immigration.

Not sure what you mean by demographics are the best predictor of prosperity. The countries with the highest fertility are those in Africa still experiencing rapid population growth.

narciso said...

All the old people evers stuffed into the nursing homes that death trip

chickelit said...

Sounds like a breathless take on current Wisconsin, written by a local rube who got wise and left. Now he says he's come back to reveal the truth. I'd concur, being a local rube who also left Wisconsin nearly 40 years ago. I lived in all the blue places--mostly California. But now I'm back here and you couldn't pay me to go back to blue with their intolerable hypocrisy and their fake notions of diversity, especially political diversity. And I also know better than the horseshit that this guy is peddling to the coastals.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Does the article even mentions the origins of the “fuck Biden” slur?

I’m busy, I can’t read the obviously biased article.

chickelit said...

Graydon Carter ruined Vanity Fair and it hasn't recovered. Christopher Hitchens brought some good things to VF but he's gone too.

Temujin said...

Why is it that my gut always tells me that these articles about 'Travels into the Mid-Lands between the Enlightened Coasts' are made up. Fiction based on what they think the random Midwesterner or Southerner or Plains or Mountain region people are like.

This is what they think! This is what they look like, and- eewww...what they eat!


Jamie said...

The truth of the matter is; there are some SCARY people out in the world.

But the aim of this article appears to be to define scary down, so that the readers can be made to be properly wary of their Republican neighbors.

Jamie said...

The truth of the matter is; there are some SCARY people out in the world.

But the aim of this article appears to be to define scary down, so that the readers can be made to be properly wary of their Republican neighbors.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

‘But the aim of this article appears to be to define scary down, so that the readers can be made to be properly wary of their Republican neighbors.”

Is this guy a normal Republican? Is he representative of Republicans? Do you identify with him? If so then I’d say being wary of your Republican neighbors might be warranted.

Leora said...

Now go to Portland and talk to some Antifa folk. Of course, they would consider them cute like the Washington Post article on how to dress to throw rocks at the police.

mccullough said...

Vanity Fair believes Men Can Get Pregnant.

Kooks writing about other kooks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary made Russian money. Inga still thinks Trump did.
Inga also buys whatever the left sell - wholesale, and without question.

Joe Smith said...

"This guy sounds like so many commenters here, maybe not as sophisticated or educated..."

Some of the smartest and most uniformed people I know are the most highly educated.

But they read only the Washington Post, listen only to NPR, and watch only CNN for news.

And before you go on, I read crazy commie shit and crazy whacky right-wing shit.

But I draw the line at giving money to Disney : )

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL I agree that Taranto would have tagged it a Gorillas in the Mist type of journalisming. I think links to Althouse from Best of the Web is how I ended up here.

Narayanan said...

Rob called himself “pro-choice,” but that term means something different in his vernacular.
why does author of article 'interpret' / put thoughts in target heads instead of asking for explication directly!

farmgirl said...

Antiabortion dogma?!?!
Oh my- soooo dark, Elmo.

Ampersand said...

It would be refreshing if the Jeff Sharlets of the world would interrogate their own beliefs with even a fraction of the effort and skepticism employed in this anthropological expedition to the dark interior of benighted Wisconsin.
Does Jeff Sharlet have a vision of the kind of society he hopes to create? His only vision seems to involve a society in which the vast preponderance of money and power is in the hands of the elite class that he expects to inhabit. How will humans flourish in that society, other than by bending to the will of the elite?

effinayright said...

Every time Althouse offers critical analyses of WaPo and NYT pieces, I wonder how strong the Gellman Amnesia Effect is manifested by her passing by in silence the other articles she sees in those rags.

Mikey NTH said...

Such courage! Such drama! "Here I am in deepest, whitest Trumpland with only my native bearer, Schmidt, as my companion."

(to be continued)

Mikey NTH said...

"Darkest Symbols?"

Racist right there. Should be "Whitest Symbols" to truly capture the evil that lurks there.

Narr said...

He should knock on some doors in university humanities* departments and talk to those people. The signals they send with their little door decorations are instructive, and range from Center-Left to Left-of-Left.

The definition of educated fools.

*I know history depts best, and it might be worse in PoliSci and English.

n.n said...

In fact, in the liberal vernacular, flyover people, are famous for loving the Semite, In God Their Trust, and His religion (i.e. moral/ethical/legal philosophy). To the point that they are accused of being Jude lovers, of affording the Jew privilege, and so on and so forth in the not so modern diversity model.

The left is authoritarian. The right is libertarian. The liberal is divergent. The progressive is monotonic. The conservative is moderate. The far-left is totalitarian. The far-right is anarchist. The left-right nexus is leftist.

Diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

This is the story that makes frightened liberals commit vehicular homicide against conservative teens.

Gator said...

That was unhinged craziness even by Vanity Fair standards

Josephbleau said...

Journalism is a very easy job if you have no sense of decency.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

I am pro-choice: to fuck or not to fuck, to prevent conception, to live and let live, to share responsibility between woman and man as a couple in civil union and marriage, to elect self-defense in equal right through reconciliation.

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Banning most late term abortions should not be difficult or controversial.

Only to a small mind.

Choice 1: Your society educates and builds your citizens through pressures that are placed on the individual who do not need the Government to tell them what is right or wrong. You have a healthy Church that guides the moral development of society. A law against abortion is completely unnecessary.

Choice 2: You give the government the power to tell women what to do with their body. You take that power out of the hands of a diminished church and away from the individuals who build your social fabric and have a larger police state presence.

Chaswjd said...

The only purpose of the article is to reinforce the belief of those who read Vanity Fair of their own superiority. I am sure that they are congratulating themselves that they are not like those who live in fly-over country.

Big Mike said...

But the macabre has flowed into the mainstream....

I looked at the article, but quickly saw that Jeff Sharlet is playing a standard rhetorical trick, one that nevertheless people like Althouse -- millions of them! -- will readily fall for. He finds someone who is about three or four sigma from the norm, does a "Gorillas in the Mist" interview (and probably spices it up a bit), and then presents the individual as though he is typical of tens of millions of Republicans. It would be kind of like a conservative journalist interviewing an Antifa member and presenting their violent fantasies on all Democrats. Or the sort of murderous BLM thugs that killed Jessica Doty Whitaker or little eight year Secoriea Turner and projecting that onto all black people.

Be wary, Althouse! Be wary of them macabre Republicans coming to get good people like you!

But, just so you know, "Fuck Biden" is being said out loud by tens of millions of people who know precisely who is to blame for high gas prices and high grocery prices and overall inflation. Biden and officials in his administration blame the American people for their predicament; they need to look first in the mirror.

Achilles said...

Daniel12 said...

Not sure what you mean by demographics are the best predictor of prosperity. The countries with the highest fertility are those in Africa still experiencing rapid population growth.

In group 1 a country has a huge fertility rate that is because the survival rate of Children after birth is not good. This is typically referred to as Third World.

In group 2 there is a range of fertility rates that occur where the family expects almost all of the kids to survive. This is always lower than group 1. Generally this is referred to as 1st world.

In societies in the First World birth rate with respect to replacement correlates to economic growth in the next generation near 1.0.

China is doomed economically. It will not be a generation before that regime falls. The protests in that country are growing in intensity every year.

The United States is importing so many people illegally that it is bout to move into Third World territory. We are already seeing massive explosions in all cause mortality and our year over year GDP is falling that do not even factor the insane inflation. Third world nations tend to have massive underclasses which is the clear goal of the current regime.

Rusty said...

I find it funny that the left is afraid of me.

Jim at said...

And the lo-fo voters on the left will swallow this crud.

And right on cue, the drooling Ingacile takes it hook, line and sinker.

Jim at said...

He envisions himself a leader in the war these nutters so badly long for.

If we really wanted that war, we would've already had it.
We don't.

But if you leftist thugs keep pushing it, well ... don't say you weren't warned.

Drago said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Hillary made Russian money. Inga still thinks Trump did.
Inga also buys whatever the left sell - wholesale, and without question."

That's no way to talk about your biggest ally at Althouse blog.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - Trump fan boi - Go Hump your Trump blow up doll and toss off.

Mr. Forward said...

Not all my neighbours are MAGA but the useful ones tend to be.

wendybar said...

Hooker is getting mad that the truth is comingout. What a joke the never Trumpers are. They think they are clever, but all the are doing is proving the GOPe hates America just like the Progressives do.

Owen said...

Achilles @ 3:48: You’re making entirely too much sense. Demographics is destiny, and you need to (1) breed (and educate) the talent and energy you will need in the years to come, or (2) import that talent and energy (which involves lots of work on both sides to assimilate). And (3) if you import the talent and energy, not only must you invest in the assimilation effort (very complex and politically fraught) (3) you have to be selective (and pace the influx to avoid overwhelming your infrastructure —physical, economic, cultural).

Biden has failed to handle (3). It’s an open border. That never works—unless your country is so unattractive that the migrants don’t want to come. As somebody famous once said, “You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders; you can’t have both.”

cubanbob said...

VF readers and writers should take an extensive tour of the cities they live in before judging Fly Over country inhabitants.

cubanbob said...

wendybar said...
Hooker is getting mad that the truth is comingout. What a joke the never Trumpers are. They think they are clever, but all the are doing is proving the GOPe hates America just like the Progressives do."

Indeed! I don't remember Mitch McConnell running for president nor did I ever hear of a draft Mitch McConnell movement. Whether or not Trump will survive his unforced error with his dinner with West and Fuentes remains to be seen. However if Trump loses the primaries I suspect the winner will be espousing Trump's MAGA policies without Trump's negatives. Therefore on the Republican side it will be Trump 1.0 or Trump 2.0. The Democrats have the real problem: the moronic, grifting and senile Biden or the dumb as a post Harris? The Democrat Party base run the gamut from elite grifters to eco-communists and racial-communists.

walter said...

There's a house about half a mile away from me off a ctw hwy that has a "Fuck Biden" banner hung across front porch. In the yard is a monster truck labeled "Who's Fuckin'?"
Clearly concerned about reproductive issues.
It's a couple doors down from a bar that has meat raffles. A mere 30 min from Madison.
Let's Go Sharlet!

effinayright said...


Choice 2: You give the government the power to tell women what to do with their body.ild your social fabric and have a larger police state presence.
OK. Now justify military conscription...of men.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendy -
How many times do I need to tell you I voted for that asshole. 2 times. I don't need to worship blindly the person I vote for.

Ever-Trumperism is the real disease. Find a cure.

If you hate the GOP so much - why is Trump running with an R behind his name? You should help Trump run as something other than the party you claim to despise.

Michael K said...

Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Drago - Trump fan boi - Go Hump your Trump blow up doll and toss off.

Why must you be so obnoxious? I don't know who I will vote for in the primaries for 2024 but if Trump wins, I'm not about to vote for a Democrat. It sounds like you might.

wildswan said...

The guy from Vanity Fair asserts that the rate of abortion in relation to pregnancy in the black community is 40 abortions per 1000 births or 3.8%. The true rate is 459 abortions per 1000 births or 31%. The true ratio is a cause for concern but Democrats are not concerned. The survivors vote Dem - for now - and that's all that matters - for now.

Here are CDC 2011 statistics
"Non-Hispanic white women had the lowest abortion rate (8.0 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (132 abortions per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic black women had the highest abortion rate (29.7 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (459 abortions per 1,000 live births)."

Drago said...

HBTPFH: "Drago - Trump fan boi - Go Hump your Trump blow up doll and toss off."

You were supposed to apologize to your biggest ally at Althouse blog: Inga.

I can see you have a difficult time maintaining focus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael K.
A bit tired of Drago's false accusations... and blind faith Trump worship.

If you think I'd vote D -then you are not paying attention to what I write.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael K.
The Drago/EverTrumper Rule = If you don't openly worship Trump at all times, you're a traitor, and a communist... and all bad things.

That deserves a hearty *Toss-off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - You're a bad faith operator. Again - go hump your Cheeto jesus Trump Blow up doll.

Known Unknown said...

Dian Fossey was not available for this assignment.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

When your side does it, it's "nutpicking" and not worthy of regard nor broadcast by a serious publication.

When my side does it, it's "human interest reporting" and the height of journalistic art--conclusions should be drawn about what huge swathes of America thinks and believes based on the few examples I chose (certainly to fit whatever narrative I wished to promote).

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